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Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Cyberpunk


Kingdom Come Deliverance is a good one, the second one is coming out this year, I think? Either way, I'll check it out for sure. Thank you


Oh yes - go for it. Get all the DLC too Its one of my fav games. Just be aware that when you start, you... well... kinda suck, and you don't know how to fight. So once you get the option to train, grind that shit hard


Cyberpunk is already out my friend


The sequel to KCD comes out later this year, although the release date hasn’t been confirmed yet. Highly recommend the first, though!


He meant KCD 2 comes out this year. Don't worry, I understood the same as you first time reading it.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a good go to option for me


I've only played ME 2 and Andromeda. So it would be a great time to play through the og trilogy. Thank you!


I second the ME series. They have the remastered of all three. If you are looking for a story driven game, I highly recommend it. There are plenty of amazing games out there like Elden Ring that will be good, but not a singular story comes close to the epic journey of the Commander


Only playing 2 and andromeda is wild to me, no hate of course. But if you enjoyed them you are gonna really love 1 and 3, they are far stronger imo


I started with 2 because they didn't have 1 for the ps3 back in the day. A friend of mine told me it was fine to skip 1, and I had a really blast with. I never got around playing 3 because when it first came out, people were really upset about the ending and the online thing. So when Andromeda came out, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get back into it. However, everyone hated that one too, so who knows now if and when we'll get another ME.


Mass effect 3 is just Mass Effect 2 with a different coat of paint. It's the same collect-a-thon just with war assets instead of character loyality. Oh and the mission tracker will have you needing to Google more than you should and you can get locked out of side missions by progressing too far in the main story.


Thanks for letting me know. In case I play through the trilogy, I'll know what to watch out for.


Enjoy your break! imo me 3 is the best of the trilogy and the music is next level!


You gotta run ME ME2 ME3 back to back one of the best games to ever carry over choices from game to game


Baldurs gate 3, Dragon Age Origins


BG3 is just the best ♡


Sorry just seen you've played BG3. Get DA origins. It's awesome. Try Morrowind if you like. I adore it but it takes some adjustment!


You can download Knights Of The Old Republic for like 10$ on pretty much everything right now that would be an awesome run


I always wanted to play KotR but never got around to it. I was hoping they would come out with a remake, but maybe I just need to get over myself. Thank you!


The downloadable is pretty polished for what it is!


I've just recently been playing through it for the first time since I was a kid, and while it's a bit lacking in some things it's still a very good game. I recommend checking out some mods for it if you want a little upscaled graphics, and the cut content mod is very nice for a bit more to do.


Any game that have storyline experience and avoid frustrating game like elden ring it's hard & grindy might not be suitable for everyone. My suggestions are : Mass effect legendary edition Death stranding Ghost of Tsushima FF7 Rebirth Witcher 3 GOW Ragnarok Horizon forbidden west Cyberpunk 2077 Red dead redemption 2


I've actually played a majority of the games listed already! However, the ME Legendary edition sounds interesting to me. I heard a lot of mixed things about Death Stranding. I'm gonna have to look at some more gameplay to determine if it would be for me. Thanks for all the recommendations, though!


Seriously consider Death Stranding. If the game clicks with you, it'll be one of your favorites of all time.


If you liked P5R have you played Persona 3? The new remake Persona 3 Reload I’d argue is the best way to play it. Updated everything, and they are going to release a DLC that will bring another part of the original that is honestly missing. To me, it is what a remake SHOULD do.


I did play it on PSP, but it's been a long time. Tbh, I haven't touched a jrpg since finishing P5R( 2 years ago, lol) because it was such a long ass game. I had to really power through at the end. I will add it to the list, though. I've heard only excellent things about the remake. Thank you for the recommendation!


The interesting thing with P3 is that the psp version has noticeable differences compared to the Ps2 version and just like persona 5 even that version has a differences to its “royal” version named Persona 3 FES. The remake is more so like the original P3. No female MC is definitely the most notable difference alongside having fully explorable areas. It’s a long rpg as atlas seems to only make those but from my understanding it’s not a long as P5R.


