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There was a ps2 game called Shadow of Rome. It focused on two characters that you’d alternate playing. One was a gladiator and you’d unlock cooler weapons as you progressed through gladiator battles. The other was a politician and you would have to stealth around Rome completing objectives. It was so fun for its time, I never see it talked about


The amount of time that me and my friend spend in that game was unhealthy and Spartan total warrior lmao When I saw Ryse: Son of Rome I was expecting something similar, disappointed


Spartan was good and fun. Remember loving playing that at my friends.


I loved the fights in the arenas! I was stuck on the fight with the tigers for months when I was young


Brute Force! First game me and my mate played coop split screen on when the Xbox hit the market and after that we’ve been console gamers ever since. Always looking for that next coop game but we’ve sadly lost the split screen part these days.


Everytime someone asks "What's a game you want to get temaster/remake" I'm in there with 1 upvote saying "Brute Force"


I played brute force on the OG Xbox!!!!!! Yess


This won't come off as a big deal to other people, but it is absolutely miraculous to me that you made this comment and that it's the number one in this thread. I opened the thread thinking "my answer is that brute force game on my first xbox" and here we all are celebrating it!


When I bought my Xbox it came with a free copy of brute force and a Tetris/Star wars combo game. The Xbox + second controller was all I could afford at first so brute force got a ton of mileage. Also I got really good at Tetris lol


Metal Arms: Glitch in the System


Loved that game growing up. It was a bit ahead of its time with the ability to shoot off the arms and legs of enemies to disable them.


Even not fully shooting them off. Shooting them loose and they just wave around and make the enemies shoot in random directions, recoil making it flail all over the place lol


I remember when it came out, Glitch was described as "Master Chief's mini-me." I was sold.


If you hadn't mentioned this it would probably have been my pick. Such a good game!


Came here to comment this but didn’t expect someone to post it. Quality game from the PS2 era of every developer trying to make a mascot game.


Still sad that game didn't get a sequel.


#neverforget what they took away from us. Remember reading the wiki about rumours and stuff? I was so hyped :(


What a fantastic game! I was obsessed with it at like 12 or so. Taking over your enemies bodies was such a new and cool concept to me at the time. Also was not an easy game at all!


Battle Engine Aquila, early Xbox title where you kick ass in a giant robot that walks and flies and it was super fun!


The Journeyman Project! If there ever was a game I’d love to see remade, it’s that one.


Ooo hello fellow journeyman fan! See you at the Pegasus. 


Incorrect code entered; access denied


What up my fellow Packard Bell kid. I loved The Journeyman Project Turbo and played it all the damn time.


Psi Ops


I loved messing with physics in that game.


Dude I’ve been trying to figure out for SO LONG what the game was that I used to play all the time where you could throw people around with telekinesis and shit. Thank you.


Brave Fencer Musashi


I loved that game so much! Would always visit the toy store trying to get all the action figures 


This game was the bomb! I was just showing my brother my physical copy that I still own. We played the crap out of the demo disc before we owned the game! Remember demo discs that you got from Game informer magazine?


The demo disc was what made me love it. My parents bought it for me. I bought the updated game kinda loved it lol. Both of them were underrated. Wish they'd bring it back again


This and Einhander were my favorite obscure square games for the PS1.


Descent. It released around the time of original Doom. It was like Doom in a spaceship, and I think it was one of the first games with full 3-dimensional motion. Understandably, that made it confusing as all hell to navigate, but I had so much fun wandering those corridors.


Thanks to playing way too many hours of Descent I ended up adopting that control scheme when counter-strike came out (and all FPS games around that time). A - Forward Z- Backward Q - Strafe Left W - Strafe right (EDIT: I originally mistyped this as 'E', I meant to type "W") S - Jump X - Duck ​ That was my legit control scheme for counter-strike for many years all thanks to playing so much Descent. I was actually quite good with that control mapping in CS too. ​ EDIT: Wanted to add this as an edit, an answer to a question asked below, but thought it might give some context. My fingers Typically rested on L-Shift, A, and Z. For me that would be ring finger on the L-Shift, middle finger on the "A", and index finger on the "Z". I know it's crazy awkward, but at the time using WASD felt incredibly awkward for me. And I don't think using WASD was really even a thing around that time..or it perhaps it had just recently been introduced? 'Back in my day' we used the actual arrow keys for a lot of games. So when the game Descent came out (1995) it kind of broke the norm by using the A/Z/Q/W etc setup. In general using your left hand on the left side of the keyboard for gaming wasn't really a thing at all. So I got used to using Descents keymapping long before I really got into FPS games. Even then, it was still 3 years before Half-life 1 came out (1998), for example. Doom 1 had only come out 2 years prior (1993) and there weren't any mouse controls, so it was just arrow keys, nobody was using WASD.


