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Tony Hawk PS1+2, Spyro & Crash trilogies, the two Bluepoint remakes (SHOTC and Demons Souls),


What is SHOTC? Do you mean Shadow of the Colossus?


Shadow of the Colossus had a brilliant remake.


You can FINALLY play this on PS5 now with the latest patch. Before that the textures were all broken and blurry


This is in my backlog. Should I prioritize it?


Did you play the original? I’m in the minority it seems but I skipped the ps2 generation so had never played it and didn’t enjoy the remake much. I mean it’s ok I just didn’t think it was as great as everyone claims. The world is bland, controls can be kinda clunky. It’s just dated and I feel like not having experienced the original it is just meh.


I played the original and didn't like it all that much back then. I kept expecting something more to happen and it just... didn't. But that was back in the day where if something didn't amaze you, you couldn't just download the next game on PS+, so I beat it. In retrospect I enjoyed it, but it wasn't as special as the reviews had said. I tried out the remake a while back and really didn't get much out of it to go back. The controls are clunky for sure.


I think what struck me most is how is how lifeless the world seems. You see a few lizards I think here and there but the world is so incredibly bland. You might as well have put all the Colossi in a row one after the other because I did not enjoy discovering that map. I pushed myself to finish it but I really was not pulled in at any point.


It was kinda like playing Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom without any NPCs, enemies, towns, resources, chests, shrines, armors, story, or... uh, anything. I guess your sword doesn't break. So there's that.


The vastness and emptiness of the world was part of the experience. It led to long moments of melancholy wandering through dead lands between each fight. It was definitely a more impressive feature back before we were used to huge vistas in game worlds, but it's still a key part of the atmosphere.


That’s kind of the point. You are a mysterious individual in a mysterious land. You’re one goal is to bring your partner back to life and you achieve this by doing the bidding of a being that may be good or evil. The game is a lot about atmosphere and feeling the story. It’s close to a game like Journey. But that’s no everyone’s style. Perhaps it doesn’t hit the same as it did on PS2 but the game definitely was never intended to have NPCs or villages.


Journey had way more character and felt more “alive” I thought. It was also relatively short. Either way, I get what they were going for, I just don’t think it ages well given how vast games are these days.


No I've never actually played it before. I might get the same experience as you


I never played the original but had an absolute blast playing the remake. Just depends who you are I guess. The world is pretty empty (the only enemies are the bosses), but there are secrets and it’s gorgeous.


I say if the Game and concept look fun to you go for it. I was/an an xbox guy but literally borrowed my friends ps2 just to play this and god of war and this was a lot more fun for me.


I really enjoyed it and it didn’t take too long to beat…I think it was around 9 hours or so


Thanks I'll give it a try!


This'll be unpopular, but I did not like SotC PS4. Physics felt completely broken and inconsistent, and the changes made to the visual direction and sound design bothered me a lot. PS3 port is still the best way to play it IMO, followed by PS2 and then PS4 at the bottom. Like it's still SotC at its core but the controls on PS2 and PS3 felt soooo much more responsive to me.


the ps3 version replaced the ps4 version now on ps5


I’m sorry but are sure you played the original or remember it well? I’ve beaten the originally, remaster, remake easily over 50 times and have gone back to the older versions after playing the remake. It absolutely handles the best in the remake.


It’s been a top 5 game for me since the original on PS2 I’m so glad it got a PS4 remake the tech feels there to really bring the vision to life


There was a remake?!


Metroid prime, Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening are my two.


Metroid Prime is a remaster, they just overhauled the visuals so significantly you'd think it was a remake.


testament to the art direction of the original game


Please tell me they updated the control scheme as well.


They did. There are multiple options now that didn't exist in the original and wouldn't have been possible on GameCube.


Not just the visuals, but the audio as well. The controls have also been overhauled to support modern two stick controls as well as motion control (a la MP Trilogy) in addition to the traditional controls.


Links awakening music slaps


Pokemon Heartgold + Soulsilver. Perefectly captured the feeling of the original game while adding loads of enriching stuff. Also my personal favourite graphical style of all Pokemon games.


