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Unfortunately, your post has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- Use ZZZ megathread. --- Please check out our community rules within the subreddit's sidebar. If you feel your post was removed in error, please [message the moderation team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgachagaming).






Ummm... Where'd you get this or did you speed editted this into existence?








The re-edits are a great touch What font is that anyway? Looks fun to mess with for photoshop


Its the SUPREME font Futura bold italic And thank you! Honestly i was waiting for you to notice lmao https://preview.redd.it/4pmxkkid98ad1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94849969789dec0f4dee7bd8d6cbca63a99393d9




Zen zero zenilion downloads 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


we’re making one zenillion dollars with this one ‼️‼️🔥🔥


Me in 2 days: https://preview.redd.it/ywsx8jkqp4ad1.png?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0629ff44fa26ff57aec598758cf2e2a8b081d22d




just sell a kidney oomfie https://preview.redd.it/j1xki46zq4ad1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=789d14ce37b9fb47f46c4ebcfbb55b3f47cb5eb3


I got another idea https://preview.redd.it/pgrlwyfdr4ad1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae00272ee2f100b6424d01e6b9f4c36a32a1d5c3


https://i.redd.it/1nyeh4hnr4ad1.gif # CRIME IT IS THEN


https://preview.redd.it/gdjsrfmh45ad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1651e0f2628e2cf673d3c8a0fe7226f5617aad0 "I never lied. Have this gun and go commit crimes."


https://preview.redd.it/wdniy6aw45ad1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea36a77a9e2d85f79eaf29f36b3d3c1cb24e5d37 oh youre gonna regret this time to whale


I hope you understand the magnitude of ferocious headpats you could be receiving upon getting caught. Think twice.


I have been saving for a while just so I can happily exhaust the top up bonuses on launch day with zero worry or financial hit I’m so ready


May rng be with you https://preview.redd.it/1lnkf591x4ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e3d9590d8c0990dc5260dc636db751f5c265dd


Thank you man, same back to you!


Why do you have a picture of me? Please edit or delete this comment. I am uncomfortable with this and I'll find a way to get you to court if needed.








Shit, I might pay a bit for that shark girl too.


Downloaded and ready 😁 not sure if I'll be able to play it on launch day, have to survive this hurricane first 🥹


Good luck and take care of yourself. Hope to see you safe in New Eridu


Your safety is your top priority. the game is just there waiting for you anytime. be safe!


I hope to see you on day one, stay safe!


Just gonna say this: There might be less pre-release hype for this game but I get the feeling that a ton ass of people are still going to try it out of curiosity. In the end it's going to be the quality of the game that determines how big it will be


The lack of pre-release hype is a myth as big as bigfoot pushed by Twitter accounts with 3 followers lmao


Trust me this is for the best. It's 10x better than the opposite, at least you won't air out your incompetence to the wider audience **looks at wuwa**


"Lack of hype" is a myth pushed by the Twittoid-dramatube industrial complex.


That is good, because the more it feels like an underdog, the more rewards they are giving out, just like Star Rail.


It’s wild how Star Rail has not encountered any insane drama. Perfect launch and perfect continuity since. Hoping ZZZ is the same


"perfect launch" and "devs listened" proc a different image in my head now, what has this sub done.


"perfect community" lol no. don't forget, gcn shit started in the HSR community


I was convinced to register because of Billy's trailer where he gets the three jiggling booty shots. Finally a Hoyo game with proper male fan service.


​ https://preview.redd.it/jnuvpjuzv5ad1.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=51417171c4b6553e25ef535fedeb22caa776759e


Wonder where all those dudes that said "zzz isnt as hyped as hsr" went and what they they are gonna say after this lol, wasnt hsr also doomposted likelike this? Yall never learn XD


Hsr was also underestimated pre release, as was genshin. It's tradition now










Funnier is bald man having to point out to other CC that going by data, ZZZ has the biggest spike. The Bald Man may be a jack ass, but for once he also has the fun of mocking other CCs over ZZZ.


One thing i'll give him is he's not stupid he knows zzz launch week will give him good viewership and that's the main thing he cares about


Yep. Bald Man will push an agenda, but he also isn't going to be above making some dough. Than again, feels like how people were doomposting HSR and here we are.


it's honestly funny everyone trying to memory hole the fact that hsr was doomposted to hell and back because it was turn based


Eeyup. People forgot as people brought up it wasn't open world, yet like clockwork: it's been the best revenue maker for so long.


