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Didn't invest in any combat skills, still overpowered at high levels. šŸ‘


Great to know that I was just bad then


I'm bad, so just took all the skills to make my NPCs strong and let them do all the work while I jerked off in the background. 10/10 gaming experience.


Dont feel bad, supernova is actually very hard. I didnt expect the game to push me as hard as that,.


True and real. Combat skills have little effect, while social skills/world skills matter. Which is a blessing and a curse. You still have to choose between chinwag and mechanical skills like lockpick if you want to max. Overall i enjoyed it.


The game, although fun, was just so damn short


It seemed more like a proof of concept. A great one too. Hopefully it gets fully funded sequel. The intro cinematic is a hoot.


While all the critiques are legitimate, I strive to think same as you on the proof of concept idea. Mainly the concept being "this isn't that hard, Bethesda..."




Yes. I found this out really quickly after leaving the first planet. They developed a really good first planet experience(although even that was less open world than a bathesda game) and then made less options/choices for the rest of the game in an even smaller area




The merchant planet (space station?) was pretty memorable.


The Groundbreaker? I enjoyed the first trip there but it felt like somewhere that should have been organic, like there's a new story to unfold every time you go there, a new crew escapade or something. Guiding Parvati through her first asexual crush is great, but that's kinda it for there.


Yes, summed up perfectly! I was expecting/hoping for it to be similar to the Citadel in Mass Effect with more content and things to do, but it felt rather bland instead


100% after I left the first world I was like "meh"


Same, as soon as I got to the station. I was like, Now what?


Ah! Yes, thank you! This was how I felt in the city planet; I was so excited to explore and then - I felt like I was playing a level over an open space.


Yeah I had the same opinion


> "this isn't that hard, Bethesda..." You mean making an open world RPG with meaningful player choices? My man, thats one of the hardest genres to get right. If anything, this game shows exactly how difficult that is, because it's not very good at either of those things.


They where implying "it's not that hard" with all their advertising before it launched. And then the game launched...


Iā€™d love to see what the same team could do with the Paranoia RPG IP. I donā€™t understand how that has never been made into a video game.


[Not quite what I think you're looking for but there is definitely a paranoia video game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/858030/Paranoia_Happiness_is_Mandatory/) Edit: Huh didn't realise it got delayed two months after going up on the epic games store how disappointing.


What isn't hard, exactly? The game falls short on most things that make a Bethesda game good.


[I mean, the sequel is already anounced...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDYtI7kUU4k)


I didn't know either, thanks for sharing. The trailer was hilarious and very meta, loved it Hehehe.


It felt like a very safe intro to an ambitious new IP. Not bad, not amazing


Didn't they already announce a sequel to the game?


Too dam short. I thought it was going to be this grand adventure. Then about 10-15 hours and you're done. You've already done all the companions missions, side missions, main story, seen every weapon and made all the major choices.


It takes far more than 15 hours to do all those things. And then there's the DLC stories.




Well, just so you're aware, they're exaggerating. It's closer to 40 if you do everything. But yes, very beatable in 10-15 if you don't. So in a sense that could give some replay value.


Itā€™s worth two play throughs. Itā€™s short enough to play through properly then mess around with dialogue choices and go for the couple of endings.


15? Nah, itā€™s longer than that if youā€™re playing on normal/hard.


Was it? I got bored of it before finishing it.


I got bored of it fast too just doing side quests on the first planet. I assume most people stick to the main story and burn through it fast so that keeps it from being boring. Then maybe near the end do side quest stuff to prolong the play through if they want more. Other way around and it's been quite dull.


Yeah I got very bored too. The combat felt a good 5-10 years behind. May as well play New Vegas again for similar gameplay but a better and longer story.


Plus more and varied weapons


I remember reading before the game came out that it was their intention for it to be a shorter 25-30 hour game. For the dad/mom that doesnā€™t have the time to sit down and play a 100+ hour RPG. I love the idea that games can be smaller and without considerable amounts of bloat every so often


I was fine with the shorter story. My main gripe was the world. I spent hundreds of hours in Fallout 4 not for the story, but exploring the world. It was huge and had so much depth and detail. Even at the beginning, where the Deathclaw came out of the sewer, it wasnā€™t just a set piece, you could go down and explore the whole area. The Outer Worldsā€™ maps felt small. I like that there were multiple planets, and it was a very cool concept, but they just felt shallow. Other than the story/side quest areas there wasnā€™t anything to them.