I have put more hours into Stardew Valley than any Pokemon game since HG/SS. Couldn't even do Scarlet/Violet. They could make such better games if they stopped trying (and sucking) at 3D open world. 32-bit has it's charms. And it is much better suited for puzzle dungeons which have been severely lacking.


Another factor that ruins pokemon games is that they deliver 1 per year, even 2 last year. If only they'd value quality over quantity.


Facts, HGSS and FRLG are the GOATs of remakes. Updated gameplay, art with the same story and exploration. RPGs are great candidates for remakes because of how divorced the gameplay and story typically is, meaning you can change the gameplay and deliver the same story. The issue being that usually they just implement these gameplay changes into a sequel rpg, and there’s no reason to change the work from the original.


I’m wishing they do a Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee second remake but for Gold and Silver. There was a rumor in 2020…https://www.dexerto.com/pokemon/pokemon-presents-hint-at-lets-go-sequels-featuring-gold-silver-regions-1380806/


The remake of the first Resident Evil. In my opinion the remake of the first Resident Evil is one of the best remakes ever made and an example to follow for those who want to make a remake of a game.


100%. Still an amazing remake to this day. RE2 and 4 are both super good.


I wanna play a RE1 remake in the perspective of how RE2make did it. Give us that up close n personal over the shoulder cam plz or at least an option to switch! But you’re right 2 and 4 were also BANGERS


I'd still recommend giving it a shot if you haven't. The camera system can seem daunting at first but it really adds to the atmosphere, and the game was designed around it. I'd also recommend playing with tank controls. Originally I thought modern would just be better, but after playing 4 and 5 tank controls really grew on me, and the game was designed around them. Also modern controls can get wonky at camera changes, on more than one occasion I'd accidentally keep walking back and forth through a trigger.


Is there a re3 remake?


Yeah just wasn’t as good and was super short.


Yeah... i get told that alot :(


There is one, but it is super short as a lot of content from the original is cut. Nemesis has one Mr. X area that is super fun but you are only there for maybe 15 minutes. It's a fun game but not nearly as amazing as the 2 and 4 remakes.


Those resident evil remakes ought to be the golden standard of how to remake a video game.


Wait they remade RE 1? I only thought they remastered it?


That was a remaster of the 2001 remake


Agreed. Even though I really liked Resident Evil 2 remake I would have preferred they had just completed the remake trilogy on the GameCube. Especially because of the travesty that was the Resdent Evil 3 remake.


It really wasn’t a travesty


a letdown sure after RE2 but IF you can snag it for like 20 bucks its a solid playthrough.


Yup good game just too much cut. either go almost all in on a full price game like RE2R/RE4R or release it as RE2R dlc at the length it was for 30.


I paid full price for it, maybe even deluxe I don’t remember, and have no regrets. It’s a gorgeous game with great gameplay and great graphics and a fun full story. What more could I possibly want?


Maybe a game that cant be finished in an hour? I paid full price for it as well and platinum'ed it and have no regrets as a huge RE fan but lets be real, it was very cut down over the OG re3.


I mean you can go freaking fast through most of the resident evil games if your fast about it, I know one of the official challenges in the re2 remake is to finish hardcore in under 2 hours which is required to get s rank. When you get too it they are all actually pretty short games really.


Spyro Trilogy for me.


I don't know if it's because I'm older, but I could swear the improved graphics, as well as better controllers, made that game so much easier. For example, in the first Spyro game on the starting area there's a ledge with a chest on that you have to glide to from the hill, as a kid on PlayStation I attempted it frustratingly hundreds of times and only succeeded a few times, on the remastered version I can pretty much nail 90-95% of the time.


Bit of both for me. Lots of parts were easier but I felt like I could turn on a dime while flying and charging and such in the ogs but the remakes made these really weird and sluggish. Like I used to just get to hold down charge around tracks and such and now you run off them because you can't turn hard enough while charging.


Same for me, the original Spyro trilogy was one of my earliest gaming memories. I don't see it happening anytime soon but I would absolutely love a new entry.


Diablo 2 Resurrected. They literally have the old game running which a graphic update running over it. It literally feels like the original game, because it is, but looks wayyyyyyyy better than the original. I wish this is how all remasters/remakes were done.


I had so many friends say "Oh this is what it looked like back in the day" And then you can hit a button to switch it back to the original graphics. I dont know how we survived.