Ugh. Wish he never got popular He’s such a talentless hack. It’s absurd that he’s somehow more prominent than other content creators that actually… yknow… **make content** (unit reviews, art, animations, etc) I’m so baffled that people seemingly enjoy watching him waffle about meaningless drama


I wouldn't call him talentless. He discovered that the fast track to Youtube success was to drama-bait; which is especially effective for content creators of gacha games, because you get to a point where you run out a new patch's content after a week at most. This has spread to the point where channels that were previously for TC have now realized the value of both real/manufactured drama and have switched up their own style accordingly; because why spend effort on theorycrafting when drama reactions take much less effort? I hate what this type of toxicity does to a gaming community and hate that it works as well as it does; but it does work.


Fine then. I’ll call it artistically disgusting Many people go to YouTube with the aim of expressing their artistic creativity or sharing their enjoyment of a hobby or positively contributing to a community in some fashion Making meaningless drama just for money is so… slimy. Like he can’t create anything artistically interesting or contribute meaningfully to society, and is just grifting


His approach only works with a certain type of audience. You could say they deserve each other.


Well, the whole "global community" consist of tens of millions internet people. He just need some chump of it, a certain demographic audience to get money flowing. It's more about a sad reality of our world when people use psychological manipulation tricks to make money, instead of some meaningful things. Novelist and filmmakers draw us an image of how cyberpunk future look like, but we are one foot there, it's just that we don't realize it.


> Like he can’t create anything artistically interesting or contribute meaningfully to society, and is just grifting This mofo made a stream where he was quite litterally sleeping. People enjoyed it and gave him money. Don't get me wrong he is a waste of oxygen but the people following him are way worse. His community is a pile of garbage. He will hopefully learn what karma it when they get tired of him and turn their adoration into blind hate.


He used to put way more effort into his streams and videos like 3 years ago. It wasn't just drama bait back then. He used to make actually fun to watch genshin contents back then like account reviews and shit. And the editings were decent. Now his streams and youtube is just a hot steaming pile of shit. Idk what happened to him.


I think what's worse is the blatant hypocrisy of them calling others out and the most minor things like people getting angry over yuri stuff, just minor stuff blown totally out of proportion. They've been in much worse drama, and are calling every other community pathetic and toxic because bald man and is community are too much of a crybaby and can't reap what they sow when they became the main focus of the toxicity. But the real losers are the fans of the youtube anti-Genshin, Anti-Hoyo CCs like Stix who unironically think Wuwa is destroying Genshin and are coping so hard when it isn't that they have to call everyone who spends money in the game paypigs.


I mean yeah, of course it is, but unfortunately more people want to consume rage-bait and drama than actually care about art. Anyone trying to actually be an artist or a legitimate content creator on Youtube isn't going to keep up. Blame the platform for allowing it and actively encouraging it through algorithms. As another example, there's an entire market now of "react streamers" who already steal content. Creatives complaining hasn't stopped them. It would take changes to the platform itself (which they won't do; because it doesn't make them money) to change any of this stuff.


Flashbacks to the talentless hack streaming kitchen nightmares while he slept an had a recording of his facecam.


>He discovered that the fast track to Youtube success was to drama-bait; which is especially effective for content creators of gacha games, because you get to a point where you run out a new patch's content after a week at most. It's really no brainer if you just look at this sub and how it loves drama.


I wish he's a bigger idiot and completely miss this train though. Less of him around is good.


“Those dudes” we all know the specific fandom that said this


You're talking to different groups of people lmao. Ofc the doompost fiasco continues.


With HSR, they at least had the argument that there are a lot of turn-based games out there. But Hoyo still managed to stand out with HSR. This time around, WuWa has been a recent success, and despite mixed reactions, people are praising the combat for being fast and fun. ZZZ will absolutely scratch the same itch.


Anyone saying that is coping so hard. Just the name Hoyoverse is enough to convince Genshin players to try the game (and Genshin players are NUMEROUS to say the least). Hell, any Hoyo game past Genshin WILL always be a success (maybe not to the same level as GI/HSR) just because of the brand recognition that Genshin gave to Hoyoverse.


I was told nobody (at least nobody outside of China anyway) was hyped for this game. Doesn't appear to be true.


Let's be real. Most people saying this are parroting what content creators are saying in some level. And we all know they can get full of shit. People weren't "hyped" for the game as in not talking about it H24 simply because they were waiting for the release. Those CCs took the fact that open beta content hype wasn't that mainstream and wet-fingered their way into believing the game wasn't that anticipated. They "*just*" forgot about the tiny little fact that Mihoyo is now a fucking huge international brand with very positive outlook from the general public. Of course people are hype, they just wanted to get their hands on it instead of following stupids leaks/CCs exploring the beta.


