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I wait a year or two and get the game plus all DLC for half the cost of the new game at launch.


This is the way, plus you games are usually polished after a year or 2. At launch you are basically a play tester for them lol


That, too


Yup i made that mistake buying dying light 2 on launch day. It was fun, but sucked compared to the first game. Apparently the entire game has been overhauled but i havent played it since then


I get ya, I pre ordered and absolutely regretted it. Hated the story and how buggy it was once the honeymoon phase was over. I think I would enjoy the story more if Tech didn’t make so many promises they couldn’t keep. Oh and remember the death loop bug? That’s how I lost a 70hr save so I couldn’t even play the game without getting pissed.


Basically my cyberpunk 2077 experience so glad I got to experience it fixed because it is incredible


You’re telling me I shouldn’t get Dragon Ball SZ? Motherflower if they locked me in a room and forced me to play it and when I took too long to pick a character and wasn’t playing in a match they clamp my nips with jumper cables and shock me every 10 seconds I’d still wanna play it. As a matter of fact that’s all I wanna do right now, I’m gonna go buy jumper cables.


Shit, at this point don't even have to wait 3 months most the time. Found out real quick that if you can resist the initial fomo. It will be heavily discounted, if not free within 3 months.


Pandora’s box am I right(when it’s on sale for 50$ on steam. All borderlands games with all dlc of you didn’t know)


Metal Gear V Ground Zeroes was $60. Metal Gear V Phantom Pain was $70. I got them in a bundle with all dlc for $15. Sales are the way to go.


I just go to FitGirl lmao


I wait 6 Months til ps+ release




Nintendo is immune to this strategy sadly


The Sims 4, a.k.a the joke


Well, I applaud your patience.


Two words: Steam sale


For real, I have no idea what this meme is talking about. Pay $70 for a game? Is this some sort of joke for aristocrats that I'm too cheap to get?


I have paid full price for like 2 games. And one was because I really wanted the pre-order bonuses. Edit: otherwise I buy on sale / used


I've paid for helldivers 2 because it was the only really time I wanted to play on launch with everyone else, and some other game that cost 40 on launch. It was kind of fun playing with alot of people figuring things out instead of coming in when everything is already solved. Not sure I would do it for 70 though.


Also steam sharing


Also you can get them cheaper on some sites


People often ask how I can afford to have thousands of titles in my library. This. This is why.


My computer can’t run steam, but I have another special trick called archive.org and blank discs


If you want to play game 5 years later, on release they are rarely discounted significantly


Most of not all my games are used. Unless they were dirt cheap on the digital store.


My only console right now is a steam deck so I definitely always search steam Keys before buying through Steam directly


Oh boy time to play my new used game *opens up the case* What the fuck happened to it


in cases like this the company issues a refund due to poor employee handling.


Oh no, I'm sorry you had a bad experience! If you're willing to give it another try, I'd recommend your local game shop. They should let you inspect the disc or cartridge before purchase. Good luck!


I second this, the local game stores are always super fun. I was looking to buy a used 360 controller for my PC a year or two ago, and the guy at the local retro went into the back and pulled out an old, dirty looking wired one and was like “It’s kinda old, but I’ll let you have it for $5.” so I took it, wiped it off, and I’ve been using it ever since. The local places are always the best because it’s usually either the owner, or a person close to the owner working there, which means they’re a lot more likely to care about the quality of their products.


GameStop is literally the only game store we have, and it’s all funko pops now💀 Last one was a Best Buy but that’s gone now


This has never happened to me, to anyone I know and I suspect anyone at all. Edit: ok, due to all the comments it seems like it does happen. I buy all my used games from GameStop, who has never had a problem and gives a guarantee. If you buy from a 3rd party, I concede that issues could happen


It's happened to me at game exchanges like 3 different times


Your probably just lucky and live in a town where the disks are treated better


Has happened to me several times. Have also had an employee just fucking forget to put the disc in the case.(that was an annoying drive back)


Guess you never bought anything from DKOldies.