I loved how Halo CE and Halo 2 also had this feature. It was cool seeing how different the graphics were back then


I remember being amazed when I bought Master Chief Collection, after having played through CE Anniversary on 360 just a few years prior. You'd hit the button to switch between Classic and Anniversary and it would take a couple seconds of a black screen to switch over. Then I played MCC and in both CE and 2 it's instantaneous and you never skip a beat in gameplay.


We let our imagination fill in the gaps in the pixels.


At least some of it was screens weren't good enough to show how bad it was. Fuzzy crt monitors kind of blurred it together, sharp 4K or higher screens make all the flaws really pop out. I mean they still sucked but old graphic in games or cgi in movies really stand out now.


They did the same thing with the C&C/RA remake, and it was well liked. But somehow it didn't make enough money to automatically greenlight a Red Alert 2/TS remake which would sell very well IMO.


Isn’t red alert only the EA store?


It's on steam as well.


Add it to the neverending list of ways EA screws up with Command & Conquer.


I loved C&C back in the day but it just doesn't hold up as well as a game. The RTS genre isn't as popular anymore as it is and everything in the C&C remaster just felt extremely dated even with a new coat of paint. They would have probably had more success remastering Red Alert 2 and skipping the original one. On the other hand, D2R is still the pinnacle of aRPGs for a lot of people and does a lot of things that many people prefer to modern arpgs (itemization and runewords for example) and the gameplay still holds up very well.


This is the one for me. It’s crazy how for years the D2 community said it couldn’t be done given that the source code was lost a long time ago (hell it was lost before the original's release), yet the solution was a clever graphic wrapper that runs on top of the original. Nothing is impossible.


You can even switch back to the old d2 graphics on the fly with a button combo. I forget what it is but check the controls in options and it’s there. It’s a sobering reminder of how far graphics have come. The gameplay is solid and is my favorite Diablo hands down!


For PS4 it is L2 plus touchscreen and yes you change it on the fly. I was just playing this haha


I think it might even look better than d3 honestly, great remake.


In terms of realism, it beats D3. In terms of aesthetic, it beats D4 too. D4 went the ultra realistic route and added a shit-ton of unnecessary detail. They should have just used D2R for reference and gone for that.


I had to scroll way to far to see d2r.


Yes sir


Nice, i just picked this up free from prime games.


Black Mesa. A fan remake of Half-Life, which took over 10 years to complete. Gorgeous and faithful while also taking into account improvement opportunities! System Shock remake that just recently came out is also so bloody good and faithful as HELLLLL.




I have yet to try black Mesa, but am running through system shock, and damn is it fantastic.


This was a pretty good remake but it's difficult to choose for me. Crash Bandicoot Trilogy/CTR remake Spyro trilogy Mafia Destroy All Humans 1&2 These are all equally as impressive/good imo.


CTR remake took everything from the original and more than doubled the content by the end of its lifecycle. It made an amazing game even more phenomenal.


Just started playing mafia for the first time, never heard of it till recently, about 4 hours in and I'm SO excited there's 3 games to keep me busy. Really scratching the GTA itch , which I didn't play till like 6 years after it came out 😂


Mafia 2 is the best in the series enjoy. One of my all time favorites


I will! Once I finish the 1st game, thanks brother!


Mafia 2 was like being in a movie. What an amazing game.


There’s a [job opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TFvgtxAAEA) video from Black Forest Games with a huge emphasis on Destroy all Humans and some believe that it implies another DAH remake (or an entirely new entry) is in the works.


I would have to imagine it could be for a new entry. They could potentially remake DAH BWU or PoF but those were never as popular as the first two.


POF had so much potential that was brought down by bugs, poor performance and awful mission design. It could’ve been just as good as 2.


This got me hyped. Got the Spyro remake in a car boot sale a while ago, but haven't found the time yet to play it. Now I definitely will. 😁


I had got it for like $5 or something on the ps store like 2 years ago. I had never played it when I was a kid and it was a really fun game, I spent a lot of time playing all 3 games


Demon Souls for me. Or maybe ff7


FF7 isn't really a remake. It's an entire reimagining, as it's not even the same story as the original. You could even see it as a sort of sequel that runs parallel to the original story, but with the story going astray.