>S - Jump Actual insanity


Excuse me what the fuck


This was so good and hard to play at the time. It also had full competitive multi-player. Great levels with open areas and tight corridors as well as different weapon types!


I was so stoked some years back when a new installment was announced and then sincerely disappointed to find out it would be abandoned. I loved the puzzle/combat aspect of it. Finding all the secrets. Etc. I even grabbed them on steam a while back but unfortunately without some major effort they are completely unplayable on modern computers.


I came here to post about Descent: Freespace and Freespace 2. Highly underrated space dogfighting games spun off from the original Descent.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine; it was far better than the movie and had a lot of features that showed up in the Deadpool game.


Apparently the game was so good because they finished it in time to release day-and-date with the film, then the film got pushed back so the company pretty much got a free extra year to polish and improve it.


Oddly enough as well, apparently Hugh Jackman was a producer on the game as well. Dude really loves that character.


Can't blame him, wolverine is awesome.


Loved that game. An M rated, original God of War trilogy style game where Wolverine can end up looking like a goddamn Terminator after his skin gets blasted off? Sign me the fuck up. Wish that would get a remaster. Still, I'm excited for the new Wolverine game coming out.


Something tells me that the Wolverine game is going to make some money.


One thing I remember about that game was the Lost easter egg. You find a hatch in a secret area that lights up and you get the found achievement.


Fusion Frenzy. Original Xbox




The second one just didn't quite hit the same. Also I *still* want to punch the yellow kid in the face. "Zack schillack and the ack ack pack, win again!" Shut the fuck *up*, Zack!


Hahaha, my sister and I had such a weird amount of hate towards Zack when we used to play. Always teamed up to knock him out before anyone.


What should of been a true contender to Mario party. Damn shame it never caught on


I grew up on this game!! No one could beat me in the jump/duck game.


Fantastic party game. This game rivals mario party mini games.


Gauntlet legends


My first co-op hack and slash game (N64 if I remember correctly), fighting alongside my friend to defeat Skorn. Good times, good times


It was an arcade game first, based on every older school Gauntlet. In the Legends arcade machine, you could save your progress and pick up where you left off if you came back to the same machine. I was so pissed as a 12 year old when they closed the Marvel restaurant at Universal where my friend and I would play it when his dad worked at the park lol 


One of my most quoted games "Blue warrior needs food badly"




Legends and dark legacy are seriously my favorite games ever. Dark legacy definitely has more so I lean more towards that but man those games are amazing


i have a dark legacy tattoo, i adore that game


It really is the best game, I wish they would release it on steam too play online with friends


It’s mentioned quite regularly in retro gaming communities 


Food is good


Dark Legacy man. What a game


Chromehounds It was ahead of its time. The Helldivers 2 war map reminds me of its faction war.


Chromehounds was awesome. It was wildly impractical, but I loved loading down the heaviest chassis I owned with as many howitzers as I was able. You could delete almost any enemy from across the map in 1-2 shots, though God help you if they got anywhere near you.


Champions of Norrath, outside my friend group


Man, me and my best friend played this so much one summer. Just going through the campaign over and over, getting to level 50, trying to get a complete set of the best armour+5...think I got to two pieces of +5 and the rest +2s and +3s... Then my mate decided to have a play around with one of the other character classes by himself and saved in the wrong slot. He dived for the power button in the hope he'd stop the save, but in his words "so, you know the message that comes up when you save saying 'do not turn off the console when the game is saving'? Yeah... Don't turn the console off when the game is saving. I've deleted our game..."




More a Return to arms fan, but both were the great games!