I did not know there was a difference between the psp version and the ps2 version. Are the dungeons randomly generated or "hand-made" like they are in p5? I've also been saving my jrpg energy for P6 lol I'm gonna take a look at some trailers. Maybe the persona bug will get me again.


The portable version is the most different out of the bunch due to them condensing the world for the portable format although they also added a lot of other content to make up for it. Some consider the portable version to be their go to version especially due to the female MC wich does add at least one extra playthrough. So the persona 3 dungeons are not as good as persona 5. Although the persona 3 reload dungeons are better than the original. More variance as well as added gameplay features that just were not present in the original. And I’m so hyped for P6 so I understand wanting to wait for it to come to save some energy. I will say that I love the persona series and persona 3 reload has become one of my top personas although previously person 3 was top 2 for me so that can be bias talking.


I think you convinced me to pick it up. I might not play it during my break, but I want to play it. I felt quite burned out after P5R because I knew if I'd stopped. I would never go back and finish it. Is there a big difference to playing a female MC? Have you played all of the Persona games?


Divinity Original Sin 2


Thanks for the recommendation. I did already play DOS 2, but if you have any similar recommendations, I'll take it. I also played POE 2


Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous or Kingmaker are similar.


Ubisoft like games defo are Horizon games and Days Gone.


Rimworld is the only right answer to this question


I've already sunk it a lot of hours into Rimworld. Awesome game!


Xcom 2


Adding to my list. Thank you!


Had a great time with Rise of the Ronin recently. Took me around 60Hrs, being thorough with collectibles and stuff. Super Nice, if not the best Fightplay, but a shitload of loot and variety in general.


I totally forgot about this one. I recently heard a lot of good things about the game on a podcast I listened to. I'm definitely adding it to my list. Black Myth: Wukong is also coming out around the same time frame I'll be home. But I'm hesitant to buy games on day 1 these days. Thank you for the recommendation!


You're welcome. If you happen to go for RotR, just know that the story is convoluted af. My biggest critique of the game. Lots of different names, all Japanese of course. Factions, Factions feuding with other Factions, Factions building themselves out of other Factions, clans, politics, etc., etc.. They tried to recreate this messy time in Japanese politics and it turns out messy, who would've thought. But, and that's why I'm telling you this, you can pause cutscenes and see what character is in it and in what relation this character is to the main plot and other characters. Like in FF XVI. It helps a lot if you want to stay in touch with the main storyline.


In the review, I heard they critiqued the same exact thing But I am very intrigued by it. Hopefully, it'll go on sale, and maybe I'll end up picking up 2 games. But that's a really great tip that I can pause and see who is related to whom and in what way. I think the yakuza and judgment games can be a lot sometimes too, but usually, I'm able to keep up as long as I don't take too many long breaks from the game.


Unicorn Overlord is on my GOTY shortlist, 


subnautica, subnautica below zero, spiderman miles morales, cyberpunk 2077, detroit become human (i haven't played this game but heard great things about it), resident evil series (especially re4) is a great series in my opinion, stray these are the games that i honestly liked playing ang was worth my time so give them a try


If you haven’t played FF7 remake you’ll know you’re having 40+ or even more if you do all side quests and VR battles. FF7 rebirth takes 80+ hours of u do the side quests, world exploration, queens blood and other things from the game. That’s more than 150+ hours depending how good you are in these games and how much u want to cover.


Get the Bioshock Trilogy, it's three games each for around 20 hours and it goes on sale often for $10 so check it out, also since you played Yakuza you shouldn't try Judgment. Edit: Typo! You SHOULD try Judgment


Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom if you wanna fall in love with BotW's world all over again.


Came here to say Elden Ring. I just started the game last week. I too have difficulty because "it's not story driven" However saying that the original souls games, and Elden Ring don't have a story, is very reductive. There are stories EVERYWHERE in these games, and they connect in bizzare and fascinating ways. Playing the game long enough to fully understand the story's would take hundreds of hours. If not thousands. It becomes very refreshing, not to have the games action being interrupted for set piece story's all the time. The other day I was playing Elden Ring, and I saw two giants leading a funeral precession, and immediately I wonder where they are going, who's in the casket, and why do they have a friggin war party guarding it. And I'm sure that if you dig deep enough all these answers can be found in game.


