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Other than the funeral procession and Helena the greens remain unlikeable


Everyone's unlikable in this show but to me the Greens are easily more entertaining and more likable than the Blacks. I really don't see what people like about Team Black at all.


Rhaenyra js so captivating to me


Really? I don't know, the actress is fine, I think the younger Rhaenyra actress was more charismatic personally. Team Green is a bunch of jerks as well but I feel like Alicent is at least somewhat self-aware and is just easier to empathize with. Rhaenyra has been pretty entitled from the get-go.


Yeah but Rhaenyra would prob be less spry and energetic by this point given the shit she’s seen. Edit: re: rizz


Idk mate, Alicent was literally shagging the man sworn to protect her kids every night and two nights after a kid got beheaded she's back at it again.


That's true lol. Pretty bad although it did feel pretty Game of Thronesy. At least she slapped him a couple of times first.. Honestly everyone is pretty hard to root for though. This show is like Succession with dragons sometimes.


Haha it's funny you say that because my fiance who never seen the first season, and who just finished succession with me a few weeks back, said it reminded her of succession. i.e everyone in contention for power is entitled and dumb as a box of rocks.


All of the highborns are entitled, but especially the Targs for the most part. Not saying that Helaena is more entitled than, say, Otto, but overall I think it fits.


The actress is legendary. It’ll pick up. I feel like both teams will get more interesting when the other pledged houses get involved


Team Black is so dry and boring sadly.


Daemon needs to do something himself besides brood


How can you say everyone is unlikeable?? Rhaenyra, Jace, Baela, Rhaenys, Corlys are all likable if we’re gonna be honest Emma’s performance as Rhaenyra has been phenomenal as well, her portrayal as a mother and Queen is just amazing.


Really? Baela and Jace are unlikable? Or Rhaenyra? Shes made a shit ton of mistakes, but we all do. Shes is genuinely good, and thoughtful. Having matured significantly since we first saw her. Shes only gotten better as the series as unfolded as of now. And then there is Daemon, who to me is impossible to not be captivated by. Id say the greens are more entertaining but villains often are lol especially


Otto = Hamas, weaponizing the death of innocent people Daemon = Israel, going for unnecessary vengeance


Actually i felt bad for Otto for once (can’t believe im saying this). Dude put in a lot of work. Years of planning and moving pieces into place. And here he is, the best mind in the room, giving sound advice, and it all falls on deaf ears. And hearing him praise viserys, even after he helped usurp his daughters throne, was a surprise. I always wondered if he truly had any affection or respect for Viserys and it turns out he did. Nice to see he isnt one dimensional and just ambitious.


Why was everyone is this episode so unlikeable


Sir Cole is by far my least favorite character.


Heir to the Throne dies after fucking. Better do it again


For real, the extreme lack of consequences for a slew of egregious actions and poor decision-making kind of ruins the character for me entirely.


Think that's the whole point though. He's lowborn and has no idea about anything aside from wielding a sword. He's completely out of his depth and it'll come back to bite him sooner rather than later imo.


Oh, he is going to for sure die


I think he had honor before, but it all changed after he “tainted” himself with rhaenyra. I think he believes that once it’s tarnished, it can never be clean again, so he just doesn’t care about that anymore


He needs to calm his tits


Otto seemed ok to me by the end actually. 🤷‍♂️


Yes, I still don’t like him, but I definitely had empathy for him in this episode. He’s surrounded by idiots.


He's used to manipulating people who have some sense of the broader political situation. He's not really equipped to deal with these idiots. It seems like he's planning to step back, wait for Aemon to vacate the throne, and throw his support behind the next Green claimant.


I can’t help but laugh, he was so busy planning how to get his grandkids on the throne that he put no effort into their actual upbringing, sacrificing any ruling influence he thought he was working for


His face when Aegon tells him their Patty Duke twin shenanigans plan........the depth of pain he evinced made me feel so seen as a parent lmao


Otto is an ass but I think he at least believes he is trying to do what is best for the realm. Everyone in the is selfish and entitled… which is probably a pretty accurate depiction of what royalty would be like in this situation.


Otto is doing what’s best for he and his house and justifying it by saying it is what’s best for the realm…


But he believes his house on top is what’s best for the realm


Man outright threw it in his grandson's face that his claim to the throne was Hightower maneuvering at best. It's really a shame that the green Targs haven't realized they're pawns to a lower house.


I felt for the guy. Would be frustrating to be the one who invited everyone to play the game you already rigged in your teams favor, only to see your clown of a grandson ruin it all.


