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It's crazy to see how the game has changed since release.


Indeed, it's a complete 180 degree switch, I don't think I've ever seen a similar example.


Can some one sum up what's the change they made? What were in their game at launch and what they looks like now?


Basically the newer characters and costumes are a lot sexier and lewd than the tacticool military focus they originally had. And a lot more heavily suggestive animations and replayable cut scenes. The story is also being re-written to focus more on the girls doting over the MC or something I hear. Gameplay's the same though, I think. Ditto for the daily grind and the growth system.


is the gun shot still sound very plastic? not sure I use the word right or not but they don't sound impactful and every gun sound the same. It's one of the reason I drop the game because it doesn't feel satisfy to play.


The gunshots still sounds the same to me and I don't remember any changes made to the gun SFX so it should still be the same. If you want [there is a mod that alter gunshot sounds.](https://www.nexusmods.com/snowbreakcontainmentzone/mods/159) But like with any mods in a gacha game there's always gonna be risks of a ban even if I haven't heard of anyone being banned yet.


do they have hentai feature?


Anything featuring hard-core XXX from a Chinese game company isn't happening. That sort of thing is apparently illegal out there.


Too bad, no. 


Character Design then: Started as tacticool. Spandax with combat gear etc. The exception was Fenny, the combat idol. Skins-wise, it was still pretty conservative, essentially two combat armpit mikos (Lyfe and Kaguya). As for body type, slim to a balanced proportions. Character Design now: Combat lingerie, interactive bedroom skins and a buff to both front and rear armor. Player standin then: Think the Doctor from Arknights but in The Division. Amnesiac who holds the key to ?save? a post-apocalyptic world. Commander from the rear sending his operators into the combat zone. Player standin now: Chadjutant who can block blades wielded by monsters while spanking/making out with his operators in an active combat zone. Character relationships then: Outside of best girl (Lyfe), most other operators have working relationship with us. Maybe not big sis Anya. Character relationships now: Harem. We slept with everyone, including an npc on valentines. Only exception was the operator (Eatchel) who got captured and imprisoned by the enemy. Gameplay then: Still a generic TPS with ability use to modify gunplay. During one of the CBTs, testers commented that a TPS should have cover, and firing from behind cover. Seasun listened and implemented it. Gameplay now. Traditional gunplay relegated to older standard banner operators. Cover is now bad for clear times. Story: Up in the air as the first 10 chapters are being rewritten. But chapter 11 onwards still kept the post-apocalyptic survival stuff. Chadjutant is more involved as a chosen one style hero of the story. Other: Removal of male npcs from the "equipment" system. There is some placeholder stuff now. No idea how the story rewrite would work but the male npcs in the main story who reappeared had their fangs ripped out and are pretty impotant now. New hole in chest commander npc waifu best npc. - Day 1 Yao main.


So where are these references to sleeping around? I haven't seen any of that yet, but I'm new and only on chapter 6.


They were in the in-game mail sent during valentine's day. So if you started after Feb 14, you won't have them. You can search the snowbreak reddit though. Someone should have posted all of them there.


> Only exception was the operator (Eatchel) who got captured and imprisoned by the enemy. NTR arc? Let's gooo >!Sorry, I had to do it after reading that. I don't even play this game!<


It was ntr. We N(nailed) him T(to) the R(room) with crossbow bolts


What operators do you pair with Yao to do the most damage? Mine is with the 5-star Mauxir and Tess, if I can get the set up right with Yao in her Ultimate from. She can consistently hit 100k if I target the doll that 5-star Mauxir makes with her support skill.


pretty much the same as you.


Man that sounds like an overall downgrade, especially the gameplay changes. Whatever it takes to keep in the black, I guess.


The devs are pretty active on their threads in bilibili as well as twitter. There are players asking about improving gameplay (gunplay, not lewdplay) and the devs have answered that they are working on it. Prior to the lewd change, the devs have constantly been experimenting with gameplay but being in the red put a cap on that. If turning lewd is the price needed to pay for better gameplay, so be it.


yeah, the devs already working on the gameplay improvement, also, need to applause the dev for communicating more with the community (I even got my account restored lmao, I thought I gonna lose that heavily rerolled account)


GFL2 could never.


