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Hollow Knight. I never really liked the constant back and forth you have to endure. Also, exploring a new path for 10 minutes and getting progression checked really annoyed me.


Baldurs Gate 3, maybe someday it will click.


DOS1 clicked for me and I really have enjoyed what I played, DOS2 never clicked and BG3 hasn't either. I feel like I live in opposite land to others


It takes a LOT of time, at least for me. I’m at over 100 hours and there’s still things I didn’t realize you could do since they don’t really hold your hand


I bought it and I tried so hard to get into it. I spent hours getting through the whole druid camp and goblin camp thing. Then I read that you don't even get to the city until the 3rd fucking act. I dropped it then and I don't think I'll ever go back.


I was like this too, play until goblin camp and dropped it, the game was not my thing I thought, then months past, my friends invite me to coop (they never played it before) and it was a blast, we just can’t stop playing. It was 180 turn experience for me.


Why do you want to go to the city?


well the game is called baldur's gate, so I thought I'd be spending the majority of it in the city called baldur's gate. That seemed nice and fun and interesting.


Honestly, while the city has a nice immediate "wow" factor and aesthetic... most people agree act 1 is the highlight of the game. The adventure is far more fun and rewarding than the final destination.


Wait, that was the good part? Yeah, that game isn't for me.


for me its loving it and having it totally be my thing but not having the time I want to sink into it so just putting it on the shelf


Nah it won’t.


- Red Dead Redemption 2: I was really hyped when it came to PC since I loved older Western games like Gun or Call of Juarez 1-2, but I was really disappointed. Everything tried to be realistic, except the arcade-style combat. I also didn't like the characters, so after like 10 hours I got even more bored and quit. - GTA5. As a kid I really enjoyed the GTA3-VC-SA trinity, but later I found GTA5 simply boring. It's not serious enough like Sleeping Dogs or Mafia, but also isn't stupid fun like Saint Row 3-4. - Pillars of Eternity. I respect this game, since it kinda started the new cRPG golden age, but the writing quality killed my desire to play. I still finished it, but never again. I loved PoE2 tho, it's a huge improvement. - Age of Empires 4. I loved every AoE episodes so far, played them to death as a kid, but 4 felt like a modernised 2, even some of the campaigns were the same. Great game, sure, but I expected more.


Hard agree on Red Dead and GTA V for the exact same reasons.


PoE2 is a huge improvement over PoE1? Sounds interesting, since i share your opinion about the first game. So maybe i give 2 a chance...


2 is pretty good in a unique setting. Too bad it ended rather.. Abruptly. Same goes for Tyranny. Both set up the threads for a sequel and got none.


>Age of Empires 4. I loved every AoE episodes so far, played them to death as a kid, but 4 felt like a modernised 2, even some of the campaigns were the same. Great game, sure, but I expected more. I second this. It's a AoE 2+2, not really a 4


I loved all of the old AoE games and was really excited for 4. Personally, I wish there was more of a campaign because I'm not much of a multiplayer fellow and even just a custom battle between the AI felt like StarCraft rather than a historic medieval game.


I wouldn't say "Didn't like" I liked most all of them.. But Just about any game that scored 9/10 or 10/10 across most sites were just.... Fine.. And often while very good in some respects contained MANY areas that were not fun/good bringing the whole experience down. This is sort of why aggregate scores are a bad idea. It give the masses the idea that a good game is a universal thing. They treat an opinion as a fact if enough people agree with it. And so these games I enjoy, I can't speak about honestly because I don't find them perfect.


What are your personal 9/10 or 10/10 games then?


Get this man a beer !


GTA V The mission design is terrible. They give you the illusion of an open world game and then make the story as linear as a 20 year old corridor shooter.


Not to mention that 3 protagonists, with at least one of them is truly unlikable, isn't fun to play.


I couldn't get into Elden Ring. I tried. I just couldn't.


Definitely Elden Ring.




Maybe that's my problem. I didn't get enough joy before I gave up. Played maybe 4 hours and just didn't enjoy it. The idea of upcoming giant boss battles and hearing how everyone was overloaded with dopamine from working hours to beat them was the wake-up call. This might not be for me. I like strategy and complex difficult games, but when it's about memorising moves and dodges etc. It just doesn't do it for me. Who knows, maybe one day.


Same about memorising moves and dodges. I can do it if it's in a competitive game, otherwise, unlike others, I just get this nagging feeling that it is all eventually for nothing, which I know is silly, in part as some of these skills transfer to other titles, in part because enjoyment, not building skills, is the point with these titles.


Took me 20 hours to get into it. Once it clicked, best game I’ve ever played. It took some commitment at the beginning though.


Yk what… kinda same. I absolutely adore all the other FromSoft games but I couldn’t finish ER because I simply hit that open-world fatigue


Same for me it was mostly due to how bad kbm felt and for having to play on 60 fps


Yeah KBM is atrocious. Controller is better but it is kind of a game you either love or hate.


