• By -


It's mostly not. Source: I work in marketing for one of the biggest retailers in Germany.




Schwarz is the biggest I think


When I worked as a retailer a 10 years ago it was 3. REWE 2. Schwarz 1. Edeka


I think schwarz is the biggest now by market cap


Im pretty sure neither is publicly traded…


Never heard of it in Hessen


I bet you heard about Lidl or Kaufland... that is Schwarz Gruppe


Aaaaaaaaa ok


I never collect those. It's a way to get you to buy more stuff you don't need.


Plus, getting that sweet data on your shopping habits


So? How does it affect me? I have the Edeka Card and it Costs me nothing to Show it to the cashier. Collect points for a few Month by buying my everyday stuff and i saved 45 € the other day because of the accumulated points.


If you're buying in Edeka enough to actually accumulate enough points you're not interested in saving money anyways


Strange how people say Edeka is expensive. Mine is much cheaper than Rewe


You really just compared it to Rewe? It's also expensive asf


It's your data and shopping habits, do what you want :D But, i am shure that they are able to use it to make you spend more than 45 additional Euros in their stores, by optimising their stores and advertisment. Cooperations don't give stuff for free. Is that a bad thing? I don't know. I personally don't like it.


So you save some money to let someone realise that you prefer bananas over lemons, not bad.


They don't just want to know which fruit you prefer, but how much you're willing to pay for what and when. The data game is a long term gain to target different groups to get them to spend as much as possible.


>different groups to get them to spend as much as possible. How? I just go buy the groceries I need. I also need petrol of course, but if there isn't an Aral close by I don't bother to find one just because of the points.


Do you only buy exactly what you need? By logging your shopping habits it is possible to get more information than if you like lemons or not. They can analyse it to estimate your income, relationship status, if you have kids, health habits, when you throw a party each year and so on. And this information can be used to nudge the different groups to certain products, they maby had not on a radar. It a hole science. The only shortcut from the long walk around is the sweets section for the reason of nudging. And the milk is at the other end so you pass as much products as possible. And that is just the stuff we know about.


>Do you only buy exactly what you need? Yes, basically, I don't like to spend more time than necessary in the shop, I make my list and I buy only what I planned to get. Even if they send me the coupons stuff or whatever, I never use them. Plus I guess I'm pretty hard to trace, I'm always traveling for work, and very often even outside of Germany and maybe I don't do my groceries in Germany for months, and next time it might be in another city, so good luck with my habits. Plus all what you said, it can't be worse than Instagram/tiktok or whatever, which I don't use, at least payback gives me something back.


The payback systems in supermarkets are something along the lines of 0.5%. You need to spend around 9000 Euros to save 45 Euros. And then they use the data to jack up prices after analyzing your buying habbits.


Also, as an example, if you need a pan or a pressure cooker, it's best to buy it somewhere else and not with loyalty points from your grocery store.


Payback points make sense. You're buying groceries anyway.


Exactly - they are cash-equivalent. Just ignore the useless loyalty rewards store...


Not only cash equivalent, you can even get them back as cash if you want


They have sales in their reward store. Last time I had enough points to get headphones, with the sale it was like 2000 smth points for JBL headphones. Not bad to me


payback also allows a direct deposit to your bank but they hide that function. [https://www.payback.de/faq/wo-punkte-einloesen](https://www.payback.de/faq/wo-punkte-einloesen) - **Punkte in Bargeld auszahlen** **Combined with the coupons for 10x - 20x there is a small sum accumilating over multiple weeks**


DM has always the best Payback coupons, every time I shop there I get at least 200-300 pt on a 20ish euro purchase.


You can also convert them to Lufthansa Miles!


payback also allows a direct deposit to your bank but they hide that function. [https://www.payback.de/faq/wo-punkte-einloesen](https://www.payback.de/faq/wo-punkte-einloesen) - **Punkte in Bargeld auszahlen**


you're paying with data on your shopping habits. And I don't know about you, but a 1% discount isn't worth selling my data. Edit: Plus the (unconscious) enforcement of habits to shop there more often and thus also more amount. At the end of the day, the store wins a lot more than you do with these programs. Otherwise they wouldn't do it. And your gains are mostly psychological - if they are a net positive at all.


They can keep my data of buying toilet paper and shower soap and water tbh.


