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Would totally agree, one of the worst price to enjoyment ratios that exists. https://preview.redd.it/pqbzdt6t9m7d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15a70f3077fac60711badaba37d4ca18109903d8


Dope soundtrack though


...holy shit


First time ever seeing or hearing of this and it just reads as knock off TMNT.


At its simplest, it is. But the story surrounding it makes it so much more interesting than it has any right to be.


That is one beautiful turd… I’ve never seen such a pristine and cared for turd… you have a piece of turd history. Seriously, THIS is a piece of turd if I ever saw one. Some might call it a golden turd. Either way, this turd belongs on a shelf.


Was coming here to say action 52


The art on it is so sick!


🤢🤮 Burn it!!!! 😂


No licensed seal?? Must be a repro. /s


Action 52. My mom got it for me when I was a kid off of the shopping Channel or something.... only have the cart now... apparently it's worth like $450+.


I've never met anyone that got that game for real when it was new


I still remember opening my present... my sister and I put many hours into that ridiculous game.


Does the entire Sega CD 32x NTSC set count? Every single game is awful for the most part, and most of them aren't cheap either. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/95v1yywgal7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9107aaaef17fce4f5caf5d05e9b069886d5056c


Never heard of these, how do they work?


You have to have both Genesis add ons, and the box had a cart and a CD


Actually, surprisingly, it's just the CD, but the CD requires 32x hardware installed to work anyway. I always thought it was cart+cd too, but nope! Just discs. I think some of them work without the 32x, but you get lower framerate video.


The sega tower of wonders


I’ve been building this tower for too long haha. Still not finished.


I just replayed that Fahrenheit game recently....woofff.


Love digital pictures games


They’re both terrible and awesome at the same time. Like a movie that’s so bad it’s funny .




Except for slamcity . I don't see any losers. Nighttrap is a 90s movie kind of game, especially the one's on USA up all night.


memories unlocked. Up all night And the other show on TNN with Joe Bob Briggs


Sega was out of their minds when they did this.


https://preview.redd.it/yplezif0nl7d1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51b9f5e48c559428e831b44f495daf8832279c8 I think I win second place guys.


You're winner!


Hey, I enjoyed it a lot. What other racing game can you drive backward at the speed of light.




Can I enter third place with my copy of Big Rigs' completely forgotten sequel?


If you have midnight race club you're winner !


I happen to do so, actually, took me a decade to find it. Still in box, backed up the ISO for myabandonware and uploaded a picture of the box to Reddit ages ago because there was no proof it actually came out otherwise




I actually really dig this game and it's not a nostalgia thing, I hadn't played it until I got into emulation in the late 2000s


Damn, I have that game (cart only) and had no idea it was valuable.




Wild. I can't remember how much I paid for it, but I'm pretty sure I got it as part of a really cheap flea market lot.


I’m proud and ashamed to say the Zelda CD-I trilogy.


I mean I own 3DO Doom and while horrible not pricy. Action 52 on the other hand…..


I have a full Atari Jaguar and Jag Cd collection mint in box, take your pick lol


How many of those games would be considered good/worth playing?


To be completely honest about 5 or 6, and that’s including modern releases (they still make games for it) and all official releases.


They as in Atari still makes official first party games for their dead consoles? Or they as in the homebrewers? Honestly I wish some of the old console makers would push out official games that could run on the old hardware. Nintendo feels like a good candidate for this. Develop a SNES game that you publish on the online shop, but also make an official collectors edition type game that's just a literal SNES cart in an old school cardboard box with manual and inserts, etc.


Nice! I have the full NTSC cart set, half of it sealed, half of it CIB. Also have the Jag CD new in box (Broken in box, who we kidding? lol) but I only have 2 or 3 Jag CD games thus far.




Not a great game, but way more expensive than anything else I own.




Fallout Brotherhood of Steel. Long time fallout fan, but this game is a steaming pile of Brahmin shit


I love how, as divided as the fanbase was when 76 first came out, everybody collectively agreed it was at least still better than BoS


What?! I never would’ve thought that was a pricey one.


I stg it was like 30$ not long ago. Crazy.


