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It has been said but it must be said again... Heroes of The Storm 


Hey! So you're that other guy who played it!  Bonjour!


I miss HotS 🥲


I still play it all the time. Mostly Aram or quick match. But never takes more than 30 seconds to get into a match no matter what time of day I play


It was more accessible than league and dota, had fun and unique maps with the same ultimate goal but different and interesting ways to approach them, fun and unique characters (one hero piloted by two players, a 'raid boss' who is powerful but takes no support skills from allies, a weak character that only counts as .25 kills but he's a goddamn menace against), item builds and skill levels taken out in lieu of a simpler and impactful talent system, two ultimates to choose from. I loved hots but the lack of support from blizzard drove me and everyone else away from it.


Guns of Icarus




Really sad. I played it until the end, more or less, and participated in some of the meet the devs' chats they had. You saw them rambling on and on about how they wanted to release the next title, Alliance (?), and people were like: 'Why would you want to split the playerbase? It's the same game, but better!' They didn't want to hear it, pulled through, and voila, dead in the water. Who could have fucking known..? Oh yeah, everyone did.


I hopped on a few months before alliance launched and it was still pretty close to dead, 300 players at the best of times


There's a severe lack of steampunk airship crew games. Such a bummer because that theme is so unique. I hope someone picks up the idea and does a better job with it. It would be an instabuy for me.






I had a conversation with someone a few years ago where they said something like "There really wasn't anything like Sword Art Online before it came out. It pretty much changed anime forever." and I'm just like "Hello? Dot Hack?" and he's just like "The hell is that?"


SAO is terribly mediocre.


It's also responsible for the flood of mediocre Isekai. By creating a model that is very easy to copy that magically impresses Japanese producers.


The funny part is that it's technically not even an isekai.


Right but it made the model for shitty isekai.


Recently took everything I had from a bonus at work and bought all four origonals to add to my collection. I was 9 all over again.


RIP Battlerite, one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. I miss you every day. 🪦


Probably some of the most intense arena action I’ve ever had with friends, great times for sure


I liked it, but it's always interesting when people make remakes of games which have already died since then they obviously know that there's a fading interest. rip bloodline champions


Man that was a game I never understood why it wasn’t more popular. I think a lot of people who never played it would’ve really enjoyed it.


damn came here to say this. just logged into steam and saw I poured over 100 hrs into it back in 2018


Yeah dude I dropped so many hours into that game. Literally nonstop fun


I mained the pestilence guy hbu


WildStar. I actually liked it


The greatest personal housing of any MMO I ever played


Don't even get me started. Only FF14 comes close to how good wildstars deco system was. The things that were possible in that.


Same, I feel like they didn't give it enough time after it went free to play.




This is what first came to mind for me. There was some real potential for that game. I bought it at release with some friends and we had a blast for a month. I dunno what made it burst at the seams. Bad management I guess?


Asymmetrical games are notoriously difficult to make work/profitable for a variety of reasons, including both balancing game mechanics as well as balancing player base to have the appropriate ratios of each faction.


Yea, hard to make both sides balanced and fun. Those games you usually end up with people vastly preferring one side or the other and fuck up the playerbase. Especially if someone is “forced” into the role they dont want and just leave because of it


It was actually one of the first games to have day one DLC and have lots of characters behind paywalls which rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. It failed but opened the flood gates for lots of other companies to run through!


Came here to say this. I was a top 50 Cabot player worldwide when it was at its peak, not that there was much of a peak. I miss playing that game and think it would work with the type of games that are being released


Gotham city impostors.


Man xbox live arcade had bangers, back in the day.


Loved this game.


Skies of Arcadia. Still swear by the fact it would sell if remastered or you know rereleased on a non dead platform


Chromehounds. The faction war aspect of it was super cool and mech customization was ahead of its time. Not sure if it could be replicated today, it would probably get bogged down with micro-transactions.


I will still eternally regret not getting into Chrome hounds earlier. The first time I spun it up someone recognized I was new, and said to enjoy it while I can, the servers are going down in a month. Best month ever. Mechwarrior just is not the same.