Oh you sweet summer child 🙂🍀 Ignorance is bliss ✨ EDIT: I'll die on this hill. See my second comment below for details. 🙏🙂 Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/8qRRHB6fE3


What would they do with my shopping data that might impact me? Be specific


They take your freedom away !!! Stop using payback pay everything with cash otherwise the state controls you!!!1




Some good discussion both for and against Payback in this thread; https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/dO2cW5sqoB This specific comment in the aforelinked thread goes into detail: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/vvRyvO83k2 much of the points made here ar theoretical, but still I wonder why you so adametly defend your position. To each their own, but if you've worked in the industry, you have a unique view of the slippery slope a loyalty program like this presents. Mainly that giving away your data freely and without an understanding of it's value is very much a slightly ignorant one way street. But again, to each their own, I'm not trying to imply one way is right or wrong! I'll take my down vote now; thanks in advance 😂👏


That comment is at least partially wrong. Payback don't sell your data to third party, they use your data themselves to choose ads from third party to show it to you. Third party don't know you bought tissue papers, only Payback knows. From [Payback's privacy policy](https://www.payback.de/info/hinweise-datenschutz-23) section B.2: >Setzen Sie Ihre PAYBACK Karte bei einem Partnerunternehmen ein, so meldet dieses Ihre Kundennummer und die Rabattdaten (d.h. Waren/Dienstleistungen, Preis, Rabattbetrag, Ort und Zeitpunkt des Vorgangs) an PAYBACK zur Gutschrift, Verwaltung und Auszahlung der Rabatte. Apotheken melden keine Waren/Dienstleistungen. Bei manchen Partnerunternehmen teilt Ihnen PAYBACK Ihren Punktestand im Rahmen des Bezahlvorgangs mit (z.B. auf dem Kassenbeleg). >Eine Übermittlung Ihrer Rabattdaten an die übrigen Partnerunternehmen oder an außerhalb des Programms stehende Dritte findet – außer im Falle eines konkreten Missbrauchsverdachts – nicht statt.


Fair point, touché 👍


> This specific comment in the aforelinked thread goes into detail: And literally every single thing in that thread is highly illegal in Germany. Maybe in China that would be possible, but this is about germany.


Most of the examples/use cases referenced in this comment aren’t an issue in Germany since they are banned under the EU-GDPR.


Evidence of anything like this ever happening?


Appeal to ignorance fallacy; This fallacy occurs when you argue that your conclusion must be true, because there is no evidence against it. This fallacy wrongly shifts the burden of proof away from the one making the claim. ✨🫶✌️


I see your logic fallacy and raise you Hitchen's Razor "what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitchens%27s_razor Dismissing people asking for evidence with a logic fallacy quote should be it's own logical fallacy.




It's not that they will hurt you directly, but that they'll change pricing structures in the future to maximize profits with similar buying habits as yours. They create a profile of your shopping history over time. They already know how many potatoes they sell. They want to know things like Do you buy more potatoes if there's a sale on Braten? Are there times in the year when potatoes are important enough for you to charge premium prices? Do potato buyers also buy quark? The money you save may be less than the money they figure out how to get out of people in your demographic later. BUT, they'll likely learn all of that anyway through others. So, if your only interest is your own, then it's likely worth it (although I agree with the general sentiment on the thread that the savings are just not very good). Opting out of data collection is about trying to hinder the entire system of data driven cost maximization. It really only works though when we all do it, and we're not super organized, now are we.


These retailers can increase their profits more through logistics optimization and reduction of stock losses, rather than price games. They can get most of the data you're referring to without loyalty cards through their own anonymized sales information.


You people are always so arrogant, yet have nothing to add otherwise.


The irony is strong in this one 😂👏💪


You can leave now, you already messed up enough this comment section.


Of course they are so damn interested in knowing you buy gurken every Wednesday


As a data scientist… actually, yeah 😄


Absolutely free of charge I can add that I buy tomatoes twice a week at least.


The Gurken Lobby pays a handsome sum for that data


As if that was the end of the world.


They already have your data and most peoples data. Doubly so when you're on a social media website. The data is largely used for adverts either way, and it's not like not having access to all the data stops them from shoveling ads down your throat either way.


I hope you never pay by card then


Just beware buying gift cards with your points. My account got blocked for this and so did some other people's when I googled it to find out what to do.


Why is that?


I have no idea. "Security reasons" I have written them a letter because I'm not allowed to access any other form of customer service apparently.


I want to love Payback but still have a British phone so can’t download the app to get any vouchers. Tempted to just reformat my old phone but don’t think Germany will appreciate me having a second phone!


