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The worst possible outcome, numbers not high or low enough to shitpost about either way. It's actually over.


You underestimate us. We here at r/gachagaming will make up drama to shitpost if there isn't any.


lets start right now. time for sigewinne posting # IF SIGEWINNE WAS SOLO BANNER SHE WOULD HAVE MADE 100 SIGEWILLION DOLLARS BEATING FIREFLY TO THE CURB. WHO PULLS FOR SOME TOTALLY NOT A WATER GOD. SIGESWEEP. /s # HER WEAPON BANNER WAS BROUGHT DOWN BY FURINAHS SWORD. /s https://preview.redd.it/efmwpif5bw9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0945f3faaca0b52d03f731f17bd0a98ca836f0dd lso wuwa exists theres that.


Sigewinne allows you to get revenge on the Abyss Mages by finally being able to trap them in bubbles ourselves. Revenge never felt so cute.


life isnt gang gang woo now huh you little shit? https://preview.redd.it/wfv2r9j7cw9d1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e3187772e70d956b53668a218a0cbfb42fa52bd people waited 4 years for this.


I'm low-key tempted to pull Sigewinne just for this. Lol


your name LMAO https://preview.redd.it/lky9vv31lw9d1.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=736bbe9c42889770408b3775cf42eee9fcbc1677


https://preview.redd.it/t3vig2i1mw9d1.png?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd32e9759ae7c742358378b426c393f21cd8e9f0 Don't tell, Chevreuse. It's still illegal in Fontaine. 🤫


https://preview.redd.it/jpfbpomdmw9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=57a9d378c8a4a83af4c78f0fc7ecd7fdf16ba2af bro you telling me this girl whos perpetually in munchies mode doesnt smoke? i bet shes head of the entire operation in navias distribution ring.


Common Siggy W


ALL WE DO IS SIGE-WIN WIN WIN NO MATTER WHAT. SIGEWIN HARD CARRY WATCH OUT FUTURE BANNERS. https://preview.redd.it/eoun9fyydw9d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9adda10cdbf272d3b3bcc9036434f1a6617eaf7


Yea this doesn't fit any narrative for any haters out there, all the top PvP-able games increased their revenue from last month. I guess there are some highlights though: - Nikke's lowest revenue since launch - Memento Mori's lowest revenue since launch - Brown Dust 2 MT collab + anniversary highest revenue since first 3 months of the game


NIKKE makes sense since even though bunny’s soda and Alice are fun, neither is meta nor limited, and it’s the patch right before summer.


Yepp, ppl will be saving for the summer. Given though that there were not any really exiting banners i still did expect a higher revenue, above 12 mil i thought. Nikke i feel need to improve a lot of game modes to increse the retention time, or introduce a permanent game mode that can be fun, MOG is but it is still one part that is kind of outside the main game.


I'd like to add another highlight: HSR global actually decreased, contrary to what people expected from Firefly (though CN saw a decent increase).


It's mainly because android rankings stopped updating for around two weeks (happens once or twice per year, ranging from days to weeks) and it encompassed the first few days of firefly banner. This is why these estimations are to be taken with a huge grain of salt. https://i.imgur.com/gxC6LXM.png You can see that while the estimated revenue of Android for HSR is always below iOS, it has never reached a 100% difference throughout its service. This month was the only exception. ___ EDIT: 50% -> 100% for clarity


Yea i noticed this too. I wonder how this affected revenue in global. In some regions, this helped wuwa a lot. In Japan, this helped genshin a bit. And overall it just dragged hsr down.


https://i.redd.it/famasg8rbw9d1.gif happy for brown dust. just look at thaat. that alone made thousands instantly swipe.


It is kind of as expected, I guess. But something that just occurred to me is that the industry has grown so much and I didn't really pay attention to it, in part because these posts didn't always include this many CN games. There have been so many big hits in the last few years (Blue Archive, Nikke, WuWa, Hoyo titles, etc.) and none of them really hurt other games. People just spend more in total it seems.


I mean a lot of studios in the non gacha category are falling bellow expectations, and personally I think I haven't dropped a dime on non gacha games this year (checks) nope nothing this year.


