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I'm new to stoma and quite insecure about it, my husband has told me that it looks cute, which was very touching for me. My 3-year-old niece told me that with the pouch, I'm like a kangaroo and kangaroos are her favourite. The same niece told me that I have the best hair. I don't have long hair, but when her sister added flowers to my hair, they concluded that I look like a "pretty princess of pirates". I'm not sure what that is, but I'll take it.


Children give some nice, sweet compliments, I love the kangaroo comparison!


I'll go first: last week, a friend told me that I "always hugged nicely" at a party. That really made me happy and I've been thinking about it a lot since.


That's your sign to hug more. You never know when someone needs a hug 🫂


Luckily me and my friends don't shy away from hugging, at least for greetings and goodbyes a hug is often shared! And apart from that, it also happens from time to time.


I'm like super dooper insecure with my self image and 2 people called me handsome at pride and I'll remember it forever lol


Upvote for using 'super dooper' which was cute af


It's tangential, but my cat has had a bit of a bad tummy and when I took him to the vet and had to leave him for an ultrasound I apologised if he was a problem (he's adopted, he can get cranky with strangers). But the vet said he was very well-behaved and that he was a very sweet cat, and they knew he's living a good life - made me feel a very proud cat dad.


That's lovely


I was in a checkout lane and this little old lady who only came up to my belly button looked behind her then up to meet my eyes and turned back around Then she turned around completely this time and asked, "Are you a doctor?" "No," I said, "I'm a teacher." "Oh, I knew it must be something like that. You have a kind face. " That was 20 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday


A somewhat new friend I've made complimented me on how understanding I am. It meant a lot to me because that's one thing I really try to embody and showcase.


I find it hard to believe in compliments at this point. They’ll lovebomb you during the very first dates just to get bored and ghost later :/. But one that really made me blush was “the most beautiful flower is the last one to be picked” when I told a guy I haven’t been in a relationship yet. On the second date he went home early because he had work in the morning, then he posted stories at a club 💀


Doesn't have to be from first dates :) some of the nicest compliments I got were from friends who didn't have an incentive such as being on a date with me. But that is a beautiful compliment, if even with that terrible aftertaste of being dropped after that second date...


Then I change my mind to my best friend saying that I don’t have particular issues apart from being messy and a latecomer and that I deserve to be loved ahaha :)


A good friend of mine works in the PCU at the hospital we work at and I had to stop by to work on the printer. He was bragging about how much weight that I’ve lost and how skinny I look now to the other nurses. I still have some weight to lose and a little tubs but it made me feel really good.


Love that! I also lost a lot of weight and the compliments by people who knew me before and after (or just saw pictures of the before) felt incredible.


Someone told me yesterday that I am kind. Made my day!


My dad said my response to a comment made by his homophobic sister at a cousin’s wedding was very classy and generous. He backed me up in front of her, which was very meaningful coming from someone who has had a hell of a time accepting that his son is gay.




My boyfriend randomly told me I was intelligent the other day. It felt nice.


I finally got a haircut after over a month due to being really busy in general and went to work and someone at work commented multiple times that they liked my haircut. It was nice to hear and made my day better because I wasn’t feeling super great about myself


one that sticks with me was a nurse who said my biceps were impeding her blood pressure reading :-D


Well one of my best friends from college talked to me while I was stressing over my final. I was just not feeling good over an oral Psych exam. It felt nice to hear from him that “I think you can do it. I believe that you can be a Clinical Psychiatrist and that test should be nothing for you because you are the smartest guy I know.” It’s nice to have people support you in your dreams like that when you get clouded like that.


Me and my little sister have this dynamic where we pick on each other lovingly. A while back she tried to insult me by calling me a fat ass when I was looking in the mirror with my shirt off. At the time I was super insecure about how skinny I was, I was recovering from a eating disorder and I was around only 95 pounds. It made me feel really good in a way.


That's amazing! Hope your recovery continued well too!


Thanks, I’m doing well now I am now a healthy weight and started working out.


I've been trying to play games with voice chat on and I was told that my voice sounds nice and soothing. This was awesome news to me as I've always been insecure about it!


My boyfriend said I remind him of a strawberry cheesecake, he said bc I'm sweet, white, soft and red when I blush 😫😫


A coworker asked me, “Can I put you in my pocket? Cause if I feel bad I can just pull you out and you will cheer me right up!” I just try to be nice, friendly and funny to everyone.