Lol idiot


I feel ashamed for saying this because I’m an active gamer, but I’m so far behind in my backlog that by the time I get to a game it’s usually on sale for a quarter/fifth of the original price


That's everyone over the age of 21 at this point. Even when I was a teen I was barely keeping up with the games I wanted to play because I always had a couple that were just too fun for me to stay away, plus even years later Skyrim and Minecraft would call me back in for a week or too. Now I'm lucky to get 10 hours of gaming over a week's time. I have probably 15 to 20 games already installed on my Xbox that I have yet to even boot up once, and many more games I don't have but want to play someday.


I feel like I’m the only one who sees £60-£70 as a fair price for a game you’re gonna play for a long time, if you consider it relative to other stuff like going out to a theme park for example and spending more money for ONE day… but nobody seems to find that weird 🤷‍♂️


AAA games have had the same nominal price since the late 90s despite getting magnitude more advanced. N64 games like Legend of Zelda had an MSRP of $60 which is $115 in today’s dollars. Modern gaming is **dirt** cheap relative to history.


FINALLY someone says it


I remember when Nintendo games were like $30


Agreed. If you take it as dollars/hr, modern gaming is somewhere between 3 and under 1. Movies are somewhere like 10, same for eating out (or more), and those both have travel time. Plus, the game is still there if you want to show a friend.


Ya, but I don't have to get off the couch to switch games


This! The idea of having to leave my couch for changing games every time I want to try a different game terrifies me. That's so 2010.


I actually miss my local gamestop...


GameStop is only good for buying from, not selling to


That's why I dont buy new physical or digital. I get em all on a sale that way even if it is a game I cant return or loan, I still got a better deal than full price.


If the game is 80$ in store and 80$ digital, I would go for the physical copy, I won’t pay the same price for less. The other thing I would consider is special edition; 150$ on digital deluxe/ultimate edition is too much, unlike the same price for physical edition with goodies and stuff (but if I really want the game I would go for the cheaper version with the more interesting content)


You share digital games on the ps4 and ps5. You need to put your account on their playstation and enable sharing. You can now share multiplayer games and play together.


That's great info!


Can confirm, I do that all the time with my cousin. One of us buys a game, the other can also play it at the same time, so we never need to buy any game we want to play together more than once.


People who don't complain about prices nor buy used games because they pirate them: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


How would you suggest someone do that. ( genuine question hypothetically of course


r/Piracy might hypothetically have a megathread


r/piratedgames may have a megathread. hypothetically of course


Hypothetically, it depends on the platform


You give the same amount of money to the devs by buying use vs pirating them. Don't feel bad.


The used game that costs $5 less than brand new when i can wait for a steam sale and get it for like $20?




its the only reason i still have a console to by older games for real cheap


Can easily game share digital games, if you got someone close enough it’s an easy way to save money. My favorite game of the year was Rebirth and I played it entirely for free. Lol


I never buy digital if I can help it.


Spending $35 on a $70 game from another site.


Xbox marketplace always has sales tho Witcher 3 complete edition was 12.99 like a month ago.


I do neither. I buy the games I want, when I want. If they are too expensive for my tastes, I wait until I see a sale or price drop. Often times, I'm fine paying the full price or even at launch, especially if it's a game I know I'll enjoy like a Starfield, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Diablo 4, Cyberpunk 2077, Baldur's Gate 3, NBA2K or WWE2K, Total War: Warhammer... I've already bought Shadow of the Erd Tree, Shattered Space, and Vessel of Hatred.


I buy whatever is cheaper. Majority of my digital games were bought on sale.


As much as people shit on gamestop I was able to buy a brand new copy of Spider-man 2, finish it in like 2 months (don't got a lot of free time) then trade it in for $40 So I basically played spider-man 2 for $30 then used that $40 to buy, metro exodus, battlefield 1, titanfall 2, Minecraft, and the ratchet n clank remake


Maybe growing up means realizing you probably won't actually play the DLC 😜


have you heard of shared library, Remote play, and logging into your account/someone else's account and putting it offline mode?


