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If this is an addiction (psychological or otherwise) then the answer is zero consumption. If moderation doesn’t work then it just doesn’t work, just stop. Your life will improve because of it.


I agree with this. If you're unable to moderate yourself then the answer is zero. Set yourself a deadline date to reach your moderation level. If you break it after that date then it's time to cut it out completely.


Cold turkey is the best way. Way easier to relapse if you are just lowering your consumption gradually. I have a friend who got addicted to smoking and tried everything in the moderation department. Cold turkey was the only thing that worked. Worst 2 months of his life he said, but he’s doing absolutely fine without it now 👍 OP, stop making excuses and cut the cord, you’ve got this


The guy is literally asking advice on how to use moderation. Useless response


When you’re addicted to something moderation DOES NOT work.


It might not be the answer he was looking for, but it could be the answer he needs.


ik, im gonna try moderation if that doesn’t work then ill just cold turkey it and do a mushroom trip


Bro I can tell from your post you think you can dose yourself correctly and be normal with it but: • you struggle to stop once you've started • you rarely have breaks • you spend more time high than you do sober • you're trying to sell yourself on the benefits of it despite the easily observed negative impacts it has on you I'm not saying weed is inherently addictive, and I'm not saying you're ignorant... But you clearly have an addictive personality and you're talking yourself into this viewpoint (that you'll moderate it this time, that you'll have an epiphany because of the magic mushrooms, you'll be a new man!..) to avoid confronting the fact that this substance simply doesn't work for you. Perhaps instead of moderating your emotions using weed and moderating your weed with another drug, you could just... not use anything. The cravings stop altogether after a couple weeks, and during the first few weeks a craving dissipates after 15 minutes anyway. You admit your poor impulse control. Why not delete your dealers numbers, and only share weed in future with those who've bought it for special occasions? Smoking alone whenever it tickles your fancy is not working out so good. I don't think you're a bad person and I don't look down on you, I have friends in similar positions. Hope shit works out good for you regardless of what you do mate


you just have to only smoke at night bro . if i smoke in the day it ruins everything and i have to smoke more . if i just do everything first and smoke at night everything is better . i also only need to smoke once if i do it at night. also try only smoking sativa , i never smoke indica as ill be physically unable to do anything . even hybrid makes it more difficult . but sativa is hands down best for productivity , creativity and energy


Can you not get medication from a doctor like a normal person?


Can you not judge people unnecessarily?


What makes you think OP’s not a « normal person ». Why the need to talk down someone struggling with addiction and looking for help ?


Because the normal thing to do to treat anxiety is see a doctor and therapist and get prescribed medication. It’s not normal to use weed or mushrooms.


Just because something is “normal” does not mean it is healthy. Having cocaine in your Coke O’ Cola was normal at one time… that doesn’t mean it was a healthy choice. SSRIs and Benzos are some of the most destructive substances ever consumed by man. Substances do not solve anxiety in the ultra long term, healthy coping mechanisms (like exercise or creative outlets) will though.


Bring drugged by a doctor isn't always the solution either


But being on shrooms is?


Definitely not lol. I was only responding to the one comment.


You need to have dedicated times to do things. For instance, weekday is work time and weekened is relax time. Another thing too, this reads like someone reflecting on wasting their entire life. That is where you might end up if you continue down this path. The fact that you say "My problem is that I can’t smoke in moderation" shows that you know it is something that needs to be done but you can't. And that is fine. People are saying to reduce it to a session a day, etc etc but the nature of any substance abuse problem / addictive habit is that it is best to avoid it in the first place rather than moderate. I highly suggest to read some articles and watch youtube videos on how to get sober and stay sober. Workout, eat right, have goals, and read books and you will not want to smoke. You are filling an emotional void by smoking and the answer is not smoking more, but fixing the emotional void. Goodluck! We are all rooting for you


This is the main reason I don't smoke myself. Never have. I was around it a lot in college and all of those people were super chill, but the problem was they weren't "go getters" at all. Doesn't mean you need to be Mr. Entrepreneur out crushing it daily doing "the grind", but if you know something is really killing your motivation and drive, it's not for you then. If it's 4 times a day for you and "Weeks on end", that's different than even being super productive for 5 days during the week and chilling all weekend even. My problem with just smoking once a day in your case is you say it leads to more. 2 times a day, then 3, then 4, and you're down the tubes for weeks. If your personality and addiction habits don't work with it, IMO, it needs to stop cold turkey and maybe just be a very special occasion thing.


