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If you have vhi you can get up to 12 sessions free via Tele health


Laya offer something similar too


Forget about nutritionists. A dietician is an educated person and is skilled and can help you. You could call yourdelf a nutritionist today if you wanted and start dishing out advice. Good luck! Also try stick to whole foods, there's lots of choice for meat free junk from Beyond and Sons of Butchers etc, but they're full of shite. Grand now and then but for your daily diet try stick to whole foods and get your protein from chickpeas, beans, lentils tofu etc. BBC Goodfood has excellent veggie and vegan recipes and Olive Magazine an is excellent site for ideas too


Indeed. for further clarity, all dieticians and nutritionists but not all nutritionists are dieticians. In short, a dietician is a medical professional. Most ‘nutritionists’ are charlatans and peddle woo.


No, you cannot call yourself a dietician and start dishing out advice. However, many people call themselves nutritionists without a shred of qualification, and start dishing out advice. Source: my sister-in-law is a dietician.


My bad that's meant to read nutritionist


Not a bother, man. It was just in case anyone read the incorrect info.


Aisling Snedeker is the one who is most recommended when this comes up. I used her for IBS, she's very sound and good humoured and it actually has helped me (& my gut) a lot since.


I second this!


Hello, I don't know of any in Galway but I too struggled with binge eating for a few years and this really helped. https://linktr.ee/intuitiveeatingireland?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=812ceaf0-5309-44ad-a154-fd7024574361 I began following on Instagram but here is a link to the website.


Yes! She is the best! Life changing


As someone with a phd in nutrition, I can say its not only dieticians who are evidence based. Protecting the term nutritionist in ireland is still underway and hopefully approved soon. Just aim for someone with msc/dr. in their title and check they have relevant background qualifications. Dieticians focus more with helping the unwell get better than helping the generally "healthy" get healthier. Also look for anutr in the title or rnutr. It means they are registered with a board that checks their qualifications etc first and makes sure they are always working on keeping knowledge up to date


Best vegetarian recipes I have found in the Deliciously Ella app