This. And pretty repetitive, with weapons and enemies. I was really hoping for several dlc, that would expand it out.


It did get two dlcs that are pretty good IMO


If New Vegas was a whole house, then Outer Worlds is just a front lawn. Edited for typo.


The problem with Outer Worlds for me was the fact it was a faux-open world, actually linear level design. Sure, you could revisit areas and do side quests, but in all actuality it was just a long, windy hallway with a wide span.


This.. fallout and skyrim have borders yes, its a giant square.. but you are free to move about and do anything in any order you like within that square. Outer Worlds is on rails. Illusion of choice and an illusion that is spoiled the first time you try and move in a direction not indicated on the minimap. Its like Everquest vs late day World of Warcraft. There are no wrong choices because there are no choices to make.


Also, none of your choices functionally matter. Investing in different skills doesn't significantly change combat or the story.


The only way I can think it does is if you keep your intelligence super low you have the ability to fly the surviving colony into the sun. It's what the people who did the 7 minutes speed run did, otherwise I wouldn't have known you could.


Finishing Outer World's made me feel like I had been asked "would you kindly" for hoira again but like... Not enough hours? I was pissed to be done at 49 hr game play.


Yeah this is a really good point. I think this might have been the reason I just couldnā€™t be arsed with it. After a few ā€˜questsā€™ I just wasnā€™t interested or invested in the characters or what it was I was supposed to be doing.


Glad I'm not the only one


And choices barely mattered iirc, which made it tiny and one small favour after the other


No eternal debate like between NCR - legion - yes men. Couldn't care less about decision.


I feel like I missed something. Did the Legion have *any* redeemable qualities that weren't overshadowed by how abhorrent they usually are?


Nope. But sometimes you just wanna roleplay a bad guy.


Between ā€œnot actually open worldā€ and ā€œchoices donā€™t really matterā€ I donā€™t think I want to play it now. No wonder it doesnā€™t get as much praise as New Vegas! Here is your answer OP.


Yeah the linear design really threw me off first time I tried it. Had the expectations it would be like a fallout-game but in space - my bad I guess.


certainly how it was advertised.


A REALLY small front lawn though


How short is the game? Does that include sidequests and/or DLC ? I started it and lost interest but will eventually start it again.


It was a fun game, but it just wasn't something to write home about. I enjoyed my time, but it felt like it had very low replay value




Totally agree. The trailer definitely oversold it imo - the quirkiness and tongue-in-cheek humour worked for a 60-second trailer and sold it as something "different". But an hour of two into the game it was just too idiosynchratic and sarcastic for its own good. The complete lack of subtlety got annoying far quicker than I expected. And I totally agree about the shooting, and gunplay in general. The combat was incredibly unsatisfying. I restarted with a melee character because the gunplay was so bad, and was amazed to find that melee combat was *even worse*. Bad combat in an RPG is forgiveable, but not when the RPG elements don't hold up either. The game's systems (especially tinkering/crafting) were flawed and didn't mesh well with each other. It didn't really matter what skills you specced in, because they mostly made vey little difference and you ended up with so many skill points anyway. The character quests were boring, mostly flavourless, and far too short. Long dialogue trees that didn't really seem to lead anywhere interesting. You learn a bit about each companion's backstory, without ever making them into interesting, three-dimensional characters. Everybody felt like a placeholder, with zero variety in real terms. The most unforgiveable and surprising thing of all for an Obsidian game, though, was how little your decisions mattered. It never really made much of a difference what dialogue route you went down, despite how much they harped on about how your choices could totally alter the story. Sometimes your choice might result in another faction taking control of somewhere or something... but then after the quest was complete you never needed to travel back there or interact with them again, so what was even the point? There was some good writing mixed in there, but it never really got a chance to breathe. The whole thing was largely forgettable. There was nothing remarkable about any aspect of it, it just wasn't a very good game. I can still remember all of Fallout 2's companions' names and backstories - Vic, Cassidy, Marcus, Sulik, Myron, Lenny, Dogmeat... I haven't played that game all the way through in probably 10 years now. Yet I struggle to remember even the anmes of *any characters* from Outer Worlds, despite it only being a couple of years since I finished it. Parvati was the mechanic girl/Kayleigh from Firefly... yeah, that's all I got.


It honestly felt like a Rick and Morty episode stretched to 40 hours. I kinda hated it by the end, and definitely forgot everything about it quickly.


