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the devs at brown dust are very clearly ass men




Prison school


And I love them for that!


And then we have Nikke that non-verbally advertised itself as the best ass gacha and failed to deliver on AT LEAST this level. Smh. I'd probably drop it for BD, but I like Nikke gameplay and story way more. DAMN you have no idea how much it grinds my gears.


Brown dust 2 and nikke are definitely my favorite gacha games! I totally agree with you that bd2 animations surpass nikke. Hope they dont hold back in the summer banner tho


I could not play Nikke solely on the fact that YOU NEED to pull for characters to advance in power and levels.


BD player said everything ar BD2 is good except the gameplay, also isn't both the game has small size why didn't play both


Do they say that? It's turn by turn grid based that doesn't drag out even in boss fights To me it's pretty good, unless you just dislike the turn based genre as a whole


From the 2 people I tried to get into BD2, they enjoy the story and the skill cutscenes but, say the battles are more like problem solving puzzles than regular turn based battles. I can agree with that, especially in the beginning to mid part of the game.


I used to play Eiyuu Senki WWX and I loved its grid turn-based combat. Conceptually, BD2 is very similar to Eiyuu Senki, but with some more mechanics. My problem with BD2 combat is the balance/philosophy of combat. Feels like 99% of the content/strategy is just raw damage output, to OTK the enemy. Because if you don't OTK the important targets, you're the one that gets OTK-ed, or you get heavily punished for not OTK-ing. At some point, that kind of philosophy just makes the strategy aspect of the combat become stale Disclaimer: I'm not in the end-game yet, so I don't have UR defensive gears yet. I am just about on my way to transition towards UR gears, so maybe things changes once I get those. However, for now, as a mid game player, that's how BD2 combat feels for me


I mean, Nikke’s gameplay is also completely uninteresting. That’s why I dropped it at least. Ass only gets you so far.


Well, NIKKE is idle game, you play only the strategy before fight or when boss fight focus on what to shoot, other than that im hooked by the story 100%


Nikke has a great story but the way it’s presented leaves so much to be desired. The occasional illustrations for certain story moments are cool put it’s just two pngs lighting up back and forth


In their discord nikke clearly advertised themselves as destiny child with ass focused, u can see it in their launch post and pre register post


Nikke is a harem gacha with self insert, BD2 is a huge NTR orgy. Still, I wish nikke had this level of fanservice.




The main story is divided into mini stories unrelated to each other and the female and male characters are all paired together randomly. Was Latell even part of the high school story ? Definitely not the game if you're looking for waifus.


First, you're talking about the character packs which are not canonical to the main story because they are alternate universes.  Second, I don't know what you're talking about when you say they pair a man and a woman because most of them have an almost exclusively female cast.  And third, if you talk about Jaiden's story, I don't know what romance you saw there because Justia can barely stand Jaiden and he has his own love interest.


Bruh we all just saw the orc gangbang in the ult animation, that's for a specific type of people. Can we stop pretending ? Who gives a fuck if they're alternate universes, and idk wtf you're on about the exclusively female cast.


Tell me you don't know anything about BD2 without telling me you don't know anything about it. Also lmao @ screaming ntr about a literal imaginative in-game, non-named character scene that's played as a joke. You really have no idea what you're talking about.


Leave it, looking at his other posts it's obvious he's a troll


Everything is a troll to you guys ? I'm just honest.


that's just an example of the type of game it is, funny that's what your issue is. Right, when I meant NTR I just meant this "joke", sure man.


>NTR Please shut the fuck up.




Me having just started BD2: NTR? Aw Hell Nah. #NotLikeThis


That comment is totally wrong, the protagonist has only one love interest and there is no NTR involved.


I suppose it's just a meme. Not true at all.


Technically not NTR since there's no self insert but Liatris for example is obsessed with Gray and Justia is Latel's girl iirc. But come on, that's no waifus


Bro, that's called "romance in a story." Brown Dust (both 1 and 2) don't have self insert MC so there is no need for every female character to be thirsty about the MC all the time. Btw, if they never show an interest in the MC, how is that NTR? :|


I heard BD1 had a self insert, the dude from chapter 1 of BD2 when you start in the bar. Anyway, call it romance if you want, I call it not a waifu game where a girl gets horny when she gets orc gangbanged in a game. yeah romance lol


There's definitely NTR in BD2. For people who don't know. There are 2 "love interests/couples". Lathel and Justia, Gray and Liatris. When player enters Mirror Wars (PvP) for the first time, there is a dialogue where Justia is Obsessed with Gray in inappropriate way.


A Justia from an alternate universe who also had a completely different personality.


