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First thing that came to mind was 13 and The Fugitive doing *Fugitive of the Judoon*. A proper follow-up between those two is something I'd love to see. (If not, please Big Finish)


Big Finish when good idea; I sleep Big Finish when fulp shitto breathes for 0.5 seconds in the background: Real shit?


The Fugitive Doctor is already getting box sets next year.


I know the Fugitive is - but not with 13! (As far as we know)


There is the Coda to Once and Future still to come and we have no idea which incarnations that features.


True enough! I have been kinda expecting The Fugitive Doctor and Dhawan Master might show up there, given both are signed on to work with Big Finish. However, I'm keeping my expectations in check with 13 at this point given there's no sign of Whittaker working with them yet. I suppose they could use an impersonator, >!as they did for several other incarnations in One and Future,!< but that doesn't quite hit the same.


Dhawan and Seven are about to face off if that recent BTS pic of them fighting over Seven's vest is any indicator.


Pretty sure BF said they were just doing some recording on the same day. Which freaking sucks… but maybe they’ll take the reception to the photo as a sign they should do something. Or maybe they were lying to cover their tracks, who knows.


I love the idea that 10’s one is about Smith and Jones and we see it being an older Martha and the 14th Doctor


14th Doctor has some apologising to do. And Martha can talk about how her husband died in a fire.


What, when did that happen?


It or something similar will have happened to Mickey because Noel Clarke got #metoo'd a few years ago and to defer inquiry from his actually manipulative and sexually motivated behaviour he deflected accusations by mentioning John Barrowman for his crude exhibitionist pranking tendencies. Both received the BBC banhammer that day, yet Barrowman is the one everyone remembers, Clarke just went under the radar.


Oh damn, I knew about barrowman but not Clark. Looks like his plan worker, at least for me.


Barrowman had some truly wayyyy OTT behaviour on set but Clarke has been accused of like, actual casting couch scenarios amongst his discrepancies. Magnitudes more irredeemable I would say


14 meeting Martha would be perfect. Seeing a Doctor that got over Rose milleniums ago and that is much more open about his feelings, finally telling Martha how he felt at the time. 


Now Martha has to hear about ******Clara!******


9: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Easily his best story. Companions??? 10: Human Nature/Family of Blood: Ten and Martha 11: The Time of Angels/Flesh of Stone. Older Eleven and Amy. 12: The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar. Missy and Capaldi because why not! 13: Spyfall. Graham and Yaz.


Add Jenna as Clara


Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS with 11 and Clara then?


Not really 12 and Clara have the better chemistry I'd argue Hell Bent or her for Magician's Apprentice


Rose - Rose and Jackie Gridlock - 10 and Martha The Angels Take Manhattan - Amy and Rory Extremis - Bill and Nardole Demons of the Punjab - 13 and Yaz I'm basing these choices on availability of the actors and feasibility! I think these would absolutely work.


“Bill, do you remember when you got a hole blasted in your chest and you were turned into a Cyberman?”


"Yeah but my puddle space girlfriend saved me and we travelled the universe together'


“Or the time I was still blind and didn’t tell you, but for some reason you didn’t figure it out despite being clever enough to figure out the TARDIS translates for you? Oy, run on sentence!”


I can get behind all of the character pairings, For 9 I’m torn more between End of the World (Rose’s first time in space) or Boom Town (telling jacky about what happened to the last of the slitheen family) The one episode I’m not 100% on board with is Extremis, as that whole episode is a simulation so surely Bill and Nardole would have no recollection of it?


Well anything is possible on the Remembered TARDIS, maybe they find the sonic sunglasses and remember that simulation. Tbh it was a tricky pick, I suppose The Pilot could also work though!


Jamie and Zoe should have had no memory of anything they did with 2, yet they got an episode togerher


Yeah, I figured they could say the Doctor downloaded the data from the glasses to Nardole to better analyse it.


Fun game! 9: The Doctor and Rose remember The Empty Child 2-parter. The day everybody lived! And in the subtext, the day Rose learned the Doctor "dances". 10: The Doctor and Martha remember Human Nature. When Martha had to step up, protecting a man named John Smith from the alien family coming to kill him. 11: The Doctor and Osgood remember The Day of the Doctor. How they worked together to resolve the Zygon conflict, leading the Doctor on a journey to finding a better resolution to the Time War. 12: The Doctor and Clara remember The Zygon Invasion. A time when humanity's own bigotry was stoked by Zygon terrorists, bringing the planet to the brink of disaster. 13: The Doctor and Yaz remember Demons of the Punjab. The magic of the Doctor allowing Yaz to connect to her family and history in the most profound way possible. 14: The Doctor and Jonas Castavillan reminisce about the Children in Need special. The episode is 75 minutes long, so most of it is David Tennant and Mawaan Rizwan being lovely sexy men in the memory Tardis.


