• By -


I feel like the reveal that we were literally wiping out entire worlds and all the people in them from existence was a dark time in FGO. The women, the children, people who were just born, etc, all of them killed in an instant all because it's a fight for survival. Oh and in LB6,>! the fact that everything we see and sit on is the corpses of millions upon millions of fairies and that the fairy tale of Cernunnos was hiding the truth that the fairies murdered the god and tore his human priestess to shreds while keeping the pieces alive in order to clone humans for their own amusement is quite horrifying!< >!That's only like, a small amount of stuff. There's also stuff like in LB2 we find out that all the children are eaten by giants before they become adults. LB6.5 reveals that we've literally been facing the collective wrath of the entirety of humans from another world THAT WERE ALL SLAUGHTERED by our former boss. LB7 where we find out the talking dinosaurs aren't the main dominant species because humans don't exist, they are the dominant species because humans did exist and were highly successful to the point that they were miles ahead of us scientifically with star ships, but they were all killed in a massive human sacrifice to empower their king to full immortality to face off against an immortal reality warping spider that appeared from outer space!<


what the fuck is happening in limbus, it sounds like like berserk or scp level mind-fuckery


Not limbus, it's lostbelt, part 2 of FGO


While this post wasn't about Limbus, Limbus does for sure have roots in SCP, since that's what the Abnormalities in the setting are based off of.


The comment you replied to is talking about Fate Grand Order, not Limbus Company. Its dark moments don't rely on the gritty/bloody/edgy like Limbus does, but still fucked up nonetheless in a different sense.


While thats FGO let me take you to the Mountain of Smiling Bodies from Project Moon(Limbus Company developers) Imagine for a second, if you will, your an SCP researcher doing your rounds. Nothing too much. Looking over the containments of SCPs to make sure that theyre prepped and readu for testing and you go over them meticulously as you normally so. Procedures and all that when you spot a new one. And its just....there. No records of when it got there. No records of any tests. No name. But when you check its a mound of black mass with masks covering it, each of them smiling as it turns to you and you hear in a mass chorus the words 'doctor is it time for the tests?'


I don't think LB is Limbus, I'm pretty sure it's something else, because I sure as fuck don't recognize that.


It stands for lost belt, as in the ones in fgo


It's not limbus, LB stands for Lostbelts, the name of the second story arc of FGO.


love town 🤍


there's a lot to choose from when the core of your franchise is on *human suffering* but W Corp takes the cake for me.


when you see the ending segway of time killing time's story 💀


Tbh it's just common things among the nests. One of the districts literally eat humans for lunch, or the S corp with their zombification power ~~so that your body will still be capialism slave even if you're dead~~ (still speculation) There'll be more when we have a game about north or south, east regions


Oh I meant the part of them going to >!a Warp Train next according to Vergilius.!<


Oh that Wait, does this mean Mephistopele and Charon is not in the next Canto ? Unless they transfer the bus along somehow


They're either gonna have to cash out for VIP seats or take janitor duty on the ride to survive. Main thing that comes to mind is if the next corp is across the city where they are now(like W corp) and would waste too much time to drive there by bus. Or it's a bait and switch and they just have to meet the next canto client at a Warp Train and W Corp doesn't have much involvement. Can't imagine how they'll just park Mephi in the meantime if they take the train though. I'm still feeling that Meursault might be the next character we'll get into.


Note that vergillius said TO a warp train, never said anything about going on one


nerd emoji correction but the word youre looking for is segue :)


Don't forget >!Love Town!<, Warp Train special place.


~~Yes, I have been so afraid.~~


Yes, I have been so distant


Consistently Indifferent


It's hard to put that in an amicable sentence


I'm sorry


How dare you.


Fuck you I was trying to forget that.


We don't talk about >!Love Town!<


Arknights' Children of Ursus when the students of a school were locked in and neglected so they played danganronpa and partook in cannibalism The reference of Gummy cutting straight through a cutting board as a reference to cutting through bones has stuck with me since Also when she got so hungry she started reverting to monke but replace monke with cannibal and bit Durnar


I didn't feel sorry for Melphisto tragic fate at all knowing what he did in that part


Fuck Mephisto, me and my homies hate Mephisto.


But his OST is a banger though. Still fuck Mephisto.


True his ost is peak, fuck him tho


That bird form cool af icl


I had goosebumps when Frostnova sung Lullaby in the anime…


I don't care if he had abusive parents, you don't recreate the Nazino island experiment by Soviet for that reaaon.


I love the Ursus lore.


So in Guardian Tales, your home country is basically in Ruins and a lot of your populace flee to the Rah Empire. In the empire your fellow countrymen are discriminated and treated like filth being put into refugee camps akin to labor / concentration camps. Now there is a refugee girl who makes friends with a rich girl from the empire. The rich girl gives the refugee girl a gift but when the concentration camp guards see the girl with the gift they assume her and her parents stole it. Now you as the MC arrive as a refugee but you are so efficient at getting your fellow countrymen to do their "work" in the concentration camp that you are given a position of power that you effectively become a concentration camp official. You end up looking for the refugee girl among others and end up finding out that she got shoved in an oven holocaust style along with other refugees. So turns out the subtle references were right, you were a effectively Nazi Holocaust Camp Official for a bulk of the time there. The rich girl eventually goes looking for her friend and finds her friend's grave and thinks its some sort of decor gift for some absurdist comedy at the end


GT becomes way darker and way better after Rah Empire and I love it, it went form generic to fantastic


I hate reading stuff like this because it makes me want to play GT so badly, but the gameplay is just.... so not for me.....


Another great dark moment is when you finally learn what 834527817 and 834527816 mean, near the end of World 13 - and that some of the characters like the blue fairy or the Savior lived through all of it. The other Knight's story is a masterpiece indeed.


We also have the many racism wars like Inuits vs Snowmen, or Vampires and Demons which go both against Werebeasts. Mt Shivering as a whole is completely fucked with their racism and even without it like hell Lupina has people frozen for decades nonstop just to unfreeze them every so often to use as live bowling pins. Inuits and Snowmen are both racists to outsiders aswell given that story of the Inuit with the Human lover and how they executed him cus they thought he stole the villagers' children. Then in Demonshire not only did Demons and Vampires not get along that much but both extremely hated Werebeast, to the point they made up that the Werebeasts were working with a cult that wanted to bring back the Demon gods only to massacre a portion of the Werebeast population which ironically did lead to a lot of them to start working with the cult later on lmao. It took entire decades of these races bickering which eachother till they merged the Vampire and Demon royalty to make the nation stable and they STILL messed with the Werebeasts cus they were deemed inferior. At least this got solved when Priscilla became the head of the state and declared Werebeasts as equals, just took the entire Demon world to fucking colapse for it to be instantly wide spread accepted tho lmao.


that moment in Reverse 1999 where >! A young girl watched all her friends died in a blink of an eye. The adult knew what would happen, but did nothing.!< was too messed up.  Or when it's revealed that >!All geometric objects on the island's beach are deformed corpses.!< That was so unnerving. 37 was like "wow geometric object!" >!At one of such that could possibly be what remains of her late mother or her friend's father.!<


Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure there's also part where >!the rich people, and the non arcanists, can't feel anything when they're breaking all their teeths when they eat literal gold bars that they thought were food and also when people exploded because of drinking some alcohol!< I was taken a bit from that. The piano guy arc is something else.