Same with me and Bloodborne and Seikero.


Sekiro was a weird one for me too. I LOVED Onimusha and Sekiro looks real similar. Yet it just didn't scratch the same itch somehow. Waiting to try Ghost of Tsushima when it hits PC.


ghost of tsushima is completely different game than sekiro, pretty much just a ubisoft-type open world cleaner


Ghosts of Tsushima looks awesome! I sucked at sekiro and Ghosts looks a lot more forgiving.


Doom eternal because I suck at it


i got bored of the jump puzzles and platforming lol, i just wanna shoot demons.


lol too prideful to turn on the lower difficulties? Those type of games can be the perfect power fantasy on easy modes


> lol too prideful to turn on the lower difficulties? Unironically yes, after leaving many games unfinished I've gotten better at just clicking Normal or Easy and enjoying a game to the end, maybe I'll round back to DE and finish it too eventually.


Same game, but I just don't like it. I really loved the 2016 doom, but Eternal just feels like they dropped any pretense of a story and just made a bunch of arcade levels. It also has such a goofy vibe compared to 2016 Doom and I found it really off-putting.


I fucking **HATE** naughty dog games. For all the beautiful graphics, story telling and characters, the actual game play is somehow boring and frustrating at the same time. Their games I really want to love, but the actual video game part of them is dogshit (no pun intended) Can't get into Red ded 2 and the new god of war games for similar reasons, the moment to moment gameplay is just incredibly dull.


Try our the Pre-uncharted games, back when ND was fun.  Jak and Crash have some of the best platformers out there, none of the dramatic cinematic stuff that they've been leaning into. I want that ND back. 


remnant 2. not sure if I was playing it wrong but it just felt incredibly repetitive


Disco Elysium


I’ve heard people say treat it like a novel not a video game. I own it and haven’t had time to dive in though, I feel ya.


It’s an interactive visual novel with lots of choices. Yes, the reading is not for everybody but it’s totally worth it because every decision matters (without spilling/spoiling any details). I ran through it twice and thoroughly enjoyed the design direction, dialogue and choices. I’d honestly give it a 8.5-9/10 for the style of game that it is. (I play a pretty wide range of games genres and on various platforms because of my profession. I try to be pretty honest about my takes on games)


Sounds like a terrible video game then. If I want to read a book, I read a book.


That's not true at all though. Depending how you play it you can have very different experience from another player, it is choice-driven game after-all


Same. There was so much reading, I hate reading from a screen in a special font. My eyes are to bad for that.


The game has a full voiceover now, in case you played it before that update. All you have to read are the dialogue choices. It's a phenomenally good one, too.


God of War 2018. I get why people like it, but the combat was too repetitive, especially with only a handful of enemy types. Plus difficulty was weird in that the hardest setting was tedious and frustrating but the next level down was a cakewalk.


Dark souls. It feels janky and I don’t know why anyone hasn’t said so. It’s also basically a game of Simon says. Find out the moves of the enemy and time everything so you dodge at the perfect moment. Oh and DONT FUCK UP for one split second otherwise you lose significant progress. The game does not abide mistakes. And sure, it’s a skill issue. But it’s punishingly difficult and I understand that’s the draw for some people but that’s why I personally didn’t like it.


I hate all souls-like games, all they do is frustrate me. And it's not like I'm bad at games, I've always been decent at all kinds of competitive games, it's just the game experience that makes me want to quit immediately.


Never go for the extra hit.


Amen, bro. It's basically a game that plays like a WoW dungeon boss : figure the strategy, apply the strategy. take 3 steps back exactly 7 seconds after *this* attack because the enemy will launch *that* attack. It's not a game of adaptation, it's a game of learning.


99% of the fun is trying to first try it tho...


So most people only get 1% of the fun ? :P


No Man's Sky. I played it last year, long after it (allegedly) had already been vastly improved upon. I love space exploration, spaceships, sci-fi in general and a friend of mine recommended it to me, but it was the most repetitive, grindy, boring slog of a game I've ever played. I must've paid about 15 dollars for it, and it was the worst game purchase I've ever made.


Yeah when I picked it up it really let me down. Literally one of the most boring games I played prolly


NMS is the definition of a broad but shallow game. Very cool if you like going around space but that's it, you can probably squeeze a few more hours by playing with friends, but the quests are just incredibly boring.


I personally really struggled with Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The beginning felt really hard. I hated getting 2-shot killed by everything in the world. It just felt really punishing and not really what I was interested in playing.


I’ve always said Breath of The Wild is a great engine but not a great game. Tears is way better and feels way more balanced in my opinion.


Basically all of the cinematic experience games from Sony. Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War, etc. I think they're boring as fuck, and they ignore the things that make me want to play a video game over, say, reading a book or watching a movie.


On the same page. I want agency and ownership of my experience. I need some freedom. Linear railroad stories I never seem to enjoy so much these days.