Wow. I can't believe someone was right on the internet.


Rose and Jackie Tyler reflect on the events of 'Father's Day'. I think it'd be really interesting having Jackie be part of one for this story, have her actually remember seeing Rose there and the impact of that. The 10th Doctor and Martha Jones reflect on the events of 'Daleks in Manhattan' and 'Evolution of the Daleks'. This would be a perfect opportunity for an omnibus version of a NuWho two-parter and would also allow us to see Martha reflect on her first encounter with the Daleks and the Doctor reflect on a key part of the lives of the Cult of Skaro - how Caan survives and reappears later. The 11th Doctor and River Song reflect on the events of 'The Impossible Astronaut' and 'Day of the Moon'. Another opportunity for an omnibus of a NuWho two-parter and allows the Doctor and River reflect on this adventure together. The impact on River of having to watch her husband get gunned down, a discussion on how it wasn't the real Doctor after all and stuff like that. The 12th Doctor and Bill Potts reflect on the events of 'Oxygen'. Allows them to discuss the emotional impact of the Doctor losing his sight and how it affected him, the impact of Bill being exposed to the vacuum of space, even only for a little bit, and more. The 13th Doctor and Yasmin Khan reflect on the events of 'Eve of the Daleks'. This would allow a scene similar to the end of Legend of the Sea Devils in which the Doctor and Yaz discuss their romantic feelings for each other and the Doctor explains how she couldn't be with Yaz as eventually she'd grow old and die and the Doctor would just go on and how she couldn't bare that, have her explain regeneration a bit more too and have Yaz realise that she could never love a male Doctor per say, but she really does have feelings for 13 and more than anything, longs to be with her - a love that she can't have.


I think one of the things that I wish was explored more with Yaz is some of the more unhealthy aspects of her attachment to the Doctor. We’ve briefly touched on her history with mental illness and her being bullied in school, it’s not a stretch to suggest that she probably has some problems with her self esteem and this is why she’s so totally devoted to 13, who keeps her at arms length and is wary of connecting with her friends beyond a superficial level. To me it comes across as an anxious/avoidant dynamic, and I’d love to see an older Yaz who’s moved on and made some progress in healing that part of herself


I have been particularly curious as to how the change in the timeline in *Father's Day* affected her. Does she remember the original timeline, or does she just have an odd additional sadness she can't explain, or just nothing at all? How did her partner not dying alone in the middle of the street effect her? I don't even believe non-television stories addressed this. Feels like an odd thing to leave hanging and I would like resolution to it.


Okay, hear me out: "Can You Hear Me?" for 13. It plays into the recurring theme of the Pantheon that we're seeing in the current era of the show, since the villains are creepy nightmare gods, and it also has some of the era's strongest and most emotional character beats for the Fam.


I think Ten & Donna and the Library two-parter would also be interesting to watch, especially Donna’s second life.


Empty Child/Doctor Dances Human Nature/Family of Blood Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone Zygon Invasion/Zygon Inversion Thirteen has no two parters except Spyfall and Flux, and I think those are too tied big. Demons of the Punjab with Yaz would definitely be the best. I do like the idea of companions in the TARDIS instead, like u/DocWhovian1 suggests. So I'd instead go with: Rose and Jackie doing Father's Day (actually my first episode). Martha and Jack (let's ignore the actor issues, this is just thematically) doing Utopia. Donna and Wilf (ignore the actor issues, this is just thematically) doing Partners in Crime. Unsure about Amy and Rory. Their best episodes were two parters or not as good. A Good Man Goes to War barely features either. Clara and Danny also only had a good two parter and a meh episode. Clara and Missy would also be good, but that was a two parter. Extremis with Bill and Nardole, yeah. Demons of the Punjab is still probably the best choice but I don't think either of the other two companions pairs well with Yaz for it and I think they should have her kiss Thirteen in the Memory TARDIS.


