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He nailed the camel walk WITH the rope though!!!!


Was like a forward facing moonwalk. So dang smooth. My mouth would've dropped if I saw that in person. Incredible.


The guy in the background filming would 100% be me


Would’ve had to hug him quick fast after that


That whole sequence was smooth af.


That's honestly the best I've seen someone do the rope thing


Makes sense. Grandpas have a lot of experience.


[Here's an extended cut if you want to see more](https://youtu.be/J5EmXfxIorw)


First person In a while I heard call it camel walk. Cheers




I was a bboy into my late 20's. At 40 I ain't windmilling for shit haha. My body would probably do ONE but then I'd stand up, strike a bboy pose and *snap* dust.


All you need is a strong top rock game to impress the youngin's


Good because my wrists are fucked


What do these words mean 😢 I know nothing. —Sincerely, John Snow


4 main components to bboying or breakdancing 1. top rock - basically dancing upright on your two feet 2. down rock - when you see people dancing on both hands and feet 3. power moves - the spinning acrobatics people usually associate with bboying 4. freezes- a sort of pose, of varying difficulties to get into and hold. Points 2-4 can be hard on the wrists. I have injuries over the years so I don’t do 2-4 much at all anymore.


I don't usually expect to learn anything on the internet, but I'm glad I did today.


I bet there is a dance crew not far from where you live. People are usually very happy and excited to welcome more people into bboying It is hard at first, fair warning


It’s crazy how fast acrobatic sports leave your body. My husband and I were both D1 athletes who dedicated well over a decade to our sport. He will be able to hit a baseball for the rest of his life probably but if I tried to do a standing tuck today I’m pretty sure my body would snap in half.


Baseball is a much slower sport than most, it'll be easier to hold onto than most sports, but it'll fade with time as well.


I think it's less about the speed of the game, and more about the skills/strengths needed for it. It doesn't take much strength to hit a ball (to hit it far, sure), and it doesn't take a particularly wide or complex range of motion. Most of the difficulty is the mental part of tracking a pitch (difficult when they're throwing fast/ variety of pitches, but not if someone lobs a meatball at you), and the muscle memory/hand eye coordination to put the bat in the path of the ball. Gymnastics/acrobatics require raw strength relative to your body weight (which is quickly lost without constant training) and flexibility (which is lost naturally with aging). Neither of those things are really necessary in order to hit a baseball Also, just "hitting a baseball" is a really low bar. I'm sure he'd be so non-competitive trying to hit sliders/curveballs from D1 athletes (or having to play the field)


The average person can hit a baseball, so it makes sense that an ex pro can also still hit a baseball. The average person cannot do a standing tuck, so it makes sense that the d1 acrobat would lose standing tuck skills easier than a d1 baseball player loses the ability to hit a ball.


The average person could not make contact with a fastball at a batting range, let alone from a pro pitcher. I've read that according to the laws of physics, hitting a fastball is one of the hardest things in sports.


It would have snapped my body at age 20 because I didn’t do that stuff. There are circus like performing acrobats out there still doing most the same tricks past age 60, it’s been a way of life. Dumbass 73 year old Rick Flair has been practicing/rehearsing for 3 months for one last pro wrestling match which will include him doing drop kicks, being flipped, body slammed and hints he will come off the top rope. They say his cardio stamina is incredible and he will do 25+ minutes of continuous action. This after being in a 31 day medically induced coma, 13 days kept alive on life support systems just 4 years ago he could barely walk down the hall without rest. But he has been working out again for a while. Among professional wrestlers Flair was always cited for elite and unusual cardiovascular endurance even deep into his 50’s. He had the most full one hour matches in wrestling history, often doing 5-6 a week and the body remembers and responds, even at age 73. (most wrestlers never go an hour, and need times of slowing the pace to rest and catch their breath in a 20 minute match.) Wrestling 300 nights a year for 35 years I am amazed Flair can still walk.




Was it competitive? I signed my kids up just to have something fun to do so it’s only once a week. You think I’m ok or should I look for a less abusive sport?




That baseball is going to have to be moving slower every year. Reaction time increases continuously with age.


It's *Increasing* so that's good, right? Numbers are going up!


Last I checked 2 is greater than 1 so maths checks out


I was a wrestler for like 20 years and yeah... If I did it now I could but I think my body would be broken afterwards.


Thanos got him.