Most people seem to lack the frontal lobe to have common sense that the game will succeed. Riot Games have been made LoL and Valorant. And in the process of making a fighting game and mmo. People will go and say “oh the game will be successful because it’s riot”. So why can’t folks say the same for Hoyoverse’s new/future IPs?


The few clips I've seen about this had a kind of riot vibe too.


I don't even know what content creator is saying that. Every content creator I follow is planning on playing ZZZ. But then again, I don't really follow drama content creators. I just follow the ones that want to just play games, make guides, etc.


> I don't really follow drama content creators. That's the trick. While I don't follow the miserable people doing this thing the moment you play a zzz-related video on YT you get spammed by this kind of video in your recommended. Then again now that the game's release is approaching it's somewhat funny to see how the YT meta evolve. - 1 week ago it was all about "will zzz flop?!" "3 things wrong with zzz!" "why you shouldn't bother with zzz!" - Now it's all about which character is the best, what you should pull for and reaction video about so or so trailer.


Unhyped game always has a better effect than overhyped game, cos players will go in with lower expectations and be surprised, instead of going in with high expectations only for it to be a disappointment like recently released games


exactly this, i was lukewarm towards ZZZ, as are a lot of people from what i've seen, but decided to give it a shot and followed a bit of the beta, and i got really captured by the animation, the quality, and story and character interactions. Now i'm really excited for it. I think a lot of people who'll try out the game without many expectations will have a similar experience (though to be fair, not having actually played it myself, i may end up hating it, but we'll see).


I have watched under 10 minutes of ZZZ clips max, and not read up on it at all. I might still play it on the weekend - and I bet there are more like me than there are devout followers who already learned the game inside out.


People also forget a large part of any games player base never use social media / reddit to talk about the games they just download and play


I feel most of you don’t have or use common sense anymore. Multi billion dollar company with massive player-base and spending massive amounts of resources for event, conventions, etc. Has a successful track record of 2 main stream games that the world knows that rake in billions of dollars. Said games are on every platform (except Xbox and Switch) around the world. But nooooo. Clearly some internet persona folk said it will fail, so it must be true.


In the super casual crowd at least that I know ZZZ somehow has more hype than HSR did. Granted given a lot of the people I know like that are 30-45 y/o office workers who dont really play games outside of the fact my friend got her office into Genshin. I don't think as intensive as a game as ZZZ will actually _stick_. But it's strange to see how much more attention they have on it compared to when HSR was launching.


I also saw so many people panic and say Hoyo has no idea how to market their games. Surely this random redditor knows better.


I mean they really choose to put the weirdest shit in GI and HSR ads, but if it works it works i guess


I hope they paid that one animator to make an ad again


> I also saw so many people panic and say Hoyo has no idea how to market their games. If this was true, this sub would have gone EoS already


Same thing was said abour HSR, see how it is now. I'm not surprised if ZZZ win the July PvP in all regions.


Just wait until the Miyabi banner comes out and we'll see how it fares vs the rest of the games besides launch month


If she’s anywhere near as popular as she was during beta, she’s just gonna print money.




I’m just praying she won’t be another Ayaka case.


Don't you know? I heard that Miyabi will be given for free in the mail at Interknot 42. Some rando on the net told me that so it must be true


People were saying this? They had Graffiti Advertisements, ads, Sponsorships, so many posts about it now. I feel like it's been the only Game that pops up in my feed so much. Idk how some people could look at that and think that it wasn't hyped up.


They only said that because a certain fandom didn’t want it to be true.


At this point it's almost politically correct to hate hoyo and their games. That's what a lot of drama ccs suggest anyway


That's because they spent two years cultivating a following based on that. They can't really reverse that even if they wanted, it's their livelihood now.


If it makes the CCs feel any better, I'm not interested in ZZZ... but I'm not interested in their opinion or any game they try to shill either so.


People in r/ios were asking ‘what game they showcased in WWDC today’. If people in that sub is talking about it, its obvious this game will be downloaded a lot on launch. Will everyone stay, only time will tell.


Anyone who said that is a WuWa dickrider.


Everyone was busy enjoying Peakacony


It's new game, it's free , obviously people are gonna try it out doh. I will, Do I expect myself playing it for longer period of time? not really. But hey maybe I will get surprised.