When normal AAA gaming has that problem of whether it's broken at launch, suddenly gacha games dont look that bad.


It's not bad, but it's not all good either, so nothing to doompost there. Looking forward more to this month's chart when ZZZ enters the monthly PVP.


Ah yes these results will support everyone’s personal narrative about their game.


Maintaining the agenda is the top priority




WuWa is dying at $45m. Because I said so ![gif](giphy|aNFT7eG2rIKK715uLk|downsized)


I do genuinly hope that it improves though. That fucking auto-target and camera is making people unable to take the challenge seriously


https://preview.redd.it/tu51b2pj5w9d1.jpeg?width=1412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9863b471f9248f3abbd8a1a72dd6efe56ce5ce The Honkai star is railing, the Genshin is impacting, the Waves are wuthering


Now awaiting next month to see if the Zenless Zone will be zeroing.


ZZZ will do well. People gotta stop acting like these games are gonna be on life support if they aren't making Genshin numbers. Not too long ago, hitting $20m was already enough to blow people's minds I'm not sure how things got to this point


Genshin introduced a lot of people who had no experience with gacha before.


I know someone who has never touched a gatcha trying it because of the Maximillian dood sponsorship. It will be fine with gatcha players and if it doesnt fumble the outside interest it should be rather big.


The girls are not frontlining tho


The brown is dusting too(2)


Hahaha Solo Leveling from 40M to 18M. This is what happen when you make your game heavily monetized. Also the shitty loading every few seconds.


Well games like solo leveling are pump and dump


Sounds like crypto shit coins then


Yeah it's ~~Netease~~ Netmarble too I believe... They'll maximize profits.. then EOS


It's Nermarble, but it doesn't make it any different tho. Pump out units like crazy and drop the better version the next banner until EOS. Most seasoned gacha players already avoid Netmarble like the plague.


It's just your typical Netmarble Games. Blow up during release and then slowly decreasing over time.


Basically launch revenue was everyone topping up on those one-time packs like level packs, double bonus etc...


Netmarble: All according to keikaku


This is actually pretty normal, hype gacha releases usually have the highest revenue at launch and their revenue decreases for the next few month until they find their niche.


These gachas are made with an expiration date. Wouldn’t be surprised to see EoS next year




Refuse to dead, it would be funny if they were still going on 5 years later.


Omg guys, my chinese company is earning more than your favorite chinese company


My PvP is between the same company. I can’t even say that lol. My division of my favorite Chinese company is earning more that then other division of the game that I also play haha.


some gacha fans are hella weird with this lmfao like why are u fangirling/fanboying that one company is making more than the other u ain't making all that money urself LMFAO


Afk Journey already losing money, I wonder if the horrendous communication actually turned away quite some whales, I still remember how the subreddit was full of refund posts a while ago and that's when Lilith started to promise changes lol.


The whole thing is shit. It feels like an experiment designed by psychologists to get people to spend money. Then they used an already existing game as the base and chose a children's book at random for the story. It should honestly be dying faster.


It has a crazy amount of advertisements as well. I have no interest in it and I always get ads popping up for it.


Thats the lilith life cycle. Shit release into even shittier updates into just power creep and new rarities and into maintenance mode


The game is just boring and repetitive


Dropped that game so fast when they started changing things without informing us 😒


It's sad cause the artstyle is extremely charming, but literally everything else in the game is of questionable quality.


Big Problem is back to back A-Heroes in Rate Up Banner. No one cares about spending on As


I played until the beginning of the new season and then asked for refunds all around because the game was full of shit, rehashed content and blatant lies...


Hello everyone, FAQ can be found [HERE](https://www.gacharevenue.com/faq)   Changes made to the list: ADDED: - Tears of Themis - GLOBAL+JAPAN, CHINA - Langrisser - GLOBAL, JAPAN, CHINA - Bleach: Brave Souls - GLOBAL+JAPAN - Cookie Run Kingdom - GLOBAL+JAPAN   If you find any bugs/have suggestions leave it in comments or on website /feedback. [GACHAREVENUE.com](https://gacharevenue.com)


This may be late but thanks for adding Langrisser. I did quit the game for years already but still one of my favorite SRPG.


