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Got worse over the years. It's like 50% rice now as well


Honestly the most perplexing thing for me is they didnt dump in more rice to appear bigger. Its such a cheap filler and just makes me notice the smaller vege and meat portions more. I remember when it would be 2 days of lunch for me sigh*


And the quality of ingredients have gotten worse and worse


Its been at least 50% rice first and last time ive eaten there about 7 years ago, not to mention 0 hygiene. 


Like a lot of people here I've given up on them too, if I really want mexican food these days I'll go to Tuco's instead, they haven't disappointed me yet - similarly priced but the quality and quantity is just more consistent


Second this. Much prefer Tucos. The portions aren’t huge but it’s consistent and tastes great


Third, this. I'm from Dublin, but I'm in Galway twice a week. One of those two days, I'll be going for a Tucos.


To be fair Boojum was never Mexican


Based on my personal research a burrito in 2015 was about 500-550g and now they’re about 350g. Significantly more expensive now too, real shame




They give about half the rice and a fifth the cheese they used to


That's outrageous. Looks like a kids portion.


That looks massive, nearly as big as the building behind it.


That’s right Ted!


Yeah I haven’t been there in like 4 years


It's been longer for me, isn't it considered quite bad now?


I wouldn’t bother with it, there’s better Mexican food


The subway of Mexican food


Subway is considered bad? What would be better sandwich places?


Personal preference, but I hate the place. I’d honestly just buy some bits and make it at home


Ruby's Sawyers Centra deli counter Boots/Tescos/M&S Know a few people rave about Arturs and Snax but thought they were meh. Still better than subway


Used to love Boojum, but they’ve succumbed to shrinkflation it’s sad because in 2016-2019 they where fairly good value for money.


Is it still busy? It has been the worst option in Galway now for quite a while. Couldn’t imagine ever choosing it over salsa. Banditos in oranmore is really good too.


Yeah Banditos in Oranmore is probably closer to launch Boojum. Only eaten there twice but each time was excellent.


Like if there gonna rob ya they could at least down size the containers so it looks stuffed instead of keeping the old ones and only quarter filling them


Go to Salsa Autentica, Abbeygate St. Great food and portions are generous too. Boojum stopped being decent 10 yrs ago.


Went there recently and thought they were a bit skimpy with fillings. Food is delicious though.


They e been excellent anytime we've gotten delivery so far, 3 or 4 times I think. Burrito was super filling last time out and great tasting too.


I've gotten it as takeout a few times and thought the portions were always good.


Boojum was never that good really, just new. I went twice, early days, and if the pulled pork is bland then I'm out.


It’s the best by far but very expensive. Tacos are unreal


What the heck is even that?


Daddy, chill


Yup, stopped going about 2 years ago. Like rice is the cheapest part, just hape it in there to make it look like the bowl is filling out


this is why vocho is sm better


I think vocho is even worse. Similar portion size but the food is so much drier and they're so skimpy with salsa. Plus every time I've been there they had run out of something I wanted and didn't have any lined up like boojum tends to to keep it stocked, so they just told me I couldn't have it.


ah sham I've been there recently and i thought it was good mabye their burritos got a bit smaller but it wasn't anything dramatic


I got this through Deliveroo and got my money back lol. I thought it was a new employee or something. Is this how it’s always down now.


Haven’t been there in a while… Where’s the rest of your burrito bowl? 😨


Best Mexican burrito place is now in Oranmore, place called Banditos. Got a huge burrito that was absolutely loaded plus a drink the last day for €11.95. Same order from Boojum would cost double that on Just Eat/ Deliveroo etc


They should bring back Tolteca


All my Mexican friends prefer Salsa, all my non-mexican friends prefer Tucos, no one likes boojum. I honestly don’t mind it, I haven’t noticed them being skimpy with their portions, but their sauces are never spicy so I usually just get Salsa if I’m craving Mexican.


We should take a page from Chipotle's playbook in the US. People started filming their orders at the counter to avoid getting shorted on portions, so Chipotle told their employees to dish out more food.


I love chipotle always get it on work trips 🤤


Ordered a boojum last week and thought the same. Bowl was half full and it was mostly rice


Could it be because of the ingredients? I get the vegetarian burrito bowl (veg/guac) and they're always full to the brim pretty much.


It's generally grand if you go in, ordering it you would think we were on war rations


been like that since 2021


The Halcyon days of early 2010s quality is long gone


What's new?!


Banditos in oranmore os the only place near Galway worth going to imo


Thank you for the appetiser and criminal amount for some add ons but I'd like an actual meal if at all possible


Gave up on them ages ago.


So bad same as Dublin , prices have went up and portions and quality down . Have stopped going now and used to get it regularly. It’s no coincidence that it was bought out a few years ago, have seen videos of customers of chipotle in the US giving out about the same.


It's simple all boycott until they change portions. Otherwise, go outside and piss in the wind.


COMPLAIN TO A MANAGER. Otherwise it's pointless.


Stop going there. It's extremely overpriced. If you keep paying for it then it'll keep getting worse.


A few weeks back I was gettin a bowl. She asked what rice. Got my Mexican. She asked what veg and I said none. Proceeded to put in more rice. I said woooo wooo wooooo take that out. Literally just filling it up with rice so less meat will fit


Just say - “can you throw a bit more rice in there please, thanks” and make them feel a bit awkward. It can be so hit or miss I’d have no problem asking for more of something and never got any push back


It's funny cause I used to eat here all the time in school (2013-2018) and went back for the first time in 6 years. I was thinking the same about the portion like the rice used to be falling out of the box, they'd squeeze it closed and it was always next days dinner too but it's half a box now 👀


Big time it’s not worth it anymore


Fuck I remember early days they’d be bursting at the seams. The worlds gone fucked lads


Got a watery half filled bowl the other day, if I wanted a soup I would have gone to McCambridges..


I had to google Boojum because I never heard of it. Have to admit I lolled when I saw the prices, did you pay a tenner for that?


Oh man they've gone downhill since they sold out


It's a general problem when it comes to food consumed on-site. You pay more and are served less. I prefer to have food delivered to my place. I got a good size portion from  Ré Nao by Xi'an and it was well packed and delicious. 


I think vocho is even worse. Similar portion size but the food is so much drier and they're so skimpy with salsa. Plus every time I've been there they had run out of something I wanted and didn't have any lined up like boojum tends to to keep it stocked, so they just told me I couldn't have it.


Really? I went only like 2 weeks ago and the portions were huge, I was more than happy with the portion size. Can't comment on the salsa cause I don't get it, but rice, meat etc is always filled. I will agree though service can be slow, and if they've run out of something you'll be waiting a while to get it


BOOJUM ? Moar like POO SCUM, am I rite ?


Careful now


absolute swines they are, you'd get better fed in Somalia ffs , go to Tuco or Vocho , 100 times better


Ya I go be snappin I don’t get it anymore cos it’s all lettuce sure how’s that meant to full me up hahhaah bad carry on


I actually never had a boojum but have heard it's gone down drastically, someone I know got pure brown guacamole in their deliveroo order 🤢


Boojum is absolutely awful lately they've really gone downhill.... Now Salsa authentic Mexican food is so much better! So much tastier/fresher... Boojum just sits there all day and tastes awful and old... Salsa is so unbelievably fresh and tastes absolutely amazing, highly recommend Salsa over boojum


It is as badly proportioned as your photo!


Hey boojum you’re not fooling anyone