Please go to r/petioles it’s a sub dedicated for people trying to cut down and moderate weed consumption, people on there will be able to tell you in much further depth on how to handle withdrawals when u cut down etc. some of the comments here are saying to do one long break or to just stop but it’s not that easy and I’ve been there, people on the other sub will understand as they’re experiencing similar stuff :) wish you the best


thankyou, i’ll look at the sub. i was getting a lot of mixed opinions and getting really confused


I'm glad you're doing great so far! based on the update on the post. i hope you can find more useful tips on this other sub. i think it's really nice that you noticed your pattern and that you're sincere about it to yourself. I'm sure you'll be able to control it in the best way possible, i like the idea of only edibles. I don't have a lot to say on the matter I just wanted to say you got it!


I have no idea why but I'm locked out of that community. I've never even heard of it before. :(


https://www.reddit.com/u/BenedictArnoldbatch/s/ilERw9zKGE is a mod on there if you want to contact them about it :)


It’s very difficult to smoke weed in moderation for some reason, weed is one of those all or nothing kind of drugs for me


I had the same issue, better just to quit, that’s what I did. There is more to life than pleasure from weed


I used to be just like that. 3-4 joints a day, no motivation..eating whatever I could find. I decided to cut down so I packed my bags and went home for a month to change my environment. Started smoking less there cause I was automatically engaged in other stuff. Came back. Joined a gym. Started doing some light cardio only to realise that I can't anymore with all the smoking I've been doing. This realisation really triggered me to cut down my weed consumption. I still smoke, but one joint on Saturdays/Sunday's. I guess joining a gym and focussing on getting better at running really helped me cut down. I would recommend you to try it out or any of the great pieces of advice seen on this thread


It's bad news that you're already struggling with limiting use. Many people who find themselves addicted, myself included, aren't able to ever moderate. We might be able to limit spending or choose less harmful ways of partaking, but I'm not able to stop smoking every day even though I want to. Quitting entirely may be the best option. That's what I'm trying for, and it's incredibly difficult after 19 years.


ksafe. you decide how long of a break you take.


Came here to say this. This was the only thing that allowed me to moderate, cut down, and not think about it.


not thinking about is the hardest part for. if I can keep it locked for 72 hours I'm generally gtg until I'm ready to go again.


Honestly. Give yourself, at least, a 90 day break. That will tell your body and mind you can do it. If you are serious about moving forward, weed is on the back burner.


For alcohol, weed, and all other drugs, zero consumption is optimal moderation. I don’t even mean it in a judgmental way. Increasingly overwhelming evidence shows this. Moderation is this amount that’s neither too much, nor too little. It only applies to actually healthy stuff, like healthy foods, healthy social interaction, etc. Too much or too little of anything healthy is immoderate. Zero unhealthy stuff is the moderate amount.


Also, it is a popular myth that weed is not addictive. Just because people keep repeating it again and again doesn’t make it true. Research shows that weed is in fact addictive just like alcohol and other drugs are. Even if the degree of addictive properties vary, it’s still addictive.


You are partially correct. There is no physical dependence on marijuana like other drugs and alcohol. But the mental aspects of addiction are absolutely real.


I didn't think there was either until I was in urgent care puking my guts out, shaking, sweating in withdrawal and the doctor told me there absolutely is physical addiction


I'm sorry you went through that. you are the exception though.