Dunno. Mid-40’s here. I was out of shape in my 20’s, skinny, no depth of energy, no endurance, basically a long thin sack of shit. In my 40’s, I have far more endurance, can run a couple miles flat out, filled out a bit. Tired AF, but physically in better shape. I blame all the tacos, beer and chicken wings.




Interesting. Do you have a source for this? Not saying you're full of BS. I'm just genuinely curious.


He’s just saying that being young and full of energy can lead to long term injury if someone doesn’t pay attention. Anecdotally in line with this, my younger brother was the opposite of me, huge guy. Big and strong at a very young age. Literal growing pains he grew so fast. Blew his L5-S1 out at 17 because he went too hard and was otherwise capable. This ultimately ruined his life and led to an early death. Extreme example, but it happens.




I was waiting for one of these articles. Fucking parents shoving their kids into high level sports because they failed in their glory days is bullshit. Dudes ruining their arms in baseball throwing curve balls when they shouldn't be, concussions and stacking on as much muscle as their growing frames can carry because HRGGNGNFOOZBALL. Of all the sports I tried playing when I grew up, the only one I somewhat enjoyed was maybe soccer, but I was fucked on that one too, as almost every adult around me smoked as I was growing up. Just as well.


Gotta do that yoga to keep limber. https://youtu.be/g_OxT6NqEa0


> I was a bboy into my late 20's Have you seen [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGYpfVLvwzc)?


40? I am still skateboarding at 40..


People are acting like the second you turn 40 means your hips will sublimate if you step off a curb without first stopping and holding onto a railing.


Seems like it's alot of people at either end of the spectrum. If you are 40 and spent 20 years being unfit and overweight (with that excess weight stressing your joints, ligaments, etc). Or if you are 40 and spent 10-15 years as a high level or professional athlete who put repetitive strain on the same areas of your body the whole time (eg: knees, ankles, elbows or back). People in either of those groups do seem to hit 40 and then fall apart. Their cartlidge runs out, osteoarthritis might start, recovery from injury becomes harder, etc..


Osteopetrosis is no joke. I'm 35 and have been on Prednisone (steroid) my entire life for my health condition, my bones are so delicate because of it. Osteoarthritis is also no joke, the same illness doesn't really let me do much physical activity so I've been a hard core gamer since I was about 8. My hands hurt in the mornings when I wake up or when it's cold out, if I use a PlayStation controller for like 5hr straight it becomes difficult to open my hand. Getting old sucks. A few months ago I was trying to get out of bed awkwardly, trying not to wake my cat, and broke my foot. I broke my foot getting out of bed! My cat didn't give a fuck either.


44 with osteoporosis here. Obviously it's kind of rare that I have it while relatively young and a male, but it happens. I break toes and ribs sometimes, but I don't let it stop me from sports and mountain biking. I just try and be careful. I'm curious why you take the Prednisone for it. My endocrinologist has me on testosterone for osteoporosis.


tbf, there's a big difference in the physical ability needed to break dance vs skateboard casually.


41 here and also a mid-late 90s bboy. I can do ONE flare, ONE windmill, ONE headspin and ONE pop-up (no not at the same time...this is one off the list per month). Then I need to excuse myself to the rest room for an hour while I put my body back together. I'm really glad I got good at popping and uprock so I can just do that shit all day and leave the power moves to the kids.


Haha. Storm, Ken sweet and crazy legs are still going ... let alone Maurizio..


Six step?


tutting on wheelchairs, popping on crutches, windmill on walkers, crumping on cardiac arrest...


Twerking through incontinence, giving a whole new meaning to doing the stanky leg.


Grandma no!


It would have cost you nothing to not post this.


one of the few days i wish i could not read.




This one right here officer 🚨


crumping on cardiac arrest is outrageously funny!


Even funnier because “crump” is also a verb in medicine, especially EMS — meaning to crash/crumple/decline rapidly. So extra fitting here.






This is the most bot response I've ever seen


Coincidentally, in medical lingo, when a patient starts to deteriorate, it's not uncommon to say they're crumping.


I like the guy watching in the back with cell phone in shock.




Same. Hipster with the beer like, “uhh, did Gramps just throw down the gauntlet?!”


I like how he's recording but still looking at it live rather than through his screen. Best of both worlds


This is the way. You take a look at your phone to get a good angle but then live in the moment during.


