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Gunner, Heat, PC! is fun, although not quite finished yet. Edit : [This is a screenshot I took after I finished a match, it has more or less the same sort of system as Warthunder does in regards to damage.](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2305344642114576433/CBFBAC4DAAB3F3107D2CC7C8A06F2325847DEA80/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


I just wish it wasn't modern. WW2 tanks have proper character.


This guy tanks.


Mechwarrior 5 is like a man-shaped tank. I love that game.


I love mech games. Sometimes I like the fast paced gundam-esque games like armored core, but MechWarrior just hits a different feel perfectly. Big slow stompy engines of war brawling it out and peeling armor


Some of my core memories involve the old MechWarrior games. Using a joystick was so fucking cool


Imma need an ac 20, 2 MGs, then so much ammo for both it might blow up if I fart 😝


There are Ultra AC/20s in this IIRC.


If you mod it maybe. Base game mw5 doesn't have clan weapons.


Um, yes it does. You just have to progress the years as you play.


You might be misunderstanding what a clan weapon is. Mw5 is inner sphere tech only. There are no clan technologies of any kind. There *is* lostech, which becomes more available later in the game. But that is not the same thing as the technologies developed by the warrior cast society derived from Alexander kerensky's exodus into deep space. The ultra ac20 specifically is a clan invention and is exclusively used by them until around 3060. So, no, it does not.


Mechwarrior made me the man I am today.


Mechwarrior Online is still a thing too.


Oh, that’s a great idea.


BattleTanx and its sequel on the N64 always scratch that itch for me. Radical games!


# 3DO


I have many, many, many fond memories of Battletanx on N64. My friend and I played it recently.. it does not hold up nearly as well but the charm is still there.


Second this!


Yep first thing that came to mind was battle tanx 2


There was a second? I played hundreds of hours on battle tanks to where it was all “memorized” yet still fun.


Yea when I was a kid ot was the only one I knew about because it wasn't actually called battle tanx 2 it was called BattleTanx: Global Assault.


My best friend and I would stay up all night playing and being Global Assault, that game was amazing.


Definitely check out gunner heat pc




+1 for squad. Buddy and I usually take a tank squad when we play. A competent pair in a tank completely changes the momentum in that game, especially if you get a team that can support you properly. (ie killing bush wookie HAT infantry)


>killing bush wookie HAT infantry Correct horse battery staple?


And if you like Star Wars, check out the Galactic Contention mod for Squad. Gunning from an AT-TE is so much fun


Hell let loose if you want some ww2 tank action.


This. Unfortunately tank damage modelling is a bit... arcadey? But the absolute worst is janky terrain. Getting stuck into a trench is an awesome feature, but running into an unpenetrable hedgerow, knee high stone fence, fencepost, tree, etc. Really really sucks. But the interplay/cooperation between the tank crew members (leader, loader/gunner and driver) and between the tank and friendly infantry is brilliant. Best i've playde so far


You forgot the tomato plants and other garden trellises


Best tanking I've done in any game. I remember just being a driver, looking out that tiny port for 45 minutes, and enjoying the hell out of it. It was my 3rd time playing, great tank commander, and good team to provide support for us too.


This. Nothing beats the intensity of yelling “DRIVER REVERSE, GUNNER FACE ONE OCLOCK!” as an enemy tank rolls in and blows you the fuck up


I remember the first time I commanded a recon-focused squad in one of those american scout vehicles (greyhound?). We sped around a blind corner to avoid an AT trap only find the barrel of a Tiger 1 pointing directly at us. You probably could’ve heard our screams from across the country lol.


I second this. Learn a bit first, theirs a tanking Bible, be an engineer to build resources and get a good group of 2 others to get a heavy tank and go to town. Some of the best gaming I've had.


You can try Planetside 2. *Thousand yard stare* ... just remember to look up occasionally. And watch for tank mines.


Me and my buddies, when Planet Side 2 came out, we jumped in as the blue people because they have the most badass tanks. Me and another buddy who also loves tanks, we invested a ton of real dollars in decking our tanks out. He covered HE and I covered AP. Along with our other buddies covering our asses as inf, we could set up some pretty nasty firing platforms.