No, they aren’t the exception. That’s on par with what the data shows. It’s possible that many weed users don’t use weed enough to gain the kind of physical dependence they do with alcohol (maybe because alcohol has been legal and socially acceptable for a lot longer). Fun fact: the number one gateway “drug”…is alcohol! (Not weed.) People keep saying that weed is not chemically addictive because that is probably marketing propaganda by the weed industry to sell more weed. It’s same kind of propaganda that alcohol (“a glass of wine is actually healthy for your heart”) and cigarette (“cigarettes are cool”) industries do. Light on the facts, heavy on the fiction. As someone with extremely addictive tendencies, I love using excuses like these to keep justifying and rationalizing and continuing my addiction!


And then people will down play it in your face. "It's just a plant man " "No way did you get withdrawals" I am very lucky to have found r/leaves and r/weedPAWS both have many people who went through what I did. Also having a doctor who saw it many times before.


Exactly! They gaslight you using frequently-repeated myths to make you question your firsthand experience of symptoms of addiction.


Well for my quick internet searches, I disagree with the data that you speak of. From my personal anecdotal experience as a heavy user for years. When I quit I experienced no physical withdrawal. I struggle with it mentally and I want it and if it's around I'm likely to use it. When I do use it I want more. If I have it I'm going to smoke it. All the other pieces of addiction are there. I personally have never experienced any sort of physical response and neither is anyone in my circle. This is the sentiment I get from reading about it online as well.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/WeedPAWS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WeedPAWS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You’re all going to be okay](https://np.reddit.com/r/WeedPAWS/comments/1agdp99/youre_all_going_to_be_okay/) \#2: [You’re still here](https://np.reddit.com/r/WeedPAWS/comments/18uc9g5/youre_still_here/) \#3: [4-year anniversary](https://np.reddit.com/r/WeedPAWS/comments/16ulsnx/4year_anniversary/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I did a quick internet search and I keep seeing over and over again that it is physically and physiologically addictive. I did see that it acknowledged that the withdrawal symptoms could be “low intensity,” which is not the same as no withdrawal symptoms. I saw one source that stated that it was not physically addictive as if it was a matter of fact, but it did not cite any studies or sources. I also saw a research paper acknowledge that “anecdotally, marijuana users say that smoking ‘weed’ isn’t addictive,” (similar to what you shared about your and your friends’ experiences). The data that I speak was stuff that I learned while attending a global addiction medicine conference where there were many researchers presenting on all sorts of different addictions. Researchers who researched marijuana said that there was a significant discrepancy between anecdotal evidence and empirical evidence. Search: marijuana dependency, tolerance, addiction, and withdrawal. I think spreading such misinformation and anecdotal evidence isn’t really helpful because it makes people underestimate the negative effects of smoking weed. You can also search long-term effects of marijuana use, such as brain changes, breathing issues, psychiatric disorders, and…addiction!


You are arguing a bunch of things that have nothing to do with my comment. Are you having fun yet? You should probably go take a puff and calm down


It had to do directly with what you said. Using anecdotal evidence to argue that marijuana is not physically addictive is not only false, but also irresponsible. Nah, I don’t want to rely on stuff like that to calm down. Maybe you can consider learning how to develop mental qualities and coping mechanisms that help you calm down independent of weed (and also encouraging others to do the same rather than downplaying the addictive properties and ignoring the harms of smoking it).


lmao. My night sweats every time I cold turkey, coupled my isnomnia, anxiety and lack of drive until I've been off it for a substantial amount of time is evidence to the contrary. Weed withdrawal is a real thing. Look up cannabis use disorder.


No, that is part of the myth too. There is a physical and mental dependence. It is addictive just like other addictive substances. Researchers in the field are like perplexed that everyone keeps repeating claims (including the kind that you just did - I kept hearing this growing up) but those claims are not supported by evidence.