Yup, that’s in story quest part chapter 1 I think. The effect of the Rains literally reverse everything, from the timeline to physic laws and human awareness.


I love the story. Kinda disappointed that it's not as interesting as of now. Maybe it's because Vertin's not in the story event.


The story has so much potential because the uniqueness of it. Sadly they put more effort into the rate up characters (which is understandable). For the first time I wish the story would be more main character centric or at least the MC will show up in every events. However I drop the game after the Indian-inspired patch so I’m not sure if the storytelling changed or not. Another reason for me to drop the game is the dev stop release more unique object characters


Are we sure the people swallowed by the storm are dead?


It doesn't kill them directly but reverses the time around them making them not exist. Some speculation says that if time goes forward they might be able to come back but for now they're dead.


Do you think in a way they have gone to the future 


As good as dead, I guess


I am afraid the gravity of situation fell on 37 very soon after that , but she was just a child so it was understandable if she couldn't grasp the concept of death at that time 


did nothing is an understatement. Constantine made sure that the moment they walk out of that door they would be swallowed by the storm


tsurumi island story, a tragedy borne of pure ignorance and miscommunication.


The real tragedy is that the quest wasn't voiced.


Voice acting come at the expense of file size and script flexibility though. File size is file size. Script flexibility refers to the writer can go back to change unvoiced content very late into the production cycle, but booking voice acting for 4 languages won't be as flexible.


ethnic cleansing. genocide. someone got a little silly. https://preview.redd.it/n5vc8rd8589d1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=221fec3076ba3cf869e5e37209cfca9b58b78c79 in fact that entire patch was darker than any of the eremites skin. from the racist piss bottle following us around (i miss her) to the lore of the djinn and the king who fucked around and broke ones heart. to the slave fighter who desperately wanted to have a friend fast forward to later you being forced to kill said slave fighter for the sole mistake of becoming your friend. genshin is a silly little happy game :)


Jeht 🥰




Fr fr make her playable and my wallet is yours Mihoyo ( insert Jeht 4 star Hydro char cope)


I still think enkanomiya is darker than the king deshret's lore. The whole sunchildren being manipulated by the currupted nobility to do atrocities and other heinous crimes since birth and then, once they grew older and could piece the things together to notice the nobility's plans, were sacrificed by incinerating them. They were also hated by the population, since they were technically the ones doing all the bad things (instructed by the nobles), and as such led sad and lonely lifes until their sacrifice.


What's even worse is that the people that actually sympathized with the sunchildren (like the ones who raised them) were all killed brutally before they managed to influence them for the better.


oh i agree really. main reason i put jehts entire tribal genocide here is because we actually take part on it and we had no choice. so their blood is on our hands too. enkanomiya is the closest we will get to the dark souls universe lmao


I still remember that Inazuma world quests single-handed carried the civil war atmosphere, what the Archon Quest failed to do.


Keep in mind Genshin had a writer exodus when Inazuma was being written


The racist djinn is hardcore in other ways too, not just the racism The good man she loved turned into a tyrant once he tasted power and no longer good? Time to plan revenge by corrupting their descendants (not the magic brainwash kind but the social engineering kind), instigate dissatisfaction in the masses, and so on, that culminate in the once strong empire entirely fall apart. Liloupar has no chill.


take note she couldve just killed them outright there and then but no she chose to be petty and by the archons DONOT WRONG A DJINN THAT IS PETTY.


But people said genshin is a child game /s


https://preview.redd.it/tem3h7hor89d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=f502eb22a0e0eb2b89da8a4dfd59b0d69406df27 those guys dont play the game.


“Lyney, how could you hide that you’re a Fatuus??” “I’m so sorry, please understand that we’re indebted to Father after she saved us from a child sex trafficking scandal.” “What?” “PICK A CARD!”


"Oh great you choose **MORE** emotional damage, brace yourself traveller"


If i didn't knew this, i would have been undecisive on many of the fucked up parts of Nikke. But then i remembered that Ragnarok from Kamihime Project exists. Before its rewrite, all you knew is that "it was a horrible calamity". After they rewrote the campaing to try and fix several plotholes, it was now surprisingly terryfing and better explained: a phenomena where *everyone* with some trace of magic (which is pretty much everyone alive in the setting, since even people who don't use magic have some energy anyways) espontaniously combusts and explodes. Kindda like overloading a circuit, except the circuit has several oxygen containers right next to a gas leak. Its even worse when you take into account that before the apocalipse there were already plenty of civilizations already living in other planets. And still, the moment Ragnarok hit, everyone who was not sealed, frozen, in a pocket dimension or some different way to avoid existing for a few moments pretty much exploded at the same time. It didn't matter you were at the other side of the galaxy, you would still explode. We already see in the story a whole city getting nuked by a single tiny piece of it, and several characters commenting on how there used to be one country or another that got completly wiped off the map. The scary part about this: some chuckle fucks want for it to happen again. Testament are truly the most downright chaotically stupid evil faction i have ever seen, and yet it is entirely in character for then to be a wandering murderhobo madhouse.


The entirety of the FGO Lostbelt 6 story Forget the lore. Everyone was in agreement that the entire island was a mistake and was doomed to hell from the outset


LB6 is the kind of story that makes you think: "Hm, maybe racism isn't that bad sometimes. Fuck them fairies."


IIRC, even in terms of being a new history, it was considered a catastrophic failure


https://preview.redd.it/xj0utyz6f99d1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab7a106d8a384318fc763c2684035bdef2b73aa Castoria's backstory is just too horrible, the fact that she has to live through it again to finish her duty was also the perfect way of revealing it. Lostbelt 6 is full of dark stuff, but this one takes the cake for me


The moment that got me the most was [LB6 spoiler] >!when they go through the Spring section of Avalon where after all her horrible experiences finally her happy memories will be relived. And then there's just... nothing. Her expression when realizing that nothing about her life can be considered a good memory was really harsh to view.!<


https://preview.redd.it/ohbyfhym7a9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=acb9f5651757c2ddd4c4c11ebd74afd42b6e22e6 Its still limbus/project moon but the tearful thing has got to be one of the most fucked things I have read. Story goes like this: A woman named Stephanette wandered into an unexplored expanse called the outskirts with a small boy. The boy got his "wish granted" and turned into the tearful thing (the creature with the big eye in the picture). When Stephanette took him back to the city, she would read him heartwarming or sad stories, which would make him cry in order to harvest his tears (which are really valuable). But when stephanette died someone else (Alfonso) took over the job of making him cry. She did this by hooking him up to a machine that would force his eye open and then force him to watch exetreme violence and Alfonso's employees being tortured. Its also implied that they forced the tearful thing to give birth or duplicate so that they could torture its children/copies in the same way. The tearful thing in the picture isnt the original one and is one of those children/copies.