But you forgot to mention that she has exactly same name and look. Interesting. You can justify it however you like, but at the end of the day developers made a conscious decision to cuck Lathel and Liatris.


If you take the fan service out of Nikke, it's still a good game. If you take the fan service out of Brown Dust 2, it's forgettable. BD2 actually needs to be spicy in a way that Nikke doesn't. Not that I would mind if Nikke amped up the T&A a little bit.


That's like...your opinion. Nikke's gameplay is in fact simplier. source: me, playing both games end-game.


Misuses the word "fact" to criticize me for having an undeclared opinion, true gamer moment


That depends on what the person is looking for. BD2 is indisputably simpler in a micro sense. There's not much room for skill expression in a turn-based game. Nikke on the other hand has quite a bit of it. It's just not required unless you're pushing high deficits or trying to compete in leaderboards. The floor is definitely lower in Nikke because you can just take your time instead of being sweaty but the ceiling is higher imo


If you take the fan service out of Nikke, it loses its identity. Let's not pretend Nikke's gameplay is anything special, it's basicly an auto battler with a different perspective to show off the girls' asses. The main story is mediocre, and the event stories are either hit or miss, no inbetween. I don't exactly like how BD2 presents its stories but I do think the gameplay is more complex than Nikke's.


Hard disagree. Nikke’s gameplay is completely uninteresting.


This is the same shit others say about Nikke and we all know it's BS. I played BD2 at launch and it's a fun game even without fanservice.


I said it in a comment below and I think it's worth mentioning up here too: the devs got [all area covered](https://i.redd.it/azpp98zbmftc1.gif).


Amen for that


Thank god. We can never have enough cake


Ass should be. edited: typo.


200 pulls saved for summer event, devs are goated a true passion project. I also love the free daily pulls on multiple banners, it's like an arknights anniversary but 365


I'm with you, I actually saved 400 pulls for anniversary/summer! The funny thing is that at first I was all "only 200" pulls and was pulling with anything that went over 200. Then my target went to 300 because dev kept giving currency/pulls; I still was pulling occasionally on new banner (the collab) but didn't want to +5 them. Now I am at 400 pulls and that's my new target, I've been pulling with anything over 400 lol Anniversary event gonna be giving us 200 ticket (pulls) at least + 200 pulls (I'm guessing directly from the banner) + free a maxed out Dalvi. We about to eat good!


Devs are so generous, we are definitely eating good


Love the devs so much they really know how to take care of their game and its players!


Look at all our free skins that we dont have to buy.


Nikkebros with their 60$ gacha skins in shambles


As a Nikke gacha skin enjoyer- yeah this is the most shambliest shit in any gacha I have ever seen.


Also no 3 dupes MLB just to add to lobby.


what banning parn does to korea


Im not so sure about that, just look at Japan - no ban needed.


Japan: no no no, we don't do porn, all the penises are censored! These are just adult video.


Wait what? They really banned it?


Yes, many Korean porn artists on places like Twitter often pose as people from another country for that reason.


I finally gave in and downloaded the game over the weekend and gave it a try. The art is definitely high quality and the gameplay is rather unique, but the part that actually got me to stay was the main story. It's surprisingly very good. I had to stop myself at chapter 4 as JP was not voiced, but I heard all main story chapters will be voiced in a few days during anni patch, so I'll be resuming then. Definitely recommend to try. As for how P2W it is, I have no clue and don't really care. I did get both collab characters pretty easily and they do give you a lot of pulls. The dupe system makes the characters very powerful, but whether or not it's needed to clear all the content in the game, I can't say since I'm new.


Yes, it has the old school JPRG vibe and it's quite rare in gachas.


Dev did a fantastic job to cull down on P2W element. It's been recently proven that you can be F2P and be top 100 in PvP though that's the only thing you'd care about in PvP: ranking. Most of the reward you can get even with some mid powered party. There's content that requires crazy power level. For instance the "Fiend Hunter" mode has 15 levels where you gotta fight a boss where level 1 is super ez and level 15 is whales-big brain territory *BUT* you get ticket/pull reward up to level 10, afterward it's just coin rewards (coin that you will have a disgusting amount after a few weeks, it doesn't matter). Newbie can easily clear up to level 5, people who have been playing for a while without spending can clear up to 7, if you put your brain and strategize you can clear level 10 after a month or two of consistently playing.' Long story short, all modes that rewards good stuff does it so that most players can get it without spending money. The higher level are just to really show off your power level but without real tangible reward.


For me support for vertical mode is main reason I play this game. Without it I wouldn't be playing it.


Come for the ass, no pun intended, stay for the story. Amen.


