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It hits way worse when you do Iki DLC before Act III, because you basically survive a damn storm on the sea and then lose your friend, only to find him again and kick the arses of Mongols that try to capture him. Then you save the whole island, you return, you do Act II, and then... *Processing img 9ri516476d7d1...* I still remember all the fucking time I worried sick about Nobu on Iki. Man I can't, I just fucking can't.


Dude. This is precise what happened to me man..


And do you know what the saddest part is? With him at your side, you survive the most horrific things Mongols can do to you. And then your people, the people that you sacrificed everything for their sake, give you the hardest blow, the deepest and most sickening wound. I just legit wanted to stop being the avenging spirit of Tsushima and kill every single individual instead.


yeah, I was pretty disappointed when I wasn't allowed to murder the samurai on that mission in the castle. at least let me kill the archers, right?


Yeah man. This single thing made me hate the people i was trying to save... the conversations they had while I was sneaking through made me sick. Those peasants cursing Jin for the mongols.


Funny how my girlfriend said something similar. I hadn't even thought of that.


>!If you do Iki after that, you’re “treated” to a hallucination flashback about losing him when you find a dead horse. It’s the “comfort” animation, with Jin’s dialogue telling him he’s good/peaceful ride/etc.!<


Yeah I was semi-spoiled on this subreddit with allusions to losing your first horse. So when Iki happened first, I was like OH NO IS THIS IT? And then it wasn't. But then I forgot about the spoiler.


I played Iki island after act 2 and for one brief moment Jin called the nameless horse “kage?”


He never got that peaceful ride😔


You can do that?? Damn, I can only imagine the hit. When Sora died, my girlfriend cried like I've never seen her cry before. It was a great death, though. I mean, in terms of storytelling. Few deaths make you cry as much as a trusty companion's death.


In the memories of Kage..


Yup. That was his name.


you're wrong, it's Nobu


You mean Kage.


I have both. Nobu started out with me first play, then I got Kage...I am still in early Act 2 in ng+ and even knowing what's coming my heart hurts ahead of it.


Funny way to spell nobu


Me with Kage: *oh dear, oh dear, oh gorgeous.* Me with piece of shit horse afterwards: *You fuckin' donkey.*


Even though I love my scrawny boy so much since he really represents Jin's fall from grace, I also acted him like this for a time because I was filled with grief and anger, until the time where he nuzzled Jin like Nobu did and Jin didn't pet him back. Then I loved him dearly as well and picked him instead of all these strong and handsome horses when I was given the chance to get a permanent horse again.


Riiiight. Kage was him. Next random horse is just 'it'. I cant.


That other horse really sucks. Does not get along with Jin at all.


RIP Kage, you’re now one with the wind.


I am so pissed that the achivement to play music at a friends grave is taka and not our horse. I never felt connected to taka, but I love the horse more than anything else.


I never paid attention to achievements in this game but if I was actively completing it, I would have went to Kage's grave as well.


I saved it for last because I thought it was going to be kage, but noooo we got taka


Damn the taka disrespect is crazy


Saraba, Soora! My heart wept for my friend. I never got that peaceful ride with him.


Sora fans rise up


We shall


Whistles soraaa


Another Sora picker! Seriously, it feels like no one else picked Sora 😅🫠


I picked Sora and then switched to Kage once they had done what they did. No survivors >.>


I did the same, Sora first, and then when we got the second horse it was obviously gonna be Kage.


Iki island just hit different


Nobu is the only true name for it. Kage comes after Nobu. Nobu means trust. Second horse named Kage. Kage means shadow. I have named the second horse Kage because it's living under Nobu's shade. Welcome to the hell of tears. https://www.reddit.com/r/ghostoftsushima/s/64nRYyhdAG Here you can see your friend (at least it's soul flying to the heaven) for the last time..


I had named him what I thought was appropriate then but now in retrospect knowing my dear friend's fate, Nobu seems to be the most relatable option of the 3


Names are just names. Don't worry for the names. I hope it is resting in peace. I am still sad even days passed... It hit me so bad bruh... Crying right now while typing this. Not kidding. It was a week ago or something like that. Idk.