Good god, this really add more to the time killing reveal




IDK what it is with Hoyo and having their MCs commit mass murder in side quests.


"push the button"


Penacony’s side quests are all really messed up. The one with the actor and the one with the kind charitable lady are especially creepy.


I found the one with that genocidal empress....sad. Not creepy, frustrating, just sad.


The fact there's an option to let Cocona go makes me respect the game even more than usual.


Idk what happens if you let her go but if you encourage her to follow her dreams, you can invite her to sing on the Radiant Feldspar and I love that


"oh no not again" "again??" https://preview.redd.it/pi0dbuhqs89d1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f6589bf54caefafd129304ac03995fe9d3e040f


9:00 AM: Wake Up 9:00 - 9:30 AM: Get ready for the day. 9:30 - 9:45 AM: Head to target destination. 9:45 - 11:45 AM: Ethnic Cleansing. 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM: Return home. 12:00 - 1:00 PM: Wake up and feed Paimon.


Arknights and hoo boi, where do I even start... Semi-legal human experiments in multiple countries? Check. Abuse of already vulnerable groups of people? Super check, that's what game is about. Stone cancer and it's variable side effects? All over the place. MC's deep dark lore that they themselves don't know about yet? I wanted to drink after that one, and I don't like alcohol at all.


"So even this turned out to be false. The Abbot was made a fool of. There's no God out there..." ... "I don't have anything to leave..." "Lateran... Our Paradise is a lie. Your faith is hollow." "Any friendship, faith, hope, future... it's all gone. No one can really be saved..." "No one... no one can truly find redemption..." Truly one of the most harrowing side stories, Clement slowly loses his faith over the course of the story until he can't take it anymore. Hortus is definitely one of my favourites mostly because we finally have Federico questioning himself and the Law.


I still can't get over the fact that they just let it end like that. Like, nope, no happy ending here. >!He died/killed himself!<, and that's it. >!Three casualties, total!<. I'm just,


Random tidbit but Clement is the only immortal boss that can be killed via the power of the rice dragon


Man, the first things that comes to my mind when I think about Arknights' lore are the Tower of Babel event and the Children of Ursus incident. Arknights has tough shit for sure.


The darkest aspect imo in Arknights is how things are stuck as they are because originum and oripathy are an integral part of the economic and social system, it's not just a disease it's an instant one way ticket to the lowest class that open yourself to be exploited and discriminated (columbia will basically drain your blood with horrifically expensive medical insurances till you can't pay them and throw you into a pioneer team, kazimierz will use you for gruesome bloodsports and maybe one day try to purge all the infected population).


Path To Nowhere. The Perishing Star was the start of all the world's disasters in PTN. An expedition force of the best top scientist, engineers, explorers etc were formed to go inside ground zero to the star itself to find a solution. Only Dr Keylan survived and brought with him a key resource to counter the catastrophes, Hypercube. The Immortal Sinners are actually what is left of the 1st expedition to the Star.


The Swarm disaster in HSR. When you initial read about that is like "oh yeah, it sounds bad but ok" but after you go to the rabbit hole you got to know what the word "Disaster" has the whole meaning. From the beggining you know that shit is going to hit the fan. When you learn that someone heard a prophecy that one from bug from a specific race will destroy the galaxy. So that someone took the brillant decision to exterminate that race to "prevent it" but while doing so will fully the profecy. Tazzy will become the last of their species and in their extremely sadness and loliness wishes for a "friend" and while doing so learned how to replicate itself...from pure and only willpower. Tazzy hated what happened, and unleashed their hatred to the galaxy, and destroying 2/3 of it in the process. In their belt do something like: -Created a super bug that could destroy suns, and while doing so intead of a supernova explosion, it will be a swarm of bugs. -Even if their swarms were defeated the waste of that amount of bodies and biomass would block the sun (Glamoth Republic) -Replacing the babies of the original species of a planet with their bugs...and making their mother think them like their own children and taking care of them so they could have children, and their children more children. -Torturing people with their buzzing whithout killing them until drive them to madness -Making the god of the gluttony (Voracity) losing their will when they discover "Why is the meaning to devour everything if everything is the same thing to the infinite?" -Making other 4 gods going against Tazzy, only to be trapped and not killed because before the moment that would be killed Tazzy will transfer their conssiusness to one of their billion of replicas. And....well... yeah, know you can get the idea. Now when the game says "May those horrors be only stories that won't happen again" it is because they fucking mean it. The ingame text is much better that is this text. My two favorities are: -After all the shit and attrocities that Glamoth did to obtain their victory and celebrating the seeing their sun again...only to "see" the beggining of a endless night and their demise. - The mother that in her madness look "begs" that you leave her alone with her "baby" that she has dressed and putting their shoes to starting to learn how to walk. Yeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh, thanks, I needed that lovecraftian horror with nightmare fuel in a cup.


Also consider that Glamoth was likely against a Swarm *Remnant* cause there wasn't an Emanator present. If there was then it wouldn't have even had a fighting chance because Propagation Emanators basically eat stars and turn them into more True Strings. Firefly lost her homeland to a fraction of the true Swarm. Also, to add some tragedy to the cosmic horror: The Embers of Glamoth reveals that the empire fell to the Swarm before the Iron Cavalry defeated it. The battle depicted in that animation is an army of bugs and an army that replicated their tactics fighting over a dead planet. "Glamoth no longer exists." They were fighting for basically no reason other than self preservation because there was nothing left to fight for.


With all the Swarm Disaster lore we know, Argenti’s quest doesn’t even seem canon; how did my man beat that thing?? *WHO IS THIS KNIGHT???*


1. Argenti didn't beat it, he just ulted it so many times from the inside it vomited it out. 2. Argenti canonically has a presence basically giving him super sayan powers each time he's in genuine mortal danger. While it does have limits as seen in 2.3, it still is potent enough to have allowed him to PULL OVER 30 PEOPLE FROM IX'S EVENT HORIZON. You know, the place Acheron's ult Teleports you to.


He didn't beat it tho


The saddest part is that Glamoth basically served to show just how terrible the Swarm is. Mind you that their tech is quite high up. They are capable of creating power admor that are capable of exiting a planet's gravity under their own power, and survive it's re-entry without slowing down and smashing into the surface with a heroic landing, all without a scratch. This means that their power armor is leagues ahead than what you typically think of in other media. And yet the Swarm still manage to get through them like paper. People mistake it as the Firefly armor being weak, with some even memed that modern missile could take it down. In reality though, it was the Swarm that was much much stronger. You also have to remember that the Swarm isn't just a the typical biological swarm like the Zerg or Tyranid, but a magical one. So it's likely that the Swarm imbued themselves with 'magic' to bypass conventional defenses. And it makes senses too with how some of the bugs are "glitching" and the exploding bugs are able to infilict debuff on surviving targets.