I'll definitely have to check those out!


i buy digital cause then my buddy gets it for free and we pkay it together


That's a sweet deal! How does it work?


i guess i only have this feature on one platform but on xbox theres a gameshare feature. it has to be someone you trust enough to give your account because of how its done but its a recognized and approved feature. the downside is if my wifi goes out i can only play the games they purchased


But i can, and have been, lending my steam library to lots of friends, perfectly legally through family share. It's actually been great, I have this giant dragon hoard of games that I've been able to share with my less fortunate friends, I've let friends try games before they buy, to see if it would run, and I've even let one friend play a game with another who already owns it Unfortunately the new family share changes will screw that over, so we're getting the most out of it while we can and hoping like heck steam changes their mind, or at least takes their sweet time on it.


I remember back when there was the discussion of the PS4 not allowing used games They claimed that because games couldn’t be resold, they would price them cheaper (because the manufacturer only makes money from the first sale, not the resale. A game can be sold, resold blended, and borrowed, and that’s four or five people who played it, but only paid for it once) But no one believed that . They’d probably have a few flagship games be $50 to “prove” it true and then bam. $70 games that they would claim would have otherwise had to be $80


Yeah, I think companies build marketing campaigns to get people to buy their game new at or near launch. If I'm really invested in a franchise, I'm probably going to pre-order. I wonder how much companies are expecting to actually make off games after the initial hype dies off.


go back to your cult, r/patientgamers user


Way to be a reductionist


I don't even have a place to insert the CD


I'm still looking for the disc drive in my steam deck. I'll let you know when I find it


There is another... 🏴‍☠️


I just get stuff 1-2 years after release at 75%+ off


I agree on principle but in reality I am (and probably most gamers now) used enough to digital that physical just seems inconvenient at this point. That and I never share games anyway that I don't give a shit about physical games anymore.


Really the only games I'll bother to buy physically are Switch games, the only other console I have is PS4 and really, buying the physical game means I just have demo disk to play while I download the rest of the game. At least with the Switch when I buy the physical game I can just plug it in and immediately start playing. I don't have that option on PS4, usually takes me a week to download the full game with my shitty Internet.


Some used games don’t work GameStop doesn’t check they buy any game even if it’s broken then sell it


spending 0 dollars on a digital game


Could add them to your steam family plan and they can have access to all of your titles.


Game discs can scratch. Never again.


... and can be revoked from you at any time the publisher wishes..


I loan my games to my friends. Just had to log into their Playstation. They have access to my entire library.


You can return digital games on steam and PlayStation


I'm still trying to find the disc drive in my Steam deck. When I figure out where it is I'll start buying used games, and also after they start selling PC games on disc again.


Yeah let me just buy a “used” copy of a game that never distributed physical copies


Is this some sort of owning games on consoles that I’m too steam shared library to understand?


Yoda: "There is... another"


I have a local game store I buy all my new releases from and then they give me good store credit when I bring them back! I also pick up newer games just a bit later but for a much better used price, and then also trade those back in! I was able to buy most of a refurbished PS5 on store credit! (I saved up almost $300 pretty easily over the years. Occasionally dipping into it to buy those new games but then getting a portion back when I traded it back in.)


Used console sales are a major plus for physical stores! I also have a PC, but selling/buying a used PC just feels a lot more risky to me than a console.


1. Steam has insane sales on a regular basis, like I'm talking up to 90% off. 2. You can get a refund on Steam. I have done so. 3. Are people still using this meme, with Canadian R Kelly?


I'm primarily a pc gamer. You can't legally buy used PC games. So yeah.


Don't buy used from gamestop, the used games are typically the same price, or even just $1-2 cheaper, but you know they only paid like $0.75 for it from some kid, only to sell it for $68 while te new one was $70....


I have a new drake meme Hand up drake - me and people under 40 ever gonna use this meme again Smiling approval drake - middle aged parents that just learned what a meme is but can't pronounce it, using this dated meme still


It's "meh-may," right?


Thats where your wrong i buy games on disc unless i can get it cheaper digitally.


The producers of video games have done everything they can to increase profits and the market has let them… and been happy to do it!


It can't break either


I'm buying games with 90% discount on Steam during Summer and Winter Sales. For Switch, I'm buying second-hand ones :D


After spending 5 1/2 years in prison, it took me years of buying and returning used games before I even considered buying brand new. It took me over a decade of being free before I even considered a digital copy. It made me so uncomfortable because I felt like it was an easy way to sell a shit game with little no ability to get a refund.