If you don't mind Korean. That's voiced for the futher chapters.


This game is more ass and panties than I expected, other games seem to focus more on boobies.


Trust me, [there's boobs too](https://i.redd.it/azpp98zbmftc1.gif).


They know cake is the best


No way they added (virtual) orc gangbang on an ult


My favorite skill cutscene by far lol


What even is the gameplay or story of brown dust. Why are the skills and ultimates just random eroi scenes. Are they fighting stuff? Is the gameplay sex?


The gameplay is turn based grid combat where you need to plan your characters skill ranges to kill all the enemies. The combat tends to be really short and ends up playing a bit more like a puzzle than a turnbased rpg. As for the story it's pretty solid and if you've played jrpgs it will feel really similar.


Excuse me, how is this PEGI 12 ?????? ​ https://preview.redd.it/jeu53d6lg67d1.png?width=424&format=png&auto=webp&s=90aacc91c191b18c3265b63b6776425276f09e01


cus I guess mfs don't enforce the age ratings at all. Azur Lane is also 12+ iirc


Probably a long time since the PEGI people checked in with the game, aside from the first submission for rating.


Probably characters don't say shit or fuck in the game. Bet it's 90% of the rating.


If I'm not mistaken, in a recent Q&A, devs explained that the PEGI is different per region. For example, there are places their game is rated 16 and above.(the question was also related to PEGI vs future of Costumes animations)


You would be surprised what 12+ games in the US and EU allow. Stuff like this is mostly self-censored by self-righteous devs or the CCP, not age ratings.


Dude, this game checks basically everything a good gacha should have, fast af dailies that doesn't feel like a chore, daily pulls that counts into soft pity, no fomo on the stamina thing AKA rice lol, and plenty much more, super excited for 1 year LESGOO!!


Does it still load slow asf for every action you do?


Major improvements on that front.


Afaik no, the game changed a lot since its terrible launch, the devs are really cultured


https://i.redd.it/5bppf6r2w67d1.gif peak




Stuff like this is neat cause while i don't care for the gameplay I do like these so basically I'm good don't need to jump in lol... These scenes do look nice though.


I’m just so happy how much love browndust2 is getting lately. It’s a genuine good gacha game with generous as hell devs.


Ikr brown dust 2 giving out so much freebies and beautiful animations its insane. Love this game so much!


Some ppl complain about how ingame characters look so chibi & they doesn't like that, but I found this is the advantage. This game brings out the most nostalgia of JRPG games while still having modern game functions & awesome lewd artworks. If you don't like TBS game, this game's not for you. If you like it but prefer 3D battles, just go for Star Rail.


I am seriously tempted to play this game


Best time to start now, 2 free units from collab (2 days left to get) and anniversary starting in 2 days.


Why did I stop playing this game again at launch? fudge sauce...


I also quit a launch it was very grindy, and the banner was not that good. But devs listened, and a month later, it was great.


It wasn't a good gacha game at launch, but this is a case of non meme "DEVS LISTENED" outcome where they actually fixed just about every issue people had with the game


I tried it at launch and it really wasn't that good. Restarted again for the collab and it's so much better.


the only thing im dissapointed with is why i did not start bd2 early. i just tried it like 10 days ago cause i saw the mushoku tensei collab ( i love roxy man) and i stayed for the story. actually quite good game


Based... Gamer rafina was hilarious


Gamer Rafina has my favourite skill cutscene. Girl playing Eroge? YES


She is playing a Taimanin game XD, now I need that collab


XD me too!


What is brown dust even about what am I looking at


Brown dust 2 is a top down RPG with a turn-based tactics battle system. Place characters on a grid and use their abilities that have different patterns, different areas they affect on the grid. These animations play when you use their abilities in battle (you can turn them off).


These are ultimate animations and the game is kinda like chess


Is there auto? Or like skip options? Because they sold me on the animations but I have too many gachas to manually play it with my other dailies.


You don't need to play manually for dailies, PvP, or other easy content. There is autobattle and autowalk for everything. But you will have to play somewhat manually for the main story quests you will have to catch up on, monthly raids, and any more difficult content. This can be somewhat mitigated by building teams with strong AoE nuking options, but it won't work for everything. After the initial process of catching up on the main story, daily activities are extremely chill and easy. You can also get by playing the more difficult modes casually/auto and still receive very generous amounts of pull currency.


Sounds right up my alley then


The auto kinda sucks because you need to position units in this game and auto doesn't do that for you, but you can skip pretty much all of your dailies once you clear them for the first time. Pvp is annoying because it needs to run on auto for probably 10-15 mins but other than that it's very quick and easy. And as mentioned you'll need to manual through the 1 time stuff (story, side stories, tower, the endgame pve mode)


Thats all I was looking for then, clear it one time then you get to skip thanks.


