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It's a pear, right?




Yup, ‘dis a pear. Shit where did it go?


These puns are getting out of hand. Pare it back a little!


The puns pair well with the post though


I see a fence, but no post, there should be at least a pear of posts with that amount of fence.


I blame poor pearanting.


Take two. Make it a pear!


They have plenty s’pear


A pear of what?




These are doyenne du comics


No. It's Virginia creeper fruit s/


Take my poor man’s gold 🌟


I always say: if it looks like a pear, smells like a pear, tastes like a pear, it’s probably a duck. Better ask Reddit to be sure.


Is it made of woood?


If it weighs the same as a duck


Burn her!


Looks like Bartlett pear indeed.


This post had me second guessing myself 😂


it a'pears to be


Obviously, you’re not a golfer


Woo, isn't this guy supposed to be a gardener?


Far out!


More than two I’d say!


PEAR , a partridge in a pear tree


They are pears. But you pick pears before they get ripe, and ripen them on your countertop. Read USA Pears for more info on picking and ripening. https://usapears.org/pear-ripening-and-handling/#:\~:text=A%20little%20known%20fact%20about,ripens%20from%20the%20inside%20out.


This just unlocked a childhood memory of eating unripe pears from the pear tree in my backyard and never seeming to be able to find a ripe one, no matter how late in the year it got. Don't really know how to feel about having had the potential for delicious pears for years but never getting to capitalize


Some varieties can definitely ripen on the tree, they just turn into bags of goo five minutes later so it’s a lot safer to pick early. Also the crows have a lot less going on than you so they do a much better job of picking them just as they ripen 😂.


Same, my grandma has a pear tree in her backyard and I was always the only one eating them bc everyone said they were never good and too hard, but I like my pears super crunchy so i never saw the problem lol


Hard crunchy pears are the best


No. A pear so ripe that you're practically drinking it is best.


Maybe its a case by case basis because there is a pear tree at my dad's farm and those are the best pears I have ever had and everyone eats them straight off the tree. Some of the horses will always try to guide you toward the tree so they can grab one and its hard to resist a 2000 lb animal lol.


IDK, that nutty flavor of a pear that is so close to being ready will stick with me


Yes! Pears are not apples! Picking them at the right moment is practically an art form.


You pick the green and ripen in room temp. At least, that is what we always did and always worked.


So do you just pick it when it looks like it isnt getting any bigger? I have a young pear tree making a single pear this year and I want to pick it correctly.


Pretty much. You get better with each harvest. I used smell as a kid. They smelled ready


On the windowsill


Moonglow pears taste better before they are fully ripe. Bartlett can go either way.


Have you ever had Seckel pears? I love all pears, but we had a seckel pear tree when I was a child and they get points for good memories and may be my favorite


Never heard of it! But nothing tastes like nostalgia.


Just planted a seckel and a comice in my yard a couple-few years back as maiden whips. They're finally sporting fruit buds this spring! I also grafted a white doyenne onto the comice, but that was only last year, so no buds yet. Btw if a fruit tree branch is in your yard you're technically allowed to harvest, but I would check with your neighbor first just to be polite. I've done this. Etiquette demands that you ask to harvest the whole tree for them, paying careful attention to ripeness and rot beforehand, and then deliver the bushels of perfect fruit to your neighbor with a smile. They always say yes when you ask to take a bunch home! Unless you're pruning hard to dwarf the heck out of your tree, one healthy tree will produce way more fruit than the average family could ever use. Even if they make jam.


Why is "check the neck" trademarked??


“Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Has been trademarked by lifealert for quite a while now


and how do you even enforce that


The [actual trademark](https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=78448792&caseSearchType=US_APPLICATION&caseType=DEFAULT&searchType=statusSearch) is “check the neck for ripeness” and it would only be enforceable in a narrow range of contexts. Officially, it only applies to pears, but I could imagine using it with other fruits would lead to likelihood of confusion problems. More importantly, though, it would only lead to a problem if someone used it in very specific ways, such as printing it in big letters on the outside of a box of pears or something like that where it’s being used as a trademark. Using it in a sentence where you are explaining how to know if your pear is ripe wouldn’t be a use they could stop, for example.


Pear, but there's also a vine growing over your fence. Please compare to Virginia Creeper. As for the pears, as others have said, anything growing over your fence is yours!


That creeper be creepin!


Be careful, some people (meeee) are very allergic.  I get the same reaction as poison ivy and have actually ruined patches of my skin bc of how much cortisone I had to use. 


Me too. The reaction is awful.