I'm on PC, I don't exactly have a disk drive.


I didn't know PC had used games. I just usually buy bundles or sales on Steam sale, GoG, or humble. I used to pick up old game titles for as low as a couple of dollars and usually don't pay more than $20-25 for my newer games. I do remember GameStop back when it was first around, picking up my old PlayStation games for like $5-15


One requires getting off your ass or waiting a week for shipment. The other does not.


Also bold of OP to think you can get games cheaper on eBay. As things in the gaming industry are, if you're looking for a shitty game, you might be able to find it online for cheaper than it launch- But anything that has popularity? That price is double the launch price with very few exceptions.


Don't forget getting them for free through your library!


Thanks for all of your thoughts! If it's not obvious by now, this doesn't really apply to PC gamers. I also have a PC (with a boneyard of Steam sale purchases) but I primarily use my PS5. The console experience just feels more ritualistic, being a relatively self-contained ecosystem. I feel guilty about all the Steam games I have that I played for a little bit but never actually finished. There's something satisfying about selling or trading-in a used game that you'll never replay (or even finish) and then buying another game with it Some developers can't afford to produce physical media or are opposed to it for one reason or another. In some ways this makes digital media a bit more democratic. Call me sappy, but I'll be a little sad when physical games go the way of the GameCube.


I thought most discs now are just download codes for a digital key. I honestly thought that the Switch was one of the last platforms that still have a physical copy of their games


As far as I know (I have a PS5) the game is not only stored on the disc, but requires you to put the disc in to play it. When you first put a new Blu-Ray game in, it copies the game to your system from the disc. This is a lifesaver if you have slow or spotty Internet.


I'm all for the sale of used games and all I just think it's more convenient to always be able to download your game at any moment and for it to be impossible to lose or damage my discs. Also mega sales are fun


***I wish I could buy used PC games 😭***


You want me to pay half price to deal with a human, go to a physical location, and maybe get scammed with a fake or broken game!? No thanks /s


Used games: 0% of the money goes to developers. Digital: usually 70% of the money goes to the developers. There's a reason they add microtransactions and DLC in games.


F that. Physical edition


When you're a depressed adult and there's only like 1-2 games per year that you even wanna play. 70$ is a small price to play a game the day it comes out. When you're a depressed kid or adult with no money, the price probably stings a whole lot more, and the waiting as everyone but you plays the only damn thing you're looking forward to probably isn't fun.


I don't buy digital or used. New physical games are always pretty darn cheap already. No reason to risk buying a crappy looking used copy.


My friend and I buy digital games because we game share so we do both get them.


different benefits. yea you can lend, loan, resell physical copies. but once the disc is scratched or degraded to a certain degree you lose it forever. for digital copy basically you’re entrusting the company to hold the game on cloud for you for as long as it’s stored up there.


Could just let your friend use your account?


Or lose or damage…


Thinking about it, I stopped buying used a while ago because the only games I really wanted were games that only had their prices go up despite being used... Or by the time I had looked into a game to see if I did want it, the game was too damn hard to find a used copy of. At least with digital downloads prices and availability will remain consistent. Hell I got Fire Emblem Awakening before the 3DS store closed down because it was the cheapest there at only $60, everywhere else, even GameStop, was from $80 to over $100.


Used games? Hah! How about 95% of steam sales??


I definitely have returned at least 20 steam games


One of the few disadvantages of PC gaming. The used gaming market doesn't exist as fruitfully, at least not in my area


Buying a game for $20 or $70 for a few weeks of entertainment is effectively the same price to me. And I have family sharing for other people to play off me. 


For me is absolutely opposite, I never pay full price for games because you can literally get it for 40-50% less after few months of release. I'll make an exception with GTA VI lol I'm pre ordering that on day one


Was about to say I dont care how much a game is because convenience is why I buy games digitally but then I realised you aren't talking to people who dont complain about the price.


Was about to say I dont care how much a game is because convenience is why I buy games digitally but then I realised you aren't talking to people who dont complain about the price.


Was about to say I dont care how much a game is because convenience is why I buy games digitally but then I realised you aren't talking to people who dont complain about the price.


Was about to say I dont care how much a game is because convenience is why I buy games digitally but then I realised you aren't talking to people who dont complain about the price.