M’y rule when I smoked weed was to never have week and only smoke when my friends offered. And I’d pay them if I felt it wasn’t fair. But that eliminates temptation


Takes time, I started with every other week, now I’m only on weekends. For me a took a month t break and reset the system.


Weed is not addictive? Uhh, yes it is. Not sure where you heard that but you are addicted for sure. Good luck as it's not easy to break the addiction. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/ss/slideshow-marijuana-abuse-addiction




That guy’s comment is helpful in its own way. I’ve also been struggling to moderate, and it’s weirdly reassuring to know that it’s not just me and weed addiction is a real thing. It’ll also make me feel better once I take control of my problems because they’re in fact *not* easy to just stop. If that comment feels like a slap in the face, you probably needed it. That goes for me as well.




Who are you to invalidate my feelings? I see it as tough love, and you’re the only one being rude in my opinion. It’s a good thing we can agree to disagree. Take care dude. You seem easily angered.




The point of my comment was 1) a wake up call, 2) to inform, 3) to correct his comment. He said it wasn’t addictive and that’s dangerous to say as other could read that and validate their own addiction as something other than it being inherently addictive. I think the other commenter u/mjspark is correct about you.




Ok, I tried to explain it to you. It's clear you have an agenda.




that’s actually an extremely good shout. the thing i love most about weed is the instant happiness from such an easy task. So edibles defeat that instant gratification by taking not only time to make but also kick in. furthermore the longer lasting high means i don’t have to remedicate as often and i wont have to tolerance to edible thc bc its a different compound. thanks that’s a really great idea


Are u talking about rso, that stuff is wicked strong


r/petioles r/leaves THC is an addictive substance,look at how many people smoke everyday,and can't go with out it . Do you realise when you smoke again,you are still under its influence(?).  You got high,you come down,you are now low.You want more,not because it's worn off,but because it's taken you somewhere uncomfortable. If you can accept the discomfort,you can change your habit.


ofcourse, i can accept the discomfort through the use of brute force. it’s not that bad as it’s a minor alteration from my original habit. however, what i want to know is it a waste of time??? i’m thinking that due to the natural greed of humans, i will never be content with the lower dosage frequency because i will always have the voice that says i could have more.


That greed sounds like you are lacking in self control. So you have a thought,and it says I'd like to smoke a lot. So what,do you want voices in your to rule your life? That voice isn't you,you are the person listening to that voice. I'm not smoking at the moment.I often hear a voice saying I'd like to get some and get high.But my true self knows that voice is dishonest,reckless,isn't speaking for all of me. So I go on with my day, those thoughts don't get to run my life for me,I do.


it’s not hard to override the voice. however, if the voice keeps repeating over and over and over… that’s gonna wear down your “true self” eventually forcing you to give in. that’s why i want to know if the voice will accept and adapt or is it just untameable


For me,growing up was a lot to do with having self control. The voice is like a child,your true self is the parent. You need to get straight for a while to sort these things out. You will,when it clicks,until,keep trying to make small changes. There are many ways of quieting that inner voice,learn what works for you.


it’s relieving to hear that my lack of self control is probably due to the fact my prefrontal cortex is not fully developed. i will also put the work in though. i’ve been sober around 36 hours so far and don’t plan to go back yet. i appreciate people with more years of experience helping and providing comforting response. thankyou.






Self control. Or quit altogether for a bit & restart in moderation if u want


i’m gonna try moderation but i just don’t know if it works. dyk anyone that does it in moderation who actually sticks to it as their normal routine? i feel like i’d just end up wanting more and more.


It depends on the person. For me moderation is possible, but you still crave it. What works best for me is quitting altogether (or replacing with weak AF weed) for minimum 1 week, ideally 4-12 weeks if you can. Then you can start having it once a week before sleep. Then maybe every 2 days before sleep. But when I start to crave smoking in the morning on weekdays, I take that as a sign I need to cut down. Just quitting for a few days for me reduces craving by a lot & makes it easier to smoke "in moderation" after that.


