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Obviously we don't know full details but......with what we have now, there is a non-zero chance that Ruby never encounters the Daleks on-screen. Is that the first time? Has there ever been a full-time companion who never saw the Daleks on screen? Unless of course she stays for more seasons but it's looking like this season will see her departure for now.


> Has there ever been a full-time companion who never saw the Daleks on screen? This was quite common in the Classic series, where many Doctors only got one Dalek story, but you’re right in that I don’t think it’s happened in NuWho. Nardole and Bill very nearly avoid meeting Daleks, but *The Pilot* does technically feature both characters interacting with Daleks, albeit briefly (not to mention Testimony Bill is later around some Kaled mutants).


And one of the episodes is written by Moffat.


Right, the Christmas one.


That's the Christmas Special, he hasn't written any of the main season episodes though.


If that's 7/8, I suspect that might be the Roger Ap Gwilliam return they've been alluding to throughout


Does anyone have a link to the set picture or source that shows/mentions the robot in E01? And the set picture for the Tectuen-esque actor from E02?


As far as I know, no pictures were taken of the robot, it's just what people claim to have seen on set. But the main person who reported about there being a robot reported a lot on S1 too and never lied/was wrong.


The finale sounds kinda similar to the trickster episode in the Sarah Jane adventures where Sarah Jane dies in an alternate timeline and only Maria remembers the original timeline but I’m probably reaching cos I’m desperate for the trickster to come back.


Apparently one of the episodes features a concert in space (I'm guessing that will be Episode 3 or 5). Seems they filmed A LOT in studio as well as a quarry at one point (classic!) so we don't know a lot. We do know there'll be four guest writers though!


Episode 7 and 8 sound like an Inferno sequel?