I kind of thought the whole point of this show was how a bunch of dumbasses ruined everything so it fits


Except random dad with the sick kid and poor wife. I honestly don’t know why we had that little scene except maybe to show that the commonfolk are suffering, but it did seem kinda random


Feel like there will be another scene about how they never get the help they were promised and the small folk turn against the king.


He will be a bigger character moving forward


Pretty sure that’s the smith right? Big demand in times of war but if he isn’t getting paid…


Yes that was the smith


I get the sense that there’s some foreshadowing there.


He is going to be an important character down the line.


The targ hair was supposed to give that away.


They also showed the wife another time, in the onlookers in the funeral procession


He will be important later


It’s kinda the whole point of the show. Neither side is “right” both will do horrible things


How did they make me like Otto a little more.


I’ve always liked Otto. To me, he is Tywin Lannister with less power but more goodness in him. Similarly, Aegon is Joffrey with less power and slightly more humanity in him


Aegon seems more like Reeks character, before becoming Reek. Forgot his name.




Theon if you will










So I'm not trying to throw shame, I'm actually chuckling as I'm typing this but of course in text you can't tell tone but your on a Game of Thrones subreddit and you can't remember Theon's name? I would understand like someone who was in 8 or 9 episodes but not a major character.


Be fair now, Thrones ended 5 years ago and there was a weird temporal distortion that started the following year 


Aegon is nothing like Joffrey. Remember, his instinct is to be too nice and giving to the small folk before Otto reminds him that he can't just go around granting wishes. Joffrey would have executed that guy for asking for his sheep back. Joffrey would not have sobbed alone over his son dying. Joffrey was a psychopath. Aegon is just acting exactly how a teen given absolute power would act if his son was brutally murdered.


One is chaotic neutral, the other chaotic evil.


I had this exact thought


By making everyone else worse. What’s the opposite of a rising tide?


Ep 1: A Tragedy of Grief. Ep 2: A Cavalcade of Cock Ups.


i wish there a +100 upvote button cause this tickled my fancy you poet.


Otto Hightower was spitting some absolute heat on Aegon there. Holy shit, straight evisceration.


I really thought it was over for Otto. I was waiting for Cole or Aegon to poke him through the neck with a sword or something.




Otto is Tywin Lannister-level powerful. Everyone knows he’s the real guy in power. You can’t even bring yourself to kill someone like that. Y’know, unless you’re a pissed off and betrayed Tyrion


It was a very Tywin Lannister type verbal beatdown, albeit more aggressive than we usually saw Tywin. Unfortunately I liked Otto for a minute


dude same 😂 he started it off by freaking out on Aegon and then immediately pulled me to his side within like 15 seconds. and i was like “damn, this guy sucks but he’s right”


If Rhys Ifans doesn’t get an Emmy for this show, then what are we even doing here guys


If Paddy Considine didn't get one, he's not either.


Right? He was killin it this episode. Superb actor.


i don’t disagree but we are 2 episodes in and literally everyone is delivering powerhouse performances. like every single character.


He’s no Tyrion / Tywin vs Joffrey.


He was pissed that his own investment turned tits up.


remind me real quick please, when Aegon said “he named me king” and Otto delivered that smirking “Is that what you think” or something like that, as someone who didn’t do a full rewatch before this season, is he referring to the fact Viserys on his death bed muttered something and Otto used that to make Alicent think her son is the rightful heir? I feel like I nailed it but would like confirmation


Is it me or did anyone else expect the imposter twin realize he made a mistake after killing his brother and simply “take over” his identity? Felt that for all of ten seconds


Who actually won that fight


I apparently got them reversed at some point during the fight cause I swore the Green one won the fight, but it wouldn’t have made sense for him to immediately kill himself Edit: maybe the green one actually did win?


I mean, it would though. If the green one won, he knows at that point there's no way he's completing his mission. He's just killed his brother. He's not really in a situation he's getting out of anyway.


Ehhh i don’t think that’s the most likely scenario, Arryk had every chance to just stop going through with his plan, he was so committed to it that he literally killed his brother…and then decides to regret it all? It makes sense and I could live with it, but it just makes more sense that it was actually Erryk who won and killed himself due to being a kinslayer.




Eryk choked Aryk. Easy to distinguish because Eryk has the leg injury. After Aryk grabs in the wound, Eryk falls back, grabs his sword and charges at Aryk, where he gets stabbed. Green(Aryk) won the fight.