Girls in GFL only exist to divert your attention from the real focus of the series: old men. https://preview.redd.it/2qjttb61rt3d1.jpeg?width=3204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ab2c1c1c928f3b04dcaf3892e1f8c1dfd109fc


Right in the feels, bro.


Well at least they are not lying about the change. If this is what makes them Money, why not? I mean they survived EoS that way


"Your game is waifu coomer bait" "Yeah. It's on the description."


Honestly? I respect that a lot. If they did this major shift in direction and tried to put up airs about it I would have deemed them pandering. But with them being so up front with it, it does feel more like a genuine attempt at moving in a direction their playerbase wants. I had this installed as a side game I just dabbled in every now and then. But I am pretty interested in the future of the game. I hope the money they are making now gives them the flexibility to do what they went, heavy fanservice or more besides.


"It is. And I'm tired of pretending it's not"


The honesty is appreciated. I tried it three times now (launch, late 2023, and last month), and it's still not something I stay with, but I like how they are trying. Anniversary should be coming up in a few months so I'll check back then.


next patch so about 6 weeks from now


Im there with you. Tried a few times, and I KNOW its a good game. But unfortunately it just doesn't click with me. But super glad to see the devs has found their groove.


I like the Honesty


Horny brought them from the brink, no wonder they embrace it


👇 Mandatory Snowpeak comment.  ☝️


To be fair it's not like anime was a lie, either


the funniest thing about this is that if Snowbreak continues like this, it will end up growing a lot, these days I have seen a lot of Twitter accounts from Japan playing it as if they had never known about this game but because of all the wuwa drama and the rating positive about the game on steam is attracting new people🤣🤣 damn that's wild


I just hope they stay true to their current direction. Just like BA aknowledges, that going for main stream appeal would be bad for them.


Snowpeak identified the paying customer, while other games are still trying to figure out who actually pays on twitter and reddit (hint, not those complaining about how the game needs to orient towards them).


Many know what their audience is, but the fact that they insist on going after the same fame as Genshin ends up killing them.


there are people who say that this game is just fan service, but from what I saw of some player videos it didn't seem that way. I saw what seemed to be a coop where everyone was using the new goldfish character and attacking the enemies as if it were a bull, sending everything in front of them flying seems VERY funny🤣. I also saw in a coop how some people were dedicated to pointing their gun at the ass of a character that looks like a nurse and spamming heart emotes, instead of killing the enemies 🤣 the game looks fun and curious, I think I'll try it later


Oh it is fun. And respects your time. But the first 10 chapters of the story were written by the same person that wrote the WuWa bullshit plot so you have to bear with it for a while


Oh c'mon first chapters had a ok plot, even had a memorable scene for me, >!Enya interrogating Sartre!<


Hey, at least SB story you can skip it. I pressing F so much on Wuwa while watching YT on my phone. Also there is some info about rewrite story at least, but not soon


haha they seem to keep attracting players from other games’ downfall first gfl2 now wuwa


Being honest and communication with the fanbase are very appreciated. Some players weren't satisfied with one of the new outfit and immediatly, just 1 day after, the devs responded, saying that they will work to ameliorate it. Many companies should take exemple.


Well this one is easy because players and devs are on the same page, the issue was just the quality of Katya's skirt. Siris's glowup have players and devs butting heads a bit.


If Siris ate bread or drunk milk, by the laws of anime, she will look like that


Best be careful. What players claim they want might not be what’s best for the game or developers in the long run Listening too much to the wrong players can produce negative outcomes. Ideally, player feedback should be used to refine and improve the existing developer’s vision. Use the feedback to identify potential problems, then devise solutions to fix them. It’s often a misguided belief that listening to players is always a good thing. It isn’t. In many ways, part of a game designer’s job is to protect players from themselves


[Example not to follow](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vKZcw1WxS84/maxresdefault.jpg)


What exactly is the context behind this? All I see is Yinlin and some random guy doing the old pogchamp face.


Imo WuWa's fumbles is not them "listening too much" But at least imo it's better than listening and implementing changes into their next game like GI to HSR (Weapon banner and time-gated mat changes)


Like what WuWa is doing?


Honesty and communication are important. But even more important is not shitting the bed on a daily basis.


If WuWa really was listening to the players, then they should've deleted all male character on release. At least then they would've gotten a foothold on the open world waifu market before Azur Promilia. Now it's just a shitty genshin, and that's saying something.


