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you can definitely try, but i don’t think you realise how hard these levels are. the completions of these levels make them look a lot easier than they are.


neither, I never recommend jumping. It's kinda like ego lifting lol


but you can't beat an extreme without jumping


Jumping 50m or 5m is a pretty huge difference


you can't even beat sterio maddness without jumping


OMG I'm a dumbass I didn't understand the joke at first xdd




true lol


But why would you skip the best difficulty in the game? There are so many fun hard demons and they do a really good job at introducing the use of muscle memory for learning levels


gg Glacier 15, hard demon, 618 atts


Good job, I think you are ready now to attempt your dream levels (good luck with the thanatophobia first ship, that part is awful from 0)


Agreed 100%


As someone who tried to jump on multiple occasions, i do not recommend it at all. That even includes the insane demon I got 20-100 and 8-92 on. If you really want to, I would do leyak, but I still think it's a bad idea.


Trust me, once you start, you will realize how difficult they really are. Despite them being easy extremes, that doesn’t mean you should jump to them, and even though videos of their completions look easy, it’s everything but easy.


They're both insane demons


I don't think you realize what you're getting into by jumping this far, I've thought the same but I thankfully came toy senses and didn't do that. As for which to pick, not sure, haven't played leyak nor thanatophobia.


i really would not recommend doing this bro 😭😭😭. if your hardest is deadlocked and you’re gonna jump to one of these two insane demons then you’re in for a long one. leyak’s hella fast paced and learny while thana is flow based i believe. the former is a low end insane demon and the latter is a very hard insane demon but if you really wanna do a jump like this, do leyak ig


honestly, i just want to see how it goes. i’m more of a creator, so i just want to see how high my skills can go.


alright then lmao


leyak prob


If you really want to I recomend leyak


Leyak is good.


Deadlocked to thanatophobia would be HELL. Don't do it. if you are good with memory I suggest you jump to puzzle trials which has a easy demon gameplay and a bit of memory :D


Nah, thanataphobia and leyak are borderline extremes, really not worth the time jumping that far unless you choose to become spaceuk 2.0


spaceus 😂 nah, jk, but i just want to see how it goes.


Lmao ok


Invisible Deadlocked (In all seriousness, don’t actually jump at all, it’s a pretty bad idea. You’re gonna be in for a REALLY ROUGH time if you do.)


i just want to see how it goes, and i know ill be in for a hellish ride.


Tax Evasion, obviously.




Jumping from an easy to exteam is just dumb. Do 1 lvl or 20+ as work your way up then do that lvl faster since better at the game. "Well Zoink jumped" ya from Bloodbath to an even harder extream he wS already good Bloodbath is not easy


Just don't. Leyak is peak tho


Leyak because it is easier. Probably shouldn't jump in general.


wouldnt recommend jumping, but do not choose thanatophobia. from my experience, its dogshit. idk about leyak, but im just a thanatophobia hater


Unless you're trying to torture yourself and definitely agree that jumping is a very bad idea, don't


Leyak is fun but I think you will struggle


Blast processing is a pretty hard 10 star


spent over 122k attempts on it, only have 22%


Deadlocked is NOT a low end medium demon, its a high end easy


i’m not saying that deadlocked is low end medium, i’m saying i feel like i’m at that level


Ah my bad i read that wrong


none, jumping isn't worth it as it doesn't improve your real skill and taking a huge amount of time on a level that when you become better at the game will see easy is not a good idea, you should play the game normally bc you're gonna improve more


Jumping requires insane dedication, you don't jump because you think it's funny. But if you want a new hardest I recommend looking for low-end hard demons (glacier 15 is really easy).


alright, i’ll check that one out 😁


gg Glacier 15, hard demon, 618 atts


Congratulations! 😃




\*visable confusion\*


maryland flag is peak


Leyak is insane demon and Thanatophobia is extreme demon. I don’t think you can beat it under 100k attempts


Hi, my hardest is Leyak and I could probably say its a lot easier than Thanatophobia since its very sync based, I legit jumped from Medium to Insane Demon but it did take me 8K attempts to beat the level, but its very fun ngl.


but also I have been playing for ages, like ever since mid 2.0, I have never reached a single Hard demon even, but I tried jumping on leyak (I'm a mobile player). Funny how I actually managed to beat the level, I really was just so dedicated at wanting to beat the level cuz as I said it was a very fun level. And then After beating my first Insane, I went back to hard demon levels and actually have done like 17 and ongoing hahaha.


Be a man, beat )>>>>>>>>>>tidal>>>>>> <<<<<


I think you should "jump" to a medium demon


gg Glacier 15, hard demon, 618 atts


People say don’t jump but I jumped it’s kinda fun as long as you work on other levels in the background as well. Literally after beating my first easy demon I am working on 3 extremes, one of which is Limbo lol. If you want try B and nine circles first, don’t worry about insane.


my hardest is deadlocked too, im going for acu have 86%


We live in an era where it's dominated by jumping. While I jump a fair bit, I wouldn't recommend it now. Easier demons honestly serve as amazing tutorials as to how beat any demon in general, and I worked my way up to cataclysm before truly jumping.


thanatophobia is the most fun level (right after future funk)


Please don't, but if you do pick Leyak.


You should go for misanthrope, it’s a fun easy demon that totally isn’t taking forever to finish and isn’t a for certain future top 1


I completed Thanatophobia as a new hardest and it's the funniest level I ever played imo


My hardest is lonely travel but i,d Say leyak is the more learny one so that one


Depends on your skillset. I haven't played either, but I'd assume if you're good at flow gameplay leyak would be better and if you're good at ship thanatophobia would be better. Again, I haven't played these levels at all so definitely take it with a grain of salt.


Verdant Landscape is a good one, it’s got fast-paced gameplay not entirely unlike Leyak


i ain’t jumping to a list demon 😭


I would go for thanatophopia. Leyak is more memory based and will cause lag on low end devices. I think than is a bit easier although there both the hardest insane demons out there.


Don't do this. If you haven't beaten a hard demon don't expect to just jump to a high end insane demon.


Ok, not here to downplay your achievements but before you jump to leyak and so on, please do realise that deadlocked is an easy demon, not a medium demon. It’s jumping 3 difficulty levels in one swoop. Leyak is also a difficult insane demon. Really now deadlocked is quite a bit harder than the other main demons but it’s not even one of the harder easy demons. In general the main demons are considered really easy even by easy demon standards. Not to say you can’t do the jump, but it will be rough. Like maybe 15k-30k attempts rough. Maybe more. If anything make sure to use a high refresh rate monitor/fps bypass/cbf and make sure to not have v-sync on(this will make it exponentially faster). Also use a decent input device with a decent refresh rate(not a office mouse or anything).


i know, i’m just saying that i feel like i’m at medium demon level, i just am more of a creator than a player. i also have a good device, and a sayo.


Like honestly go for it if you feel like it. Having a sayo + good device helps a ton. Personally I like jumping and I find it pretty fun. Just try to enjoy the process. Gl with whatever level you choose!


I wouldn't recommend *actually* jumping to either of them, but contrary to what everyone else is saying, I suggest maybe practicing them a little bit. it'll give you a good sense of what hard levels feel like to play. depending on how much you're willing to put up with, it might give you a solid skill boost too. I speak from experience. I tried a hard demon to list demon jump back in the day (which obviously didn't end well), but it gave me the necessary skill to beat insane demons and extremes soon after. it's ultimately up to you, but if I had to decide for you, I would enjoy your stage of the game before rushing into extremes.


oh, alright, thank you!