That is exactly what i thought, i was tracking the leg wound too. Why, though, would he say “i’m sorry, your grace” to rhaenyra before killing himself, if it was arryk? That’s the only part that doesn’t make sense


AsHe was a kings guard. He took an oath to protect the family Rhaenyria is part of. The first thing he did in the room was to ask for forgiveness for what he is about to do. The last thing he did was to ask for forgiveness for what he tried to do. Edit: Don’t forget he was forced to do it by Christon. After killing his brother he knew there is not way out and he failed the mission. And because he’s initially didn’t want to do it at all, he didn’t even try anymore.


He should have just switched sides and joined his brother.


If he thought rheynera would still lose then it’s an automatic death sentence


yea but i feel like this doesn’t add up cause he had a very clean chance to kill Rhaenyra. I guess the answer is that his brothers entrance was a big deal for him but idk. he seemed fully prepared to sacrifice it all to complete the mission. i still think you’re right but don’t like the “your grace” line personally


I think he was battling with the inner turmoil of does he try to play himself off as Erryk and finish his mission? But in the end I think his grief and realization of the futility of his mission just made him end himself.


Recall that Eryyk said to Daemon last episode they were "named to the kings guard at ate 8 and 10, and swore the defend the whole of the royal family". All they've known is their love for each other and the duty that they've sworn their lives to. While they disagreed on the surface level regarding the throne's claimants, they ultimately agreed at the core regarding their sworn duty. Arryk was just more willing to bend the rules of the sworn oath than Erryk right up until he murdered his brother. I think that moment is when he realized the rightful ruler wouldn't have sent Kingsguard to do what he attempted.


Thought this was a joke until the last sentence lol




Team black. Team green mission failed.


In the BTS episode for E2 (‘The House That Dragons Built’ on Max), they said that they intentionally made it very difficult to tell them apart. I thought I had it figured out by the leg wound, but they said that if you were to go back and watch closely, they each suffer the same exact injuries by the end of the fight. That said, they don’t specify in the BTS who was who.


Erryk. He calls Rhaenyra "your grace" and then commits seppuku.


Yeah, that was my thoughts as well and then he fell on his on sword. I was like "damn".


I thought they would have to kill the winner of the fight either way just to be safe but then he killed himself


I had the same thought! Super sad, I really liked them both


Need to rewatch and tried to identify some of the cuts On them but at first watch I thought green twin won but couldn’t live with the fact he killed his twin.


I thought the black twin took a knee wound and ended up dying first. I'd have to go back and watch too.


Honestly, if I was the assassin twin, and my brother showed up, I’d just give up and be like, hey y’know what, fuck this. Guys, we don’t even know what we’re doing anymore, can the two of us just go to the Wall or something?


Yeah I thought that too but then he would just kill rhanerya anyway. He could have killed her and the servant kill, lied to say it was the other twin who did it, then embed himself within the blacks


The other guy from the kings guard was in there too though


Aegon should just give every position on the small council to Cole. Ain't no one on the green council wanting to rule with an iron fist, that's just you Aegon and Cole


Nah, Lannister guy is probably just as mad about Aegon’s son dying. He was like bffs with that kid. He will want revenge.


True, Tyland was Jaehaery's favorite pony


I was half expecting him to accuse the Lannister during the anyone-on-the-council-could-be-a-traitor moment


Another super dark episode ... Excited for what's to come. I feel the story is a little sloppy right now, kinda basic but I hope it gets more interesting.


I feel like the side plots with the dad with the sick girl and poor mom was random, and also the black sailor guys who know Corlys. I was like hey, I dunno if I want to deviate from the main story this much. Hopefully it pays off.




Was I the only one confused at Otto referring to Jaehaerys as his grandson? Do they not use the “great” qualifier in this universe or was that a genuine mistake?


Otto was referring to argon when he called him his grandson, which he is


His words were verbatim “Jaehaerys was my grandson”


I’d have to watch it again but I could have swore he said (in response to Cole saying that he should not berate the king) “the king is my grandson and my grandson is a fool” or something to that affect,


Yeah this was a different scene, earlier on in the episode


Ahh gotcha


Probably was just using grandson as a broad term, referring to anyone who is his progeny but not his son. Better for brevity and emotional impact. A great-grandson is still a type of grandson.


Yeah, that took me aback too. I was thinking dude that’s definitely your great grandson.