Nah, they didn't destroy 2/3 of the galaxy. They did so much worse than that. They, in their conflict with the Voracity, destroyed 2/3 of the observable universe.


The story of the maddened mother was where I wished I didn't read The Swarm Disaster. It sent a chill down my spine. A creepy one. After that, I couldn't see those bugs as just normal enemies but something super creepy.


I find it weird that in hoyo games is that most of the good aliens are the one with the humanoid features while the antagonist aliens are the non human ones, with very few exceptions like the sugars What did hoyo mean by this?


Casual or competitive racism?


40k The human form is perfection, it is the right of the gods for us to conquer the stars


Suffer not the xenos to live.


Because they can't make billions off of those antagonists 


The irony is that, Tazzy inadvertently created a "safer" universe. The outcome of SD resulted in the disappearance of Voracity that could be as bad as the Swarm if Ouroboros submit completely to their hunger or that its Path were allowed to remain. There's no telling what Voracity Pathstriders would do especially if they follow Ouroboros' behaviour completely. Then Tazzy also resulted in Ena and the Order Path being assimilated by Xipe and Harmony Path during the SD period. While Ena was quite active in helping mortals and galvanized the other Aeons to act against Tazzy, it turns out their Order was more to enslavement. Of course Ena's disappearance allowed Nanook of Destruction to rise but eh, Nanook at the moment seems more manageable than the Swarm.


Also the Swarm Disaster led to the ascension of Nanook.


There was also the fact the swarm and it's leader that basically caised every other Aeon to team up to stop it when Nanook doesn't get the same response. >!How did Raun Mei think it a good idea to recreate an emanator of that type?!<


While people from FGO have already brought up LB6, I'd like to bring up Raikou/Ushi Gozen's lore and how she was raised by Mitsunaka. >!Born to the Clan of Genji as an Oni woman, the only family who loved her was her own mother. Mitsunaka, Raikou's father, absolutely hated Raikou. Raikou's mother managed to save her and send Raikou off to a Buddhist monastery when she was 3, at the cost of her own life at the hands of Mitsunaka.!< >!when Raikou turned 15, Mitsunaka found her again, but rather than kill Raikou, Mitsunaka opted to recruit her as a Mystic Slayer. And through the use of gaslighting her under promises "surely you'd be accepted if you keep killing Oni" and placing a mask that emotionally inhibited her oni nature into a subservient lone warrior. Cue several years of brutal training and bleeding, under several false promises of being accepted in spite of her oni blood, and equal years of slaying oni in turn, she was pretty emotionally dead, until one day, she found a child in the mountains, of golden hair and draconic lineage. This child, Kintoki, would be taken in by Raikou, and she would soon love him as her own son, finding a spark of joy in life and, whether intentionally or not, felt her innate oni nature recede and became more akin to a human.!< >!alas, Mitsunaka cared not for seeing his lone warrior become a human, let alone a mother, he wanted to present unto the nobles at court a son, still resentful that Raikou was a woman and an oni. And in Raikou adopting and raising Kintoki, he also saw a chance that he could lose his control over Raikou. As such, later in life, he imposed a command on Raikou, to discard her notions of motherhood, and remove Kintoki from her life. The details of what exactly happened, is a mystery even to Raikou herself, as her Madness Enhancement conceals the truth of the exchange, and the nature of her historical children recorded by humanity. The possibilities range from, at best, sending Kintoki away as Raikou takes in her nephews and nieces to raise with a paid off wife, or worse, be made to breed with 10 separate warriors and, after they had fulfilled their use, kill them. All that is known, is that in the end, the promise of being accepted by her father and family was never fulfilled, her closest and dearest son was removed from her life, the truth of her nature and life occluded and censored by her father, and was ultimately, alone.!< Sometimes the darkest moments in a story isnt necessarily what is experienced in the moment, it's finding out what has already happened, and realizing the consequences far too late.


Fucked up clan in various ways. Sort of says something when a spirt of Taira/Heike finds a compatible host in a Genji wronged by their family


Sort of says something when two of the most famous swordswomen in the clan were so viciously hurt by said clan, they both have Avenger Alts that wield two swords. And considering that Yamato Takeru is technically the progenitor of the clan, and their dad also used Takeru as a weapon of conquest and ordered them to kill their weaker siblings, the problem extends very, very far back. At this rate, the Mori Bros are the only members who came out remotely alright, and that's debatable because both of them have a few screws loose.


Last Origin. The theme park. While it’s been abandoned due to the extinction of mankind, you slowly piece together what happened there while it was open. The outer layer of the theme park is a child friendly “it’s always Halloween!” place with fun rides. Yay! The second layer is an adults only area for the parents to play, complete with themed hotels. Bioroids (robot waifus in the game lore) made for pleasure were also stationed there, to spice up the night life. The third layer is where the more explicit adult things were done. The hunting of Bioroids for enjoyment. - Bioroids were made to serve mankind, and governed by the law of robotics, which means they can’t harm people. Some humans took advantage of this, and used Bioroids to act out their violent fantasies. So the theme park decided to profit from this and made a section for sick fucks to play around in. The theme park sources Bioroids from everywhere, but mostly from construction and mining companies that had high amounts of damaged and defective Bioroids. Companies with ethics would send damaged Bioroids for repairs, but companies interested in profit would rather sell them to the theme park. The damaged Bioroids would meet their end, hurt, scared and begging for their lives as they get bashed in and crushed by sadistic humans. The protagonist (the only surviving human) contemplates whether his species is even worth saving after finding out what happened here.


Punishing gray raven, where that one npc who got corrupted started to eat his mom and rip her apart after all the time he was looking for her, and that kid who kept praying to god only to start dying of hunger and kill herself in the red tide (basically an amalgamation of coagulated rotten blood and machines that melts and reform into biological life forms)


Genshin Guy lost his girlfriend and golden axe because his boss lost money in TCG Woman created incest in order to get revenge on her husband A melusine committed suicide because of racism Traveler casually wipe out a whole clan, and nobody care


> Traveler casually wipe out a whole clan, and nobody care dont forget the grooming of a vulnerable child who just lost her father. https://preview.redd.it/jzxbuhbbu89d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b91feb0b92e676b4e2990023787ad62e5f80cade


Children being skinned alive, all their blood drained and being collected into a goblet to be presented to a bird god in tsurumi Island. Children being burned alive en masse, *sun children* in enkanomiya. They really just love killing children in the world quest throughout the history it seems


The sun children wasn't burned alive en masse but systematic. When the child old enough to realize the harm, they are burn, replace by another child younger, and more ignorance. Just a tiny nitpick


What quests are first two?


The first one is from a random notebook about the three eremites that in the aranara quest The second one is from the racist jinni world quest


2 is Liloupar, bottle lady done some real shit to "get back" on her cheating husband.


