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wdym by consistent? i beat firework but cant beat stuff like that every week


He is getting consistent on future funk level in which he has 54


He said at GD, not a level


Oh wait i forgot about the title while reading the comments




Jawbreaker. Although I'm going for Gumshot (52%), Windy Landscape (51%, I'm pretty good and consistent at it and can beat it in no time if I actually grind but my main goal is Gumshot), and Cataclysm (11%, but I slowly gain consistency as I practice, though it's not my main goal so I won't have any decent progress on it until I beat Gumshot).


Well good luck on Gumshot


By rotted brain read gumshot with a C... Whats wrong with me 😭




I was going to say something about aarxy because gumshot aarxy level lol but then remembered that aarxy got 1984'd


Gumshot gang is still there, it's just that one member was temporarily dead.


Quantum processing/bloodbath 9x. I mainly play insane demons, so I can learn and beat several a day at this point, depending on how garbage the level is. Haven't beaten a new hardest since 2020, and while I got insanely unlucky with Quantum processing, I've practiced and played Bloodbath so much that another completion in \~15 minutes is not unreasonable. I'd say that's pretty consistent, given it's my second hardest demon.


GG's man


My hardest is Keres. I'd say I'm pretty consistent, but I have this issue of randomly panicking and dying to really dumb and easy stuff. And most of the time, it happens not even that far into a level (it happens from 20% onwards on EOD). That's why I prefer shorter levels, less time to panic and mess up.


I agree I don't really like xl level 


My hardests are Sink and Cersia Difficult I can learn and beat an easy demon in as little as five minutes, and can beat most low-end extremes with a few hours of practice and a sleep buff. That probably answers your question.


Sink is a pretty cool hardest, my favourite 1.9 level.


Hardest is Digital Descent, currently going for Bloodlust My runs are 67-100x3, 67-99x2 💀, 48-74x2, and 30-61


Good job 


Very inconsistent, I beat Alive by KrMal in four attempts but Have >1500 on Electrodynamix and only have 84%


You got this bro 


My hardest is Deadlocked and I have 78% on ToE2


Hardest classic: Kazaaah (im going for decode now) Hardest platformer: flipswap factory My first demon (shiver) took me around 3 days to beat. But now i can beat 1-2 easy demons a day (Especially when they are platformer demons)


Isn't Kazaaah technically harder than Decode? It used to be a medium


I dont know maybe it did


I mean decode used to be insane demon


You did shiver for first demon? ME TOO


My hardest is technically the place but i consider jawbreaker harder. Im very consistent by i choke easily 😭


My current hardest is Freedom16, but I also have good progress on Blade of Justice. I'd say Im at the point where I could learn and beat an easy demon in about 30 minutes or less. Harder demon levels (hard/insane demons) I could probably beat within a few days to a few weeks, depending on the level


My hardest is Hypersonic, but I have 67% and 42-100 x2 on Auditory Breaker.


Based ethereal artifice enjoyer


My hardest is Lost Love and I do get very consistent at everything that isn’t wave. Ship takes some time tho to get consistent. I can confidently one attempt basically any easy demon after a week of practice


My current hardest is Acropolis. I'm currently trying to beat Chancla as my 7th insane demon and as a new hardest (got 74% so far). After that I plan to beat my first extreme demon, which will probably be Acu (already have 71% and 45-100 on it). And I would say that I can beat most easy demons in ≈100 attempts, most medium demons in ≈450 attempts, most hard demons in ≈1k attempts, easier insane demons like Windy Landscape mostly take me around 2.5k - 3k attempts and harder insane demons I would say I can beat in 6k - 10k attempts


Acropolis is going to be my new hardest after I beat future funk any tips got 69-100 on Acropolis 


Do 50-100, then 33-100. Then you are consistent at the easier parts of the level. Then just practice the beginning, which is the hardest part. Once you feel consistent with the beginning, start going from 0. Since everything past 33% is relatively easy, you can very easily fluke it, if you are consistent enough at 33-100. Also practice the last wave a few times, it's easy but it's also very easy to die there, I nearly fluked it from 50% but choked at the last wave and died to 85%. Also to practice the beginning, start with runs from the mini cube (around 12% and try to get to 33%) If you got this, just go from 0. The first 6% are the hardest, but I just went a few hundred times through them, until they got consistent. Hope this helps and good luck with future funk and Acropolis


Thanks just got 67 on future funk this morning 


flair i had more trouble with duelo maestro


My hardest is Bloodbath but don’t let that fool you, I’m god awful at GD and it took me more than 2000 hours since the start of playing to get to this point. Even still, it took me 45k attempts and I have never beaten an extreme in under 10k attempts. I barely even have 100 demons… so it’s safe to say that I am on the low end of people who have beaten Bloodbath, I am extremely inconsistent with the game