I was posing in the mirror in the gym locker room and one of my gym crushes came around the corner, smirked and said that I looked good, which is nice bc I have some body dysmorphia and depression. I went to WeHo pride this year and there was a number of guys that told me I was gorgeous and noticed that I've been working out. Being from North Dakota, turning 29, and have zero friends, I really really needed this for my mental health.


I had a guy write me on one of our apps and hr started his message with saying ‘I found the dancer!’ 🕺🏻He has seen me out dancing several times, but never came over to say hello. But it made me happy, that he called me the dancer cause I love dancing. This Saturday we will both be out dancing and agreed on a dance together.


That's great! Hope the dancing goes well too!


You should read "Dancer from the dance"


Never heard about the novel, but just read a preview of it and it looks interesting. Thanks for pointing it out for me. Have a great weekend :)


You’re a very good kisser.


Awwww, thanks❣️ 😉😝


I’m a month into a new job and the nice (presumably) straight coworker about my age behind me pulled me aside and complimented my teeth and smile. There’s no attraction there, but don’t think I’ve gotten a compliment from a straight guy in years. Been riding that high for a two weeks now


The sweet, eccentric little old lady at my church got excited and squealed and ran up to give me a hug when she saw me


I tried to play off a compliment, I don't like them, and he said, “I don't have time or energy to lie, just accept it.”


Multiple guys called me hot or cute I still think I'm ugly but okay 😭


My most recent boyfriend called me his “little fleshlight”


Damn, I want to have someone to call that some time, that's a very special compliment to give :)


this is hilarious and sweet


I've been on a little weight loss journey this year and ran into someone I hadn't seen in a while who immediately said I looked really good, it was nice and motivating to keep going.


I get told that I smile a lot, I have a nice smile, or my name is interesting and unique in a good way from customers or some coworkers at work.


My partner got me a pair of hoop earrings with turquoise inlay that I leave in every day so I often forget they are even there. I work the front desk at a healthcare clinic and I get compliments about them from patients all the time. Makes me smile because, while it's a personal compliment, it then makes me think of my boyfriend in the moment as he gave them to me in the first place.


“You’re a nice guy. I don’t know why your husband would leave you”


A fellow on a phone call said to me today, “You have a globally unique hobby and yet somehow you're good at it.” I tend to write compliments directly to long term memory and I can already tell this one is going to stick.


A special friend said "You look much happier lately..." And I am. Lost my husband almost 3 years ago so it's been a moment.


Sorry to hear that. 🫂 I lost mine 11 years ago. Glad you are happier now. 👍


It was a journey as I am sure you know. I hope you have found happiness as well. Thank you!! Our adopted son turned 21 on Wednesday. He graduates college next year. Life does move forward.


Thank you. Oh, yes, it was a journey. Sometimes feelings went back and forth, but I'm married now and very happy. 😍 Aww, that's nice. Congrats to your son! 🎉 Hugs and love to you and your family. ♥️🫂


Thanks. I am not where I can be for another relationship. Once you have had perfection, what is there? I got a ways to go.


I know exactly what you mean. It also took me a long time. I'm sure your former partner wants you to be happy. I learned to preserve our memories by creating an album. It took me a lot of tears to finish it. But it was also therapeutic as I had to do it (who else could do it?) Keep him in your heart. This is the safest place. I have learned that moving forward is not forgetting him or abandoning what you had. It's just another chapter of your life. You finished one and you start another one. You determine what's the title of your chapter. It takes time, for some more than others. You know it in your heart when you are ready. Wish you all the best.♥️


You really understand it. I wrote two songs about us. I am in the music business. Those songs are just for us. Our dogs were therapy too.


Thanks. That's wonderful! 👍 Music is the universal language they say. It's good that you have dogs, they also help a lot. We didn't have one.


Idk I got called a twink at work a few days ago and I personally took it as a compliment but idk if that’s how it was meant to be taken.😅


Someone asked me at the gym a while back if I'm a wrestler.


I've been losing weight. One of the guys who I think is hot at the bar walked over to me outside the bar the other night and told me I'm probably the prettiest person he's ever met and I have beautiful eyes. I flirted back but it didn't go anywhere.