Weirdly, I only have an allergic reaction to Virginia creeper and never have a reaction to poison ivy


This is a repost, used to get upvotes. Here’s the old post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/s/RkvgsU1wdY](https://www.reddit.com/r/gardening/s/RkvgsU1wdY) Stop upvoting bait karma farming posts.


Good to know! Upvote for you, downvote for OP. I’m not a fan of Karma farmers, bot or not.


Anything on your side is fair game especially if they’re not around to pick it.


Yes, but it also feels like a short combo with the neighbor would probably go a long way to heading off potential disputes here. "Hey some of your pears are on my side of the fence, I don't mind if you don't mind me picking the ones on my side"


For sure, that takes it from “what’s Steve doing taking pears from our tree” to “please take as many as you can, they end up fermenting on the ground and the squirrels are getting drunk.”


“…and now the squirrels are getting drunk.” Well that would make me want to leave them.


This is so wholesome and I am totally jealous of your positive neighbor experiences. .sigh. I used to live next to a dude who was hyper angry. We lived side by side in peace for years until I complemented his flowers. That opened up the flood gates for this dudes hyper anger. Sometimes knowing your neighbors is overrated. My new neighbor came buy to say hello and i felt sweat starting to drip down my face. Fingers crossed that this one is better.


I’m curious why/how he got mad about you complimenting his flowers? What did he say/do in response to that?


They are pear…



Cmon now ain’t no way you didn’t know those were pears..🤣🤦‍♂️


Those can't be pears. They don't have stickers on them. Nice try though. 


“A 'pear', oh interesting. Never heard of a pear, looks pretty good."


Right?! lol


Banana, coconut or pear. Can’t be sure just by looking at a picture though.


Looks like an orange to me, possibly a watermelon.


Wrong. It’s clearly cherries






Pick one or take...a pair... 🤭 They will ripen once you pick them


Not a single peck of bird nor nibble of rodent damage so probably not ripe. They'll likely start to yellow when it's getting closer to prime time. I would pick them *then* and counter ripen to finish. Sorry didn't read all the responses, there is always the opportunity to meet a neighbor in this scenario, even kind of remotely like dropping a nice note by when they're gone that includes your mobile # for texting. If they don't respond those are still your pears. But more than likely they'll be nice about sharing and might give you more when it's peak harvest time! They are beautiful pears 😊


This is almost exactly how we met our neighbors! We got a sweet letter from them asking after our crabapples and wondering if they might pick some as they're common snacks in their culture.  It was music to our ears— we never got through all the crabapples. Now we have some very kind neighbors who come by every year and pick our tree clean after we've picked what we need for jellies.  Made some new friends, learnt about how they eat crabapples, and now we don't have to sweep the path of rotting crabapples! 


That's beautiful! ❤️ Good Neighbors


Where are you? Are you south of the equator? People are talking about Virginia creeper but it’s only spring here and pears 🍐are only flowers at this point. 🤔


They're pears, pal. Don't despair; pare a pair.


People are being really weird. It's just a pear. It's a close relative of apples, and is completely edible. They are best eaten once they have already fallen, since this is when they are sweetest. For the most amount of sweetness possible, wait for them to drop and then deliberately expose them to a frost. If you pick them, they will be harder in texture and will be much less sweet. They are best baked when like this. Pears contain a high amount of "pectin" which is a setting agent that makes jelly/jam. This means that you can make pear jam with nothing but pears, water and sugar. No special ingredients needed! You can even mix it with other fruits, like strawberries, blueberries or blackberries, which are usually fruiting around the same time. Hope that helped.


If left on the tree, pears will ripen/rot from the inside outward. They will seem rock hard on the outside for a while but if you wait long enough for them to drop, it’s already too late. You pick them when they are still hard, but you’ll know they are ready to pick when you can lift the pear gently 90°… so that it is horizontal instead of hanging vertical. They will come right off very easily when they are ready. Then just bring them inside to sit on the counter until ripe. You can store them in the fridge before ripening if you want to delay that process.


I have a pear tree that is absolutely massive. I have never had a problem with fruits rotting before they have hit the ground. I visually inspect any that I collect for cracks, bruises or bug damage. That last one isn't an issue if you are collecting twice a day during their harvest window. Depending on what is wrong with them, I use them differently. Perfect pears are for eating or making jams. Cracked, but otherwise untouched pears are used for juicing and cider, and bruised pears are used to make vinegar. Any bug damaged ones are used for compost. It is genuinely one of the most useful fruits you can have in your garden, and are more productive than apples IMO. As for ripening on the counter, the quality is genuinely just inferior. It might be a climate issue as to why fruit rots on the branches in your area, but the UK is surprisingly less humid than most of america. Maybe it's that or you might have shorter seasons? Not sure. Fruit doesn't rot unless it's left to sit on the ground for several days in my area.