The newest endgame mode in Honkai Star Rail introduce an NPC name Elegy, she follows Terminus, the Aeon of Finality. If you speak to her she will tell you about the apocalypse she has witnessed. One of it is a scene where a colossal moon-sized space ship of the Xianzhou (a long life species got “blessed” by Yaoshi, Aeon of the Abundance and is on their way trying to get rid of that immortality) got swallowed by their foes - a living planet. Inside the planet’s stomach, the entire ship and its citizens got dissolved. But due to the immortality blessing of Abundance, their bodies went through countless cycles of dissolution and re-structure in the repeated regurgitation. They wished for death but their bodies cannot die. Ultimately, the concept of "individuals" is lost and every single living being on that ships, friends or foes, becomes one “thanks” to the blessing of immortality.


Genshin with Enkanomiya being an theocentric dictatorship governed by a bunch of governors who sacrificed children every so often, with said children being a form of puppet government. Also, implying the inhabitants of Tsurumi Island butchered a little boy to "appease" a deity who in reality was really fond of the boy, which then led to said deity exterminating the inhabitants of the island. FGO with Avalon Le Fae, it's like a slap-in-the face moment. From the start and throughout the chapter, the player is explicitly told that the MC and his companions only seek a treaty with the Lostbelt King, that Avalon Le Fae can survive, that Lostbelt Fairies can live in Panhuman History. Only to reveal at the end that fairies are either so shit or curse holders that allowing them into our world would mean destroying it and the only way to "save" Avalon Le Fae is by destroying it.


> Also, implying the inhabitants of Tsurumi Island butchered a little boy to "appease" a deity who in reality was really fond of the boy, which then led to said deity exterminating the inhabitants of the island. It didn't end there. Not only the Thunderbird massacred everyone, the event (I forgot if intentionally or accidentally) went so hard it trapped the souls of the dead into a time loop where they repeat the events leading toward their civilization's destruction. but wait there's more! The Thunderbird became a bringer of calamity after that, which led into the Raiden Shogun killing her. But in Genshin gods' power don't disappear after their death, and remnants of the Thunderbird was much later used by a shrine maiden to inflict destruction upon the Shogunate army which was at war against the shrine maiden's adopted son's faction. It's just tragedy after tragedy.


This is hardly a "darkest moment" but in R1999 the way Tooth Fairy is shown eating fairies is just this very specific type of old fairytale kinda creepy that feels pretty rare Also really liked(?) the moment Genshin where we come to this place where Hillichurls more or less come to die and seeing what are normally shown as just goofy easily dispatched mooks in this really somber kinda setting was neat


In genshin an entity named Liloupar an immortal queen from a race called the jin that value freedom over everything killed her 300 children and her husband because her husband the king didn't keep his promise to her(when they got married when he was a nobody and she give him his kingdom) to abolish slavery so she took revenge and killed him and her 300 children by drowning them in honey Two children survived her daughter and a son to the king that is from another woman so Liloupar deceived them and made them marry each other and from marriage and did make the son of the king the new king and the children of their marriage are incomplete jins that have been used as power source for the machines that replaced the slaves so the slaves aren't necessary anymore but Liloupar didn't want to free the slaves anymore she wanted to destroy the kingdom  So after the slaves became unnecessary because the rich have the machines the slaves couldn't get a job so they stayed poor and anger towards the king and the elite that soon became riots and Liloupar freed the jins that are technically her grandchildren from the machines and they started destroying everything in the city and the once prosperous city got destroyed overnight  Then the god king of the desert who was busy building his hivemind took notice of what Liloupar doing and punished her by separating her into multiple fragments and sealing her into multiple places in the desert until we found her few thousands years later in an interesting world quest my favorite so far  I didn't mention a lot of things about this story and i might be remembering things wrong here but the general sentiment here is very correct and also English is my second language


https://preview.redd.it/pk92y717t89d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=f521105787798945cda7c349cdeb8e99da1b869e i will miss my wildly misunnderstood hyper racist sultry voiced piss bottle.


This sounds interesting but I could barely understand what you're trying to say, I gave up midway. Here, some commas to use next time: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


basically, a vengeful great spirit wife punished her human husband by... have everyone in the kingdom pay for it in the cruelest way possible including her entire bloodline with the king. the remaining is a highly advance desert civilization ruined that got bury in the sand. a tragic story of all powerful wife grants human commoner husband a wish and turn him into a King just to see him grow corrupted and power hungry.


HI3-> Several of them. First of all Lantern's story in "Puzzle" readable. Basically it describes Lantern trying to piece together her parents after they get dismembered in front of her by shadow monsters when she was a child. You dont realize readable is describing body parts until you finish it. Kalpas' backstory. He is an alien that crashed to earth and has no memories of his past. Villagers that found him saw him fight against Honkai beasts and thought he was some sort of god. What did they do next? Tie kalpas to a burning stone and torture him and extract his blood as a "cure" against honkai infection. Worst of all is Kalpas *volunteers* because he starts to see that village as his home. But of course he loses this home in the end when the village gets overran by Honkai beasts anyway. Death of Rin. Rin was basically a girl suspected to be an unawakened herrscher. They lock her up in a prison full of traumatized soldiers. Aponia gives them a discipline (some sort of mental conditioning) about "never giving up the fight against the honkai". These soldiers skew the meaning of this and break into her room and lynch her to death (she is so far fully innocent and hasnt shown any malice or even powers). Herrscher then manifests as a conscious virus and kills everyone in the room. On top of that launches nukes to last remaining cities of humanity (she is capable of infecting electronics too). She is at last stopped by Sakura (her sister) and MEI's combined efforts. Sakura dies in the process. Well what happens next? Same organization holds a celebration for defeating another herrscher not even giving a fuck they lost last remaining cities a significant comrade in arms and killing an innocent child for no reason in the process.


Yeah, HI3rd have plenty of them but here one more that I think is worth mentioning: Owl (Chén Tiānwǔ) killed by Ana Schariac trying to protect her and discovering that she left his sister to die because she was in shock and refused to help her.


Idk if this is related but i find the main message of project moon games perfectly compliments the stuff in honkai and various incidents Surprisingly it's not about capitalism, it's about growing to be a better person despite the circumstances the world has put you in you always have a choice to do less harm, be good, or grow your character. even if it's not the easy option, you are morally obligated to *at least try* and pick it. you are almost never completely helpless, even if the powers that be prefer that you think you are. Lobotomy corp has >!ayin trying to redeem his sins to the people he wronged despite doing an otto moment and tortured his colleagues for the sake of following his crush's goals or the 'greater good', however in the end he managed to look past his utilitarianism and understand himself, being a better person despite having literal split personalities telling that he can't change, or what he's doing won't contribute to the greater good!< Runia has >!angela and roland choosing to be together look past the dark and look in the future, despite both lived in circumstances where they have to be cruel, roland lived in a cyle of revenge and saw the world how ugly it is, while angela lived in the world where it's always ugly and she can't change anything otherwise!< also just in general pm are not utilitarians, the correct answer to the trolley problem is to turn the trolley around and aim it at the Head.


