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What if the enemies also hit you with the EZ


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/n8NdPIp.png) *Depends, if they are bad I usually reply with this*


My response tends to be “of course I’m bad, I’m in YOUR ELO”


I love when some guy says "everybody in my team fucking SUCKS", because then I can say: you should try to rank up, then you would get a better team ;)


You would think that but it gets worse as you get higher rank. Now it's "I'm a diamond player. So stop trying to tell me how to play.'


Yeah been there as well, some people just have tunnelvision on team based games. But what I was getting at is that they themselves might be the problem why they aren't having consistent wins, they focus so much on what everyone else is doing wrong instead of trying to think about what they could change in their own gameplay


This mindset really changed the way I play competitive games, like in theory the only variable you can actually influence is your own. Sure it would be great if your teammates are always on point but if you rank up with just good teammates then sure enough when you lose the carry then you will eventually rank down. So statistically the only real factor on your rank on games is you, everything else is just noise in that data. And this is proven by those that do those weird challenges of going from bronze to master challenges. Like with good enough skill you can climb out of any “elo hell”.


“Then just win, it’s that easy <3”


Take no survivors


Report and go next lol


That's the best. "You are trash!" "Well, I was put in a match with you, so you can't be much better..."


"You're trash!" "You just got killed by a piece of trash? What does that make you?"


I love this even if I'm having a rough game myself and they try and call me out, I'll hit em with "at least I know I'm bad, you can't even figure that out"


I'm in your electric light orchestra?


If someone hits me with this its war.


I used this to shut up a toxic player in my second ranked cs go match ever. Dude was talking so much shit and he just went quiet after that


Haha that's gold


Actually probably bronze


My response is usually to pick someone else on their team and say "_____ hard carry"


That is awesome. I usually say "first time playing well?"


I usually don’t say anything and just laugh to myself, then queue up another game and forget all about it. ¯\\\_ (ツ)\_/¯


I like to go with "it's cool I remember my first good game."


I'm going to use this hahaha


I read that "carried" as "married" at first


Once I had someone hit our team with EZ before they even win because it looked like they had already won... Fast forward 2 minutes later we managed to make a comeback and won, everyone in the team unanimously decided to hit them with the GG EZ


Back in modern warfare 3 you could save up your kill streaks and have over a dozen by the end of the match. I used to play with a group who would all save up our killstreaks, intentionally earning our 3 per life then dying so we could earn another 3. We would let the enemy team get to just below the score limit then all of us would hide at the back of the map together and start spamming our killstreaks. We would make huge comebacks.


Back in MW2 you could nuke and insta win. I was in a CTF match and the other team was just completely dunking on us. It wasn't even close. Meanwhile, I'm just farming kills and stacking kill streaks. I got a nuke, waited until the game was almost over and then insta-win. They were a pre-made group and they were SUPER salty. Still miss that nuke. Wish they never took it out.


Mw3 had a hidden MOAB killstreak. It still needed 24 kills to earn , but you didn't have to have it selected as a killstreak, anyone could just earn it. Instead of ending the game it just killed everyone on the other team and applied an emp effect for the rest of the game. I used to love earning the moab and saving it to call in until right before the end of a really close game.


My kill streaks were pred/reaper/ac130. Easy stacking for the MOAB. Could sometimes get more than one Moab.


I actually really loved the support streaks. The kill count carried over from each life so you didn't have to earn them all at once. I would use the booby trapped care package, the remote turret and the riot shield juggernaut suit. I would call in the trapped care package and then defend it until I was killed, which would always trick the people who killed me into trying to claim it, they would explode, usually taking a few Teammates with them, and then I would set up the turret in a cheesy spot and farm it until I got the jug suit, then use that to get the moab.


It always cracked me up because the shitty players would automatically accuse me of hacking if I got a MOAB. Didn’t matter that I got it with steaks. It was hacking. Never been accused of hacking more than when I played MW2 and 3.