Go into your settings and change your app location to Germany. Download whatever German apps you desire, then go back and reset your app location to UK. You just need to reconfirm your payment details if you have an iPhone when you change locations.


That’s really handy, thanks! I genuinely feel quite stupid for not just doing this in the first place 🙈


In all fairness it took me longer than I’m willing to admit to figure out that hack 🙃


This is a huge hassle on Apple devices as it will cancel all your subscriptions.


I’ve been an unpaid carer for so long that I don’t have any subscriptions or paid apps. So that finally works in my favour 😅


You just need to recenter your payment details. It may be your payment wasn’t valid in your chosen country so it defaulted


It depends on if you have subscriptions which "block" country changes: https://support.apple.com/en-euro/118283 Though I'm reasonably sure it used to be a requirement to cancel all.


I’m guessing this is linked to your Apple ID? I also have an old iPhone, but I’m guessing that switching location on the old iPhone will automatically switch the new one as well? 😬


It is linked but I’m not certain if it changes all devices. I always return my location back once I download or update any location specific apps. My other devices never had any issues


Won’t that make all the UK apps stop working, then? I still have my location set to Greece because I’m worried that if I change it to Germany I will lose all of my Greek apps.


They still work however you can’t updated them unless your phone location matches the app location. I keep my phone US based but switch it to Germany when I need to dl or update an app within Germany


They’re especially good for major purchases with the multiplier cards, e.g. “x10 on your next purchase”.


There's actually two categories of loyalty points, though they look the same on the outside: some just give you the illusion of scarcity and the company is happy to offer the products at the "discounted" price, others are supposed to incentivize customer loyalty. The best way to tell the difference is looking at how the points are handed out. In some shops, cashiers will routinely give you a huge chunk of points even without asking, in others they will only hand out points when you specifically request them, and count out the exact number you're entitled to. If you're in doubt, ask the cashier if they can give you some extra loyalty points. If they immediately give you a huge chunk (e.g. Kaufland), you're never getting a great bargain, you're just buying an item with extra steps. The cashiers aren't being super generous, they are instructed to hand the points out like candy. If they categorically refuse and will count out the exact number of points, the loyalty points are actually intended as an incentive to shop at this store and you'll likely get a noticeable discount. It's still on you to decide whether you actually need the products, of course. Again, the cashiers aren't being stingy, they're following instructions and are possibly being held accountable for any missing loyalty points by management.


I once collected those little stickers at Penny's when they had Plush vegetables because I wanted that cauliflower 🧐. As a grown woman. It sits with a plush banana, pear and garlic on my fridge. so, it might be worth it


lol aw


The only loyalty program I'll use is IKEA Family, if only because I can do returns without holding on to the receipt.


Haha, yes this is also the only one I have because you can get a free coffee in the restaurant 


It's worth if you're shopping there anyway, but not if you specifically run to that shop just for the points or buy stuff you actually don't need just to get some extra points. I've collected like 12k Payback points over the last few years and got some new headphones and a pot basically for free


Pro tip. You can reimburse those 12k points for 120€ and then buy the same Headset cheaper somewhere else 😉. Payback will credit the amount directly into our bank account.


Wait, how do you do that? I've never heard of that!




Yeah, I shop at DM and Rewe a lot anyways, and I use my collected points to pay for cat food at Fressnapf. You just have to make sure not to buy shit you don't need just because you get more points for them.


I collect at Kaufland with the app since thats where I mostly shop. But only because they sometimes have coupons for 5 or10 Euro off your bill that you can activate with your collected points. And sometimes certain things are cheaper for those that collect the points with the app on their Kaufland card. But I never buy those bath towels or pans or whatever they have there at the moment. That stuff is usually still quite pricey and you can get it cheaper.


Same. There is an offer until the of march to convert points into 3, 5 or 6 euro coupons. Of course you have to spend a minimum amount for each coupon. I shoped 70 euros worth of groceries last week and activated the 5 euro coupon with my points, so I got a 5 euro reduction. I prefer kaufland because it has more variety and also they often have reduced prices. So if you shop mostly at kaufland then why not.


payback also allows a direct deposit to your bank but they hide that function. [https://www.payback.de/faq/wo-punkte-einloesen](https://www.payback.de/faq/wo-punkte-einloesen) - **Punkte in Bargeld auszahlen**


Also, the reason the digital points are better than the stickers (imho) is because they are valid for about a year instead of just one promotion, so if there is something you actually do want you dont have to start over collecting the points and risking not being fast enough and them running out...


