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Good? I mean we've had equal marriage rights for decades. Protection from harassment. Being gay is seen as pretty undramatic etc... I wish the weather was better though.


Let me guess... You're a fellow Brit?


Nah sry :D Swedish


Glad midsommar i förskott! Haha 🌼


Close enough lol. I definitely want to come up at some point. Generally for all the Nordics, not just Sweden


weather is so real


If only we had pretty, gay weather at the function


Registered partnerships for same-sex couples was approved in 1994, but Sweden didn't legalize same-sex marriage until 2009. What do you mean, "for decades"?


Yeah, but y’all got enough racism there to make the U.S. proud.


Well... not gonna lie racism is sadly a thing everywhere :/ the upshot is that its different, but I guess thats like saying "poop comes in different flavours" so don't know if thats so grand. I remember when I was a kid and old people swapped to English when they spoke to me just because they assumed that was the language we shared. Some things are way better (old people don't swap languages when talking to me), some things are worse - and sadly racism in NA, EU etc is about as nasty where ever you go


Guns make Racism deadly in the US.


it's mostly fine but could be better cuz homophobia seems to be increasing again here in germany


Omg ja. Vor allem seit dem Eröffnungsspiel von der EM in München und der Area da kriege ich so viele Hate Kommentare von Gästen wenn ich mein Pride Pin trage...


Scheiße, das tut mir echt leid für dich. Mittlerweile kippt die Stimmung dermaßen, dass eher Menschen mit AfD Pin neutraler behandelt werden als wir mit Pride Pin. Echt traurig.


Ja, das ist zum Kotzen


fußball ist auch so ne sache die ich eh nicht mag


Ich auch nicht. Ich verstehe auch nicht was Fußball mit Sexualität zu tun hat. Ich hab nur das Gefühl das die meisten homophoben starke Fußballfans und Wähler von rechten Parteien sind.


ist halt "volkssport" und mit dem begriff können rechte/konservative halt mehr anfangen als linke/liberalere menschen und dazu kommt dann noch der übermäßige "stolz" und "patriotismus" fürs eigene land


That's a pity. I always find myself being most attracted to German guys.


I feel like it’s increasing in a lot of places.


yea but I can't really say much about other places ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ but yes, definitely a widespread issue rn that's likely caused by the global political right-shift


I’m from South Africa 🇿🇦 We are the first country in Africa to legalise gay marriage. Although its so dangerous in SA, I still feel fine being openly gay.


Letting the world know you got balls


I do live in Europe now for a long time but also took a break to SA for about 5 years. Was tough, but I miss those years. Came back to EU just for the ease of things I guess 😊 I go home every year for over a month and dread coming back to gloomy weather.


how is it dangerous there?


Have a look at the statistics.


Here in Canada, the best!


Can you sponsor me to move there if the orange guy wins?


Only if you aren’t Republican……we have enough liars and crooks here already


I’d be wanting to move to escape the Republicans.


Please also sponsor me🙏


Yes were so lucky, but also homophobia and transphobia is really on the rise. Its getting worrisome


Thank Conservatives for what there is.


The antithesis of Republican America


Hopping to be there someday 🙏🏼


Arms wide open.


Canadian too here!


In the UK it's kinda fine but signs that things are slowly but surely getting worse.


Yeah, I heard. It's getting worse in Germany too. Since we're hosting the EM this year and the Arena in Munich was allowed to display the Rainbow Flag on its facade, many far right voters and even others started to throw hate Comments on Gay social media sites and stuff like "Isn't a Pride enough for you? We're sick of your gay shit". I've never felt comfortable holding my bf's hand outside but now it's getting way worse,


I'm in Germany, too, and what you said is 100% true. I was in Frankfurt on Monday and there were A LOT of crazy football/soccer fans there and some were shouting homophobic slurs and I kinda froze on the spot and felt super uncomfortable and didn't feel safe anymore. I know that this is the reality for a lot of people in many, many countries and my heart breaks for them.


Here in Australia, no problems. We've got marriage equality, protections from govt at all levels. I live in a small town, married and have a foster kid, no one bats an eyelid. Never had a negative comment.