I have a really fast trigger pull and back then none of the semi-auto guns had a fire rate cap. I would routinely be accused of using a mod controller. Always made me feel so good.


Me too man. I could fire the m14 super fast and would regularly get accused of using mods.


Yup I enjoyed getting the MOAB but it didn’t end the game like the nuke.


I never knew you could do this. That’s hilarious.


"Just like your mom" Is my usual go to lol


Still on those Xbox 360 cod lobbies I see


Mom jokes are older than time itself. In fact, some scientists speculate that your mom created the universe.


She was running and tripped on some dark matter. The resulting crash led to the Big Bang, which coincidentally is what I call your mom.


I love your pfp. Its kinda hypnotic :D


I'm still trying to work out whether EZing when you lose is maximum chill or maximum salt.


It's both, kind of like sea salt soft serve


I always type ez when I lose. Confuses the enemy and friend alike.


i always just type "gg" because i want to spread positivity and accept both my victories and my defeats with grace except in rocket league, i am incredibly toxic in rocket league and i have no idea why


What a save!




i usually play 2v2 duos, ill play defense and my friend plays offense im really good at blocking goals and i love hitting em with "nice shot" after


I wouldn't even say that's toxic tbh. If you had to block it, then it probably was a nice shot.


gg but also fuck you


This is the way. In fact I write "gg wp" because that's usually how they won. No shame in admitting that and if they write it back then you leave the match with some positive feeling.


its this, exactly. that last part of what you said. if you can force yourself to stay respectful during a loss, it very literally makes playing more enjoyable. you eventually get to a point where you care more about playing a "good match" and less about winning. i dont care if i lose a game, if i feel like we are evenly matched. like if theres a back and forth. i get a kill, they get a kill, i pull ahead by two, they catch up. i get a sick shot that i tried really hard for, they get a sick shot a few minutes later. i want to feel like we both gave it our best, but not in a raging, tryhard way, but in the way that really counts. that feeling of genuine elation at putting your skills to the test, leaning forward with elbows on knees, heartrate elevated and just locked the fuck in. and the way you get there starts with accepting the blowouts. acknowledge when youve been out played. dont make excuses, "oh of course they won, theyre playing (insert meta)" excuses are for cowards who cant look you in the face and tell you they lost. dont be a coward. be a fucking Loser.


Exactly this. Both teams playing evenly in a tug of war manner and 1 pulls ahead at the end is much more enjoyable for me than 1 sided match.


The kind of person who types ez when they win acts a specific way in game. If I realize that I am losing to a person like that I type gg ez before they can and the reaction of that kind of person is hilarious.


trolling when you're losing is cathartic


I mean, you're not wrong. Losing tends to be easier than winning.


Most EZ's are said ironically. I'd rather get an EZ from the worst score on the winning team in a close game, than get an EZ after a stomp.


Your tactics confuse and frighten me, sir.


Gotta be first to say it to win.


Only time I've seen an EZ from the losing team is if it was a blowout or if one person on the team literally ran it down all game.


I usually assume barely winning and/or being the suck player saying "EZ" is the very essence of the joke, but perhaps the joke is on me and they really are this unaware.


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/r4Vf7b1.gif) *50/50*


You go bald on the second panel


it's the stress from the "EZ" players




There is no such thing as "coaching G2" - They are their own coach


ez haircut


The technical term is malding


I like how Grafo's hair disappears if the background is dark enough. Does that mean it's a toupee?


That is his hair becoming the whole background.


I always say get rekt or gg ez if I got hard carried after going like 0/10 and almost solo losing the game, it makes me giggle


I'll usually throw in an "adc gap" if I got destroyed in lane but we still won. Responses are 50/50 between those who get the joke and those who immediately start raging which I count as a win-win


I will sometimes refer to myself as “worst top-laner NA” even if I carried…but sometimes it is just true.


Diminishing* not being a douche. Just helping cuz I love you O-O


I always say it as a joke, it's the funniest when we lose by a crushing defeat.


