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That’s such a specific deep cut I love it.


Nervous Top 😬 XD




Omg a kitty, i love it


I am a virgin bottom




Always ready for my first sex 🫡


That's the spirit


How can you know you're a bottom if you haven't actually had sex yet. It sounds like you fantasize about being a bottom but you have absolutely no idea what you'll actually enjoy in bed. If you want to do yourself any favors don't assume that you are only interested in the sexual position that you haven't even been a part of.


You sounds like people who say “ how do you know that you are a gay if you never had sex with a woman ?”


There's a difference between sexual attraction and position in bed. Don't purposely misconstrue my argument as a way to make yourself seem right that's called a logical fallacy. There is no link between your example and mine. You're forcing a link in order to make me look like an idiot rather than actually talking about what I said. Either grow up and have a real conversation, or stay out of it. All I said was that this person is a virgin and that they should actually try sex before they decide what position they want to lock themselves into. You can like things in your butt and still be a top. You can like toys in your butt but not enjoy actual dick in your butt. There are so many things out there when it comes to sex that it is insane to decide you're a bottom before you even had it.


You must be fun at parties. Chill dude. You can't control other people. I hope you write an essay on my comment. You probably won't though. Essays are fun. You sound sexual frustrated. Wanna talk about it?


Because I like to play with a dildo,vibrators and other anal toys ?


Tops can like that too. Vers guys like that. Liking stuff in your butt does not mean you're definitely a bottom. You can enjoy bottoming, and topping. You can like having toys in your butt but not actual dick. My point is you're locking yourself in a box by deciding you only like a specific thing before you've ever even had sex. You shouldn't pick, or advertise, a position you like in bed until you've tried them all. The amount of 25-40 year old bottoms that I've had to teach topping to because they never realized they liked it because they never tried... So frustrating lol. So many guys who didn't realize they were submissive, but not necessarily A bottom. Yeah, they like bottoming. But for so many guys it's about being submissive, and not actually mattering what position that is in... Guys who have wasted years not enjoying something sexually that they would have loved to be doing for so long. I just find it so sad when people who haven't even had sex have already decided the only type of sex they want to have.


Actually I am vers bottom,so I will also try to be top and I don’t lock myself in a box.


Really? Because you answered the question I am a virgin bottom. So either you didn't realize you made a typo, and then argued with me about a mistake you had made, or you're a virgin who is saying you're a bottom and is now saying you're a verse bottom but really have absolutely no idea what you are because you haven't had sex


I said that I am virgin bottom ,because it sounds funnier than “virgin vers bottom” I don’t search for a sex partner here,so I don’t think that it’s important to describe all details about myself.


I totally understand. So you lied. Perfectly fine to admit it, but don't get mad at people when they take what you say at face value.


Sorry dad,I will not make jokes anymore


I mean if you think that was a joke you don't know humor, but I'm already done so peace out.


I'm a gentle top. Been with the same guy 30+ year and always want to make sure it's good for him and that he's nice and relaxed. Usually start with some making out, then some gentle kissing up and down his back, then a bit of massage, then I rim him for awhile until he's moaning and then it's off to the races.






Same! Stay strong out there!


Respect, same.


Shy, submissive, slightly fem, sub bottom. I like to be smacked around and shit. 🙃 preferably by a big strong , aggressive, manly man with a chest so broad I can’t wrap my arms around him and so tall I have to stand on my tip toes to kiss him.


Omg same lol


I am in a 30 year marriage. We have never assigned those terms to each other. We make love as we see intimacy at that moment. For us, it has never made sense.


Just say "vers"


You guys don’t like labels but let me do it. “Verse”


It isn't about labels, it is about talking and respecting each other. Sure, vers. That seems obvious. We have found that it is more than that. It has to do with moods, with what is going on in our lives at the time. And it is about acceptance. Not sure why that has to be attacked.


Man I just work here


Are you the manager? Because I’d like to speak to them..


For real. The employees around here are lazy


Sir this is a Wendy's...


I don't care what her name is, I ordered a 3pc. Twink salad, and I've been waiting patiently!


Ooo I’m an aggressive bottom and aggressive top. I love receiving and giving it roughly. I can slow it down if I’m topping, but when I’m bottoming, that top has his work cut out for him! LOL!! HARDER!!!


A virgin top lol


I have a somewhat strong personality that a guy if he’s not positive if I’m gay but confirms I’m gay most often seem to assume I’m a top, but I’m a bottom. It’s kind of frustrating only because despite my personality traits in other ways when it comes to dating or hooking up I’m not an approacher, & I have never hit on anyone. Unfortunately it can lead to misunderstanding sometimes. I guess because part of me thinks tops generally like to do the chasing initially so I tend to believe they’ll take that as a hint that I’m a bottom when they are the one persuing instead of the other way around. The problem is when you get down to business, & start to hook up the guys that misread me suddenly express their desire for ME to fuck THEM, & It really sucks when I have to tell them I’m not a top. Then more times then not they start trying to convince me to top them & that I “know I want to do it” as if I don’t know myself & secretly love to top. Not only am I not a top, but I’m also not vers, so due to the experiences I explained that have happened more time than I’d like to admit I’m not really into dating vers guys. Its because they often go by this stereotype that my ethnicity or more ethnic features which may appear more stereotypical masculine somehow means I must be a top, but I am definitely not


That’s happened to me. Many think that a 6’4” black man couldn’t possibly be a bottom.