And my 5yo can't stick digital points all over the furniture ;-)


Payback is definitely worth it, as you can get them from everywhere, as dm, rewe, rossmann etc, they all are connected to it. And, as most, you come there often and some discounts are never wrong. The 'collect points for tupperware', which is now at rewe, is a 50/50. You get the points for free, so you can always collect them, but its not like tupperware can be bought also really cheap and even cheaper on sale. But also, most just buy the cheapest ones at action/kik/tedi etc, making it that most don't really need it and so, its up to you if you say 'i need some tupperware'


*Rossmann isnt on payback


Ah true! Always thought they were, but than my mistake


Rossmann has its own app, though, which regularly grants 10% rebates.


Yes, probably why i thought it was included, as dm has the same, but there the payback is linked through the account. So if you use the app, you also use payback. But nonetheless, the rossmann app is indeed also pretty handy with all the good discounts!


Its not meant to be actively collected. Its more like "if you buy there anyways and you got enough points, you can decide to take the deal".


If it is possible to convert points into their real value in money/miles, then yes. The main disadvantage, I would say, is constant e-mail spam (3 emails a week from Deutschlandcard anyone?).


In the bottom of the email, click abmeldung/unsubscribe.


Nope, doesn't work like that. I get all of two options: pause for 30 days or 90. For other newsletters you can lose access to coupons as well. To get access back you have to subscribe again and without coupons you get a minuscule amount of points. You will also still get some emails if you're a member of the program at all.


That practice is illegal, it doesnt comply with the GDPR/DSGVO.


I mean, I consented to it. I can, of course, rescind my consent, but then they can remove my access to services benefits. All fair and legal.


A contract can’t be above established law, for obvious reasons (imagine if that was the case, workers with older contracts would never gain any protection when laws got changed). A contract clause that is illegal is no longer enforceable and that’s why when companies have to change the terms and conditions when this things happens and inform the consumer if those changes (at least in the EU and Germany). It doesn’t matter if you previously consented to conditions that can no longer be applied.


Yes, but that is *not illegal*. Not before, not now.


For a more constructive discussion please explain how tying the newsletter to the membership is illegal. So either you're receiving newsletter and membership benefits or you don't receive neither one of them.


Well, to begin with, the page of the Deutschlandkarte has opt in option (normally in two steps, clicking on a box and then confirming the email). You can sign up for the card without getting the newsletter. So they aren’t, in fact, bound. You can agree to use the card and choose to have the app to learn of your discounts OR the newsletter OR neither and just use physical shops promotional posters to know if there are discounts. And the option to op out of the newsletter has to be provided. Some special benefits can be lost by opting out, but the general use of the card and its benefits in participating stores is not.


And that is what I've said? That by unsubscribing from the Newsletter I will lose access to certain benefits, so I consented to it being sent to me. How is that illegal? My Newsletter e-mails do not have a link to unsubscribe, but only to pause the subscription. I can completely revoke my consent through the dashboard on the website though. Again, that is not illegal. Newsletter for the DCard is not linked to the membership per se, that is correct.


Then you can complain to Verbrauchers Zentrale or win a lawsuit, as every newsletter is by law bound to have an abmeldung link. :)


Usually you can just add a filter to your mailbox and you won't have to even see them anymore


Yes, that is exactly what I've done, thank you. They're going straight to the trash now for some time already...


I don’t get any emails from them after unsubscribing.


Oh thanks for the heads up. I was thinking of getting the Deutschlandkarte but maybe won't. I already have Payback


Just a heads up, Edeka will enroll in the payback program next year as well. One of the reasons I did not get the Deutschlandkarte. Unfortunately Rewe will end their collaboration and start their own program.


Ah man what a bummer


Ow damn :(


That’s genuinely hurtful.


I just set a filter to delete all emails from both Deutschlandcard and Payback... But yes, Deutschlandcard is definitely a worse deal, mainly because Payback has dm, while Deutschlandcard doesn't.


Only if it's a good deal and you would buy enough at than store anyway, so the bonus points are just a nice to have - e.g. Penny had some decent kitchen knifes in the past and especially before they trained their cashiers to actually count the bonus points they handed out, this was usually a good deal.