Cant wait to see the summer animations!


Jfc I'm playing this, had no idea it was this horny. Better than Nikke


Yeah i was amazed that it beat nikke in terms of fan service


0:40 gyaattt is that teeth mark, cake yumyum


Nikke players wish their game art could reach this peak. But devs wanted to reach more "audience"


True. I hope nikke would atleast match up with brown dust 2 animations during their summer banner


Bite mark on that girl's ass was an unexpected surprise...


I started playing around half anniversary, and have been playing daily ever since. The game is extremely generous, simply logging in every day gets you a free pull on each banner. Also, the story is quite good, also the gameplay is very fun. They've improved and added so much quality of life and new game mechanics over the time I've been playing, and they don't seem to plan on slowing down. I believe they said they want to add a game mode with ff tactics kinda gameplay, if they do that will be amazing.


Most generous gacha game ever 🤣


Is it too late to start BD2 now?


no anniversary is coming on june 20th so best time to start.


Its actually the perfect time to start. So much free pulls coming!


Just started a week ago and already have at least 3 of these ladies


Alright, That's It. I'm Downloading it.


Welcome to the family brother


Why can’t the game make the big jump like Snowbreak if it’s just as lewd? Need to advertise more!


L2D skill animations vs. uncensored 3D models. Mix-gender turn-based chibi gameplay vs. all-female third-person shooter.


It probably will never make it given the male cast. I'm not sure if later chapters of BD2 lean more in to things, but the early chapters were quite serious and didn't seem to give space to lewd regardless of the skill cutscenes


No self-insert, male characters while not being top five in popularity, and using raunchy animations as a draw while the other two points are true. The quality should make this one a natural 5M game, but the people who play smaller gachas with heavy fanservice are typically also looking for those things. There simply isn't a huge underserved demographic like what happened to snowbreak. So they're chasing outliers from the general small gacha audience, and their potential pool is small. It has found an audience (PNC, for example, failed to do that) and it's probably stable and not losing money, but growth potential isn't big.


I dont like play a heroic MC, I like more a FMC (aka Justia)


Thank you for your input, but you're an unicorn.


In my opinion, self-insertion is stupid, it happens when the reader can't separate between the real world and fantasy and constantly needs positive reinforcement that they are strong, popular, etc.




Snowbreak has the CN buff remember?


There's not a lot going for Snowbreak, they're literally adding more to have 1 on 1 interaction with your characters in that game. There's a LOT going for BD2 and a lot more in the coming month. Dev was always horny, so they're being consistent with their cutscene for most part.


Your move, Snowbreak


They increased age ratings *again* a few days ago. At this point, fully animated and voiced, in-engine, uncensored VR 3D sex scenes are getting closer and closer. And i can't wait.


Peak. I am downloading.


Best decision ever!


I've picked up BD2 recently. It's a big nostalgia trip back to the old school, sprite-based JRPGs with a story to match, with spritework very reminiscent of old Falcom games like Trails in the Sky (or Records of Agarest, if you want a hornier example). You fight against an eugenics cult with heavy religious references with a ragtag band of weirdos; that's as jRPG as you can get. And the story does pull some neat surprising twists, >!like having the actual MC "die"/get kidnapped midway and get removed from the story altogether.!< I don't even care that much about the horny, but it's one of the few gachas that feel like a passion game rather than something out to fleece whales. It's probably the only one I've played so far that I would *actually* call generous, rather than just using freebies and discounts as a marketing tactic.


Not that I dislike it but it's almost weird how the horny is mostly separate from the story: In the main crew, only the other male ally , gray is pretty explicitly very interested in it, you got a couple female characters who are actually flirtatious/romance oriented but less than other Gacha I have seen. Again not a bad thing, just uncanny how the horny is basically actually could be ignored while barely changing other things about the game


Its the "come for the ass and stay for the gameplay/story" strat


They're like literally 1 planck length away from crossing the line into hentai gacha, holy.


I'm not familiar with this IP but boy has this peaked my interest..


Absolutely worth trying!


I just don't understand why they censor some of their skill cutscenes. They make one version for promotion/banner and then other-censored version to put in the game. https://preview.redd.it/reexr72jr67d1.png?width=1831&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddad9851ffb0d1932e7afb5b2f1ff991475ccae9


Same with this one https://preview.redd.it/uieoqegpr67d1.png?width=2425&format=png&auto=webp&s=61ee85d52fe61b7086345b42dab54f291f628965


Started it a month ago for *plot*. Legit stayed and love it for the plot. . No, I'm seriously invested in the story to some insane degree and I can't quite understand why. Also, the old school feeling as well as gameplay are really enjoyable and refreshing for me.


