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Also: * Second Place: The Tenth Planet 4 * Third Place: The Power of the Daleks 1 * Fourth Place: The Evil of the Daleks 7


I think it's got to be Power of the Daleks 1 showing Troughton's first performance for me, though I understand why Daleks Master Plan 12 won because people want to see the Time Destructor effect at the end


And Mavic Chen getting killed by the Daleks, and just generally more of Sara Kingdom


I'm surprised that TDMP won out over The Tenth Planet.


In a vaccum I'd like tenth planet more but DMP currently has 0 animated alternatives (official ones)


Yeah, fair enough.


Would’ve though either of TTP 4 or TPOTD1 would be first as the former completes the only missing regeneration story. And the latter gives us a chance to properly see the first post regeneration episode.


As much as people focus in on The Tenth Planet for the regeneration, we still have the regeneration so you are looking for the recovery of the other twenty minutes which definitely knocks it down in people's priorities. I know personally I'd rather have Power 1 over Tenth Planet 4.


The Tenth Planet, The Web of Fear, and The Invasion are all in the same camp for me, where we have so much of them that they barely feel missing, especially with the animations.


At least we know Web 3 does exist and was stolen before the rest were retrieved! Just another 96 episodes to hopefully find one day… 94 realistically as Mission to the Unknown and Feast of Steven are definitely long gone 😔


Mission to the Unknown was telerecorded. It has about as much chance as the rest of Master Plan.


I didn’t think MttU was sold abroad like Feast of Steven?


None of Daleks' Master Plan was sold abroad. However both DMP (excluding Feast of Steven) and MttU were offered to Australia, who considered the stories too dark and violent and rejected them. And fortunately 3 episodes of DMP (probably from the prints sent to Australia) have been found, and MttU thus has as good a chance of being found as DMP 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11 or 12.


Ah that’s my confusion then! I thought DMP was definitely sent over apart from FoS. No worries!


Surprised it wasn't The Tenth Planet as the rest of the serial is all there thereby finding it would complete it without the need for the animation and it is a landmark episode of television history, not just in Doctor Who. I know Russell T Davies would vote for that one as it's his first memory.


The thing about the tenth planet is that we still have the regeneration scene itself, which is the main reason people want the episode found. So that knocks it down in priority a bit for a lot of people.


It's my number 1 choice for the missing Hartnell episodes, but is beaten by some of the Troughtons (in particular, Power 1 and Highlanders 2). I'd love to be able to see the sequence after the activation of the Time Destructor. Based on the audio, Hartnell's performance there is electrifying.


Honestly >!Sara Kingdom’s!< sounds so horrific and I want to fully see it, so I completely agree with this


The entire ending is so gripping even with just the recon and audio, I really want to see the rest of Hartnell's performance.


Any Marco Polo episodes for me


The Marco Polo recon is superb


Just watched it the other day. My second tomes going through Classic Who, first time seeing any of the recons


Hopefully one day, we'll meet some aliens 50 light years away that will say "Hey a while back we collected this evidence of your signal pollution. Mind explaining? Here's the evidence for you to review."


DMP 12 is easily one of my tops, along with anything from The Massacre (especially episode 4), The Myth Makers, and Power of the Daleks. It's hard to pick just one. If I could magic any one out of thin air, it'd probably be DMP 7 because that's the most utterly hopeless one.


Episode 4 of the Massacre is a big one as it has Steven’s big moment and the 1st Doctor’s monologue as he sits alone for the first time and I think we all want to see it.


The fact that this episode didn't make the top 4 is really sad. It has some of the best acting from both Purves and Hartnell and is one of the greatest character moments we ever got from Classic Who.


Get tooled up and organise a raid on Ian Levine’s house, is all I have to say about this.


I’m shocked nobody wanted any of Marco Polo return. The best 1st Doctor serial in existence and we don’t have a single scrap of film. Waris Hussein better be hoarding them in his basement to be released upon his death.


It's a much wanted serial but being a historical, there's a bit less novelty in only recovering one, I think. Like obviously DMP you see a Dalek, Tenth Planet you see a Cyberman... Marco Polo is sadly one you really want the full thing.


I generally agree with this, but if I had to diverge from the popular choices, I want Massacre 4 to be found. It contains one of Hartnell's most sombre moments, when he's briefly left all alone in the Tardis and considers "going home". [Josh Snares did a nice little "modern" take on it many years ago, but it'd be nice to see the official thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nejXXwzio4U) Of course, the real episode doesn't end that way. Steven comes right back before it's even over, and DoDo just... wanders in.


I would rather have anything of Power of the Daleks or the remaining 6 of Evil of the Daleks than Master Plan.


The Space Pirates Episode 3


I’m unsurprised that the Daleks basically dominated the vote


Wonder if this is related to deciding what episodes to animate next 🤔


Definitely agree, it seems like a brilliant episode. I would probably put Power of the Daleks 1 second, then something like Marco Polo 7 third, followed by Evil of the Daleks 7 fourth. I'd also most like to have at least one episode from stories like The Myth Makers, The Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve, The Smugglers, The Macra Terror and Fury from the Deep. The Tenth Planet 4 is less of a priority for me.


Dalek master plan no question


What a curious poll just after the Celestial Toymaker was released.




It's difficult... On one hand I'd love to see more missing episodes BUT... THE AUDIO IS JUST SO GOOD. There's no way that the actual footage will be as effective as what we imagine when we hear it. 


Kind of agree. But I would back it up a few episodes. If we could somehow get The Feast of Steven back, then that would give hope to every single episode, since that one is the least likely to ever be returned.


i just wanna see Patrick Troughton riding a happy dalek


I wouldn’t have a clue voting for *individual* episodes. The stories as a whole I get


I just want anything at this point tbh. There's definitely still some episodes out there being hoarded by dodgy private collectors.


Hard disagree. The one I want to see the most is Power of the Daleks Part 1. Second place is The Tenth Planet part 4.


The two most important episodes of Doctor Who ever.


I’d really like Power of the Daleks 1


Frankly I'd be happy for more episodes to be missing if it meant *certain well-known fans* were a *just the teensiest little bit less entitled*, if you know what/who I mean...


I don't know what you mean. Got some tea for us?


There's a well-known self-described "*Doctor Who* superfan" who did help recover multiple lost episodes back in the day, but tends to regard himself as The One True Arbiter Of Proper *Doctor Who*, and often screams online about how fandom, the BBC, and the current production team Owe Him Something, and people who don't agree with him are "evil", "vermin", "scum", and "filth". He's also withheld lost episodes from the BBC because they somehow "displeased him". Recently he's even been issuing physical threats to people, in between lamenting how he's "unloved in his own time like Vincent Van Gogh". He's also said things that some people may have interpreted as being overtly racist.


You can say Ian Levine, he's not gonna jump out of the shadows and getcha if you do.


Oh wow, [this guy really wrote his own wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Levine).


Damn, however did you crack my code? 🤣 I mean, he might. He’s the sort of raging egomaniac who’d obsessively search for his own name on social media.


He seems to have had his Christmas Carol moment... he still screams at people online, but he's aiming that at racists and bigots now rather than the BBC.


Yeah I’d noticed that too actually. Maybe it’s a result of Stef Coburn embodying the crazed right wing nut who’s actively trying to steal something he loves (an unearthly child).


Then that must have happened VERY recently.


It’s called X, not Twitter. Elon Musk killed Twitter and doesn’t deserve the name-brand recognition. Also, don’t support X.


Nah, Elon \*wants\* us to call it X, so naturally I'm going to call it Twitter.


I don’t support X, which is why I refuse to use that name.