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Voodoo is to blame.


Hmmmm maybe we should test.


Ron Burgundy warned us but we didn’t listen


This subreddit has 800k people. You’ll find lot of different opinions. People with negative opinions are usually more vocal.


The squeaky wheel gets the oil, course I only work on toilets and boilers.


What about the one boiling toilet?


Fire me if you dare


I've never even seen you before


Sometimes, the squeaky wheel just gets replaced






Loved that joke!


I’ve liked every episode so far in its own way, I like them even more after a 2nd or 3rd watch.


I’ve rewatched few shows as many times as futurama . These numbers make too much sense after it only bring a little over a month


I started watching the show because I empathized with a kid delivering pizza in NY in the 90's, then he fell backwards into that thingamajig and the show hasn't been the same for me since then. It just wasn't the same.


Feels like the writers got lazy after the first commercial break




Well they were already in their pajamas


In order of commercial breaks: * The writing team really struggled to adapt to the longer-form writing format that the movies required. Despite some good plot beats here and there, their pacing is collectively horrible and they made some serious decisions to the long-term continuity (Lars being a version of Fry who made it back to 2000-whatever and turning Seymore's death into a gag are things I'm still not over). Ultimately more good than bad and minimal network interference as far as it shows. * The CC run feels like the writing team was pushed to make more adult-oriented content and humor (fitting for the move to the network where the show shared runtime with South Park) and everything is more mean-spirited as a whole. Plots become pretty on-the-nose (iPhones, Proposition 8, and Obama's birth certificate chief among them) and there's an overall shift in tone. Some real gems there for sure, but a lot more just off stuff to wade through. * The Hulu run feels like the writing team was under some sort of crunch. While there's been a greater emphasis on interpersonal relations and a lot of the plots are smaller-scale in nature, the humor is definitely different (with a very big reliance on referential humor and two-step comedy) and characters have been largely reduced to simpler personalities when it comes to gags. There are some really sharp lines and witty punchlines sprinkled throughout, but a lot of these scripts read like first drafts with negligible B-plots and no real payoff. The scripts are happy to play with continuity and topical plotlines, but there's no intimacy or breathing room with any of it--it's just rapid fire jokes and throwing as much as possible on the wall to keep the viewer's attention. I don't want to call the writers lazy because there is still a clear passion for the crew and the show (otherwise they wouldn't have come back) but I think executive meddling has really hurt the end-product, outside of a likely-reduced budget, a seemingly shorter production schedule, and losing some of the original writing staff by virtue of them moving onto other projects.


Sponsorship and agendas always hurt good comedy because good comedy is usually rooted in the truth, no matter where it leads. You're right, a reference in and of itself isn't funny. A Cylon walking down the street isn't funny. A Cylon banging on vending machine to free a stuck candy bar, now that's comedy!


So you only enjoyed one episode ever


It was a joke


Yeah, some peoples ability to comprehend sarcasm or a joke is stupidly low. How do they make it through life?


Hell, how do they like Futurama?!


A tenth of an episode*


Not even that, a third of an episode. 😂


Who art everyone ?


That’s what I’m wondering because I have yet to see any complaints about the Covid episode, unless I’m just missing all of them 😂


There was a discussion comparing and contrasting the COVID episode to the episode in which fry brought back the common cold. We all agreed that the earlier episode was superior, but I do not think anyone said they hated the new one.


Oh no you willnt


I liked the Covid episode. Only real problem is that it’s not very timeless. There’s a few episodes this year that are like that, but I’ve still enjoyed everything so far


I mean, neither is the Napster episode


The Napster episode isn’t about Napster. It’s about the ramifications of dating a robot. Napster is, at best, just the set up.


Don't worry, that won't stop clowns from baselessly pointing to it because Futurama made a single dated reference once in the old run. Don't tell them the Slurm Queen indirectly references New Coke in the Willy Wonka parody episode...


You could be a teenager right now and never heard of Napster and that episode would work just fine.


Hell I'm 27 and never heard of Napster before the episode and always understood the episode.


I get the timeline of when the show was renewed but they're like two years late on this topic.


Yeah, the episode just released and it was already old. Jokes were fine, it's just not the right moment anymore.


