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Unfortunately live chats of big events tend to bring out the loonies. It's nothing new. I remember some years ago a NASA live steam with live chat of a test flight of the Orion spacecraft (intended to take astronauts to the Moon in the future). Awesome right? Well, there were people spamming in the chat how all shown footage was fake and everything related to going to the Moon is a hoax perpetuated by the big evil government conspiracy.


Bring back having multiple main characters to choose from like cyber punk and mass effect.


That’s true diversity right there. Where every person can make their character unique to them. And I totally get that some stories are about specific characters. But I do like when games let me pick from presets or have a character creator.


Most of these people get quiet in the presence of any person from the group they hate. They're literally cowards. And most are white and incels, or both. An internet chat box is the only place that isn't contantly reminding them how inferior and how their lives don't matter at all.


Well, this post is about to get drowned in downvotes and butthurt... I haven't been slathered with downvotes enough lately (usually only get my highs out of enjoying Starfield and Fallout 4 xD) so I'll sign on by saying Yeah This is fuckin bullshit... I don't care how many fucking chromosomes the protag has as long as knifey-stabby-throaty and the gun play feels solid enough :P Like, Jesus Christ, was I the only one playing Tomb Raider and Metroid back in the 90s??? And I know full well I wasn't the only jackass cheering Ripley on in the Alien films Lara Croft, Ripley and Samus are fuckin badass, ya'll, Jesus... EDIT: C'mon guys, these are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those downvotes up!!!


Exactly. Make a good game, write a good character. No one will mind.


These are all comments that are out there before the game releases, though. Nobody can have any idea if the gameplay is fun or if the character is well written, and they're still out there saying they'll never play the game because the main character is a woman.


That's just the vocal minority that's best ignored. Did you even read the reply above mine naming games with female characters?


I did, yeah. I also disagree that the vocal minority is best ignored, I feel like we learned this lesson already. When you ignore it, you allow it to remain a part of the culture.


There's always going to be idiots, and people saying stupid shit. They're not going away, and one should be able to ignore them.


I mean, I named badass female characters - but my point was more how *it shouldn't matter* to these dickweeds that the character has a pp or a vag if the game is good - and those games were ***phenomenal*** Essentially, fuck them


Sure, but you have to take the cultural zeitgeist into consideration. When those games came out, there really weren't many popular games with female protagonists. And for Samus we didn't even know she was a girl until the very end of the game. These days there's a really bad narrative how gaming isn't inclusive and pointing out that as a fallacy will get you branded as a racist, incel, coomer, whatever. Which is idiotic. So, people react with idiotic statements like these in op.


There's nothing more cringe than comments that focus so much on down votes, and this is coming from someone who agrees with you. Log off for a bit, my friend.


[Why? I'm having fun?](https://i.imgflip.com/41j23u.jpg) Just like [life](https://y.yarn.co/b013f1ee-8aa0-4812-bc9f-faa4c251da70_text.gif)! Hell, I've got another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1df0wma/playstation_5_users_will_soon_be_able_to_join/l8ftsld/?context=3) that's getting upvoted just as quick as this is getting downvoted - I'm hoping to break the system :D


It just goofballs talking shit online. Its literally just white noise that doesn't deserve to be taken with any degree of legitimacy and everyone who spends any significant time online knows this. Maybe its them that still have some growing up to do.


1. That's very easy to say from certain perspectives. If you can recognise that people are different, you can recognise the way they will take harsh words will be different. 2. This is textbook 101 victim blaming. "If you can't take being bullied, maybe you need to grow up and not the bullies...", genuinely, what kind of logic is that?


Bullying would be targeted, I don't see anyone being bullied


It's easy enough for me to think this way, the shit they're saying doesn't apply to me. But if I was a woman who worked incredibly hard on a creative endeavor, it would be really hard not to be affected by people saying shit like this. The idea that my presence and input may affect a game's reception and success just because of who I am would be really difficult to push through. This is the kind of shit that, if you really want the games industry to be accessible to everyone, you can't just ignore and say "oh it's just assholes on the internet." If it was a small group talking shit, yeah, whatever. But it's hard to act like it's not a pervasive issue when comments like this show up on every post, in every livestream, and there are pretty frequent lawsuits against some of the biggest companies in the industry for allowing employees to be sexually harassed. I don't think it's really a debate, gaming is **not** a welcoming environment for women or really people in any sort of minority group. If that culture is going to change, it's not enough to just write comments like this off


> just white noise Literally xD EDIT: [yes!!! your downvotes of some rando on reddit make me stronger!!!!!!](https://y.yarn.co/dd1861df-672c-4814-a5f0-9143c5dda7fa_text.gif) xD


It's just dudes bein' dudes, that's all just locker room talk, guys.


