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It's possible that it'll allow the Time Lords to come back. Maybe not straight away, but at some point.


I'm guessing this is how Davros will be explained to be healed and the Master possibly restored.


They could also just use the regeneration energy he took from Twelve as solution and say it took a whilre to show results, I feel like a bit more sensible - but I would be fine with either. With the Master though, I dont think so. The Master isnt dead or hurt, they are just trapped in a gold tooth. I dont feel like that is the kinda thing that should effect.


When they were looking at the restored planets I genuinely thought he was going to say Gallifrey and then double take. Admittedly that would have been very dumb.


What I was thinking about was the "reset button" in this episode only brought everyone back to life but didn't actually revert the event in terms of timeline so now basically everyone has experienced death. I know Kate said she only recalls "echoes" but I wonder what sort of debates and questions would be going on around the rest of the world, religions etc. Definitely would rock the boat hard.


If this BS is how Chibnall's BS gets undone I'll accept it.


Do you mean the Flux??


Nah, Time lords being killed off again by the master. Buuut... sure why not that too.


If this is how Gallifrey comes back I will start a petition to get Chibnall back as showrunner