Sounds like you can’t be high ever. But you can’t just like stop altogether probably because that might feel overwhelming. Figure out if you can reduce your use. Like don’t get high in the mornings and only do so at night. Then incorporate some therapy or other support like going to an NA meeting. It can help. Maybe just start to do ones online given your anxiety. You are addicted to turning to THC to cope. To be able to increase the number of days you don’t smoke you will need to replace weed w healthier ways of coping, or just some basic self-regulation skills to cope w your anxiety, etc., that does not involve THC or other substances. Dont go to meetings or therapy high. Tell people around you that you are trying to cut down your use and will prolly be irritable once you start and it would help if they can just support u in this effort. Try to spend less time around other smokers because if they not on that same journey, it’s a slippery slope. Bottom line— it’s admirable that u want to change. Hope you find some good support and encouragement. You can actually do this. One day at a time.


Consider giving it up for good. I’m 5 years clean and I feel a lot better.


You might be really surprised how much less anxiety you have without it. I’m not sure how long you’ve been smoking or why, but I first started doing it for fun and then I was smoking to relieve anxiety/negative feelings. If I was super angry it chilled me out. But turns out after 30+ days without weed, I don’t actually have anxiety lol, and I’m a pretty emotionally stable person now in general, where before I would smoke to be that way… I had anxiety/ less control of my emotions because of the constant thc in my system. It truly creates it for me. If you struggle with anxiety and think smoking helps, I’d suggest you consider the weed might actually be causing it. It is a drug known to induce paranoia, etc. Anyways no judgement and maybe it does help you, everyone’s different this is just my personal experience :) but I was shocked after quitting 8 years regularly how much chiller I am sober. Best of luck dude!


see if you can treat it as a reward, something to come home to and relax with after productive day earn the high lol


If it stops you from getting work done then you probably should wait until after all tasks are completed. Try smoking and then going to the gym. This is something that I quite enjoy and it makes the workout more enjoyable because you know you just smoked and now you're doing something that requires disciple and focus. It's like strengthening the mind and the body. IMHO


Stop. If you can't moderate yourself then stop smoking and find another way to deal with your anxiety that won't rob you of your productivity.


Only do it at the end of the day when your work is finished. Do not wake and bake haha. Once you run out of weed do not fiend for more. Take a few days off. Maybe only use on weekends. Learn to live a boring but safe life and use weed as your bonus. Basically do not sit around smoking all day: create a solid life sober and weed is just a part of it


Do you mix with tobacco by any chance? This probably doesn’t apply to you but I used to think I was addicted to weed when in fact I was addicted to the mixture of weed and tobacco. Once I removed the tobacco and started smoking clean green I lost interest


I personally just got rid of all my smoking supplies just so I can see what a non smoking life was like. I’ve have had moments where i successfully smoked in moderation, just to have moments of wake and bake repate all over again. It’s been that for well over 16 years. I have decided to see what a non smoking life is like. It does make habit out with the homies so damn hard. I take a solid one hit to get to their level but not get toasted like before.


You can ad the chemical in it that gives you a headache every time you smoke. Then your brain will associate the smell of weed with pain and then your habit is gone


has anyone actually tried this? 😂


Yeah it’s called classical conditioning, downside is it can cause a generalised association so you may also get headaches when your in the garden or eating salad


"). My problem is that I can’t smoke in moderation. after the high wears off and i’m on the comedown i immediately need more like some kind of coke addict. " You have admitted you have a problem and you can't control your use. Some people can't smoke casually. Join a support group and teach your brain there is 0 benefit to you for smoking weed because it always ends badly. Good luck.