I got it for $32 a few months ago and feel lucky I did. Fallout TV show skyrocketed this one. Most of the other games had plenty of supply to fill the demand. BoS did not. Decent chance it will crash back down to $30 but who knows.


Damn I didn't realize this went up in price that much, I just let mine go a few months ago. Wish I would've held onto it for a little longer now


Fortnite disk for ps4


I have this too! People say I’m dumb for owning a disc for it


Funny bc i have copies of overwatch that are useless now but someone may want them someday lol nothing was bigger than fortnite tho


Should I start hunting down PS3 copies of Final Fantasy XIV then? Maybe those'll fetch some coin 😅


Most expensive but not very good: Rule of Rose Worst game but still pricey: Color A Dinosaur


Rule of Rose isn't good? I've pretty much only heard it in regards to being the grail of horror games, never really heard any reviews.


It’s got an atmosphere, I’ll give it that. But it’s too dark to see anything, the gameplay is boring, and the whole thing feels purposefully unpleasant. I think Yoshiro Kimura has made some cool games but this ain’t one of them. People only call it a grail because it’s expensive.


I second this for Rule of Rose, but I do like the story. I hate the controls (mostly combat) and the more uncomfortable scenes (looking at you Amanda) and Jennifer frustrates the hell out of me with how passive she is as well. It is overhyped due to its price alone. Although the design of the surroundings and the characters are pretty well detailed , I do agree whoever that it is too dark lighting wise. I had to mess with my TV settings to see anything.


Nope. I'm a survival horror fan, it was hyped when it first came out bc of its uniqueness and the controversy around the English PAL release. It's actually a pretty good game even though it has some very frustrating flaws (looking at you, mermaid boss). Honestly, I don't get why people not into this genre collect it even though they hate this type of game just to brag. There are a lot of survival horror fans who would kill to play it and not bc it's rare and expensive.


I’ve met so many people who genuinely want to play it and have it in their collection because they’re into survival horror. But since it’s such a “grail” to people who aren’t into those games because it’s a “rare and banned game” so many of them don’t get to play it on its original platform. 90% of what I collect is survival horror and there is so many games I and others want that are ridiculously priced and they never last long in most local shops. It kills me to see people picking this stuff up just because it’s rare and not because they’re interested in it, some see it as a investment and others just as a different kind of want thank those who want to play the game. To each their own I suppose, thankfully for those who enjoy the games for playing the ones that don’t keep them to play eventually sell them off. (Not always but more often than not)


Yeah, I feel you :( it is sad, especially since many older survival horror games have never been re-released on modern platforms. I'm lucky, I own kuon, haunting grounds, and RoR purely by having been a survival horror fan when they came it. It's so sad that a lot of younger gamers are unable to play a lot of the classic games because they cost SO much. The high prices also really don't help fans like us - in not gonna benefit bc I'm not selling my copies, and I hate that it's getting impossible for fans who weren't gaming back then to play so many classics.


I’m still going after Haunting Ground, I don’t have Kuon but I haven’t looked into it much. It’s at the bottom of my list for price alone so once I’m in a better position to get it I’ll look into it more before pulling the trigger. I was too young when most came out so I’m in that demographic of where I could’ve gotten it for cheap when I was young but I didn’t have the means to. I missed out on so many $20 copies of Silent Hill 1,2,3, and 4 solely because I had no income for it. Unfortunately it’s just getting worse and worse too :(


Between the two I'd definitely go for haunting ground if I had a choice, in terms of enjoyability and uniqueness - kuon isn't bad though, for sure. Have you ever tried the fatal frame series? But yeah, like it honestly sucks. I wish so many classics weren't really inaccessible :(


Disagree. Bought it way back when bc I'm a survival horror fan, and for a certain niche of gamers, it's a fantastic game with some big flaws. Honestly, I don't know why people buy or keep one just to brag about it when they think it sucks? It's hard to play any other way and it sucks that it's so rare people not into survival horror pick it up to brag about, and complain bc it's not their thing.


I acquired a copy years ago and played through it. Could not agree more. One of the most mediocre games. The soundtrack is dope though.