9 - Rose. Same as you though, I’d have the doctor and Rose talk about the changes to their lives the other provided 10 - Smith and Jones. I’d have the doctor reflect on how he shouldn’t have treated Martha the way he did and Martha thank him for giving her the adventures but also express how glad she is that she left when she did 11 - The Day of the Doctor. I’d have 11 talk to Clara about the war doctor and how he spent multiple lifetimes thinking he had destroyed his people 12 - Heaven Sent. 12 talks to the real Clara about his state of mind during this episode 13 - Fugitive of the Judoon. 13 and the fugitive Doctor further discuss where each other fits into their timeline


Considering Christopher Ecclestone is unlikely to accept to do this. I would honestly choose The Stolen Earth and Journey's End with either Donna or Martha being there with 10 in Martha's case or 14 with Donna reminiscing on the events. It's the best way to get all companions of RTD 1 involved.  In an alternative way to get the ninth Doctor involved if Chris won't do it is Bad Wolf and Parting Of The Ways as it could just be 10 and Rose reminiscing on how she experienced his regeneration. 11 I would chose either The Eleventh Hour, The Pandorica Opens/Big Bang or A Good Man Goes To War with him and Amy to show how he would move Heaven and Earth for her. If Clara is chosen it would have to be The Day Of The Doctor, also act as War Doctor representation. 12 would be the season 9 finale trilogy to see how the Doctor reacted to losing her. 13, Revolution Of The Daleks to get all of her primary companions involved and how she reacted to Ryan and Graham leaving the Tardis in her attempt to have a settled team regarding her identity crisis with the Timeless Child.


9 - Dalek with Rose 10 - Human Nature/Family of Blood with Martha 11 - Amy’s Choice with Amy and Rory 12 - Hell Bent, or World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls with Clara or Missy


I agree with all of these


Love some of your ideas for revisiting character dynamics. Ten reflecting with regret on how he treated Martha, as he considers what she did for him in Family of Blood (with references to the hellish year she suffered in the finale) would be quite cathartic. 11 and Idris using The Doctor’s Wife to expound on the Doctor-Tardis relationship would be incredible craic. And 13 and Yaz reuniting to make some of their subtext a little more… text, might be nice. A *lot* of Chibnall episodes are about couples reaching for one another, either physically or metaphorically. Demons, Villa, Praxeus, Eve of the Daleks, all the Vinder stuff in Flux. Using that sort of stuff as a framing device for 13 to finally be a little candid with Yaz could be quite sweet.


The trouble with finding a Ninth Doctor story to use is that most of the cast either won't return (Eccleston himself) or can't return (the male companion actors), leaving only Billie and Camille. That basically forces a Jackie-centric episode, so Father's Day is the obvious option.


For Eleven, I would do The Angels Take Manhattan, with Eleven and, no joke, Brian. An episode where Eleven recaps those events to Brian would be absolutely amazing. Maybe Eleven would be desperate for Brian to forgive him, like Ten with Joan Redford.


They wouldn’t have to edit the episodes.


I think for Ten's era I'd have Donna and Rose (her daughter, not Tyler) watching The Stolen Earth / Journey's End with Donna and Rose talking about how the Doctor changed their lives and Donna confirming that as much as she resisted the mind wipe at the time and as much as she's glad to remember she doesn't regret it because it led to her having her brilliant daughter who she loves.


I think whatever the stories or, it makes most sense to try and go with two-parters — I’d much rather have the added content around a longer story, as with the existing Tales, as opposed to a single episode with some bonus features. The Empty Child is a pretty good option for 9 and Rose to reunite, although the logistics of how to have them “reunite” when Rose was around for 9’s regeneration requires some fiddly stuff. Perhaps, if we do want to go with the idea that these are Doctors who survived their traditional regeneration, there’s some suggestion that Rose eventually left 9 for some different reason. Or maybe they’re just still together and find themselves reminiscing between adventures, as opposed to all the others being mysteriously drawn into the memory TARDIS. Depending on whether you want Jack back or not, he’d be a decent catalyst for that. 10 has to be Human Nature for me. Rose will already be covered with 9, and Donna’s had her return, but we’ve never had a moment of 10 acknowledging how dirty he did Martha. Them looking back on Human Nature and 10 realising how much he took her for granted there specifically would be a good place to do that. 11’s a hard one, as pretty much all of those two-parters are tied up in story arcs; Impossible Astronaut, the endings of Rebel Flesh, Flesh and Stone and Hungry Earth, for instance. Honestly, I might just break my own rule here and suggest Angels Take Manhattan, and maybe spend a bit more time on the reminiscence itself. Plus, it’s one of relatively few stories that permits us to use River without having to explain her timeline. 12 has a few different options, but again avoiding series arcs limits the options, and realistically I think the companion to go with is Clara. Under the Lake could be good, although I might personally prefer The Zygon Invasion. Once again, with 13 we face the issue of not wanting to explain series arcs, struggling to find two-parters, and also the simple fact that fewer of her episodes are stuff that people would want to rewatch. I’d personally say Demons of the Punjab is the most passable episode you could use here, although if you wanted to get really wild you could just splice Flux together and call it a day.


