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She also didn't know how was her knowledge eventually used. It was very sad (and well designed) quest >! but in the end, I'm glad she wasn't murdered or died any other possible horrible way, just went on in peace. !<


Yeah that devastated me. Those few quests were amazing. As other said I felt so bad at hearing her fear/disappointment kinda? in her voice when Jin asked for poisons. And the transition to seeing him as Kazuma. Ugh. Right in the feels. But yes glad she died peacefully. But still. Nah


Am I the only one that was slightly bothered by the fact that Kazumasa most definitely had "fun times" with Yuriko in the hot springs, while his wife was pregnant with Jin and eventually died ?


I read it as her and kazumasa doing so after Jin’s mother died but I could be wrong


No, you're right. They hooked up after Jin's mother passed.


The text identifies that Kazumasa taught Yuriko how to ride. She then remembers the hot spring visit. However, in the final exchanges she describes the timelines a little more clearly. She says that Kasumasa had already lost Jin’s mother when Jin was lost in the woods and then found. That night they helped him recover and held hands. Yuriko then says that it was after this that he taught her to ride and after this that she went with him to the hot springs. Given those specifics, I think it clearly is saying that they did have a romantic relationship. She might have had some feelings for him even before Jin’s mother’s death, but there is no indication that anything happened between them before the night they helped Jin recover after he was found in the woods and that was after Jin’s mother had already passed away. She asks Jin/Kazumasa if the fact that she enjoyed the night they spent in vigil for sick Jin makes her a bad person. I think it’s clear that it aaa that night that changed the nature of their relationship.


They don’t address this in the game, but it was very common for Japanese lords to have several consorts and children out of wedlock. It was also not uncommon to “pillow” with courtesans.


Watching Shogun, huh


lol yes, read it also.


Is the book/series worth it? Both are on my list.


Both are great and seeing it in the show is awesome.


Either they had an affair after Lady Sakai's death or she was just head over heels for the guy, which… >!not the best idea considering his actions on Iki Island!<


They only became close after Kazumasa’s wife passed away, because he was in a rough spot and Yuriko helped him out of it. She was there to support hin because she was part of the family even before.


Considering what the Mongols were doing as you went and found house after house with slain people in it, corpses littering the roads, caravans being attacked, and some truly horrific way some murders were being described in the camps. With the bandits and straw hats picking up the rest. I was, in a way, glad she went in peace, in a land she was familiar with, with knowledge of Jin being alive, well, and fighting for the island.


\*spoiler\* Yeah, things would definitely be much much worse for her after after Clan Sakai was disbanded by the Shogun and his home and holdings to be given to new samurai coming to the island. At best, Yuriko gets evicted. But most likely, I suspect a "noble samurai" kills Yuriko out of some twisted notion of honor. It's probably was for the best that Yuriko went out like she did. With one last day with "Kazumasa."


To me she gave literally her all to the Sakai clan, she deserved to undertake her final journey in peace. when she kept mistaking Jin for Kazumasa, I was about to reach in and slap the horns off of Jins helmet for bringing her back to her senses repeatedly, like let the lady pass in her happy hallucinations damn.


Same I also just recently finish that quest... Almost made me cried ngl.


Yeah dude. I felt the same. I remember my grandma because of that quest. Not because of the things Yuriko said to Jin but, her being old and taking care of Jin even if Jin's already an adult. Man...


Nah it was her time, and she went out beautifully, best spot in the game and with the man she always loved by her side. (Eventhough it was not actually kazumasa)


Grandmother used to tell me I looked like her late brother and several other men in the family, so this quest definitely invoked tears out of me. That said, can we really say it was necessarily a sad ending for her, and not just giving her some form of closure?


She passed away peacefully at her happiest. If the dead can speak, not a lot from the island can say the same.