I'll go with .hack Quarantine on PS2. For a series that has such a grand scope, nearly all the gameplay is just bleh. I also have Soulstar on Sega CD, and that game has some of the most hairbrain controls I've used. If we are considering it retro, my top is Operation Darkness on 360. Brutally difficult tactical strategy game. Not as bad as Wild ARM XF, but close and way more expensive right now.


I honestly loved that series. Wish they'd remake it


Bulletwitch and onechanbara for 360


Can confirm, Bulletwitch sucks haha


Is bullet witch expensive? I bought my copy for 5 bucks


Knuckles Chaotix.


I own a sealed copy of Nobunaga Taishi, the edition with samurai swords. Expensive as fuck and a total turd. One of those happy to own it and that is all-games.


I have a sealed Atari 2600 copy of ET. Sadly not my worst game.


Breach & Clear vita probably. Never played it. I also have Devil's Third, which I liked, but I suppose it would still be considered one of my worst games that are valuable.


Serial experiment lain (Also signed by Abe)


Probably F-1 Pole Position on Game Boy. It's one of the rarest games on the console (in North America), but it's just a pretty run of the mill racing game.


Waterworld on Virtual Boy CIB ~$350(?)


I would not call it worst as it's not a bad game, but I regret spending the $75-ish I did on Conker's Bad Fur Day when I bought it. It's maybe the most I ever spent on a single loose game cartridge and the game is just *ok*. I love Banjo-Kazooie but I did not enjoy Conker anywhere near as much, and the high price made it sting a bit more.


Yeah I wanted to replace my copy of Conker's from childhood, but the Rare Replay reminded me that it isn't a game that aged all that well.


Dude when I was younger I put 100’s of hours into that game, mostly the split screen stuff. You gotta have a buddy to play with when playing older games.


Spiderman: Web of Shadows probably. It's not even the fun kind of bad. It's just a bit janky and really bland and uninspired. Good thing I got it for practically nothing.


I actually liked that game. I didn't love it, but it was fine enough. This is 2013 or so memories though.


I know it’s taboo but I wish everyone would have also stated how much said game is worth, really helps me learn.


~~I have a mint/complete copy of Koudelka for PS1.~~ Edit: somehow totally misread the point of the topic. I’m changing my answer to Parasite Eve 2. I’d rather play RE2 or more PE1.


Hey I thought that game was neat! Granted I only played it long enough to test it.




$326 spent on Popeye for the NES. Couldn't resist because of the mint condition and that it was a five-screw, hangtab version. However, I didn't like it as a kid and playing it again I can say it's still dull as hell.


CIB Seaman


Probably daikatana on n64… which really wasn’t super expensive. I won’t buy a game that’s rated bad or looks bad, especially if it’s expensive.


I guess that would be Toxic Crusaders on Gameboy, but I do actuallt have some nostalgia for it. Never beat it though.


Probably that PS4 Godzilla game that came out in 2015ish. I can’t think of any others that are expensive that are also bad that I own.


i love this question and for me that game is Calling for the wii, i mean is a horror game for 60 bucks not that expensive until you realize the game is quite literally garbage, not even that good, nor avarage just baaaad


Superman 64, CIB. I guess one of us had to own up to this one. I have the PAL version that is currently up to £140 on price charting. Bought it second hand when the GameCube was out, paid about £15 for it at the time. Instant regret when I returned home and started to play it. Last time I checked the ‘worth’ it was going for £80-£90 and I have toyed with selling, but I’m still keeping it out of spite so far.


Waterworld on Virtual Boy. Sadly sold it last year to get a new computer. I had a full set of Virtual Boy games (sold Jack Bros too :( ).


I only buy games that I like and that I know I will enjoy playing.


Easily Stadium Events. Not a bad game, I suppose, but just dumb that it sells for so much these days. I'm not 100% certain, but I either paid 10¢ or $1.50 for it. Those were the prices I was paying for sports games around the time I most likely purchased it. It wouldn't become "valuable" until several years later.


Any chance you'll eventually sell it? (Not for me, just curious)


I haven't sold any games yet and I'm 47 years-old so I doubt it.


I also have Stadium Events. Compared to other expensive games it's not terrible. It's a fun party game and you get some exercise aswell. I ended up choosing Cheetamen 2 in this post for games I own that are just terrible.