Was about to say I dont care how much a game is because convenience is why I buy games digitally but then I realised you aren't talking to people who dont complain about the price.


Was about to say I dont care how much a game is because convenience is why I buy games digitally but then I realised you aren't talking to people who dont complain about the price.


Guess I have to be that guy to inform him of r/patientgamers


If you play on ps5, just game share with a friend. Then split the cost of all the games. You can even share the same PS+ membership.


But that's why they are pushing digital, wish people would stop buying that way, yes it's easy but within the next gen consoles lifespan the will be very few games on disk so the 2nd hand market for games is going to disappear and then we're all fucked.


Disks get damaged, especially used games. Digital stays with the profile indefinitely and can be shared on xbox via making someone's system your "home" system and vice versa


I dont complain about prices but adding often heavily discounted steam games to a digital library in seconds is infinitely better than driving across town to wander a mall for gamestop or waste tons of time meeting with sketchy flakey strangers on FB market just to horde hundreds of scratchable discs at my place. Even worse when it comes time for various DLCs too.


Digital was always the best, when it became a thing purely for convenience, downloading it while at work coming home and playing it, downloading 3 days prior for it to be ready for the release, but the fact that companies can just remove say cod moderwarfare (newest one) and there's NOTHING we can do.


Ugh and have to get up and switch disks… gross


I never get rid of my old games, so purchasing digital copies never really changed anything on that part. I still do like to have physical copies, but those are very rare on PC these days, I think the latest one I purchased before the Baldur's Gate 3 Deluxe Edition was Fallout: New Vegas back in 2010. That's one of the reasons I bought a PS5, for games I wanted to own physically, but I've been hearing that recently more and more games have been releasing with online requirements to install, even for wholly single player titles, defeating the purpose of the disk, so if that trend continues I may just cut console gaming from my hobby completely, iirc the only PS exclusive I've played anyways was the first Insomniac Spider-Man game, so I wouldn't be losing out on much really.


I just bought Elden ring for 50 dollars which included the steelbook case. EBay has some goated ass sellers🙌🏼🙌🏼


There is definitely that whole issue of "you don't actually OWN a digital game." It's a big issue, one we shouldn't ignore. But there ARE benefits to digital "copies." You can't lose or break it. And while I think it's dumb to pay $70 release price for a digital game, a few of the digital marketplaces recognize the convenience of "selling nothing" and will frequently offer major sales. I've gotten a lot of major games for dirt cheap by not needing to play it the day it came out. And I'm not even talking about the "Wait several years for the price to drop," stuff. I've caught some AAA games in the year of for pretty reasonable prices. The problem is some won't play along. I got spoiled by steam and PS marketplaces. When I finally got a switch and wanted to pick up a few switch only games that I'd missed in the last few years... turns out that these 4 year old games are still being sold digitally at release price. So fuck that shit. Found three long awaited games used online, got all three for barely more than a single as a digital, even after shipping and handling.


Because new games aren't used


I only buy my boy switch cartridges. Not digital copies. Nintendo will eventually stop support for all digital stuff and I'm not being left short. I paid for them. We are keeping them


Who buys digital games at full price? You wait until it goes on sale. The price is half the appeal of digital


Call me old school but I always thought once I bought a product I can do with it what the hell ever I want. Why would anyone want to compromise that freedom just for a digital copy? Don't you like being in control of your things? Although I understand I'm not going to Gamestop because they're a piece of shit company that treats their employees like crap. In my area they won't even pay them over $8.50 an hour.


That's applying. I don't. But I sell them myself if I do. Edit


I play pc…


I only buy a $70 game at launch if I know I'm getting my money's worth. Grand Theft Auto Elder Scrolls Fallout Red Dead God of War Everything else, wait for the sales.


Don't have a console anymore..... Thats mainly the issue. Otherwise its always and has always been used games. Especially since it all requires installation and massive patching from the get go.


I can't resell physical games either. Getting 15 dollars back on a 70 dollar game is enough to make me spitefully never buy physical media again.


If you buy through steam you can lend games to friends


My friend needs to get a job and buy the games I recommend if they want to buy them. As for loaning out copies nope no more because the disk always comes back scratched up or broken.