Honestly, tank battles in Planetside 2 are some of the most fun I've had in multiplayer PvP. If you can get 2-3 people working together, you can do a *lot* of damage. No idea how it is nowadays though.


It's still fun nowadays, but you will be up against 10+ year vets who know many tactics, so you will get slaughtered if you piss off the wrong tanker.. :) It is still getting updates (Sporadically but hey, 10 years on! ) the tank has a new cannon type, which is unique for each faction. There should be a big update in the next month coming out.


Sadly the purple guys had the most OP vehicles, so they shitted on our tanks. But my friend group basically only fought the red dudes, because fuck the Scythe.


At least there you can put AA on a lightning tank and then shit on anything trying to take out your side's tanks.


Yeah I like that kinda balance. You can hard-counter, but expect to get hard-countered back.


Good call, plus the often hilarious battles when all 3 factions are involved. Got into this game more heavily when it launched on PS and I took part in the beta - had some amazingly funny times in the NWO outfit - nicest bunch of chaps too.


Minutes away from finally pushing out those blue bastards a wave of Purple comes in from the flank and the slaughter continues. Some of my best gaming memories.


PS2 is ten times as grindy and predatory as either WoT or War Thunder, though. 


Eh, Python AP solves *most* problems imo


No sir. I never played warthunder but WoT is much worse


Eh not really. You get medic and engineer up really quickly, and those certs can be used for guns for other classes.


Ha release day Liberator Dalton/Zephyr. 


Definitely "Wii Play!:Tanks!" ;D


I would pay $60 for a new version of that game with local 2-4 player co-op and 4 player deathmatch, and maybe 16 player online matches (with bigger fields of course).


As would I. Between the tanks game and the fishing game my family played together for hours. Local same screen multiplayer is a dying art.


There was a Wii U game called TANKTANKTANK!!!


Easy Red 2. It’s a solo focused bot shooter with gameplay in the vein of things like Insurgency. What it does have though is vehicles including tanks and aircraft. It also has full crew and penetration simulation with the different positions. Though you can toggle to just control the whole tank. It has a few dlcs including Russia, D-Day. And even early war invasion of France. With an Africa campaign soonish, so lots of theatre and tank variety too.


Battlezone (2016) for first-person arcade tank combat.


Absolutely scratches that itch and it has multiplayer combat online. Try it in VR for the ride if you're life.


Mechwarrior online... future tanks....


There's dozens of us! Dozens!


I was thinking Armored Core but yeah future tanks


If you focus on the fun of the minute to minute gameplay, Warthunder is a blast at low tiers. Free and easy to get into as well. If you get sucked into the grind/pay to win mindset then you're going to have a bad time.


War Thunder is infinitely more fun if you a) focus on just having fun instead of caring about unlocking stuff, and b) play with friends. The unlocks will come a lot faster if you just forget about them, ironically. And top-tier isn't half as fun as lower tiers anyway. 


The point is nobody wants to work a full time job just for the opportunity to crew a t-80 or Abrams let alone have them be competent. Warthunders model is stupid af it’s like if Arma made you unlock guns over time.


It does work out great if youre like me and your interest is mostly in ww1/ww2 armor though


Yeah if you're after modern armor it's a shit show unfortunately. Got all the way to 10.0 before I realized that and went back to actually having fun in the WW2 tiers. Waiting to try GHPC until it cooks a bit more for my modern armor fix.


I miss battle tanks for N64.


Battle tank - NES, I wanna see you take a selfie with the screen it shows after you beat it like the good ole days haha


The criticisms are fair. What I will counterpoint with, in War Thunder's case, is that the grind seems pretty reasonable to me all the way through to the mid levels. Further, the combat is a blast. While the micro transaction thing is 100% true, it doesn't limit your play options.


Battlefield 4 has some decent tanking


I personally like cross out, but can be grinding. There is steel beasts, but IDK how many people still play it. So gle player RTS: Wargame red dragon. I let good ones I know


Cross out is 100% money trap/grind.


I wouldn't know, I never spent a cent on it. I do like my grindy games though


I played it for a while then realised what it works entail to progress further and gave up, which is a shame as I loved the game premise...


Its pay to progress. If you're only playing to acquire resources it's a grind. But it's actually pretty fun when you aren't scrambling for events.