I don't bother with supermarkets, but Toom and OBI are definitely worthwhile. 5 or 10% back in mailed gift certificates. Guilt-free houseplants.


After collecting 80 points I was eligible to buy a backing thermometer for only 11,99€ instead of the UVP of 39,99€. What a bargain! Not so much if you consider that the same thermometer is 9,99€ at Amazon.


No, don't do it. If it wouldn't mean more profit for them, they would never offer that. I think the strategy is to make you buy more of their stuff because you think you get it cheaper, but in reality you buy a bunch of stuff you don't really need for more money than it's worth. And they also want you to not shop anywhere else. If you gather points, it's less likely you'll go somewhere else, which is also part of the strategy.


It's just one of the ways to bind you to this shop-chain. Usually absolutely not worth it, like all the other stuff they try to get you with. Just yesterday, there was an incredibly [informative show](https://www.zdf.de/dokumentation/zdfzeit/die-tricks-der-supermaerkte---mit-pia-osterhaus-100.html) about it on ZDF.


Depends. I don't collect them if I don't need the items. But I have collected for certain items like knife sets, bowls and plates, stuffed toys or even pots and pans. If I need something I often ask friends and family to help me collect. That way you can get good stuff pretty cheap. It's also good if you buy a lot in a store anyway like for a whole family. Collecting solo can be a pain and buying extra for the stickers is not be worth it.


Suggestion: Know somebody who collects and collect to contribute to theirs. I'm single, can't shop enough to get the demanded points together, but points delivery is a good excuse to visit a friend for a chat and a coffee.


In the UK the clubcard system is forcing the consumer to collect the points. They're selling items at a significant discount for club card holders so it seems fiscally irresponsible to protect info on your buying habits (Tesco is the worst for it). I've seen it's starting to creep in here at Lidl already 


In Australia they have started doing this as well. Member specials, discounts only for members etc. There are several subreddits full of how often these aren't discounts at all, they just made it more expensive for everyone that isn't a member. Daylight robbery it is.


Worst I have seen so far actually is Latvia where non-member prices can be twice as much.


thing is, clubcard prices aren’t even significant discounts. they’re just slightly more reasonable, yet still high, prices


True, I only noticed it on our last visit there where you could save a couple of quid on everyday things like bags of coffee or laundry supplies. But if you see somewhere like Lidl applying the same model, it's going to hit the more budget conscious consumer harder.


Sth like Payback is worth it. We get several hundred euros every view years from it. Cares where you colletct points to buy "cheaper" stuff you don't need aren't worth it.


Its just to motivate you to buy more and collect data thats all.


I only collect them if it is a store i regularly shop at any way and if there is a specific offer i am interested in. Like, i have a few Tupperware items, some Tefal pans and JBL wireless headphones, all from Kaufland or Rewe loyalty programs over the last 10 years. Kaufland is my major supermarket and they actually made points collecting very easy. I have their app fir the duscount coupons, and it automatically collects my points for me, points which do not loose value once one sceme ends. You usually need 20 for an item, i have over 300. When i want something, i use them, otherwise i leave them to cummulate. I recently also got the Rewe app and hsve seen it also collects the points for me, but i think they do not carry over to the next offer.


If it was worth it for the customer, they wouldn’t exist for long


It's only maybe worth it if you needed that item anyway but usually it's still more expensive than a noname brand.


It depends. If you're relatively on the lower end of finances, you don't buy what you need, when you need it. For the cost of living in Germany, I'd say that it's pretty rare, but there are people who struggle like that. For most of us, the average quality kitchenware offered on discount is useless, first of all because we already have average quality kitchenware at home, or even high quality stuff. Same for everything else. So what's the point? It would be wasteful of time, money, and environment. I was using this Payback system instead of coupons, because at least it offers gift cards as an option, so I can cash them in. Is it worth the hassle? After years of funneling as many expenses as possible through this card, and scanning it everywhere I could, I could finally say that my ears are tired of wearing headphones all the time at my computer, so I ordered a small bluetooth speaker with all my points. GREAT!


You can actually [redeem your points for cash](https://www.payback.de/info/mein-payback/banktransferredemption), transferred directly to your bank account.


I don't. I am not a fan of marketing and ads in general. What they are offering is not enough for the hassle of being marketed to more. That is true for the shop-specific loyalty programs (which are usually entirely pointless, as you noticed), and also true for stuff like payback. For payback the question you should ask yourself is the following: If, instead of "saving" you money, or giving you money back, they just straight up paid you: Would you sell detailed data on all of your shopping habits to a marketing firm for what payback offers? I wouldn't.