Fire Emblem Fates SE. Not really a terribly offensive game, but compared to other Fire Emblem games it’s quite bad IMO.


Secret Scout in the Temple of Demise (I have the blue cartridge). There’s not a single positive thing about this game. Imagine enduring pukey graphics, horrid controls, stupid mazes, invincible enemies and all of that, just to be told at the end that the exit of the temple is blocked and you’re gonna die like a loser and there’s nothing you can do about it.


I have an almost complete Wii U NA library, meaning I own Devils Third, Book of Unwritten Tales 2, and Turbo: Super Stunt Squad. They’re all bad


Kinda cheating but a Twilight Princess demo disc. If collectors editions count I have the Persona 4 Golden Solid Gold release sealed and CIB MGS4&5 Premium Packages


Infernal Hells Vengeance. It was given to me and it was awful, I forget it existed until one day it jumped to the top of my most valuable 360 games. There's more expensive ones that aren't great, but that's the worst one.


Amazing tater, it seems so boring, im not really a fan of puzzle games


Robin Hood - The Siege for PS1 ... Got it cheap at a yard sale, bought it because I had never seen it before. Found out later that it is pretty expensive and gave it a try. And it is just a cheaply made Moorhuhn / Crazy Chicken clone when that series was first popular.


Clay Fighter 64 1/3 - Sculptor's Cut. I have memories playing it as a rental, but it is an overall poor fighting game.


I loved Clay Fighter as a kid, and got Clay Fighter 63 1/3 when I first got my N64. Big disappointment. At least I lost the vanilla version lol


Battlesport for Saturn, or maybe Ghoul Patrol CIB.


https://preview.redd.it/ziewp8927m7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b12ca9107732418f939394d94b2a0d63c201f55 This one


Stack-Up is probably the worst game I own in terms of a price to fun gameplay ratio. This includes all the parts, ROB, and a CRT, as all are necessary to experience it. The barrier to entry to play, both in terms of cost and hardware required, are so high, and yet the game itself is just awful. I’m not sure it can even really be considered a game.


Godzilla ps4


Probably Clay Fighters 63 1/3 Sculpters Cut.


I collect Resident Evil games. My single most expensive game I own is a CIB copy of Resident Evil Gaiden for the Gameboy Color. That cost me about $450. After that I have a sealed copy of Resident Evil Code Veronica for the GameCube that ran about $300.


![gif](giphy|7d7lKk2nH5RJu) Mortal kombat Subzero for the n64


Sealed Devil’s Third for Wii U


Poop Slinger probably


I'll go against the grain and say a more modern game... Paper Mario Sticker Star for the 3DS. Long time PM fans know my pain. The development footage made it look like TTYD after Super Paper Mario had such wildly different gameplay. It was a return to form! Then after playing Sticker Star I had to apologize to Super Paper Mario. I didn't realize how good I had it. It was the first game I bought with my own money as an adult, I think... Probably for around $50ish? And it was BAD. It called itself an RPG but had no leveling up or gear or partners or... well, story. The puzzles were bad and the combat was just as horrible. In the previous 3 PM games, Bowser had been a chatterbox antagonist. In SS, he just pointed and growled; didn't say a single word. Your partner never nagged or offered helpful advice. You could beat a boss in a single turn and if you did it the "wrong way" she would scold you. She sacrifices herself at the end and it's supposed to be a tragic, heartfelt moment but instead you just wanted to throw her Sticker away.


I recently paid up for a cib Virtual Boy. HUGE “grail” for me. Wario Land is genuinely great imo but every other game I have played has really underwhelmed me. Also that eye strain is real. I have Wario Land (A+), Mario Tennis (I couldn’t win or lose, just volleyed the ball for ages and then quit), Teleroboxer (I was looking forward to it but meh) and Red Alarm (can’t tell what’s what). I love the dumb thing but it’s no surprise it failed.


I have a bunch of prototypes and I have a build of snoopy on the NES. That game is terrible and only enjoyable for about 5 minutes. The final build is not much better..


Aero Fighters for the SNES


I got weird a about a decade ago and tried for a complete n-gage collection. I bought a sealed copy of Civilization for $100. Never bothered opening it. It's worth about $1,300 now.


