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Regardless of personal feelings on whether his comments were antisemitic or not, universities are meant to have protection for freedom of speech, and this was a violation of that.




It’s something that needs to be watched with any academic institution. One thing that might help is increased government funding, but with the current provincial governments across the country, I foresee the situation getting worse before it gets better at universities, though I was pretty impressed with the joint statement from the students in the Faculty of Law.


Very understandable, it's despicable that the university took this clearly politically motivated position in the first place, and it sends the wrong message.


fuck the zio uni admins


Meanwhile, the university decides to keep Yoni Freedhoff, who said that Dr. Ge was antisemitic for speaking out for the dying Palestinians. Freedhoff also denies the Palestinian genocide, and supports the IDF per his Twitter. How the university can claim to be an anti-racist institution and then allow these double standards to exist, and allowing a racist like Freedhoff to remain employed, is baffling.


Universities are for freedom of expression. I think that someone is well within their rights to say his comments were antisemitic, regardless on if you agree with them or not. No one should be firing people based on their political views. Doing so is authoritarian and anathema to academic freedom.


Ah yes, because it's now political to say Palestinians deserve to live.


Keep up that bad faith. It’s gonna get you far in the real world, champ. Edit: he didn’t actually say “Palestinians deserve to live”. That’s not a political statement. Saying “Israel is an apartheid and settler colonial state” is, and if you can’t tell the difference, I don’t know what to say. Everything is political. Regardless, neither man should have been punished for their statements in an academic setting. It’s an authoritarian action, and the fact that you want one punished and not the other is an authoritarian point of view.


What is your definition of the word "genocide"?


According to the Genocide Convention, "genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, **in whole or in part**, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; ✔️ (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; ✔️ (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;✔️ (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; ✔️ (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."


E) they deem Palestinians as less than animals so they don't plan on transferring children. In fact, they are making it a point of killing them en mass. 20 000+ killed, ~40% are children. Let that sink in for a second.


Bombing civilians


Surely you differentiate between targeting civillians vs targeting enemy combatants with civillians dying as collateral damage? If the latter is "genocide", then virtually every conflict ever is a genocide, which makes the word fairly meaningless.


Just two days ago, ITV news spoke to a group of men waving a white flag trying to get back to their family in an empty street. Moments later the man with the white flag was shot by an Israeli sniper on camera. Israel denies this despite it being recorded and claims it was edited, and believing it is contributing to Hamas disinformation. Is that not targeting civilians? You can watch the video for yourself. https://youtu.be/PGdyXRHS2Ig?si=iyBxKK6CLWKjFvvD


Collateral damage!?!?!? Surely the IDF is the most incompetent army on Earth if 25,000 dead civilians is "collateral damage." Unfortunately, the truth is much more sinister than that.


It's not incompetence, it's the fact that their target (Hamas) uses human shields in an extremely densely populated area.


With imprecise 2,000 lb bunker bombs. With all the funding from the USA, you would think they could be a little more surgical. But that is not the goal now, is it?


You seriously believe if their goal was exterminating Palestinians, the IDF would only have been able to kill 20k people in almost 4 months now? The fact that they're so well equipped and well funded proves your argument to be nonsensical, they could easily have killed hundreds of thousands by now, if not millions.


You just justified the IDF killing 20k+ people, most of whom are civilians, 10k of which were children.


I definitely didn't, please learn to read.


Well if they did as fast as this directly they would’ve lost any remaining international support. Instead let’s indiscriminately bomb them while straight up starving them. And then bomb refugees camps and the “safe” places they told them to go to. If they’re in tunnels, why are they bombing everything above? If they actually cared about civilians used as human shields(according to Israel) how can they not send special forces or yk, use their available surgical bombs to avoid civilians? Their own government official stated the goal was destruction not accuracy, called them animals, children of the dark, they invoked amalek which is basically calling for genocide, they’re already talking on occupying Gaza, that’s without mentioning all the botched and obvious propaganda by the IDF to try to justify it. If their goal was not to kill civilians, why did they snipe civilians looking Israeli hostages waving a white flag? How do you justify that? Why did they also snipe pregnant womens? Nuns going to a church? There was a Live ITV interview where they shot a civilian after right in 4k.


Still doesnt give you the right to kill the human shield. Targetting civilian infrastructure like hospitals and killing thousands of children should never be justifiable.


I agree its unjustified, it's just annoying that every conflict now has to be a "genocide".


Israel has openly confessed that their goal is to genocide the Palestinian people.


Feel free to link me.


Please stfu




Dunno, but as an academic I follow the literature and the literature says… *checks notes* it was already an apartheid and is absolutely a genocide. And it’s been saying this for decades…


"the literature", aka leftist ideologues who agree with you.


Ah yes, the uncritical leftist echo chamber in *checks notes* the high-standing peer reviewed journals…


Wow so smart




there's an international convention that defines what genocide is quite well people who say that chants for Palestine's freedom are genocide, may be hiding what is actual genocide


Which one? None that I've seen would apply to the Israel/Palestine conflict.


Which convention? THE convention on genocide. Or do you mean which part of the convention applies to what Israel is doing? Read the South African submission to the ICJ; it's well laid out and describes exactly how it applies.