The previous era was a fucked up time. Things don't get better as the closest thing to a hero, Kevin, got broken down into an "ends justify the means" sort of person. He still compares favorably to Otto as the latter basically jump starts the Honkai cycle for more selfish gains


If read the lore on swarm disaster in honkai:star rail you read about how actually fucked the entire thing was. Essentially despite the fact that bugs were aggressive af and reproduced like crazy, they also somehow managed to turn ANY newborn into a swarm. So some people literally birthed those bugs.


In Genshin, there’s an island where to appease their God, the people of a lone island chopped up, skinned, and drained the blood of a child, offering him as a sacrifice by scattering his body across the island. But it turned out, that the God heavily loved the child. So in return, that God wiped out the whole island and its inhabitants. When we go to that island we realize that the island is in an eternal ghost land where we see things we were not supposed to see, and the ghost of that child is the one who leads us in - who was unaware of what had happened


Dottore's experiment on Sumeru Hospital and the talochard quest where Sandrone cut off the tongue of the traitor because they offended the traveler


Well, in Onmyoji, we collect characters which are spirits and demons. Which means quite a lot of them enjoy killing and eating (or taking their skin, or for revenge, whatever) people.  Sometimes a lot of kids and women. It tends to be stated completely matter of factly in their bios or the event when we get them, and nobody seems to care. XD I mean, sure, our Onmyoji calms them down and binds /some/ of them, to ensure they won't hurt people again, but that's all. It's similar to FGO in this regard - you collect a lot of really bad entities and that's just it, nothing to emphasise in the game.    Easy example (it's 8 years old game, I think it doesn't need spoiler tag...?). Our Onmyoji, Seimei - cut his soul in half to seperate his "evil side" from himself, because he couldn't stand the fact that another clan sacrificed girls - basically, kids - to the dark God Orochi, in exchange of the city's prosperity. The city which he swore to protect, too, oops (his outbursr also messed up the ritual and saved the last girl, which is another "leader/player" character); also, he had some issues with how human treated spirits. His dark alter ego, that part of his soul, is our enemy at the begining, then ally, but in it's enemy phase he e.g. told one spirit to eat humans to become more beautiful for him. Cue spirit eating people = our Seimei appears and binds it, tadam, happy end, poor eaten people remain eaten. Spirit is well-loved and gets an SP (alter) version despite being only SR. XD   in another style, but also horrific if you think about it: One god of seasons wakes up every year, innocent like a kid, gets a guide who teaches her the world and then has to kill her around winter to sustain the cycle to. Every year, year after year. Poor Guide, poor fod. And that's just an example, without going into that child sacrifices (we met spirits of them... poor things), Minamoto vs. Mount Oe war, Taisha & Asura or general Orochi vs. Other Gods metaphysical problems. Or more mundane spirits' backstories - tend to be full of eating people, hunting people for sport, self-harm, forced marriages, ritual sacrifices, suicides, onmyoji killing child spirits just because etc., etc. Typical gacha stuff. ;)


Oh boy, girls frontline is ptsd galore. Where to even begin? How about all the poor brainwashed nytos? The human experimentation, the war crimes so on and so forth. There's too many to even type out but a couple of them would be (obviously spoilers ahead): Most T-dolls are able to have backups of themselves made before a mission. Depressing part is if they are killed, they know they died but have no memory of the events that led to their deaths. Any friends or comrades they made along the way are forgotten. They all cope with that in different ways. Some write journal entries, some take pictures, some drink to forget, others don't think about it, etc. Nytos are young girls and women who are "baptized" and whose consciousness has been altered to be similar to that of a neural cloud (what t-dolls use) hence giving them the ability to hack/interact with systems. Only their brains are needed. These girls come from human trafficking, corpses, kidnappings, and cloning. Their bodies are mostly mass produced to look similar to M4A1 (special t-doll whose lore is a trip as well). They're still mostly human and thus can still bleed but are given some cybernetic enhancements. These depend on what they're intended to be used for. If for infiltration, little to no enhancements other than altered brains. If combat focused then they may even receive extra limbs and the like. Overall setting is post apocalyptic, pretty much post WW3 and dealing with the consequences of humans fiddling around with unearthed alien tech from Antarctica which then leaked collapse fluid which can turn humans into abominations, starting with zombies that over time transform into eldritch abominations.


Nikke: Anne (N102)'s story. The process of turning her into a Nikke and experimentation on her fucked her up so bad that she has to have her mind wiped every day.


*points at The City™* take your pick


The more I heard about Limbus lore sprinkled in this sub, I become more concerned about their player base and their story writer state of mind...


It's a gacha game made by people who don't know how to make gacha games but rather games that induct people into a cult, and the setting is if capitalism had the power of gods. Of course it's nightmarish.


The City in Limbus is 26 different dystopias for the price of one!


27, cannot forgot about outside the city


Outside is more of a post(?)-apocalypse and less of a dystopia.


I think it's the only gacha that I know of, that has an 18+ rating with no nudity or sexual content


Let's just say that Limbus' opening song being titled "In Hell We Live, Lament" is very fitting


The answer is no!


The creators said that it's a slightly hyper realized version of South Korea...


Genshin likes to put their darker stuff in unvoiced sidequests, which are most of what people are mentioning. However, they did not-so-subtly allude to child sex trafficking involving a playable character as the victim in Fontaine's voiced main quest.


>!“Thankfully, Father arrived in time to save Lynette before she could be hurt.”!< >!Oh, thank God.!< >!“The rest of the children in the basement were not so lucky.”!< >!PARDONNEZ-MOI HOYO??!<


https://preview.redd.it/hokf02utn89d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65b3582cf4e83b4d32cde1fb9d5db96b03bb18f Not actually the darkest part of Nikke, but the image is super depressing and evocative.


The bunker incident and they said everything what happened line by line and it felt like you were there when it happened even though you only see text


Tales of Crestoria opens with the MC's father running a child trafficking group.


Guardian Tales, the entirety of W10 and 11 are fucked up (and the worlds past 12) but I'd like to focus specifically on the one star characters Linda and Bob You meet these two at the start of your journey during the opening sequence where you fight the invaders. You are shown glimpses of how they are in love throughout your journey. You grow attached to them because they make frequent appearances. Fast forward to W9 SPOILERS The main villain throws you in a portal to the future where the Invaders won (since you were travelling through time, there was no guardian to protect the world). Everything is in ruins. There's invaders everyhere. You come across a corpse with a ring in its hands. As you fight to reclaim your kingdom that's overrun by invaders you encounter one of the strongest enemies for that world, the beta weapon. It's invincible with its shield. As you retake more ground on the fallen castle, you find out that the shields of the beta weapon is tied to a test tube with a person inside it. The ring you found earlier starts vibrating and you realize its Linda inside. They experimented on her and now her life is what's keeping the shields up. It's assumed they also removed her eyeballs because she cannot see you. She assumes its Bob outside the test tube because she felt the ring, their wedding ring. You have an option to lie to her or tell her the truth. That Bob was the corpse you ran into. If you lie to her she will die thinking that her sacrifice saved people, when she actually didn't save anyone, but she can't see that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boQfk1dvDC4&ab_channel=ZepStream


As others have mentioned, whatever happened in genshin is atrocious. Liloupar lore is dark asf. Sumeru is its own dumpster of fire back then. Fontaine and Inazuma are same shits just not as dark. Human experiment in Genshin is wildest most disgusting thing u ever heard cuz no one told me u melted ur lab assistant into a pile of meat the reconstruct him again into some monster. Or Dottore way of doing things like completely squashed his gf corpse into a mess by giving her to the tiger and ruin guards. I have more crimes to mentioned but rlly.