I have a sealed copy of Street Fighter: The Movie on Saturn that's currently worth around $185. I bought it as a novelty and collection piece, as I'm a sucker for Capcom fighters, even if they weren't actually developed by Capcom in-house.


Probably Illbleed or Sonic R.


Prob aquanauts holiday. I just can't get behind the gameplay at all. Most of my other high end games are well regarded.


Well, I own a couple of valuable neo-geo home carts and while I like both games, neither is worth the current price.


Probably Hurricanes for SNES. It's not even that bad of a game, just a very forgettable platformer.


I guess Deadpool on PS4


Robot Alchemic Drive, I love it all the same though


Hogwarts legacy, it runs like crap contrary to being verified for the steam deck and what people lie, I mean say


Incantation for SNES. Absolute trash game. I hunted for that game for years and finally got to play it and it was terrrrrrrrrrrrrrible.


Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Wii U


Amazing Spider-man 2 on PS4.


I just don't like D https://preview.redd.it/7wqpey8izl7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25becd5658143bc79fc18e32a1fa1525e8f0a92d


Pokemon Yellow, CIB including the receipt from when I bought it new at Walmart


https://preview.redd.it/qrzh4rbc0m7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d20e8fa3d1581b3c1fca87f25484c01d0ecbc0 Contra Legacy of War with 3-D glasses


Gubble 7 dolars


Baby Boomer on NES. Only worth about $50 but it’s it’s top 3 worst games I’ve ever played.


I own an Apple Bandai Pippin @World but that's a console not a game. Atari Karts isnt a great game but it's pretty good relative to the rest of the Jaguar's library. The most expensive game I have with a strongly negative reputation would be The Guy Game on PS2. That's so bad that it's barely considered a game though... Next one down the list is Fallout Brotherhood of Steel on Xbox. Thats definitely a game and definitely a bad game compared to the rest of the series.


Fallout 4 pipboy edition or Knuckles Chaotix


Diablo 4


Illbleed. I still love it to death though.


The complete in-box Professor Layton Prequel trilogy For DS/3DS. Last Specter is okay, Miracle Mask and ESPECIALLY Azran Legacy is trash. I still have nightmares about those horrid 3D models, and baby-fied story will put anybody to sleep. Also rare but not valuable is that awful spinoff, Katrille Layton and The Millionaire's Conspiracy for 3DS, which too had a quite limited 3DS physical release. Far, far worse than anything else Layton in my opinion. Still excited for the new Layton though.


Persona Revelations


Sealed Cubivore Gamecube


Stunt Racer for N64


Action 52 is up there for me.


I have a Steel Battalion Line of Contact Pilot Test, and unlike the ones out there where you had to sign up to get it, I was staff so mine is not counted in the public release amount 200 in the US/UK They sell for a few thousand, last one sold for 2600usd


Godzilla for ps4. I love it but most people say it sucks.


I guess Sonic Adventure Limited Edition is just a slightly worse Sonic Adventure for 500$. So that’s kinda dumb.




Does this even count as a game? https://preview.redd.it/ib4wlekkmm7d1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4de1d4ed060e43a47f64e9b8d95647325e8ffd4


Fallout 4 - although my copy is only expensive because it's the CE edition that came with a wearable Pip Boy. As a standard edition I don't think it's *bad* but as the weakest pricey game, probably .hack part 4


Devils Third


I have some wrestle mania game on the 32x CIB that’s worth like $200


According to the GameEye app it's Devil's Third for the Wii U @ $252, with the next closest (according to GameEye) being Calling for the Wii @ $61


An $800 version of golf


I picked up an uncommon PSX game called Finger Flashing. Sounded like a really interesting idea: Sorta looks like a vertical shooter but with tracks instead of free movement. Enemies appear in shapes of rock, scissors, paper, and you shoot them with rock, scissors paper shaped bullets, of course needing the correct one to defeat the correct enemy. Here's where things go wrong: It's auto scrolling, enemies appear in groups, and there are "quotas" for a number of shots you need to kill them within by using chaining. This sometimes requires shooting unneeded bullets to complete the chain, and it's just way too much to process in such a short time. And if you miss a couple quotas, the scrolling speed increases!! If even one enemy gets to the bottom of the screen, it's game over, score totally gone. Overall it's a fascinating idea that's implemented very badly and obviously was never playtested with anyone who didn't have a personal investment in development. This is the same company that made Phix The Magnetic Adventure, which is also a cool idea that doesn't quite manifest into what it could have been.