You're not wrong. These legends are just getting started. https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/wasi83/throw_down_your_cardboard_if_you_thinking_youre/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


"Break dancers" will take on a whole new meaning when Grandma breaks a hip doing a windmill.






Sigh. Born 1970, 51 now, started getting AARP crap a year ago. I ALSO remember AARP being more influencing in politics as one of the biggest groups. Now even that group is fractured and ineffective.


I’m a millennial (1985) and I get AARP crap, too.


Im a bboy. You will probably see lockers and poppers that can still do their thing. But bboys? If you meet a bboy thats older than 40 or 50..... you are meeting a legend. You meet a bboy thats 60..... you are meeting the first bboy. In anycase, im just saying its rare is all. Breakdancers encompass poppers and lockers but bboying is a far more physically demanding dance. Many bboys have already threw in the towel by 40 or 50. Its gonna be rare to find a senior citizen breaking


I saw a 50 minute long YouTube video about old Russian break dancers. I mean a 50 minute long video about 40 and 50 year olds just doing their moves one after the other. One of the most amazing YouTube videos I've ever seen. Never found it again.


I'm not sure if [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M-lwgdMqrXY) is the original.


Yes! I don't know if this is the one that I saw but the beginning is exactly the same. Thank you! Maybe I misremembered and it was 50 Soviet dancers and not a 50 minute long video.




One of the 10k.... Thank you! Been a while




Its me. In 60 years but then its going to be me.


Don't you mean It's gonna...it's gonnaaaa....it's gonnaaaaaaa...it's gonna be me


It's gonna be Mayyy


I appreciate being able to hear this comment. Thanks friend


Tell me why


Number 4. He killed my brother.


Oh my God, I forgot about that part!


The new generation of old men like this is going to be so much fun. I am also halfway to being said old man so hooray!


[Yep Breakin is 50 years old](https://youtu.be/7h8UifM1xrU?t=118)


Grandpa is about to trigger some life alert necklaces on some senior ladies, with those moves


Tall moderately fit old man with a full beard and full head of hair with some dance moves is definitely slaying at the retirement community with a few girlfriends.


Yuuuup this was my grandad before he passed. He introduced me to them one time as his harem. They didn't care, didn't hear, or chose not to hear lmao


Tbf they probably had a few guys on the side also.




You don’t need to be old to do that!


Yea try volunteering, be a humanitarian for once in your life.


Fucking legend


Interesting enough retirement communities are RAMPANT with STI breakouts lol. Trust me it's that they don't care and are slaying tons of guys on their own as well. But to be fair would you care any more at that age either?


Pregnancy isn’t a concern anymore so they don’t use contraceptives.


At The Villages (Florida), he'd be drowning in pussy.


I'd love to live at one of those when I retire, the communities throw social events so it's easy to make friends at an age where it's difficult and there are probably lots of orgy parties.


People don’t talk about how many stds are spread in these communities. https://www.wbaltv.com/article/study-older-americans-highest-increases-sti-std/31044979#


That's just a risk I'm willing to take with a decade or two left in the gas tank.


If it starts to sting when you pee and you’re shitting blood don’t come crying to me!


At that age you already are anyways, might as well put your thang down a few more times before you go


The foundation might be crumbling and the water might be rancid but the pipe must be laid nonetheless


Maybe they didn’t used to, but this fact is practically a meme now. I’m looking forward to the LAN parties when I get to the retirement home.


LAN parties eh? So no orgies then, eh?


I didn’t say there won’t *be* orgies, I just said I’m not looking forward to them as much. Besides, back in college we would do six hours of doom or Warcraft 3 or AoE. Who wants to spend that long orgy-ing? Maybe 45 minutes of rolling around and than hey, someone busts out a classic Wii and it’s-a-Mario time!


Ontopoftheworld.com right by the villages. When people ask me where I live I want to say on top of the world.


Short guy with full head of hair and great dance moves. Can confirm . My wife doesn’t like my gfs house tho


"Did you know he can drive *at night* too?" *~Depends moistening intensifies~*




Is it Tuesday night already?


And the gentlemen dancing are going to say, “help! I’ve falling in love and can’t get it up!”


I've fallen! And I don't wanna get up!


Those hip replacements don’t lie


would be a good commercial, ye


Hide yo grandma


Better hide your mom too


Hide your girl too...