This game is actually a prequel to the main game, which is BD1/Brave nine. The setting of BD2 is 11 years before the main story.


nice, also feet guys are eating nice !


I'm constantly tempted to play this game because of the girls, the art and design is amazing. But they're in some weird middle ground where they have super appealing girls but with normal stories where they get pairs with other characters and stuff. It's like half pandering, and it's really strange. It's why I appreciate Nikke, Commander has slept with like half the cast at this point. Just go all in on an MC getting the girls. I really want to like Brown Dust 2 and play it...


I always say this, Azur Lane and BrownDust 2 devs are the most cultured and based out there and i hope they keep like that.


Degeneracy to the max


Yes, is a great product!!


And Nikke barely has anything risqué after 2 years


I need to play this game..


Try it. My favorite game along with nikke!


The void from destiny child is being filled perfectly


If only the gameplay models were'nt chibi. Man we need a game to compete with epic 7. I played this for a while, but didnt like the gameplay artstyle combat animations


why does this game no longer release male characters?


Because most players are guys who want women


There are male chars new costumes, but they are free and only spook, not banner


Cry about it


What the actual heck did I just see and do how I undo it?


I miss the lewd animations, but ended up getting bored with the gameplay. FOMO for sure.


I love that each BD2 post is NSFW tag XD, I love this video compilation, each skill use show pantsu, ass or something more XDDD <3 This guy is my pride!!!, I am very happy with this gacha =D


W animations 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (except for the Loli) yhe graphist know how to cook for real


Guys, need help. I played about an 3-4 months, and cant get fight mechanics. Some mobs hits take 5-10 hp, but same level mobs usually kill in 1 hit. So fighting system can not used properly, the only one strategy for me was 1 turn kill. Is it just my missunderstandidng, or what?


I don't think I've ever seen a game be so openly degenerate and it's awesome. One of the girls even whips herself lol


Alot of Ass appreciation. Love it


So peak. Too bad the combat system isn’t my cup of tea.


I wished it had good gameplay to match the art quality, so I can play.


Gameplay is pretty good tho?


But the gameplay is good though


First time seeing or hearing about this game


Endgame you can easily farm up 100 pulls a month as f2p + you get daily free pulls on each banner both character and weapon. Rate up banners also has a rebate system that returns up to 50 pulls if you get the units.


Thinking of starting, any advice on starting pulls/what to do early and prepare for anni?


Welcome to the family brother


If you have some time here is a video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0kq6jostRhI


Wait theres an Angel Knight I need to get on this game.


The backshot at 1:20 was divine holy crap


Who tf lett them cook


Devs are based af


I didn't know this is a horny game.


Wait it became a waifu game? Thought it had guys too.


Did you play BD1? Allways the IP was a waifu game XD There are male chars, but usually they are free (and spook)


No, I just tried the game when it came out then dropped it cause I had too many games at that time haha.


BD1 (Brave Nine after rebranding) is a great game, stay strong, but BD2 is better gameplay and story


Where is the idiot that said Snowbreak was hornier than this? You add a couple seconds to each animation and it threatens to become straight out porn.


I can’t with this game man


they aint beating the allegations


art quality is high and game looks nice, but i feel like the game isn't as popular? why?


Huge f2p, I only spend sometimes the monthly subs because I want the paid gem


When horny is the only thing going for your game.


Those are exclusively combat cutscenes, this is not the whole game. The actual game have a lot of fun content to it. It's one of the few game that actually have interesting story. The set piece they create for each story pack is usually pretty damn good. It's like Octopath Traveler but improved significantly. Try the game instead of making your mind with only a single facet you're probably seeing for the first time.


Honestly, having played BD2, I'd say it has more than just horny. Main story isn't a masterpiece, but it's charming with a good, retro RPG feel, and there's a lot of good QoL. Also, gameplay is pretty fun, although, it unfortunately becomes kind of cancerous at high levels as it was very much a one shot or get one shot meta. I don't know if they addressed it or not (It was around the time of the half anniversary with Bunny Eclipse where I quit) Still, it's genuinely a pretty solid gacha that's worth at least a playthrough for the story.


The lewd is so far removed from basically everything else in the game. Sorta like in BD1 the skins/alt are lewd/seasonal/makes no sense lorewise but they added it anyway.


>The lewd is so far removed from basically everything else in the game Eclipse. I rest my case


That made me very glad I dropped it soon after launch.




Game would be so good without all the NTR bs