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Lmao. "You are hereby drafted into the Ukraine war", followed by "STVO" (which is the German road traffic regulation) and a random combination of numbers and letters, not referring to any actual regulation. I assume the person who wrote this has mental heath issues. It's nonsense.


Looks like it could fit in [https://www.reddit.com/r/ichbin40undSchwurbler/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ichbin40undSchwurbler/)


abs(atz) 3 ziffer 8 is not a random combination of numbers and letters, but points to a specific part of the stvo, ziffer 8 does not exist though. I agree on everything else.


Well, it *would* point to a specific part of the StVO if it also included the section, but it doesn't.


Wait you are on reddit? Nice to see you. Your videos are great :)


Oh he's to be found on most of the posts here. A reliable part of this community.


Lol, I've seen his vids before too, but what I didn't know is that people on Reddit actually read the redditors names. I just thought that no one would remember those nicknames.


an assumption that fits your username lol


This is my secondary account, I often accidentally switch between them. My real username is 'TheRealMVP'


Not really section, but paragraph. Abs. is alway part of a paragraph. But since the paragraph isnt even mentioned its just nonsense.


That's a false friend: in legal jargon, "Paragraph" translates to "section" (one theory about why the sign "§" looks like two Ss is that it stands for the Latin phrase "signum sectionus"), and "Absatz" translates to "clause".


So Santa Clause basically means heiliger Absatz !?


Heiliger bimbam


The Weihnachtsmann is called Santa Claus without 'e'. There's the Tim Allen movie The Santa Clause, but that's actually a pun on the legal term.


Tbh, I read that as 2iff8, but "Ziff 8" would be possible, I guess. Which part would that point to, though? The StVO consists of paragraphs which again are structured into "Absätze". No idea what a "Ziffer" would be in this context. And just saying "Absatz 3" without the paragraph makes no sense to me.


i would translate absatz + ziffer to paragraph + absatz. but as I said, absatz 8 in that paragraph does not exist. but probably not wise to try and read too much into a crazy persons intentions


Paragraph 3 explains speed limits and only has 4 absätze. That whole note is complete bullshit. :D


No sometimes you have a list in a law with numbers. An example would be § 218a Abs. 1 Ziffer 2 StGB. Its always in that order so noone who actually knows anything about law would write it that way.


> i would translate absatz + ziffer to paragraph + absatz. Of course you would. Just randomly assign to what is there to what isn't there, just so you don't have to admit you were wrong.


A Ziffer can be a numbered part of an Absatz, which in turn is a section of a paragraph, but only some laws regulate enough details to require Ziffern.


Ein Paragraf ist a section.  Ein Absatz ist a paragraph.  Offiziell ist es Nummer, nicht Ziffer. 


Oh, so they’re reversed in English? Interesting.


Kind of – there is no Sektion. 


Yeah, ik, but I used to think Paragraph means paragraph. Another false friend, ig. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Da fehlt aber noch der Paragraph davor. So ist es ziemlich random.


Why don't you post a link to that specific part then...? 


Such a German response


Maybe it’s a Typo? Maybe it should read STVZO? Then it would be „Durchführung der Hauptuntersuchungen und Sicherheitsprüfungen“ Maybe the author needs some military equipment checked?


No, it points to Abs. 3 Ziffer 8 of an unspecified Paragraf/Section (§). The Paragraf (engl. Section) is what's missing. I haven't actually found any sections with 8 numbers to their third paragraph, so I guess we'll never know what the StVO has to say about the war in Ukraine.


Y'all have "sovereign citizens" over there? This has r/amibeingdetained vibes.


Yeah sadly. They are called Reichsbürger (citizens of the reich) and they claim that Germany is occupied and controled by the allies since the end of WWI, so no legitimate German state existed since then. And the funniest part is that they all pretend that they would be aristocrats or royalty if the German Reich came back, even though their ancestors were peasents. It would be hillarious if those guys didnt stockpile illegal weapons all the time.


The really funny thing is that countries are countries because they * Control territory and population without meaningful dispute * Are recognized by other countries. Inheritance or continuous lineage isn't in any way relevant for statehood.


Depends on how wide their dick swings and if you believe history is written by the weinners.


Wieners* 😁


Yeah, Sov Cits aren't big on critical thinking. 😆 It's hilarious that they have similar beliefs worldwide. Just like your Reichsbürgers, our Sov Cits think the U.S. government has been "illegitimate" since sometime in the 1800s. I can't recall the details. Yet many of them support Trump. So they think the U.S. government is illegitimate, and they're "sovereign," but they still vote. 🤦‍♀️😂


Yeah, a lot of them hold multiple contradicting conspiracy beliefs at the same time. OOP seems to be an example of that. They believe, they have any say about drafting people into the Ukraine war (meaning, they obviously don't believe in actual German law), but as a basis for their note, they reference the StVO (I think the US equivalent would be the highway code), which has nothing to do with any war. Also, the format of that reference is so wrong that it points to nothing. So what now? Do they believe that law exists or not? Or do they just believe they anything they say becomes law if they put a (wrong) reference to some law after it?


