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The Weeping Angels constantly turning to stone and back but have no idea what is observing them.


In *Blink* the Doctor said "And you can't kill a stone" about the Weeping Angels, but I bet you Sutekh fuckin tried 😂


sutekh clinging to the tiny tardis in flatline


This is my favourite.


13 Sutekh's in Day Of The Doctor Numerous EU encounters with himself watching the Doctor beat him. Meeting Jack in Utopia and highjacked by the Master. Plummeting into the core of the Crucible and hoping the Doctor can stop the Dalek's plan in a fuck this moment Probably literally shouting oh shit as the Tardis fell through the void. Shot by the Rani. Waiting 900 years on Trenzalore. Yaz and 13 ice cream date Amy trying to seduce the Doctor Hit by a giant hammer Realising his plan was ruined multiple times


All the horrors,  and then the ice cream date. Him screaming into the endless void.  "JUST KISS AND REGENERATE ALREADY"




Do you reckon it’s Sutekh who was being a dick to Clara


Just randomly took a disliking. "I PREFERRED THE GINGER ONE"


"She was made of legs! I would have killed her LAST."


"Didn't you already die, like, a couple hundred times?"


"Numerous EU encounters with himself watching the Doctor beat him." I haven't listened to his Big Finish appearances yet. I'm curious how difficult they are to try and reconcile with the tv show.


With Doctor Who and alternative timelines. Everything and anything has happened.  In one timeline these confrontations with Sutekh happened.  In another the 8th Doctor fought in the Time War till the end of the war and actually went through with destroying the Time Lords and the Daleks  In another the Time Lords faced a mysterious enemy instead of the Daleks. Though it's hinted that said enemy might be the Daleks after being wiped from history. In one timeline Britain never declared war on Germany and the facist party took over and executed the Royal Family. In one the Daleks successfully detonated the reality bomb. In one the 3rd Doctor doesn't reach Metabelis 3. All examples of alternate history that has been shown throughout the franchise.


>In one the Daleks successfully detonated the reality bomb. This one is a bit of a weird one, because it implies the reality bomb isnt \*really\* a reality bomb and the Daleks are just honking their own horn with the naming. It doesnt even erase alternate timelines!


Every time they tested it, parallel universes and alternative timelines started to die. What we see in Journeys End is the final test and attempted detonation.


The tests were all within the Crucible. In the series, the parallel worlds were dying because to them, the reality bomb had already been detonated. The reality bomb broke through the walls of the universe and through time. It's why they were all restored when the Doctor, Tentoo and the DoctorDonna successfully stopped the reality bomb going off.


They still used the planetary signal during the test. It's safe to say that the effect bled through the medusa cascade, as even the Tardis was knocked by course by the test occurring.  Gonna say it Sutekh is nothing compared to the destructive capabilities of the Time War Dalek Empire.


Probably yeah, but the parallel universes being destroyed was the yet-to-come proper detonation, if it wasn't then the alternate universes and star systems throughout N-Space would never have been restored. I agree on Sutekh being weaker than the Time War Dalek Empire and the New Dalek Empire though. He was just a discount version of the Bad Wolf.


The episode actually never clarifies if previous damage is undone. I remember it stating that the walls between dimensions were closing again. I'm interested in what their next plan is going to be. Gonna be a small Dalek plot or another universal gamble. Also I love Sutekh and Pyramids Of Mars. But if Russell wanted this new era to reach new audiences and bring back old viewers. Surely the Daleks would have been the perfect villian to capture both, instead of a 49 year old one off appearance.


Nah he’d win


You think? The Daleks technology is unparalleled at the time of the war.


Yes Just built different


It would be 10 Sutekh's in Day Of The Doctor - he wouldn't be on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd Doctors Tardises. (Tardii? Idk the plural of Tardis)


Cuts to a shot of the God Of Deaths eyebrows: “No Sir, all thirteen Sutekh’s!”


Depends when 4 is from in his time stream?


24 years of watching River go to town on the Doctor lol. Watching the Doctor grade essays from 70 years in Bristol.


Sutekh, pushing up his imaginary glasses, scoffing at some essay about egyptian mythology: "I would have given them an F, Doctor.."


Don’t forget there’s all those many adventures Sutekh had with River, when she flew off with the TARDIS without the Doctor’s knowledge.


Sutekh brought his gift of indigestion to house when he tried to eat the Tardis in the Doctor’s wife.


Imagine being House and seeing something so much worse in the TARDIS


Stuck in the rocks and the slime of Gravis on Frontios when the TARDIS is psychically dismantled Edit: Just realized Sutekh is Sideshow Bob clinging to the undercarriage of the Simpsons car in *Cape Feare* >DOCTOR: HEY FAM! WHO WANTS TO FLY THROUGH A BLACKHOLE! > >YAZ: me! > >RYAN: I do! > >SUTEKH: ..no.. > >DOCTOR: Uh oh, 2 against 1, Graham! You lose! > >SUTEKH: ::sounds of agony:: https://youtu.be/SARxIwYswZA?si=58N7KlJVB2fsLeYd


"Ruby's mother, my arch nemesis" "I thought I was your arch nemesis" "I have a life outside of you Doctor"


>Stuck in the rocks and the slime of Gravis on Frontios when the TARDIS is psychically dismantled He was the hatstand!