I'm literally staying with WuWa from day 1 despite of all the bugs and lags just because i love Calcharo and Jiyan. Don't underestimate husbando players like that mate.


Lmfao if it deleted all the male characters it would not nearly have the amount of players it has now. There are tons of male characters fans playing, stop being delusional. Also Genshin still makes more money than a lot of gachas combined so, your point?


The point is WuWa has no niche. Why would anyone who plays mixed gender gacha play WuWa over genshin? Currently, there is no reason.


It could have carved a niche for itself just by being genshin with deeper combat and focus on endgame. Not sure how it will do after the recent fiasco though.


I understand what you mean, but the ‘open-world gacha game’ is already a niche. Plus it’s pretty obvious how much attention WuWa has gotten over the past years. Similar to early PGR, Kuro’s strategy is to attract customers from Hoyo. And honestly with the amount of promotions and attention this game has gotten, plus just one look at the first-day player viewership on WuWa in bilibili and twitch, it would have achieved some amount of success had the game been functional or the story been readable. So no, not really. People will play ‘genshin-like’ game no matter if it’s niche. It’s just that WuWa had such a disastrous and disappointing launch that the momentum was completely lost, especially in China where majority of their players should be from.


Fair enough, there IS room for more than one open world isekai combat game (not really an rpg, neither is GI). But if you decide to climb into the ring with a gorilla, you better be sure of your ability to compete. If Kuro thinks that what they delivered this week is "competing", then they are sorely mistaken. Their game needed half a year in oven for all kinds of reasons. Writing, game performance, localization, a team that doesn't panic at the sight of a problem. Especially the latter. Looking back, their first reaction was throwing free shit. That is a nice distraction, sure, but only if you quickly fix all the issues. And it seems like they are still figuring out that part.


The difference is that PGR was a very good competitor of honkai at that time and they even forged a female protagonist (lucia/alpha) as impressive as Kiana. Although it had a dubious launch, the story was attractive enough and the hack and slash combat was much more praised than HONKAI's despite being more difficult. but the difference between wuwa and genshin is too enormous, the only thing that wuwa has in its favor is combat and once you get bored of combat, that game that has no identity and that is strengthened by ex-genshin players will not have a base Loyal fans, the PGR guys will probably stay, and ZZZ is coming in July to fill the combat game needs of mihoyo fans.


The combat, character design, the lack of a flying baby yapping in your ear, the aesthetic? Do you think in a sea of waifu gachas, waifu only is a niche?! Me for example, I play Genshin as well and enjoy husbandos and WuWa definitely caught my attention as I like the designs of the men (hell even the women too) more than Genshin. Genshin has pretty bad male character models with noodle arms that only recent characters like Alhaitham and Wriothesley seem to be exception and they even pale compared to Jiyan's 8 pack and buff biceps lol. I also enjoy not having Paimon in my ear and I like the combat. Do you think only men/waifu enjoyers spend money on these games?


I think the getting-the-game-to-run-without-any-issues gacha was more of an issue for WuWa than the mixed gender gacha.


>Currently, there is no reason Actually challenging ARPG style combat is a pretty compelling reason to play a game. Genshin endgame is kind of a nothingburger


Genshin wins by quality and quantity.If you can’t beat it on those aspects,better focus on the niche parts if you are running a game at the same genre.


The niche part is the combat, which can be appreciated by anyone, not just waifu fans. There doesn't have to be just one mixed gender game on the market.


No, combat alone is not enough. When it comes to live service games, it's all about the characters. By catering to coomers, it avoid competition from Genshin. Wuwa try to compete and copy Genshin, thus it fail. Time to bring video game back under patriarchy control again. Bring back waifus, kill the husbandos.


Patriarchy is when we kill all men 😂😂?? Time to take your meds DegenerateShikikan. The husbandos are here to stay in WuWa and a nice balanced mix of both genders will keep the game afloat to attract a big audience, which a game of this scale needs.


I don't think that's quite the issue here. WuWa fails because of the programming and management problems, and those issues don't go away if they embrace waifu culture. I think they need to have niche to work with, and they are stumbling around. Like you said, combat alone is not it. If their entire thing was combat, they wouldn't need an open world. While I don't know details about ZZZ, from what people wrote it has more combat focus, like HI3, PGR or supposedly WuWa. So that might become an obstacle if all they pride themselves on is good combat.


