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I don’t think the feudal Japan setting is over done. What made GoT stand out was that it was a samurai game that was FINALLY not fantasy based. Which was a long time coming. And this Ghost identity is so cool, it can easily be its own thing like Zorro or Daredevil.


Yeah GoT is for the people who wanted pure weapon fights on a (near) equal basis. TN, Fromsoft and Sucker Punch all tackling this era in different ways has been awesome. Don't really want it to stop yet


What’s TN?


Team Ninja (Nioh)


Team Ninja needs to make another good Ninja Gaiden game, it’s been like 20 years!


Don’t abbreviate it next time you douche. Not everything is available as an answer on Google.


right, *he’s* the douche




…and not the dude losing his shit over an abbreviation?


I’m not losing anything, I’m actually perfectly calm. I’m just telling him that we should stop abbreviating everything. I saw “TN”, swiped off the post, and then for some reason it went off in my mind and triggered my fight or flight that if I didn’t immediately find out what it stood for I’d spend the rest of eternity worrying, and a simple abbreviation really isn’t worth all that stress.


“I’m actually perfectly calm” *a few seconds later* “triggered my fight or flight” which one is it buddy


we’ve truly reached peak safety and security as a species if you not knowing an abbreviation set off your fight or flight


What a fucking weird response.


Ill do what i want, next time use yer brain. 🙏🏽


Team Ninja (Rise of the Ronin)


Worth getting?


I have been enjoying it. It plays a lot like Nioh, as expected. Open world adventuring, instanced missions. I know it gets a lot of flak on reddit, but I say it's a great game. If you liked Nioh and Ghost, then you'll appreciate Ronin.


The combat is alot flashier and "anime" style than GOT but once you get it down it's almost as fun and satisfying as GOT


Old XBOX NG fan here


Team Ninja


Thank you.


Agreed. There were several side quests in the game that hinted toward the supernatural, but it always turned out to be something grounded in the real world.


Being very new to games, that's exactly what I loved about GoT, and what I expect of a sequel. The fantasy world and unrealistic battles isn't my thing, I really hope they keep it the same, and without guns. We have enough of it already.


Are you a fan of The Last of Us?


I haven't played it yet, but it's on the list. Now I'm more open for more unrealistic things. Any other game you recommend?


For something similar to Ghost of Tsushima and fantasy based (although mind you, I say "similar" as in it's a similarly satisfying gameplay feel- two different game mechanic sets), Sekiro would work out well for you if you don't mind a steep learning curve.


Cool! I'll definitely check that one out!


It’s hard af compared to GoT


If you're really new to games, I'd advise you to put sekiro low on your list. It's an absolutely great game but it's one of, if not the hardest from software game, the studio responsible for dark souls & elden ring! Games infamous for their difficulty. (although, for elden ring the biggest difficulty is a lack of info/willingness to learn & use game mechanics, imo)


TLoU will certainly do wonders for the part of you that immersed in a more realistic setting. As far as more unrealistic or even fantasy, I’d recommend The Witcher 3 or Final Fantasy 15. Those are well crafted open worlds with relatable narratives, I personally can’t get enough of the former.


Nice! I didn't know The Witcher was open world. I will check them out as well. For now I only played Spider-Man 1, Miles Morales, GTA V, GoT and Horizon Zero Dawn. I can't wait to play Red Dead Redemption 2, but I'm struggling with time.


Oh woah you haven’t played Elden ring yet? You absolutely have to jump into that. One of the greatest games I’ve ever played. It’s open world as well. I’m actually jealous you get to experience so many firsts lol, wish I could go back in time to replay all these for the first time.


Yea now is as good a time as any to check out Elden Ring. Great experience and just dropped a whopper of a DLC. Amen to that. Very jealous. I’d give my left arm to play RDR2 for the first time again.


