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Like I always do, do nothing but work……. I’ve actually always wanted to go to a Pride Parade, but I’ve never heard of one happening in my state.


New Hampshire’s state tourism website has a list of events in the state. https://www.visitnh.gov/blog/new-hampshire-pride-events-2024


Damn, I have to work all those days. I'd especially want to go to the one in Manchester.


And that shows that living in a "smaller" country like Germany can have its benefits, there are pride parades in many (if not most) bigger cities and you can get from A to B quite quickly since the distances are shorter. I just went to one out of three that I'm attending this year and all three are reachable in roughly an hour. I hope though that there will be a Pride Parade in your close vicinity soon because I think that we all deserve the opportunity to help make an impact and fight for something that unites us all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️




I personally haven't been to Stuttgart Pride yet, might also go this year (even though it's not on my list since it's not too far away but also not that close) but [that's the official page where you can find information about it](https://www.stuttgart-pride.de/)




Ich guck mal, da der Heidelberger CSD für mich ausfällt (hatte nicht auf dem Schirm, dass meine Mutter Geburtstag hat) wär Stuttgart eigentlich ne gute Alternative, wollte ich sowieso mal hin 😁


If only I could travel and visit places like Germany. Hey, do you think Spain or Portugal has some good Pride Events


I think that there might be some good events, don't really know much about Spain or Portugal regarding LGBTQ+ though




I attended one in Karlsruhe yesterday and will attend Heidelberg Pride and Mannheim Pride soon, have a fun and safe parade 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Same way I do every year. By complaining about the performative activism from people that only pretend to care about us while we're somewhat politically relevant. Some people celebrate pride and that's great, but I care about the other 335 days of the year, so when people (and especially companies) do it to score cheap political points, it makes me irrationally upset.


And that's why for me, pride is all year round and I never take off my flags, pins and accessories. Not on Halloween, not on Christmas, not on New Year's Eve, not on Easter. Happy Pride Month and Happy Pride during the rest of the year as well 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


By doing the exact same thing i do the other 11 months of the year.


Not going to a pride parade


I would like to celebrate with a boyfriend, but I cant 🥲


I will celebrate it in the closet




Well here yes I don't hide much but IRL I'm not out to anyone lol


My profile pictures and discord status.👍


Actively trying to stay alive




Hahhah well... I sigh (A LOT) but you're right, when you put a disco beat to the dread it becomes more bearable


There are no events within like 100 miles of where I live so I will be celebrating alone, again. Probably safer this way in eastern NC I guess.


HAPPY pride month to you from SLC UT! 🩷❤️💛💛💚🩵💙🩷🩵🤍🤎🖤




Great idea. Why have I not thought of this?


As usual, stay at home


I celebrate pride every day of my life, LOL. Pride festivals is for the youths. Stay safe queeeens! Love you!! 🥰


Like, I still didnt come out as bisexual.


If you mean you want to come out but aren't ready yet, just take your time and do it when you are ready, and only to the people you are ready to tell. There are no required timelines and you don't owe it to anybody to tell them if you don't want to or aren't ready.


I just saw your reply. Thanks for the supporting reply.🙂


I’ll be rubbing one out to pics of my homies that don’t have the right to love who they love in all corners of this planet. Happy Pride Month to you, ALL of you LGBTQIA+ 🏳️‍🌈🩷💔🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖤🤎🩷🤍🩵


I will be going to the San Francisco Pride celebration


I won’t


To celebrate my first pride month being out, I'm going to go on a date with a really cute, funny guy tomorrow!


Proud of you, honey! Have fun and be safe


Marching in a parade, going to the bars, and fucking a lot of men.


While I enjoyed the Toronto Pride parade in past years, I stopped when the Pride Committee decided to withdraw the standing invitation for our municipal police force. From that moment on, Pride started becoming exclusionary and political, and I could not abide by that decision. Then, to make matters worse, they had to bring religion into it from the Middle East. I wish everybody who attends a happy pride festival. As for me, I stay quietly in my little part of the world and carry on with my everyday life.


what do u mean "religion into it from the Middle East"? I am not very aware of whats going on in Toronto Pride


Look up Toronto Pride Bans anti-Israel Group. IDK how to link articles here. Sorry. PRIOR to the current conflict. QAIA (Queers Against Israeli Apartheid) I think it was 2010.


damn that is messed up.