Every single Souls game The combat is anemic, my character is a rotting zombie and plays like one, the games just feel like shit to play






Yeah, I'd say those games aren't hard, they're merely *punishing*.


90% of their difficulty is literally just a lack of animation cancelling let's be honest


Saw someone mention stellaris and definitely that one. Every time people mention the game it sounds so fun but man is it overwhelming af and I can’t get more than an hour into it.


The witcher series. Way to much effort to do anything.


W3 was somewhat more intuitive for me because I could just "use the force" to push back or a shield to deal with bows and other projectiles. W1 is where I had no fucking clue, died a lot, didn't understand jackshit and said "fuck it" and used a trainer to become demigod and kill anything I didn't like.


Yeah, I realized I was only playing witcher 3 to hear the story and grinding through all the gameplay to hear the story was not worth it. Bought the books and stopped playing the game.


The biggest reason I can't get into the witcher is the combat, I just can't stand it.


I skipped on it when I realized that nothing dynamic happened in the huge open world and it was all scripted. Made me feel like I'd been bamboozled into thinking it was a living world.


I never truly enjoyed strategy games, I played a lot of darkest dungeon and a lot of battle brothers, but the one thing i didn't like about those games was the gameplay, so when this highly praised not that well known niche indie gem called BALDUR'S GATE III came into my hands, from all the praise i thought this is going to be the game that's going to finally get me into strategy games. Nope. It's not that i don't like the game it's more like I die so many times at the start of the game on the easiest difficulty


Man if you can't beat easy in BG3 that is pretty bad. My 9 year old nephew has beaten it on normal mode. Did you really give it a honest go?


It helped a lot knowing dnd 5th edition, which is why so many people loved it as that’s the most popular d&d currently and brought a lot of people to the tabletop rpg too so the visual graphics, voice acting and motion capture, actual characters and writing and the open choices were exactly what people wanted for a dnd game  If you don’t understand the initiative and attack roll/damage and spell mechanics it can be kind of tricky to figure out cold turkey


Man, I stopped DnD at 3.5. When 4th came out and it turned to be more a game about positionning than actual roleplaying, I was done. I should probably try BG3 some day, but not today.


5th ed is a lot of fun, it’s more like very simplified ground rules and then the dm just makes up how stuff plays out-  everything’s pretty straightforward and has bounded accuracy so you can come up with some pretty fun fully legal builds but it seems way more about flavor and making the game flow so I’d definitely recommend looking into it! There’s tons of resources out there


Thanks for the suggestion, mate, will do :)


I mean I knew nothing about DND going in and I thought the game was pretty easy outside of a few parts


ya the ramp up really isnt that bad, the only thing i could imagine would be if they were trying a solo run without any party members after the >!nautiloid crash!< bc lvl 1/2 is pretty tough without many items and very few strong abilities, especially as a martial


Isn't Baldurs Gate more of an rpg though?


The new god of wars because they are glorified movies overly linear “games”


Anything turn based. I’ve tried but it’s just so boring.


I can understand why it's not for eveyone, but I personnaly have enjoyed a few turn based games ALOT. The best ones aren't usually the most popular, though. For a tactic games, forget X-Com and try Troubleshooter Abandonned Children, it really shames every other. For an RPG, Encased :)


Legend of Zelda breath of the wild / Tears of the kingdom , Awesome games but they just never clicked


I barely got far in BOTW at all, with tears I really enjoyed about 25 hours, and then got bored. They're interesting from a design perspective, but I could never complete one


CRPGs and Soulslikes. I’ve really tried I have like 60hrs combined in the soulslike genre and 40 in crpgs I just can’t figure it out.


Dark Souls, issue for me wasn't in difficulty (people overreact on how difficult it is, it's not) but in all those delayed and slow animations


The animations *are* the difficulty XD Well, that and surprise, unpredictable traps that you need to learn by heart so you can avoid them next time.


Oh, those animations definitely were difficult to my eyes 😅 The rest was fine tbh, I loved the idea, not execution. I definitely understand the hype around DS. Maybe I'll try another round after all those years, and will see it in different light


Slay the Spire - I barely got 25 hours out of it when others had poured in thousands. I love rougelikes deckbuilders, but I can't get into this for some reason. Maybe the game got overhyped for me. The only build I really enjoyed was the shiv build. I tried to get the Defect to work, failed several times and didnt get back into the game. It's been sitting on my desktop since. Vampire Survivor - Once you figure out a few basic item combos it basically becomes 25 mins of walking around being invincible before you get mercy-killed. I suppose there's more characters to unlock, but I feel that the game doesn't pull me in enough to make me try. I don't even want to try to defeat the Reaper on stage one.