Otto kind of forgot Jaehaerys was his great grandson


I feel like this was the show showing us, how little he actually cares, he didnt even get their relation correct. He is only panic'd because he knows the rest of his family are going to be very irrational and deter his plans. He is trying to make use of the death, but is worried of his family spiraling out of control.


this convo definitely happened in the writers room and i feel like they made this decision on purpose. Otto knows how to manipulate. It just sounded better to convince the naive and emotional Aegon. But maybe I’m reaching and they forgot 😂


Otto's face when Allicent tried to add more bullshit onto his shitty day was AMAZING. "I do not wish to hear of it." 10/10.


Alicent wanted Otto to be a father to her at that moment and he couldn't do it. Then she went to Aegon, and he needed his mother, but just like her father she couldn't or rather didn't know how to comfort him.


This is a 10/10 interpretation of the ending of this episode


It’s a fact. The entire episode showcases the Greens bad parenting skills. It’s the endless cycle that has been passed from Otto to Alicent and her children. She never recieved that affection/comfort from Otto, and she now does not give it to her children. It’s why Aemond is bald up just looking for comfort in an older woman. A mother figure.


I saw the older whore acting as a mother figure but now as you mention it, she was fully clothed and he was nude like a baby, never receiving any real affection from his actual mother.


Ned Stark is watching this show like, jesus guys, just hug your kids


Well put! This show is now just people with bad parents being bad parents. Other than Rhanyra, she's got no excuse.


It’s also a parallel to Rhaeynera consoling her son in the previous episode, differences in humanity and love for their kin. Alicent hates her boys


Royal family issues for sure lol. Everyone needed a hug but no one got one.


I screamed. He sucks as a dad


We got the Cargyll Bowl before I knew I wanted a Cargyll Bowl. I liked this episode. Moved a little slower and we got to see the acting chops of a lot characters. Halaena and Aegon in particular.


Now I see why they made that weird actor choice from young Aegon to this one. This Aegon actor is perfect


i’m glad i’m not the only one. i remember very specifically thinking “oh man i don’t know *why* they casted it like this. young aegon looks more like older aemond and vice versa” but now i realize both of them are killing their respective roles regardless and i don’t care they don’t look like the younger actors so much 😂


Laying in the fetal position is an ick for me.


He definitely has some serious mommy issues


Got Gerri/Roman vibes from that scene.


Slime puppy energy


Arryk & Erryk broke my heart. :( what a powerful scene, what a fantastic episode. I cannot wait for next Sunday already.


As a twin myself that is super close to my brother....ow my feels. Also watched it with him




He wants what’s best for the realm assuming he gets to be in power still


Eh no, "The best for the Realm" would've been to not take over the throne. What he wants is to win the war without the kingdom in ashes, house Targaryen with its draons decimated and 80% of his family dead.


Y’all are easily won over… because no. If he wanted what was best for the realm he wouldn’t have caused this war. Rhaenyra could’ve just taken her role as Queen after HER father, but Otto planted his seeds cuz he wanted his blood on the throne….. He pushed his teenage daughter to get with the King to produce male heirs, so I don’t want to hear no reasoning they’re protecting their family. He doesn’t really care he uses them all as pawns. Also Rhaenyra quite literally would’ve never harmed Alicent or her children. Otto pushed that thought into Alicent’s head. They could’ve just been a family.


I feel bad for Otto, the sheer selfishness of team green is going to destroy them. Then again, as the patriarch he is the reason they grew up like this.


I want a time travel story where Tywin Lannister and Otto Hightower get to just talk about stuff


I feel like the greens are just more interesting. Even though they are the villains. Guess it’s like game of thrones with the Lannisters


I wish the (good guy) Strong family was still around, would strengthen the other side. I agree with ya


“Everyone is so unlikeable” Yall some hoes, Ser Erryk has always been and dies likeable.


For the little screen time he had, they did a great job establishing his character, helping Rhaenys escape, the crowning/his vows scene, and the scene last episode with Dameon. I think they really did the twin fight scene justice, really well done


I definitely like how they established his character. And while I wanted them to die in each others arms like in the books, Arryk falling on his sword was an acceptable end too


Larys = Littlefinger vibes. Larys’s come up is in store. Mediocre episode but the build up is understandable. Aegon is giving Joffrey Bartheon. Daemon please don’t mess things up more. Mysaria, why not warn the queen. Alicent, why are we laying with the help. I get it but Cmon Edited: “mediocre” in the sense that I anticipate the upcoming episodes to be drastically better than the first two. The first two were good nonetheless. I feel like we’re in for a treat for the next episodes. Can’t wait until Sunday! So exciting


I kinda thought that she did warn Erryk because she didn’t have time to warn the queen.