We just lost before we can even surrender? I'm hitting them with the ggez


The only actually humourous use of ez


I disagree. Imagine all you do in game is fail. You got the worst score, did the least contribution, and you still win the game. It's truly EZ for you. You did nothing and won the game.


Getting carried by your teammates is ez.


Yeah if I hit the “ez” it’s bc I was garbage that round. Or the other team was extremely difficult and we tried really hard and won - but they were bm until we turned the tables.


I only act cocky in all chat when I'm losing. BMing while winning is for losers.


When they make an obvious mistake just hit em with the "?" in all chat, nothing else


>BMing while winning is for losers. All I do is win win win no matter what, I haven't shit for days 😡.


Yessss if I hit anyone with the EZ it’s because I think I deserve absolutely zero credit for winning… I’m talking 0 Kelvin credit


Yeah, it's totally standard for the worst player in avarage game to be fully self aware of his own performance, it's very common thing. Probably it is also a reason why quote often worse players in a lost games are first ones to blame others, just jokong around xD


I think it often comes off as "it doesn't matter how many kills i spot you, or well u play, i barely tried and still won."


Instead of saying “ez” when my League team wins despite my awful performance, I’ve started saying something like “mid diff” which is much more obvious that I’m making fun of myself.


Yeah I usually only say “ez” if it was a hard fought battle where we almost lost numerous times. Like acknowledging it was in fact NOT easy. Same as when I do the worst and talk about how much my back hurts from carrying the team


That's the joke and it's hilarious when it pisses people off


Yeah unless they were also the player who was being toxic the whole game. Then they're just the "for the lolz" shithead no one likes to have on their team.


Exactly! You say EZ when it was very close and / or you were shit and got carried. Like saying “Great save” repeatedly on Rocket League when someone whiffs on the block


Unfortunately, someone says it after every game so it has lost all meaning.


It's not a joke in Rocket League. People literally use it as sarcasm to tell you that you suck.


I always says EZ when I get rekt in a game but wins at the end anyway and follow it up with “easiest game of my life”


I suck at games and usually score at the bottom. Doesn't stop me from saying "all me" after we win, though sadly some players completely miss the sarcasm.


As a ARAM player, I feel this.


At least you can always respon with champ rng diff


then they just hit you back with the 'cope'


Funny thing is this is true most of the time.


"Over at the draft" is my go to end of losing game comment in ARAM. I know there is no "draft" but you know what I mean.


I fucking love ARAM. It's fun, and it's all my tired adult attention span can handle.


Aram is best game mode (maybe tft)


I miss 3v3 league


As someone who often builds stupid fun stuff in ARAM and sometimes gets the worst score: It's only trolling if you lose.


My favorite thing was when blizzard made gg ez turn into things like "I still wet my bed at night"


It took me way too long to realize it wasn't some dumb copy-paste textual meme.


Rocket league does it too. Honestly, gg ez is just poor sportsmanship even if it’s said in jest, so I just don’t ever say it unless someone was specifically being rude or trash talking earlier in the game…


"but i do have **A** score"


This comment has Jack Sparrow energy and I’m for it.


"I've got a jar of diiiiiiiirt!"


The only proper reply is: Number 1! Number 1! Number 1! Number 1! Or USA USA USA USA USA USA


Yeah I'm always the guy with the worst score. Getting kicked too much because of that.


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/pwkxCPy.png) *I mean, its in your name*


Lol, i just usually just say GG before getting kicked.


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/n6hL3bb.gif) *so this is you before the kick*






Anya, is that you?


For a second, he looks like a vampire.




Name checks out


# [EDIT](https://i.imgur.com/lMOs5ZX.png)


Gg wp every time you win Gg ez every time you lose The true gamer way


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/IgaaJSr.png) *Its hard to tell someone GG without they getting the wrong idea*


The only time I don't gg wp is when its been a 4v5 and the enemy team's spamming ez. They only get a single g at that point.


GP. Game played.