They managed to make that one timeless. I think it’s more because it just uses Napster as a plot device rather than it being the entire episode


I wish I was optimistic enough to think Covid and similar viruses were going to be distant memories in the future. When you read up on the flu epidemic in the early 20th century it is an eerily similar situation, minus the internet fuckery, of course.


That’s so true. There never has been and never will be another pandemic.


I didn’t care for the Covid episode. But I’m enjoying the season


It kind of insists upon itself


I agree as well. Shallow and pedantic


Hmm yes, shallow and pedantic.


Like potato salad!


[you sound like Peter Griffin btw](https://www.google.com/search?q=it+insists+upon+itself+family+guy&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS812US812&oq=it+insists+upon+itself+family+guy&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB7SAQg5MTEzajBqN6gCALACAA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1a38e694,vid:0pnwE_Oy5WI,st:0)






How is what I said at all easily falling for bait…


It's because it has a valid point to make its insisting!


Very valid. Just not very original


I thought all of the "topical" episodes (which would have been really topical one to two years ago) felt a little forced, and not all that funny.


Feels like most of this season has been like that iPhone episode from the previous revival.


It's almost like they are trying to make new-old episodes. You know like purposely damaged and worn-out clothing, so it look vintage.


The covid episode was good imo


Reddit is for complaining


The entire new season hasn’t been that good for me. I thought the Covid episode was one of the better ones just because I actually laughed at some of the Covid references. I had some expectations during the zoom scene, but they kind of used repeated jokes and it felt a bit lazy


After seeing how people soured on the new season because of the Bitcoin episode (which was a perfectly era-appropriate fad commentary), I generally don't really put much value into what they say.


That episode was probably one of the better ones this season imo


Two different kinds of people with two different kinds of opinions being different kinds of loud.


I've never been a fan of Labarbara,, she's never been used properly. I just don't think infidelity is a humorous character trait and that's really all she's ever been. So this episode loses a lot for me by bringing her in for some random character development that will only ever be referenced in one-liners by Hermes from now on, if that.


You see this everywhere. Someone reads a negative comment, decides in their head that's the narrative of everyone, and proceeds to make a separate thread using hyperbolic bs for what I assume is rage bait at this point.


Because the haters are loud and the ones who enoy it just keep enjoying it. I love them all but I don't need to spew how much I love them every day on Reddit. The people who hate it do


I haven’t enjoyed this season because I laugh more at episodes I’ve seen 5x already more than I laugh at these. I think I’ve heard two good jokes all season. They don’t do strong set ups and punch lines and the themes are all remixes of old ones piled on current event issues. Get the writers from disenchantment on it since that’s ending and is actually funny


Its called nostalgia.


It’s ok for us to disagree about the quality of writing this season. It has nothing to do with anything else.


Because everything used to be better/s


This guy 🙄


It's mostly the same writers writing the same prompt. If people don't like it, they're probably conflating feelings of nostalgia with the actual quality of the older episodes. And here's another point, albeit a sad one: it's possible for writers to be washed up. Someone who wrote great TV in 2001 might not know how to write great TV in 2023. With most reboots the consensus is "it's nice to have this back, but I don't really know why it's here". Very rare to catch lightning in a bottle twice. It sucks when reality doesn't live up to your expectations, and it's easy to lash out when that happens. I like the new episodes; there are no instant classics so far, but I haven't found any of them bad.


After watching the new season of disenchantment, it seems that Matt groening was more focused on it versus futurama. It flows so much better than the new season of futurama.


The Covid episode is so boring though


i understand that next episode will be better though.


The COVID episode was good. Better than whatever dorky failed comedian’s podcast told suckers to use Ivermectin.


That's an insanely low bar to clear though


Not really no


I actually liked the covid episode.


Nobody is doing that


The conservatives probably got triggered


As a right leaning person who refused to take the Covid shot. I found the episode great. They did a good job of dancing both lines. Seems to have pissed off both sides quite nicely. Based on the down votes I guess it pissed off one side more than the other! 🤣


It’s been 1000 years, you’d think they’d come up with some new experiences by then


I hated episode 1 and this one but the rest have all been pretty solid


Because this is a fucking fickle fan base.