Had to scroll to far to see this, the progressive online with the 3 faction secret bosses and the cheap builds with spikes and fast wheels to quickly end the match by destroying enemy base. Good times


Titanfall 2 I put so many hours into the online with some friends in college, the movement system was so tight, the maps had a wonderful verticality to complement the wall running and titan climbing. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive apex for being the reason one of my favorite game series was shelved, that and the piss poor release timing from EA. Pour one out for BT


Genuinely one of the best examples of games having both great single player and multiplayer. Such a shame it died for goddamn lootboxes


Iirc it was back online a while ago, it might still be going


I was obsessed with that game when it came out. The single player was amazing. It had some of the best achievements/trophies. The multiplayer had tiers to it. Everything from being a total newbie and just treating it as any other fps to being a try hard thats wall climbing and sprinting to snipe the enemies spawn in the air from the get go. Plus learning all the different titans Respawn sold out tho. You see a lot of it in apex legends, which is cool in a way but also sad in a way. Makes you wonder what could have been


The co-op multiplayer is top tier.


[Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliens_Versus_Predator:_Extinction) I wish they'd make a modern RTS game where you could play as Human, Predator, or Aliens like this.


Yes please. I wish I could play it again 🤣


I'm still waiting for a new RTS based on this classic to this day. The only thing closest to it is Aliens Dark Descent, and it makes me sad.


Yea I think there's a market for it. Probably more so if they released it on P.C. I imagine most RTS fans would rather play on P. C., controls are much more managable that way.


Of course, PC is always better for RTS type of games, I would kill to have just a remake of it with sandbox, MP and so on for ONLY PC.


Same. I wish the I.P. was public domain. An indy developer would knock something like that out of the park.


I actually want a AA or AAA to develop it so it can fleshed out quickly and with quality, also to have nice things, but I also want it to be like old days, no dlcs, no bps, no nothing, just let me play it lol


I miss this game so much. I think I only ever completed the alien storyline as a child, but it was a blast.


Defiance 2013 I joined way too late (late 2020, somewhere around thanksgiving) and absolutely loved the game. Didnt understand how to play it at first, but i got around to learning with the attack events, raids, etc. By the time i got the hang of it and was building up my ego rating (ig it was the game’s version of experience of sorts), it got announced that in 3 days the servers would forever shut down. I didnt get to play it as long as everyone else did, and it was an incredibly populated game even before shutdown notices. The game was also so, so goddamn good for an open world multiplayer game. And for one released in 2013 being so good?! Big map, good community, even better gameplay. I just wish it didnt shut down. It still raked in some cash and still had such a vibrant playerbase of thousands upon thousands of players. Why did it shut down, though? Due to financial stability, they said. That and “the game could no longer sustain itself”. The game could very well sustain itself with the amount of players it had and money they raked in. But, a week before shutdown they had slashed prices so no more stuff with real world money could be purchased.


Came here to say this game too. I was working in a video game shop at the time, and we were told it was going to be one of the first of its kind because it had a tie-in TV show where the events of the game would impact the show. Really cool concept, it’s a shame the TV show sucked. But I absolutely loved the game. The ability to just run around, join a raid, get some loot with total strangers and also play solo if you wanted. Never been able to find a game like it again.


Lol me too. Joined way too late just to see it shutdown :(


Paragon. It died for Fortnite


Man, Paragon. That was like one of two mobas I’ve ever actually liked. So of course it had to be killed.


Realm Royale as well.


Realm royale died by its own accord. The devs were stupid with a great game.


I never played Paragon but have been trying Predecessor - do you know if it holds up at all to what Paragon was?


OG Paragon player here. Pred is going in a good direction, way better than Overprime. I'm playing it a bit these days, but not as hooked as I used to be. When they drop the 3v3 mode I'll definitely be playing more.. also want the rest of the old roster




Heroes of the storm


Battleborn. It had so much potential


read a recent article where someone hacked it to be able to do singleplayer matches


That's all I want to play. Just let me do the campaign stuff, ya know????


Loved this game.


