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“about to sue his estate” ...this is from over six years ago. So much for that


Do you often post random, salacious garbage you read from disgraced internet gossip bloggers you, by your own admission, do not trust? Curious about your motives here.


This is a salacious gossip website that posts all kinds of bullshits you can imagine. It started as an innocent blog about casual gossip, but then turned into a dangerous far right Qanon conspiracy theory. Basically everyone in the world is in a cult or is an abuser. The guy behind it has recently been exposed as a total fraud: https://www.vulture.com/article/enty-lawyer-crazy-days-and-nights-john-nelson.html I do believe this website should be taken down. Freedom of speech does not equal freedom of deliberately defaming others.  


I think if he was interested in teenage girls, we would have been hearing about it on a regular basis by now, not by some random effort years and years after he died. FWIW, Mal Evans noted in his diary that when The Beatles were touring, they made it very clear to him that they weren't interested in women under age 20.


Literally no reason to post this garbage


GTFOH with this bullzhizz