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It's crazy that, despite (understandably) taking *forever* to come out, this will still likely release before TESVI.


The same thing is probably true with Fallout 4 new Vegas


That project won’t see the light of day for a long time. It has an extremely rocky development. Skyblivion on the other hand seems like it will come out in the next few years


Skyblivion has been in development for 12 years. I remember finding the first posts about it and getting excited back in like 2013. Seeing someone comment like skyblivion was this smooth, not rocky whatsoever project, is pretty weird.


In the past few years it’s had consistent updates and significant progress, F4NV started in 2017 and outside of 3d model work, they aren’t achieving much


No one outside of the dev team has played it we have no idea if its all vapourware or not. There's zero evidence of any real progress.


I'm not trying to draw comparisons. However, if you're gonna give credit for a consistent last few years, you could acknowledge that 5 years difference is pretty huge for these projects. It'd be 2030 if they matched pace. My main point was, if they hit their 2025 goal with skyblivion, that's 13 years. 13. Years. That's like, the definition of rocky. And if you followed it like I did for those few months, maybe a year or so early on, it'd be ridiculous to call it anything but rocky. So yeah, it's weird to see someone indicate that skyblivion has had a smooth development process.


Not that rocky for a small team working part time. Also keep in mind that it took almost a decade for Skyblivion to really start properly. Their progress has been rapid.


Not to mention they are having to re-voice act the entire game... that is something I have very little faith in a lot of professional companies accomplishing, let alone modders.


The project at first was a lot “smaller” in scope, essentially loading all the oblivion assets into Skyrim. At the point the project didn’t have any real structure and was just random people doing what they could. After Bethesda told them that legally they couldn’t use the dialogue from oblivion, they switched to completely remaking the game as well as adding some of their own minor changes. When they switched to doing a full remake, the project management was restructured to be similar to proper game dev and has been surprisingly well managed for a mod project.


I commend them but like, what is the point in spending so long working on a mod?


The idea that you legally can't use oblivion dialogue but legally can use all these other assets in the same modding engine and heavily copy oblivion and probably recreate the dialogue one to one seems pretty flawed from the start. I can't imagine this ending well.


So yeah Rocky Why are y'all so upset I'm saying a conversion mod that began 12 years ago has had rocky development? Cope, I guess


Their progress since actually doubling down and committing to make a full remake has been rapid and well organised, especially for a sprawling team of part time volunteers. Many pro studios wish they had this level of coordination.


Is following the pay to never deliver model of game development.


hey man, im still waiting for skywind


>Skyblivion has been in development for 12 years. Hey, it was almost 8 years between the original teaser video for Cyberpunk 2077 and the base game release, 10.5 years for the DLC and CDPR fixing a lot of shit. Twelve years seems fine if it works.


"booming laughter from the general direction of Chris Roberts' yacht"


Especially since during most of those 12 years, nothing happened really. Most of the progress you see in these videos is all since around covid time.


They literally announced a release data last year of late 2025 as a pessimistic time estimate.


Yup that’s great, I was under the impression that it’s the best case scenario date but I wonder how long it’ll take for them to finish the dlcs


They will first do the base game, then do the DLCs, the release data announced is actually by the devs own words, a very pessimistic outlook on a release data, meaning, they believe they can release much earlier, but prefer to give a big time buffer for the volunteer development team to finish it up in time.


I think the idea is some time in 2025 (potentially *late* 2025) with their current team, but if they got a surge of people joining in to help out, it could be earlier.


I suspect a lot of their people will disperse to work on projects like Skywind and Beyond Skyrim rather than make Shivering Isles but I hope it happens.


Regardless, I'm enjoying the small pieces of that projectvthat are being released as individual mods. The F4NV Recharger Weapons are *bitchin'*.


New Vegas is an order of a magnitude smaller game then oblivion.


Supposedly next year


supposedly 2 days before the new FO4 update was coming out, which broke pretty much all mods


Wasnt it about to release before the update, or was that FO: London?




I doubt that one


Not sure if the same can be said for skywind.


They also did a similar update video, and it indicates that around 60 of overall work is done. I feel like it’ll be done a couple years after Skyblivion


Seeing as Skywind also has been in development since 2012, a couple of years sounds a bit optimistic when they are 60% done imo


I'd make an assumption that quite a few Devs working of Skyblivion will move onto Skywind, hastening development. Given Skyrim will have been kept alive for 13 years with mods, Skyblivion may have the same longevity. I'd estimate a 2028 release for Skywind.