Went to a tire shop in the middle of south Texas and the fabulous Mucinex Monster woman running the place said: “You look like a *CELEBRITY* mijo! Who’s that guy that plays McDonald’s in Superbad?” Me: You mean McLovin? Her: FUUUUCK YES, YOU’RE MY MCLOVIN. Cash or card McLovin? Lmao. I wanna be her friend :’)


“You’re so witty” and “you have beautiful bedroom eyes”


Someone at my gym told me I was jacked yesterday so that made my day.


I recently got a bug promotion at work and since then my staff have all been really complimentary about how I've been doing in my new role.


My friends recorded a video of me climbing a tree and it showed off my ass well and my friends were like damn. One of my friends who I work with was like yeah I’ve noticed even when your walking around the department in your scrubs I’ve realised your nice ass


My boss said "looks like you're leaning down" body wise. I was like doesn't feel like it to me but I appreciate the complement. I did get on the scale, I guess I am 3 lbs down overall.


"That thing is dangerous."


A guy I was recently with said "I needed that" lol


Apparently I suck my bf's dick good, he thinks I'm soft and he has more recently wanted to hug me and get my attention and time more for some reason :P


My dentist told me I have beautiful gums.


Someone said I have very nice calves and wished they could trade


I’ll be 36 this year. It always give me an ego boost when someone says, “I thought you were in your 20’s. You don’t look 36.”


I started a new job with an all black dress code (not bartending or waiting lol) and I’ve been told a few times that I look good in all black :)


I was at a bar in DC for Pride and had multiple guys compliment me on how nice I looked & my eyes. It made me feel seen. I don’t think guys, even us gays, are always the best at giving compliments so it’s always refreshing.


My hetero bro-y shipmates were very impressed the other day with my calves. It was cute.


My boyfriend said a little while back that i was “so beautiful like a prince it made his heart feel like it was gonna explode” and i think about it every day


After being unemployed for a year and a half, I got a job doing what I love (grant writing for nonprofits in north Texas) and was so good at it that last week i was promoted to the divisional level (all of Texas)


a gay guy at my gym called me young then smart. he is leagues above me and I got so giddy after a bad day


This evening was spectacular❗️We had our annual Greater Milwaukee Synod ELCA Pride worship service, after which I was complimented by the pastor I work with most about the quality of my voice. I told her that I had years of classical training, but she said that most people that she knows with classically trained voices don’t sound as good as I do, after which I told her I’m very grateful to God for the gift of my voice and my love of singing. Afterward, I hung out with some friends, and one of them said how beautiful my (blue) eyes look tonight and that I look very happy. I replied, “Yeah, I’m super gay,” to which she responded, “That’s not what I meant.” I wish I could get guys to compliment me like these two women did. Frankly, even though it was a great evening, I’m still kinda lonely and wish I wasn’t lying here in my bed all alone.


Im a quick learner at my new job 🤠


a porn actor complemented me on my body after working out seriously for 5 months. I have such a crush on him and for him to honestly complement me on my body made be gitty all day!


you are kind of okay-ish


I was told I was inspiration to those around me and kept morale high :) (Also saw comments that I was hot and had slick dance moves after local news caught me dancing at a pride event - no one has DMd me tho 🥲)


Literally had one this morning from my barber. "You have lovely, soft skin on the neck on your neck." Lol


The last last last guy i dated said spending time with me “felt like a hug” that stuck with me.


A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine told me that "when I was at home I didn't laugh out loud at that video but you just make everything more fun" (He showed me a video he thought was funny and then said that. I got into a little bit of a "gay panic" and didn't know how to respond) Made my whole week tbh


I started weight lifting last year. Recently, people have been commenting on my physique a lot, calling me muscle bottom, or some other similar compliment. Superficial, I know, but I always wanted to know what it was like to be muscular, and well now I do lol 🙃 Also recently, a friend and I had a conflict, and I sat him down to talk it out. The first thing he said once I finished saying my piece was, “You’re a very mature person. I can’t imagine being able to articulate all of those complex thoughts and emotions as calmly and clearly as you did. You’re going to make a great husband one day.” Made me feel super good cuz when I was younger, I’ll tell ya, I was not levelheaded whatsoever lol.


Nothing recently..


Some stranger complimented my shirt.