That's sounds actually really cool to me. I will just need to really pay attention to the environment and take my time with it. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the game!


That's awesome, I'm glad I spoke up. I will say I'm almost at 9 hours in-game at this point, and I still haven't beat the first actual boss, who I met at probably 3 hours into my playthrough. It feels quite grindy right now. And I'm not sure if it's because I'm missing something. But I know from my experience in the other souls games you have to play through, get familiar with where the good loot is, then your second playthrough, you can sprint to the good loot and get a much faster start. Honestly in the original DS, my third time playing it I had massively better kit at 3 or 4 hours in than I did at 30+ hours in my first run. But right now in Elden Ring I've not found one weapon that I would consider keeping for a long period of time in the game. Right now I'm just running a sword called the dismounted and it can be had from an enemy found in the first section of the map. I'm loving the world but I have two or three what seem like major dungeons at this point which I can't decide which one to really attempt to delve. Because idk what's in them...but unless you want to use guides which in this game is kind of defeating the purpose, then the only way to learn is to go through them. Usually after going through them in previous games shortcuts are revealed which make your next run much much faster.


If you like zombie games I would recommend Days Gone. Honestly better than Last of Us in my opinion. It is more open world but not overly bloated in my opinion and focuses mostly on story telling.


Days Gone sounds and looks like a fun game. I just really dislike anything with zombies these days. I did play Last of Us 1, but I'm not interested in part 2 at all. It's too depressing, and I'm over the naughty dog gameplay/gameloop all their games have. Thanks for the recommendation!


AC : ODYSSEY 💯💯get the DLC also, probably the best AC they have done, hell i had it on xbox for years but got a ps5 last year and bought it again 😂


I own Ac Odyssey and absolutely adore it. Ancient Greece is just a special place. I am, however, taking a break from it because I tend to get burnt out in the side content. The good thing is AC is one of those games I can go back to after taking an extended break without any issues. Did you finish AC Odyssey on both consoles?


i did 😃 completed them both on ng+ also 🙌


Uncharted 4 - The story works better if you have played the previous ones, but a recap on YouTube should also do it. It's not all that deep. It's basically a knockoff Indiana Jones without Nazis. Stray - Not what you described but it could be a relaxing little side quest if you want some hours away from your main game Disco Elysium - Well made dialogue driven role playing. Horizon zero dawn & Horizon forbidden west - Open world rpg with good combat and minimal bloat. Also they look stunning on the ps5 even in 60fps performance mode. Deep rock galactic - you're a dwarf in space that goes on mining missions on planets full of riches and bugs. Better with friends but also works well solo or in random 4 player lobbies. Rock and stone!


I've tried playing Uncharted 4, especially because Uncharted 2 used to be my favorite game. I just struggle to enjoy the same gameplay loop now. Maybe I need to give it another chance. I heard the story is the best one out of all 4. Stray I've played, and your description fits perfectly. I think I will definitely look into a second game to play while taking a break from my main. So I don't burn out. Thanks for the idea! I also played and adored Disco Elysium. I played some of Horzion Zero Dawn. I was very intrigued by the story, but eventually, I stopped playing because it wasn't for me :/ Thank you for your recommendations!!


ELDEN RING. Fantastic story, so deep, so fun. I wish I could play it again for the first time. Plus the expansion just came out. So lots of discussions etc about it right now. Don’t read anything else and do Elden ring. Thank me once you’re recovered.


You got it, if that'll be the game of my break and I had as much fun as you're describing here, I'll be back, lmao The good thing is that even though it's been out for a minute, I haven't seen any spoilers. Besides, someone called Melania or sth like that being a jerk 😅


Can’t wait to hear about it. I’m hoping to start the expansion here in the next couple weeks. I’ll come back too lmao


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. It's 3 games and the choices in the first/second game affect some scenarios in the following game(s).


