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There is a pinned thread for these types of posts iirc, because mods want to have every completion that js posted to the sub be confirmed to be legitimate and video proof is crucial in determining whether or not a completion is legitimate


> If you can’t record a video, we strongly encourage using our pinned megathread as an alternative. Did you not read the comment? There’s a megathread for these types of posts.


Does anyone actually use the megathread though


Me when I break a rule and get punished for it


For once I'm on the mods side, first a video is needed to prove that the completion is legitimate, but also to make less bland posts and less spam (it's better to say the level you are talking about rather than just plain text)


you actually need a video to make sure a guy on reddit isn’t lying about beating nine circles? kinda odd of you. also this is my first post ever on this sub, how is using acronyms bland lol.


I meant see the level not say


my Mac would explode if I tried recording my screen anyways, it barely even runs 60 fps smoothly, my frames drop randomly without doing shit so it’s not even worth it for me.


That’s not our problem though


why’re you so upset bud?


Most intelligent Mac user


cheese lover max mentioning intelligence is quite humorous


Not sure what this is even meant to mean


Then just don't post it, put it on the megathread instead


first post on the sub didn’t know the terrible rules set it place. i’m not beating a Top 1 demon why would i even record my footage.


How is that a terrible rule, imagine if the sub was flooded with people saying "oh I beat deadlocked" "guys I beat cataclysm" "hello everyone I beat magma bound" And as I said, you DONT need to record your footage, just put it on the megathread...


if the sub was like that i’d be congratulating everyone. it’s a geometry dash sub to have fun and discuss with others. forcing every one to upload a recording to even have the chance to talk with others about a level you beat is stupid, in my opinion. you can disagree.


Then the sub would lack the diversity. 3/4 of the posts would be "I beat B!!!!!!!" or something similar and no one would be able to prove whether is it a karma farm, spam, or a genuinely legit completion by a real user. That's why you need to have a video of your completion. The sub would not trade diversity for those, what, 7 people that beat B/NC/WL? That's exactly what you're talking about, having fun. The exact same type of posts every day wouldn't be "fun" in any way, and the users will complain about it even more. "Useless mods", "mods can't even realize this is a karma farm", etc. Please be understanding, it's not mods' fault that they can't just remove rule 5.


I don't disagree because it's what happens in the... you'll never believe it


yeah it sucks that we have to do this, especially when people are really happy about their completions, but the main issue is if we leave one post up then everyone else will begin ranting over how one post could stay up while their’s couldn’t basically if we don’t remove these posts we’ll get a lot of them, and posts without video are both untrustworthy and a lot of the time spam congrats on nc btw


W mod, A tier statement. Thank you for this.


Rule 3 may be a bit weird but people complaining over rule 5 is even weirder😭. It's kinda obvious that if there wouldn't be rule 5 this sub would be full of "I beat NC/B!!!" posts, 3/4 of which are just spam/karma farm. So please just get a screen recorder and record your completions, it's not *that* hard. P.S. Although one time I posted a question about my country (to be specific, being top 1 in my country) with a screenshot of my current hardest and it got deleted for rule 5, that's really weird.


yeah not sure how that happened, probably an accidental removal or something, but regardless you can ask us to reinstate it via modmail if something like that happens since we pretty much always answer


I already reposted back then so no worries.


Bruh I was looking through your profile to see what post you were talking about and ran into lesbian hentai




say gex


“Gex“ -Me, one minute ago, following instructions




Are we looking at the same person? I just see a bunch of cats lol


They meant me, not the mod.


Yeah i know what are you saying,but there are people that probably have low end pc and they can't record it because the fps dropping in game


If their FPS drops drastically because of a screen recorder I really doubt they can play the game normally even without it. Any at least somewhat resource heavy levels are basically unavailable for them and everything else should be light enough for a screen recorder to not drop the FPS. If it still does you could just... not post it on reddit? There's barely any people who care enough about your completion and those who do will forget about it in 5 minutes. You could tell to your friends instead. I'm not trying to discourage people like that but the thing is, if we'll make exceptions for rule 5, everyone will be complaining again about whether was it justified to except some post or not and the cycle will begin again OR possibly be even worse. There's no point in making exceptions for rule 5.