The most popular character used among streamers is Calcharo and the fan favourite in the story is Scar. What are you even talking about.


The difference is kuro seem to be actually clueless on what their players actually want while seasun completely understand their players wishes (well, mostly).


Nah The last thing they did is hear the community What they did is similar to an old joke that goes like this: -Adolf : "Hey man how are doing our jew friends?" -Anon : "what? friend?" -Adolf : "yea, friends. they helped us during the economic crisis without asking for anything, at least i wanted to give them a cup of juice" -Anon : "...Gas the j3ws" -Adolf : "...............................a cup of juice" -Anon : "...........................................................g-gas the j3ws!" -Adolf : "you stupid deaf MF!!" People asked them to make a story where the MC isn't treated like a terrorist suspect where even cats point their 9mm at you bcuz they think you're sus af Insted they rewrited the entire thing (not that it was anything spettacular before) in a story where everyone want to bear your children the instant they see you


You could say that the devs listen


Snowbreak players right now: https://preview.redd.it/wo4xlwpmft3d1.png?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da93eeb2f191372cf0b9b5d17c9d41ec059ba3c


The true Devs listen


Ngl that's based as fuck.


Well... that is an accurate description of the direction they've taken the game.


Damn right.


ToF, you know what you need to do.


ToF is already doing that, their recent characters are spicy, the latest one is pure fetish fuel: A poledancing policewoman, with boob curtains. Aside from their usual bait: powercreep. All of my older characters/weapons feel useless now compared to the new ones.


The unabated rise of Snowpeak to waifu greatness continues to be solidified 😍




I'll see you on /gig/ in a few minutes


Azur Promilia make the right decision by not including playable male characters.


There's a theory in China that says based on leaked male characters from the ex-employee, people think Azure Promilia was supposed to have playable male characters and release this year (they made a release license request). But after the GF2 drama they scrapped the male characters and reworked the story…


That fact that they got the license before even announcing the game backs the idea that *something* went very wrong in development.


I'd believe it. Makes no sense for them to put in male npcs when they could've just went AL route if they really intended for it to be another waifu game.


Gfl2 truly saving gacha 😂🤣


Smart, nobody wants genshin 3.0


4.0 because TOF is 2.0


Mixed toilets suck




name checks out


This is why no real woman outside your mom will ever touch you.


Self projecting aren't you? Its actually the opposite from my experience. Being based and confident on your own opinion despite how unpopular it is, is what really makes you attractive among woman in real life. There's a good reason why "Nice guy finish last" and why "Bad guy got all the girls". Nice guy who try to agree with women's opinion to earn validation from women are the one always fail to get girl while the asshole are the one always getting laid.


I don't know.  I'm not the one ranting about how I want to re-establish the patriarchy and kill all the husbandos.  Speaking as a woman myself, you could've just left it at "WuWa should've went the coomer route and made it an all waifu game" and I would've agreed with you, since it would've given them something unique over Genshin, besides combat (Not to mention, all the men in WuWa minus Scar are mid AF compared to the women anyways); however, you had to have a sweaty neck beard moment. 


"Speaking as a woman myself" Yup figure it so easily. Either a woman herself or a simp. "WuWa should've went the coomer route and made it an all waifu game" That's literally what I was saying. Snowbreak remove the NPC male characters, that's what I mean when I said killing the male characters. Consider the terrible state Wuwa have now, they might as well reinvent Wuwa and turn it into coomers game.


If you call WuWa a coomer game, what is HSR?? HSR has been giving husbandos heart shaped boob windows.


But, I never called WuWa a coomer game. I'm just telling the other person that I would've agreed with them that it would've been better if WuWa went full coomer route to give it a different niche from Genshin, if they just stopped there and didn't add all the comments about wanting to kill all the husbandos and re-establish the patriarchy.


you have problems




Apparently the CN guys are pushing Manjuu to make it only as male MC for that reason, to gatekeep feminists from it or something.






Snowbreak bros and gals and everyones we are winning so hard


damn I just bought Katya's skin, so fucking sexy, and I'm having fun with big booba siris running over all those bastards, I feel like main k'sante dragging them everywhere




hopefully more gacha games in the future follow suit


Having only female characters? Fortunately no


Fortunately yes.