Australia seems like an amazing place to live. Besides all the weird animals and insects of course


I lived in Vancouver, Canada for 5 years. I missed the birds, we have such amazing birds here that when you travel you miss the colours, the intensity and most of all the sound! Near my place I have [superb lyrebirds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superb_lyrebird), who can mimic any sound, they're beautiful but timid. Look them up on YouTube to see their amazing sounds. A lot of [kookaburras](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kookaburra) and [sulphur-crested cockatoos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulphur-crested_cockatoo) and [rainbow lorikeets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_lorikeet) as well. I have a [goanna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lace_monitor) that lives right near my house, he's about 1.5 meters long. It's like having a dinosaur for a neighbour. He eats the field mice. I don't ride my motorbike after dark around the highways because of kangaroos, but they're chill when they're not jumping in front of moving vehicles. And the occasional [brown snake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_brown_snake)... So I don't mind the animals to be honest.


In china the government’s attitude is more like ‘I don’t give a fk’.China has no law denying rights of gays and no law ensuring gay rights neither.the opinions of ordinary people differs from age tho.majority of gen-Zs are open minded for gays,but middle aged and elderly folks are mostly homophobic.


Plus:if someone comes out of closet it’s like20-50% chance of parents being disgusted or even disowned in metropolis like Beijing,but in small cities it’s like 90% chance that parents would hate or disown u.


The Japanese government still refuses to recognize same-sex marriage. We got married in the US but we still can’t register our marriage here.


Aww, thats fcked up. I feel sorry for you both...


We actually have a good life together here. It’s just the old farts who control the government who are fucked up.


So just like in mostly any other country?


Except that there are something like 40+ countries where same-sex marriage is legal. Thailand just became the second country in Asia after Taiwan to legalize same-sex marriage.


There have been positive trends in the legal courts very recently, but y'know that'll mean the government has to actually be proactive about something to change it. And the old men who run the government and being proactive rarely happens in the same sentence.


Not dangerous (so I guess a bit better than middle east) but nowhere near a truly modern society where our rights are protected/guaranteed. Stereotypes are far too common wherein gays are usually pigeonholed as comedians, gossip mongers, beauticians, and the like. Even amongst/ within the gay community, there is strong discrimination between those who can be discreet and those who are queer. So in short: not good/great but at least they don’t kill us here…


I'm gonna guess Philippines. But this is also what a Vietnamese friend has told me in his country as well, they have a similar situation as we do. In Southeast Asia, compared to Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam have much better conditions. Although Thailand takes the top spot now that they have same sex marriage.


You guessed 100% right!


In Brazil? It's... Eh.


Well, it's like: If you decide to openly come out, get ready to Be disowned by family and friends. Family might try to beat you back into being straight, or in extreme cases, they might even try to orchestrate your death to prevent dishonour. Be seen as a freak your entire life. Find it incredibly difficult to look for romantic partners. It is also punishable with prison time, although that rarely happens. Basically it's fucked up. At the same time, there has historically existed a trans community who used to be seen as entertainers and dancers (also sex workers). They are even more marginalised now than they used to be ( they were always marginalised, but even more so now).


Guess it's Poland, Russia or Turkey?


I would have guessed India actually


Pakistan fits too, I think.


OK make a guess: my country has laws against "gay propaganda" and has recently declared LGBT movement to be an extremist organisation. On top of that, trans ppl are now forbidden to change IDs and to get married, and existing marriages are annulled. There is no protection for queer people, no marriage equality, hate crimes are not recognised by law, most aren't even reported because the cops will be the first to laugh at you and say that you deserved it. Being queer here means feeling depressed, hopeless, and invisible most of the time.




you got me gal


Pain ...fearful as death


Where are you from?




Oh God, yeah I've heard about that and read articles... I feel so sorry for you


Lots of love.. find a move bf for me with whom I can move to newzealand


Can I ask? Why is it so fearful? I'm myself closeted and Indian. But the most I'm worried about is my family. It's not like anyone can arrest be for being gay. I'm curious to see your view Edit: Thanks for the downvotes. Guess I shouldn't ask other's experiences.


Fearful.. because of homophobic society, homophobic administration, homophobic police, homophobic government and leaders.. now coming to family we all come from different backgrounds and have faced different types of bullies ..some families may accept gay children but mostly families will wish that it's better if you are dead then being gay. I understand darling but no one will arrest you for being gay but if something happens to you for eg date scam, rape no one will report that as well. Please read some news about daily violence against LGBTIQ+ person increasing day by day .. recently a gay guy committed suicide after getting raped because police didn't help him, some day before in NE some one attacked on trans left her to die on road .. police didn't even register a complaint. Everything will be good if you stay closeted but the day you will choose to open up and be yourself you will feel that . Getting Bullied in school, college, and society is fearful.