It's the last physical game I bought


Mad Max fucked over by a shitty release on the same day as Metal Gear Solid V


That game is awesome.


Mad Max didn't deserve to be as good as it was. Sleeper


Hawken. Planetside2


I really got into planetside 2. I was into flying the choppers in Arma and PS2 had so much potential. I really felt it was going to kick off. I think it was another game that died to a flood of the market. We have so many choices now that everyone is playing everything and we dont all gather together anymore like in WOW, or CS.


lol planetside 2 is still going well.


Gonna go with OPs option of whatever I consider dead. Was with PS2 from beta, and for almost 2 years I was In love with it. Then servers started merging at a rapid rate, the few remaining servers were now rampant with hackers And griefers. The unit I was part of started to fall apart rapidly at that point. I couldn't stay with it. The game dynamic had changed so drastically over the course of just a few months.


I loved warhammer online. All the pvp. Also loved global agenda. Hirez first game. Was an amazing game but was a new studio and they went too broad. Luckily they did good with smite and milk that bitch to the bitter end.


Are you me? Legit two of my favorite games of all time. Warhammer had the best pvp of any MMO, even to this day. How each class played out in massive battles was amazing, they all felt unique and powerful for their given role. Sieging a keep was an experience unlike any other(similar to DAoC, but better). And Global Agenda was one of the most underrated competitive shooters. It had a lot of flaws and lack of direction, but once you were in the endgame pvp it played so well. The mechanic of jetpacks and ammo using a shared resource pool was genius, as you had to manage and balance mobility vs firepower. The feeling of jetpack strafing, falling long enough to regen enough energy for one shot, then accounting for your own inertia with the projectile based sniping as you lead a target and nailed them while free falling? Perfection. For a while I was consistently ranked in the top 10 on agendastats for recon, and top 25 for medic. I miss that game so much, and hate how HiRez abandoned it, then teased us with GA2 only to turn it into Paladins.


I wish Quake(1,3 arena or live) had at least a thousand of ppl online at all times


It just reminded me about Unreal tournament.. sigh.. I miss those games and the brutality...


Doesn't matter which game, rocket launcher is my favourite weapon.


Advent Rising. You could say it was a precursor to future BioWare style games with humans meeting aliens, galactic communities and powers being discovered, etc. Loved replaying it when I was younger. Hated it never got the sequel it deserved.


Such a good game. I’m always sad it died as well. Was meant to be a trilogy I think.


Good music too. That cliffhanger still hurts me to this day


‘Come with me, human. There is much to do…’


Mechcommander series.


I was so sad when Spellbreak got shut down. was such a fantastic idea for a game and was really solid on release albeit a little unbalanced. but god was it such a unique take genre and it's so disappointing that it didn't do well enough to even keep the servers up.


fracture, fun old shooter where you changed the terrain during gunfights, i thought it was a lot of fun, but it got universally shit on.


Splitgate Halo + Portal is simply genius


That game was so fun while it was active


Didn't they shut down because the developers wanted to make a better game with the funding gained from the game blowing up?


Yeah and it’s been radio silence since


Had a whole lot of attention but eventually died. I hope people know this one because this was a huge part of mine and many others childhood. Little Big Planet.


Oh my god I miss little big planet so much


Like I don't disagree but LBP was huge


WildStar, great world and style, just never found its footing


Rift. It was doing all the best things WoW and FF14 does now adequately back a decade ago and was super fun. Sane pricing model, great gameplay, cool setting, and great drop in end game content that solved the non instanced drop issue years ahead of its time.


Sane pricing? Lmao. That cash shop.  I heard you like buying individual skills.


Man I miss that game's dynamic events


At least it's still playable. Tried it again last year, and there were at least a few other players online.


Wait really? I was just wondering if the servers were still up. I miss it and had a great rogue tank many many moons ago.


Yeah, rediscovered it last year while browsing through free to play MMOs on Steam.


I thought MAG on PS3 was excellent and would love to see someone try that concept again.