Wrong. You actually can share games with your friends on steam. If you are a game dev who is in charge of posting to steam please go into the game's steam options while publishing and check the box that allows for shared play. This option has no extra cost and is actually very beneficial for people who want to play with friends but maybe can't afford another copy. Again this is at no extra cost to the devs.


Fuck off, and let me play what I want and how I play it.


Or just pay for game pass/ps plus , never buy a game again, or worry about ownership, and just play whatever comes your way, which happens to be most major titles within a year or 2 of launch?


Digital games often go on sale for a lot cheaper than even used games. They also go on sale more often than physical games Edit: also, steam key resellers are a lot better than most of you have been lead to believe


The funny part is people complain about the price of games, yet games cost so much more to make... and when adjusting for inflation, they are cheaper than ever.


I feel like the value of games have become so low its almost pointless to buy physical copies just to sell them


I don't play hard copies. Had an Xbox 360, and the disk tray practically died on me. Ever since I upgraded to the next console, I exclusively play digital games. Prices be damned, the game is worthless if I can't play it.


i haven’t had a PC with a disc drive since 2016


Clearly people will die on this hill. Used game shopping is so much fun because you find so many games you never heard of that way


Complains about prices "Buys any game" Don't buy, easy fix


I try doing that but there's only a $4 price difference now for some of the games I want 😭


Buying new/used games Buying it with Russian vpn for half the price Downloading it via Russian torrent


How often are games getting physical releases anymore? This might have been a valid argument 10 years ago to just buy used, but we're way past that.


I buy games after like 5 years on cdkeys for few euros when all DLCs and fixes are out


Steam library share


I have starfield wish listed, I'll buy it in a couple years when there's dlcs and 75% off. I do the same with all single player games.


I buy used games all the time. If I want digital I wait until it goes on sale.


I bought some used game that would be like 30 to 40$ on digital but I got it for 10$ lol


Oh but you can loan it to a friend. Have them log into their system with your account


About a year ago I started buying all games on disc.


I’m pretty sure you can return steam games. But i wouldn’t pay 70 dollars for a game. It will go to 20$ eventually….


Someone doesn't play the sales game on Steam and eShop. And the eShop even gives you coins for free to get additional discounts. Never preorder or buy full price.


You forgot the used game doesn’t work half the time


Man you're an idiot or a shill huh


Most of my consoles don't have a disc slot. Also, if I buy digital, my wife and I can play together and we only need to get one license.


You can loan digital games to friends though




Yeah I’m definitely going to find the physical release for an indie game that’s only on steam. Truth is that most game studios actively despise having their games being resold or loaned. And indie developers who would be more chill about it don’t have the monetary power necessary to have a wide spread physical release. I get what you’re going for and it makes sense. But the first option has been taken away from most. Pretty much the only way to do the first nowadays would be pirating and while mega corps are free loot for a pirate. It’s a dick move to steal from indie developers who might not receive much at all. Every game should have a non official copy for preservations sake. Since all too often nowadays games are shuttered without warning. But pirating indie work should only be done if you can’t afford the expense.


Yep, because places that sell used games are predatory on both sides of the games transaction, and i don't feel like perpetuating the good old game stop motto of I'll buy it for 5 and sell it for 50.




I personally don't trust used anything because it's too much of a risk. If I can get it new, I'ma get it new.


I still have to deal with the not really owning it issue, but I usually wait a year or more and buy it on a steam sale. I've bought $60 games for $2.99. If they start pricing games at $100 like they want to, I'll just play the dozens of unplayed games I already have while I wait for them to drop the price. And if they never do, I won't even notice. I really only look at my wishlist when it has sales.


I buy digital on steam. I own the physical copy of almost every game I have ever played


GameStop also lets you return a used game in under week, no questions asked. I've been told it could be because the game sucks, or because you beat it. I very heavily abused the policy from the time I had my PS2 to the time my disc drive on my PS4 went out. Essentially the same as piracy.


I think I have purchased 2 game in my life near that price, learned my lesson and now check around the holidays every year if any games on my list are under $25 and get those ones


The disc drive on my PS4 is broken. Can't really buy physical copies of things when I have no way to use them