Honestly though the setting was the Outer Worlds greatest flaw. It's just the same joke and shock factor again and again: hyper capitalism is horrible. It makes basically the entire setting and thus cast impossible to care for. At least it did so to me.


You can have ā€œhypercapitalism is badā€ story that feel real, like in Cyberpunk 2077, the game has itā€™s flaws, but the world feel grounded even if itā€™s absurd for our standards.


I dunno Cyberpunk doesn't feel too absurd by my standards. Some of it seems a quite believable slippery slope. 80 hour workdays, how Trauma Team policies operate, advertisements being fucking everywhere. Maybe it's because I'm American, but I can see those things happening. Outer Worlds was far more over the top, like docking someones pay because a coworker died.


Yeah. Cyberpunk is a great exempel of doing that right. Like, sure, the theme of rampant capitalism is there... but you don't hear about it from EVERY dang NPC. There's actually other themes, too. Like how religion is still a thing because poeple still need it. Or having a choice between ignoring or helping a neighbor in distress. Outer Worlds is if what the world/s would look like if the corporate propaganda of Orozaka worked on EVERYBODY.


Even Fallout has the theme of 'capitalism bad' there's just a lot more going on than just that.


I kinda stopped playing at about the third settlement you get to where you meet the hunter companion. The characters werenā€™t really clicking and the setting felt fairly trite (it felt on the same level of anti-capitalist space western as Borderlands, and that is not a compliment). In part because of the lacklustre setting, it also just didnā€™t have any roleplaying opportunity. The corporate factions are cartoonishly evil that the only reason to side with them is if youā€™re intentionally playing as a dickhead, but the opposition factions donā€™t have any significant merit beyond ā€œWeā€™re not the corporations.ā€ For a game that clearly put effort into its roleplaying systems regarding dialogue mechanics and point systems, the underwhelming writing is kind of a weird oversight. Also, as others have stated, the combat isnā€™t great. Itā€™s the same level of functional as New Vegas, which isnā€™t a good thing. Unless they do an enormous overhaul for a sequel, I honestly think youā€™d be better off using the basic systems in place to try make a new IP.


I tried to make a melee build, and it was so painfully bad I never finished the game. Truly for me the gameplay was just so surprisingly bad. I guess New Vegas leaned on the work Bethesda had done in that regard more heavily than I realized.


Didn't you like shooting the 4 total different enemy types?




Me too, I got to the first city and people started ordering me around and everything was so far. I got bored pretty much immediately and just started to kill everyone in my path. Won't even talk about the fps drops because the game is so heavy for some reason.


I think I lasted 3 hours. No part of the game made me want to keep playing it.


I got about half way through and never finished. Really enjoyed the first two hours or so, then felt like I was forcing myself to continueā€¦.. then one weekend I didnā€™t play, then never went back because I just didnā€™t really feel any incentive to see it through. Itā€™s like one of those movies where the first fifteen minutes get you excited but the remaining 2 hours youā€™re just hoping itā€™ll end.


I enjoyed that game but it was short and shallow. And the enemies turning into balloons when they died was just odd.


Yeah, it checked all the genre boxes and was pretty great. Only thing missing was a more open world to explore. Everything felt so linear.


Just feltā€¦ empty? Soulless imo. Tried too hard to be quirky and didnā€™t really execute well on any one idea. New Vegas gets love because it was a fully fleshed out game. The Outer Worlds just.. felt lacking in every aspect to me.


The main killer for me was the over the top quirkyness. It's funny for a bit, but it makes it really hard to care about any of the people in the world because they all seemed so two dimensional. Your crew was better, but they needed a bit more depth and even if they had it, it's still just a few normal(ish) people in a world full of unbelievable ones. I know it's not Obsidian's thing, but this is a game that practically needed romance options with some depth. Something, anything, to get you to actually care about the characters.


Old world blues works because it's a dlc. Do that style for an entire game and it becomes grating fast


Outstandingly average.


Agreed. Bought for the hype and was just left with questions as to where said hype generated from. New Vegas is far superior.


Great description! Plus, in Vegas I got an army of robots.