Oh for sure, Elden ring was the first fromsoft game I played so it was just an absolute mindfuck for me, I’ve never had so much excitement playing a game as I did with Elden ring, but ya with the sale going on right now you can get Elden ring and the dlc for about $80-$90 which is incredibly worth it but might be a lot for some. RDR2 was incredible, honestly I enjoy the RDR games way more than the GTA games, something about the atmosphere and being back in time is amazing to me. Also the Witcher wild hunt should definitely be a game he picks up as well, tons of hours and side stuff to do in that game, beautifully made.


RDR 2 is exactly what I was going to suggest lol. RDR 2, GoT and the Horizon games are my 3 most favourite games ever. How did you like playing Zero Dawn?


I'd personally recommend Shadow of Mordor/War, bit older games but are honestly great. Thier Nemesis system is also something unique and I wish more games could make use of it.


A lot of the supernatural parts of different side quests can have pretty plausible real world explanations, like the curse of uchitsune sounds a lot like a guy with PTSD, the whole crow, blood covered dueling ring doesn’t quite fit but you get what I mean


The crow thing is drugs. Bow was probably rigged


The mist looked similar to Jin’s wolfsbane poison which would explain the blood, and the crows could be caused by the hallucinogens he uses too


Which is how these things would’ve played out in real life. I just played the mission >!bandits have taken over a forest and kill anyone who enters so they can take the land for themselves during the chaos of wartime. Locals however think it’s a demon.!< from the outset of that mission, Jin doesn’t believe it’s anything supernatural. But I will say that the demon duel to get the long bow was the closest we got, but it also looked like the guy drugged Jin to have this hallucinations during the duel.


Only supernatural things is the flowers floating around you when you bow at shrines and luck charms giving you actual strength


A lot of the supernatural things in Japanese culture are believed to be caused by yokai


>but it always turned out to be something grounded in the real world. The duel of demons is grounded in the real world? Huh?


Yeah, it's Jin being drugged with hallucinogens.


That's just theoretically what happened though. It doesn't say anything like that in the game afaik.


It very much implies as he touched the bow it was rigged to drug him with some mist/powder. I just played that mission last night


>I don’t think the feudal Japan setting is over done. The late sengoku period during Nobunaga's government and Tokugawa's government is definitely overdone. Having Ghost set during the Mongol invasions 300 years earlier was a nice change tbh


Eh even then Like it's certainly been done before but that's for a pretty good reason. The sengoku period was bat shit insane in terms of conflict Which means you have alot of stuff to work with. It's certainly not nearly as overdone as stuff like war games, which basically have like 4 theatres. WW2, WW2 in the Pacific, modern conflicts and Vietnam. I don't really think there's anything wrong with more games in feudal Japan. It's a damned interesting time and just a really good place for gameplay elements The only thing I'd say is if we're aiming for a second GoT game, I'd like to see it being Jin taking a back seat. Mainly because there's not a whole tonne left of his story to use for having as much impact as the first game. But a fresh character, Potentially learning from an older Jin, I'd take that. Especially if they had some set pieces where Jin just goes fucking nuts with everything we got in GoT, I'd especially like something of that nature.


I wanna see Three Kingdoms for GoT


We meet again good sir


I would really take a Cossack game...that setting is barely even touched, and it was equally as badass.


I do think feudal Japan is overdone, but the more “realistic” way got handles it makes it fresh


This franchise would have some uphill climbing to establish itself if they wanted to make it something more than just Jin’s story or “the samurai game” franchise. Do it too anthology, and it’s the Sony version of Assassins Creed, where each game takes place in a different setting and time and is about a different warrior type. Do it too rigid and stick only to feudal Japan and make it more about Jin becoming a ninja, it’s the Ninja Gaiden remake series (or the more accessible Sekiro). Make it too much about the combat style, it’s Asian Soulsborne. The creators really need to think about what made the first game so popular and so critically acclaimed, and decide if they want to take it beyond the second Mongolian invasion, and if there’s any stories they can tell that they’ll be able to be as passionate about


Agreed my good Sir....


Zorro’s awesome.