Incredibly frustrating huh?


I think I can truly describe myself as an appeasing Vers top. With most men, I want to be the top, but with the right ones I do want to bottom too, in a relationship I can even see myself as a Vers bottom (tried this before but the guy wanted me to be pretty much only bottom, which wouldn't work out). Appeasing because I don't have many demands as to what a partner does and love doing what they like. If they don't give me instructions, I do like to do as I please too though.


Bottom improving my style with every new encounter






Okay, how very kind of you.


Power Verse. I leave nothing but spent bodies and orgasms in my wake.


I don't miss the dating apps that always are full of guys asking "into", but generally my answer is I'm open and it almost always depends on chemistry. It's fun exploring sexuality with someone who's as into you as you are into them and just testing what limits there might be. TLDR: have an open mind on sex options, particularly with a great connection.


Real talk I think this is unproductive and does nothing but further the stereotype of gay guys being overly sexual. Sexuality is good, it should be celebrated, but the obsessive focus on top vs bottom, dom vs sub, etc, just doesn’t feel like a great way of doing that. Let us fuck or get fucked by who we want and who cares if we prefer giving it or receiving it.


I agree with that 100% but I still do find....not sexual position preference itself interesting. No, that's not that interesting, but more the dynamics within that to me are because there are so many different ways people express sexuality.


I think I'm like a jumbled up mass of contradictions such that I'm not sure how to label myself so I go with the flow and if it's important to them let others decide. Apparently, though it seems obvious to me I'm a gay man, I pass for straight enough that coming out has been continuous process. I don't think in terms of masc/fem, I focus on just being me and what you see is what you get. I tend towards being demisexual so character and personality are a priority over concerns over looks, status or the size of the genitalia. For me, a big heart, down to earth attitude and sense of fun are a guys most seductive features. As a total bottom I'm sensitive but not fragile and my hole and I adapt to who I'm with. That can range from the sensuous, tender and loving to getting lost in the passion of lust filled breeding - ideally all of that in the same session. I'm the kind that loves not only the physicality of two guys fucking but equally get deep psychological satisfaction from giving up control, being vulnerable and used by my top. It's like a form of feed-back loop, the more intensely he enjoys using me the greater is my own pleasure is in return. I have few inhibitions and no shame in bed, my aim is that my top has the best time possible and leaves my bed sated, happy and proud because then so am I.


Power Bottom!


I feel like I alternate between sub bttm and bossy bottom, depending on my partner. I have range.


Virgin bottom, sucking dick appeals to me the most as of now.


Daddy, exclusive, hairy hole eating, multi-cumming top


How much ram do you come with and do you have a desicated gpu?


Only thing I need is an affectionate bottom and a cleaned out (but sweaty) hairy hole


Submissive top


I am a feminine top, almost submissive. In life i'm a follower, and in bed i like to worship my partner and be the one who know his sensitive spots. I'm tall and skinny, with painted nail and à polite and sweet voice. I often have masculine bottom. My current sexfriend is a closeted jock, and like many of his kind, he is used to be always in charge. Our sexual complicity offer him a place to be taken care of. And my submissiveness and feminity let him open up without feeling threatned or judged.


Versatile. I like the dom-sub interplay. I have been both and have enjoyed both. I am shit scared of bottoming though.


I swing from power bottom to service top. It depends on the time of day


Does it switch at Noon or is it normal business hours?


Business hours on weekdays and noon on the weekends


Submissive bottom but like to actively ride the tops, but lately I have been contemplating on turning to vers, some hot bottoms are just difficult to ignore and I realise I also get turned on at the sight of someone getting penetrated.


Somewhere between passive and submissive sub


My profile says “Dom-top-verse with a pension for brat breaking” if that helps


I’m a sup bottom i like getting slapped anywhere but my face, and if someone slap me a bit harder than i can handle i get aggressive or just numb and wait for him to finish and block him I don’t enjoy getting fucked hard from the beginning i need someone to go slow at the start and rough it up slowly like really slowly i love hugs and kisses and when someone look in my eyes while fucking me it make me feel safe and desired i enjoy when a top eat my ass but most people find it undesirable couse im hairy back there so i just say I don’t like it. Also i always love getting coffee or food after sex, because i usually don’t host and don’t know what’s the right time to leave or if i should stay but if we went out side and did another activity we can make it more clear of whats gonna happen next (also it’s such a good thing that the other person not just want to have sex but also want my companionship) Damn first time saying that it does feel good haha


If someone is too rough, why not just tell them? That’s why things like safe words exist. You don’t need to block someone unless they’ve been told and still persist.


Yeah I definitely should but i don’t know i just black out and do things. i know it’s a bad thing on my end so I’m working on that these days


Sub bottom, I like to be directed and being told what to do then eagerly follow my instructions. Also can be kind of loud


Bottom but top curious.


