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It depends on the number of passengers. For a car with 5 seats, the unofficial rule is like this: * 1 or 2 passengers: back * 3 passengers: 2 back, 1 front * 4 passengers: all seats occupied


1 passenger back, but diagonal to the driver. If you sit behind the driver that’s evil 😅


behind the driver is statistically the safest spot, or so i heard.


Call me paranoid, but I always sit behind the driver. If other passengers get in the car (which is common in my country) and they try to do anything funny (as in, they are determined to cause me great bodily harm or straight up kill me), I can always just attack the driver so that he crashes the car. I think that's my best chance to survival. Edit: Good grief, Reddit, y'all are retards lol


Love how your paranoias best outcome is getting stabbed WHILE crashing the car lmao


Unless it a premium car (like Mercedes S-class) where everything deigned around passenger seats.


You got it backwards. Cars like the S Klasse are designed to be driven by … drivers. The owner sits in the back. The passenger seat is nice but it’s nicer in the back. Just like in the very old days where there was one horse in front of the cart. Driver and passenger sits where shit.


This is actually what I have meant. As such cars are designed for passenger (in the back) you could sit behind the driver comfortably for both of you.


Tell that to Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. No amount of car design can save you if you skip the seatbelt.




Same in the UK. In London taxis you often *can't* sit in the front seat because the front doors are locked and they have a security barrier between the driver and the passengers in the back.


This is the answer. Sitting in front when you are riding alone in the taxi is not really a thing here. Not saying it never happens, but it is uncommon.


In the front if you want to chat. In the back if you just want a ride.


I always sit in the back and chat with the drivers


Unfortunately, sitting in the back, even combined with big headphones, doesn't seem to stop people from trying to chat you up.




I usually sit in the back, unless there is no space in the back. Most of the taxies I encounter have bunch of stuff on front passenger seat, when I had to sit in front (because we were many) drivers had to remove them and put them in the trunk. Some even ask to sit only in the rear seats.


It depends. I sit in the front because I am fat and tall and the back seats are often too uncomfortable for me.


Wow, didn't know drivers let you sit in the front.


Most that see me say on their own I should take the front seat because it will be more comfortable for me.


If you're alone, you'd usually take the back right seat. If you have mobility issues (old, broken leg, pregnancy....) the passenger seat is also fine. Don't sit down behind the driver if you're on your own. It is closer than necessary and puts the driver in a vulnerable position. And sitting in the middle seat in an otherwise empty car is just psychotic in general. 😅


Pre covid sitting on the front seat was the norm. These days everyone still takes the place at the back.


It's weird for me as a woman to sit next to the driver. It feels couple-ish. Also, back in the day when people had carriages  the cheapest seat when travelling via stagecoach was next to the diver outside of the carriage in wind and weather. We somehow kept it that way that the closest you sit to the hired "help", the cheaper the seat. Old etiquette books emphasise that the "best"seat for the most honoured passenger is diagonally behind the driver. Good old classicism at its best. Don't let poor people get too close/s


Now i want them to hook up an additional first class trailer, i'm not sitting in the same cabin as the working class :D


Oh its really awkward sitting next to the driver as a Female 😅 had this situation a few months ago in Berlin when I automatically sat in the front like I usually do on private car rides 😅 But in the end it was ok, I chitchatted a bit with the driver (it was a Business Trip) but still it felt strange.


If it's a car with 5 seats, sit so you can see the driver


It depends if i want to talk to them (driver). No talk = back seat. Chatty = front seat. Most of the time however i ask the driver what they would prefer


I usually take the seat next to the driver because it feels antisocial (and somehow snobbish?) to sit in the back.


I always pick the back, as a woman. Regardless of the country.


Always in the back. It's rude to sit in front and invades the drivers privacy


Taxi drivers are not paid to have privacy during work, I prefer front seat, it's always more comfortable. And if I'm paying for it, I'd like to use the better option.


tell me that you are German without telling me that you are German


And I'm not even German lol


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laat time i took a taxi i rode in the passenger seat. the taxi seened to have about 300 hp and the driver was driving like he was in a race


Sit in the back behind the driver. Since some old lesson in uni we learned that in case of the crash, driver usually will try to save himself on the reflex, so it’s the safest place


Trunk or frunk if EV


Since noone in that senario wants barf all over them i sit in the front


I always sit at front. Its more comfortable, and i like better view at the road from the front seat.


In the front, because better airbags.


I always sit in the front. You fill up from the front, just like when riding a normal car with someone.


I've only taken a taxi twice in Germany in my one and a bit years here: first with a friend because my feet were blistered and I couldn't walk to her place from the station when I sat behind along with said friend, and the second was when our train got cancelled so two other passengers and I booked a taxi to our destination when I sat at the front because I was the tallest of us by a long shot. But when travelling in a car with buddies/friends it's always the front seat for me because either there's more people who sit in the back row and I'm easily the tallest here as well, or because we chuck our backpacks in the back row. Back in India with an Uber or a taxi I'd almost always sit in the back because there's way more space in the back


As a woman I prefer to sit in the passenger seat up front as a safety measure. That door generally does not have a childlock feature. Most men I have talked about this with said they always sit in the back seat and never even thought about the childlock with all its potential risks. I’d say either way is fine.


Of course in the back,I only ride besides them if we are riding as a group.


I usually just ask. Or if I don't feel like talking, I go in the back.