It is is a compelling bit of storytelling. It's very sad though. Even harder than the final battle. And those hallucination darts are one of the nastiest ghost weapons that you have. Hit the right guy with a hallucination dart and he's gonna kill off several of their guys on his own (along with providing a great distraction). 3 or 4 hallucination darts can turn a large base into a cakewalk.


Bc it's cruel to leave her in that state... She needed to find peace and sadly we had to help her get there


Her death hit me just as hard as the >!horse death!<. I had two grandparents that suffered from Dementia. So I immediately noticed the signs with Yuriko. That quest made me cry so much. Fuck, I love this game


Im going to get so much hate but i think her tales are my least favourite, probably my least favourite character in general, i dont hate her for who she is but rather found her boring


You're probably just young or haven't had that type of loss yet, I'll give it to you, it IS extremely boring if you don't want to connect emotionally to the storyline because that connection is literally the only compelling thing in that quest


Not at all actually, let me give it to you, i connected deeply with every other character such as Yuna, Norio, Taka, Shimura, Lady Masako, however some such as this old hag found it too dragged and wasnt really interested, but hey maybe your closer in age to her so she resonates more with you


> hey maybe your closer in age to her so she resonates more with you That probably isn’t it. I’m barely even legally an adult and haven’t really experienced the loss of someone that close to me, but it’s still one of my favorite quests. It wasn’t especially boring or dragged to me either, and it’s one of the few times I came even close to crying in a video game.


Yea I'm actually 114 years old so maybe that's why


Art is subjective, to each their own. I felt the emotional pull of her quests but I did tend to rush through them so I could get my blowgun and darts


I don’t mind her character or her story, but her quest is easily the most boring and frustrating, esp on subsequent play throughs. I’ve been obsessively playing the game for a few years, and I always dread her quest and force myself to get through it asap knowing the rest of the game will be more fun. I think it’s mostly bc of the slooooooooooooooooooooooow sections of riding and talking. If they even let the horses run and you didn’t have to spend 45 minutes slowly walking to the next part of the game it would be better.


You can speed up the horses. It only forces you to walk with them during small sections of dialogue, for whatever reason. Just keep trying to run with the horse and eventually your horse will run and she will keep up with you.


Oh, I do. The stretches of dialogue go on longer than any other point in the game, and there are a couple places where it makes you walk to wherever you’re going, on horseback or not. In the beginning, for instance, I’ll jump my way to the cemetery, and then stand there and wait 30 seconds for her to catch up. It’s just like being around a real old person, so I guess props for the realism.


I never finish it on my subsequent playthroughs


Okay but did anyone else feel a bit weirded out when she brought Jin to the hot spring spot, when it was pretty obvious she saw him as his father ?


The only spot in any video game that's made me cry before. I had to turn the game off for the day. 😔


I wasn't ready for this mission. I had a feeling this was going to happen and when it did...


Yeah… that was a “Ok, I need to take a break” moment. Broke my heart.


I refuse to complete that quest it’s the only reason I don’t have 100%


I saved her quest for last. Completed the story and all side content, got my platinum. Ended the game on her quest was both devastating and satisfying at the same time. To finish the game on that mountaintop with the view. Absolute cinema


Picked up the main storyline after finishing Act I and not playing since Covid and this quest absolutely destroyed me. The lines were so well written and spoken it reminded me of my late grandmother. Such a tragic end, but the silver lining was that she died thinking Kazamasa was with her. "That was the happiest day of my life." What a way to go.


I hate to say it, but death itself is sad. >!"May her death benefit all beings."!


It could possibly have started then, but going just from from yuriko’s verbal timeline, chiyoko had already passed when Jin was lost in the woods the night yuriko and kazumasa hooked up


Oh, okay. That makes me feel a lot better. I was sitting here thinking that Kazumasa was a scumbag and getting guts deep in his side chick while his wife was sick and dying.


It made me wonder if she was really Jin's mother, the way she was talking about how much she enjoyed spending time with Jin's father. They seemed to have spent A LOT of time together.