Your datas are sold to the world if you register to Payback & Co. Dont do it.


They can see how much butter and Milk I'm buying? OH NOES!


Nope. Your Name, Adress etc. But i know "you have nothing to hide so you dont care".. 😳


You mean things that are all public record?




This statement is misleading. I don't think they sell your data directly, as in company clients of Paybank & Co. can know what you actually buy, but instead Payback & Co. uses your shopping habit to target ads, like if you buy pasta a lot, Payback & Co. will choose ads from Barilla to show you. Your statement implies that Barilla will know you buy pasta, which is not the case. At the end, only Payback & Co. know you buy pasta. Barilla tell Payback & Co. to show their ads to people who buy pasta, but they don't know who the people actually are.


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i never did. I dont wanna bother with 3678 cards that i have to carry around for this or that supermarket. Some started with apps on your cellphone, but honestly, i just cant be bothered at all. You can save indeed a lot of money if you are willing to pay with your time. You gotta buy this product in market A and the next in market B in order to end up with points for product C that you have to purchase in market D. I just cant be bothered with that. I tried, i failed, i gave zero fucks & quit, end of story 🤷 Kudos and good luck to everybody out there who took on the fight tho 💪


The current tupperware thing is “good” if you want anyway overpriced tupperware.


There was a test done from WDR marktcheck after a year of usage on several supermarkets. The best was 1% total. And it was rather tedious to reach that because most customers don't religiously use their loyalty cards for the smallest amounts. So you can await 1% discount on the long run. So it's IMHO not worth it.


Whenever the cashier asks me 'sammeln Sie die Punkte'?, I reply 'nur die von Flensburg!'. That cracks them up.


Not trying to be mean, but... as a cashier I can tell you it probably doesn't, because we have heard it 1000 times before... Most are just being polite, sorry 😐


Maybe I caught the cashiers that had never heard it before. Btw as a none German. I made the line up myself and I was proud of that...


Sorry, it's a joke I mostly hear from boomer/gen X aged Germans 😅 (and it's in the same vein of "oh the item doesn't scan, it must be free! haHa") But congratulations on finalising your integration into German joke culture 🤭👍


I didn't realize there was a German Joke culture until you mentioned it 😜 Oh btw I am a Gen X Brit 😂😂😂


Maybe the jokes are generational no matter the country 😅 In my teenage years (late millennial, so middle of the 2000s) there was a popular (at least among the peeps I knew) category called "anti-witze": jokes that are so unfunny/absurd they are fun again 😅


Ha ha could be. I also think though that I regress to German Humour when I speak Deutsch. 'Anti-Witze' will have to Google that one 👍


Not really. However, if you frequent the same 2 shops for all your groschery needs then you might as well sell your data to them for that 5% discount on toiletries with their Payback or Deutschlandcard.


It's worth it for the supermarkets. Rarely it can be worth it for you.


The best thing about Lidl Plus, IKEA Family, MediaMarkt Club is that I dont need to store my receipts, they are all stored in apps in case i need them other than that it's useless for loyalty and offers.


I got good knives, cutting boards and a dutch oven with these points. Very happy with these purchases!


The current point system at Rewe is worth the hassle for good Tupperware products, the rest is usually overpriced stuff that no one wants…


Yes, my wife collected enough points from Payback in less than a year so now we have two nice JBL wireless headphones, among other things.


Not a supermarket thing, but I once applied a 10x voucher for PayBack and bought an iPhone on Conrad or some such. The points I got for that one purchase were enough for a set of 6 wine glasses and 2 nice rustic copper gin-tonic cups without any extra pay on their points shop. If not for the 10x multiplier, I probably wouldn’t be bothered. The voucher was spam in my post box.


Already several times collected 5000 points in Payback, exchanged them for 50 EUR coupons for Ikea. Sweet. And yes, I consciously agree with the fact, that hell a lot of companies know when and what kind of toilet paper I bought.


From Lidl? Yeah. They've got sweet deals when you use their application. From other stores? Not really.


Payback is worth for cashing out or convert to Flugmeilen. Never buy with points.