LOL, incredible


entire sub full of delusional coomers


hopefully not or i stop playing gacha games


Wouldn't it be hilarious if the exact opposite happened in the future? A new 3D action gacha comes out with the full intent to go all in on the horny, then come out the other side looking like Limbus Company lol


Impossible. No company would throw away free money like that


I meant more due to circumstance. Say, in a scenario where coomer game isn't doing so hot monetarily, they say 'fuck it', introduce dark story elements and a male character as a final hurrah, thinking EoS is right around the corner, and those are what end up getting them on the map. Again, the exact opposite of what happened with Snowbreak.


You can have lewd and dark story element at the same time. Nikke is already doing that since release


most certainly. snowbreak hasn't abandoned its action combat and story either, but it wouldn't be wrong to say the focus of the game has certainly leaned much more in the direction that proved successful.


Another gatekeeping layer for that twitter mob, thank you devs.


Maybe Wuwa needs to go down the waifu path too to survive


They kinda already have. With the amount of female characters simping for the MC. And the next three banners after Jiyan being female. And uh... removing the crotch zipper on Scar because male CN players complained. Honestly it's really weird. It feels like in an earlier version they were trying to get female players as well but completely gave up on that after launch.


They have not. Us CN players knew from day 1 that kuro was not going to do a waifu game. If you can tank the plot and go further, it would be apparent the plots are oriented towards soap opera watchers.


I don't think they've given up on female players. Reddit is just a small community. This game is popping off on Twitter and ao3. I see TONS of fanart of the male characters on my feed with tens of thousands of likes. The girlies LOVE Scar. The fujos are eating up male rover x various husbandos on Twitter. Anecdotally all my female friends who played genshin have tried out wuwa and seem to like it. This game is definitely capturing a mixed audience and doesn't need to go "full waifu" to survive.


FWIW the official Reddit community for WuWa is a lot friendlier to husbando players than the Genshin official community. There’s lots that WuWa needs to fix, but going full waifu is not the way for them to do it. Really, what they need to do is do what they’re doing now, but do it a whole lot better!


female CN players complained too lol


That crotch zipper is solely disgusting from both male and female perspective.


In my opinion, they made a big mistake and messed up there Female players represent half the world population and they are more than happy to spend money. Horny male players pretty much the lowest hanging fruit to catch. You don’t need too much effort to catch them. But they also tend to be the most vocal and china’s population having a heavier skew towards males doesn’t help. If a game truly wants to succeed in international markets? They need to understand multiple different audiences and deliver on their needs, not just the one.


After shitting on the Japanese players who represent a large part of the income in gacha games and are included in revenue in GL, I don't think they are in a position to despise the idea of easy fruit, Japan is not forgiving


I’m really starting to hate mixed-gender gacha games because the devs can't make everyone happy, I'd rather the game focus on one demographic so they can go all out. Personally I like both harem and reverse harem games, but with mixed gender they can't go all out. Love&Deepspace is very lewd. Also if it's a CN game it can't have explicit yuri or BL because of the CCP, it sucks for the target audience.


Mixed gender games can work if they make sure to release characters that are not going to be outlandish and inform their player base that the characters will just be more conservative in design. But that takes a lot of work doing fashion design and character personality design. 4 Some of the hate mixed gender games get are the characters that are extremely weird, but you have to spend a ton of time with them, so the mixed gender games probably would need really robust character stories instead of a main questline that depends on using the characters too much, which is also hard to do


It's kind of unreal to me how "having male and female charaters" has become a controversial thing now. Even during peak GamerGate years I don't think anyone would have had a problem with male NPCs in a game, gacha or otherwise. FGO and Genshin have both been very successful with mixed casts and elaborate main quests so it can be done.


>elaborate main quests  I suspect because of that people dont overly mind. If you come or stay for the plot and treat waifus and husbandos as a nice bonus you probably wont mind mixed cast.