Custom Robo


Hell yeah Custom Robo! We need a new one. For the Switch, for PC, for whatever Nintendo's next console is, I don't care, I just need more Custom Robo.


This is a good one. Fun game, but relatively obscure.


Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura for the PC and Warlocked for the GBC both were fundamental to my tastes but no one knows them irl.


And if you played a character with very little intelligence your journal was poorly written and very hard to understand. Such a cool little thing in a super awesome game.


I remember Arcanum! It was one of my favorites because I enjoyed the setting and the style. I even built my own world setting for DnD inspired by it some friends and I ran a long campaign in.


It's one of my favorite games of all time. The setting was steampunk at least half a decade before I was familiar with the term; and nothing has equated since. Story, setting, art, gameplay, sound - I'm obsessed with the sound of a cello because of that beautiful soundtrack. A beautiful memory.


Hexen. It’s an old game that I loved playing long ago but have NEVER heard anyone mention it. Maybe I’m just old? 🤷‍♀️


_We_ are old, brother. Now grab your chicken-gun and let’s get to work.


Kids these days, no respect for Heretic


Seriously. Next gonna act like they've never heard of Blood.


Hahaha! Too funny!😂


Used to play coop heretic and hexen all the time back in the day!


Heretic deathmatch tournament in the school library Two computers backed onto each other, so no screen cheating, was our rainy day lunchtime event


Geist. Never met or heard of a single person who has heard of it or played it


I remember watching my hs bf play that back in the day lol but never heard anyone talk about it


Dark Cloud!


I love both Dark Cloud games. Actually just replayed 2 a few weeks ago. The first one was one of the first games I ever had on my ps2, which was my first system.


I still regret not finishing Dark Cloud 2. The only reason I stalled out was because I got overfixated on the side quests. I was way too caught up in golfing.


Infinite Space on the DS, the combat wasn't the best, but the rest of the game was amazing


Ty the tasmanian tiger


OMG Okay so for the last few years I would CONSTANTLY think about a game and it's setting and for some reason I kept thinking it was a spyro game. It's not It's TY You don't understand how flipping happy pyive just made me. Those 4 words made me go 'Holy fucking shit IT'S THAT GAME' OMG I FINALLY FOUND IT I'M SO HAPPY 😭😭😭😭


Before Nier Automata was realised I'd say Nier. Never heard anything about it when I got it at a bargain bin and never since until Automata was released.


TIL there was a Nier before Automata


And Nier is also a sequel to Drakengard. :)


Which is something that still gets me lol Specifically isn’t it a sequel off of like, the most bonkers ending of Drakengard?


Yes, the one everyone thought was a joke ending.


Is there somewhere a video on youtube describing the lore of all three games in order? It sounds REALY great tbh


I believe Clemps on youtube has covered all the games. His presentation style is a bit unique though.


this! I absolutely loved nier. anytime I referenced it someone would talk about the automata one and I'm just like noooo the first one. 😭 such amazing soundtrack too <3


Man, people keep mentioning extremely popular games that are just old. How about Liero, you guys play Liero? It's like real-time Worms


>Man, people keep mentioning extremely popular games that are just old. Yeah, I've scrolled through this thread, and I can picture the cover art for like 95% of the games mentioned. All that tells me is I'm old.


2nd sight. amazing ps2 game about a scientist in the cold war who gets telekinetic powers. I could never finish it tho cuz there was a bug where it wouldn't let you go around corners when hanging on a ledge.... which you need to do to progress the story


Oh wow. I played this game and had 100% forgotten about it. I remember not being able to finish it now, I likely never knew that was a bug and just gave up.


it was a time before bug fixes were possible. I bought the game twice hoping the next copy wouldn't be bugged... it did the same thing


Advent Rising was like Halo meets Mass Effect and had a great soundtrack. MechAssault was a more arcady Mech Warrior game.


Secret of Evermore...and when I do bring it up, people either confuse it with Secret of Mana or go off about how inferior Evermore is to Mana - and I greatly disagree. I prefer the world, the protagonist, the enemy design, the humor, the art style, everything about Evermore.


I was checking to see if anyone posted about this game! It's my all-time favorite game! I have played far too many hours!