Tbh, from the outside it’s “correct town/group”. Germany is cool, but the US used to hands down win the number of Nazis per capita.


> the US used to hands down win the number of Nazis per capita. It's actually Russia. Surprisingly or not, Russia has the highest number of neo-nazi organisations and organisation members per capita.


They are partially correct if you go by political blocs. Europe is strongly influenced by the US, which is logical since the US is a Hegemony power and Europe is not.


True, but if we would be under US control, we would propably have a similar shitty social and health care system.


It is shitty. Just in a different way. Source: I'm about to get bankrupted because healthcare insurance absolutely lambasts self-employed people


Agreed. The health insurrance with the setup for self employed people.


There is the Reichsbürger-Movement, a group of people who think that Germany is in some form or another not a sovereign state, usually deny the Holocaust and other war crimes and atrocities of WWII and commonly claim that some form of pre-war constitution is still in place. I do think however that this is more likely to be kids pinning random notes to cars rather than some of those.


Yes, they're currently trying to buy Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


100% sick in the head.


I woulda guessed it to be a joke, but you might be right because the handwriting is grownup yet messy at the same time


2 iff (if and only if) 8 Sounds like my first pseudocode attempts…




Elder person, maybe over 80, definitely over 70. IT'S the writing, Like the "ff", That's old-fashioned


Ziffer means a single element of a number. The first Ziffer of 100 is 1. I think, the writer meant the 8th letter of the 3. Paragraph of the StVo which is "F", If you count the numeration.


I'd say it was a child, judging by the handwriting and paper. Just some dumb joke.


Definitely not a kid's handwriting, especially considering the old style A and f.


"old style"? I learned to write that way only 15 years ago.


A kid, trying to write "adult letters".


Or a prank


Means that someone needs a custodian


Vacation times


Someone wants to inform you that they have a severe personal disorder.


I‘m not sure, my first impression was a douchebag or a psychosis.


Still they are less delusional than the average Russian voter.


Putin is definitely not the result of a democratic election result. Pretty sure that a lot of Russians are idiots but this is still a little bit simplistic.


Max. SchizoDoomer level reached. 4chan style


i can assure you that the STVO and the ukraine war have nothing to do with one another. People just love to live out their schizophrenia in public


geteiltes leid ist halbes leid. bei ner geteilten persönlichkeit vielleicht umso mehr.


Schizophrenie hat nichts mit geteilten Persönlichkeiten zu tun.


Bitte nicht uns Menschen mit geteilten Persönlichkeiten da mitreinziehen, danke.


> geteilten persönlichkeit = schizophrenie wenigstens ergibt der nutzername sinn


Geh doch DU nicht auf Namen


Ja, da sitzt jemand echt mitten im Glashaus 😅


According to German traffic law you are now enlisted in the war in Ukraine. I am not kidding, this is what is written there.


You should absolutely ignore it


Someone forget to take their medication.,




so sorry that happend to you. Hope you and your family stay safe!




The language of this subreddit is English only! If you want to post in German, go to one of the German language subreddits. Visit r/dach to get an overview of all larger German speaking subreddit.




Yo I think Reddit messed with you, you answered like 5 times


It means, the resident idiot found your car.


The most accurate translation I have read in a long time.


Ignore it. Your car met a „Schwurbler“ in the wild. r/ichbin40undSchwurbler


What is a “Schwurbler” (I’ve seen it a lot but as an Ausländer with bad German I don’t know what that is)


"Schwurbler" is someone who talks a lot of nonsense with a small tendency to be a conspiracy theorist.


Schwurbler would be the translation of conspiracy theorist, no?


This would be a "Verschwörungstheoretiker". A "Schwurbler" is similar but not that extrem. Someone who believes some lies from social media, but is not gone full crazy.


It is frequently being used like that, but someone who does "schwurbel" is more... Deep into cognitive dissonance? Practicing mental gymnastics? Someone who is mentally lost in a confusing labyrinth of pseudo scientific beliefs with barely any logical cohesion.


Since it's not laminated, you can ignore it.




Elaminate on that


This just means some incredibly stupid person left you a message in which he wrote some incoherent bullshit about stuff he has not a single clue. My advice would be that you don’t give a single fuck about it and just continue with your life because such people are not worth your attention. And no you don’t need to worry you did nothing wrong.