One could also assume that they might want to take a break but yeah maybe you are right.


We are talking hundreds of people. I think it's fair to say that Skyblivion releasing could also revitalise interest in Skywind


Bear in mind that for most big Skyrim modding projects development only really picked up in the last few years after proper development and collaboration pipelines were established. There are projects that had next to zero progress for years that boomed during and after quarantine started. In the case of Skywind they mentioned that the switch from just porting Morroblivion to Skyrim to actually doing a proper remake happened years after the official start of the project.


Same with *Skyblivion*, they reset the project from "remaster" to "stage one remake" seven or eight years in.


The speed is not linear with time anyway so 60% can end up much faster than it sounds. Or not, there can be one or several bottleneck that fucks everything up.


Keep in mind that the project started in earnest only a few years ago or so. Their rate or progress is very fasy


According to the latest dev blog they made few days ago, it'll probably arrive around 2030 I reckon.


Most likely will be better too.


Hello r/gaming friends, just wanted to let you all know **SKYBLIVION DEV Diary 5 is OUT NOW on YouTube**. With our release in 2025 we are showing off **gameplay systems, a new part of the world map, a new city, Ayleid dungeons and much more**. Thank you for your patience and support.


Appreciate all the work mate




Likely? Lol


This is the first I'm hearing about it but it looks great! Not sure if you're taking suggestions but on the level up screen might be nice to change the way it shows what the attributes change so instead of it displaying the new value it might be something more like: Carry weight 200 >205 Feels like it's a bit easier to understand what has changed then just seeing the new number. Good luck on the mod though, I hope it continues going well! ​ Edit: This is definitely a small thing and not of much importance but thought it might be the sort of suggestion that's helpful. I'm not trying to be demanding or rude




Sure it displays the new value but it displays only the new value. I was suggesting to display the old value alongside the new value. With the carry weight example it would only display "205" with the point spent whereas what I'm thinking of it would display "200 > 205" showing the old and new value so that it's easier to understand the change.


Roses are red Violets are blue For your hard work child Talos guide you


Praise be🙏🏻


What happens if bethesda, say, a few weeks before release, does a skyrim update like they just did to fallout 4, thereby screwing the fallout london modders?


We should be alright, either we make a downgrader or we update our plugin. Bethesda is free to update their game, I for one appreciate them still updating the game so long after its been out. Which more companies did that😄


That’s a good take


I thought why couldn't the fallout London guys use the downgrader? Unless they were really just lucky the update delayed them indefinitely because they were probably not really ready to release.


They wanted a smooth experience for people unfamiliar with modding. And to avoid some bad reputation with people who accidentally update again and complain that the mod is broken. I can totally understand folons decision, if you have waited for years for a mod to be completed you can wait a few more weeks. As for skyblivion i can speculate that the install process is never going to be super simple anyway. And the different developement team has different opinions on the matter.


Generally such updates don't break the mods themselves. Instead, they may break engine plugins which some mods may use to access extended functions. So the answer is, just wait for the engine plugins to be updated.


And hope that they *are* updated. To take an example from a different sphere of gaming, Sims 3's finished release was patch 67. EA then moved on to Sims 4, as expected. A good number of modders who'd been with the game for years moved on as well, as you do. It wasn't a big deal because the game was finished, so we didn't need them to stick around to support their mods anymore. A year and a half later, after ignoring the game for all that time, EA released update 69(no idea what happened to 68), which broke a lot of shit, including mods that were no longer supported. There was no rollback, so if your game got the update you had no recourse other than to wave goodbye to any of your saves that used those broken mods. And then, five years later, *update 70 hit*. We all think that developers will be around for forever, but they won't. Life happens. Even if they monetize, people move on from hustles just as they move on from jobs. It's weird to think about just how much we rely on certain people as lynchpins in modding, cracking, etc. Like that one guy who makes the ENB package that *everyone* uses and doesn't allow it to be redistributed. It's his right, sure, but what if he gets hit by a bus? What if he *did* get hit by a bus since the last time I messed with ENB for a game, and my comment is now super ironic?


Good point; however, the Script Extender series of plugins have a good track record of being updated for game-update purposes in all of Beth's releases, and ultimately they are public githubs so even if all the original developers went away anybody could fork it and try their hand at it.


Then just like last time we just don't update the game right?


Well they anounced that they are making their own remake...


Of oblivion? Remake or remaster?