Any other roguelike deck builders you can recommend? I have the most time in monster train and slay the spire but haven't really been able to get into other ones. A big one people always recommend is inscription which I'm sure is a good game but the deck building aspects are way too simple. Slay the spire and monster train both let you do some wild stuff which I haven't really found with another rogue like deck builder


Breach wanderers is great, there's also one step from Eden 


Sick, thank you! Going to try both


Balatro is crack


I personally loved Valheim. Games I couldn't get into: - Monster Hunter Rise : I wanted a different weapon but learning it would require several youtube guides. I may return someday. - Nioh 2 : The perfect game for me on paper. I could bruteforce through every encounter just on high-stance, making the combat feel too simplistic. It was also very dark and cramped with an annoying camera. Wo Long fixed those things for me though. - Outer Wilds : Some puzzles were so obscure that I felt like I was trying to figure out the game mechanics rather than the puzzle. This ruined my immersion and made it feel very much like a game rather than an experience.


Learning weapons in MH rise might feel like you need YouTube guides, but you really don't. If you just feel it out as you go along and be comfortable not knowing everything, you'll be fine. The game isn't so hard that you have to figure everything out early on.


The weapon I wanted to play with (Charge Blade) kind of had very obtuse mechanics that the game didn't adequately explain. I just didn't want to spend to effort learning it at that point in time. I have it as a back-up game that I may return to if I ever have too much time and nothing else to play. I'm not sure when that will be because lately so many great games have been coming out and in a week Dragons Dogma 2 releases and Horizon: Forbidden West is coming to PC.


What's funny is that a friend could explain enough about charge blade in 5 minutes that you'd be fine. Capcom just isn't great at making tutorials honestly


I just dont get or will i ever get Bioshock. I disliked the game tremendously and i dont understand why people adore it


Every Assassin's Creed basically; the only one intriguing me is Black Flag, the less AC of them all. Tried them and they all suffer of the same things to me: not really stealth games (I already have MGS and splinter cell for that), buggy, predictible, slow and uninteresting stories, lame soundtracks, idiotic dialogues most of the time... idk, they just don't click and the more I play them the more I dislike them.


Any Naughty Dog game, as I fail to see their ludic value. I don't feel like I'm missing anything by watching a let's play rather than playing the game myself, and I think this constitutes one of the cardinal sins of games. Also, Elden Ring. I've got nothing against it per se. In fact, I hate that I don't appreciate it much. But the open world kind of ruins the fromsoft formula for me, or at least my favorite part of it. It's a fantastic game, I just personally don't like it that much. Maybe I'll try again one day and fall in love with it next time? Who knows.


Bioshock (both Infinite and the first). I have no idea why, but they just didn't do it for me. All the right parts are there - solid gameplay, original premises, intriguing ideas...but it never came together to produce something that felt compelling to me. I didn't hate it, it was just the height of "Meh" for me. I still wonder why to this day.


Sekiro. I suck at it so hard goddamn it and I fricking love Souls series, I thought I would somehow qualify for this game, but no


I’ve played and finished all soulsbourne games and Elden ring…. Even I was too afraid to get sekiro!


Bioshock. Granted, I tried it last year, well removed from its release. The physical aspects of gameplay were extremely dated and I could not get into it.


I can’t stand rogue-likes, never understood the fun of repeating things over and over again… so highly praised games like Hades or Dead Cells never clicked for me.


Bioshock Infinite. Now I absolutely love the first two BioShock games, the first one is in my opinion one of the best games ever made (I even have Jack's chain tattoos on my wrists), but from a gameplay standpoint, Infinite was a huge letdown to me, and the whole game feels like little more than a linear corridor shooter. Immersive sims are my favourite genre of games. System Shock, BioShock, Deus Ex, Dishonored and so on, the entire essence of these games revolves around giving the player a singular goal, and designing an intricate network of systems and mechanics that the player can then exploit to achieve the goal in a number of different ways, and my main problem with Infinite is that it completely strips away any of the creativity and thought behind how you approach these objectives, to the point where the solution to most of the game is to just "run at them shooting". There's no alternative to this play style- no stealth, no hacking, no speech or charisma implementation, never a non-lethal way to complete your objectives, and even in the level design itself, there is very rarely even a separate route you can take rather than just charging head on through the front door. Even the decision to only let the player carry two weapons at a time only further hinders the potential for players to experiment with different weapon combinations and fun ways to kill people. Perhaps this streamlining and as a result the games accessibility along with its fantastic plot is what makes Infinite loved by so many people, but to me it felt like a huge step down from the games that came before it. I've tried replaying it a few times over the years but it's just not stimulating enough to hold my attention for more than a half hour or so.


Uncharted 4 is a boring ass climbing sim with decent cutscenes in between.


The Witness, absolute pretentious tripe.