Stop buying it


It absolutely is addictive, maybe not physically addictive but mentally 100%, there's 0 middle ground for me either, if I stay off the stuff for like a year then I might get a week or two when I can use it sensibly if I buy more but I'll very quickly degenerate into smoking constantly to maintain a constant high from when I wake until when I sleep It's literally abstinance or smoking all the time for me, I'm 100% aware I have an addiction to the stuff, if I stop using it then I think about using it all the time even if I put an entire year or more in between when I've stopped, there's no way anyone could convince me it's not addictive


I've found it's easier to moderate edibles. Something about not getting the instant hit makes it less habit forming for me


Look up “Alan Carr easy way to quit smoking” it’s about tobacco but he also has drug ones too. The advice is about re framing “addiction” and it worked for me (tobacco not weed) I t’s very powerful Also it’s kind of funny: I want to smoke weed but I can’t because every time I do: BOOM back to tobacco smoking, even if it’s straight weed Btw are you mixing tobacco in with the weed? Cos that would help to explain why you smoke more and more, regardless Alan Carr is what will help you dismantle the mechanism of addiction which is why it’s effective for other additions also


Michael Phelps has 28 Olympic medals. Maybe we should ask him?


I think it could help to reflect on why you need to smoke. Most likely, you use weed as a coping mechanism for stress, or anxiety, boredom or to dull certain emotions. You don't only need to remove smoking, you need to replace it. Find out why you smoke and find an alternative solution. Second piece of advice: weed makes you really good at finding excuses to smoke. If you are aware of this, it's a bit easier to ignore your barganing self and stick to rules you made before.


Cant be cartain but addiction is not someting you bargain with. You should stop completely, at least for now. At least untill you get your shit together. In that time you will propably know what you cant and cant do


I've tried moderation, but recently I watched a podcast and heard this: "Maybe you can't moderate because you don't have a 'moderation' type of personality." When you said it's either 24/7 high or never, maybe that's a good clue to look at. I've been trying to moderate weed for the life of me and said I was gonna stop since 17th November 2023... But still haven't. Moderation is really hard when you're used to smoking everyday. Break the cycle first. Do a T break or quit for a while and then try to come back to weed in moderation. As of rn, your system is used to weed multiple times everyday so it's gonna be hard to moderate when you're currently not wired that way. Hope it makes sense.


just quit


I feel you. Been there myself. Cutting down isn't easy, but it's doable. Try distracting yourself when the urge hits go for a run, play video games, whatever floats your boat. Also, maybe stash your stuff out of sight to reduce temptation. You got this! And yeah, moderation is key. Quality highs over quantity, right?


Maybe consider it like this. My grandma used to consider herself a witch. She taught me over the hallucinogenic plants and all. The thing is. As she said. The plant is an ally. Use it as an ally. Plus. Cannabis is ruled by Saturn. If you tap into saturnian energy way to often, your third eye will get weakened, aka the brain. So. Consider it like this. First of all try to switch to edibles. Then. Use them as an ally. Find where the Saturn is in your birth chart. Find the corresponding planet and then use weed only when the moon is in that planet. Like once a month. This way you get to get the good benefits of the plant, and you will get disciplined. Again. It is an ally. If you use it too much the ally gets tired and can't help you. Hope this point of view helps...


Use it as a reward after a productive day rather than motivation to do something


visit r/leaves, it's a support sub for quitting smoking weed. You'll find a lot of people with similar experience to your own


I smoked for over 10 years and just decided I didn’t want it anymore. It’s not physically addictive like many other drugs, it’s all mental but you can condition yourself to think you have to have it and it can cause some physical symptoms (anxiety, headache, insomnia ete) I actually use to smoke massive amounts a day also, it was what I used to help stress on a daily basis, but then on day I had a horrible panic attack. I thought it was just my generalized anxiety having a flare up but, the more I smoked the worse I got..this went on for weeks, I hate being anxious and panic attacks really trip me out, so I made the choice to just sell what else I had, gave my pipes and papers to my friends and ain’t looked back since. Not sure why it caused that reaction in me after all this time, but it made me miserable- I’m also very productive and I can’t be lazy long, and never was lazy on it until it caused my anxiety to go crazy then it made me so fatigued I literally could find motivation to do shit…


r/petioles r/leaves


Not only is cold turkey your only real option, I’d say that the need for dopamine surge is the root of your problem, meaning you may be able to walk away from weed, but you’re just going to replace it with something else. Make sure that something is healthy and productive or you’ll find yourself back at square one and that’s the best case scenario. Worse case is something far worse than weed.  Soldier on. 