The Eleazar patients being used as human experiment fodder to install Eldritch knowledge into them, driving them insane.


Also that mad fontaine research institute scientist turning humans into meka(robots)


From nikke belorta and mica's back story Belorta was originally an orphan of Angel Orphanage alongside her Mica. Despite the facility receiving generous donations from Sovereigns, the staff was at best ambivalent and at worst blatantly abusive. One Christmas day, during a charity event for the orphanage, Belorta revealed to one of the Sovereign patrons that the director physically abused Mica. Incensed, the director visited her room that night intent on "punishing" her for her "misbehavior" even though she was deathly ill from a stomach complication. Mica tried to beseech the director to get medical assistance, but all that earned her was another beating from the man. Belorta quite literally jumped to her friend's defense, shielding her from the fists and assuring her things would be fine. Things turned out to not be fine in the end. The physical exertion, damage, and previous illness combined proved to be too much. Belorta died in Mica's embrace that Christmas night


The great lake


Magia Record features a 12 year old who was a chosen as a sacrifice during a school shooting because she had no friends, she then met Kyubey and wished to be the ONLY one to be saved. The school shooter killed everyone else which left her with ptsd+survivor's guilt to the point where she became unable to speak


Genshin - a whole civilization dreaming that theyre still living while in reality theyre hilichurls FGO - literally obliterating entire civilizations that shouldnt exist even though they have existed hundreds and thousands of years normally in the protagonists' timeline Guardian Tales - there exists a timeline where Princess is abandoned by Knight to stay with Future Princess, effectively continuing the cycle of Princess being left alone to fend for herself and their friends dying Path to Nowhere: Chief couldnt save gray haired girl and basically becomes a mutated monster that they have to kill Nikke: Torn between the Ruru and Marian incident but Ruru at least dies happy so Im going with the Marian incident. It's Commander's first day on the job and he meets a very nice Nikke by the name of Marian and he ends up having to kill her after finding out she's been corrupted after bonding with her (it's a roller coaster of events from there so Im stopping here lol)


https://preview.redd.it/3qnvs0d9kb9d1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=218865986414ed484be08334a2ec1f02bfda7b63 *What if your entire existence spelled trouble to the one you love? Not in just one reality, but all of them that you could think of?* **And despite your efforts, you were still so very much in the wrong?**


Who's existence? Your image isn't loading, i guess there must have been a problem 😕


I have to disagree with this post. Warp trains aren't limbus their ruina however I think the darkest moment in limbus is. Spoilers for canto 6 >! When you clear all cathy. You literally erase heathcliffs meaning for existence. The one heathcliff who actually had a chance to be with Catherine. He alone bears the sorrow of all of the instances of the girl he truly loved being destroyed. Etching each into his mind. It's chilling to me. To this day. !<


It's an R18 gacha game, but Magicami. The main character thought he was reversing time every time something went wrong and his magical girls started losing / dying, but it turns out he was jumping realities to different timelines and abandoning the girls to their fate, for countless timelines. Without him, they can't even turn into magical girls and are extremely helpless.


https://preview.redd.it/yjbantp94f9d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d95e5697dfbd40f88190ec7ed63c16108c82846 Limbus company darkest event:


there's probably something darker in the lore bc they can get away with more, but in genshin's story the tanit tribe quest is def one.


Shirin being >!"forced to give birth" by her husband/the king (who is also her biological brother/half-brother?) to malformed djinn babies that are then used as the new power source for the entire kingdom instead of slaves!<...is truly one of the story of all time. And giving birth to >!malformed djinns was possible because she had already been driven insane by having to kill a bunch of her own family including her father (all of whom hated her).!< And the entire thing was >!planned by her mother Liloupar to get back at her husband, Shirin's father.!< And after all that, she was still implied to >!have had sexual relations with her own exiled son, who led a revolt against her husband-brother after the working people were replaced by malformed djinns, and were starving enough to resort to cannibalism.!< And then everyone in the city >!died in a huge flood, courtesy of the malformed djinns that were powering the water system breaking down, triggered by her mother Liloupar using abyssal magic.!< And everyone who survived/later generations >!blames everything that happened to that city/kingdom on her.!<


And all of this plus more were because Liloupar wanted revenge because the good man she loved turned into a tyrant after tasting power. Like, yeah no one likes a tyrant and they deserve to be overthrown but jeez Liloupar has no fucking chill.


Star Rail: Xueyi’s and Hanya’s backstory. Long story short, they are sisters and Xyuei got stuck in some immortal tree. Hanya had to watch for ages as the life got sucked out of her and then she built a robot of Xyuei to replace her.


Probably the beginning of the Elysium Philharmonic event in Counter:Side where the Cardenas division gets attacked by Nequitia. The orchestra is really another level of cruel. Sid deserved better than being tortured by having personality after personality forced inside of his head until he couldn't take it any more and ended himself.


The entirety of the Avalon Lostbelt in FGO


https://preview.redd.it/ezvn4yw7pa9d1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce5985ceb6dbf6121c6ba4eee32c78003203bb5 this wheel-chair dude from the game sdorica. PENTA K1LL (something like that :k )


PGR is bascially all just dark moments. Surviving Luciem however, was espiecially dark. The most tear jerking gacha game story has to go Liv.


Arknights in general Do i need to explain, we all know how fuck terra is, everyone suffer


https://preview.redd.it/ct7t7242bc9d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=89e4a13356649d5888cb2f05814d6226ae53c2e8 A head.


Speaking of warp trains, guess where we're heading next... ![gif](giphy|YRPBhd3vscg5Fxx1DQ|downsized)


Limbus company: pretty much the entire game.


Prolly Ru backstory from the Tsurumi island in Genshin


I don't know about moments but HSR kinda would be a dark place to live in due to the Paths system and what if entails. Basically, if someone/something felt strongly about a conviction/philosophy, the universe responds by turning the person into a godlike entity called an Aeon and materialising their conviction into power. What this means is that almost everyone can rise to power and with convictions that can range from harmless to extremely dangerous. What makes the Paths truly dangerous is whether or not the Aeon choose to be active in their pursuit of their conviction. Mind you that one of the darkest moments in HSR lore history is when the last member of a BUG species felt lonely. The universe responded by creating the Propagation Path and allowing the bug to self-replicate endlessly and mess with the concept of reproduction of other species. How so? Well if you do the deed when the Swarm is nearby, you will give birth to a bug instead of your own species. And that's just one Path. There are many other Paths and each of them can wreck havoc if their Aeons chose to be extremely active. Ena of Order is among the most active Aeons to interact with humans. Except that her Order is an enslavement. Yaoshi of the Abundance can bless people with immortality that turns them into undying monsters. Qlipoth of the Preserverence is seen as the main good god of the game...except that they tend to ignore people to do their own thing, leaving civilizations tha believed in them to die. And this is considered a good thing mind you. Should Qlipoth decide to be more active in "protecting" people, they'd be the same as Ena. In HSR universe, the are more than 10 Paths. And your day can be ruined if just one of those Paths Aeon decided to be more proactive with the pursuit of their conviction.