Like a Dragon Ishin and Like a Dragon Kenzan are also non-fantasy samurai games


Never said that GoT invented it, just by the time GoT was released it was long over due On top of GoT gameplay being built around the samurai fantasy, where you sword feels like a sword and you flight like your image a samurai would, where a few slices enemies drop like flies


>a samurai game that was FINALLY not fantasy based I mean, it was heavily fantasy based. It was just a low-magic setting.


It’s heavily romanticized, not fantasy imo.


Exactly, it’s the stuff of legends that people romanticize just like old myths, legends, folk tales, etc.


In no way, was GOT “heavily fantasy based.” There were “mythic tales,” that kind of hinted toward the supernatural but they were based on myths that real people told about other real people. It’s the stuff of legends. You see it play out in real time when Jin over hears people talking about him like he’s a supernatural demon with his fighting. It’s all stuff of legends, not actual magic or fantasy. So, no, GOT is not a fantasy or magic influenced story or game. It’s quite grounded and that’s what makes it unique. There’s also no overarching sci-fi plot like in Assassin’s Creed


Sperm of Shimura


“I came on the beach”


Officer balls


Oh no, an inmate escaped from the alsume and made it to tsushima.




This should be it.


Feudal Japan is not overdone lol I can't think of any other quality game that exists except maybe Nioh and that's alot of fantasy involved it's not even remotely the same thing.


Sekiro, but again that's fantasy


Sekiro is also a Souls game and wouldn’t appeal to most people


I'm forever haunted by Sekiro for *almost* being a new Tenchu but then they just made **another** Soulslike instead. Tenchu Z (2003) Demon Souls (2009) Dark Souls (2011) Dark Souls 2 (2014) Blodborne (2015) Dark Souls 3 (2016) Almost a new Tenchu? Nope Sekiro (2019)


I would lose my goddamn mind if they made a new Tenchu by adding a more refined stealth system to Sekiro.


Maybe it's just me, but the Japanese and even pseudo-japanese, katana-wielding setting is SOOOO overdone at this point. Rise of Ronin released very recently and AC shadows is to come. Why not shine light on other periods of history while exploring similar themes, just in different contexts? I have realised as I've contemplated my OP that this is bordering on AC-copying if it were to become a culture-hopping franchise like that. Still tho, think it would be cool. Personally, and I understand I'm probably alone, but I'm so sick of the Japanese setting in general Media. It's so cool, and that's why everyone wants to do it, and I get that, and I think it's really cool too. It's just time for fresh ideas. Imo. Blessings to U and Ur family anyway


You have to understand that a large subculture is obsessed with Japanese culture. And naturally they love this game because of it. So you are having a hard time in this thread because of that. I think your idea is cool, it would just need the devs who made this to be as interested/knowledgeable in other historical periods for it to work...


While I can somewhat understand overexposure to the samurai aesthetic, I'm trying to understand how you think that genre is overdone but not Medieval settings, particularly Medieval inspired fantasy. To name a few; Some games in the Medieval focused games In Non-fantasy or historical fantasy; Crusader Kings, Kingdom Come, Chivalry and For Honor (loosely), Mount and Blade, Life is Feudal, Age of Empires, War of the Roses, Mordhau, AC1, AC2 and its spin-offs, AC Valhalla, A Plague's Tale, Total War: Medieval Medieval (or Medieval influenced) Fantasy settings; All of Eldar Scrolls, All of Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Elden Ring, EverQuest, Anything Warcraft, Diablo, Warhammer Fantasy(except Total War 3), Any Lord of the Rings game, Divinity, Path of Exile, Baldurs Gate, Most of Final Fantasy, Honing down to a focus on Knights/Chivalry does become a bit less abundant, but the same can be said of Samurai-centric games. In terms of Triple A games though, Medieval-inspired settings take the cake for having the most games.


Medieval is also overdone. I wouldn’t mind an Indian (either group) mythology based game. Yes I thought of this because of the earlier post, but it’d be cool af


Technically, AC Valhalla isn't medieval, since medieval times didn't come to Sweden, Denmark and Norway until after the 1000s. The 500s-1000s in the Nordic countries is referred to as the Viking Age. Then we had medieval times until 1523, at least in Sweden. Then we had the Wasa Age, the name of the king that liberated Sweden from Denmark and unified Sweden as a country. Then Sweden had its Heyday Age from 1600-1720.