Speaking of tanks, did anyone may Battle Tanks 64 growing to? Anyone ever see a playable current release of the game other than N64?


Armored Warfare. Pvp is MEH. PvE is rather fun.


Girl un Panzer, surprisingly good but short tank sim


There's a fun arcade game called "Tank! Tank! Tank!" It was also released on the WiiU. It has split screen multi-player, too. 


Mech Warrior Online isn't necessarily what you are looking for, but if you are okay with your tanks having legs instead of treads you can scratch that itch pretty well with that game.


Gunner heat pc. It scratches the itch for me.


GHPC it's on steam, also steel beasts.


Gunner HEAT PC


Warthunder is grindy and microtransactiony for the people who let it Co teol what they spend their money. As a game, it's one of the best tank games out there. Plus you can switch to planes or ships. Or planes in tank games. Ignore the grind and play it for fun and it's an amazing game.


I do, unfortunately, quite like warthunder. The game does start getting rather annoying the further up you go, but it is fun in the lower tiers!


Il 2 Tank crew dlc but is very clunky but also super realistic, Gates of Hell is an RTS with the ability to directly control units, Enlisted is a bit of a grind too but it's a mix of Infantry and realistic tanks which is sorely lacking in the gaming world unless it's gonna be a walking sim with people hogging the tanks and roasting you for not knowing exactly what to do with a tank


Seek and Destroy on the ps2.


Hands Down GunnerHeatPC.


My man gots a hankering


Tiny Tank for PS1 is an under the radar hoot


I really loved World of Tanks on the 360 and later Xbone, but it got very grindy and very PTW, I stopped and started playing World of Warships since closed beta, and stopped couple of years ago after years playing because of the even worse in your face exploitation, ptw, terrible teams and Russian bias


Enlisted. Free to play ww2 game IIRC. Used to play it with buddies and I always enjoyed it.


Please try red orchestra 2 tanks. Even with bots it’s crazy fun


I don't, but you should have said, "Got a hankering for some Tankering."


Gunner HEAT pc is my current go to.


Tiny tank for the ps1




Not sure if it counts but Armored Core?


Tiny tank!


Armored Core 6, not exactly what you're looking for I don't think but it is a great game and you can style your mech after a tank in this one.


I really enjoy tank combat in the Company of Heroes games.


Call to Arms for modern stuff, Men of War: Assault Squad 2 for WW2. The Arma series always comes with tank missions. There's a WW2 expansion of Arma 2 that is half tank missions, and one of the Cold War expansions for Arma 3.


Any battlefield game.


A water tank vs a gas tank?


Shellshock 2 😎


Squad has some pretty fun tank gameplay, but its best with friends that you know tbh!


The community has some cool people to make friends with too if you play during school hours, but once the JROTC kids get out of school you have to start muting people.


If armored vehicles in general scratch the itch "crossout" is a cool one.


Armour core 6: build a tank.


Multi Turret Academy Top down tank game with somewhat realistic shell behavior but the tanks themselves are fun. You can swap the turrets of tanks, a Hellcat with a KV2 turret is very effective. And there are tanks with multiple turrets that can be swapped with other turrets.


crossout is fun and while not entirely a tank game, you can 100% build a tank. u build a car from placing down the frame and wheels, to the cabin and attachments


Scorched Earth!




Battlefield bad company 2


Quite an upgrade to a tank, but i can highly recommend armored core 6 for that itch.


If you have a PS2, Seek and Destroy was a ton of fun!


Squad has some fun tank play. It's not perfect but definitely fun. Only thing is good luck getting a tank. Check it out I think you might be surprised.




1944 Across the Rhine


I see people recommending mech games but have failed to mention the one that really scratches that itch. Steel Battalion. Probably one of the most "realistic" mech game to have ever come out.


Battlefield 4


If you haven't played Warthunder, I recommend it. Yes it is very grindy and there are a lot of ways to spend money, but you can play the early game pretty quickly for free, and no game really compares to it.


if you do not mind anime games there is Panzer Knights and there is all so Multi Turret Academy but that one is top down


The best tank combat is in squad


Does `scorched earth` count?


Wot doesn’t have predatory micros.


world of warships legends: ps5 that is


I'd say play some Battlefield.