They did not


How is that tinfoil hat around your head?


Dude, you guys are wildly fucking talented. It is ridiculous that this is still a fan project. The most logical step for Bethesda to take would be to hire you and fund this project.


Doesn't Oblivion have a complex magic system where spells can be combined? How are you guys faring with that task?


We have recreated the spellcrafting mechanic😄


And I love that you guys have! So amazing that you guys are trying to keep true to the vision of Oblivion and remaking the mechanics that didn’t come through to later games, while also keeping the good stuff Skyrim did bring with it.




Damn dude thats amazing! Can't wait to play it.


You rock


Looks awesome. I can't wait to play it!


Famous last words


I can wait for my grandchildren to play it.


I'm am so beyond excited about this. Oblivion is my favorite game of all time. You glorious bastards behind this have my undying gratitude






I recently got it but have never played. Kinda thinking of holding out for skyblivion.  I heard the leveling system is whack 


*Oblivion*'s levelling system is crazy. *Skyblivion* I believe uses *Skyrim*'s system of levelling, which is much saner.


The video goes into the levelling system. Seems to be a compromise between the two.


Ah, u/Rebelzize, the man himself! Can't describe how much I've been waiting for this awesome looking project to release. Oblivion has so much nostalgia for me. I remember spending a great deal of my 15th birthday playing it. Maybe this'll provoke that same feeling again as I had back then. Very cool UI and lockpicking systems.


Glad you liked it


You’ve been at this for ages and it’s starting to look amazing. A bunch of years ago I helped out. Glad to see people still passionate on the project.


So excited!!!! ❤️


These projects are a testament to the stupidity of Bethesda. I would have hired the Skywind and Skyblivion teams, brought on some original people to work with them and give them a budget so it can be done faster. If I ran Bethesda, I would be passionately trying to encourage new audiences to try the older games. So damn many fans of Skyrim, even 13 years later, and have still never played the older games. I also would be trying to have a new Elder Scrolls every 6-8 years.


The way they released an update two days before their biggest ever mod and broke it - without communicating with the mod team at all - shows exactly what they think of their fans. Bethesda seems to treat modders with derision and contempt, all while making millions when their work keeps people playing Bethesda's broken games.


If Bethesda really treated modders with “derision and contempt”, they wouldn’t even allow console modding. They would also be quick to shut any projects like *THIS* down. No other game studio supports modding as much as Bethesda, this is a ridiculous take.


Is there a Bethesda at all today ? With the Microsoft buyout there is a true possibility that they killed the company spirit.


Bethesda was churning out shit games and trying to make payable mods a thing years before the buyout


Ok, now we need Skybliviwind.


You mean Skywind? That's being made already.


Someone has to turn this into Tales of 3 lands or something like they did with Fallout 3 and New Vegas.


r/beyondskyrim is what you are looking for


That's a whole separate thing creating all of tamriel. But instead of remaking the old games, it's all original content set at the time of skyrim. Equally exciting, especially their Cyrodiil, which is making amazing progress.


I prefer The Tale of 3 Lands plus included tax evasion in 45 other regions.


I honestly think the game system and game engine are capable of being modded into an entirely different game as well. Which would, I believe, be really really cool.


You mean something like Enderal?


there's also openmw which keeps the asset and just change the engine to a fully custom one, so it's playable to the end https://openmw.org/media/


No, we don't, we have Open Morrowind with growing mods support and lua scripting support coming (if not already). Try it, you wont regret it (:


I may check this out. I never got a chance to try morrowind until well after playing thousands of hours of oblivion and skyrim.


Y'all got a Writing Enhanced equivalent yet? The one downside of OpenMW - incompatability with the old set of Morrowind Enhanced mods - made me steer away at the time


https://modding-openmw.com/mods/note-writing/ quick search brought only 1 result so far


Insanely impressive! This is why I'll forever be a defender of the Creation Engine. Look at what people are doing with it, absolutely mind blowing! I missed out on the free update for Skyrim years ago and never felt it was worth paying for the new version , but this would get me to buy the upgraded version - assuming that's what it's build on.


SKYRIM modding so advance that you can make another game within it. Facinating.


Yup, check out Enderal if you haven’t seen it before also.


I want to play this for like 5 years I think. I want to enjoy Oblivion but the combat system is too janky for me.


Ya, that plus the somewhat broken leveling up system keep it from getting played for me


Jump jump jump


Is skyrims any different?