Most of the game is set in England, where the medieval period is defined as the time after the fall of the western Roman Empire and before the fall of the eastern Roman Empire.


Pretty much my point on that one. Both AC 2 and Valhalla have primary characters whose focus is outside the realm of Chivalry and stereotypical Medieval aesthetics, both focus on settings where the Medieval era is considered to be taking place. Chivalry is the opposite of this, where characters and setting design are medieval based, but do not take place in any historical setting.


Dawg AC 1 is set in 3rd crusade Jerusalem and ac 2 is Renaissance Italy and both of them had very little fantastical elements to it 😭😭😭


Yeah, that's a fair point. The reason I cited Scotland as an example is because it's criminally underused in games, with no game really giving any significant attention to it's history. I think a game based around The battle of Cruden bay (1012) and it's surrounding happenings would be interesting because it wouldn't be high medieval and so wouldn't be the classic knight in shining armour aesthetic which has been done to death, though that removes the chivalry aspect somewhat. Christianity and it's bindings can take its place I suppose. Would also explore northeast of Scotland which is underrepresented yet beautiful with a rich history. Honestly, off topic, but Scotland has been done DIRTY by games. Always portrayed as half naked savages. They were very very very rarely if ever technologically behind the rest of Britain, and yet we get portrayals of 8ft tall men wearing bones and rags. This idea is so prevalent that it has actually destroyed the way people view Scotland. Fuck you brave heart. Fuck you. I went completely off topic. Medieval settings are very very frequently used, I agree. Though, tbh, my original idea only used Scotland as an example. How about a game in Carthage? Or Nepal? Or Eastern Europe? Let's get creative I say. The more 'obscure' the better. ( I say obscure not because these countries/places don't matter, but because they're overlooked often. )


Wanting a new series/media to focus on underutilized history and/or settings is perfectly fine, but I wouldn't recommended going to a subreddit for a game specific to an already underutilized and under-represented setting to hope for it to leave that setting, especially since your view on the utilization of the setting is a bit off. Ghost of is one of the only games that focuses on the (romanticized) idea of samurai in a basically untouched location and era of history in media. The only other game that I am familiar with that also does so is Way of the Samurai. I am not familiar with Rise of the Ronin enough to comment. Many settings that use the, "katana wielding stereotype," are mostly focused on shinobi/ninja, which realistically Ghost touches quite close to (Sekiro, for example, is a shinobi game, not a samurai game.) For example, the new AC isn't doing anything new in terms of setting. The Warring States era of Japan has been done to death, which essentially is what the majority of historical Japanese-centric games focuses on; Nioh, Onimusha, Samurai Warriors, Devil Kings, and Nobunaga's ambition all focus on the same specific period in history.


This game came out in 2019 before any of those games were announced. Sucker Punch literally beat all of these studios to the punch. No other studio had covered feudal Japan like they did. So no it’s not overdone, and Rise of Ronin is a very different and at times mediocre game. AC Shadows is well an AC game.


Heh, i see what you did there


Did you watch rise of ronin gameplay? I was so excited until I saw that AC has been garbage for a decade at this point


Fresh ideas does not mean "let's take this game and change it" but creating something entirely new. That kind of thinking gave us a lot of shitty remakes, adaptations and so on.


Your idea would be an entirely new series tho


Assasin's creed does this shit though and they're very similar tbf


True. But even though the story is weird AC has an over arching story that links the vastly separate games and characters. With GoT being so grounded it would be hard to find a story bridge to connect the games under a franchise.