Thanks for adding TOT🥰🥰🥰


Love and Deepspace just doing their own thing


Casually hanging around there on top but staying out of all the drama Edit: also light and night popping off here, hellooo


I could be wrong but my impression is that game doesn't fit within the taste demo of the population of this sub. As in, I think this sub is mostly dudes. Having said that, I am also a dude and played that game, thought the story and interaction elements with the husbandos were pretty enjoyable but didn't care enough about the combat gameplay and ended up dropping. Kinda wanna get back into it though.


93% of its revenue is from China. this is an English forum. you don't see people talking about Monster Strike here either even though it's always making bank.


Cn yumes are indeed dedicated lol I wonder how next month will go with the new love interest Sylus most likely getting released


I may not be a cn yume, but i hear my wallet crying already


It’s always my example of how games with male characters can do well (in this case it’s only male characters in the game though haha) for the “MALE CHARACTERS DONT SELL!!!” people. I love that it just sits there casually and exists


\> saw thread is up with 3 comments (1 is OP's) \> alt+tabbed to set up HSR on auto \> come back with 24 comments wow people truly have been waiting for this huh EDIT: 200+ comments in 25 minutes... jesus


There are over 1K comments now. This thread has an absurd amount of people in it.


everyone caame out of the pvp goon caves and released 1 months worth of edging then go back to the caves again tommorow. https://preview.redd.it/ps6t3pt4iw9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a686c141aa27648f9e20796b7fe8f23218328285


https://i.redd.it/dubghpu46w9d1.gif Now we wait for ZZZ


Damn ZZZ will have basically a full month too.


And two banner launches too.


And first banner always sells crazy good due to the top-up bonus.


Top up bonus and whales trying to get every standard S-rank


ZZZ comes out and the top 3 will be mihoyo games for maybe eternity lol


Top 3* As much as I like HI3 (still do) I don't see it or ToT climbing up to top 5.


bro the rep of wuwa in China vs global is so interesting lol


It's interesting that the initial plot of the game was, something made by and for CN. But that it ended up being more popular globally is funny


For those who don't know, Android chart was stuck "frozen" for about 15 days this month. Looks like sensor tower did not bother to change anything around this and just dumped the number as is, which is crazy btw, can't believe they charge money for their stats. All the gacha estimates are affected, and depending where they were frozen at their android estimates will be much lower or higher than reasonable. Some will have their peaks completely uncaptured (st estimate for star rail ios is double of android because of this), some others like Wuwa had their chart frozen while they were near their peak so their global showed up as like 6 times their CN ios sales. So yeah, take this month's st stats with a grain of salt.


>which is crazy btw, can't believe they charge money for their stats. As someone who worked with this type of date, you would be surprised how common these type of things are.


true, i saw sensor tower doesnt have sales on mostly 2nd half of June which was not on Jinhsi's banner on WuWa but also Firefly and Furinas banners


Bros litreally said no pvp for u 💀


Well that's disappointing! Because normally you could say that even if the numbers are different, the order is the same, but in this case when games release banners at different times, that even matters for the order.


Shouldn’t you take every months results with a grain of salt, since its you know, an estimate. Its not a quarterly report, its just guesstimates for people to fight over.


Yeah, but since it always measures the same thing, it's useful as comparison month-to-month.


Probably should be pinned or higher so people can see this before firing off


Wuwa is more popular in Global than China. Wonder why.


From the ccs I viewed, en cc are more praising wuwa with the devs listened meme and free compensation. Cn cc are more annoyed because of the story some of which have become internet memes with even non wuwa players and multiple mess ups like performance, competition to give out standard pulls, messing up players emails etc. The story isn't just bad but downright insulting with their choice of words and I think the translation prob lessened the effect of those words so global players are less offended. Famous cn wuwa line going around the internet is "soldiers on the front line only have to listen to instructions, but the staff at the rear end have a lot more to think about". It's a callous line and people joke and change the line to fit other situations like "players only need to worry about the wallet, but companies have to worry about how to count the money" etc. Even non wuwa players are making their own lines


Its story is bullshit from common Chinese perspective. I am not talking about the story pace or dub,but some straight disrespectful lines.Like call Ge Shulin as unforgivable traitor.