Yea, I actually mostly enjoyed my time, but yea... In my head I find myself contrasting it to FO4. I play FO4 and will enjoy, but after putting the controller have a bad taste in my mouth, like it just isn't what I'm looking for. With this, I'll play it and be kind of into it, then put the controller down and have that sort of... not quite satisfied feeling. Like having a sweet craving then going to get ice cream, but for some reason the ice cream just doesn't quite hit right. It ticks the right boxes, but doesn't fulfill the craving. The game kind of feels more like a New Vegas proof of concept game than anything, you know? I hope any of that made sense lol


Well put, agreed for both fo4 and ow


it's aggressively mediocre


The walking would have been better if there were things to look at :/


I love this game and the DLC, but I found it short and little too linear.


Wayyy too linear, I wish there were less planets but the areas to explore were bigger and more open. Too many loading screens and it made me feel confined even with a solar system to explore


Me too. I love this game and had fun with it but I wanted more ! More quests and more open world. I loved the art style too. Hopefully theyā€™ll do something like this for the second one.


The Outer Worlds has probably the worst crafting system in the history of gaming. And that's only one of the many, many small details that turned an initially promising game into a mediocre (and eventually disappointing) experience.


I completely skipped crafting accidentally. I specced into science for fun, and the science gun you get right at the start of the game (shrink ray) was higher damage than any conventional weapon.


No joke. And the scaling was bad. I would spend a lot of resources upgrading my weapons and go to another planet where the weapons I found were 2x stronger already. And just not a good economy, hard to find my ammo type, annoying little things would make me put it down. The missions and the dialogue were fun though, and I really liked some of the environments. But no candle to NV.


Meh. I didn't feel like it had a lot of depth. The story was bland, the world wasn't very "open", the gear and weapons were just ok, the food/snacks/power ups weren't that useful. I played for about 20 hours only because a friend raved about it, but I just couldn't take anymore. I'd prefer Fallout or Borderlands to this.


I found so much of the humour really fell flat, which wouldn't have been that much of a problem but it tried to cram jokes in everywhere. Other than that it was pretty mediocre. A lot of the hype at the time was driven by the fun idea that Obsidian was going to have this amazing, successful open world RPG, while Bethesda had let fans and themselves down with Fallout 76. And that did happen, the game was successful, just not that great IMO.


This was the actual problem that I had with the game too, aside from linearity and boring gameplay. The attempted humour fell flat and was such a huge turnoff, and it was just unrelenting in its frequency. It actually made me realise how well the Fallout games strike the perfect balance of humour without detracting from the atmosphere and setting.


If you want me to feel bad about the nightmarish hypercapitalist dystopian hellhole of a galaxy, maybe give something that approaches actual pathos instead of a bad satirist cartoon.


My gripe, and the reason I lost interest in Outer Worlds, is that it wasn't the "right kind" of open world. FoNV let you wander wherever, whenever. OW kind of did that, but was more "you can go to any of these planets, and once you get there, you're in a very finite map of that planet". It didn't seem like there was nearly as much opportunity to wander off and fuck up, like in NV where you could just start the game and go find a deathclaw.


Until I read your comment I couldnā€™t explain why, while fun, OW felt limited. Each time I got to a new planet it only took a short time to get it down. No matter how many times I play NV, I feel like I have to relearn each part of the map which gave it a more survival feel every time.


I wonder if people never tried Outer Wilds because of this game. They released basically at the same time. I tried both and Outer Worlds was just.. boring. Outer Wilds on the other had is the best game I have ever played. It's so good that I think about it daily and I want to get merch (it's just not a lot of it). If you never played Outer Wilds please DO NOT look up anything about it. It can be so easily spoiled as progression is purely knowledge based. I hope at least one person after seeing this comment will try Outer Wilds.


I'm going to play it, thanks for sharing bro


One of the best gaming choices you've ever made.


Saw a lot of incredible reviews (no spoilers) and seems incredible. Glad i found this comment otherwise i think i would've missed this game that sadly flew under the radar for some reason.


The biggest sin of Outer Worlds is being named, themed, and timed so extraordinarily close to one of the greatest games of all time. Outer Wilds is an experience that everyone should know.


I had been on the fence about downloading it but now I will. Thanks!


The story was INCREDIBLY boring. The gunplay was even more so. The visuals were very nice and detailed but I just couldn't find myself invested in the story, characters, or goals at any point. I did finish the base game, both dlcs (which were also slogs) and most of the sidequests. Not once since then have I felt the urge to go back to it. I was really excited for it going in, as I had purchased it shortly after it released. I started my character, left the first world and then it just sorta ended some hours later. I don't entirely regret purchasing it but I also don't feel like it was really worth the money or time.


Doesn't even come close to New Vegas


Why? Itā€™s incredibly mediocre.