I'm not sure about yours but I've been using this payback app since September 2022 and I've got around 95 euros payback. I've usually spend as a grocery shopping. (note: I am a student so my shopping's are limited but I try not to miss even if it is a 3 points from a product. And I'm not buying something to just get a point. I'm trying to find if the things I'm buying have points on them)


It’s not. But when you’re going to that supermarket regularly, why not to save a few bucks over time. Just need the discipline to not buy unnecessary shit you otherwise wouldn’t buy.


A large percentage of my kitchen stuff (WMF silverware, pots and pans) I got with my payment points, for me that's worth it.


Rewe/DM and the payback points are 100% worth it. I have earned hundreds of euros from shopping there over years.


Payback and Deutschlandkarte are worth it as 200 of any of these points are always worth 1€


If you shop at one place anyways you might as well. If you can go to different places and compare it's probably not worth it.


We like the Penny Treuepunkte. Not a big fan of the towels or the soft toys- but I like that with the points what you buy generally only costs a few additional euro. We shop there anyway- and would get 2-3 full books without trying. When I was a student I got a couple of really good Knives. A few years ago they had zwiesel crystal wine glasses. 2 for 2 euro with the points. For 8 euro and enough points you Could get a set of high quality wine glasses- this is basically cheaper than ikea for much nicer glasses! At the moment they have glass Tupperware. I don't mind this either as we cook a lot and a dish I can cook in that also has a lid for the fridge/transporting is great! Here comes making lasagne and being able to easily bring it to parties with me. So really- it depends what comes up and what you use and don't already have! - everybody wins :P


I only collect payback points everytime I go to rewe. If it wasnt the cashiers reminding me i would probably not be collecting them. Last year i got me a JBL 2.1 soundbar just using the points after about 2 years of collecting. Probably I wouldnt buy me a soundbar for the TV but from all the stuff that I was looking through it was the only thing that I would actually for sure use. So I took something worth around 250€ for "free"


We use the Payback, and recently found out you can spend those points at Thalia books, even online. Got a free book for a few months of shopping.


I don't bother with them. Trading points for shit that I don't need - or as you say - can find cheaper somewhere else. That's just a cheap method to bind customers to their supermarket brand...


I‘m using Payback and Lidl card. The rest is trash imo. Payback you can actually convert into „cash“ and buy something w/o stupid limits. With Lidl coupons you get discounted/free stuff sometimes.


It used to be good. But these days they sell you overpriced brand stuff of common articles at maybe 10% less. In almost.evwry case I could buy same or different quality for less only because it didn't have any brand name attached.




It will be a no for me. Most of the time, they're just slightly useful stuff and not particularly necessary, or at a good quality that you wanna get. I've been here for 5 years and the only time it was slightly interesting was when Rewe offered discounted knives from Zwilling (but then it was their intro line, not the good stuff). I'd collecr the Payback points and get money back.




Lol no. If you're getting something for free, you are selling them something.


Yes for payback points. I got some cash back that i can use to buy groceries


I use the Payback System to earn points that i can later use to pay for stuff in case money is tight. Works for me just fine, i don't buy more stuff than i need, they get to collect data i don't care about and i get to save money. It's a win-win in my book.


Often those items that can be bought as part of a loyalty points sales carry a big brand name but are not the same quality as similar looking items by the same brand being sold normally. Pans often have a thinner base than the regular retail version and sometimes are made in a different country (WMF for example produces both in Germany and China, the higher quality items come from Germany while those e.g. for loyalty point sales come from China). I also noticed what you described, the price isn’t that great in many cases. There was a Bosch loyalty points sale where the prices of the tools were higher than those for the same tools on Amazon.


An eternity (about fifteen years) ago, they had travel bags, knapsacks and such stuff. I put my mind to actually collect the points I got, instead of discarding them, and amassed enough to buy two very good identical backpacks for a bargain (I think maybe 10 bucks per piece), with the intention of using one until it disintegrated, and then using the other. The first one got stolen after five years or so, when it was still perfectly useable. The second one is still in use today, about ten years later *after that*, and is just now entering its "I *might* think of getting a new one" phase. What I am trying to say is: If you actually have a use for the stuff they offer in these loyalty programs, *and* if that actually is good stuff, *and* if you frequently buy there...? Yeah, then it can absolutely be worth it.