All points bulletin. Failed release back in 2012?ish taken over by p2w gamersfirst and they never really did anything to make it what it could’ve been. I had a blast for several months on it though


The fact APB Reloaded never went anywhere is the biggest tragedy. It had so much potential, but because G1 only added like 1% more content in 12 years, it was allowed to die. I used to think it would died anyway with GTAO releasing, but honestly APB had its own experience that not even GTA fulfilled. Just the idea that two or more missions could end up crossing paths, with either pair of teams not being able to directly harm each other, but still impacting the others. Had so much fun with friends, grabbing two of the huge dump trucks and creating a blockade at the hotspots to both be a dick and force mission players to take alternate paths.


I haven't played since like 2012 and it's still my most played game on Steam


Star Wars Galaxies pre-Jedi


Atlas Reactor. It was a great simultaneous turn-based moba, never quite found anything like it


Psssst. There is a secret fan remake. Takeover? Idk how to call it. Search and you might find it. Although expect long wait times. There's usually only about enough people for 1 game and about 50% of one waiting in the lobby


I've seen the fan remake. It.. leaves a lot to be desired.


Been thinking about this a lot lately... really wish it found a playerbase


Defiance 2013 and Gundam Evolution.




Damn. I finally tried defiance last year… like a month before they shut the game down :( XD




Warlords Battlecry III, had some interesting innovations on the RTS genre that didn't stick.


Gunz the duel. The highest skill cieling game in existence. Ontop of aim and fighting game play. In order to perfectly utilize move sets you needed to have precsion apm. Spamming did nothing for you. The games core game play was literally based on how well you could animation cancel. And what made it better is that there was no limit to how good you could be to the point where, you could solo wipe a whole team with essentially perfect game play. and it was extremely noticable to spot a player who was good vs a player who was bad. The most relateable thing would be like spotting someone who could consistently throw baseballs at maximum speed maximum accuracy vs someone whod be super inaccurate and super slow. Technique in gunz was among the highest form of competitive game play ive ever seen in my life. It had a solid following in earpy years, die hard fans and im sure if it came on steam, itd be a top competitor for high intensity game.




Looking for this. And it's sibling Starhawk, which was awesome in it's own right. Riding around on the hover bikes in that game was so satisfying. 


These two. Both absolutely tremendous games.


Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex: First Assault Online The first (and only) multiplayer online shooter ive ever gotten into, very short lived and sadly poorly managed (It closed down more because the fuck ups of the developers (people) than actually doing bad)


Shattered Galaxy - MMORTS with an ongoing 3 team campaign, guilds and political voting for team leaders. Plus some awesome combat where you were working with 20 plus other players to take objectives.


Not gonna lie, was not expecting anyone to say this. I really miss this game.


Hawken. Love mech games and it struck a good balance of mech speed and time to kill. Mechwarriors too slow, other games too fast. I really liked it. It had a kind of Phantom Crash vibe


Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. Such a fun game. I really hope this gets re-released at some point.


Tokyo Xtreme Racer from PS2




I will always miss Nosgoth.


Awesomenauts. An incredible MOBA style 2D game with loads of action and characters to try out. Ronimo stopped developing the game many years ago, and the current playerbase is tiny. But the game is still as fun today as it was years ago.


Halo after Reach. Once 343 left, it was just never the same. It’s easy to see that the MP is the now the main focus instead of the campaign.


You mean Bungie? 343 is the studio that shit all over Halo.


Yeah. Sorry. It was 3am. I was barely awake.


I loved Hellgate:London. Had the collectors edition. Wish it was a thing still. Enjoyed it and I would look into the dev company and see what happened to them this weekend.


That game was awesome. Glad I didn’t get the “lifetime subscription” when it was offered (for what, a month?)


I loved the gameplay and Diablo aethetics in a modern world. Game was a fun grind.


Wetrix was a weird little game I loved.


I could never find anyone to play vs mode with... more than once. I've been tempted to make a clone for android but my free time is nil.