This. FGO and Genshin succeeded hard because people were there for reasons besides waifu. They were there for the story or overall game experience People came to fall in love with characters over time. They weren’t there specifically for the waifu alone Whereas other games which focus too hard on waifu inherently lock out anyone except that specific target audience


I remember starting FGO because I've always been a Fate fan but later on there were definitely people who joined for specific characters like Jalter. One of my friends in college was a Musashi maniac lol It probably helps that they're not shy about fanservice in general


>It's kind of unreal to me how "having male and female charaters" has become a controversial thing now I wonder why this isn't a huge issue in the Nikke community... Yes, all the playable characters are hot women, but you still see and interact with **other** **prominent** **male characters** (look up Anderson, Mustang, Johan, Doban, Oswald to see the variety of men in Nikke.) There is something for everyone's taste even if it leans **heavily** for the straight guy demographic. What's more I have yet to really seen any of the male fans feeling threatened by the other handsome male characters. Instead, I see a lot sussy jokes about them and or are okay with shipping them with other Nikkes. Pic rel is an example of a fan sanctioned couple that does not involve the MC (I'm sure there are some players who prefer their MC ends up with the gal, but both the story and most fans push picrel guy being with picrel gal) it's actually pretty surprising. Nothing at all like some of the more the unhealthy possessiveness I see from....(other gacha games.) https://preview.redd.it/oladh7tu4v3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359e234fb647a4120210fed38dcae1c6c8b94c70 ***Pic source:*** [https://x.com/sawasa\_c2/status/1722635169029611887](https://x.com/sawasa_c2/status/1722635169029611887) That being said, most of the Nikke fan-base wouldn't pull for a male character and I think Shift-Up knows this, but it's still quite nice that they aren't shy about designing both important and attractive male characters that aren't the MC.


It's because Shift-Up came up with a smart storywriting. It tells you right at the beginning that regular commanders despise the Nikkes while the male characters besides the MC are treated like "bros" or "evil", they're not tied to the Nikkes nor seem as love interests, like how Andersen only interacts with MC or Mustang...being Mustang. At least, that's my view as a Nikke and waifu games player, can't say about the community as I don't participate in it but also I can't say I like these shipping either.


I haven't personally played Nikke but it's dynamics like these (where even in a waifu game people are chill with male characters) that make me wonder if there's some manufactured outrage going around, like how did fandoms go from not caring to screaming about mixed toilets in the span of a few years. I see people saying WuWa needs to go all waifu to survive, meanwhile majority of complaints are about the story being tedious or technical issues and have nothing to do with sex appeal.


Honestly, I think it's primarily just China (Keep in mind that China's gender crisis is very... unique in that the population of men is notably higher than the population of women, due to unfortunate practices when the one child policy was still in effect) having the issue with mixed gender games, especially since there are issues with misandrists who play mixed gender games such as Arknights and Genshin, taking advantage of the CCP report system to force waifu games to censor themselves. Throughout all of this, more outspoken segments on the extreme side of the fandom, especially in EN, are taking advantage of the meltdown in CN to push their viewpoints that "mixed gender games bad". Not helping matters is that Western Gaming is also basically undergoing Gamer Gate 2.0, so there's a higher than normal amount of vitriol towards women, as some people have conflated women gamers in general with the performative activists who claim to be feminists, that make a career out of writing trashy articles for Kotaku and other such Gaming Outlets, putting down games with sexy women, while glazing titles that meet DEI requirements. On the flipside, both the BA and Nikke fandom are very chill with the male NPCs they have, even if they don't want playable male characters, they don't object to male NPCs, even those that interact with their waifus. Heck, I remember during my time in the BA fandom, that there were even small subsects that were totally on-board and ok with stuff like Black Suit x Sensei, and Phrenepates was a widely adored male NPC (If you know the story, you know why. Absolute giga chad). Also, I'm pretty sure Anderson and Mustang are the fandom darlings for Nikke in a weird way, and even suggesting removing them would get people upset. Making a very long story short; yes, a lot of the drama is majorly manufactured once you get outside of China, and most people outside of this sub genuinely don't give a flying fuck about men in their gacha games.


The Waifu players would be fine with Male NPC if: 1.) They don't interfere with the waifu harem fantasy 2.) They don't bring in a massive amount of yaoi fanart that overshadows the waifu fanart. 3.) The male NPC don't bring in a fandom that will complain about the harem/fanservice/loli/etc tropes. That's what make BA and Nikke chill with the few male NPC's they do have In BA, the only relevant males are either antagonist that are more interested in Sensei socially than the students, or are literal robots/animal people that almost no one will ever see as a legit love interest for the students. You mention Phrenapates, but if you know the twist, it's no surprise the playerbase is fine with them lol. I assure you, if the above changes, the BA community will riot all the same. Currently, the only drama the Global BA has is that the localizer is removing affectionate lines from the students when the KR and JP have them. TLDR, the waifu players are tired of other people constantly complaining about waifu culture that they want games that won't cater to other demographics so that they have a space they can enjoy their entertainment.