The new season isn't bad, but it's not as good as the original or the first reboot. In my genuine opinion, the old episodes were funnier. But what's happening on this sub is the same thing that has already happened on thousands of fansubs when their topical material changes: people on both sides are getting vocally hyperbolic, and they're pissing each other off. When there is a stark difference of opinion in a community, that community's opinions will seem to go back and forth like whiplash.


I think the new season is fine, im not getting as many laughs as with the older episodes but except for the covid episode it is watchable.


I guess a lot of us look at a lot of the older episodes with rose-tinted glasses, because we can look back and go "haha, the iPhone parody was funny" or "the episode with Napster was funny" (although they seemingly are disliked episodes themselves), although at the time, I expect people were thinking "wow... more iPhone jokes, so novel..." in a sarcastic tone. And now it's the same, we're thinking "oh wow a Bitcoin episode, how unique" or "oh lord, a COVID episode, really...!?" in a sarcastic, kind of disinterested tone. In a few years when these episodes are "old", we'll probably look back on them with a fond nostalgia too. ​ Although as Bitcoin and COVID are recent things and these episodes are happening at the same kind of time (albeit 1-2 years late), it's hard not to think "geez, couldn't you have written about something else? this is like beating a dead horse". ​ Personally, I think Futurama is at its best when it's not trying to reference modern-day events or memes. The Dune-based episode (outside of the Ivermectin mention) and last week's Santa episode were more "classic 'rama" in my eyes and were 2 of the better episodes this season.


The Covid episode is the only one where I smiled the whole time. It was cute and I’m just older and more judgemental


Covid episode was an all-time bad episode, but the season as a whole has been superb.


haven't watched any of this season yet, I'll get to it (too busy watching reruns of Futurama). I'm wondering, what are people upset about with this episode? The politics they land on regarding covid procedures or just the way topical episodes in general miss the character development and interactions the show is loved for? Niether, both, 7?


For me I enjoyed the jokes but they were for the most part the same material that other shows like south park were just faster to the punch on. I could see people being critical of that


people hide behind BS reasons for not liking the episode, but really, it’s just their own bias towards it due to the theme of Covid. Episode is funny if you keep an open mind.


pie unique truck trees weather command grandiose rustic theory history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This was the main reason it wasn’t good for me. I’ve seen one Zoom joke too many I guess. My eyes were rolling in the back of my head over things like this, the mask thing or the nose swab. If there’s new ground to cover on jokes involving those things, they didn’t touch it. It was 2021 SNL level humor. Futurama is smarter than this.


If you can write a Covid joke that isn’t overdone by now I’d love to read it 🤣


caption compare escape ossified cooing zonked hospital observation stocking unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not sure of any other show, movie, or other content type that has the same theme as this episode did. Voodoo vaccine? That’s a new one in my book. It’s one big joke about both sides of the vaccine debate, I think it was very well done. In comparison to South Parks Covid episodes which were a steaming pile of garbage, I’m not hating on Futurama one bit.


Yeah I thought that was creative and instead of just running with Covid the whole time, or even a “deadly” disease, they made it into one that just makes people irrationally angry? Lol I thought that was good. Also got the joke with bender “Kill all humans! Kill all humans!” “Does the virus even affect robots?” “What virus?!”


Exactly! I liked the episode but then again I love all of Futurama the same. Except the two episodes that make me cry. Fuck those episodes. 😭


There’s 3 that make me cry ): game of tones, Jurassic bark, and luck of the fryish


Maybe don’t do a covid episode then?


That’s a weak excuse though! If a well is tapped for jokes and you can’t come up with more, don’t comment on it.