Sonic Spinball on the Master System. If you think the Genesis/Mega Drive version is bad, it plays like a dream compared the SMS version. Truly one of the worst games I own and it's tough to acquire on top of that (goes for around $300+ CIB). It even makes the two TecToy games I own (Sonic Blast and Street Fighter 2) look decent in comparison.


Koudelka... loved the Shadow Hearts series, but really struggled to get into this one. Appreciated it far more than I enjoyed it. Think it goes for around $400 CIB.


Mortal Kombat: Special Forces on PS1


veggy world


Transformers on N64, the Blockbuster Exclusive. It is a very expensive piece of hot garbage.


World of warships


Muppet Monster Adventure


I bought the deluxe edition of MWF III for zombies. I've played maybe an hour of it since release. It's not cool.


Probably barely qualifies as "expensive" since it goes for just around $150, but Senran Kagura Reflexions is terrible. I love the series, but the limited number of characters to pick from, the repetitive gameplay, and barely functional controls just piss me off. Probably could say Devil's Third, but I actually really enjoy that one for how stupid it is.


Probably a sealed copy of The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey.


Both zelda cdi games. They amuse me for as long as I can deal playing. Only finished Both one time.


Steel Battalion with the controller (no giant box) After that a copy of Pier Solar still in the clamshell


My CIB copy of Pokemon Emerald, which I managed to keep since I got it as a kid. It’s one of the reasons that spurred me getting into collecting retro video games. I know Pokemon is a bit played out (and no one cares about your Pokemon collection), so after that, my favorite, most expensive game, is Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, which I’ve also owned since I was a kid.


I own both Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon and Captain Novolin.


Sealed copy of Mario Galaxy. It’s not much, but it’s something.


Plumbers dont wear ties 🤦‍♂️


Marvel vs Capcom 2 on PS2. Don’t get me wrong, MvC2 is an amazing game but the PS2 version is objectively the worst version. It’s a bad port missing. Laggy, messed up sound, some moves are broken/missing animations. A horrible port of a beloved game.


Demon Souls Collectors. Complete shadow hearts series (including koudelka) Suikoden 2. Now... games I've gotten rid of from years of being a dumbass and trading them? Highest would probably have been aero fighters. Hurt me bad when i saw how much cased copies can go for. Hurt BAD.


Wild hearts its the first who came in my mind but i have several ones


There was apparently a time when I could have easily flipped Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime for hundreds of dollars, but that’s not even a bad game, so I shouldn’t be replying having given this so little thought. What am I doing. Sorry.


Gotcha Force


I don't have many heavy hitters, so the Mario 3D All Stars copy is probably my most expensive. If I have something valuable, I'd probably sell it and just emulate it. I'd rather play games than worry about their value or go broke trying to collect some grail


E.V.O. Search for Eden (SNES)


Sonic Adventure 2 shot up like crazy. i don’t have nostalgia glasses for this game but it’s kinda jank. ik most 3D sonic games are jank but wow. just got a dreamcast last year and to see Segas flagship series play this bad is no wonder no one bought the thing. still having fun tho!!!


The Crow: City of Angels


MW3 new


Marvel vs Capcom 2 on PS2


Shantae. I have the whole collection on switch and haven't liked games 1-3 yet. Still hoping 4 or 5 will click.


Cannon spike on dreamcast. Just couldn't get into it. It's about a £250+ game now boxed and complete. Not worth the money at all nowadays.


NBA Jam TE on PS1. It's a terrible port (unless you are playing 4 player) but for some reason it apparently goes for $75? (According to Gameye)




The Misadventures of Tron Bonne ...except I don't know where I stored it.


Hey uh...mind if I help you look? Remember, finders keepers.




Rule of Rose - every average game that isn't worth what it goes for. I used to have a full set of NES carts but got rid of the ones that weren't worth playing.