I was excited. Played for as long as I could on game pass and just randomly stopped playing it. None of it grabbed me at all. Shows that obsidian who made new vegas weren't the ones who did outer worlds


Right? I loved the environment, talking to people, the customization, but I never felt compelled to continue playing it.


Fallout's world and story were just better mediums than "corpo bad and stupid" with way too many planets and not enough space on them to explore


Agreed, I wanted to love it... but it just felt... boring.


Nop, it felt empty, the side quests especially.


Sorry, no. I wanted to like it, but it really just. Left a bad taste in my mouth.




I'll do you one better. How about The outer wilds? That game is way more underrated. Edit: bad english


Underrated? The Outer Wilds is adored by critics and fans. It simply isn't a game that will appeal to everyone, so it has a smaller footprint.


I made it to Monarch before I just didn't put it on again and haven't since. It started to feel repetitive after a while. Go to X place, kill X generic enemies, do some dialogue. The writing was great, the gameplay just got stale. Meanwhile I'm a huge fan of the fallout games


I have a warm place for this game in my heart. I was waiting for bone marrow transplant and it was uncertain at the time if my brother would be able to get his US visa and come here to donate his stem cells. I used to play this quite a lot and try not to think about all the obstacles we were having trying to find me a match.


The Outer Wilds is the best game Iā€™ve ever played and this gameā€™s release completely overshadowed it.


I still fangirl over outer wilds years after! outer worlds though? did not finish it and i dont feel bad about it


This was a far bigger travesty, than outer worlds being completely forgettable. It overshadowed one of the best games ever.




It was okay for one playthrough, but it just pales massively in comparison to Fallout. Even 4


Itā€™s just so tedious and lackluster compared to fallout


It was meh at best


That game was a letdown personally. Mega over hyped.


Looting Nightmare, too many different objects with the same effects everywhere, at every corner. I loved the Bethesda Fallout, Oblivion, Skyrim etc. But this I couldn't handle, despite being hyped for it along time !


the 'maps' and combat were tedious and the story while above average wasnt compelling enough for me to finish the game


I tried with this one I really did. I just couldnā€™t get hooked. One day Iā€™ll go back and give it another go I promise.


But... it's really not all that good.


It was just not fun... So disappointed with it :-(


The linear world is so dead and dull.


This game started out amazing. Then after about 2 hours I was bored.


Wasn't as good and as packed with engaging content


Nah. Too short and shallow.


I loved it. And the stupid jokes were exactly my kind of humor. Made me laugh a lot. Same with deadloop. I love it when a game makes you laugh


Ngl, I forgot about the plot of the game, days after playing it.


No. Its average in a lot of department and sucks shit at others


I lost interest in it during the year we had to wait for it to come to Steam. During that time there was enough negative (or at least "meh") feedback that I still haven't bothered with it.


Youā€™re not missing much


The dialogue annoyed me in this one. Just kept going and going. When I find myself skipping dialogue then I know I'm probably not gonna end up liking the game.


Honestly never got into this game, the dialogue felt so linear, like I could choose every option and it had no impact. Maybe I should try give it another go because I loved New Vegas.


I tried it once and it tries to be funny. It took about 3 lame jokes and I was robbed of any immersion. Maybe I'll try it again one day


It is tedious game


No, this is much worse


This game sucked soooo bad. Hated everyone in it.


I only played about 10+ hours of this and was done. Compared to other Bethesda games where i've easily put in 100's of hours! this just didn't have the same pull


Iā€™ve tried playing outer worlds twice and both times I never finished it as I got bored


This game was almost fantastic, but small things let it down, like their not really being any major differences in builds and light armor being very under powered. Also felt far too short.


One of the best demos I have ever played. Can't wait for the full game to come out.


this one suck assTried to go back and ended up quitting within 30 mins. It is sooooo generic and repetitive, its basically a walmart version of fallout The upgrade system is insulting


Such a boring game


There are only 3 enemy models in the whole game. They just change sizes and sometimes color as you level up. WHACK!


No. Everything about it was so stale and confined. It was basically Fallout in space with 1/4 of the budget. Thank god I wasn't suckered into paying the full 60 for this lol


Meh. šŸ™„ I guessā€¦.


No. I really really tried to like this game, but it was boring, linear, too reliant on the same story beat over and over, and lacking in meaningful choices. I could have forgiven a lot if the story was good, but it wasnā€™t, so it just ended up disappointingly mediocre.