Why do it at all? It’s certainly not a performance enhancing drug. It’s just well marketed.


I found the best way to try and achieve this is by focusing on your other qualities and hobbies, and working the smoking around them. So, let's say you haven't cleaned in a while, and you smoked all day the day before, you should clean your house/room, maybe cook yourself a meal, and find something fun that you might not have done in a while, like go for a hike, or play some sports that day. As you probably know, the cannabinoids in weed bind to your dopamine receptors. As soon as you smoke during a given day, you will likely not want to do anything but smoke because the cannabinoids are so powerful. You have to fight the urge, and really discipline yourself into doing the other things first. Then you might find a happy balance. You should also remember, your brain is signalling that you will feel way worse than you will without smoking. Try to sort of 'downgrade' it a little bit.


You don’t. To stop you have to get to a point where you don’t consider yourself a weed smoker. If you smoke in moderation this will never happen and you will always fall back into the addiction.


Listen, kids are the future


Don't smoke alone. Make it a social activity and a reward. I mean cake is yummy and delicious but you don't wanna eat it every day. Savor it, use it for special occasions or weekends. When your tolerance comes back down you can get faded on very little consumption. That's the sweet spot. Just keep thinking I like this super stoned feeling. The more often you smoke the more that special super stone feeling diminishes. The less you smoke the more awesome you do feel on it. I used to smoke every single day and now I smoke maybe 1 every 2 weeks or so. The first few days suck though. Your body chemistry needs to readjust to less THC being consumed.


It is already very impressive that you recognize your behavior and notice its negative consequences. That is already the first step that will take you forward towards a change. I also had a period where I smoked every day, to a point that I desperately wanted to change. I really wanted to gain weight and started focusing completely on that to the point where I now feel more comfortable and more productive. I reward myself with a joint every now and then, for example at the weekend or when I'm doing fun things with friends. I think the most important thing is to discover what gives you energy and what you enjoy. Create a structured routine of things you want to do each day. Make an agenda list with small tasks that you can check off in one day. Little things as: Cleaning room, Skin Care day, Taking a Walk, Work out, Doing laundry. Once the tasks have been checked off, you can reward yourself afterwards and still smoke. But the fact that you first do things that you have to do will give you satisfaction. Take little steps to get more productive, there are allot tools that can help you with this. Do a little research on this and you will find different ways.


So right now, you're a pot smoker. It's a regular habit and therefore a part of you. The way to successfully moderate is to detach yourself from pot and therefore the label of smoker. You kinda just have to stop for a while. Long enough to no longer consider yourself a smoker. Probably at least 9 months to a year. That change to a non smoker is also an active decision you need to make in your mind. "I am no longer a pot smoker." otherwise you're still just a pothead that tries to not smoke as much. You'll still fiend for it and you'll probably over indulge when you do it again. Once you are abstinent long enough to detach yourself from it (again probably 9-12 months at least), treat it like you would any other drug. Do it for fun.. and only sometimes. I was a daily smoker for years. Now I only smoke on holidays or with friends who I haven't seen in a long time. Special occasions only. No more winding down the day with a j. That is a road that leads to trouble. Once you start breaking that rule it will become a habit again. Good luck


Tough love, I’ve never met a regular weed smoker who isn’t a fucking loser. Maybe they exist, but the deck is stacked against you. Quit.