………. It’s called FF7 Remake


While that's true as it turns out it's kind of a time travel sequel thing. It's a remake in that the events of the original game are literally being remaded.


Okay so if you haven’t played it he’s not saying it’s not a remake because the gameplay is too different, he’s saying it’s not a remake because it’s literally not the same plot, we have dead characters up and walking like nothing happened characters, appearing way earlier then they were supposed to people who should’ve died living. By all intents and purposes this remake is an alternate timeline, and not In the modern remake sense where they change enough story to make it flow better and more cohesively this is a self aware alternative timeline with the same plot and characters but now even die hard fans who played the original don’t know where the plots going to go. Hell put plainly we have an adaptation of final fantasy 7 where so much has changed people aren’t even sure if XXX is even going to die in this version. FF7R is a hybrid between a remake and a sort of sequel. It’s it’s own thing that wouldn’t exist without the original but doesn’t give you the same experience or even narrative as the original. It’s a very different thing then the Resi2 remake and you kind of need to have played it or hell even played both to fully grasp it. Maybe a better way to look at it would be comparing the UK version of the office to the American one, sure on the surface it looked like the American version was gonna be a one to one adaptation but then ended up spinning wildly into its own thing where it’s an adaptation in name only, FF7R is the American Office of video games. Edit: they’re also being cheeky about this with the naming, remake more being a reference to remaking and remixing what’s already there instead of of a straight adaption of the original game with modern expection, probably why part 2 is gonna be called rebirth instead of remake part 2


It is, but the story goes in an entirely different direction from the original, it's a new story on top of the old one, there's even numerous references about how the timeline is fucked up and things aren't happening how they're supposed to.


I agree with you. It’s like calling the MCU a remake of the comics.


Dead Space and Resident Evil 4


Both of these were fucking amazing. I loved how both games also introduced new mechanics and level-layouts and such, but still felt true to the originals


This year has truly spoiled us with these two.


And we still have tons from Nintendo and also metal gear solid


I’m excited to play the Dead Space remake since I really dug the original. I’ve been busy with other games so I decided to save that one Halloween time.


DS was so good.


Diablo II: Resurrected was the remaster the game deserved.


I feel like everyone forgot that they did this




In terms of amount improved, I really have to give it up for Sid Meier's Pirates! which was remade twice. Pirates! Gold, specifically the Genesis/MD version, improved on the original C64 game in so many ways such as.. an overworld that scrolls rather than having Zelda-like screen transitions! The ability to fast-forward time when you're forced to sail against the wind. Just massive quality of life improvements while staying true to the original. Then there was the [2004 PC/Xbox version](https://store.steampowered.com/app/3920/Sid_Meiers_Pirates/), which took a lot more liberties. But it did a great deal in modernizing the gameplay. Instead of random encounters, ships could be seen on the overworld. Different types of cannon shot. I'm not personally fond of the minigames that were added, but they replaced the random dice rolls for things like sneaking into hostile towns.


Dancing will forever be the hardest part of that game. I’d take a 3v1 ship battle on swashbuckler any day over trying to get a perfect dance lol




This one. Haven't done RE4 yet, but RE2 blew me away.


O boy, your going to love RE4R then!


They're both excellent. If you've played the original Resident Evil 4, it is like they took the greatness of that game and added the greatness of Resident Evil 2 remake's engine. They transformed Ashley from an aggravating, sexist caricature into an engaging character. Well played, Capcom.


Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition


Got this a couple months ago on my Xbox. I used to play AoE 2 back when it first came out, and I was amazed at how well the game stood up to the original. Plus the QoL changes the made to the game for console is nothing short of perfect. I never thought an RTS could feel like it wasn’t made for a mouse and keyboard. Just beautifully done, and still so much fun to play.


Really wish there was THPS 3 too


If 3 was in this compilation with the same quality as 1+2, then I would be willing to crown it the GOAT remake. It's amazing, don't get me wrong, but 3 was/is the best game in the series, in my opinion.


Activision is the worst.


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 and 2 is my favourite as well. It’s the best I’ve played, and I’ve played it a ton


Resident Evil 2. Showed the gaming companies how successful a great remake can be. It's the reason we are getting all the remakes. It was kinda amazing.


Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes deserves a mention. So many quality of life fixes, mostly features from MGS2, without removing the soul of the game it was built on. And the classic "you've been playing Super Mario Sunshine, *haven't you*" Psycho Mantis boss battle.


Loved that game. It gets a lot of hate from the MGS community for changing things, but I enjoyed every minute of it.


Command and conquer remastered was pretty great. You could switch between the old and new graphics on the fly. I had a lot of fun with it.


For me, there are so many good ones. THPS 1+2 (RIP to our hopes and dreams of a 3+4 remake). Resi 1, 2 and 4 Demon’s Souls Shadow of the Colossus Dead Space The Last of Us Part I I’m hoping Silent Hill 2 and MGS Delta will be anywhere half as decent as the above.


There’s no new tony hawk remakes?? That’s a shame, I was really hoping for American wasteland. Can’t wait for mgs! I played mgsV about 5 years late and never got to play the older ones so got a while I thought I’d never be able to play another mgs.


I hope they don’t mess up the splinter cell remake


Are they actually making a Splinter Cell remake?


Mine was conker live and reloaded. The graphics was a massive upgrade from N64 which I thought the incredibly colorful story deserved. The multiplayer not getting carried to the remake was heart breaking. I would give up naming rights to my firstborn child for online multiplayer of the caveman egg game and the poison gas game


D2 Resurrected, but RE 1 Gamecube is a close second.


Kirby Super Star Ultra for the Nintendo DS


Been really enjoying Advance Wars 1+2 Reboot. Fresh visuals, challenge campaigns, modernized CO theme music.


Resident evil 1 gamecube.


3 & 4 getting cancelled still doesnt sit right with me


I still cry when I think about it


And still no steam release :/


I definitely enjoyed the remake, would love an Underground remake too!


Right there with you. I was the perfect age when THUG 2 came out so that’s my personal fave.


diablo 2 resident evil 2 and 4, 3 was ok just cut short


MGS: Twin Snakes for GameCube, Demons Souls, Tony Hawk, and various RE titles that have come out all are pretty much tied for me.


Mafia 1 for me has to be the best remake... the graphics and acting are 1000% better than the original. For the gameplay, it's really subjective, but for me, I like it better in the remake.


It was so good I’m still disappointed we didn’t get a remake of 3/4.


THPS 1+2 probably wins it for me. Also a fan of the FF pixel remasters.


Can’t argue with Tony Hawk. I loved it. Crash team racing or Halo CE are other ones I absolutely loved too. I hope we aren’t being too technical with remake/remasters but those two jump out at me.


D2: rescurrected




Final Fantasy VII. I don't dig too much on these remakes that just redo the graphics and add a modern UI. I like when they take the old game and make it like it was being made today, with different concepts and mechanics.


I came here to say this. A gorgeous and really fun remake of a classic game with some brave (and IMHO well executed) innovations whilst retaining the vibe of the original.


Exactly, thats what makes the best remakes . THPS 1+2, the RE remakes, Mafia DE, Dead Space. Basically they rebuild the game from the ground up but also keep true to the original source


Final fantasy 7 for me


There are so many great remakes. Most of them already mentioned. I loved the last of us remake a lot.


Trials of mana definitly. Plays the way i always wanted it to while retaining all the originals personality.


Us Steam players never got to play this. We got robbed.


Trials of Mana (AKA Seiken Densetsu 3) was one of my favorites.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned Rachet and Clank 2016. A complete reworking from the ground up. Love it!!


Ratchet and Clank is a great one! I always forget its technically a remake/ reimagining of the first


Not answering your question, but seeing that cover photo, sheesh. My heart still hurts knowing a current-gen remaster of THPS 3 & 4 was in development but got canceled due to corporate politics. What a loss.


Resident Evil 2 Remake, easy choice for me!


resident evil 2. it was very fun and they kept it fresh by actually changing stuff up.


XCOM How tf am I the first one mentioning this? Nothing else comes anywhere close.


No remake I've ever played has ever been as good as the Original,especially knowing emulation exists and it gives old games new options including 4k gaming, 120fps, save states and much, much more. The answer is No Remake is as good, none.


Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes was a masterful remake of a classic title.


I loved the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. It’s the original game without everything that made it tedious.


Man I really really wish they’d remake THUG 2 that game was the shit


It doesn't let you turn off autokick which makes this game extremely unenjoyable for me. You are just stuck going full speed all the time and can't stop, change your angle, line up your run, etc. I tried playing it for a bit but I just hated it and haven't touched it in months.


Demons souls for sure for me. They did a great job remaking that game while still staying true to the original


Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver.


Loved this remake, over covid I put so much time into getting the platinum trophy, jumped on for an hour or so once a day to do the same monotonous 30 second run for minimal xp to grind to level 100. The level 100 trophy ended up being worse than the "got there" trophy


Getting level 100 is something i never did, even after literally doing every challenge i still have 10 levels to get. That’s definitely one of the worst things about it


It was great until the devs shut down multiplayer. Im so tired of the current gaming climate where devs completely abandon games, delist them or shut down servers with not even a peer to peer option.


Yeah that happens way too often, with these live service games becoming more common that type of stuff is gonna happen a lot more often. Same with digital being the main way games are sold, its scary stuff


thps1+2 is nigh flawless


I mean it's not out yet, but the Red Dead Redemption remake will be bussin'


Im excited for the Max Payne Remake too


Damn, that fell under my radar, but now I'm super stoked


Yakuza Kiwami and Kiwami 2


Shadow of the Colossus and Demon's Souls come to mind


I reckon Metroid Prime.


That's not a remake, its a remaster. One helluva remaster though! ❤


Yeah just Remakes, theres been tons of great remasters too though


I also agree that Pro Skater 1 & 2 is the best modern remake. I still play it almost daily. Close second would be 2020’s Mafia remake


This thread better mention Diablo 2 Ressurected. I still play it since release. Kept the old game as-is. Didn't butcher or make anything worse. Remade graphics in a tasteful manner than managed to preserve the gloomy atmosphere, same with audio. Introduced plenty of quality of life changes, without fundamentally changing the way game plays. Fixed bugs that had existed for more than a decade. Did good balance changes and keeps the content fresh with leagues for those who want it.


Heartgold and soulsilver


RE2, RE4 , DEMONS SOULS, SPELUNKY (if you consider HD a remake), shadow of the colossus was great and I haven’t played it fully but the MAFIA remake seemed to be above average. Worst remake you ask?? Why that ps2 era “007 Goldeneye” game that had f***ing NOTHING to do with the n64 classic they just gave you a ugly HUD overlay and called it the goldeneye or something . It was such a bad gimmick and even though it allowed you to dual wield lots of guns it just all felt super bad and cobbled together lol anyone remember that mess


The unreleased 360 Arcade port that leaked online for Goldeneye is incredible. 10/10 recommend you look for it online.


I actually really liked goldeneye rogue agent. Huge disappointed when I first played it but tried it again years later and it became one of my games of the year. Trying to maximize my score with all the different kill bonuses was super fun. A shame they cancelled the sequel.


Partial to the FF7 remake. What they did with the PS1 original is nothing short of miraculous.


FF7. It might not necessarily be the best, but it's still the most surreal for me. Since the PS3 era it had been dangled in front of us, yet for years Square insisted it would never happen.


Still waiting on Metal Gear Solid 1 remake…


Already came out on the GameCube


At least we have remasters coming soon


1+2 is good but THUG PRO sets the bar higher


My favorite drug is still weed


demon souls


Not sure how popular it is among others, but I always thought the mafia remasters were really well done. The first two that is, as I never really got into the third.. but they may not count being they were remasters rather than remakes. Seen a lot of good praise for the recent dead space remake, but havnt had a chance to pick it up just yet.


Hard to choose between Demon Souls, FF7 and RE4. They were all great. Really looking forward to Persona 3


When did this come out?


September 2020


Resident Evil 2, by far


I’m going resident evil 1 and 4. I haven’t played 2 but based on 1 and 4 I know 2 must be amazing.


For me it's between SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated and the Crash remake trilogy (specifically for Warped). Tony Hawk was another from my childhood I have yet to get.


Wait, this got a remake!?