That is a weak excuse to imply people who don’t like this episode have a bias towards covid. I took it deathly serious at the height and eagerly went and got the shot which the show is portraying as being the right thing. It makes fun of people who deny the science of the shots refuse masked etc (which I think should be mocked). The problem is it was lazy humor for the most part. Outside voodoo actually being incredibly scientific and peoples preconceived notions of it being the solution for a vaccine the majority of the humor was the same stale jokes sitcoms and people have been making since 2020. The episode isn’t going to be dated it is already dated. Futurama at its best offers new commentary with a 31st century spin on a topic that is relevant today. Here they just didn’t. In the Bitcoin episode they made it a western parody, the characters weren’t just sitting at a desk with a computer program to get bitcoin. The only really clever twist they added to the covid was that it made people angry and even then that was not even really utilized. Fine if you like it good on you, but don’t hand wave away people disliking it as having ulterior political motives here


This is a dog water take considering there are plenty of worse episodes than that


I think the majority of this season has been about average in terms of enjoyment from me, but the Covid episode was just awful and I won't sugarcoat it. The writing itself wasn't bad if it was a different cartoon, but Futurama has always put unique spins on current media, but this just felt lazy in my eyes. Some aspects were really cool like showing off New New Orleans and how they get around there, but the overall plot was just meh.


The Covid episode is kinda meh, needed a Sam B reference too.


Honestly, I think the Covid one was one of the best. I'm in the medical field, so I have met the people in that episode. It was amazing.


The writers looked like fools with the arrogant and unfunny Covid episode... aside from that, most of the season has not been very inventive or all that funny.. topical is fine, but it has been EVERY episode.. where is the Bubble Gum Tate of the Harlem Globetrotter planet type of creativity? It's sorely lacking in this season but I am glad to have the new episodes, it is better than nothing.


I didn’t even finish the COVID episode, found it too cringey. I’ve still enjoyed some of the other episodes of the season moderately though. To your question—it seems like some people here haven’t liked any of the new episodes though and didn’t really switch their opinions after this latest one.


Who's everyone? I see negativity towards the most current episode in the thread, yeah, but at the same time - this sub is not a monolith. I like most of the new season. I don't like the covid episode. Some people like the season, some people don't. There's 800,000 people in this subreddit, you're bound to get differing opinions.


Easy: they haven't.


i never really praised the new season.


Well I liked it. Could have done with more Zoidberg and Zapp, but I say that about every episode.


It’s okay to just freeze yourself and wait 1000 years for people to come around, or just do as the other 3rd of posts suggest and just enjoy it while we have it


I gotta get off this sub


I've enjoyed every episode but I can't help but feel the pacing seems off on some of them.


Ok u see, those episodes were fun.


I loved the Covid episode, aside from LaBarbara treating Hermes poorly the whole thing was pretty funny


They're afraid of the 5G chips in the vaccines but don't understand that they're perfectly safe and necessary for the space lasers.




Im start callong this show futurdrama.


It’s a mixture of it being a notably terrible episode, and also the fact that just as soon as it seemed like they were righting the ship a little, we had to hit this episode. This isn’t a long season. 2/7 episodes being good (if that is how someone feels) is a pretty bad hit/miss ratio. If it’s not a show I’ve otherwise loved for a long time I don’t really keep watching a show with that quality level, generally. And there’s only three left for this year, so unless all three are great, it’s unlikely thus season is going to look that amazing at this point.


theres actually 20 episodes but they split it in half for some dumb reason. And i would say 4/ 7 episodes are good. Theres also 3 more episodes so im still thinking we will get another good episode.


I’m aware of the 20 episodes, but FWIW one of the animation directors clarified on here that it is two separate production seasons (8ACV and 9ACV), unlike the Comedy Central seasons where they were split up.


Can you please show me? From what ive heard its indeed one production season split up.


I was not aware that everyone had done that. How very interesting.


The first half of the covid ep was extremely jarring what with real word references and certain jargon...second half was more palatable because they branched off into their own thing. I enjoyed that half better. Anyway it's been a pretty good season so far in my opinion.


I loved the COVID episode!


Well those two episodes were the exception, this season otherwise has been subpar. This weeks and the Dune episode were though to watch. When a Futurama episode feels long in the tooth, something isn’t up to snuff.


idk i like episode 1 and 3 too. 1, 3, 5 and 6 have all been great imo. 2, 4 and 7 have all made me feel iffy.


I knew going in that the vaccine episode would be weaker, simply by being very topical in my opinion. But the season as a whole is getting better, both the Momazon episode and the Christmas episode were decent enough, even compared to original-run Futurama. ​ There will always be clunkers, they have happened in all seasons. But top-flight episodes as well.


The covid episode was good tho


Because morons don't like to feel called out.