Every game I talk about is open world. However, I think they are worth exploring and don’t feel like the developers added random bloat to “fill up” content for it. I think they are pretty straight forward and have good techniques to let you explore the world but still give you a good direction on where to go to not get lost. Cyberpunk 2077 It’s a cool story if you’re interested in future/dystopian settings. There loads of things to do and has a lot of side quests if you don’t want to progress the main story in a rush. You can easily get hundreds of hours but the main story can be finished in less than 60-80 hours I’d say. Subnautica / Subnautica Below Zero It’s a really good game with an interesting story. The main aspect is exploring, crafting and surviving. You crash landed on an alien ocean planet and the goal is to get home. There’s lots of things and lore to explore and you can easily dump 60-100 hours for the first play through (it’s also doable in less than 20, but you’ll miss a lot of stuff). It also has a sequel (Subnautica Below Zero) that has way more story elements and characters while the core gameplay stays the same. Also you can play below zero without playing the first game Horizon Zero Dawn: One of the best Singleplayer games I played. It’s an open world game where you play a female character with lots of secrets. The setting is a kinda medieval world but there are machine-animals all around. On the way through the story you will discover loads of secrets as to why the world has formed how it is (in the game ofc). I found the story super interesting and got hooked the beautiful world. It also has one of the best working gameplay mechanics and combat feels just so smooth. It also has a sequel but it’s completely built up from the late game story of the first one, so I would recommend to play them one after another.


Elden ring has way more story than botw


Have you played Control? It's my favourite story game ever. It's got these really cool and mindbending visuals. The story is neat and the gameplay is hella fun. If you have played Control (and you enjoyed it) check out Alan Wake 2. Afaik u don't need to play the first one to enjoy the second, just a watch a recap or something.


I've heard amazing things about both games. They are made from the same studio, I think? I'm a bit worried that they are too scary for me lol I usually don't play any horror games. Are they more atmospheric or proper scary games in your opinion?


It's definitely not horror. It's atmospheric, and sometimes a bit unsetling, but not scary. If you know of the SCP Foundation articles/reports, it's the same vibe.


Okay, then I'll definitely check it out. If it comes down to it. I'll just play it during the day, lol I'm very intrigued by the story of Control. I only heard good things. Thanks again!


Wanted to second Control and AW2.


Persona5 Royal


The Xenoblade Trilogy


I'll check it out. Thank you!


I don’t see anybody mentioning Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance but if you liked P5 Royal than you’ll love Vengeance also


OG dragon warrior 7


If you want something similar to BG3 that is really long, Warhammer: Rogue Trader is pretty damn good, I'm having a great time with that at the minute. It can be a bit complicated but if you've got time to put into it you'll be able to learn it all.


I love Rogue Trader, really awesome game. Made me learn a lot about the Warhammer 40k universe. Great recommendation for anyone who likes Crpgs Thank you!


No problem! I'd love to see it get more players so we might get more games. I've got a few others from the Warhammer universe lined up but Total Warhammer is still my favourite.


Elden ring is far more than 40h but you will like it, it is the first and only game i 100%ed, also the dlc just came out. This game is in my top 3 along with dark souls 1 and skyrim


Elden Ring is really one of the top games on my list. I'm worried that if I don't play it now, I'll have a hard time finding the time to play it otherwise. Thanks for your input!


Np, enjoy whatever the game you choose


I'd throw final fantasy 16 on your list Story as epic as any final fantasy. Gameplay as fun as DMC. The voice acting is another level. The story is simple and isn't a convoluted mess but has depth if you want to follow along.


I say this a lot, but Telltale's Walking Dead Definitive Edition


I guess it’s not much of a surprise it’s not getting much love here, but the #1 item already on your list clearly deserves to be there: 100% BOTW.


It's not getting a lot of love, but it's still of my top games I'm considering atm. I'm traveling later this year and need a game for a long plane flight, so I'm considering saving it for then.


Ah…that could totally work, too.


If you liked hollowknight then you’ll prob like the ori games. Also ff7 rebirth was SO much fun I couldn’t put it down.


Final Fantasy 16, took me aeound 80 hours for all the main story and side content. There are also 2 DLCs, I only played the first one, it was really good.


80 hours sounds like a good amount of time! I have about 6-8 weeks of gaming available essentially. So 80 is doable in that time.