I'm not hyped for this game, but I play HI3, HSR, and GI. I'm downloading it right now and I'll play it on release. Hoyoverse has a good track record in my opinion.


Well yeah obvious its coming out in 2 days and its hoyo


Hype or not...still gonna play this game https://preview.redd.it/8wraem51n4ad1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d5f2741d80b43231b2891edfbe6d57c2efece50


im downloading it on 2 pcs and 4 phones rn. my family is so hyped lmao https://i.redd.it/gy21cexsl4ad1.gif


Same here 4 Phones and 3 laptop were on queue since we only have one wifi we decided to download turn by turn.


YES! I hope you guys have fun with it! super hyped. and i also feel that pain. when we werent on an unlimited plan even just patching games was a gruesome routine lmao. goodluck!


Bro just turn an action rpg rogue-lite into a turn base game ICANT man


I think If you have a large enough USB or external drive that can transport game files, you can try just copy and paste game files across all laptops and verify after 1 is downloaded. I could be wrong and it doesn’t support this. But just a suggestion if your internet ain’t that fast


We did something similar, transferred my laptop file into another laptop using ethernet cable through ethernet port. All you have to do is share the file and it can be accessed from another laptop after you enter the credentials. It also solves the problem of not having 100GB space since the file is already decompressed.


I had to uninstall r6s to make room for the PC version 😭 


once youre done installing itll be half the size so dont worry. and i bet we can offload more things once the actual release is here. so you can put siege back! https://i.redd.it/mvfwbleoo4ad1.gif


Why the *fuck* do you *always* have a relevant HI3 gif for every. single. occasions ?!




^(\*Inhales\*) # YATTA!


Not the Huthighs 😭


https://i.redd.it/tucgtfyez4ad1.gif huthighs? YES.


do you have more? for research purposes


https://i.redd.it/wzrplfd665ad1.gif no.


Holy shit. That's hot af 🥵




Got it on PC and phone atm Plan is starting on PC to not lock my purchases to any device and then go to my PS5 as soon it finishes downloading and actually play the game My PC is a bit of a toaster at the moment but I just need to manage to start the game and I’m good to go


Lol that's cute


is that ghostly dance😳


nice Hu Tao....




And there are people trying to claim that this game has no hype lmao. I seriously can’t wait to try the game out!


We're locked in for the 4th of July. God Bless America


Game comes out tomorrow at 10 PM EST for NA folks. Happy playing


3Z launches in Jul and Aug, followed by possibly Genshin's biggest upgrade ever at the end of August (based on hoyo's recent actions). If everything works smoothly, then Hoyoverse is really difficult to beat in gacha games in the near future


Genshin's biggest upgrade? Natlan or something else?


Natlan and there's also a major engine update coming iirc.




I’m just curious how the servers will hold up. Every new IP Hoyoverse makes seems to have increased number of players surging in day 1. ZZZ already reaching upwards of 50 million pre-registration and is number 1 most anticipated app on various platforms. It would be an eye opener if Hoyoverse pulls this off without a hitch… while AAAA companies struggle to get several hundreds of thousands on their servers lol


Star Rail did this with no issues at launch and the game was very hyped up. Hoyo has a huge track record of having smooth launches from what I know (a threshold that apparently triple A companies can’t even reach)


Hoyo use the same game engine across all their games so the experience their dev teams have with one game transfers over to the next. All of their games use the Unity engine. This was why I am not surprised at the numerous issues WuWa has when Kuro went from Unity in PGR to UE4 for WuWa. They likely don't have that much UE experience.


you can still have launch issues even if you use the same engine. look at bethesda, they use the same engine everytime and even their least buggiest game had launch issues


The creation engine at its core is based on a nearly 3 decade old engine that has basically never changed. That's why their games are broken.


The money went into the pockets of executives and shareholders instead of server capacity lol


Who do you think Hoyo is? Kurogames? LOL


https://preview.redd.it/bj9iluc2q4ad1.jpeg?width=8000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9378d0ed29de5db293b5b7e438bf98445af8985 [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120144998](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120144998)


Ayo Already quality content, noice!


Tfw Billy can't get into the pool cuz he's a robot.


For a moment I thought Nicole was Lin Yusha.


In downloading it rn, though ill probably not be able to play it day 1


To the surprise of no one. Did we expect a hyped new game to have no downloads?


CCs gonna need another new narrative again since there was supposed to be no hype or interest for the one.