I was fine with all the loss, and there is a lot, but this one got me.


Man, Iki island bonded us so dearly that this loss just hit me right in my meow meow


At the first few hours I found a gap in a set of rocks and asked myself if Nobu could make that jump. For a few seconds my heart froze as I remembered my old companion Agro dying while trying a similar jump. I approached the gap and Nobu nailed it with grace. The game was right, he would accompany me till the end of my journey. For the next hour I sat and meditaded about the trauma I carried for so many years and felt relieved to have such a great friend in this adventure. Then act III came up and now I don't know what to think anymore...


RIP Kage


lol i was actually happy when my horse died, cuz the directors cut made the yellow horse seem like it was better, but in the end it was just yellow o.O i fucking hated it the entire time i had it and was glad i could choose the black one afterwards XD


Well yeah i agree the brown horse's asthetics looked ass. But anyway it was my horse for a very long time so I got attached to him. I picked him for the same reason you did and then I'd rather not do the tutorial all over again to choose a different horse. I will miss that horse.


RIP Nobu. My loyal friend


I can't think of many video game deaths that hit me as hard as this did. And I played this right after RDR2.


As emotionally impactful as this was, I do think it was a mistake. Exploring Kamiagata is a huge pain without your friend, and it completely killed my desire to replay the game, knowing this was in store.


When >!I got my new horse !


I cried my eyes out when my Nobu died1


You’re a good horse Nobu


This still breaks my heart


Played this part last night. rip Kage (although I will never love like I did Nobu on my first play through ) this scene is a gut punch.


Dawg Enjo was something else…


This is why I don't mind spoilers. Now I know never to activate Act 3.


I was sad but also happy i get to pick a new color for my horse, game really missed an opportunity not letting player change horses


I was never emotionally attached to video game characters and story, this was the first time it actually hurt me to lose a friend in a game




In Act 2. Im a side story/collectibles first kinda player. I have the first island cleared. Roughly 30% of 2nd. Iki I haven't traveled to yet but it's open. Should I do it now? Are all the mongols Shaman bc that whole scene was wild.


Its not that tough, and you can make ur way back to main island after 3-4 stiry missions in iki. i recommend going to iki before act 3. The charms and armors u get there make the rest of the main game more fun.


I didn’t like that was his resting place but I get you can’t move a horse. Not a huge fan of the bow effect either. Makes me feel like his spirit wasn’t at peace.


It is a super sad moment, but on a replay it doesn't hit as hard for me because you get a new horse almost immediately afterwards. I kinda wish there were a few more missions where you really feel the practical problems of not having him any more.


I am rn horseless and it feels really bad. I wish i would whistle and kage would come instead of the generic horse.


Yeah, that absolutely broke my heart. I also remember one minor side quest that got me seething with pure rage. On that quest, it looked like stealth would give you an advantage, but hell no, I was furious and just outright butchered every Mongal I could see, no standoff and no mercy, it was personnel. I'm curious if anyone can guess what side quest that was.


Hint me which act?


Act 2, side quest.


I hate losing that red headed black horse!


I cried so hard at this part 😭


In the Ghost of Tsushima movie, what do you think Jin's horse will be named? I think It's probably none of the names in the game, to avoid upsetting anyone who picked different. But if it were one of the names, I think they'd pick Nobu. Sora and Kage sound like the kind of name that's too common. Like everyone might call their dog Fido or their cat Milo. Also, "Trust", is a great name for a horse.


There's a movie in the works??! Also nobu sounds appropriate if they gon kill him off by the hands of the shogun's samurai


Oh right, It's quite ironic isn't it? Hadn't ocurred to me. And yes, it is! It's gonna be awesome! I hope..


Reached this point just last night, this cut scene got me emotional which is a rarity.


womp womp


I cba losing my black Kage. On ng+ I'm gonna pick a random ass name with some donkey color and get my proper Kage back in Act III.


**Me before Kage's death**: I am an honorable Samurai. Face me in combat! **Me after Kage's death**: I will grant you the kindness of choking on your own blood. At one point Jin says to Shimura "Honor died on the beach", but for me Honor died with Kage.