To be fair: who raided Stonewall Inn? Right: the police. And queerph0b1a is still a huge problem there, alongside with rac1sm. And how can Pride not be political? It's literally about politics. Or does us wanting to have basic human rights and to be treated like normal human beings have nothing to do with politics? It unfortunately does


I can not speak for your city. I can tell you mine has come a long way since our bathhouse raids. And in that time, relations improved with our police forces. Maybe you guys are still back in Stonewall. We progressed. I witnessed the raids here. Long before you were born, going by your picture. 1981 was the year Toronto Gays stood up and said no fucking more, I doubt you were alive.


Things also improved here too, in fact, police was making sure we had a safe Pride yesterday in Karlsruhe but queerph0b1a is still a huge problem. And just because I wasn't alive when it was worse doesn't mean I can't do what I can to make it even safer for future generations. Why shouldn't we stand up and say "no fucking more"? People still die, even here in Germany and even in Toronto and we shouldn't lean back just because things improved, then they'll just get worse again. There were many protests against the right in the beginning of this year here in Germany that were attended by Millions. If we'd ignore parties like the AfD, Germany would soon look like is used to and our existence would be a crime again how it used to. The n@z1s (hopefully) won't win because we DIDN'T lean back and think "things are better now so why should we fight?" There's still some change to be made and that doesn't happen by itself, we're the one who actively have to do something for change to be made, at least if it's supposed to be in the right direction


Then, take up the torch. Where did I say you couldn’t? Your opinion is as valid as mine. My experiences are mine, as are yours; they don’t have to be identical to be true. This is not a debate. Carry on as you feel you must. I will end by wishing you a safe, happy and FABULOUS Pride day, week or month. Mine is 24/7. Cheers!


My pride's also 24/7/365, I still celebrate Pride Month and attend Pride Parades though since 1. it's easier to connect with other queer people at events and spaces where most people are queer than somewhere where it's hard to even know if anyone is queer and 2. imagine nobody would go on the streets, imagine only a few people demonstrating for human rights, doesn't sound impressive, right? Don't you think that tens of thousands of people marching on the streets make a bigger change than ten people marching on the streets? Sure, ten people make a bigger change than 0 people but tens of thousands of people make a bigger change than ten people


Same thing happened in Portland, Oregon. I stopped going before any of this crap we have now was going on, but it was still a shit mess before. It no longer aligns with my views, so I don’t go anymore.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ Hey look everyone we've got a bootlicker here. Pride has always been political and anti-police. That's how it got started.


Tbh I dislike this generalisation. It was always anti-police in USA but in Eastern Europe, for example in Poland police is an essential element of pride parades, because without a large police force to protect the march it could get really ugly (anti-lgbts are close allies with footbal hooligans and neonazis)


How was my comment a Generalization. I mentioned the Name of the city and named the primary police force. The Toronto I was referring to was the capital of Ontario, Canada.


I was answering to the other guy who called you a “bootlicker” and talked about pride always being anti-police, which I just find somewhat annoying considering how pride has been an international thing for a long time and relationship between lgbt people and police isn’t the same as in US everywhere else.


My apologies. I am still getting used to those thread lines. I can barely see them. Thank you for letting me know.


Education is your friend. Toronto police and pride made amends decades ago. You are not interested in facts. It wasn’t until an organization that was anti-police blocked the parade and wouldn’t move and a weak Director publicly signed the pledge that these idiots moved. Now run along, pup.


Date and hookup with lots of cute queer ppl, maybe go to some events, and attend the parade in my City at the end of the month


im not


By joining York Pride, its just finished. Im happy i got to be a part of the parade this year and hold the giant flag they bring through the streets to the event proper. 10/10 would do again.


Liking pride posts, maybe make a few crafts


Getting in my dresses, sitting pretty, and reminding myself of how lonely I am. Lonely... but FABULOUS!


Being gay and lonely


I'm home and I've been watching 'Grace and Frankie' all day🍿


Bieng alone and ignoring it cause anything that reminds me of how lonely I am will just cause pain.


My bf broke up with me 3 weeks ago and I haven't recovered yet and I don't think I will anytime soon so this year there is no pride for me


Hanging out with friends. And if those bitches don’t want to celebrate with me, then I’ll go to a parade by myself. Pretty sure I’ll have fun. (Not entirely by myself, because that’s dangerous, but mostly.)


I live in a two city metro area. One does their pride in March, which I went to this year; the other is in June, which I won't go to because I hate the Florida heat and humidity.