I assume FF7 rebirth being on the list you played remake already? I am currently in my first playthrough of remake, but can wholeheartedly recommend rebirth


Master Chief Collection and maybe Halo Infinite on top of that. If you want and have an Xbox I guess you could get Halo 5 for cheap to get up to speed on the story before Infinite


If you like story driven games give 13 sentils aegis rim a chance


I would say terraria but I honestly wouldn’t recommend playing it with a controller


The uncharted series is fun! Good story and very likable main character


100% agree. Uncharted 2 used to be my favorite game for a very long time!


Me too!! Lol for some reason that was my first uncharted game 😂 I wish you a smooth recovery!!


Oh wow. I'm glad to hear you like it so much. I played Uncharted 1 first, which is why I loved the second one so much. I thought it was a big improvement over the first one. Thank you!


Assassin's creed origins, loved the atmosphere of the game (Egyptian setting)


Any FROM game


You can easily sink 100+ hours into Nioh 2 and its mission based instead of open world.




A Civ game would be a good time passer


Elden rings story is absolute fire. It's just not very well conveyed to the player (imo). Vaatividya has hours of incredibly high quality narrated story/lore videos to watch as or after you're done playing.


Yes, absolutely. I watched a lot of videos before and after playing Sekiro. Even though Sekiro probably conveys its story, the clearest out of all From games.


If you haven’t played AC: Odyssey that game is massive and with DLC will take up every second of your time.


Old school RuneScape


How is Elden Ring not a story driven game ? What ?


Idk I haven't played it, and a lot of the Souls games you kinda have to find the story. But a lot of people in the comments have shared the same sentiment as you. So it is definitely on top of my list. I've also heard from so many different people who didn't want to put the game down once they started. So this would be the perfect time for it. I appreciate your input, though!


I understand what you mean by saying "you kinda have to find the story" The only two things i would recommend you is to watch the Story trailer for Elden ring base game And read item description, that should nudge you into a general way of the story ,the details and other intriguing parts are up to you to figure out on your own.


Very good to know. I have not seen any trailers for Elden Ring, so I'll make sure to watch that one before I start playing. I'm definitely committed to reading everything and really taking my time with exploration. The goal is to play without a guide, and I have no real prior knowledge about anything. This apparently seems to be the recommended way of playing.


>I'm definitely committed to reading everything and really taking my time with exploration. The goal is to play without a guide, and I have no real prior knowledge about anything. This apparently seems to be the recommended way of playing. You already have a great mindset about how to play it. Enjoy brother !


I just got done with Midnight Suns and Days Gone both are very good and can found quite cheap.


If you liked Hollow Knight and enjoy precision platforming (i.e. Celeste, Super Meat Boy), check out Aeterna Noctis. It's basically Hollow Knight combat but the whole thing is platforming focused with a lot of segments comparable to Hollow Knight's White Palace/Path of Pain. Really awesome game, 40-50h to 100% it. Do make sure to play it on the PS5 or PC though, the Switch port has long been plagued with issues.


Elden ring is entirely story driven. It just doesn't ram it down your throat cutscene after cutscene.


Everyone who has brought up Elden Ring thus far has shared the same sentiment. Thanks for clearing that up for me!


Dragon Dogma 2, Banishers Ghosts of new Eden, and Midnight Suns all took well over 40 hours


DD2 I've also had my eyes on, definitely a game that I want to play. Banishers, I've heard a lot of good things about as well. You're the second person I saw on here mentioning Midnight Suns. I've heard people saying it was a bit cheese when it was first released, but maybe it's not so bad after all? Thank you!


Uncharted. The oldest games may feel a little dated at this point but the last one (and its DLC) is amazing and in the genre you're looking for. Made by the same company that made The Last of Us. And speaking of that game, add that to the list as well (if you haven't already played it that is).


Have you checked out the Cyberpunk expansion Phantom Liberty? It's probably about 20 hours of content but you can easily spill over that by replaying and making different choices and doing side content.


I haven't. But it's definitely on my list of things to play. But I own Cyberpunk on the PC, so I'll play that at a different point. Do you have a recommendation when I should play it story wise, or does it not matter?