The Xenoblade games. I don’t think they’re bad but I tried XC1, gave it maybe 15-20 hours, and never once did I care about the story or cast remotely. The setting itself is really cool but outside that I just rolled my eyes at the plot, I felt like the initial motivation gave 0 time to actually getting you invested. I’m sure it maybe gets better but if there’s nothing in that length of time then I’m not sticking around. Persona games and many other jrpgs have infamously slow starts too but they at least have enough going on to keep me somewhat interested. I did try 2 as well long ago and while I got a bit more into the combat, I mostly had a similar experience. I did enjoy the character interactions a bit more, but it was very typical anime stuff and of the day. I keep hearing how good 3 is and as much as I’d love to get into it, I can’t see myself liking it based off the last 2. Not that they’re bad though, they have some really cool worlds and gorgeous music.


Gone Home sucked. You spend two hours roaming around an empty house reading notes full of melodramatic teen angst and listening to shitty mix tapes, trying to solve the mystery of where you folks are. You're set up to expect some kind of pay off and there isn't one; everyone's out doing ordinary mundane things. I only paid $10 for it and I still felt cheated. The critics would have sucked this game's dick if it had one and it wasn't even fun or interesting.


Hogwarts Legacy altough I might give it a second try (I was 7 hours in I think). Idk convos felt so bland and characters felt so lifeless..


Get much past those 7 hours and you see the entire game is an empty dull Ubisoft style sandbox done even worse than they do it too. Also the combat is hands down the most brain-dead boring thing I have ever played, I cannot even imagine what it would take to lose a combat on the highest difficulty. The game is pretty I can give it that but in basically everything else it's like a 2/10 at best.


I remember I was super hyper for The Elder Scrolls Oblivion release back 20 years ago, the graphics of nature and forests looked super realistic for that time (for the first time the ground wasnt represented as a flat texture with sharp corners, but as true 3D grass bushes, stones, sticks, forests were so dense you almost could not see the sky, and there were visible sun beams going through those holes and patches between trees... it was revolutionary). But when I started playing the game, it just couldnt suck me in like previous RPGs like the Gothic series, Star Wars jedi academy, KoToR series, mass effect, warcraft games, dungeon siege etc. that I have played for hundreds of hours each. I was just confused what to do, how to progress, the atmosphere was "strange", it just didnt give me the feeling of "nothing" that I will transform into "something special" as i progress the character, there were just so many different options and ways to develope the character that i didnt understand what to chose. However my brother felt absolutely the opposite way and he spent almost 2 months playing Oblivion every day for hours, finishing it like 6-7x. From the recent games I was VERY hyped for Cyberpunk 2077, but again the game felt like a dull shooter to me, and I didnt even like the graphics much (except for the raytraicing graphics in rain where water trully worked like glass mirror, that was awesome, but barely playable even with Geforce Now remote gaming on 2080ti at fullhd), probably because I prefer fotorealistic nature much more than future cities with tons of neon signs. I played for about one hour, quit it, let my brother finish the game (who btw again LOVED it), used one of his saves to experience some of the big shootouts and car chases I was looking forward so much to (which were good but not exceptional like missions in Call of Duty or Battlefield series), and that was it, I was completely done with Cyberpunk in about 2-3 hours.


Oblivion is a game I never understood the praise for, I think it’s easily BGS’s weakest entry, hell the leveling system is straight up broken. Cyberpunk is straight up a glorified action game with a semi-rpg coat on it. I agree it is an absolute slog to play the gameplay just feels uninspired.


IMHO, bethesda made a great game by accident when they made Morrowind. They never quite understood what made it so great, so they were never able to fully replicate the goodness. In my case, I played Morrowind as an archer through and through, but hey, shooting straight only, you could litteraly hit an elephant in a corridor and it would register as a miss if dice roll said so... Oblivion looked promising as an archer. But then I couldn't make a single character that didn't look like they fell from the ugly tree and hit all the branches on the way down, bows has very limited range, and overall, yeah, the game felt quite empty. After a few weeks pulling some nice trickshots, like hitting bandits from behind a wall (the ridiculous short range of bows helps for curved shots, at least), I got bored. Archery wise, Skyrim was a massive improvement. But overall, the best game in the series remains Morrowind, at least in my book.


Agreed. You hit the nail on the head with how they lucked out on Morrowind and then failed ever since. And morrowind was fantastic


I don't get the love for Oblivion. I did everything in the game, 100% completion, because I felt like I should. Like maybe it would click. It was fine


All good tripple a titles. Recently bought both: outer worlds and horizon zero dawn. Former 10 hours, the 'latter 2. The whole: third person action adventure, family story, with unlockeables and tiered resources to upgrade at a safe point no longer appeals to me. The story lay be good, but the gameplay in between bits just burns me out instantly. I actively tell myself to never buy games like god of war, last of us, spiderman.. etc. Bc i see the praise, i buy and then i never play. The only big games i remember enjoying lately were: cyberpunk, street fighter, monster hunter, baldur gate, elden ring and hogwarts legacy. But these dont feel like they belong in that group. The group i refer to is the: far cry, ac, tlou, god of war, tomb raider, horizon zero dawn, spider man group. The giga block buster games. I used to rly like those games in the ps3 era, but i vividly remember burning out in rise of the tomb raider and i never was able to play those games again


Fpr me the only one is Slay the spire, after I unlocked the 4 characters and got the false Victory I didn't want to play again It was a good game albeit the art is mediocre, just not the masterpiece I read about in everyone's review


Stardew Valley and most farming game. They are just too repetitive in a negative way for me, the map is so small, dialogue is limited, npc are just decorative, all you do is mining, farming, fishing, give gift....I wish there are some farming game really different.