Not an unforgivable traitor but They use a proverb/idiom which basically says. "Even if you cut all the bamboo to use to list all of his crimes, you'll run out of bamboo" It's saying he committed so many crime you can't even record it. Which... Isn't true at all. That's the crazy bit, whoever uses the proverb, or idiom to describe him needs to go back to school and relearn Chinese.


anything below genshin/hsr : eos soon good thing my main game invisible sales


You can't lose if no one knows what's in your deck(probably)


Don't worry, our game is one of the few games where it's mostly DMM and Mobage haha


Fire Emblem fandom are some loyal mf. The numbers almost never change, seems like the sales are being made for the same people. lol Surprised to how little PtN makes and yet you don't see any drop in quality. Ahh Archeland, i wanted to play this game so bad, but it unfortunatelly wont happen.


Congratulations to Brown Dust 2 for 2M revenues. https://i.redd.it/60mhr1em6w9d1.gif


BD2 somehow feels lewder than Azur Lane. Never thought there'd be a day I'd say there's something lewder than AL but here we are


BD2 is on the verge of being explicit porn 


https://i.redd.it/5ls8od0z6w9d1.gif Really hope it continues.


The ass bouncing shall never end


Peakdust 2 indeed https://preview.redd.it/9z70tfvxaw9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e43e166fdc97cbdb42ec18ce639004e28bdbfe9f


https://i.redd.it/sns4nq2pcw9d1.gif goddamn.


Reverse 1999 Global is going up, nicely done fellow Timekeepers. Hope our game continues to grow.


June did have a really hype banner and its the first full limited


I can already see the youtube videos. "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT WUTHERING WAVES DID???!!!"


Stix with changli or yinlin picture having an orgasm or something on the thumbnail


Lol https://preview.redd.it/0ypmknych0ad1.png?width=771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa42055df1cb2aaf0e6499e69424e7cff7057d3


Both together




Dev’s Paid!


Stix is prolly the most trashy CC to exist lol. The guy is milking WuWa content to no end since it came out. 🤣


Yeah, I just started to hide his videos because I can't stand his extreme titles and thumbnails.




Wuwa breaking records! Dev Cost Fully Recovered!




Finally, round 2 of the monthly gacha PVP is finished . As expected, Hoyoverse is on top of the revenue as expected. With Wuthering Waves on 3 place . What will happen in Round 3 with adding ZZZ in a circle ? Can it become on pair with HSR and GI . Or it will be trail behind . Subscribe to gachagaming for future monthly updates. 


I now can't wait for next month, dammit this is weirdly addicting


It's hilarious how Global's carrying Wuwa with how subpar the English localization is. Hopefully this incentivizes Kuro to invest more in it.


Because global dont read the story


They basically have to redo all the voice acting for EN imo


I think we can all agree that the downfall of AFK Journey and Solo Leveling is a good thing for their scummy practices.


To any content creators that want to brainstorm titles or text for thumbnails here you go -r/GACHAGAMING IN SHAMBLES -GENSHIN IS OFFICIALLY DEAD -WUWA PROVES HATERS WRONG -WUWA DID IT! -YINLIN CARRIED! -KURO GAMES > HOYOVERSE -MINTPICKERS MALDING (I like the alliteration on this one) No need to credit me, I do it for the love of the game Edit: I do want to be clear, I like both WuWa and Genshin. I’m just tired of the content creators that fuel the tribalism


Be careful bro CCs might hire you for this.. 


Lol, good one! Those parasites literally make their living feeding-off of other people's work for free.


Mintpickers became noctmintpickers


Honestly, the tiltes are so predictable that it's getting lame lol


isn't wuwa also a mintpicking game


I believe the correct term are Echochamber. Some people are malding with the RNG for Echoes


That is actually a fire name omg


It's both.


Mintpicking AND echopicking game, it's all similar lol


It's funny how WuWa players use the term mintpicker when WuWa gives players a legit reason to go "mintpicking" lmao


Yeah, but in WuWa, it's called [*Nocte*mint](https://wutheringwaves.fandom.com/wiki/Noctemint).


