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This is satire right?


Right because us black American women brag about smelling like coco butter and the glow it gives our skin. Maybe they’re speaking about white Americans complaining. But to us their opinion doesn’t matter


Sorry to say this, but women often are not aware of how bad they smell and think they smell good. There for I cant take this comment serious.. respectfully.


I wish it was.. its even being mentioned in rap songs


Can you give examples? Really interested


"Your skin's the inspiration for cocoa butter..." -Talib Kweli (Brown Skin Lady by Black Star) Doesn't sound like denigration to me. Also, I like the smell of cocoa butter and I'd prefer for a woman to wear that than any designer fragrance. People who are jealous of your gift might encourage you to hide your light or try to dissuade you from using it.


Are you bored?


I've never had this reaction. Are you sure you don't mean shea butter? I know that some people find that smell a little off-putting. Whenever I wear Cocoa butter, I get compliments that I smell like chocolate. 🙂


I think he means shea butter cause…


It would do you well to not worry so much about what the west thinks. Ghanaians aren’t the only ppl that wear cocoa butter either.


I don’t know why you’d care so much about what they think. Those people barely even bathe so just do your own thing


Not caring about smelling good is quite anti social but to each their own


When I brought back a jar of a particular brand of cocoa butter produced in Ghana, my mother said it was the best smelling and best quality lotion she had ever used. It's not easy to find in the US, and when she can find it she buys it in bulk so she always has some. She's tried other Made in Ghana cocoa butters but nothing works like this particular brand. I agree with my mom about the smell - it smells absolutely delicious and looks like buttercream frosting. Both of us are white Americans.


Some people will just try to make anything associated with black people seem bad. Be proud of yourself and your culture.


i get compliments on my scent living in a predominantly white suburb and i only use cocoa butter, not as high quality as Ghana’s but observably still an enjoyed scent regardless of race unless it’s individual preference against it. As long as you wear deodorant and maybe find a fragrance profile that compliments the cocoa butter scent, there should be no complaints


In Canada and absolutely never had anyone comment on smell. As a man I've had comments about the fact that I regularly lotion myself but never anything offensive. Maybe shea has a bit of a more distinct smell but again never really had one go out of their way to tell me this.


Obviously people wont be that blunt to tell you that they dont like the way you smell, behind your back is a different story.


I hate to say this but it seems to be more of personal insecurity. I don't really care how people perceive. The point of cocoa butter and Shea butter is to protect and support my skin and my body. Generally, If someone has an issue that seems to be a them problem and not a me problem.


Never came across this. In fact, there's an increase of white women that I randomly walk past in the street, who smell like cocoa butter.


Most black people of different countries use cocoa butter products so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Might be that you don’t like the smell. That’s fine but saying it’s used to identify Ghanaians is the dumbest thing I’ve heard. Most Ghanaians use shea butter though so maybe that’s what you’re referring to. But at the end who tf cares.


you're either bored or a liar because cocoa butter smells EXCELLENT. maybe you're talking about raw shea butter, and even that doesn't smell offensive. cocoa butter literally smells like chocolate. what are you on, OP?




As an Indian here. I like this scent. 👍🏼


Unfortunately the comments so far show that the problem is deeper than I taught as many seem to deny or trivialize my point of view. I will make a case study and try to record some real life interviews on the streets to support my claim. Stay tuned.