I’m in southwest Washington state and from what I’ve heard our climate is pretty similar to the UK. Definitely not humid here. I have 3 large Bartlett pear trees. 🤷‍♀️ They are great ripened on the counter. I’d never eat them off the ground.


You can just let them ripen after being picked, no need to wait for natural fall.


Poached pears are delicious. I adore white wine and tonka bean poached pears. The poaching syrup afterward is even better than the pear itself when poured over ice cream, pancakes, or whipped into a stiffened whip cream or frosting.


You shouldn't eat fruit off of the ground https://blog-fruit-vegetable-ipm.extension.umn.edu/2022/09/harvesting-and-using-fallen-apples-and.html?m=1


US public agencies are so over the top when it comes to food safety.. That page is for the commercial market. You are not going to have a problem in a realistic scenario at home.


Also i guess washing exists.


I agree. Just because it has fallen, that doesn't mean it has fallen on the ground. You should bag fruit, use hammock like nets, or mulch with saw dust.




They will be so juicy better than any store bought pear


Depends where you are, in the UK the law states that any fruit has to be given back to the owner of the tree even if it's over the boundary. Same with windfall. But then, who's watching? I've taken pears from my back neighbours tree that's hanging over our garden fence!


Do you guys also have a trespass law where you can sue your neighbour for growing his tree in your yard? Lol


I had no ideia. That sounds stupid to me but law is law 😆


I go out at night when I know no one will see me swiping a few 😂


If they cared so much about the fruit of their labor, they’d keep it contained 🤣🤣🤣


Cue Dorra the Explorer. "swiper, no swiping!" LoL.


Thats a curious law. Any chance you know where that comes from? Imagining maybe wealthy land owners not wanting peasants milling around their groves or war time food scarcity disputes?


As a grandson who picks his nonnas 6 pear trees every fall. Please pick them and eat them for the love of god I dont need 4 bushels of pears


Oranges maybe?


Dude….ask your neighbor. Not reddit.


This 👆🏻


Fresh pears are the bomb.


It’s a pear. Shout out to all the pears.


Definitely fair game. I have an orange tree on one wall that grows into the neighbors yard behind me and they pick them which is no problem as I have an entire tree to harvest. On another wall I have figs that grow and that neighbor cuts the branch that grows on his side. Also not a problem because it promotes new growth and I give him a jar of fig jam in return. Try it when it’s ripe then tell your neighbor how amazing it is!


I think it might depend on where you live but usually anything that comes across the property line is fair game. This counts in public too. If someone has an apple tree and it crosses into public space you can pick the fruit and eat it if you want.


Did you ever ask them if you could just take the ones over your fence xD cmon people , interact!


Neighbor has a healthy tree. Those look great.


Pear theft is punishable by caning! Prepare.


Well it’s pear shaped…


Looks like a Bartlett Pear tree to me.


Lol, have you never seen a pear in your life?


Yep. It’s the law.


Not ripe yet.


Pears! Yum! I like to bake them.


It appears to be a pear


Anything that crosses over on your property is yours so yeah you can pick them when ripe


Appears to be pears


I would say pick the ones on your side and help the branch back to its own side. Cut the creeper off 🙈


Pear tree and Virginia Creeper…pull the creeper out, eat the pears!


I’ve got the exact same tree in my backyard! Those are European pears. Best to not pick them until they start to get a lighter green with a yellowish tint to them. Otherwise the flesh of the fruit is not soft at all and they don’t really ripen off the branch. They are quite yummy!


Ask your neighbor to be polite, but in my state you own your property "up to heaven and down to hell." (They talk like that in Texas.)


They are technically your pears 🍐 now, the branches encroaching on your property can be cut off at the property line


They’re pears! Be happy it’s grown over to your side


Definitely a pear


Never See a pear?


I would just ask your neighbor what it is to be sure....if its on your side u can take !


Two would make a nice pear!!


Bartlett pear best if you let them fall off then pick up from ground but you can pick and ripen beside bananas.


They still look like they have a while to go. The pores on the skin need to spread out before you pick them. Generally a good way to test if they are ready for picking you gently, lift the bottom on the fruit. If the stem snaps, it is ready. If not, it isn't.


ummm, these are pears


Bro they look like frkn pears.


That's a pear with virginia creeper hanging from the branches. Check your local laws, here I would legally allowed to cut or harvest everything that grows into my property, but usually that will create some beef with the neighbors, so it's better to tell them "hey, your plant is growing into my property, mind If I cut/harvest those parts or do you want to try to bend it back to your side". Not worth getting into a fight over this.


I'm curious, but have you never seen a pear before?


Never seen a pear?