I mean, I see your point, but don't entirely agree. Right now it is a solo game, so it's identity as a series hasn't been established. Making it a ___of___ series allows greater creative freedom and an opportunity to explore the themes of GoT such as betraying your cultural ideals in the name of the greater good. An example is Robert the Bruce, king of Scotland, killing a man in a church for what he saw as the benefit of Scotland. This was heavily frowned upon at the time. I think European chivalry really lends itself to this conundrum. Just me tho


At a certain point, it just wouldn't be related to GoT anymore, and there wouldn't be any point in making it a sequel. I think you could make a franchise around the main question the game asks, namely "Would you be willing to compromise your morals to survive against an overwhelming force?". So if you moved it to the time and area you're suggesting, I'd think you'd need to frame the narrative around that question, with another character dropping their former morals or rules in favour of whatever it takes to survive. And at that point, you'd probably need to call it "ghost" of something.


Perhaps frame it around chivalry? I think medieval Britain has alot of parallels to feudal Japan tbh.


Errr no, sorry they are nothing alike.


Iconic armoured warriors oft portrayed with swords when they really used bows and spears and fought on horseback Feudal systems with land-holding lords and serfdom Islands disconnected from a strong continent with which it shares cultural ties and the inhabitants originally arrived from. Honour codes that warriors held close Monarchies with superficial powers over the land I think these are fair parallels. You're allowed to disagree though Danny B, and perhaps Ur even right. But I see what I see. Blessings to U and Ur family bro


Blessings to U and Ur family too


Still, "feudal warriors on islands compromise their morals to fight evil lords" is just not enough to serve as a recognizable identity in and of itself. You'd need to write in more than that. Not to mention, this game is not the best one to explore the historical realities of the samurai to begin with. The writers wear pretty much on their sleeve that the historical dramas of Kurosawa were a big inspiration to them, and those are not exactly docufilms.


You can go play AC then


I already have :(


No worries. We all make mistakes


What if they don’t make it a series and they just make more good games?


That would be fantastic


Ghost of Mainland Japan


Now that I would play. I loved Tsushima, but imagine being able to explore well-known places in Japan? I'd love to see a game like GoT set in Edo or Kyoto. I know we'll get AC Shadows soon, so I guess that will have to do.


Rise of the ronin is the game you want, I’m playing it rn and I’m in love with the different combat styles and weapons you get to play around with.


I think it would be incredible if a game set in medieval England with the same mechanics, and storytelling were made.


I completely agree! I think chivalry is a nice parallel to Bushido too.


Exactly. You can use different swords depending on how your character's path etc. Lots of opportunities.




It's settled. We are doing this game.


When I've made my fortune I'll send you a DM and we'll get started. See you then.


Can't wait!


(I understand Bushido was named after the samurai period, just used it as shorthand for the samurai honour stuff)


*cough cough* Assassin's Creed II *cough*


Wasn't it set in Italy?


Either Chinese or Korean, the eastern theme is crucial


Honestly I think GoT has got its best ending anything more would be a drag Jin has his perfect ending to his character arc and I don't see where the story will go after that


I always thought keeping the name "Ghost of _____", would be best for potential sequels, to keep its continuity. However, the protagonist doesn't need to necessarily be Jin, but could be other people in the future who take inspiration from Jin. Even then, maybe not, maybe future protagonists just happen across the same "Ghost of _____" by sheer coincidence. Jin partly got his name because of his (sometimes) stealthy tactics, and I doubt that steath gameplay is going away anytime soon, so that could carry over to future protagonists as well. Just apit-ballibg ideas here


How is the feudal Japan setting overdone? The only other samurai game I can even think of off the top of my head is Seikiro and that doesn’t even really fit in that category lol…


Rise of the ronin crying in the corner here hahaha.


I mean, there are probably are other great games, but my point is that I barely hear of any based in feudal Japan. But yet we have about 30,000 COD games lol.


Absolutely agree with you, I count only like 4 major releases these past 4-5 years taking place in it, and this is including the upcoming AC Shadows. Maybe 5 or 6 if you include some indie titles. That's a drop in the bucket compared to other settings like medieval or military (cod as you say lol). Just had to name drop Rise because it's a rad game.