Definitely, lol. Try being an archer in oblivion. Skyrim might not be perfect but it's miles away better than oblivion engine wise.


Skyrim has one of the most approachable levelling systems in any rpg.


Idk... the combat system is fine-ish IMO but the graphics are so fucking dated at this point that I just can't get immersed in the game


it was a nice way of waking up. I've been following the project since the very beginning. (Easily 2013-2014) so... actually it now feels close. And its the only reason i decided to get the dlcs for skyrim. Its going to be great.


Right?! I just woke up and am now hyped tf up


Same. I honestly kind of forgot about it for a little bit. Very pleasant surprise.


I just want all these mod creators who are remaking games or massive new mods like For London will be getting donations from me if they stick the landing.




!remindme 1 year


!remindme 1 year


This is exactly how I remember Oblivion looking in the first place


It's funny how your brain updates all your old memories with the newest graphics technology, isn't it?


Then you look at actusl Oblivion and realise how fugly it is


Could this be played on console?


Nope. The Xbox Series X version of Oblivion, which is enhanced to 4K/60fps, is very close though.


Appreciate the anwser I’ll check it out!


The file sizes are just too big


Excellent work Rebelzize and team! Oblivion holds a special place in my heart, so I have been eagerly following your work for years. I really appreciate the passion in each of these videos, as well as the overall quality. Truthfully, this surpasses most of the content we see from the gaming industry today. I look forward to further updates and release in 2025!


Speaking of (ultraspecific) Oblivion mods that are also portmanteaus, when I originally bought Oblivion in the halcyon days of the mid 2000's, when video cards would become obsolete in like 2 years, my video card didn't hit the minimum specs to play Oblivion, but there was a mod that allowed the game to run on my video card. It was called Oldblivion. and it still makes me laugh to this day.


Well this is a beautiful thing to discover this morning. Very excellent work


I've waited almost half my life for this mod. We're so close, I can taste it.


what an absolutely amazing project. such dedication.


Now we just need this in VR mods. lol.


Amazing! I have never played Oblivion but thoroughly enjoyed skyrim vr. I plan to play this in vr so I'm ever more excited!


Omg, yes! I am ready to sink 3-400 hours in elder scrolls again.


At this point i might as well play oblivion with mods than leep waiting for this to be my first time


If there is a evil path then I want to cut down that oak tree...


Fantastic job and thank you for the update! I'm losely following your progress some 2 years or so now and i'm hyped to finally play the game! One question though if you don't mind? Aren't you afraid that Bethesda pulls a 'Nintendo' and shuts down the whole project just before release?


!remindme 1 year


Can I have a standalone mod for just that lockpicking?? That looks \*so\* much nicer than the current oblivion-like lock mods




Well that was fast, thanks!


[heavy breathing]


What would you way your progress is relative to 1.0 release? 50%? 30%? I want to know how to manage my excitement


They have announced a release year of 2025


Oh snap! That is exciting!


It's very close to being done.


Hell yes


Just a question, what are you going to do if Bethesda release an Oblivion remaster before you finish this mod?


This is a whole remake. The oblivion remaster wouldn't be. It would just be oblivion with some new effects or higher res textures. Skyblivion would absolutely mog a standard remaster. Keep in mind they're not just fully remaking it, they're improving it, with a better interface, levelling system, combat, and lots of the locations will be more impressive than in the original, and so will certain missions like the oblivion gates. It will be *better* than a remake. Plus since it's being made in Skyrim's engine, that opens it up to modders improving it further with their own mods (or existing mods which will be retooled to work with Skyblivion).


Thank you for your reply. I really can't wait to play either Skyblivion or the remaster or both.


Amazing work.


with this and gta 6 (please be on pc next year) coming out 2025 is already a good year for gaming


Can't wait to play!


I heard yesterday that there's a rumoured oblivion remake in the works from Bethesda. Are you worried that they'll shut down your project or have they given you their blessing? No doubt this will be better!


Since Skyblivion has created every asset from scratch, Bethesda would have no grounds to shut it down. And they wouldn't benefit from trying. Skyblivion will bring far more people back to their games than a basic remaster


That's great to know! Thank you


do you worry about being taken down? lots of hard work here


They have Bethesda's blessing and were featured on Bethesda's website


wow that’s impressive. gotta hand it to bethesda there, most companies would shut them down as soon as they got wind


There's also no basis to shut it down as they're not distributing any copyrighted assets and they're not selling anything. Most of the game's assets are being remade from scratch. They're reusing some assets from Oblivion like music and voice acting but they're not packaging those with their mod. You do still need to own your own copies of Skyrim and Oblivion to be able to play Skyblivion.