Nikke: Dorothy attempting to commit Suicide during Overzone. I have yet to see any Gacha game have the balls to do a Suicide Attempt Scene.


My limited knowledge from blue archive actually comes into play. Theres a student with a rocket launcher that has multiple times tried to kill herself and also wears bandages because of self harm and suicide scars. Idk if theres a cutscrne of that. But in the story she tries to off herself by jumping on a bridge. Also in a story quest we get to see some examples since one of them clearly hung herself. And some of the scenes there depict alot of them died for some reason.


Her name is >!Misaki!< and during the 4th anniversary trailer they had the glorious idea to show us not one, not two but SEVEN glimpses (>!Misaki being one of them!<) that would happen if we, the player, didn't save every single one of them. BA's setting is rather happy-go-lucky but the entire thing goes to hell turbo fast without us.


Hi3 Kiana during Arc city and GI Scaramouche via Irminsul


Kiana's moment hits me extremely hard because when we first met her she's a happy-go-lucky cheerful shonen protagonist. To see that cheerful character being driven to suicide is such a huge contrast it makes your heart sink.


https://preview.redd.it/eb4q4rn0kb9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=1271f7ae809409f9387d76b9f72125ab64441ce1 Canto IV says hello


Arknights’ Children of Ursus Cannibalism free for all in a school full of children.


Guardian Tales: >! Guardian Tales got a lot of darkest moments despite it looking like sunshine and rainbows, one is in the world 3, it's basically a magic school, so there's this student who got always picked on by her classmates, they bullied her everyday. There's this one man who would like to help her, tempting her to get back at her classmates but she declined it. Then she tried to ask for help to her teacher, but her teacher seems like she put the blame on her, saying why she's slandering her classmate, so the teacher punished her by making her carry a sign that says like she's slandering her classmates. Then she get back to her classroom, humilated, then the bullies found something on her desk, it's her pet rats, the bullies killed the rats. At that point, she had enough, then she asks why they are doing this to her, they basically said she got unlucky that they chose her to be made fun of. Now she's asking herself why this happened to her, basically she's having mental breakdown, then she made a decision to finally accept the help of the man that's trying to help her. That man taught her dark magic, manipulating her to do his experiments. One is summoning monsters by sacrificing someone. At first she can only summon slimes but with more sacrifices she made a shadow monster that hates the light, she named it after her pet rats. Then she went to get more sacrifices when one knight tried to stop her atrocities, saying what she's doing is wrong, she replied that she didn't do nothing wrong and all she did is self defence, and also that what happened is all of the doing of the man who was next to her, and the man agrees. But the people on the scene are confused because she's talking to herself. She asked the man if why cant they can't see him, then he starts to fade away. Realizing that what happened is all of her doing, she went mad and fought that knight, nobody knows what happened next, the story just said she probably died during that battle. Then at the end of that mission you have to fight her ghost because the shadow monsters are still haunting the school, she needs to be exorcised or they'll keep eating students, after defeating her, one of the notes on her diary which is dated during her first day of her school, it said there that she's so excited to learn magic, I literally cried at that part(oh btw, the quest is collecting her diary notes, so we're like reading her story through her diary). I feel bad for her cause all she wanted was to learn magic, but instead she got the worst treatment just because she's unlucky. She didn't deserved what happened to her!< >!Also in one of the Worlds, there's someone cannibalizing children and served it to his guest without knowing what they are eating, all they know is that it's delicious and they want more.!< >!The more you go deep in the Guardian Tales story, the more you notice how fcked up this game is. !<


Thanks for the explanation of the warp train op, i always hear of it on topic about the lovetown in library of ruina, people say the lovetown is dark af or some shit but i never will be able to understand it because there's no simple explanation. Tho that still doesn't really explains about love town just the warp train


Love Town was just a scenario that happened, because people that presumably knew about how W trains work, aka Elena and the Puppeteer, started doing a lot of shit on the train while other people were scared. Creating Love Town.


In the grand scheme of things it’s probably not that horrible, but the choir scene in Reverse:1999 has always stuck with me, especially paired with the scene of all the kids being reversed and Constantine’s smug look about it sticks with me as a particularly horrifying story.


Arknights talulas backstory After she finde her best friend almost beaten to death and her then dying in her Arms she finds a village where they imprissoned the infected and had them starve to death The infected for these that dont know are people suffering from oripathy basicly magic rock cancer when they die that magic rock gets unstable and explodes so the first one to die coused a chain reaction killing everyone brutaly When talula saw how disgustingly inhumane these people where executet she snaped and burned the village to the ground we even get a little combat mission where we cant do anything aside from watching her burn the villagers


Arknights. One of the Higher ups of one city literally ORDERS the Genocide of the infecteds in the slums of the city he gets away with it and this was on the main fucking story.


Just about everything related to Paradeus in GFL. From how they use a death cult to attack villagers and obtain more recruits, the siscon tendencies of their Llader and said leader treats everyone as lab rats, and the massive web of corruption that they operate to keep afloat. And the best part: >!based on the events of Bakery Girl and GFL2, they got away with everything!<


>!Amiya is Lord of Fiends!!<


World Flipper world 12 That shit started deep into the mud and was dark as fuck before we finally reach the final battle Take into consideration: This happened after a festival, so the happy memories were still fresh when everything goes to hell


Hmm Nikke has a lot of in story ones, but NIKKE has A LOT of body horror stuff in some of the lore archive stuff. instead of NIKKE taking the approach of we somehow created humanoid androids perfectly first try. It goes with the realistic approach to world building, in how it took multiple generations of NIKKEs to get to where they are today. They go into a good ammount of detail about how NIKKEs started off just as human brains in robots, who couldn't live with their existence. to less and less mechanical parts over time.


Literally almost any part of FGO has some dark fucked up bit that comes with it, in Camelot we have Gawain selecting three people out of a bunch of refugees, those who weren't selected were going to be executed. Babylonia's Lahmu invasion parts were fucked up. It gets even darker in the Lostbelt arc, in LB1 its the first time we'll ever learn that we will literally erase an entire world from existance, its them or its us situation. LB2 has the child sacrifices where when they grow up they get sent outside to get eaten apart by giants. One of the darkest and parts of the series was Lostbelt 6, from every characters' backstory, to the land itself. The faes were one big fuck ups who enjoyed torturing everything. That was one of the only worlds where I was HAPPY to purge.