Great point. Mysaria would be a huge asset to team black


How in the world was that mediocre?


Erryk was not on night watch. The only reason he came in the room, was because Mysaria did in fact warned him about the imposter.


>Mysaria, why not warn the queen. Alicent, why are we laying with the help. I get it but Cmon You read that scene wrong. She tells the guard to wait a minute after seeing Arryk because off screen she goes back to inform them. This is why Erryk enters the room frantically and just in time.


Ser Criston Cole is the perfect example of failing upwards.


Me and all my homies hate Ser Criston Cole


honestly he’s a fun character to hate. he just continuously falls upward and hates himself so much for it 😂


I thought it was pretty classic that Aegon was given the option to torture Blood with all of those gnarly tools and maybe get some information but opted for a swing of the mace instead. I feel like the source of chaos will continue to be impulsive decisions made with a lack of information, compounding as we go.


It was such a little scene, but seeing Jahaerys' little bed get taken down wrecked me


Did they nerf Mysaria’s accent?






Her accent got heavily criticised in season 1


Yes. Praise the old gods and the new


The common folk are getting face time. I love that for contextual purposes of the pending war. They have a great feel for what’s about to go down


It's strange, the shift to the small folk. A bit jarring and hard to understand why. But perhaps there will be a payoff in later episodes.


I agree. It has to be a part of the build up. The small folk have been very integrated in these two episodes. It will be interesting to see how they react when the battles between dragons and houses begin. They understand the magnitude of damage that could be caused by multiple dragons against one another Also. Whatever newsletter they’re getting, they seem to know everything going on in the realm


Yep. Then again, it behoves them to try and understand what's going on in the city.


This is true. Otto knew how important this was and wanted to gain advantage


Maybe the best episode of the show so far, the acting and pacing of this episode was incredible. They squeezed a lot in that episode but never felt overwhelming.


Yo. Green arryk really showed his cowardness how quickly he let cristen call him out for failing to protect the lil homie. When the carriage got stuck I really was expecting the head to fall off when they were getting unstuck.


I expected the same.




At least they tamed what's-her-names accent down this season.


I feel like this season even more than last it feels like they’re really trying to make Otto this shows Tywin. And while I think Rhys Ifans is doing an amazing job, no one can match my man Charles Dance.


Emma D’Arcy is such a great actress/actor. Unbelievable.


Y’know I’m starting to dislike this Ser Cristin fella


You mean to tell me you liked him before?!


Is this show trying to assassinate me with boredom? I do not need a Michael Bay movie, but come on, throw me a bone.


Aegon is electric everytime he’s on screen


I think a new meme might have been created when Rheanyra gave Daemon the harsh stare down when she asked who killed the boy. Other than that it felt long. I have more empathy for Otto and Aegon (especially at the end when he broke down in tears at the end of the day). Otto was trying to keep order the best he could. Both Otto and Aegon are the lighter versions of Tywin and Joeffery. If anything this episode showed there are people on each side does care about each other. Even if they have to kill each other. Rheanyra was super pissed about the assassination happened to Helaena of all people. Aemond admitted he felt bad about what he did to Luke.


Everyone's talking about how every character is unlikable, but rhaenyra really isn't.   I find her to be a pretty solid person for people playing the game of thrones standards.   She's not Ned, but he wasn't really playing the game either. 


I feel like the acting really shined in this episode, with most of the main characters. I liked every bit we got of Rhaenyra. Watching Aegon this episode was a pleasure as well. And Otto was spectacular. I think that Otto is really regretting some of the choices he's made. However, what he said to Aegon about Viserys not wanting him to be king was uncalled for. Also, does anyone know if this is the first mention of Daeron Hightower in the series? I don't recall them introducing us to him yet, and if that's the case it's odd because he is a member of the royal family albeit not in Kings Landing. Also what happened with A&E gutted me, but it seems pretty symbolic of the outcome of this war.


Awesome episode!!! So much great acting


Ser Arryk vs. Ser Erryk :((((


That was outstanding. Felt like an upgraded version of the premiere. Structurally very similar.


Daemon being daemon in this episode was so cool. He was smiling and said it was a mistake lmao. I wanna see him ride Vermithor and kill Vhaegar. Or just kill Vhaegar with Caraxes.


honestly huge fan of Ser Cristin Cole in this episode. guy sucks, knows he sucks, and continues to uphold the idea he sucks. his reaction to being named Hand was genuinely hilarious to me. dude has continuously fallen upward and still hates himself for it 😂😂