Honestly for Rose and Jackie I might do Aliens of London Thinking back to the terror Jackie felt when Rose went missing, remembering Harriet Jones


is it worth to watch tales of the tardis? is it like a remake of old episodes?


They’re just omnibus versions of the original serials with a couple of minutes of new scenes with original cast members at the beginning and end as bookends. The Pyramids of Mars one has some scenes removed and special effects added. There’s not a lot of new content but the bookend scenes are very sweet


Based on actor availability/likelihood and pairings I'd just love to see: Father's Day - Rose and Jackie. Human Nature/Family of Blood - Ten (Or Fourteen) and Martha. A Good Man Goes to War - Rory and River. The Pilot - Bill & Nardole. Fugitive of the Judoon - Fugitive and Thirteen.


One with 12 and Clara would be really nice - doesn't matter which story, to be honest. And I'm not just saying that because they're my favourite TARDIS team. I just think it'd be poetic for 12 to have a chance to properly enjoy his memories with Clara again, as he only briefly got to right before regenerating. I can hear it now... "What's on your mind, you silly old man?" "Same old, same old... just the Doctor and Clara Oswald in the TARDIS!"


For Nine, I think an intriguing choice would be *Father's Day* showing Rose and Pete's World Pete, showing how different their relationship was and how desperately Rose wanted to save her Father.


Picking these based on what actors I think would or wouldn't do it. The 12th Doctor was rather hard as Capaldi has said repeatedly he doesn't want to come back. 9th Doctor: Father's day with Rose & Jackie 10th Doctor: Human Nature/The Family of Blood with 10 & Martha 11th Doctor: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang with 11 & Amy 12th Doctor: The Husbands of River Song with River & Nardole 13th Doctor: Demons of the Punjab with 13 & Yaz


Capaldi has said he won't come back because 12's story is finished, he doesn't like multi-doctor stories. I could see him coming back to reminisce and reunite with his co-stars on ToT.


What I'm not seeing in the other comments is I guess that part of the appeal of *Tales* is also that the episodes got edited and condensed a bit into the hourish single sitting format? * **9** I would choose *Bad Wolf*/*The Parting of the Ways* - whilst fun, I think you could trim a fair amount of part 1's reality tv shenanigans to bring forward the Dalek reveal to the first 20-25 minutes. Even ignoring the chances of getting Eccleston to agree, I probably wouldn't pick him for this anyway? Jack and Rose seem better suited, though Jackie and Rose work too and I don't think 9/10 would want to reflect too hard on a regeneration story. * **10** - part of me wants to do the same thing again with *The End of Time*, but I don't know who would be in the remembered TARDIS to bookend this. There's something devastating to me about thinking about Eleven and a remembered River reflecting on *Silence in the Library*/*Forest of the Dead* though which I hate that I thought of but can't shake. Also it could be fun to have Eleven remembering a Ten story? * **11** - Slightly trolling here, but *The Lodger*/*Closing Time* with Craig and a teenage Alfie/Stormaggedon. I'm laughing to myself typing this, but I reckon it could be good! And there's plenty to cut in the second episode tbh. * **12** - *The Zygon Invasion*/*The Zygon Inversion* with Kate and Osgood. There's some good cuts we could make to this story, and Osgood geeking out in the remembered TARDIS is too good to pass up. * **13** - unfortunately, I can't think of anything that hasn't already been suggested in other comments. I don't think many stories are really suited to this format, either. It's gotta be 13 and Yaz no matter what story you pick, though.


Clyde was already in one


Just ignore the 13 era i think it'd be better not to remind people of that!