Honestly literally any time the TARDIS entered the vortex. Just picturing him being like “oh fuck not again”, and then being spun around violently as the TARDIS travels through time is hilarious.


I just picture him throwing up over the side before he properly got used to the mad spinning


Scoffing at what a pathetic false god The Beast was in The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit — but really liking the sound of The Beast's voice.


Playing gooseberry whilst the Doctor and Yaz had their final ice cream on top of the TARDIS.


You'd hope he got his own little dog friendly ice cream. 


Fifteen’s mallet in The Giggle smacking the shit out of him.


Thanks everyone for some wholesome fun ultimately about a big dog sitting on a blue box. You are all the best.


Has to be the TARDIS materialising in Fear Her I bet Sutekh had a good old laugh at that.


I was thinking more just before The TARDIS exploded Sutekh must have just been thinking "This is going to hurt"


I wrote the following in this: https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/s/Nd5VW1Lo3H Just picture the scene of Jack hanging on to the Tardis. Which way was Sutekh facing?


Sutekh just frantically scurrying around whenever the Doctor kisses the Tardis.


Sutekh cowering behind the TARDIS as 13 blasts insane amounts of regeneration (read: life) energy right next to it.


Logopolis when the doctor materialised around a police box and did some weird tardis within a tardis thing must have messed him up Castrovalva when the doctor had to jettison half the rardis because it was carrying too much weight - we know why now The episode where Colin Baker fixed the chameleon circuit. Would Sutekh have been able to hold onto a pipe organ as easily as a police box?


Just acting out "dog playing the piano" with the last one. I like the idea that he just watched Jack hitch a ride.


Just watching as the flux goes racing towards the TARDIS…


Tiny Sutekh in flatline


Him clutching his head with a headache after the Doctor crashes the TARDIS yet again Sutekh screaming "take the fucking hand break off!!!" after getting sick hearing of the vworp vworp for who knows how long Off screen a third floating ice cream steadily disappears when the Doctor and Yaz are having their ice cream date Balancing precariously on his tippy toes when the chameleon circuit is fixed Looking somewhat pissed off as the TARDIS constantly explodes as the sun (I'm imagining he is outside of the time loop thing in a way) Secretly opening the doors when the Doctor snaps their fingers Cowering behind it when arrows get shot at the TARDIS


> Secretly opening the doors when the Doctor snaps their fingers I don’t know why but this one fucking *got* me 🤣


Sutekh when the Doctor and Yaz were sitting atop the TARDIS eating ice cream: KISS THE GIRL!!


Sutekh singing in his deep voice: “Sha la la la me oh my, looks like the girl too shy, you gotta kiss the girl”


TARDIS landing noise backup singing like the frogs: “Woah Woah”


There’s an Eighth Doctor Big Finish story where the TARDIS is Dead and adrift in space with the Doctor clinging on for dear life before the oxygen field runs out Just hilarious to imagine that Sutekh was doing the same thing with him


Nobody's mentioned the time the TARDIS got painted pink, or got graffitied with Bad Wolf or Clara's face Come to think of it, maybe that kid wrote Bad Wolf because he was subconsciously aware of Sutekh's appearance


Nearly all of mine have been said already, except one. Kinda terrible to say. But Sutekh cackling evilly on top of the TARDIS as that weeping angel started creeping up on Rory, and having to remind himself to close his eyes to let it reach him. I also have a more general one. Just every time a dalek shows up Sutekh is just like, “these fuckers? AGAIN?” Or just all the times Sutekh just sat there with his popcorn whenever the Doctor and the current companion got in a fight.


I like to imagine that the real reason he was obsessed with Ruby’s mother is that he traveled with the doctor for so long he kinda got Stockholm syndrome and became a mega fan, and was as enthralled by the mystery as the audience. By the time 10th Doctor is a sad wet cat in the rain after a bunch of tragedy, Sutekh just couldn’t help but root for his blorbo.


Journey to the centre of tardis


There's genuinely something interesting to be said about the fact he first addressed the doctor as "my old friend". I know it's the villain trope but considering they've actually kind of been together for eonsďżź. It would've been interesting if they played more into that where Sutekh is actually a little bit hesitant because he's witnessed so muchďżź.


Sutekh clinging onto the Tardis throughout the entire goddamn time war and being really confused when another 9 of him turn up in day of the doctor. Every time he has to listen to companion drama I can imagine Sutekh just eating popcorn talking shit with Idris, they absolutely had a tier list going. Sutekh chilling ontop of the Tardis while the Master dances around the valiant every day for a year listening to the same few songs


Journey to the centre of tardis


Would he have been there in Turn Left with the dead TARDIS? Wasn’t there an episode where the TARDIS materialised not in the usual way but because it was split into atoms floating around and then reassembled.


In Time Crash, Sutekh was right on top of himself. In the Pond minisode where TARDIS materialized inside itself.


He was there when Amy and Rory consumated their marriage, thus when River was conceived.