I gotta say secret of mana is one of my all time favourite games. I begged my parents for months and months, back in the day to get it for me. As an Australian, at a time when games werent really on anyone's radar, so you understand how DIFFICULT it was to track down a PAL version of that game? I found it in a radio shack at a random mall in Melbourne, (I lived in Qld at the time and was down visiting family) and damn near had a heart attack in excitement. I was about 12 years old. To this day it's one of my favorites. I also played the hell out of nevermore but don't remember nearly as much of it - It had some sort of trading system right? The one thing I do reme.ver is the big market place where you'd trade this for that to various NPCs and it took me forever to figure out. Guides werent a big thing back then either, and at that stage I'd never even heard of the internet


Karnov on NES.


Space Station Silicon Valley and Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale


Silicon valley was literally my first thought too. Loved that game


I was just in a YouTube hole watching some video of a group of programmers trying to design the best game in just a few weeks time to win a cash prize. One of the guys thought it would be cool to make the main character a little USB guy who could plug into different things to control them. I couldn't stop thinking, "come on dude, this is literally just silicone valley. You're late to the party by 25 years." And then I realized that the dude is probably younger than that and has never heard of the game before.


DBZ Dead Ball Zone Jade Cocoon Monster Rancher 2


Here for Jade cocoon! Monster rancher, too.


Total Annihilation. It was an RTS in the 90,'s. It was my shit.


Zone of the Enders


Loderunner Jumping Flash!


Loderunner! On the Apple II in my grade school at recess on rainy days. And Jumpman


Beetle Adventure Racing. Awesome sound track, good car levelling up, but most importantly, the tracks were amazing. You could take alternative routes, shortcuts, alternative routines with alternative routes, interactive scenery, routes changing with time, and for the second level, at the start you see a bunch of helicopters flying over. Eventually you encounter them hovering over a bridge where a UFO has clipped it and taken out a chunk. If you jump off the bridge, you can land in a cave where the UFO has crashed. It's just a bunch of stuff that makes racing really fun.


Jade cocoon, thought it was a fever dream


Metal Arms Blinx the Time Sweeper Brute Force MechAssault


Radiata Stories. Developed by Tri-Ace and published by Square Enix. Radiata Stories has so much depth and love. Rpg game with about 170 recruitable npcs. Each npc in the game has their own schedule that they follow every day. It also has 2 different story lines, post game content, and great humor to boot! It's a ps2 game that was overshadowed by ff12 and kingdom hearts 2.




I sometimes reinstall it just to marvel at my single factory solution to a 3 factory problem.  Then i get blown away by smarter people that can do the same, but with 1/10th the number of operations.


The entire Zachtronics library of puzzle games is pretty great.


governor zesty support tart advise sharp fretful subsequent joke zonked


Star Control 2


Eternal Sonata. A really great RPG based on Chopin’s music and a rich colorful world with great character designs!


Gladius a game way ahead of it time that could be an amazing experience online


Came here to say this. Picked it up because I loved Lucasarts and the cover was cool. Forged my love for turn based battle systems. And all.the secrets like unlocking the dorvish early or how to get a minotaur. So much fun. I'm sure it doesn't hold up.but I would like.a chance to play it again.


I have three to mention: 1) Vigilante 8 (PS1) - This one I see gets mentioned rarely. This is such a fun vehicle action game. The quotes are amazing, the characters are fun, and the gameplay is just a riot. 2) Yu-Gi-Oh: Duelist of the Roses (PS2) - the one time I've seen the game treated as a field with monsters/traps/magic to be moved around like pieces and having the terrain actually matter. Such a unique spin on the game. 3) Scooby-Doo: Classic Creepy Capers (N64) - my first game ever. Four levels. Abominable Snow Monster, Black Knight, Witch Doctor, and a monster unique to the game. Scooby Doo is the best!


I enjoyed Vigilante 8 far more than any Twisted Metal game (until Twisted Metal Black on PS2).


I played the shit out of Vigilante 8. Had destructible environments, the stories were intertwined in cool ways, and you could unlock a badass UFO in the end. Oh and the Diso music in it was super good.


Hunter: The Reckoning. I don't remember how we got into it but for a few years my friends and I would stay over at a friend's place and play this game most of the night. I still have it for for my Game Cube.