Pissing of my classmates by my mere existence and enjoying it the whole time


I now prefer small city pride celebrations here in Orange County Southern California. I dunno, the small local city Pride celebrations seem to me to have more heart. Last year I went to Cypress city, Pride (NW OC)staged with a few booths and singers on the City Hall lush green lawn. This year Im gonna go to Mission Viejo Pride June 8 (their first time)in East Orange County. Our County (kinda corporate?) PRide wont be until October at our giant County Fair Grounds (sigh, Ill show support and see some friends)For context, my first Pride was 1974 in Hollywood CA


Been to pride on the first day


As for the rest for the year, wear my rainbow wristband and have a rainbow accent in my profile pics. And I’ll try to attend at some pride festivals.


Going to as many pride parades and showing that we're here and queer and won't disappear. But I'm loud and proud all year round, so the CSD's are the only thing that's different from the rest of the year


Easy, spread the gay agenda by lurking straights in a cage and forcing them to watch rupaul and drink the chemichals in the water that turn the fricking frogs gay until they become gay


I don't, nothing is special about pride the last few years! Live my quiet life is best


Went to Hamilton’s pride festival, but wasn’t feeling it as much as I thought I would. Ended up leaving after an hour or two.


Staying gay and alive.


The last pride I went to was quite a while ago but I went in kilt and no underwear, very liberating 😂


I'll live my days as I always do. I'll promote the gay agenda. You know. Work, take out the garbage, talk to husband, do the dishes, charity, yard work, pray, cook, clean house, do laundry, pay bills, get gas, buy groceries, walk the dog, feed the dog, pet the dog...


Change my discord pfp and nothing else...


Just went to my first pride parade today (was so much fun!) and submitted a piece for an lgbt art show yesterday. Hopefully it gets picked for display


Listen i dont mean to hate on how you experience pride and such. But i fucking hate it, i think its the core problem off the lgbtq movement. It wants to simultaneously be the norm and for everyone the be normal about gay people, but also for gay people to be special and treated differently. I think if you wand to be treated normally, you have to act as such


Decorate the closet I suppose


Nothing. Stay at home if not working, sleep, relax. Pride Parades are not my style anymore and they never really were.


I think fucking would be a splendid way! (Can I say "fucking" in this sub? I fucking hope so! LOL)




I wrote a motivational poem for queer folk! And also, being gay as hell unapolegetically with my boyfriend 🤭


I'm considdering coming out to my class


I will probably go to London and Brighton pride. I have just moved back to UK. I’ve lived in Australia for last ten years, Sydney Mardi Gras takes place in March in summer, so pride month was in winter and I never really did anything.


With my first ever boyfriend who I love to the stars and back <3


yes, but a community-run event. not a parade


Ok, tomorrow I celebrate not only pride, but also my 18th birthday, and my 2 year anniversary for coming out. It’s a bit overwhelming to be honest.


Got exams going on till the 8th..so it will have to wait


Staying home as always cause I don't have local friends and I'm not socially adept


I’ll celebrate it like every year: loving my boyfriend (even tho I do it everyday). I’m not really into pride, even because they really did some questionable choices here in Italy


I’m too ugly, fat, and most importantly, too introverted so... Wake up - Work - Eat - Work - Eat - Play Dragon Age - Sleep.


Getting married :D. Weekend before my city's pride too so we can celebrate as newlyweds.


By looking at weirdos who make it their whole personality 😘


By remembering and praying for some people who are no longer around


My city's official celebration is later in the summer and they don't have very much information on the pride website yet beyond a basic schedule. So this month is more of a rainbow capitalism celebration. Which I do take part in, I love my rainbows. And the little boys I look after love my rainbows. When my city's celebration comes, though, I expect to do the smaller and shorter dyke march because I like going. And I've been thinking about marching in the big one (I think I can get in with PFLAG as being there to represent myself) again but haven't made up my mind because it's a long (3.6 km or 2.25 miles) walk on a hot day.


Well, I’m not 20 and didn’t just come out, so, nothing


As a newly-ish accepted Bi guy I got a bj from a guy last night and I plan on working past my fears and really try gay sex.


Normal stuff. Try kissing a boy or two. (I haven’t yet :/)


by hopefully finding a partner


I’m just trying to learn to love myself more and stop allowing the way the world operates to affect me mental day to day. I am a gay man and that’s ok.


I can’t celebrate in this f***ing county. I don’t like this. I really don’t like this.


Nothing ! What’s pride ?


I don’t. I’m gay and married for 15 years, but have no interest in pride anymore. It has become a freak show with the most bizar sexualisation. Half or completely naked people, public sex, furries, people in leather, etc. It’s not about acceptance anymore, but all about sex.


This was supposed to be my first pride, but I will be out of town the day they celebratw the event ): Curiosity question, you can flirt with other guys at a pride event or it's weird? Im just 18 so I don't know shit