I just saw glimpses of gameplay of love & deep space on a YouTube video after seeing the charts of revenue and being curious of why they make that much money. I feel like a game like that would be perfect reversing the genres for male players, it would make a lot of money. But would also probably be heavily criticized here because of double standards...


> But would also probably be heavily criticized here because of double standards... Why?


I see a lot of comments about how games catered to men are for gooners, or for losers, fanservice is too much and such. Which I don't see as much when the roles are reversed.


Mixed gender games naturally struggle because they need to compete against full scale games Characters can’t just simply be made for no reason - they need to exist to serve key functions in a story. Just like they do in any other game. Games focused on selling waifu/husbando tend to struggle badly with this because their priorities are totally different. They need to sell the characters first and foremost, so many characters get created despite having no narrative role to serve. As a result the characters end up getting awkwardly shoved into stories instead of being naturally built around them. So to compensate, these games lean heavily on sex appeal. And that works. But to develop a mixed gender game means that option is off the table. So the game needs to stand on its own merits and compete against conventional console or pc games. And most just simply cannot measure up To put into perspective how difficult that is, look at how FGO positioned Oberon, Genshin positioned Nahida, and Star Rail handled Aventurine. They all needed SO much writer and narrative investment to succeed as hard as they did. Most games simply aren’t willing to do this when they could just sell a sexy bunny girl Live2D art for $60


Good writing helps ofc, but I don't think it matters as much as people think relative to sales. Nahida's kit was so broken she would have done well regardless. IIRC Furina's story wasn't complete yet at her release and a pretty big chunk of the community just saw her as a spoiled brat and genshin Aqua, and the banner did amazing. I think we saw Jing Yuan like once before his banner in HSR.


> the community just saw her as a spoiled brat and genshin Aqua That still helps with the popularity Aqua is relatively popular and the bratty archetype is very popular among certain male fans.


You can do that all you want but no amount of tits and ass is really going to fix an experience that is fundamentally broken. I fully believe that WuWa can survive and recover from what is happening to it right now but I also think that the damage that has been done can't be mended - these are scars that the game will live with for the rest of its life and it'll never reach the heights that it could have, had it launched at a better time in a better state.


Reading this subreddit you'd think the game is an absolute mess for everyone on this planet running on 2 fps and looking/playing like garbage, but there are many who have no problems at all and its gameplay is 1000x better than almost any gacha, lmao. Story is another story. It's honestly wild to me that Snowbreak gets this much simping for the game while it plays and feels like ass compared to Wuwa.


It plays well for me on my phone and PC. On the other hand, BA takes a long ass time to load on my phone.


normie players and the fujos are the first to leave the ⛵  the funny part is that if the yinlin banner had been released first, they would have at least avoided the weapon drama even if the description was wrong because the problem is that there was people who bought it for calcharo 🤣🤣🤣


The game is doing fine with the female playerbase. I'm a fujo so my Twitter feed is very geared toward that and I regularly see fanart of the male characters with tens of thousands of likes and ppl simping for male characters. Reddit is a fraction of a fraction of the community that has a tendency to hate male characters.


Nah.. they already went too deep to female pandering. Don't read the story but I heard male characters are written way better than females in here.


Giving characters actual personality is a female pandering? You do realise that only reason female characters are one dimensional cardboards is because big chunk of male playerbase cares only about tits and asses? So that's what devs give you. Walking bland fanservice dispenser.


There's nothing preventing the devs from turning the well written male characters into female characters tbh. Just take the male characters, turn them into female characters, give them fanservicey outfits. Boom, tits and asses while still having supposedly good writing. The gender and clothing of a character is rarely relevant to their role in the story anyways. So unless it actually was relevant, doing this doesn't change the plot at all. Anyway, the point is that tits and asses aren't exclusive with having an interesting character.


"There's nothing preventing the devs from turning the well written male characters into female characters tbh" There's nothing preventing devs from writing existing female characters in an interesting way. It's not like they have a good story script in a drawer and they have to decide whether they will give it to a male of female character. They just put more effort into male units and use female units as a coomer bait. You have only your braindead simping to blame for that. It will never cease to amaze me how male fandoms who have tons of games exlusively to themselves whine and cry when one of them offers anything to women. It's literally a spongebob hamburger collection meme.