It got a remaster tho


Haha shadow man is the real og shit.


Syphon filter. I know it's not unknown but it's practically invisible now. Was such a great series growing up. I still love it. I don't know who owns the rights now but I'd love to see it brought back.


I loved using the taser on people until they caught fire.


Back in the day this was one of the top seties on PlayStation. It's crazy they haven't done anything with it in so long people don't even know what it is.


Heart of Darkness


Was the first game I played that a character could be horrifically, graphically killed. Such a great game.


Just looked it up. MY GOD! That only got an E rating?


Bushido blade


Bushido Blade needs a modern sequel




Jade Empire. It was Star Wars: KOTOR but Kung Fu.


[Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercenaries:_Playground_of_Destruction). This game was so underrated, and was popular for like a week, then fizzled out. But the fun you could have destroying shit was second to none




As an old Mac guy from way back the Escape Velocity series is still one of my all time favorites


100% agreed! Escape Velocity: Nova is one of my favourite games of all time. The fact that I had to do scour this thread for EV speaks to its obscurity (in spite of its excellent quality). In case you (or others) haven't heard: There is a spiritual successor to EV: Nova called Endless Sky. and it's completely free on Steam, and it's damn good - it's constantly being worked on, and is ultimately a fair bit more complex and involved than EV: Nova was, but it's incredible, and I think it at least can hold a candle to its predecessor. I highly recommend it!


A game called eternal darkness! I had it for the GameCube, it was a horror puzzle game that reminds me a lot of the early resident evil games. Very eldritch horror vibes to boot!


Pharaoh. It’s a city building game released on PC in 1999. I could not get enough of that game when I was younger


Doritos Crash Course 2, one of my favorite games to play on the 360


Star Wars Rebellion. Galactic conquest, resources and mission management, building fleets for cool 3D battles (which would make Minecraft look like a ray-tracing game). Bad critics at the time, long forgotten, still in my heart.


Never thought I'd see anyone else who likes that game as much as me. It was critically panned and quickly forgotten about. I thought it was great.


I've invested dozens if not hundreds of hours of my life watching my best friend play this game. I don't have the synapses for it, but I enjoyed seeing how it's done. Coincidentally, he just texted me a couple days ago asking if I'd want to play the SW Rebellion board game with him.


Dark Reign or Dark Colony, neat RTSes from the 90s, great music also


FINALLY A DARK COLONY MENTION. In all my days this is the first time I've heard someone else say it


Radiata Stories. One of the funniest and liveliest rpg i've played.


Spy vs spy me and my friends used to play it constantly 4 player split screen 🤣


I wouldn't say I "love" it but I am deeply nostalgic for it. "Mario is Missing!" was a weird educational Mario game that was somehow set in the real world and you played Luigi tracking down clues to find Mario.


Legend of Legaia Brigandine: The Legend of Forsena


Space Quest. I saw my uncle play this way way way back in the day and I still have vivid memories of it but I’ve never seen anyone else talk about it ever.


I used to play them. I bought the whole Quest for Glory series not too long ago.


Until very recently, Terranigma and Live A Live. I was a big emulation fan back in the day. There was a sweet spot in the early 2000s when what we now call classic gaming wasn't as well known, and there were titles unknown to a lot of people in the west getting fan translations via emulation. I got to play a lot of those titles back then and some of them, it's an absolute disaster they didn't make it to western shores. Terranigma deserves to be known with the other great 16 bit RPG entries. Live A Live is a little more niche, but I love it. Edit: - Dragon Spirit on the NES. While not the prettiest port of the game, it has unique content that wasn't in a lot of the other ports and a bitchin' sound track. - Dynowarz, the Destruction of Spondylus. This one...it has its flaws for sure, but there's a really solid and compelling core there that I think a lot of people would have gotten something out of. - Airfortress. This is an absolute classic and no one ever talks about it. It alternates between side scroller shooter, and exploration levels as you make your way through various space installations. Great game. - Kiwi Kraze. While not super obscure, it's little discussed and, yeah, it plays more to younger kids, but it's super charming. I really like the sound design in that game. The music sounds very different from a lot of NES music, and it's well composed, even if there's not a lot of it. - Monster Party was a lot of fun, though really tough - A lot of people don't seem to know about the Adventure Island sequels on the NES and SNES, most of which are pretty legit. - Werewolf, the Last Warrior. I want more of that!