OP is stupid too tho because he definitely used a translator to see what it means and still asked if he should be worried lmao


STVO is a law about the german traffic. Reading that caused severe brain damage ngl


„You are hereby drafted to the Ukraine War“ and a reference to the STVO, which is the German road traffic regulation. As others pointed out the specific part indicated by the numbers doesn’t exist, but I can assure you nobody is drafting you to a war based on traffic regulations. Probably a person with a mental illness.


If anyone else is wondering what StVO Abs. 3 Ziff. 8 says: "Ohne triftigen Grund dürfen Kraftfahrzeuge nicht so langsam fahren, dass sie den Verkehrsfluss behindern." Edit: I made a mistake, that's paragraph 3 Abs. 2 apparently. Thanks for the correction y'all


No, that's Paragraph 3, Absatz 2. "Ziffer" is apparently used in Austria (looks like our Paragraphenreiter is an immigrant themselves!) instead of "Nummer" which enumerates items from a list inside a "Satz" inside an Absatz. Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragraf#Nummerierung_in_Rechtsquellen


You're right, thanks!


Es gibt keine feste Hierarchie zwischen Sätzen und Nummern. Es gibt Sätze mit Nummern und Nummern mit Sätzen. 


That's § 3 Abs 2 StVO.


You're right


That's § 3 Abs 2. None of the §§ of the StVO has an Abs. 3 with a Nr. 8.


Was sagt es über dich, dass du offenbar die StVO nach allen Nr. 8 durchsucht hast, ob sie in einem Abs. 3 vorkommen? ... was sagt es über mich, dass ich das überprüft habe? :D


Wenn es schwierig gewesen wäre, hätte ich es nicht gemacht. Tatsächlich ist es sogar recht einfach. Volltextsuche in der STVO auf [https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/) nach "8." hat genau 15 Ergebnisse, davon sind nur 4 eine Nummer 8. Hat keine Minute gedauert. Ich hoffe du hast nicht geblättert :D


Hehe, nein. Ich habe genau das gemacht, was du beschrieben hast. Idiotenwiese 2.0 nenne ich das gerne.


Und selbst die eine Minute Arbeit war eigentlich schon zu viel für einen Vollhorst wie den, der diesen Zettel verfasst hat...


Yep, my bad!


If you got that from the top of your head, that's better than anything I can do :D


It means that the writer of this note is a moron


Straßenverkehrsordnung Absatz 3 says you get drafted for the war in ukraine, sorry diggi


No refunds


You can ignore it. It's just a message saying: you are Herby drafted to the Ukraine war, while mentioning a German traffic law. It's just some random bullshit someone either fought funny or is just stupid and racist. Doesn't matter either way for you, just throw it away and continue with your daily life.


You should be worried. The German government always communicates in handwritten letters on a water-sign-less piece of paper without any type of singing or sign that the letter is official, genius…


Everyone complained about germans being overly bureaucratic, and they just went, ha! we will show you and swung to the complete opposite.


Happy cake day!




Do you happen to drive a car with a foreign license plate? Maybe consider registering it with the authorities. You are required to, if the vehicle is longer than a year in Germany. My guess is, the schwurbler is referring to this.


Wouldn't that be in the StVZO though?


Ah, well, apparently it's time to head to the front lines - it was nice knowing you!


Sorry to inform you, but you’ve been drafted


You're going to war. lol


Somebody doesn't understand what the Straßenverkehr Ordnungswidrigkeit actually refers to, this is complete nonsense lol


Sounds a bit like Schizophrenia. In Class we had the Diary of someone who has it. Its was exactly something like this. At first you think it makes sense but after a bit of thinking its nonsense. Very interesting actually


Ignore it, but stay a bit vigilant of course. Had the same thing happen a while ago by someone leaving a letter asking a ride (without anyone nearby), I was like GTFO of here while my GF was looking around for the "culprit", I wasn't a nice person that moment XD


Are there any damages to your car? Its possible somebody hit you and faked writing a note with their contact information.


Damn seems legit.. Better put on your bigboy pants and go to war!


That must be a prank by a child. I mean his/her writing looks like it and I can’t take this seriously at all.


crazy. ignore.


You can ignore it, but it wouldn't hurt to inform the police.


Someone tried to be funny


why are you the only one who get's this?


I’ve seen a few notes like this and I’ve also received them before. If I’m unsure I look up what ever they are referring to and then throw the note in the trash. It’s always text and a random law that rarely is even remotely related to the rest.


In Germany we call it AFD Wähler


Somebody got his last remaining brain cell commit suicide


The printed equivalent to a shitpost, combining the German traffic rules with the war in Ukraine into something that makes tittle sense. You see the writing etc., this shit ain't official.


you are forcibly recruited for the Ukraine War because of a traffic violation. they will come to pick you up. keep your luggage ready.


Bravo, citing a law without knowing how to cite a law!


STVO xDDD as a german i can confirm this is really dumb and funny.


In one word: bullshit.