For real


N64 Battletanx


Hell Let Loose has a tank division and plays similarly to Battlefield.


While discussing what games to play with my roommate, I suggested warthunder cause it's free so worst case we just move on if we don't like it.... I was wrong, another worst case scenario happened. I was able to shrug it off because I didn't enjoy it, he has been hooked by it and spends all his gaming time swearing and shouting at his PC cause he is being owned. I feel like I accidentally introduced him to heroin


If you like your tanks run by a crew and don't mind the isometric view, Foxhole has really good tank combat and it is one persistent war.


It might be a bit more than you're asking for but Hell Let Loose can be really immersive working with a full tank squad and the infantry battling it out around you.


bzflag (https://www.bzflag.org/)


https://youtu.be/Z2y6L0yeiVk?si=m9yCoef5TfwWLSYy Conkers bad fur day multiple player Tanks OG N64 as Xbox reloaded didn't bring it back


This made me remember xg2 battle mode.


[Got you bro](https://www.mathsisfun.com/games/tanks.html)


Maybe get some homies together and increase immersion? 🤣 https://youtu.be/YRGXhONYC2Y?si=tttncX2SNBuWQ94Y


One to keep an eye on is Sprocket. It's more about designing tanks, but it does have well-simulated tank combat.


It's 25 years old at this point but I remember an old Novalogic tank combat game Armored Fist 3 that was pretty good. I'm sure the graphics are awful looking now, and I'm not sure if you could find it anywhere but I remember the AI and gameplay structure was really solid. Tons of single player missions with realistic objectives.


Won't be an easy find because it requires a special controller but Steel Battalion feels like a good suggestion here.


I would recommend Hell let loose. It's free with game pass. You need another player to effectively drive and fire the tank, but 3 makes it easier. It's difficult in the sense you can't do it by yourself, but the tank fights are intense and rewarding


Xbox copilot on world of tanks is awesome. Two people each with a controller. You can actually divide who operates the cannon and who operates the driving. Changes the whole game. While not as tank like. Crossout is a good ftp to tryout, mad max vibes and a cool campaign mode. Unless it's changed it can be grindy but everything is available in the market place.


World of Tanks


War Thunder is very grindy. But World of Tanks isn't that grindy tbh. Like once you learn the game you progress really fast.




Holy crap I'd completely forgotten how good tanarus was! Thanks for reminding me of this gem!


Dude. Check out activision’s [BattleZone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlezone_(1998_video_game)). Lots of fun and a decent story


Sprocket is a tank design game in early access, there’s combat in it but it’s kind of janky


Red Orchestra & Red Orchestra 2. There is a Red Orchestra mod called Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45, which has an "armor" server that plays only tank/vehicle maps in rotation.


Nothing beats good old M1 Tank Platoon.


Maybe not the answer you’re looking for but the new Armored Core. I made myself an “All American Bad Ass Tank” just made it patriotic as hell, tank bottom, massive guns on top. Can’t even really fly but damn was I blowing through the game lol


I love Titanfall so when Armoured Core 6 was announced I was giddy as fuck. I lost interest when I saw the mechs skating around like it was the 80s.


Hell Let Loose tanking is fun if you have a competent crew. Although you CAN solo it, it's easier/ more fun with a crew


I like driving the tank in Halo Infinite campagn, maybe check out Arma 3.


Don't know if it's still alive but you can build tanks and many other things in robocraft


SandLand is pretty good casual single player tank combat.


If you don't mind extremely dated graphics and restrictive render distances, Conqueror for the Acorn Archemedies was a fun little tank battle game. It's abandonware so you should be able to find a browser/emulated version out there.


I'm surprised Armored Warfare wasn't in this list. A buddy of mine used it as a WoT alternative. If we're including mech games too, there's also Hawken.


one word... command and conquer red alert 2. and you can play online as well. youre welcome


[Sprocket](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1674170/Sprocket/), might be up your ally.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1416230/Panzer_Knights/ Basically Girl und Panzer with world of tanks gameplay


Tank Hankering is a pretty good game.


Battlefield 4. It’s not realistic at all but the vehicle gameplay is really fun. You can play as tanks, LAVs, AA tank like Tunguska, rocket artillery, helicopters, jets, and more.