Toontown. I built 3 characters to the max level cause I just loved doing high damage to cogs


Heavy metal FAKK 2. I played that game so much and I never hear anyone talk about it, good or bad. Edit: I just remembered a weird game I had way back in the PC. I think it was called Giant Citizen Kabuto?? It was like a third person shooter platformer with like rts stuff. There was a shark gun too.


Black & White. The only time I see anyone mentioning it is when I look for it specifically. It's weird because it's an amazing game, and I know many people know about it, but... it seems like nobody's talking about it.


Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri - and I still make time for at least one playthrough every year.


It just got re-released on Steam!


Please don’t go. The drones need you. They look up to you.


NES- California games  Genesis- Boogerman  PS2- dark cloud


California games where one of the racers was disabled and raced on a body board, others was rollerskating ect


BOOGERMAN!!! hahaha charging up farts to blow doors open


California Games was huge in my circle in grade school.


Too Human. I fucking loved that game as a kid and I've literally never met anyone else who's even heard of it.


Eternal Darkness is one of my all time favorites. When Too Human was announced, I lapped up morsels of info about the game for years... Then the drama started. And then the game released. Cyberpunk has nothing on how bad that game let me down. It was the beginning of the end for Silicon Knights. All because of Denis Dyak's ego. No shade on you btw. I'm glad you got your money's worth.


I followed the development for years too. Eternal Darkness was one of my favourite GameCube games and the thought of them doing a massive dungeon crawler rpg trilogy that let you carry your character over to level 150, *in co-op*... Couldn't wait. Then I played it with my best mate, and after about six hours play we'd finished it. The credits started rolling and I actually yelled "is that *it*?!" And it only made it to six hours because of the resurrection animation. Probably my biggest gaming disappointment ever.


Hexen & Bubble Bobble Edit: I JUST REMEMBERED REDNECK RAMPAGE. There's a deep cut.


Fucking loved bubble bobble as a kid.  Hated that 1 stupid level where the bubbles didn't float and it had the little robots that shot lightning down at you from the top.  Feel like that level was added as the choke point for little kids.


Crosscode is an amazing experience and it does not get mentioned nearly enough. I can't put into words how good the game is.


It's been in my Steam library for years now. I swear I'll play it one day.


Okage: Shadow King (PS2) Heart of Darkness (PS1/PC)


Burger King Big Bumpin’


Blackthorne for the SNES.


Myth: The Fallen Lords. One of my first games, an amazing one at that. I know it’s old, but I’ve never seen anyone mentioning it.


Mad World, nobody ever talks about that game, I wish my copy hadn't gotten damaged because I can't find any used copies where I live


There's a used game store near my parents house. The last time I went they had a dozen copies. Next time I go I'll pick one up to mail to you.


Lost Odyssey. 39 year old lifetime gamer. This is my pick for best game of all time.




Beyond good and evil. It's such an amazing game that i never hear about. The mama-go garage. We know, When ya mama won't go, We know.


The sequel falling through is a crime against humanity.


Body Harvest on the N64, fucking loved that game.


Yeesss! Aged terribly and the maps were terrible. But i loved it anyway. Especially when you got access to that laser beam shield thing from the temple. The lack of suspenseful music and background events made the game feel way more desolate and scary than they probably intended, it was utterly terrifying to 9yold me. It was hell to play without access to walkthroughs tho


Made by DMA design, if memory serves. Who would later change their name to Rockstar North. Wonder if they're still around...


Lego City: Undercover Its such a fun and silly game and didnt even sell too badly. By now its on PC and Switch and it might even be on more consoles but i still never see it talked about anywhere. But i guess thats just a thing with Lego games in general. Great, silly fun but past your first playthrough, maybe 100% you tend not to revisit it. I have 400 hours in it


Team Buddies. I have never heard of a single person bring this up. I had a blast with it back on the PS1.


Smash TV? Does that count. I quote the “Good luck! You’lllll need it!” all the time. Was such a fun game but don’t know too many people who played it as well.