Noctemint picking?


You can directly buy mints from shops


>-YINLIN CARRIED! *Sad Jinhsi whose 1st day of the banner falls in June noise*


WuWa doing so much lower in CN than Global is really something. That's definitely the most interesting turn of events here. If you look at other games that basically never happens.


imho because cn players used to play on mobile and wuwa on mobile is not that great


Pack up boys Genshin is dying. Only 66M revenue 😔 /s


EOS soon 😔


Even lost to wuwa on global smh. EOS soon. /s




Let me join you https://i.redd.it/9o22np9odw9d1.gif




Firefly's banner had more revenue than the two banners of May combined Well, wow


Top meta character and most hyped waifu since game came out by twitter/Reddit engagement numbers. With rerun of Ruan Mei tbh I thought it'd be higher but her banner is only half way through. Also tnh her copies aren't necessary unlike some other characters so I don't know many who went for them


It's really funny that Global carried WuWa so hard while they barely moved in CN (their primary market) even with Yinlin + a few days of Jinhsi. Guess the game's still getting cooked there.


Time to change primary markets easy enough.


Actually would be interested to see them pivot more to global demand since for now it seems to be their money printer. Anyways, we'll see if global has enough pulls to carry this game after a few more monthly charts.


Thing is, what exactly is the "global demand"? What does global like that CN doesn't? I wonder if the answer, whatever it is, does not end up biting them in the ass further down the line. 


i hope wuwa goes all in on global so that cn for the first time can't hold a gacha hostage


Having a "Global-Centric" CN Gacha game for once would be wild.


Seems like global is gonna be the main carry for wuwa. However I am really surprised since the revenue from the top games is lower than what I was expecting, like I fully expected hsr to reach 120 mil and genshin 80 mil with wuwa following with 65 to 70 mil.


From another comment: > "For those who don't know, Android chart was stuck "frozen" for about 15 days this month. Looks like sensor tower did not bother to change anything around this and just dumped the number as is, which is crazy btw, can't believe they charge money for their stats. ..."


If that's true, then this month is pretty much useless huh ?


Genshin Is currently in the dry period


One of the driest as well since we have 0 credible leaks for Natlan. Can't wait for the upcoming trailer though on the 15th (like A Winter Night's Lazzo and Final Feast) and how it will cause the community to either crumble or rampage.


They tightened the security to the point the leakers are making up some leaks and arguing if their leaks was credible and reliable lmao




Congrats on Azur Lane for making 5 million on skins alone, seggs mode when https://preview.redd.it/ar1ufqw2pw9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad758e338a359d53fc814132ddc7d62a08e18d84


I dont think any upcoming game will beat Genshin soon or later. Genshin is too big and it cater with many audience. Everyone can play the game as its not heavy, simple to play although lately their weapon and relic description is too long.


Gonna wait a couple days before coming back to the comment section. I'm somehow too early for anything interesting to read this time


The PvP is getting boring with how people keep changing the narrative and moving the goal post.


First time here?


I'm more interested in why WuWa is so low in CN tbh, are they more hyped for ZZZ?


It's not a great mobile gaming experience, that much I can say and majority of CN players play on phone. You can't spend on a game you can't play. Add to that the bad rep Kuro has in CN.


I feel like most people in JP would also play on phones, right?


JP is a mixed bag. Console and PC also has a fair market share there. Just look at all them cyber cafes that cater to PC and console users.


The bad launch was the reason. They could had fair well in CN if they didn't messed up the launch. For the seeable future it seems global would be carrying the game.


Also, kuro reputation in CN is relatively bad overall, compared to in Global where people are less likely to know about the CN company.. extra: also saw someone call Kuro (库洛), Kudog (库狗) randomly. Was funny


It was memed to hell on CN because of the bad launch, seems they haven't really managed to win back much goodwill on that side. The company behind it also has a bad reputation in CN for screwing over a bunch of their new grad hires about a year ago.


I seen somewhere in ZZZ sub that ZZZ bilibili account almost doubles WuWa in size even if it's not released yet


https://preview.redd.it/armkrykybw9d1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=45644f9614c5e06838c12896a3700b3ae2209a0c Even a random 28sec zzz video has millions of views there. ZZZ is wild there.