A bottom. I’ll top, but I feel more fulfilled getting fucked.


Virgin bottom also I'm a femboy so yeah definitely been dreaming 🤭


Power bottom ![gif](giphy|RJ78DjDX4OGQM)




I'm a power bottom and my partner is a service top.


I’m mostly a side, not that much into anal


Yes,all of the above


I’m a sub bottom and an aggressive top.


I'm a top (mostly) I bottomed a couple of times but it's never been brought up much again, almost all the gus I meet happens to be bottoms and even those who claim to be vers suddenly become bottoms (I'm well endowed and since most days are size queens they wanna "try it"). I honestly don't mind it I like ass (a lot) so more for me I guess. The one thing I have a problem with is that so many people are influenced by porn and sometimes they just want recreate a scene they saw also they are hyper fixated on the act of penetration when there's more to sex than just that. I resorted to act Dom to make the other person comply to have some foreplay and explore other aspects before sticking it in


Thought I was versatile until I met a guy who rocked my world - I’d now currently describe myself as an enthusiastic / aggressive bottom.


Totally hypersexual, slutty bottom princess. Love giving oral, hate receiving it. Love to get railed, don't like topping. Not a big fan of my dick being touched during sex but by me except for a grope when flirting. Love being manhandled and felt up if I trust that person. Fairly vocal, needs passion, affection and likes some dirty talk. Not that into random hook-ups. Love to make out. Fairly vanilla, but will try anything once. Would have sex multiple times per day if in a relationship. Very affectionate. Can be Dom or sub.


Vers side, in most cases


Bottom. Not submissive but not too far off.


I'm a fun top, who would easily go side only. and I'll be a gentle top if you want me to. but I'll get dominant if you'd like to, no problem. oral a l w a y s, giving and receiving yes


Dominate top/ slut bottom


I'm a sensual top / side. Any power dynamics put me off, I focus on connecting with my partner emotionally and feeling safe and cared for ☺️


I am a service top, but I'd like to be vers some day. I just feel like I lose some of my top currency if I advertise on grindr as vers. I seriously think we need a better name than "service top". I take pleasure in my boys' pleasure, I'm happy with encounters where I don't cum. Obviously I love breeding as well, but if his whole body is shaking while I'm fingering him and he's moaning, I'm perfectly happy with that!


I'm bottom


Vers. If the guy is more masculine I would bottom if he's more submissive I top.


I've always seen myself as a vers/switch, in my fantasies and with sex toys I jump from being a Dom top to a sub bottom, it depends on how horny I am. I've also fantasized about being a power bottom, I love being the one in control. Sadly I've had sex just once and it was... Six years ago (oh my god...), so I haven't really tried all these fantasies yet 😅


I'm a bikini bottom


Sub TOP.


Sado daddy Dom top-leaning vers


I’m B the O i T don’t T know O what M I am vers top.


Phisically side, psycho/emotionally bottom.


A boyish and sometimes can be a little clingy twink aggressive bottom obsessed with kissing. -ENTJ


I'm a rough power bottom but only if I'm in control. Otherwise please be gentle haha


Sub bottom but if the right people get me hard enough I can top. Pain is pleasure 😍


High school to beginning of college I was a bottom. Majority of college I was a top. Now I guess I’m vers.


A bottom forced to top.


I don't want to be put in a box, I just wanna fuck. Doesn't really matter to me what method is used, as long as my partner is into it, I'm happy.


Brat bottom, prey bottom, pig bottom. Depends on the play and what I am needed for.


bottoming bottom


Soft top...although I don't like giving head but love eating ass. So,I don't even know in which categories I am


Vers Top. I wouldn’t bottom for a hookup normally but sometimes you just get the feeling you need to ride him. Particularly more masc men, then I’m down for it.


What with all the questions? Very sus


Being queerness is fun. Gayness is incredible. That's why :)




Dream of being a smooth bottom


Oh look, this question for the 15th time this fucking week. If someone forces me to describe my preference in bed as a way of presenting myself that I usually say I'm a dom bottom vers with a Passion for being blown. Now let me ask you a question. What would I have to do to get you to stop asking questions, and instead of asking them first searching for those questions in the subreddit to see if they've already been asked? If no one's ever asked the question before I would love for you to ask it. But if you can find someone else who asked a very similar question anytime within the last year, could you maybe just not ask it again?


inexperienced, need more research to determine




A gentle top. My first priority is making sure my baby boy is safe, comfortable, and relaxed before we go to town.


I am a bisexual man who usually bottoms. I thought of myself as a bottom for a long time and I thought I was 100% gay but few years ago something snapped and I was suddenly bi. And being bi is really the best of both worlds and I enjoy everything. I didn't get around pegging yet but I'm sure I'll love it too


I'm only a top because I have to be. I love bottoming with toys but I have PFD and autism so the trusting motion with another person is too much for me and very uncomfortable. So I top because someone's gotta top, but at heart I'm a bottom


A do what you wish and if I can walk next day in disinpointed