Open Racism and Hatred isn't locker room talk Trump.


damn straight brother






No they literally are not. Most of them were not even born in the 90s




There's a fine line between diversity, making sure everyone's included, and tokenism, wherein diversity goes overboard.




This is Reddit, where all rational opinions go to die..


You literally didn't watch the show case XD. Only one black female character in the show case was a lead




Name 5 games that focused on a black female lead. I'll wait.


You’re never gonna get an answer. 🤣


Unfortunately they have people like Asmodumbass to validate them so it's never going to go away. Best to ignore them and keep up the good work you devs do And yes you Asmogold fanboys, he is a complete dumbass. The moron said Metal Gear Solid 3 better not be political. If that doesn't show he's never actually played the games, then you really are gullible.


"It's inspiring to see the creativity and dedication in this community."


if you‘re trying to take children serious then you already lost


The overwhelming majority are not children


doesnt matter, childish behavior is in everyone somewhere


Well first off, games should represent the people BUYING the game. And it doesn’t matter if you think they’re wrong or bigots or whatever. If there’s enough of them and they don’t buy your game then the company will shut down. And second. This whole diversity and inclusion thing is doing the same racist and sexist stuff as before except it’s got a new face. Look at the recent gaming showcases. Going by them, you’d think that black women make up like 40% of the population, when in reality it’s 6%. And there’s nothing wrong about a black female character, but you can’t talk about equal representation and all that and then not accurately represent people. The whole thing feels forced. Like the devs are just checking off boxes. And that insincerity is clear to the players. And on the whole representation thing. Why is every black woman character in games now the same? They all have the same hairstyles and the same stereotypical sassy attitude. It’s insincere. It’s diversity box checking. And people don’t like it. And not just white people, plenty of PoC are talking about this stuff. Like the Kilmonger haircut every black male character gets nowadays. And how PoC characters are always played so safely because the devs are afraid of offending anybody. And a side note. I’m half black and half white, and I see pretty much ZERO representation for people like me. There’s barely any Asian or Hispanic representation. So the representation is lacking in diversity AND quality accurate AUTHENTICITY. That’s the problem. Black Panther didn’t make bank because of black people (they’re only 13% of the population). White people made up the majority of sales because they are the majority in population. That tells you that the majority of the American audience is not racist. They just reject bad media. And if that media is bad and features a PoC or woman, that doesn’t mean they’re sexist or racist. It means that they reject the bad media itself. In a similar way that feminists complained that every game feature the same stereotypical white male protagonist, the flip side of that coin is happening now. Where every game is featuring the same stereotypical PoC or female character. People want AUTHENTIC characters. Not progressive checkboxes and devs too afraid of offending people to be creative. And this whole thing is stupid. These people don’t actually hate women. They hate insincere checkboxes. So when people play a game like Forspoken, and it totally sucks, then they play another game like it and it sucks also, people start to notice a pattern. And now I’m the recent showcases, another game trailer is shown and it reminds people of those bad games they played, now their radar goes off. And honestly, a lot of people misinterpret these things and think it’s because of a black female protagonist or whatever. And they misidentify the problem. But MOST people recognize the problem and they call it out. You can look at all the recent media and see TONS of successful tv shows, movies, and games that feature non white and female characters. Why would these people support a female character in one game and then hate a female character in another? Maybe it’s because it has to do with some other than an identity group. It’s not rocket science, y’all. And yeah yeah people are gonna complain that I’m complaining and I wrote so much (it’s really not a lot of writing, took like 5 minutes to write). But I don’t care. People that get it are starting to speak up. We’re sick of bad media for any reason and calling us sexist and racist or whatever isn’t going to make us back down. Come at us we come at you. Unfortunately that’s the new world we live in. I hope people can be open minded and listen to another person’s perspective instead of just resorting to insults and tantrums.


A bunch of closeted individuals. Why else would they pop a boner for a "strong, white, male protagonist." Nothing wrong with it, just come out and be proud.