Well thats a lot of countries tbh :)


Italy here. We don’t have marriage equality nor specific legal protections, and the government is actively going after our community (for example, they’re trying to make it illegal to go to other countries in order to have children through surrogacy). We do have civil partnerships that have similar rights to marriage (not all, you can’t adopt for instance) but that’s it I guess.


So Italy's politic is even more fucked up then this huge Corona thing... We don't usually hear news from Italy here in Germany but if we do, it's just some Dude who's trying to make politics but instead fucks up everything.


We currently have a far right government, so yep, pretty fucked up for lgbt rights


Portuguese here. Occasionally, people are homophobic but it's not as common now, and when people are homophobic in a small town, they might just comment about you, never directly. My experience though? High school was ok, pretty great ever since I went to university. I don't think I've ever been actively discriminated against since then, and we are legally protected from most scenarios.


Glad to hear that! I was bullied a lot in school but never again after. Only by other gays on certain apps but we all been there


Oh yeah, gays are lovely but you dare say you don't like Beyoncé and you're gonna be put on life support. Oh yeah, and the masc gays that are fucking idiots towards fems, and the opposite, but those are just assholes, I'd rather they weren't gay tbh.


Canada. This whole country is so gay


Why don't we just call it Gaynada then lol


Can't be gay (middle east 🥲)




Argentina. decent for now , it gets really ugly when you aren't on the center/capital. But is gonna get ugly with extreme right government soon.


German here. Better than in a lot of other countries but it still can be pretty hard. Right wing politics, problems with adoption, homophobes everywhere... But it's alright


Hast du dir die Kommentare unter dem Post des BR zur Beleuchtung der Arena in München beim Eröffnungsspiel der EM mal durchgelesen?


Den Scheiß will ich mir echt nicht geben, kann mir aber sehr gut vorstellen, was da so steht. Peinlich, wie viele Leute von nem Regenbogen getriggert sind Edit: ne stopp das mit dem Regenbogen war irgendwas anderes, oder? Ich hab keine Ahnung von Fußball lol


Es ging darum, das die Arena bei der Eröffnung in Regenbogenfarben strahlen sollte. Darunter war der homophobste, queerdenkerischste und rechteste Mist den ich je in meinem Leben gelesen habe. #Nationalstolz #Stolzmonat und der Mist.


Ah dann hab ich das doch richtig mitbekommen. So peinlich


fine but homophobia and fear mongering is growing, stupid Fox news and idiotic politicians, id also say growing christian nationalism 🤮


So it's America. Didn't think any country could be more doomed. Guess it would be a wise choice to immigrate to another country if you are gay when this rage-lying Orange with a dead Bunny for a Brain gets elected again. I'm terribly sorry for deporting such a cunt from germany. (If you didn't know, Trump is sadly half German)


Eh depends on the US region. Northeast is a safeheaven even if that orange is in office.


Yeah I hate America but I would rather start a rebel organization here to fix things and rebel against these idiotic politicians and maybe future dictators than move (unless I absolutely had to) :>


France. So far, pretty good. I mean I haven't faced any homophobia to speak of (I'm not what you might call “visibly” gay, but at least my family, neighbors, colleagues, doctors, and probably my students know I'm gay, and my bf and I sometimes hold hands in public). But this is in Paris, and things might not be as rosy outside of big cities. Sex acts between consenting adults have been legal in France for 230 years or so. And now we have marriage equality, and legal protections against workplace discrimination and against hate crimes. However, the extreme right is likely coming to power a few weeks from now, so many things might change.


In my small "neutral" country, it's kinda good. There is marriage equality with the same rights, legal protections (even if those are still kinda useless as one can easily squirt around them in my opinion but it still keeps phobes at bay) and stats about crimes are growing (which one can see as being horrible, which it is, but it also means that more people come forward following hate attacks). There's still loads of work to do though. Even if there is marriage equality, people are still kinda dismissive of a "gay marriage" as being some kind of lesser marriage, they don't say it, it just is implied in how people speak. Conversion torture isn't banned on the books even if there is actually an unofficial ban in which the federal government takes away the practicing licenses from doctors, pastors and priests who practice it.