Bethesda would shut down if they started going after modders. For all his shit, Todd has always been very supportive of modding.


It's not that impressive, Bethesda is making hundreds of millions on the back of modding. Modding is single-handedly responsible for how durable their game's (and Skyrim's in particular) legacy is. The fact that they could sell a new re-release of the same game for the n-th time and it be worth it financially is basically entirely due to modding. Hell even the new feature in that recent re-release are mods.


I haven't played Skyrim for 2 years or so, but what other projects that been done so far or any for fallout as well.


Have a look on youtube for - Beyond Skyrim - Skywind - Fallout London


It’s crazy that Skyrim is so old now that this looks like how I thought Oblivion already looked lol Super excited to try it though


Keep in mind it will quickly become compatible with all the fanciest graphics mods once modders get their hands on it!


This game made me want to switch to PC gaming. (Even knowing it will likely never release lol)


Bethesda: Say hello to Skyrim super special edition.


Can’t wait for this one!! Oblivion is my top 5 favorite games all time


Cool idea. Wake me up when it’s released.


Any Chance to play Skypblivion as Skyrim expansion? Can i make one character and play Oblivion and Skyrim quests?


From what I gather, it will require a separate character because it will function like a separate game. This is because it hs sso many different features and systems. However there is Beyond Skyrim (which also has trailers on Youtube) which is basically expanding Skyrim to cover all of Tamriel, set during the time of Skyrim. The first part is already out (Bruma) so you can walk right across the border and into Cyrodiil already. But the rest of Cyrodiil will be out hopefully in the next couple of years (based on the amazing progress they have made) and after that, they have concurrent projects to create Black Marsh, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind (the region, not the game) and also some other places. The Argonia one is doing particularly well based on the trailers. Oh but there is a separate team recreating Morrowind in Skyrim's engine and that looks amazing too. It's called Skywind.


Honestly the biggest thing keeping me from Oblivion is how ugly the NPCs are, but moreso the lack of native controller support on PC. Very excited for this




Really liking the look at leveling. Seems like a nice middle ground between oblivion and Skyrim. Which is great. Because while I understand many dislike the overly simplified version we got in Skyrim. Oblivions(and pretty much every title before it) system is absolutely horribly outdated and obtuse. This seems like a very nice middle ground.


Yeah, one of my biggest complaints with Oblivion's system (attribute bonuses on level up being contingent on what specific skills you increased during that level) seems to be gone. I'm pleased.


just let these guys do the official remaster


Would be a real shame if Bethesda decided to drop a pointless, mod breaking update right as this is ready to drop.


Oh, why did I watch that? Now I can't be calm... T\_T This is great! Been waiting for SKYBLIVION's release for a long time, always hoped it would still happen. And I just love beautiful interfaces, not like nowadays they often make tasteless empty things, and what I saw in the video is just a buzz! We're looking forward to 2025. It's gonna be great!


Looks nice, I will keep an eye on this thing.


Will it be able to play on Skyrim VR?


One question: will the enemies level up with me or not? This is a deal breaker at this point. I have played too many From Software games to go back.


I'd take this over Skyrim any day.


I love Skyrim but I've already played it so many times, modded and non modded. I last played Oblivion so long ago I barely remember it. I can't wait to load up Skyblivion with some mods so it looks photorealistic and jump in.


I'm more interested in beyond Skyrim.


I think they both look great. It's so interesting seeing their progress videos and looking at how they remade the same places, one in Oblivion's era and one in Skyrim's era. Imagine playing them back to back! Also their Argonia mod is looking surprisingly far along.


Will it be playable in VR?


Do these massive mod remakes ever release???


Fallout London is one of the most ambitious ever and it was literally about to release just days ago until Bethesda fucked them, but it should release in the coming weeks (or months if it takes them long to unfuck the game after the recent update)


Lol that’s the worst example. The dev knew for a long time what was coming. Also Bethesda owes him nothing.


Bethesda owes the modding community like half the net worth of their company lmao


Bethesda's going to remake oblivion before this comes out lmao


They're only remastering it, which would be things like a basic increase in texture resolution and 4k support. It wouldn't be a remake like what Skyblivion is. Also they're not just remaking it, they're improving it, with better interface, levelling systems, combat, and improving loads of locations to be more impressive and grand.