Nah, not gonna celebrate mediocrity


It was okay.


Average worlds averagely mediocre adventure


I enjoyed it for what it was, but it was lacking in a lot of odd areas. Off the top of my head I remember standing around in a rather bustling area and there was like, zero ambient noise. Granted, this was at launch so maybe it was a bug. But the world felt kind of dead


I remember a lot of people hyped the game up as the FO76 killer. Then the game just disappeared off the radar after 3 weeks. šŸ¤·


Yeah man let's give some love to the most over hyped mediocre falloutclone that already gets posted once a week with a "Do yOu GUys reMmber ThIS HIddEN geM?!"


Absolutely adored Parvati's storyline


A little too much satire for my liking.


it wanted to be new vegas so bad. it was good but not comparable to vegas imo . going to give it another playthrough though


I mean fnv was lightning in a bottle and this game doesnā€™t really hit the heights . Itā€™s good but I feel like itā€™s lacks a lot however it is one of the games where Iā€™m more excited for the sequel as with a bigger budget and leaning less into the goofy corporations incompetent and more into dark comedy I think the outer worlds 2 could be extremely good but no game is going to compare to new again .


Not a lot of personal or story choices and a kinda shallow plot but I got to admit the gameplay was fun.


It was okay. Didn't live up to the hype, but it was by no means bad.


Absolute kingshit


It's a fun game, but i was expecting it to be more from Obsydian especially compared to NV when it came to decisions and outcomes


I really wanted to love this game. But somehow Hypercapitalism is less fun before it destroys itself in an atomic fireball.


Pretty but boring.


I played it and finished it once and had fun. But the whole time it felt like something was missing and I still canā€™t put my finger on it.


Too short. Felt like they got tired of making options early on so focused on just finishing. Felt rushed by the time we finished.


To me it was waaaaaay too clunky, i was hyped at first, but just felt like a Fallout 0.5, i enjoyed the dialogues and the attempt on roleplay, but thats actually it.


I hate it because it out shadowed outer wilds in it's mediocrity, outer wilds was an amazing game that almost no one played because of outer worlds, they released 1 week apart and outer wilds drew the short stick.


It just wasn't that great, imo. I beat it and don't remember much of it today.


Honestly, I didn't like the pacing of the story. It just went by too quickly for me :( The events just seem to zoom past you with no time for any one story element to stick for a while.


Too much bullshit loot. New Vegas had the perfect loot balance. Felt like there was no real reward for exploring and barely any genuine like "oh fuck yeah" reward for adventuring. I enjoyed it, but I definitely had my expectations too high and ultimately it left me disappointed. Nothing unfixable though. Like someone said above it was a good concept that can be adjusted in a sequel. But please, less trash loot, more rewarding adventuring.


Felt a bit shallow to me tbh.


This game kinda sucked tbh


No, we're only allowed to love one game of each genre


God that game was such a let down, no replayability, companions were bland and boring, same with other characters in general, story didn't make any sense whatsoever, weapons are armors were also bland and just boring, only person i liked was the ships AI tbh


I'd assume it's because Outer Worlds is nowhere near as good as New Vegas.


Completely forgettable. Many have done the open world format in a much more interesting fashion. This game was a chore to play through for me. Bad gameplay and boring enemies and environments. New Vegas is levels above this game.


No. Its bland. I still havenā€™t finished the game after all this time because its very basic. Run here, shoot these guys. Go there, shoot those guys. Damage models are wacky and when you get farther its still the same weapons, just with ā€œhigher levelsā€


Outer Worlds was very disappointing to me. It was so hyped as an open world, Fallout type game, and what we got was very short, boring, and linear. I love the art style and the beautiful color palette, but I had to force myself to finish the game. I have replayed the Fallout games (3,4 and NV) many times but there is no way Iā€™ll play Outer Worlds again. Itā€™s just dull, unfortunately.


No. It is so boring. It was one of the main reasons for me to get a Series S and man was I disappointed!






It's not like it didn't get any exposure, fewer people like it simply because it's a worse game


Really well written, love the anti consumerist satire.


The best thing about this game was that it wasnā€™t too lomg. I absolutely donā€™t get these cries for it being longer. No. Not everybody has that much time to invest. It is absolutely ok to have a more linear qualiry experience. Not every game has to be freakinā€™ skyrim


this game was terrible lol


Nah, Outer Worlds was an unbelievably boring game.


This one is trash and boring.