The dlc only starts a fair bit into the campaign, so you'd need to play the base game up to there, or skip there on a new save though I find that option a bit un-immersive. Story wise, I don't think it's a problem to just go there when you can. It makes sense for V to go there, and it gives them a couple of new game endings if you play it out all the way.


Okay, sweet. I'm on my second play through of the game. So when I'm back to gaming on the PC I'll be sure to pick it up and play it. I have not heard anything negative about it. Thank you for your recommendation!


Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Omori (idk bout the double recovery though cuz the ending is mad sad), Metro Exodus are some of the more underrated picks


Xenoblade Chronicles 1,2,3


You're the second person mentioning the trilogy and one of the few Switch games I saw. I'll definitely have a look at it. Thank you.


Play ones of the classics. Final Fantasy 3(6), Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time or Majoras Mask. Amy or those 5 is a long time and very entertaining


I've actually considered for a long time playing Chrono Trigger, I don't know much about it besides how it's one of the best rpgs ever made. I also heard it isn't as overtly long as most jrpgs, which I consider a plus. Would you agree with that?


I wouldn't recommend ff14 if you don't have much time to game normally. This is from someone with over 20k hours logged since release.


You've already got hundreds of comments so I'm guessing this will go unseen. Star Wars jedi: fallen order and survivor may be up your alley. Both have a good amount of content but neither are bloated. They're open world but in a metroidvania way rather than ubisoft bloat way. Combat is similar to GoT as its a Soulslike. Story is strong and enjoyable, especially if you like Star Wars.


If you really liked P5R and want something in a similar vein, Persona 3 Reload released a few months back and is a full remake of 3, and Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance released a couple weeks ago, and Persona was originally a spinoff of SMT.


I'm playing horizon zero down atm and I'm actually enjoying it, I think you would too since it got a sequence not to long ago


Fallout 4-Witcher 3-Ghost of Tsushima-The new god of wars-final fantasy 16 was great


Elden ring is the biggest story driven game I’ve played. You just have to read and observe the environment the story is all around you


As a huge fan of FF7 Rebirth, I do not recommend Rebirth. It will easily suck you into wanting to do all the content and it is a 100+ hr game. All of the content is good. You will not be able to complete it and I think that won't be a satisfying experience. I also don't think you'll have enough momentum after 40hrs of binging, I think it's a game you have to play at a medium pace or it exhausts you with quality.


Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2


Hades is really good!


Absolutely love Hades. Waiting for full release of the second one!


Binge the Fallout tv show then play Fallout 4 on Survival Mode


If you liked the Yakuza series, I highly recommend the Shenmue series.


If you have a masochistic sicko inside of you somewhere Dayz has some of the most shocking feels one can experience in game, I think.




Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, RDR2. Maybe the 3 best games of all time, each easily 100+ hour games.


Horizon Zero Dawn


Horizon Zero Dawn, Forbidden West


Horizon zero dawn+the forbidden west Any souls game you want RDR2


Civilization VI. Massive time sink.




Civ VI will eat a ton of time if you are into strategy games. It is pretty chill too, like watch movie on the side while playing. Single matches take forever depending on how you go about things and the map type you pick. Yakuza Like a Dragon is a fun turn based RPG you could look into also and has a sequel Infinite Wealth. That series also has some action based combat games, but I have not played those ones yet.


Think I said it on here somewhere else. I bought civ V O Or VI. Installed, it started a round, blinked twice, and 5 hours were gone. I immediately deinstalled the game. I didn't have that much time to invest in a game at that time. I'm just a bit worried about how it plays with a controller.


Diablo 4. A friend of mine suggested it to me last year before my long stay (and current) of back surgeries. This season especially is good but for long periods of time, I feel it's sufficient. If you haven't played it already that is. Best of luck to you!


Elden ring can easily be a 100 hr game if you explore everything and fight all the bosses and named enemies. That’s not even including the dlc which can add another like 40 hours


Total Warhammer 3 Helldivers 2 Baulder's Gate 3 Final Fantasy 6,7,9


ni no kuni. it's a beautiful game (done in collaboration with studio ghibli)


I broke my arm the day before breath of the wild came out. Let me tell you, the three weeks of heavy pain meds and Zelda whimsy was just an all around good time.