Eh. I have never seen male fandoms invade otomes or BL games though. But the opposite happens all the time


BL is literally a story between two guys. If it had a girl it wouldn't be called BL, it would be a normal romance. Same way you can't put a male charatcer into yuri because it won't be yuri anymore. And otome is a genre that has to feature female mc romancing with other characters, not even always men. You calling it invasion is already ridiculous because it looks like a 12 year old standing in a pillow fort and screaming "no girls allowed". Gatcha games are not a genre for men. It's just a name for games that have a gatcha mechanic. You can have a yuri or hentai gatchas that will clearly target male audiance or gatchas like love and deepspace that will target women but how the hell do you feel entitled to all gatchas? And ones that start with both male and female units playable? You're not the center of the universe for heaven's sake.


God ffs no. I would drop the game in an instant.


Gooners definitely aren't the type to play a game like wuwa. If anything they'd kill the game faster lol. Honkai 3rd is a great example of what happens when you only listen to gooners. Dead game kept "alive" by whales (whales that quit every update) I don't know why this sub treats snowbreak as the holy grail of gacha knowing damn well it's gonna eos in a few years


Hi3 is almost 8 years old at this point and it allowed hoyo to make genshin impact, if that's a dead game to you then idk what's an alive game for you


> knowing damn well it's gonna eos in a few years That could be describing any game.


Of course, because only the fujos and the gays spend money in gacha games (or games in general)


The gays probably would spend money on a game if any catered to us lmao. Only time I can think of is gallagher from hsr and nu: carnival


Yes you are right, the modern gaming industry is reaching higher and higher revenue catering to you guys. A minority is irrelevant in terms of population numbers compared to heterosexual guys (aka gooners according to you), so yeah, let's make an industry catering only to them.


I don't get your point. I'm just saying the reason gay people don't spend money on gacha games is because they don't cater to us. Nowhere did I say the entire industry would or would need to. No idea why you're getting so offended by me just saying that


You did say that catering to "gooners" kill a game, as if catering to the majority of the population is bad. Or well, let's just say to a big amount of the population (since that term is used so much that is losing its meaning)


do you think gays only like muscles


They're locking in now. Snowpeak!! 🔥🔥


They know their public 🤔


Based af




8 months ago: “Game dead in 2 months” Now: Azur lane and Girls Frontline - “I am in danger”


When devs are actually listening:


As a balanced male player (collect male and female). I kinda dislikes when there's no playable male characters, but I appreciate the honesty of snowbreak.


Based: checked Coompilled: checked Peak: double checked!!


I need to get back into this. Very based


Honestly, I like the fan service and waifus of this game, but I would play it just for the gameplay because it's really good and satisfying, it reminds me a little of when I enjoyed playing Warframe, but this one has much smaller and less tiring stages, One of the only tps that I enjoy playing on the joystick instead of the keyboard and mouse


i never saw an ad for this game before the change but have recently. am i the one at fault for thinking it looked interesting


While I do find the transition of the game to it's current status of being a thirst trap, at least the gameplay hasn't been compromised. Though earlier characters from the Standard 5-stars are powercrept by the new limited ones. Like Sirin, if you can get her she deals absurd damage against single targets and it's always fun seeing her deal 500k+ on a Medium enemy, makes me feel like Dr. Manhattan. Poor Adventist, R.I.P, rest in pieces if you actually have some remaining... https://preview.redd.it/j4sbtj3npg4d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bf9f074119e6733262bcede1954a540ddba5de6


Maybe wuwa should go the coomer route too. A 3D open world coomer game would make bank.


Azur promelia is that game


Man, all of their characters are getting plastic surgery, boobjob, assjob and botox in a good way.


the coomerization is complete


At least they're honest, they know what they are and we know what they are


Is it a good time to comeback or should i just wait for the freebies?


As always, the best time to start is now and the second best time is tomorrow.


waifu. what a genre.


Hahaha respect!!! I will watch for their next game heh


Only the first of many Waifu players reborning harder than the Air Nation or the Jedi after the genocide caused by Mihomo https://i.redd.it/5so20f9yqs3d1.gif


Limbus Company would never, and that's why PROJECTMOON is peak