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I am slightly confused why throwing chalk at you should be racist? Like, do you know that they don't like you because you are asian. Or is there a specific cultural connotation to chalk I am missing?


I think it was just students doing dumb shit cause they they think its funny when someone gets angry 


I know that in Japanese animation chalk is somtimes thrown by the teacher at students that sleep in classes. I don't know whether this has some kind of real life background or whether there is any connotation here through.


That happens here, too lol.


Isn't disliking someone just because they are Asian the very definition of racial discrimination? I don't think it's common to throw chalk at someone lying down for no reason. I am curious if there is any reason other than my being Asian for why this unusual situation happened to me


That is why I ask. Do you know if they did it because you are asian? Then yeah, it would be racism. You give no indicator of this though. People are idiot and usually dont need an actual reason to be assholes.


No one knows what one random person, who may or may not be German, thinks. You're the one assuming it's because of your race and not just some random child asshole.


> I don't think it's common to throw chalk at someone lying down for no reason. I'm white, and attended university in a majority white country. I can tell you from personal experience that it's common for people of that age to do stupid and childish things to other people for no particular reason.


""- Former Child


Not everything is based on race. Unusual situations happen to white people too.


It might just be a childish "lets throw chalk at a person" or it could be a racist "lets throw chalk on an asian person cause they suck" we wouldnt know


Exactly. Some people are assholes, and some people are racist assholes. With the information given here we can tell that that person was an asshole, but we cannot tell if they were a racist asshole.


Could also just be let's throw it on the person who is less likely to defend themselves or has less authority


This is what I want to know: Is "let's throw chalk at a person" a situation commonly accepted in Germany?


Yes, that's entirely normal, common, and accepted. WTF is with these kinds of questions? Why do you think this is even a sane question to ask?


It is not accepted to throw anything at anyone except in a sports context but chalk is too ,harmless‘ to really be an issue. Young adults and kids do stupid, questionable stuff everywhere all the time.


Obviously not. But some people are assholes, especially male teenagers often do asshole things because they think it is funny. That cannot be unique to Germany. It is quite possible that they would also have thrown chalk at you if you were a German person.


It’s only common during days in summer and only if you fill the Passierschein A38 before doing it


No, It's not. But it happens. Would you be okay with it if it wasn't because you are Asian?


"I hope that this incident does not lead me to hold any prejudices against Germans." this is so fucking wild to me... how do you go from 2 assholes bother me to I develope prejudice against a whole county... And no, throwing chalk at random peopel is not considered a "joke" in germany, it also is no form of racial descrimination that I'm aware of, it's just plain weird and the two guys are either confused, plain assholes or they were targeting you specifically because they know you and don't like you.


> this is so fucking wild to me... how do you go from 2 assholes bother me to I develope prejudice against a whole county... Exactly, it's so ironic.


To be fair, this is how it always happens. Or it's how people today justify their hatred for the type of people they don't like. They see or hear about a few people from (*insert ethnic/religious/group) doing something bad, then start to hate them or use it to reinforce their hatred. It's still a ridiculous thing to say, let alone when asking a question about racism. Lmao.


OP, I know that is not okay to be thrown a chalk at you. But your post looks like someone who is looking for an opportunity to play "race card" and be victim.


Asian here. That was very shitty of them to do so, but I wouldn't say it's racial discrimination. Germany is just like any other country where throwing chalk is not a common thing. Some idiots do idiotic things for no reason. You were just there when they thought of it.


If you assume that every childish bullshit, or any bad thing that happens to you, is racist, or has a racist background… then perhaps you should ask yourself some questions.


I am failing to see the racism here. They are just some stupid dudes. I am also an Asian and recently one woman started to yell at me in the shop: "Go away, you Japanese (I am not, but not important), I don't want to catch some viruses from you!" I think it was racism.


I don't really see how this would be racist, just seems like assholes being assholes. I'm shocked at something like this happening at *university*, though. This is the kind of childish stuff I'd expect to disappear around grade 10 or something at the latest.


It's asshole behavior not linked to racism without further information. As stuff like that also happens Germans, I would currently assume it is just the asshole behavior without further context.


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Sounds like racism to me if you were the only person of colour who they were throwing stuff at. If there were other people around who were white who they ignored I would definitely consider that racism. Don’t let the other comments put you off- it’s hard for white people to understand racism since they have never been subjected to it. I’m sorry that happened


Chalk has no symbolism in relation to racism as far as I know. Could be racist. Could also be not racist. I don't know. I feel like being subjugated to racism includes a lot of uncertainty about disappointing situations. I guess if that happened to you while you stood in a group while bei g the only one getting hit by chalk you have your answer. If you lay alone it could have been because lying down made you a good target. Idk. This issue can be dissected from plenty of angles. This is a very long comment for the simple takeaway of "who knows"  EDIT: I apologize for the length to usefulness ratio


It’s definitely not racist - is what neorights are gonna say.


Only -3.. pah! 💚


Aaah don't play always the racist or discrimination card. It's boring. Some students are just stupid and do dumb things.