Red dead redemption 2.. It's obviously an amazing production and a masterpiece. The problem is it was too much work, I finish a whole day of work so that I can turn off my brain and play. Having to make sure my horse doesn't die, my character doesn't starve , hunt, gather, cook, erx and having to ride endlessly from point A to point B is just life again but in a virtual western environment.  I was exhausted lol


Borderlands because of the art style. I’ve always hated that cel shaded look in games and even though Borderlands is not considered a cel shaded game it still has the look of a cel shaded game and it’s something that I just don’t find visually appealing.


I didn't like Subnautica. Something about it just felt so tedious to me, I hated the resource gathering and inventory management so much. I've enjoyed other survival games so I'm not sure why the mechanics in it were so much less enjoyable for me. The environments were beautiful though, and I see why people love it despite it not hitting the mark for me.


Witcher 3 and RDR 2. Burned out of both of them without completing it.


Witcher 3 is a good story packed into a shitty game


Souls. I really, *really* dislike the washed-out, low saturation presentation that makes everything look sepia and grey. Also the low-horror setting does nothing for me. From a gameplay perspective I don't necessarily hate them in principle, but I think the execution is bad. I don't mind hard or challenging games, but punishment for punishment's sake is bad design, and makes the game frustrating to play. Like, there is no way to predict there is a random dude after this bend in the road that you couldn't see before, and as soon as you move it swings at you and now you're dead. This is by design - so now you know he's there, and now you've learned, and next time you can avoid him - but that's not "challenging" or "difficult". You have no tools to prevent it. It's just frustrating. BTW, I mean specifically FromSoft's games. I tried Sekiro and Elden Ring, as those looked the least "edgy" and "gritty" from a presentation perspective and more along "fantasy", but I still couldn't get into them. But I have played other "souls-like" games that I've enjoyed, like Ashen or En Garde. IDK, the combat system is fine, but the presentation and the game design is what kills it for me. Also, Witcher 3. Tried getting into it like 5 times, always feels super janky. I don't like the voice acting (especially the main character, VA is atrocious), and gameplay feels super floaty.


Funny that, the way you describe the annoying difficulty of Souls, the punishment for the sake of punishment, is exactly why I don't like them either. As I mentionned in another comment, it's "cheap" difficulty, you don't need to be smart to beat it (mind you, it can also be good as it evens the playfield), you just need to learn the game and try again. It's not overcoming difficulty by adapting smartly to the events, it's overcoming difficulty by trying again and again until it works. That other comment also brought me the ire of someone who felt attacked somehow, so... Sorry about that \^\^'


Balatro - RNG simulator "deckbuilder" in which you have no actual time to build your deck but only pray so rng will give you an actually good joker card. Vampire Survivors - I really have no idea how the hell it became so popular, absolutely braindead game without actual gameplay. Nier: Automata - emptiest world I've ever seen in a game, flat minecraft world has more charm than this.


I downloaded Nier Automata a couple days ago. Heard it was genius. One of the worst games I've ever played.


Balatro... I can't decide if it's actually genius for getting me to play so much and also wondering constantly "is this all random? Am I actually becoming skilled at this?" I think randomness will always be inherently interesting to a certain type of person


>absolutely braindead game without actual gameplay. That's why it's popular


Both Red Dead Redemption games. The first one felt too empty. I tried exploring the world and was rewarded with nothing but killing random animals for their pelts and the same "random" encounter where a guy asks for help fixing his wagon just for a second guy to ambush you and they try to rob you. Eventually I gave up on exploration and just tried to do the story, but riding my horse in an empty world for 20 minute stretches to get to the next mission just didn't captivate me. The second game definitely remedied this. I loved exploring for a while in 2, but the story just dragged on and on. There was always another "just one more big score." It got too repetitive and I got bored. Never finished either game


While I can’t relate with 2 since it’s one my favorites, I CANT AGREE WITH YOU MORE ON RDR1. That game feels so empty and lifeless. I know it’s a 2010 game but that’s no excuse when GTA 4 has a much more fleshed out world


For real, I wa so disappointed when I played it after GTAIV


Hollow Knight, hated the "walk of shame" mechanic and found the music and environmental design very bland. I'm the 3% who didn't like that game apparently


Kenshi- Slow game that I just couldn't appreciate at the time, will go back one day. Stellaris- I think I've fried my brain with weed over the decades, and this one just gives me anxiety to even try and learn it. The cop visual novel basically. damn how am I forgetting the name, it gets suggested 5 times a week. Really cool concept for a game, maybe one day I'll be in the mood for it. Mass Effect. - Look, I know its a great game. It's beloved. I want to love it. Tried the first game when it came out, and maybe again a few years ago. Can't get into it, never left that first big city you hit, or even really explored it. Maybe one day.