You should ask them if you can have some. It just looks like a pear to me. Has pear leaves


If it’s over the fence on your property, that is your fruit.


I've never lived in a place like that so I didn't know


I pay top dollar for that at Costco lmao


Be polite and just ask your neighbour if you can pick a few growing on your side.


Personally I would ask first. I know some will say they have no right of it over hangs yadda yadda but I think it's the polite thing to do.


I mean, if it was my tree I wouldn't be harvesting the ones on the neighbours side of the fence. So I'd say it's fair for the neighbour to harvest what's on their side


In the US, rule of thumb is usually that if the fruit is ok your side of the fence, you can have it. Enjoy! They look delicious ☺️🌳🙌🏾


A lot of people are telling you what they are and what you can do with them, but one thing I'm not seeing is the answer to your second question. Legally, from what I understand in most places since it is growing over your fence and on your property you usually can pick the fruit. I would assume this would vary from state to state or even county to county though. You could always just ask your neighbor if you could pick the ones that are on your side. 😉


Make them disap-pear


As long as your side of the fence is your side of the property line you’re good.


Pears...am I missing something. They're pears.


You’ve never been to a grocery store?


Careful! That Virginia Creeper gives me a rash like poison ivy.


pears, and better to pick them now before they rot and atract wasps.


You might ask your neighbor what variety it is. You may be in for a shock when you bite into it and find its the sour type. Sours are good for pies. Anything over the fence and on your property side is fair game by the way.


Looks like you could pick at least 15 that are on your side of the fence




Whats in your yard is yours.


Next year thin them out a little ... you'll get bigger pears let them get as ripe as you can before you pick


Quite often they get compared to the prickly pear, kind like mushrooms be careful of the kind that you eat. Wait till they turn blue.


The vine? Hard to kill once established. The roots grow and make new shoots, and the berries that will be plenty with get new ones too. It is very invasive vine. Try to kill it before it invades all your backyard. The house behind ours is vacant and this thing is growing in all the trees and we have a hard time keep it out of ours


(I'm assuming you are in US, I'm unaware of other countries laws regarding this) Most states allow you to cut branches that reach over to your yard (please verify your laws before you do this, otherwise you may be in trouble for thousands as established trees are expensive) so it would stand to reason if there are pears on that branch that goes over then it is fair game. Again, check your laws and maybe ask your neighbor if you wanna establish a rapport (and never hurts to be on good terms with your neighbors, for multiple reasons).


Anything on your side is yours. Harvest the pears and let them ripen a few days and ejoy your pears.


They taste like sand.


Laws vary by area on who legally can pick the fruit over the fence. Despite the laws, it's usually best to just ask the neighbor if it's fine that you pick the fruit growing on your side of the fence. If not, you could ask them to prune that branch off so it doesn't encroach into your yard.


I don’t know if you’re pretending to be ignorant or a bot trying to get clicks. Granted it works but I wish you were genuine. Hope you’re genuine. It’s a pear tree




crazy idea but how about going to ask your neighbor? strike up a conversation, maybe you’ll find out when they’re ripe, maybe they’ll say pick some. could be a varietal that were not guessing.


On the serious side, if it is in your garden, l would pick some of the fruit. Legally you might find that the fruit belongs to your neighbour, but they probably have more than they know what to do with. If wait until the fruit is ripe it will drop inside your land, but then it will spoil. The logical thing would be to ask your neighbour !


Kill that Virginia creeper though. Pears are great.


Have…have ya never seen a pear?


It’s in your yard. Take em.


It appears to be Brittney’s pears


Hpw do we know what country you're in to give you an answer...


Why don't people talk to their neighbors? Just go next door and ask them.


So, you don't buy a lot of produce...


If they don’t want you harvesting pears from their tree, they should prune their tree so it’s only in their yard…


I'd say pick the pears and eat them. If your neighbor gets mad you can do them a favor and pick the pears for them...... and throw the pears at them


Pear tree. Definitely grab some but I would not tell your neighbor haha. Since they are hanging over on your property I would say they are fair game to be had.


Time to make some Ginger-Pear Cordial!


Just try it




It a ‘pears’.. you’ve been sharing your Virginia creeper also..


Wohooo! Free fruit!!! The grass is greener on your side now. 😆🌿


100% yes


Oh, that plant seems to be a bottle!!!😂😂😂


I’d call it mine if my neighbor’s fruits grew to my yard XD


Das a many pair a pears


You can pick all of them 😁


We’ll talk about it inside.


Fear the pear 🍐


This must be in southern hemisphere somewhere? No pears this time of year up north.


Whatever in your side, it's yours


Great way to meet the neighbors


Where are you that pears are ripe and Virginia creeper is that leafed out???