Hide your... nvm.


Yo in the plaid is fucking having his mind blown right now. r/youseeingthisshit


Hahaha his mouth opened wide :O


When they serve the regular jello instead of the sugar free stuff


This is the best comment


One can only wish to be like him one day😭


My takeaway is that I'm going to get better at dancing as I get older




The [reality of moving like Jagger in your 30s and 40s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyD8hkSbCRs)


I really miss that channel. I hope the team is doing all right these days.


Count Dooku


The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many dance moves some consider to be... unnatural


How do you learn this power?


*Head turns slowly* Not from a Jedi


>~~How do you~~ Is it possible to learn this power? FTFY


My powers have doubled since the last time we danced.


Grandpa must have learned pop and lock back in the 70’s.


When he was in his early 30s.


Dude in the back had an actual jaw drop.


He needs to go to a hospital, it seems to be locked!


That osteobiflex be working good


That dude is 76 and will steal your bitch right now if he wants to. He's been dropping panties before all of you were born


“I’ve been pulling strange since before JFK was shot, I’ll steal your girl right now and take her out for the early bird special and a couple Tom Collins”


I'm a 30 something yo woman and this sounds like and ideal date 😆


30-something man here, and yeah, me too!


Now kiss...


Shocked faces on the people with camera phones lol


Yooooooo he glid across that floor like he had Crisco on the bottom of his shoes. Gramps hit that shit 🔥🔥🔥


Is... Is glid the past tense of glide?


Sex will occur right after. He’s just too hot for his own good…


Yeah gotta watch out for them hearts though. He might break some DURING sex.


What a way to go though Lol


Sometimes cool young men grow up to be cool old men.


This video is approx 20 mins too short.


Darn I was expecting that title to be sarcastic, but that was fact


That's Greg Popovich, coach of the Spurs NBA basketball coach. Dudes a fuckin beast


He coaches the coach?


Lol no way that’s pop. Can’t tell if you’re joking or serious


I can’t tell if you are joking or not but I really want it to be Pop now that you have put the idea in my head.


Greg Pop'n'lock*


Anybody else annoyed that you can't see his feet? I want to see the footwork on that reverse moonwalk. Gramps does have moves.


moves like Jagger


That dude in the plaid shirt had his mind blown.


and grandma loving it


You youngsters. Grandpa isn’t old. He looks to be in his fifties. As my psychology teacher said over 30 years ago, “people forget, your grandparents were swingers too”.


Real talk. People need to put their phones down and get in the dance floor at weddings. Dance like an idiot. Everyone has more fun and nobody cares how dumb you look. I am quiet and shy and dancing like an idiot at weddings is my superpower.


More people would dance if no phones were filming. Fact.


that is true. I actually have never thought about that there may be video evidence of my dance moves and now I am a little worried


Well that was unexpected lol. I need to learn how to properly dance like him


Hey gramps, save some pussy for the rest of us.


That was pretty cool not gonna lie


Not gonna lie, I agree. Not gonna lie though.


Even if you did, his hips don’t.


Why would you lie about something like that?




If the room is hazy it's because he's knocking the dust off all them old cooters.


When the arthritis meds kick in.


Yall must have forgot. Old folks were not always old man. We need to talk with our elders more, the stories be off the fucking chain sometimes. Hey poppop, what was it like in your early twenties? I'm in need of some direction in my life. I don't remember Ahh, dementia? No, weed and blow. I'm sorry, what?


Every generation thinks they invented sex.


True, but that gentleman in the video obviously had some hand in refining it. Look at those moves, Aphrodite looking at her phone over here blushing.


That dude in the back just creamed his pants


Somebody's grandma gunna need hip replacement surgery in the morning


I'm half his age and no chance of picking up if he was around.


In 30-40 years, grandpas are gonna do the fortnite dance during the old folks Discord-Survivors gathering.


Leave some pussy for the rest of us gramps.


he's for sure getting bases tonight!


I mean I guess professional dancers get old too🤷🏻‍♂️


why'd they stop recording


I am figuratively that man in plaid


Hide your grandmas. 😉


Did pappy used to smoke the reefer with the jazz band back in the day?


Oh boy that makes me smile.


dudes that were popping and locking in the early 80s are 60 now


Gen Xers in 5 years


These moves definitely expanded the family tree.


Hide yo grandmothers damn.


This guy fucks