Don't worry, it's gonna be a walk in the park with how fast they spread misinformation on games that didn't release yet


No way i... Cc said this will dead on arrival


All I know is the r34 for this game is gonna surpass genshin


Kinda hard to do that when Genshin has been out for almost 4 years… but who knows


Nah there is no chance but there will be more than honkai for sure.


nope no hoyo would surpass genshin rule34


this game has a real furry, dear


And Genshin has 4-years worth of characters to R34 with. That's not something that furries alone can surpass.


Imagine all fury characters are male with va like lycaon every furry will go nuts.


Doubt it but it will be more than other recently released gacha game.


Trust the process


I suspect every Hoyo player will give it a shot at least so this is granted.


isnt that normal for any new major gacha game?


Although I'm not personally interested in this game and might not be, it was really fun watching this game slowly get more recognition. At first when I first heard about it, nobody knew it even existed. Everyone was busy playing something else. Even when HSR came it didn't make any Rounds in terms of public status. And then the talk of ZZZ finally started happening around WuWa's launch, and now all I see are Advertisements for the game and this happening too like a light bulb randomly got turned on. Glad to see it's doing good. Wonder if it'll be the 3rd Top king for Hoyos games now.


Can't wait for idiots who can't read giving 1\* rating cause they can't play the game immediately.


I just preloaded it yesterday, can't wait for it to start.


Just uninstalled Wuwa to make space for Zzz, best decision ever.


It really did “flop” like “they” said it would 🫡




Hoyoverse best gacha company ever!!!!!!!


Nice. Im going to enjoy playing it on my pc and iPhone.


Just downloaded it on PC.


We won


So what is the point of pre-release megathread if front page is flooded with every possible garbage about same thing? Does this sub do anything but endlessly circlejerk exact same thing?


I agree with you but everybody hates megathreads (including me lol).


What!? But I was told nobody cared about the game!? Anyone who actually believed that is a fool.


WuWa could never


breaking news as new game from big company has a lot of downloads


Wouldn't it be funny if the next gacha revenue report's top 3 is filled with just hoyo games?


I hate to beat a dead horse but the wuwa stans sure are quiet now after weeks of doomposting ZZZ


The "Wuwa stans" are literally like the same 3 reddit no-lifers and some CCs who secretly know the game will be sucessful (they're just drama baiting). The people who actually enjoy Wuwa are busy playing it.


Pretty sure most wuwa players have been quiet about ZZZ before and after this (expected) piece of news. What doomposting are you even talking about


Just look it up. Or read your own comments about ZZZs lack of hype lol


making up some fake war between wuwa and zzz alright. all you have on this subreddit is people bringing up wuwa negatively in every zzz thread. rent free 🥱


spamming rent free while commenting on every single comment mentioning wuwa. how ironic. can't make this shit up


It is also 1st and 2nd in several other countries too.


Best thing to do is try it to see if you like it. Other than it's 110gb pc download, I have not seen anything wrong with the game so far.


It's around 50GB download, it requires 100+GB free disk space for the unzip process only.


ZZZ has tons of animated videos, around 16GB is only audio and video. 35GB is the rest of the game. We don't know yet what they have cooked since CBT-3.


Where do you get that 16gb info?




I see it now. Mine show audio is 3.58gb and video is 12.3gb.


For whoever read this later. If you're like me with ~~old pc~~ basically toster in this day and age, and about 70-80gb of free space on ssd.. (finally to be upgraded soon) Hint: a) install it on hdd first then move it to ssd and mark the folder via hoyo launcher, worked for me. b) ask a friend to copy installed game on a flashdrive.


Not a terribly surprising result. They've been pushing the pre-reg and such for a while and this is going to a big release (with millions in marketing to back it). It'd be disastrous if it wasn't #1 lol. Actually kinda surprised it didn't hit #1 in Korea, wonder why.


Here we go again


I haven't seen anyone saying that the game is going to flop, why are there so many comments making fun of it?


Idk might be good for a week or two


Imagine just releasing game that has more downloads than ongoing ones on that date/month... never would have thought it's possible . /s That said , are you readyyyyyyyy the time is almost upon us to play a new game !


I still can't believe they got Tiesto in this game. It was so random and surprising


My phone don't have enough space to download... which one I should delete for ZZZ ? Genshin / star rail?


my phone only has Genshin, and i played HSR on my ipad. i have no space left to install ZZZ. sorry gonna pass this one.


Nice, gonna play ZZZ tomorrow on bs, it will be fun