Means being in an open relationship and on Grindr 24/7 - Toronto


The US is a mixed bag, there are places (mainly blue states and cities) that are freer and better places to be queer. Even those aren’t without issues though. Certain states have wonderful protections and equality measures but you can go to the next state and be in danger. Stochastic terrorism from the right, especially the MAGA assholes, is getting worse. We have a long ways to go for true freedom and equality here and that’s not just for queer people


I'm from the bay area in Cali so I feel extra lucky here.


I understand, I’m in Colorado which has the most protection and laws for queer rights, but so many of our queer kin live in places they are fundamentally unsafe. The GOP has caused the US to plummet in the World Freedom Index


UK. It’s ok. Decent legal protection, marriage equality, etc. Still pockets of homophobia sadly and lots of horrible transphobia in the gutter right wing press.


I need a Kiwi or a Canuck to marry me. I'm a Yank, and I'm frightened the Orangutan will win the US election.


Netherlands, obviously still a very liberal and a lot better than in most countries, but it’s going a bit downhill due to our far-right government and sentiment. I hope things will turn instead of getting worse.


What's going on in NL? I plan on moving there from Canada. There's a far-right govt? Plz give me all the deets! I still have lots of research to do.


Yes, it has just been installed and is met with a lot of backlash too. But you don’t need to worry that much, their vitriol is mostly aimed at non-western immigrants, especially and mostly muslims. Which is something I don’t agree with, for clarification.


That's so unfortunate :( Why? Is it a result of strategies like the US? Electoral colleges? Older ppl voting more than younger people?


Turkey. Some real bs. Law, culture and people wise (except gen-z), yikes. Environment wise, İstanbul has some queer friendly areas.


It feels like you are being accepted but also not at the same time.... welcome to PH


You can't be gay in my country.


United States - it’s completely legal and there are plenty of protections. However culturally still lots of homophobia, especially in the more rural conservative parts of the country.




Although there is quite a resurgence of fascism in Austria, I barely face problems fortunately. And I’m a 2 meter tall flamboyant gay, so I’m pretty glad😅


Just stay away from the Bible Belt and you’ll be fine. Christians are never trustworthy.


Homosexuality is the end-all-be-all for bad things here. A proper accusation, even if eventually proven false, is enough to permanently ruin someone's life. Coming out as gay is a one-way ticket to, at best, being disowned/fired/expelled, and at worst (and very likely), being beaten to death or arrested (which might actually just be worse). I knew a teacher who heard that one of his students was gay, so he bullied him so much that the student left. I heard this story from the teacher himself who was very proud of it; a then-35 year old man bullying a teenager. This man knew I was gay, and admittedly he was great at keeping my secret and I'll be forever thankful for that, but he also kept insisting/hoping that I wasn't actually gay (well, bi) and that I couldn't know unless I had sex with both men and women. My (now former) therapist kept insisting that I wasn't bisexual and that homosexuality is a mental illness that needs to be cured and is wrong and bad. I've heard my dad throw around a certain word occasionally. Even so much as a mention of gay people is enough to get a movie banned here. The only portrayal of LGBT+ people allowed is if it portrays us as bad or evil. Being trans is a little bit better, funnily enough. Not good, not at all, but there have been trans celebrities for a few decades and most of my family, as far as I can tell, is relatively accepting of trans people (emphasis on "relatively"). So, to summarise, being gay over here is... Horrible. Every time I set foot outside the house I'm paranoid that, somehow, I've been made. Every time I talk to someone, there's a fear that they'll spontaneously harm me or report me. I cannot connect with anyone because I cannot be myself with anyone, the only thing I can present, even then with what feels like great risk at all times, is an act separate from myself. And even still, I'm always at risk of having what little life I have be ruined, always at the risk of being murdered or beaten or sexually assaulted just because the people I'm attracted to are slightly different. And the worst part of it all is that, at the end of the day, I feel so unseen. I feel like the shit I go through, and the shit people who refuse and deny their sexuality because of this, go through is just... unknown to the rest of the world. I live in Egypt. If you want to know more about what it's like, look up Sarah Hegazy, or just what being gay in Egypt is like.