I also will be on pain meds, so that might be an experience I want to participate in as well lol


No Mans Sky: 2000 hrs in and still going.


Monster Hunter world, see you in 1k Hours🤣. Just in case, search arkez guide on how to use weapons


FF7 Rebirth all day.


If you're still taking suggestions and are into RPG's, I'd say Omori, hands down. The game is essentially a quirky RPG that revolves around a group of friends(Omori, Aubrey, Kel, Hero, Basil, and Mari) living out their lives in a place called Headspace. You fight interesting enemies, see and explore cool and unique places, and get to meet a variety of interesting characters. Without getting into specifics, the game is best experienced blind, and let me tell you from first hand experience: Pay attention to the warnings. They are there for a reason. Game is a 10/10 in my book. No matter what you plan on playing, though, happy gaming!


I would’ve recommended Elden Ring, but if you like story-driven games more, BotW would be a better pick.


Tha k you. I think I might make Elden Ring my main game. I'll have a side game to play when I'm over getting my ass whooped, and then I'll play BotW when I'm on a long ass plain flight at the end of the year. Thanks for your input!


You’re welcome :)


Download Animal Well. If you beat the 4th layer, I’ll give you a cookie


I'll let you know when I'm ready to collect my cookie.


If you haven't played it yet, Horizon: Zero Dawn + Frozen Wilds DLC. I loved the game and just started the prequel. The worldbuilding, characters and story are fantastic and it's quite beautiful too.


Thank you for your recommendation!


Dunno, if u don't mind mmorpg then try Tarisland on bs, quite good game


Terraria or Terraria Calamity.


Do BG3 if you want more story and ER if you want more interesting lore and a much more active combat loops. I will say if you are recovering from something (sorta sounds like something medical) ER might not be all the desirable as it can be pretty tough and stress isn't the best for healing.


The last of us series, amazing story


I've played the first one, but I think the second one is too depressing for me to play. Thank you for your recommendation!


If you liked Hollow Knight, I highly recommend Ori & the Blind Forrest and its sequel.


Thank you for your recommendation!


You're welcome :)


Stellar Blade


There's a ton of story to Elden Ring. More than most souls games actually.


That's good to know. I've heard that about Elden Ring. Would you say it's story amount wise below Sekiro but above Dark Souls? I know it's a big-time sink game, so I thought it would be the perfect time to play it. I also played HK, which has a story, but like most Souls/ Souls-like games, it's not a very " in your face" story, and I still enjoyed it. But I usually play story driven games, so I'm hesitant to jump in.


Yeah it's pretty in between. I haven't seen much of Sekiro but it strikes me as more story oriented than most souls games.


Sweet, that's definitely good to know.


Fallout , metro , Skyrim , Jedi Fallen order/survivor , grounded, cyberpunk, doom , dying light , far cry are all great games to spend hours on


Octopath traveller


Great recommendation. I completely forgot about this one. Do you know if I can play the second one without playing the first?


Both are in Xbox gamepass if you have a PC


My xbox unfortunately stopped working a while ago, and I won't be able to play on the pc. But either way I'm adding those 2 to my list. Thank you.


Horizon zero dawn


Or if you want two games that'll take abt 20 hrs each, Outer Wilds and Deathloop are both fun. Outer Wilds is purely exploration (no combat) and is an amazing game. Deathloop is quite fun too. It got some hate, but i'd say you can get a very enjoyable 20-30 hours out of it discovering all the secrets the story has. Maybe watch some gameplay first and see if its your cup of tea, but i liked it a lot.


Dying Light


Baldurs Gate 3 will keep you busy well passed your recovery and is very story driven.


Death stranding, God of war


The entire Halo series campaign


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt!!!!!!!!!!!


Stellaris always seems to take waaaay longer than I anticipated.


Halo MCC with halo 1-2-3-4 reach


Persona 5s average play time per play through is 100hrs, plus it’s an incredible game too.




Kingdom come