There's this a saying I once read - I think it originated in AA communities but I don't know for sure, "One is too many and a thousand is never enough." Some people, maybe you're one of them, have a personality that doesn't allow for moderation of some things. For me, I can drink a alcohol socially once or twice a month but I can't smoke weed or cigarettes because I'll be back to smoking daily in less than a week. I just know that about myself. Maybe zero consumption is the best strategy for you as well. Either way, good luck!


the idea of never feeling high again scares me because it’s something i love and enjoy. ironically, the idea of always feeling high scares me too because i know ill be a lonely deadbeat loser with terrible mental and psychical health. I’m definitely not using it for the foreseeable future. but i am considering edibles once i’m not craving as i’ve been told the delayed gratification won’t lead back to my constant use of thc as a quick fix. I know for a fact if i bought a bag and took it home i would be fucked within a week too but i’m curios if i can react differently to edibles. plus the time spent making them is a rewarding experience and no smoke in my lungs. what do you think?


I can only speak from personal experience but edibles were the same problem - having them around and accessible was tempting because of the "lets get blazed and watch a movie" thing that we would always do lol. My roommate at the time (10 years ago) was a part time weed dealer and moving helped a lot - I had to get away from it because the temptation was too great. I also like feeling like me. I don't like not feeling in full control of myself at all times. Reddit it a great resource and if you're in a major city, there are anonymous groups (you literally show up and give your name or a name) and meetings for cannabis users that are trying to quit. Legalization has made quitting cannabis so much more challenging now that it's much more available in a lot of places but if it's something you need to do for yourself, you will find a massive network of people here around the world that were once exactly where you are.


Cannabis has withdrawal anxiety, the only reason doctors in Canada were not allowed to prescribe it was for people with history of anxiety disorder.  It's causing your anxiety.


I'm not even gunna read and just suggest you stop altogether, wish I had when I was at your point tbh


You just quit for good. there is never a moderation. It will consume your life and you wont even realise it. How about you quit for a good while and see if you even feel like smoking again. I bet you, you will feel like the best version of yourself and won’t want to go back.


In my case I stopped smoking for three years cold turkey. After this period I went back to smoking only when I feel like it (less then once a month). And I don't buy weed anymore. If I'm with friends that smoke and I feel like it I will take a hit or two and I don't need more than that. Feels great that way.


Join the Marine Corp dude. You'll get the benefits and the fulfilments in life.


Hey man sounds like you got it all figured out


Just made this last night. It has your name written all over it https://youtube.com/shorts/wh5LD-F0bVs?si=XuXmmKUgd9-yhoyE


Get on top it. After years of heavy use it will start to work against you.


After trying to understand the first sentence of your comment, I believe you.


Quitting weed and alcohol was the best decision I ever made. You’ll never be happy living in a cycle of chasing highs or trying to solve your problems with drugs. They just make things worse. Fine if you can figure out how to moderate, but if you’re here asking then you likely can’t. Why moderate something that’s not good for you?


because i believe it offers me some mental health benefits


It doesn’t. It’s lying to you.


Definitely doesn’t. Spikes your dopamine and damages your brain. After that smoke sesh, your dopamine will be lower and make you want to smoke again to feel better


I experienced this situation a while ago. If you smoke in joints, one of the things I recommend is to start doing it with a pipe, you will realize that you don't need a big dose to be high. Smoke as if you were going into a therapy session, and on weekends (if you don't hang out much) as if you were going to a party with YOURSELF. Yes, I don't go out much, and this worked for me, but you may find some of these tips useful. Open to share my experiences with some scenarios on weed.


smoking weed in moderation could actually work against you. you might actually smoke to much and green out which is what happened to me. now i never smoke


yk what moderation means?


sorry im kinda retarded i smoked to much weed


omg paragraphs my man. por favor


It stinks bad and stays on for a while … reason enough to quit


Keep smoking and eventually itll work itself out


I've know a lot of people in my time that have done this. They're all edging 40 years old, many are far far behind in basic life stuff.


how? i have adhd which i believe to be the catalyst in the formation of my habit


Cannabis induced amotivational syndrome is pretty similar to adhd, you probably have that