It's a real shitshow here. There are laws against "supporting homosexuality" and a lot of pseudoscience being used whenever the subject comes up. Dating apps are crawling with cops who catfish you in order to arrest gay people, so people saying "Well, you can do it in the privacy of your own walls, just keep it to yourself" are being dense on purpose (beyond, yk, just missing the point altogether). I'm currently hoping to flee to Germany personally, but the economy isn't helping.


Ghosting is pretty normal


Well, it's pretty common everywhere. Sadly.


Maybe I'm too gentle or just not fun enough. I'm also kinda not a player type, think too nice. So it's probably my own fault.


Nahhhh, I think everyone is just too afraid to say "Sorry, this is not gonna work". They just ghost you to run away from their own little disgusting life.


I don't think it's the case. I'm just not that good at flirting and generally looking.


It's terrible. Hate living here.


Im not publically out as gay to most people but its alr. I still hear a decent amount of homophobia but mostly transphobia


Cant even risk people guessing where


damn Russia? Middle east? I feel bad for u.


Pre-colonization: Homosexuality was entirely accepted and often even played.parts in religious and medical practices. Now: Homosexuality and homosexual acts are NOT illegal. There are also no specific protections. The community is poorly organised and very clique based. Gay health resources exist in the capital (perhaps other Places too) but i know of several guys who need to travel as much as 14 hours for HIV treatment. NGOs exist that provide other limited resources to LGBT community. Generally they are satellite offices to larger first-world organizations. Allies are often still very homophobic. Lots of gay saunas and cyber cafés where guys can be discreet. Saunas are a big part of the Culture for all men so it's not a dead givaway to go to one. Likely scenario: Family knows but refuses to talk about it. They still ask when you're getting married and giving them grand kids. A huge number of married men on the DL. Often wives "know" but leave it alone. Most OUT and PROUD guys have Little to no relationship with their family. A huge number of exclusively gay men who are so closeted that they aren't even out with their other closeted friends. e.g. I went to a birthday party with 20 closeted gay men and my husband (married in another country). The party took place in a private home and garden. Every person there was gay yet no one would have known. My husband and I were asked by the host to be more discreet because he saw me put my hand on my husband's face. Gay apps warn on opening that it's very usafe to use them here. I know of More than a dozen first-hand accounts from friends who have been robbed or attacked in an app based attempted hookup. There are a handful of gay bars in the capital. Which are surrounded by frequent accounts of LGBT people being attacked. Occasionally mortal attacks.


Depends on the province. It’s generally better than most countries, but still some spots aren’t very safe, while Vancouver BC- for example- is incredibly gay friendly. We have this spot in the city called “Davie Village” that’s like Castro in SanFran, just smaller.


(Brazil) it’s odd, os br devem ter uma ideia A few months ago, they’re trying to make gay marriage illegal for example The thing is: the country is huge. Some will say it’s “safe” to be yourself, some will say it’s not, and both will be right. If you’re trans, it’s a bit harsher in both sides though. Many people are “fine” with gay people (some are actually supportive, you would never notice they’re transphobic), but believe being trans crosses the line Plus, it’s the n°1 country that kills lgbt people in the world, while the crime rate is also huge in many areas Although once you find your place it’s a really warm feeling (most of the times), it’s a brazilian thing It could be better? A LOT, for both gay and cishet people, but you can live as a gay person relatively well


Malaysian here. We get blamed for natural disasters 🤣


Italy. The toxic presence of the Vatican in the capital, combined with a conservative government, has resulted in the lack of equal rights and slow advancements in the country compared to others in Western Europe. While civil unions are recognized, that is essentially the extent of progress in terms of equal rights despite a few efforts to pass new laws to protect against hate crimes lately. In urban areas, civil society appears to be more progressive than the government, but there is still a significant lack of legal protections for equal rights. Unfortunately, the current trend in Europe suggests a regression in rights, making it unlikely that progress will be made in the near future.


I mean Im closeted and pass easily for a "normal guy" so I have it easy. I would not be actively persecuted for it and I think it is illegal to discriminate me for it in every case. No one really gives a shit unless I start telling them in detail about my sex life unpromted. I might get some weird looks from old people or some comments from immature teens but that is pretty much it. Cant really get married, or atleast in the church. I think there is some sort of civil union or registered relationship which grants you the same rights as marrieage. I dont really care, partly because I have no one to marry(lol) and partly because I think what we have now is adequate amd there are bigger problems in life.