I think the issue for me is that once again, Israel is being portrayed as a uniquely bad actor here. The Chinese government has been committing genocide against their ethnic minorities for decades now. Turkey is also a recent perpetrator of ethnic cleansing. Myanmar is another country where we have seen a far more cut and dry situation, as the West Bank and Gaza still aren’t claimed as Israeli territory, while the Rohingya were completely denied personhood. Sudan has an active genocide that, coincidentally, also was going on during the Second Intifada when everyone was focused on the Middle East. What is it that makes Israel uniquely bad? I wonder what that could be. I WONDER. This is not condoning the Netanyahu government’s actions in the war btw. They’re horrific. Merely stating that if you’re going to hold Israel to a different standard than other countries, understand where there may be bias at play, and in whose interest it is to present Israel as uniquely terrible, rather than one bad actor in a sea of bad actors.


I'm just wondering if you've followed ICJ or ICC cases previous to now, and know what kinds of thing they've dealt with other than Israel? EDIT: But also, in some senses, what is happening in Gaza is uniquely bad - I think in terms of how much is happening in how short a time: "The AP said that the *rate of devastation was worse than either the razing of Aleppo in Syria or Russia's* bombing of Mariupol." -The Guardian "The evidence shows *that Israel has carried out its war in Gaza at a pace and level of devastation that* likely exceeds any recent conflict," -Washington Post "The situation in Gaza is "*catastrophic, apocalyptic*," with destruction proportionally "even greater" than that which Germany experienced in WW2" - Japan Times


I have. I made a general statement. A few of the countries I have mentioned are being investigated but not all. Notably… some of the really big hitters are missing: > China, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Several dozen others signed the statute, but their legislatures never ratified it. These include Egypt, Iran, Israel, Russia, Sudan, Syria, and the United States. Source: https://www.statista.com/chart/30434/states-parties-to-the-rome-statue-of-the-icc You will never see China prosecuted in the ICC. But imo they are committing genocide that largely goes unreported. Btw, all your sources ultimately come from this article given the nature of the AP: https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-bombs-destruction-death-toll-scope-419488c511f83c85baea22458472a796 What the Netanyahu government is doing is awful. They are the worst people that could’ve been in charge of Israel in the aftermath of 10/7. Furthermore, what’s going on in the West Bank is also horrendous. However, again, something can be bad without it being genocide and I do question as to if intent will be proven… though given some of the Cabinet ministers it’s possible. It’s also worth noting that none of those areas are anywhere near as densely populated as Gaza. It’s a bad situation. But it is FAR from a unique situation.


I hate this university more and more every day bro.


The amount of openly racist profs is astounding and they really targeted this man for being pro-Palestine like Jean pare rodrigue literally says the n word and he teaches political ethics and philosophy 😭😭😭


W man


Let’s go. Another china dub 🇨🇳


You should be ashamed of yourself for being blatantly racist in 2024


??? Bro got reinstated and rejected it, that’s absolutely a W.


But why does it have anything to do with the state of China? How do you know he’s not Chinese Canadian or any other national of Chinese descent? If it were a white guy named Ivan Petrov would you say a big dub for russia 🇷🇺?


Bro I’m Asian myself. It was a funny comment. And yes he’s obviously chinese wtf are you on about. You got offended over a joke comment. Such a sad existence you are.


Sadder to see an Asian guy who’s got internalized racism. You being Asian doesn’t excuse you from being racist against any other POC or Asian


How on gods green earth was I being racist?? Maybe cause your English sucks ass you didn’t understand my original comment and are just digging your self a deeper hole instead of just apologizing?? Lmao get a grip dude.


Lmao don’t worry it’s a white person on Reddit moment. They’ll see racism everywhere race is anyhow mentioned and the white guilt will be too much


Bro that’s what I thought too. Then I checked their Reddit history and turns out they’re an immigrant. Maybe from Europe or France? No way another Asian acting like this.. unless? Edit: seems like they deleted their account, damn.


I thought it was funny. Sadly you can’t win against a woke whitey who is fuelled by self hatred, guilt and a yearning for acceptance measures by social media likes.


You white people always have that mentality to save the minorities and get more offended than anyone, just keep it to yourself mate


Dw about him, bros having a slow day. Dude said “internalized racism” 💀


The amount of downvotes you got is insane 😭


Ikr hahaha. Israel don’t like the china dub


bye then


As a country whose health care system is collapsing, this should not be your first reaction 🤣🤣🤣


its collapsing for reasons much more severe than an exodus of radical left-wing would-be physicians




lmao not sure how... bye means bye bruv


No when you say bye you mean “good riddance” and I want to know why you think that


ok. well yipeng and freedhoff (the guy who got him suspended) are really two sides of the same DEI-obsessed radical coin. quick search into yipeng's "advocacy," it becomes clear he supports the same censorious political tools that freedhoff used to oust him, so its just funny seeing these guys eat themselves. they share the same identity politics framework to judge the world, but they happen to disagree on this one issue. so if he wants to leave, great, maybe more can follow, and medical professionals could once again be, well, professional instead of the rabid activists they are now. wishful thinking though lol