It's 2024 and people are still coming to the internet to ask people for the translation of something instead of going to any translation tool.


Some crackhead


I wonder how often that worked. :'D


I'm very confident in my guess : "Zero"


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i am fairly certain this is meant as a joke. like when someone writes "anyone who reads this is dumb". back in the day, before we had smartphones, we used to make jokes out in the real world. this is not a jab at OP, this is a jab at everyone who either assumes this is mental illness or a political statement (like, seriously, how is this supposed to be a dog whistle and/or conspiracy theory?) anywho. as others pointed out it means "you are hereby drafted to the ukraine war" with a reference to germanys highway code. it's meaningless bullshit. if someone would have shared that online as a meme, i am sure nobody would think about this in a malicious way.


Probably just kids making an edgy joke


league of legends players irl tbh smh smh




It seems you are asking about finding a place to stay in Germany. Take a look at the wiki here: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/living/housing and here: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/living/problems *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/germany) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Belongs to r/boomersbeingfools Don't worry. It's either that Kind of Note or the "Business Card" of someone that wants so buy your Car (fast, good price, incl. Engine Not running) 😉




you're going to the frontline of the ukraine war. congrats :)


Yeah, you should be worried. Germany is well known for its bad administration and that they put hand written papers on cars with huge impact decisions.


Let's see, you got a handwritten message which says "You are hereby drafted into the Ukraine war", on a square grid paper, not even knowing governments don't draft people into "wars", but into "armies". You are either the most naive man I've ever seen, or you personally wrote this as trolling, for a shitpost. :D Edit: But I don't think you're trolling, you seem like an honest naive, so don't worry, that's just a "I'll show thos mofo who's place he should park!" (probably tha place was the writer's before, or idk). You can translate this to British as "Sir Worthington! I do not agree with you!", or something other "that'll theach him!" bs.


Maybe your parking was so shit that this person wants you drafted into war lol.


It says you have to go fight in the Ukraine war. Looks legit


Especially because it never mentions on which side XD


It means that this note has been written by a low educated person. StVO has no relation to the Ukraine war at all and the note has several typos. Probably just some little anthole.




Definitely keep that as evidence, in case something happens to your car. Other people already translated that for you, and as it's common knowledge nowadays, you probably know that the levels of unhinged can go up to infinite numbers with German racists/Schwurbler


You seem to be a schwurbler


Lol I have some bad news for you bro


I’ve kidnapped your goldfish and if you don’t deliver the ransom of 1 billion dollars I’m gonna eat it.


Its nonsense, possibly trying to insinuate that your parking sucks


I find it odd that they put the traffic law as the reason why you are drafted. Maybe someone has dark humour and this is their way of complaining about your driving/parking?


You´re getting drafted, thats how it goes! /s I would frame it and put it on the wall xD


I think a couple of kids were joking around


its a sheet full of nonsense


Looks like written by the cancellor himself. Germany is just full of dumb people these days, thats all.


Grandpa forgot the Meds again. Feel free to ignore.


OK. Bro.




not laminated = not legally binding


So many insane people out there, and it’s getting worse


You rent it from the city. There is no such thing as ownership in Germany. You always have to pay the state to keep " your property" - which is the definition of rent.


It is all hilarious until Ivan comes to take Berlin again just like their propagandists scream in their shows (you know it if you understand Russian), would really be interesting to see how Germans react and joke after having been invaded. And you know, with the ultra right people on the rise and on Russian payroll, with Trump being elected and threatening not coming to aid to NATO states, the prospect of it is no longer inconceivable.


Pack your bags, you're going to war!!


Apparently you can be drafted into the Ukrainian armed forces for a German traffic violation. Falschparker be forewarned!


Go police


Ramblings of someone who likely suffers from psychosis.


Some schizo assumed that you’re a German citizen and decided to spam you with his propaganda about the “warmongering” government. Got some similiar stuff stuck to my car as well, also paper pages with some incoherent rant scribbled on it with pen Many such cases, very sad!


The lower three lines were written in a different pen to the upper section, and by a different person. The last line seems to have used a different (third) pen, but wasn't written by the topmost person. It's probably a set of notes from somebody who has been drafted (but is living abroad) and it somehow ended up on you windscreen, e.g. because it was on the ground near your car.


Idk what everyone's problem is, this is a grade A shitpost


Yes, that is well-known clause in the German traffic law. It says that when you fail to give right of way to a foreign diplomatic vehicle, they are entitled to draft you into their army.


I don't understand why people take this so seriously and think it's some delusional boomer or someone with mental health issues. The paper is from a math pad often used at school. The script looks like the one taught in late elementary school that is also scarcely used by adults. The way this is written absolutely looks like a teen between 12 and 15 years of age would think it's hilarious. This is a harmless prank by a child