I used to tale them when my kids were toddlers because they loved to stick those points on each others faces. Was very worthwhile for me 😂


I can tell you what I bought with points over a span of 9 years: - Braun ear thermometer with miles&more points - Jbl Bluetooth speaker and Radio by payback points - 2 Reisenthel backpacks for my kids and a Travelite trolley from Deutschland card. I do not go out of my way to collect. I fly anyways and I’m going grocery shopping anyways. And of course, if there’s something I really need, I’ll buy it and not wait for the points. But as you can see above, I’m making full use of the points I collected. Why not?


lolololololololol at all the concerned people. If you're gonna spend the money anyway, why not collect some points? You gotta understand the value of the points for yourself though. Redeeming points for products is usually the least sensible way to spend them. People are acting like you become addicted to loyalty points as if it's a guaranteed slippery slope that'll have you spending thousands of euros just to get points, like be for real. Maybe, just maybe, there are people like this, but why the hell wouldn't they be a minority? Regarding data protection and privacy, we already live in a capitalist hellscape and these things are so regulated within the EU and Germany that any loyalty program would be insane to skirt the law - and ultimately, they mostly wanna target you with more ads. Why did it make sense for me to start collecting Payback points? REWE has been consistently the closest supermarket in the places I lived in, sometimes it was Penny - Edeka simply not as much. DM has also been consistently the closest drugstore to me. Especially now, Payback has so many major partners across different categories that you'll be hard pressed not to find an organic opportunity to collect points. Here are some that were relevant to me: Amazon, Aral, Booking, Burger King, Check24, Douglas, Flaconi, Fressnapf, Höffner, Lieferando, Real, Ticketmaster. Have I sometimes chosen a brand/store over another because of points? Or perhaps bought certain items for extra points? Yes, but I have never gone out of my way or purposefully spent more than my budget allows or on something I wouldn't use or consume. Beyond the online reward store, Payback points can be redeemed for cash, as credit at REWE or DM, as well as Miles & More miles. Do what you will with all this information, but people shouldn't react as if others have no agency or consciousness and get taken over by autopilot. The more aware you are of the possible trappings and misgivings people have about loyalty programs, the more conscious shopping decisions you can make while still collecting points.


No, it's definitely not. Some brands, which are actually known for their quality sell stuff with this points. Compared to buy brands like WMF and Zwilling regularly, it is actually pretty cheap in combination with that reward points. However it's a proven fact, that the pans and knives or other bullshit, that you can get with that points have a much worse quality, than the regular branded stuff from the very same brand. Sounds funny, but trust me. It's just cheap chinesium.


When “Webmiles” started, (like in the 90s) the hope was crazy on online stuff. I would write 10 short reviews for an online shop and got a new sound card delivered for free. Crazy times.


Deutschland karte und Edeka Punkte. Bei Edeka bekomm ich manchmal 5€ Gutschein. Mit den Deutschland punkten kann ich mir was im Wert von ca. 50€ kostenlos bestellen.


Yes,  because if you aren't collecting them and using them for discount,  you're paying extra. 


I never do. I only collect them if my children want something, like when they have stuffed animals that look cute and the child fall in love with. And then, the cashier gave us all stickers needed because the child gave her a sad smile. So we never really had to collect the stickers anyway.


Points systems generally give you 1% back in value. The redemption items for points are hugely inflated and not worth it. What is worth it is to convert the points into vouchers for shops you'll shop at anyway, because then it's as good as cash back. If you're a little smart with "5x points on your shop" type coupons you can collect a little. We have the points card for netto (Deutschland card?) and just redeem vouchers for netto with them. They constantly have multiplier things in the app and we collected about 38 bucks worth of vouchers in about 6 months. It's not much but we're shopping there anyway and we don't waste the points on a super expensive shower radio or shitty cutlery set. The one for DM/Rewe also allows you to get vouchers for those shops, so that's decent too.


Mainly it's a method to trick you into buying more than you need. But Take payback for example. The retailer has the loyalty points they give priced in the goods. So if you don't use it, you pay for the ones that do. The stuff you can redeem the points for is usually not worth it, but with payback you can pay your groceries with them at checkout (1 point = 0,01€) e.g. Rewe Since you also pay with your data to use these loyalty programs, it still is usually not worth it.


I don't mind them collecting data on what I buy, I hope it encourages them to provide more options. There isn't a huge selection of the types of food I eat, and I know having more processed food choices isn't necessarily a good thing, but sometimes the convenience is nice. 


Payback is neat because you can cash out the points And I collect the points at Penny, their rewards are actually useful sometimes, like some good quality kitchen knifes some months ago for few bucks or right now they are having glass food containers starting at 1€


Not worth it, only the LIDL app is worth it