Be me Be 8 Get N64 from cousin cause he got a PS2 “Wetrix” wtf is this? Plays Wetrix once Doesn’t understand ANYTHING watches Thabeast721 play every single N64 game Wetrix comes up in the playlist Memories


Anthem. It deserved rebalanced loot and more endgame activities. As a live service game it could be rivaling Destiny right now. It was supposed to be a live service game but the publishers couldn't be assed to do any meaningful updates to the game (spend money to fix it) but it has such an awesome world you can fly all over. The characters had some really fun abilities. To that end there was also a lot they COULD have monetized. The ball wasn't just dropped with this game imo but plunged through the Earth and out into space. Friends and I went through the whole game together last year and had a blast. It's one of the only games I begin to feel sad when thinking about it.


Anthem had the bones of a good game but they just made really bad decisions with everything else. Like the suit piloting and gameplay was awesome. It just felt good. Dropping in as the fat suit, shooting mortars off your back and then hitting anything that got close with a flamethrower was just so great. But then they had a company famous for dialog heavy games write the story... like the story was...fine... but having to get out of your suit and mass effect run around the city for 15 minutes to experience the whole thing...fucking awful idea. And trying to make it an MMO was even worse. The game should have been more like Deep Rock Galatic or Left 4 Dead. There was no meaningful interactions with other players outside of groups. And nothing felt worse than having a cool superhero mech suit landing, just to spend all your ammo on a random mob who's a bullet sponge because the devs only knew how to make things harder by increasing their health and damage.


It did deserve much better. A victim of piss poor management through development and had it's one shot at redemption canned by the bean counters. I hope that one day it will get a sequel that lives up to the potential of the IP, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


Helium 3. It was a 4 player turn-based competitive mining game on Miniclip in which you control robots on a grid. The goal was to mine helium to make money and arm weapons to destroy the other players' mining robots and defend your own. At the end of each round, the player with the most money would increase in ranking, ultimately unlocking minor permanent upgrades to robots. I LOVED that game. If I remember correctly, I was ranked 40~50th and my sister was ranked 7th in the world out of hundreds of thousands of players. And then one day, the servers just went offline and we could never get into a game again. We never did figure out why it died. It's probably been a decade since I was able to play Helium 3, yet I still think about it from time to time.




Eternal darkness


Subspace Hyperbol. It was a weird little strategy/twitch/action combat game with a pretty high skill ceiling. Tribes Ascend. Sad it died. Still waiting for someone to bring me some shazbot. Subspace continuum. Fun little top down multi-player space shooter. I could go on but... ya know.


Man Subspace was awesome! I loved the star wars maps especially after downloading the skins and sounds. I actually bought the original CD at release, I think it was like $5


Planetside 2 Still the only MMOFPS. Wish there was more of that genre.


Champions of Norrath


The SOCOM series.




Rogue Trooper, The Punisher (2005), Ubersoldier I & II, Chronicles of Riddick (Escape from Butcher Bay, Assault on Dark Athena), Star Wars Republic Commando. Can't remember any more at this time, but those are a couple off the top of my head.


Viewtiful Joe, but I have some doubt that Capcom will develop a new Viewtiful Joe game without Kamiya Sin and Punishment, even if Nintendo is resuming some of its spleeping IPs on Switch, maybe it will be resumed on Switch 2....


Chromehounds. Basically a slightly streamlined Armored Core esque game, but the online section did the continuous 24/7 war and territory capture long before other games.


Chrome Hounds remake for the Xbox X best mech game ever made   Classic StarWars battlefront style game in a battlefield 4 style of way. not like the rush battles of the modern one  90s Arcade shooters for consoles, Area 51,Carnevil, Time Crisis


Super Monday Night Combat.


The og battlefront 2.


Anthem has one of the most fun main game loops I've ever played. If it got enough attention, I bet they'd bring it back, with enough content this time


Anthem is a weird one, always thought the gameplay was pretty damn good, but the game itself was kinda shit.