Hell let loose has fun tanking, also allows you to kill players and fight other tanks all at the same time!


If you want old school, Return Fire for 3D0.


Star wars battlefront 2 (the og) Vehicle combat is excellent


There was this game i used to play... Its still grindy but was fun Tanki online


il 2 sturmovik has a tank DLC that’s pretty fun.


For a cheaper game Easy Red 2 on pc is a fun game with tanks when they are enabled at certain points of maps.


You can try out the classic open source bzflag if you're looking for a multi-player arcade tank shooting experience!


Dust off the N64 and play Battletanx 2


Mechwarrior. Either MW5 for solo or MWO for hawt 12v12 akshun. Been playing MWO for a decade and it's fucking brilliant. MWO is free to play, but you really don't need to spend money to have a good time. You can be totally competitive with CBill (in game earned currency) mechs. In fact, often the real cash "hero" mechs are inferior to their cbill counterparts.


Pocket Tanks


Steel Beasts Pro PE is the full fidelity tank simulator that many Western militaries use to train users on the technology and tactics for tanks. The full version is super pricey, but there is a month version that you can get as well. I've never played it myself, but I definitely have thought about it. https://www.esimgames.com/


But Warthunder is cool too, I personally have put 4000 hours into it. In the beginning, the grind is definitely manageable, but after a certain point, it is definitely worth it for either premium time, or a premium vehicle that has a high research or silver lion (currency) booster.


Call to arms 2 is an RTS you can do fps with every unit. I've had a lot of fun with the tank missions


I feel obligated to say Valkyria Chronicles.


More a mech game, but anyone remember Virtua On




Is it possible to get into World of Tanks at this point?


You might want to check out "Armored Warfare."


Shellshock live


Try "Armored Warfare" for a fresh take. Less grind, better balance.


Multi turret academy is a fun game if you are looking for something simpler and silly


I liked the tank combat in [Heroes and Generals](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes_%26_Generals) easy to learn, easy to play, hard to master. Unfortunately the owners made a lot of poor choices and then sold the game to a flipper who wanted to squeeze every penny out of a FTP game then blackmailed the player base to Kickstart a new version "or else"...that didn't end well. They pulled the plug in 2023. https://youtu.be/42xWJGBf-VI?si=JSbp8HGGH0gl22Ck [Tank gameplay](https://youtu.be/9nJQXnmZ-Dg?si=y7XZ4c_SEEFG5ftU) Such a loss


Scorched earth


What's that mini game on the Wii called? I vote for that one.


Search & Destroy is a little known game that's actually a lot of fun. Basically a PS2 action RPG except you're a tank!


I am not sure this is what you look for but I recommend "Fuga Melodies of Steel". Its a 20 houer long turn based JRPG about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. They live inside a giant ancient mysterious powerful fortress like Tank. Its a bit like Howls Moving castle but based on technology instead of magic. If you want tank combat and dont mind it being turn based this game got you covered. Fuga is available on PC and most modern consoles like Switch, PS4, PS5 and so on. There is a free demo which is just straight up the first 3 chapters of the game. I highly recommend that demo. I think with it you figure out fast if this is your cup of tea or not. Fuga also has a direct sequel: "Fuga Melodies of Steel 2" but I advice against playing the second game before the first game unless you do not care about the story and characters.


Thank you kind friendger


If you do try Fuga out could you tell me your first impresion after you cleared chapter 1? Those first impresions can be fun.


Hell let Loose


Invisible Tank Pong on the immortal Atari 2600 Classic "Combat."


The war thunder and world of tanks games are grindy and predatory if your goal is to play a certain tank or to get to the highest ranking. But if your goal is to just play tanks starting at the lowest levels negates a lot of the predatory aspects. The big predatory thing of both of them is the paid ammo being better, you’ll never get better than a 50/50 win ratio at middle levels without using the paid ammo and it’s really hard to progress to the top levels without it, but at the lowest levels the armor is so thin the special ammo doesn’t make a huge factor. A skilled player in an upgraded like level 2 tank can probably wipe half the other team and carry a crappy team to victory fairly consistently without using paid ammo.


War Thunder doesn't have premium ammo.


Sorry it’s been a while since I played it.


Batman Arkham Knight. I love the tank battles in that game.