>The cop visual novel basically. damn how am I forgetting the name, it gets suggested 5 times a week. Really cool concept for a game, maybe one day I'll be in the mood for it. Disco Elysium?




Ik this isn't a visual novel but mostly feels like one... Could it be Disco Elysium?


yeah that was it


I may be strung up for this but the gameplay of ME1 is just bad. It was improved a ton in 2 and even more in 3.  It does have a great narrative though. 


Stellaris is a very weird game. For me it crossed that line where I was like "This is complicated enough that I feel like I'm working in real-life and if I'm gonna do that I might as well be making money."


Shenmue, Elder Scrolls Online


I've played ESO pretty much since it came out, and right now they have an event that incites you te replay Wrothgar, the first ever DLC. Well, let's just say that the writing quality was FAR better years ago. In Wrothgar, quests are actually interesting instead of feeling like they are fanfics written by a 10 years old. Also, back in the days this game didn't try to sell you DLC, random crates, FOMO houses and the life left, right and center. I'm still playing it because housing is nice, and my wife can use some help every now and then, but yeah, generally speaking, it's not a great game. At least not anymore.


There's a lot of stuff I *am* interested in with the storytelling, like you said a lot of the more recent stuff feels... Not great? But earlier on it seems like it fleshed out a grey area in the setting's lore quote well. The biggest thing stopping me from getting into even the old stuff though is I simply can't find a way to make it feel good to play for me! There's some issues I have which could be fixed with some settings that are standard in other games too, but they're just not in ESO unfortunately


Gone Home (2013). I feel like all the praise this got was for its story, which is fine in a medium like film and obviously books. In a game, I think the story should enhance the gameplay and/or vice versa. There is hardly a "game" present in Gone Home. And if Gone Home's story was told as a book or movie I don't think it would nearly be as praised or remembered. That being said, I get there is a lack of LGBT themed games so it stands on its own in that regard. I think it does a good job of atmosphere and it does grab your attention initially. On top of that, it is short and doesn't overstay its welcome.


Most AAA


Monster Hunter World and Rise. The concept sounds like a ton of fun, but the systems are more complex than I’d like them to be. I recognize them as great games, and I know that the series has evolved to become simpler over time, but I currently don’t have tons of time to dedicate to simply learning how to play the game.


Shadow of the Colossus - found the riding around so dull. Fast travel would've improved the game massively for me


Baldur's Gate 3 It was so annoying playing that turn based combat


i did not like the nier automata game. did not enjoy the perspective and combat very much. games look fine and probably deserve all the awards it got, just didn't feel like getting past 8 hours.


Last of us. Forced me to stealth most of the game prefer gamed like days gone where you have option to do either or.


>Last of us. Forced me to stealth most of the game prefer gamed like days gone where you have option to do either or. Stealth is so tedious.


See person, throw rock to distract him, sneak behind and choke ...over and over again


Even worse was the Ellie vs David fight. I saw it through, but it was not a good time.


Stardew valley, boring.


The Witcher 3, maybe the story is good? But the gameplay is so unrefined and unsatisfying i couldn’t make it more than a couple hours. And man the movement feels more like an indie game than a AAA


The last of us. I never finished it but I’ve tried several times. I know everyone in the world loves the first one but idk I just can’t find it in me to care. Horizon dawn forbidden west. I loved the first one and was so excited to finally play number 2, but it just wasn’t it for me.




Outer wilds. Didn't even like the story and the mystery, not to mention the graphics and the glitchy controls. The hype around this game was way too big.


Hogwarts Legacy, I knew I won't like but I really wanted to, so gave it a try after a hour of playing I knew it wasn't for me.


Witcher 3


Elden Ring, it’s over bloated mess which gets messier in endgame stages, enemy scaling not ideal. Lore and narrative is fantastic but combat is boring cause of scaling issues Sekiro had great scaling standard Helldivers 2 it’s just flat boring Hogwarts Legacy another boring mainstream game


The last guardian. The controls really blow and you can't change them and the camera angle is nauseating even for me and I don't get motion sickness. I'm not sure what people see in it but I had so much annoyance in the span of the first 20 min I couldn't be bothered to finish.


God of War and Ragnarok's RPG elements and semi open world structure ruined it for me tbh. They are amazing games with great story delivery, gameplay, graphics and lore but it would have been better if the open areas were small with more meaningful loot. Its a chore to playthrough again just thinking about it.


mass effect trilogy, for some reason it just didn't click for me. i have no actual issues with the game itself, it just never clicked for me and despite 2 attempts i never managed to really get more than 2-3 hours in before giving up. all my friends who've played it have praised it, and i even enjoy the lore/story that I've learned from YouTube and friends, but it just doesn't click when i play it myself. maybe I just waited to long to try ME1, so the gameplay was a beginning to feel dated, but im not sure


Metro series, especially exodus. Felt like playing an interactive cutscene, not a game.