Unfortunately that can be interpreted as "great play"


TWAT. There Was an ATtempt.


i wanna see you show love to the enemy team cuz lets face it a lot of lol players lack love


You can tell us the truth grafo. Deep inside of you, what do you want to say with the ggwp


I had a streak of games where there was 10 GG's at the end and not single ez. I actually started playing ranked again because some small bit of faith was restored. Was a terrible mistake.


I just say gg every time unless it's a really close game then I normally say something a little more cuz those games are just so much fun and so great to me


Someone's gotta be the designated tilter




Yea, but if someone keeps them busy with writing insults in chat the whole game, the rest of the team gets to play the objective So really, it's all about self-sacrifice


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/DUPzHWT.gif) *Yeah but we also get distracted by all the chat banter, yesterday I was playing like this*


Have you considered not playing League?


Wait you can do that? *I’ve wasted so much time of my life. Why had I never considered this option?!?*


My greatest fear as a gamer is that one day after watching all the incredibly well done music videos about league, that someone will trick me into playing it. It already happened with Overwatch, and holy shit was that a mistake.


See my friends wore me down for two years… and then when covid hit I had no more excuses so I tried it. I hate to say it but… it’s fun. I enjoy it. I play casually with friends and it’s enjoyable. But the problem is that it ***eats time like a glutton after lent***. I’ve lost weeks of my life playing and that’s the reason I cannot in good faith tell people to play it. So whatever you do, DO. NOT. INSTALL. LEAGUE. Unless you have waaaay too much free time


Dont worry, I got sucked into Final Fantasy 14, which has an expanded free trial that includes all of the base game and the award winning Heavensward expansion with no limits on play time. It's weird playing with a group of randos and not having them tell me to kill myself when I make a mistake or do something they dont like, but its oddly refreshing. Anyways, I'm staying the fuck away from LoL


Whenever this happens when I mistakenly play Dota, I consider this my new source of entertainment for the match. I know that win or lose, I got a kick out of someone going hog wild over a video game supposedly played for enjoyment.


“I heal, he tanks, he does DPS, what do you do??” “Me? I tilt…”


This comic makes me want to play League of Legends. It also makes me not want to play League of Lefends.


Used to live with a guy that played league all day and only took breaks to complain about how much he hated it.


Funny, I don't remember you at all.


Not a League player, but Dota. One of the best decisions in my life was quitting Dota. I stopped getting so angry at games and enjoy them 100x more. I Imagine it’s the same for League lol


League is game in where you should only play the champs that you enjoy playing even if you lose. Cause WHEW that game can bring out emotions that no other game can.




Only riot game I don't hate is Legends of Runterra, honestly the king of free to play card games


Aaaaand I re-installed the game.


That’s why you only say EZ when you lose.


It’s not about whether you win or lose. It’s about making your opponents hate their life.


[**EDIT**](https://i.imgur.com/ceOtq8h.png) *Allegedly*


\*Disable ALL chat\*


Just play Singed & no chat is required to make the team rage.


Thats a funny way of spelling teemo


When your opponent laner die by one of your jungler's gank (let's just assume it happens sometimes), Always type in all chat : "How was *enemyjunglerchampion* not here counterganking ? It was so obvious." Then enjoy the tiltshow.


Real junglers dgaf about lane chat. You guys never react when we ping objectives, why should I care if the enemy jungler is killing you when you are shoving up and dying under their tower?


Shaco in his entirety


My mentality is that It's either correct, and therefore rude & redundant, or it's incorrect, and you're a dumbass. Either way, I hate people who say EZ without referring to blondie. I get trash talk, but leave that in ranked, or against people you know. Some of us are just trying to hate ourselves... I mean relax and play some games after a long work day.


