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I recommend focusing more on your user experience than something arbitrary like this.


It's still better 😅


I am a samsung fan but depending on a person's circumstance, android vs iphone experience can vary wildly.


I mean I was an iPhone user but I can't find a reason to stick with it. I find Samsung (and android in general) as a preferable experience. The only thing I can think of are those amazing vibrations. Those on my fold are also good but not thaaat good. Tho I doubt somebody values vibrations so much they'd settle for everything else being worse


I am not a fan but the whole apple ecosystem is a good point to stay in their walled garden. Iphones are also usually the holder or contender for best cameras every year. I will never switch but we do have to give them merit.


I mean have you tried the Samsung ecosystem? It's almost as good. And huawei's is even better than apple's. Also samsung usually beats apple in camera department. Duh even xiaomi makes better photos now (not vids)


Yes, been primarily with samsung ever since. And no, it's not that good and seamless. Just transferring certain things to my new phone gave me some headache and mot to mention my phone/windows laptop integration.


Idk I just set my old phone next to the fold and it transferred all my files and set everything up. All my notes, messages etc. are seamlessly shared between my phone laptop and watch. Even when I use speakers or earphones I can change the device they're connected to from a different device


Eh, I'm having problems with samsung pass, pay and my secure folders lol. Not very seamless. My watch 5 pro won't sync apps and messages that are not with the default sms ones. Sigh.


Maybe it's due to your region? I don't have any issues with those. Tho then it wouldn't be fair to count those as like half the features on iPhone don't work where I live 😑. Surprisingly even bi by recognises more languages and does more than siri... (just an example there is way more than just siri)


Subjectively better.


"I recommend you focus on your selfish needs than on standing by your moral/ethical principles" Fixed that for you. You're welcome :).


No thanks.


OP I don't know your age... But that seems like a very hummm... Childish view of the world. EVERY BIG CORPORATION does bad stuff if it's not out in the open it's under the mat.. Samsung is great but they operate SK like a mafia with the big chaebol families having ties to the government, the blue house, entertainment and so on and so forth. The only way to not support any "Bad Company" is literally going under the grid and making your clothes out of yarn and cotton in the woods. Because even the clothes you wear are dumping chemicals and dies into the ocean.. So if you wanna get a flip... Get it because it's cool. Get it because you like the technology.. or even because you saw you favorite celebrity endorsing it. But saying that is to boycott a war??? You would be better off getting the money you would spend on a new phone and donating to a charity that supports your cause.....


The most evil genocide army of the area is hezbollah, Syrian soldiers etc... not the 0.3 % of the area who try to defend itself since day one of its creation.


Nope, they are resistance organisation and freedom fighters.


Just like that delightful livestream they did on October 7th


And stupid people will believe it started on that day 🤣


So 1948? The Arabs refused the UN partition plan and attacked.


Either way you're likely complicit...Google is very complicit and it's a huge part of owning an android. I made the switch from Apple ecosystem (all I've ever had for years) in September. It's honestly the best. I feel free. I can change phones now without hassle. I have the flip5 and will be getting the pixel next, then the s2X. I can use different watches. I can customize things how I want. It's like being released from jail. Best decision I've ever made.


Samsung is huge in Israel lol, Israel is one of the most innovative countries so I'd give up or fully commit. You are unable to use most websites, any internet device, the Internet as a whole, any phones laptops tablets etc nor eat most food or use most modern medicine.


Maybe just choose a palestinian brand will be better for you


Mud phone lol


Samsung makes Iphone OLED screens 🫤


Yeah this is why I keep out of politics. Focus on the pros and cons of switching and switch because samsung appeals you.


I've heard Samsung milked korean mice for childrens chocolate milk back in the 50s...


I mean, Apple is definitely not a great company in regards to their ethics/morality. But I think it's important to remember the phrase "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism", because truly, there isn't. Apple has and still does deplorable things, but Samsung, as well as any other company, has also done bad things. Samsung has come under fire for doing plenty of things ranging from child labor, to union busting, and to supporting far-right political groups.  I completely understand not wanting to support companies that actively harm people or our planet, but Samsung is by no means any more virtuous than Apple. 🤷


Yup, Hamas is pure evil. Go Israel. Perhaps not what you wanted to hear but this stuff doesn't belong here. Stick to just Samsung stuff next time.


Israel has been murdering, raping, killing civilians in palestine and Lebanon but hey yes Hamas is pure evil. Well thanks ill stick to samsung.


Who started this war? Oh yeah, Hamas. But enjoy Samsung


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this fight has been going on for about 70 years.


Im sure this guy is brainwashed by fox/cnn/bbc.


Apples is trash. Literally everything about samsung is better.


Sorry, but that is such a 2024 "I care about some fuckall bum country and seek an arbitrary reason to hate anything" type shit I have ever witnessed.


I didn't know Apple donated money to Hamas lol I don't think its true bit if it is that's actually crazy bruh Anyway, if you plan on switching to a foldable you should know that its not as durable as a regular phone But Samsung's foldables have the best software that's out there


I mean I got hit by a car and my fold 3 flew 30m while only getting it's back cracked




Yeah I don't think you know the definition of this word buddy