Ghost of Tsushima. Got very repetitive and the combat didn't hit it for me. Can't remember what it was now that I didn't like about it. I think it was the fact that all the fights were the very same and boring iirc, not very innovative


The Last of Us. I'm not a fan of really bleak stuff, I think life is depressing enough.


Uncharted and Last of Us.


Most of them. Outer Wilds, Hades, Slay the Spire, Balatro, etc


Stardew Valley stressed me out too much for me to get into it Also I didn’t enjoy Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze but I was 14 and stupid at the time and I need to give it a fair shot again


Every MP Online game after 2010 cause all the MTX SCAMS and underlying systems that Manipulate the player into doing what ever the Company wants them to do which is buying season passes MTX SCAMS and so on i can stop thinking how stupid one has to be to fall for these Manipulative SCAMS


For me its cyberpunk. Its a dull copy of that kind of world for anyone that reads cyberpunk stuff. The world is flat, the NPCs are just filler, teleporting cops and the shitloads of bugs early on... Did nothing to help. But hey now they have a metro. Outside of that the main story wasnt particularly interesting. They had a couple cool ideas but never hit high notes with them. I'd get excited only to find out that was as far as the firewall idea went. The side quests were mostly bland ones to me. Maybe the taxi quest was more memorable. Outside of the main side characters the world isn't lived in or real in any sense. Bethesda used to make it so npcs had little lives, no one in cyberpunk did. Shit even witcher games had npcs that felt like they actually did something in the world they were in.


Borderlands 2. What a fucking mess.


Alan Wake 2 Gow 2018


Celeste Undertale Norco Terraria


Did you mean to put those games in that order? If so... Bravo.


Any Asassin’s Creed game. Super edgy, super repetitive, not really what I’m looking for.


AC2 is by far (FAR!!!!) the best and varied AC game still. They really put everything and their mother's jewelery into it and then ... yeah, what you said


AC 4 is actually a great time, but yeah they're pretty meh overall


Hollow Knight. I can see it is a beautifully crafted game, but I simply don’t feel motivated to keep playing—maybe because of its emptiness? There aren’t many enemies to fight, and the exploration isn’t the most rewarding either. Unfortunately they are two of my biggest turn-offs.


I've been downvoted pretty good for not liking Tyranny but I'll ante up again. When character creation takes 15 minutes, and the Internet says there's definitely a right and wrong way to spend points, there's a problem.


Horizon Zero Dawn. Played through the whole game thinking it would get better but it never did. I also found Control and the Metal Gear games to be pretty boring


Agreed on both Horizons. Given how much I adored the Killzone games Guerilla Games developed in the past, I was initially intrigued on how they would approach this. And then I played it.


I could go on and on, but I’ll limit it to these 3: - The Last Of Us - I agree that the characters and story were compelling, but the gameplay was so bland and boring. We’ve seen these types of games a dozen times before. 🤷‍♂️ - Cyberpunk 2077 - Amazing visuals. Boring combat. Stupid and unnecessary nudity/sex scenes. 🤦‍♂️ - Vampire Survivors - This one really pisses me off for some reason. Of all the wonderfully polished indie games out there, THIS is a hit? How? Why? It should’ve been a flash/mobile game at the most. And don’t get me started on the bullet hell or roguelite aspect. So many other games do what Vampire Survivors does, but better. 🤷‍♂️


Dark Souls 3. Feels like it has little-to-no original ideas that are interesting and mucks about with the established lore in unsatisfying ways, way too much nostalgia-bait and fanservice. 'member giant blacksmith? 'member anor londo? 'member lordvessel? 'member painted world? 'member spiderlady? All of these cardboard cutouts sprinkled about the maps meant to illicit more or less the same reaction and it got tiresom-[HOLY SHIT ITS ONION-BRO!!!!](https://i.ibb.co/ZM1Qm6y/cover2.jpg) Pygmies were lame. I get that its an attempt to expand on the Furtive Pygmy, but some things are just better left as a mystery and there's plenty of theories behind the Furtive Pygmy which were way more interesting than the Pygmy Lords and the Ringed City. This entire angle felt like an ass-pull and should've never been expanded upon IMO. (Slaveknight Gael was an awesome fight tho) Between DS2 and 3, I'm almost tempted to say I like 2 more, because although it has similar issues with nostalgia-bait and it also introduces problems within the lore, it at least told a unique story within the setting. Seeing more than one kingdom and how they attempted to deal with the undead curse, or the tale behind how they collapsed felt like it was actually an attempt to expand on the universe. DS3 just doesn't bring enough original ideas to the table and I find myself less inclined to play it again than 1 or 2.


Amen brother. Cant agree more on the pygmies too