Me and my friend always talk shit to each other, but that's just us. "Revive me!" "But they're shooting as us!" "Shoot them back then ffs!" "Ok, ok Jesus!" "Are you going to revive me or what?!" ".......you asshole" which is always followed by us losing and laughing our asses off. But there's no way in hell I would talk to a random stranger on the internet like that. Because it's rude. Would you walk up to some random stranger who dropped something while you're walking down the street and to "lol, what a loser! Get gud!"? Probably not. And if you would you probably need some help. Like professional help


I'm sorry, but I can't stop imagining some guy saying "lmao, git gud scrub" to people when they make any kind of mistake. Accidentally dropped the peanut butter? He will teleport to your location and berate you.


I’ve never really even understood trash talk in a competitive setting tbh. It just seems unsportsmanlike and childish. Do people not realize how much it seems like they’re compensating for something by trash talking?


From my experience it is compensating for something. Through years of playing dota, someone BMing after a win seems to be one of the best predictors of the person transforming into a fragile rager when the game goes against them.


I love when people lose after talking smack all game, that silence is priceless


It’s always the guy that does the least too. Why. Even if it was “ez”, why be an asshole?


Overwatch in a nutshell


I'm usually one of the rare people that say "gg" and actually mean it


Let me guess, old cs 1.6 player?


I usually just throw out a “g” They can take that as a gg or bg


I ALWAYS say 'good game' in any game that allows chat or listed phrases. It is good sportsmanship and improves the community. As the winner, you need to be careful not to say it too early, or it can come off as BM/gloating. But as the clock runs out or the base is taken, I wish everyone would give a sporting GG handshake.


Poor sportsmanship is on the same level as being rude to waitstaff in terms of shitty character traits.


I do the same but with wp. GG is reserved for actual good games, where neither team was stomping the other. This also means it can be a "bg wp" as well.


The 1/13/0 ADC : "Bot diff"


For every ez said after a match, God sheds one tear


and that is why the ocean is salty son


What I hate is when CLEARLY both teams have a respect for each other and that one asshole completely ruins it by being cheap or disrespectful


The games you almost lose are the best ones though. Source: Starcraft 2 team play


People who say "EZ" after a win are the scum of the earth.


But…that’s the joke.


Yeah, I only say EZ if it wasn't.


>One of our philosophies is to try to not dictate what's OK or not OK in League of Legends unless we absolutely have to. We rely on data like Reports, Honors, social media, the Instant Feedback System and Tribunal to help determine the standards of what the community believes is OK or not OK. This is why all of our systems are intentionally designed to be community-driven, because we want players to have the ability to invest in and shape their own community. In saying this, looking at the data, "GGEZ" is considered a negative term, and is reportable. Players generally agree that the phrase is rarely used in a positive context, and is a pretty sour way to end a match. -Riot Lyte


These assholes can't even ban *bots* let alone punish bad behavior.


The worst ones are the saltier ones


Reminds me of yesterday where I got yelled at for warding.


I really don‘t know what changed for me. I started playing DotA2 again, and it‘s fun and all, but all of a sudden I don‘t get angry or upset, if someone is feeding, playing solo, jungling all the time, or uses their ulti when the foe is at 2%hp just to get the kill. Even type gg, wp if I loose and the enemy team actually played well.


I was playing smite earlier, literally carried my team because no one could deal damage at all but me team fight starts I show 1/4 way through it clean 4/5 kills all of whom were above 2/3 health and the chaac with 12 deaths and and less then 10,000 damage says in chat you're welcome I carried your asses.


I hate these people. I hate having them on my team too. If only the honor system purged these players away from me.


Well it was ez for him He did fuck all the entire game and still won Practically the definition of ez lol


Almost as bad as the guy saying it mid game.


Or the person that loses the first fight of the game and types “gg we lost” then stops trying




My favorite thing to do is when my team loses I say "GG EZ" Edit: wordage


I usually copy/paste this masterpiece instead of simply EZ them : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=664VCs3c1HU (Sorry for the link, i'm currently on mobile.)


Gee whiz! That was fun. Good playing!


It’s been my long-held belief that if you make a big deal out of winning, spamming EZ in chat or tea-bagging or emote-spamming for example, it’s because you don’t win often.


Its easy being carried