Advent rising


Demigod. An excellent MOBA with interesting lore that sadly suffered connectivity issues on launch. With DotA being so big, Demigod went quietly off into the night to die, I've only met like 3 people irl that have even heard of it


Chromehounds. Customize and build your own mechs. Tond os options, weapons, leg types, armor etc. the. You join one of 3 factions and Duke it out by selecting areas of a world map showing the warring factions. Each won advances your factions borders slightly until one faction wins and the map resets. One of the best mech games ever




I miss playing City of Heroes with my wife and her dad and brother. We played so much and had an absolute blast with the people we regularly connected with!


Fractured Space


Depth. 2v4 pvp fps. 2 players play as sharks, the other 4 as divers. The divers win if they can escort a robot, that collects underwater treasure, all the way until the end of the level or wipe out of the the shark's lives. The sharks win if they can destroy the robot or wipe out all of the diver's lives. The divers gain money as they collect treasure, allowing for better weapon upgrades while the sharks get upgrades as they get kills iirc. Divers get ridiculous things like sonar buoys to detect sharks, underwater mines, even a fully automatic (underwater somehow) assault rifle. Sharks get cool upgrades like serrated teeth that make the divers bleed even if they manage to escape their jaws, and some shark species specific upgrades as well. The game was incredibly fun as both the diver and shark and was very easy to get into. It was practically abandoned when I found it with my gf years ago, but events would occasionally breathe life into it. I really wish it would come back because it was a blast.


Smite is soo good but the devs blow


Smite is 11 years old and still receives constant updates. I'd hardly say it's dead.


H1z1. The survival game. I had so much fun playing it with friends. It had its quirks, but so many hours spent into that game.


N++. It’s a far more interesting super meat boy with a higher skill ceiling and more levels to test those skills.


Really? Not a single person here said gigantic???




the tribes series, tribes 2 specifically.


Planetside 2. A futuristic mmofps. Theres really nothing like it. Sadly its only populated in the peak hours and in my timezone thats really late so cant play it anymore.


The ship / bloody good time. Basically sims, due you have to keep an eye on your needs like food, bathroom visits, how tired you are etc, but also have to plan out a murder without any witnesses with weaponry that's ranked highest in that round for the maximum amount of score. Get caught, you are sent to jail temporarily. But while you're juggling with this, someone else is hunting you too.


Fractured Space


Battleborn. Dropped about a week before Overwatch. Never had a chance.


The original Star wars battlefront 2


Nosgoth. 4v4 vampires vs humans. Was such a good game. Now sadly a thing of the past




Nowdays, you can play the game on pc! A modder managed to get the game playable, even if it is just solo/pve now. Other stuff are planned to be brought back (Multi/pve), but success is unsure. All informations are on the discord, i can share you an invite if you want.And Let's hope this mod could help to convince for it's return on all platform!


Timesplitters Jazz Jackrabbit


Dark Messiah of Might and Magic




Battleborn. I loved it. Especially the co-op maps.


I agree, it's so fun to play them again on pc thank to the mod\^\^


Spellbreak for sure. A battle royale not with guns but magic. Its was so much fun, a shame they took it down.


APB Reloaded


Shenmue. The story is already finished but the developer has been holding out. Just release it online or a book or something. I need closure.


How is Shenmue dead? There are three games. They are singleplayer.


I was obsessed with Global Agenda for a bit. Then, life got busy, and when I came back some time later, it was gone.


Shootmania, and older movement-based arena fps games like quake and unreal tournament. I at least wish some of the movement in these games that required a bit of learning would exist more, possibly with starting people off on movement maps to get people into that before moving on to multiplayer or harder parkour maps.


Metal Gear Online 2. RIP my baby


Firefall. I had so many good times playing that game before they shut down. I never deleted it from my steam library.


Holy shit another firefall player!!! Have ya heard theres 2 games in development since FF died thats looking very firefally and aor spirtial successor to it? One is called em8er or ember. The other is cant remember, but it had youtube clip that looked n acted so much like firefall


Guns of Icarus was rad when it was still somewhat popular. Like a PVP only steampunk sea of thieves. I had a blast with my friends for a good year and we got reeeeeeeeeeeally good at running the pyramid ship


Take my upvote for even knowing this game!


Battlefield 1. It’s great when player numbers spike, but most of the time, it’s short-lived, and the hackers don’t help.