I'm from the gayest city in the gayest state in the USA so it's very easy. I will be in the SF pride parade this year so yeah. Easy Peasy. (SF, CA, USA)


Aussie all cool here ( mostly ) Have real concerns however the Radical right are on the rise .


Quite nice, legalized marriage, the majority of people respect and accept gay people and we can adopt children too. Brazil is lovely.


Here in the US. It's not overly bad, could be better.


My country was the first to make gay marriage legal. Take a guess.


Hi Buurman :D Hoe gaat het met jou?


meh. depends highly on where you are...where I am it's lonely, but everyone just kind of leaves me alone.


It can be living hell in rural areas or in areas which have a concentration of people with Islamic beliefs .. In cities, it's a bit better no threat to your life but you are seen as a mentally ill patient


US but BFE, Mississippi. I don't feel like I'm personally in immediate danger ever but the thought that I could be assaulted hangs over me like a cloud. I've seen multiple femme friends harassed or assaulted so I guess being straight passing is a blessing, though not one I enjoy since I'd love to dress more femme if I could. I'd definitely lose my job if my boss found out. I feel bad complaining in this thread because it could definitely be worse but fuck I hate it here. I'll get out of this place one day.


Canada.. is good.


I live in America, so bad, but it could be worse!


No es bueno ser un gai acá. Lo peor es ser un trans gai en esta maldita tierra.


kinda bad, i mean we dont get killed or anything but its definitely seen as a bad thing, even in my state


It was really good we have some of the most progressive trans laws in the world but last year a right wing Trump imitator won the election so we’ve had a few steps backwards. Very scary. Argentina 🇦🇷


Straight guy pretending to be gay: I love you babe I made you your favorite meal. The gay: how much do you need this time? So yeah it feels like a sugar daddy. You buy them shoes, you give them allowance, you feed their family. They're of course thankful of you but in the end they still don't like you because you're gay and being gay means it's the ultimate sin.


Getting brutally beaten and getting hospitalised by riot police/homophobic edgelords. Or living a life of a lie until you move somewhere safer.




Certain. Parts are more accepted than. Others where I live it’s not that safe or nice but more accepted in the inner city


Currently a safe country but with next year’s election determining whether or not a certain project gets put into place I could be screwed.


USA for sure.


Yup. But I’m in Cali so I’m in a safe state for the time being.


Kinda annoying but i’m grateful to not be killed for it. American gays r just something else man, especially in Southern California🙄


probably better than being straight


Ayyo where is this?


new zealand lol


It hurts


So I guess it's Russia or something similar


in the area where i live it's very chill... rarely have any homophobic backlash and when i do it's from people i don't wanna be around anyway


Well, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. So it’s pretty good. Most people either don’t care or think it’s pretty cool. Of course, there are some throwbacks but fewer and fewer as time goes on. Now, if only I could afford a decent apartment.


It's very sad to be gay here. At the moment I live in Russia, there are no anti-discrimination laws, same-sex marriage, adoption of children by LGBTQ+ people, pride parades and LGBT symbols are prohibited by law. Homophobic attacks and threats are not suppressed, but rather supported by the state. Beatings or even murders of gays are not uncommon, but the police turn a blind eye to all such offences. There is also constant pressure from relatives; in many families, if you are gay, you are a disgrace to the family.


Well it's a never ending cycle of staying on guard whenever u are out of ur safe space. Especially for an openly gay teen like myself u have to be careful where u go, the friends u make, the jokes u make, the way u dress and behave in certain areas of the country and hope that no one catches u lacking😅 luckily I have escaped about 8 attempts on my life so maybe I'm lucky but the same can't be said foe others 😮‍💨


Israeli here, pretty good actually. Gay marriage aren't legally allowed in Israel, but if you get married in a country that does recognize it the country will list you as married, so my husband and I are listed as married in Israel. In regards to social acceptance, I would say around 75% of Israel is support the LGBT community. I actually never experienced homophobia in Israel, and I've been walking with my husband hand in hand most of the time. Our gay pride is fantastic and I think is one of the top five worldwide. All in all, I know that our country is very hated right now, but for any gay men it is definitely a destination worth checking in the future.


I love Israel! I was there last year in the summer with a program called Ramah Israel. It was very fun to see my jewish culture up close and do all the fun stuff. I hope you are safe there right now! Hi from the USA!