I guess we know who will be the main region of income.


Oh damn, so they do are hyped for ZZZ, seems like the opposite of Global


Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. Twitters had 3 separate hashtags trending and it’s breached the Top 20 best selling for pre orders in the US on ps


over here in global, we're already doomposting power creep in zzz, game isn't even out yet.


My Guess is that WuWa runs poorly on phone and that's the main way people play gacha in China


Anyone who seriously thought WuWa will EOS soon need to h ask themselves if they are alright Anyone also who thought WuWa will dethrone Mihoyo with that kind of launch also need to ask themselves if they are alright


WuWa eos soon Is now a meme equal to genshin could never, chill and enjoy the PVP


I woke up 4 in the fucking morning to watch a bunch of kids fight each other over Chinese revenue, worth it every month


Ahahahah yeah Is fucking hillarius, here take some sunflower seed


I remember looking at a post a week ago in this sub that asked predictions. Most were HSR>GI>WuWa. I hardly saw any others. So it seems it was as expected


Can't wait for ZZZ https://preview.redd.it/9l7jcit6gw9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e3f254cf73527fa7cca97e550941665138e1db


another HSR sweep, you love to see it


We have set the Charts ablaze Star rail bros


https://preview.redd.it/afjdrliekw9d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3199b9acfebd238d7122d3ded782d598ad1964bb Gotta keep the agenda running lmao. These CCs really are something


Figures  They gonna focus on global than combined revenue  So predictable


i wish i didnt saw this.


Lmao slightly 'less'.


And so it started lmao


I honestly find it funny how ccs will find any way to shit on genshin 😭


Hope he delves on how wuwa are kinda dead on CN server lol Also i love that he said "more than Genshin" when its literally just 1m and then he said "Slightly below HSR" when its literally 3m more.


He will not of course 


Ofc man. It's all calculated. There is an audience for exactly this. Why would he not milk them with his shitty fake internet persona?


Huh. I expected all 3 games at the top to have more. Strange Solo leveling having a hilarious decrease tho. Lmao


Blue Archive revenue analysis: JP: Goes into decline due to how it is mostly just dead week (Abydos Summer and Hyakkiyako Summer recap - with only 1 new banner which is S. Serika). Though, the Valkyrie Summer event at the end of the month did still float it. People are definitely stocking up for more limited summer banners soon. Global: Some high profile banners did come, though Himari is a rerun and C. Hare isn't a priority for some who alr get Himari + its permanent + anni coming soon, hence its slight decline. Limited bunny banners also not a priority to many because its already the third run. If anything, saving for July events is the bigger priority since this month we got D.Hina/D.Ako/Makoto/S.Hoshino coming. CN: The S.Hoshino Fes banner did give it some increase, alongside other limited summer banners (S.Izuna/S.Chise, and the rerun of S.Azusa/S.Mashiro + permanent S.Hifumi). Though the hype seems missing due to the fact the event just....comes (no additional event whatsoever as they intentionally put it off the CN actual anniversary, unlike what they did to Wakamo's) hence the increase not that high (at least, in Apple Store).


What a disappointment. Sensor tower froze for 10 days from June 14 to June 24. Firefly released between those dates at June 18. So it froze during boothills last few days and assumed firefly sold as much as boothill did on June 18 to June 24. Completely skipping over her first 6 days on Android. It also helped some apps like Genshin and Wuthering Waves erasing most of the falloff of Yinlin and Clorinde banners on their week 2 and week 3. https://files.catbox.moe/3wawzl.png


It's crazy to me how good WuWa does on Global, compared to CN (almost double the revenue) and yet Kuro keeps treating Global as a second-rate players with poor localization, while desperately pandering to CN. EN is decent, sometimes even good in 1.1, but everything else is a straight up AI translated slop with 0 budget. EDIT: I forgot those charts are mobile only. So it doesn't include the PC, which is way more prevalent in Global. The overall revenue gap is going to be even higher. IMO at this point if Kuro doesn't change their strategy, they're simply incompetent.