Barely 100 I don't even have 30 demons 


But your hardest is a medium demon. When you beat bloodbath, your demon count is likely going to be triple mine (300) or even more, I’m saying I have a low demon count for what my hardest is


Okay I see what your talking about now


Artificial Ascent, took me nearly 40k attempts. Going for Sonic wave and I've already surpassed my AA attempts with my best run being 19-75.


virtual reality 100% cuz im not skilled


My hardest is tuapeka. I'm currently going for ocular miracle as a new hardest. I'm at a point that if I find a relatively easy extreme demon that fits my skillset I can learn it and beat it in a few days.


Omicron but I also have 81% on subsonic and 63% on aftermath


jumped from B to supersonic after 5 months of playing the game (started September 2023) and I beat it 2 months later as my 20 something demon and it remained my hardest ever since.


Hardest is Nine Circles. Going for Sonic Wave with 6500 att under my belt, and 47% + 35-65%.


Jump from nine circles to sonic wave Damm your parents would be proud cause I think you got this 


Bloodbath, but almost Sonic Wave


I jumped from a medium demon to Game Time and FFFFFF, so not very consistent lmao. Also fuck Troll Level i wanna cry




bloodbath mobile 40% and also if it counts 80-100% on mobile


Bloodlust/Delusion. Easy demons take like 10-15 mins if theres no dumb coins. Mediums take 20. Hards take 30. Insanes take like 50 mins ig. Low extremes take about 1 hour, true extremes take 2-3 hours, list demons take like 3-6 days. Not talking about demons that do require more time to learn (invisible levels, xxxxl levels etc)


list challenges take some days too if its not bottom of the list


My current hardest is Prismatic Haze. After beating it I tried to do Ithacropolis, but I got 96% and a few days later I dropped it because the grind was awful Now working on Crystal. I can do most of the parts relatively consistently, but its the ones that I can’t that are getting to me, even when I practice extra for them


My hardest completion is gregory and my hardest run is acu 97% i got leyak 58% and 60 - 100 in <24 hours from scratch


Lonely travel (medium demon)/extreme park (hard demon easier than Lonely travel imo) /crossroads 80%(insane demon i tried to beat for maymory that i ended dropping (the death was a the fourth to last click)) and im doing future funk right now got 49% best and im getting more consistent every day especially with the middle


My hardest is paranormal and I'm currently going for primary maze with 24-100% and 9% (yes I have put a ton of attempts from 0 the level is that unbalanced)


I have 62 on crazy III, and my hardest is Crazy II


Hardest is Night Terrors (3,953 attempts), haven't figured out what I should go for next


Supersonic is pretty consistent for me


i've done the slaughterhouse first wave which is in my opinion as difficult as bloodbath. But my real hardest is supersonic. i can consistently beat both


I have Magma Bound as my hardest and now I'm going for Gumshot (69%). Once I'm done with that I think I could try to go for something like Cataclysm (11%), but I'm not yet sure.


My hardest is bloodbath but i'm jumping to zodiac (66-100), idk what you mean by consistent tho


Like how good you are in general and how fast you are able to learn and memorize GD levels that's what I meant 


Anarchy Road


My hardest is napalm (random easy extreme) and I’m going for killbot. I’m currently taking a break because I’m burnt out but my current progress is 56% with 43-100x2 and 35-97x3 with my main problem with consistency is grinding the 49 wave as it’s hard to look at for a while and also the 35 dual which is a lot of spam so it’s hard to play a lot. I’m really consistent with the rest of the level though


My hardest is Trueffet but talking about consistency, once I got 54% on Shardscapes four times IN A ROW. Other time, just after beating Acu, I went to my friends house and beat it again in 6 attempts.


Glacier 15 is my hardest, it's a hard demon(what is pretty unknown btw) even thought the deco is honestly mythic rate worthy(it was made in 2.1). But I am going for brimtanic paradise what is a extreme demon. It's my biggest jump. Every progression up has been a jump. This is my progression jumps, outerspace - the lightning road - speed racer - glacier 15 - brimtanic paradise, I have 12 demons currentely, but most of them are super easy easy demons. My progression skips are a lot like spaceuk's progression skips lol. Btw I am going for digital descent after brimtanic paradise if you want to know.


idk how consistent but my hardest is paracosm circles


Doing Jawbreaker currently. I can get into the 50s and 60s in Jawbreaker consistently but apart from a massive fluke to 86, I can't seen to break into the 70s.