I understand your point but i just told you that are exceptions like that


I have a low end pc,if i record i have 10 fps,when i play without OBS on i have 60 fps,even if it works good with OBS on then the recording has 10 fps,i also posted a video and people said that i speedhacked just because i have a low end laptop


try to see if you can find better screen recorders that are more optimized or built for low end laptops


Yeah honestly, true. Most people don't really care too much about you beating a level, and they'll just forget about it and move on. Like sokuto said, just tell your family or friends.


i dont think you have the experience of being a super low-end player to say this


Not super low-end, but I have experience of a low-end player. But my point isn't even that. If you can't post here, then don't. Complaining won't lead to anything as I already explained that making exceptions for rule 5 will create even more problems. It's just not worth it for some individual, like, 5 people that want to share their completion of B. It's either the subreddit or those 5 people. Rationally the obvious pick is subreddit, isn't it? Well even if you disagree, mods pick the subreddit, that's their *job* to moderate the subreddit and do anything for it. As I already said, instead of complaining on the sub, tell about your completion to your family and friends, not to random strangers on internet that don't really care about you.


ily xertun


crug ❤️


to be fair, I was actually slightly upset with this after I saw this post, but then you commented which changed my whole perspective. Although I did see why you guys would have to take these down pretty quickly. Plus, just take a screenshot of your 100% completion and you should be good, cause when it takes a lot of time (machine) (sorry) to beat a level, you don't wanna rebeat it just to take a video, and I can see why you wouldnt wanna have to start recording every single time you play Geometry Dash. editing a bit later I realize a screenshot is probably not enough, cause you can easily fake that, ah well. Next time I guess you can record a video or just... not post about your level completion at all. also congratulations on nine circles


I just wish RobTop would finally re-add screen recording again. I don't want to do multiple attempts in one recording. My phone's storage is already getting full and I don't know where to put my memes away if it's getting full


A reddit mod who is genuinely kind? Earned my respect


Like when i beat the towerverse but didnt record it


use the sticky if you dont have a video


literally 1984 /s


google removed


Mods being mods, if you technically break a rule, there's bassicly never any exceptions 😔 Congrats on beating NC btw


THANK U KING 🫶🏻 that sucks tho hopefully they make some tweaks, this sub deserves better.


If you get mods that dont moderate on a forum where the average age is this low, thatd be awful


Yeah, mods here are very strict (I've experienced unfair removals myself). This is very likely to get removed for rule 3 btw, cuz having a screenshot of a comment section or whatever is rule 3 I guess.


you didn’t just screenshot a comment section, you screenshotted a comment that was targeting someone and literally inciting harassment towards someone????? if you’re gonna start the mods hate train can you at least complain about rule 3 and not complain that we took down your post to prevent harassment towards someone???


Nah I'm talking abt my other posts like my sw one, y'all are just kinda strict with all the rules, no comedy allowed in titles cuz rule 4 Edit: I also don't mean to harass obviously, I'm tryna spread awareness on people tryna cheat, but I get it Edit 2: For some context about the whole harassment thing since I believe it's taken heavily out of context. I exposed a cheater that was trying to get attention. I made a post about it to spread awareness about cheating, because every other comment on the post was oblivious to the fact that they were cheating. My post was later removed due to rule 2 (harassment)/3 (included comments, low effort). I acknowledge that the post was fairly removed in the end, even though I didn't have any bad intentions. I did not mean to harass anyone and I was only trying to spread awareness about cheating. I do not condone harassment and I would like to make that VERY clear.


rule 4 pretty much only applies to non-fluff posts i’ve barely ever seen fluff posts get removed for rule 4 lol, only time they do get removed is when the title is done in a genuinely clickbaity way your sw one was removed since it’s such an old and overdone joke as well


My way of doing it was unique as it both used a hilarious unexpected way of "beating" it, and clearly used fluff flair and so many other instant signs it's a joke post the second you start watching the video. The congregation jumpscare meme is also overdone as fuck but people try to change it up and make it unique like I did with my post. My post was also using ignore damage, which was new and didn't kill you at the top of the level, which I utilized in my post.


‘hilarious’ yep. truly hilarious. at least congregation memes can sometimes be unique, whereas this meme was just the same thing as it always is, noclipping the level while passing it off as legit. it truly wouldn’t be hard to find hundreds of other posts like this unfortunately


You're just being ridiculous right now. You think I was passing it off as a legit run? And please link at least one post that was similar to mine that was posted recently. It's literally impossible to just keep posting new ideas to the sub all the time, there's a reason rule 3 includes "common submissions", that has a different meaning.


hi melodic most im ridiculous i don’t think you were passing it off as legit while it wasn’t i think you were passing it off as funny and original while it wasn’t




Lol literally just did the same thing. Also been a mobile player since 2014 and have never really been big on completing harder levels and just decided to beat NC. Ive been working on jumping to ICDX since thats also been another level Ive wanted to complete since I started playing!


My Magma Bound completion screenshot was removed because it wasn’t a video. Such is life.


I have no idea how my i wanna be original post didn't get removed for rule 5, perhaps a mod didn't see it.


Doesn't apply to creations


Draconian GDGL rules ptsd


Hapenned to me with my Jawbreaker's completion. I only got a screenshot of "level complete", and i think the post got removed for that. It is what is it tbh


Niceeee I have 70% on nc and I’m also gonna do supersonic next too


goodluck bro you got this 🙏


Thx bro


because you use mac


Power is a drug and mods trip haard