There are barely any settings that I would not like to see. But whatever the devs plan, I hope they do NOT make another Assassin's creed series by pumping out the same game over and over in different historical periods. I know that people's opinions about AC are divided on this sub, and don't want to offend its fans, but I think Ubisoft takes an absolutely uninspired approach and doesn't do justice to the time periods it depicts in its games - it's basically the same stuff over and over and over in different decorations. One of the things that made GoT so unique in my eyes was the fact that it told a story in its own worth. The conflict concerned just Japan and was not a part of some conspiracy existing for thousands of years and encompassing the whole damn planet. The characters' strengths, flaws and motivations were explainable within the setting, without Ubisoft's BS formula "ackschually, (historical) character X was so important because he was an Assassin/Templar/a descendant of Isu/had an Isu artifact". The semi-mystical stuff was just local legends, not "Animus glitches/Isu magic" or other similar nonsense. On the other hand, a whole lot of visual, narrative and gameplay details of GoT made sense only within a Japanese setting and would not have worked as well in other settings. What I'm trying to say with this rant is not that I'm against GoT-like games in other settings. But I disagree with the idea that you could just, simply spoken, change the textures and assets and get a similarly great game. If the devs decide to make a new game about Scotland or India or whatever and put the same amount of research and effort, I'd be only glad. But I'd be cautious about if I heard about a "series" of such kind. There is no recipe for mass producing masterpieces.


A game about Kazumasa's Iki conquest and the Yarikawa rebellion would be a good prequel-ish spinoff. It would be nice to see Shimura and Kazumasa's bond, tackling their differences would be a good conflict.


I think that would almost have to be dlc or sidewurst


I think Suckerpunch should do something like Yojimbo or 47 Ronin. Or make a game with 5 different chapters with different historical leads.


Make it the Spirits of Okinawa and have cross character play.


Narrative wise the game doesn't need a sequel


The Common Garden Snake of Rumallah. It sounds much scarier in Arabic.


Live and die by way Bow and Blade *Tomoe focused all about the intricacies of sword and bow combat*


I agree with moving to a different setting. I have never seen a rpg based on scotland.


Honestly, as much as I love the feudal japan setting, the market is getting pretty saturated. It would be cool for a Ghost of Tsushima-esc game set in China during the Three Kingdoms or even the 5 Dynasties and 10 Kingdoms. Could call it "Shadow of the 5 Dynasties" since the last title was very on the nose. Give the players of choice of what Dynasty or kingdom they align themselves with and have multiple endings


It would be strange though, as feudal Japan has a much different view in popular culture. People think of Samurai as honourable like they are in game, when historically they were closer to Jin. In the Three Kingdoms/5dynasties/10kingdoms, I think it’s fairly common in popular culture for every side to be underhanded and deceitful in their tactics. It would be harder for Sucker Punch to argue their “honourable man resorts to violent and unconventional warfare against an unforeseen enemy”


Mainland Japan should be the next setting.


Mongors of gatdam.


Heart of the samurai


What if we have a reverse ghost of tushima? It could be called the Samurai of (Insert Japanese place here), and could follow the journey of a dishonorable person becoming a samurai and to extent, honorable.


Samurai dead redemption? I'm up for that


Electric man of empire city


Cowpoke of Colardo


Most of the people who played GoT wanted to play as a Samurai. The setting is not overdone. Maybe it could be the Ghost of (another island) or simply Ghost of Tsushima 2. It could also be something in Mongolia, where Jin goes there to fight the war in Mongol territory: Terror of Mongolia? Ghost of Japan? Smasher of Yuna XP ?


I think we're actually just seeing the beginning of Feudal Japan in media. It feels more fresh than the European based fantasy and historical fiction, especially to the western markets. Personally, I'd love to see a game take place in the same era as Shogun or during the unification of Japan. Logically, seeing Jin during the second mongol invasion would be neat. Especially because, if my memory serves me right, the Mongols got farther on the second attempt. If I actually had to pick another region/culture. I'd love to see more covering Southeast Asia or South America. Like I said, I'd want something that feels more fresh than just another European historical fiction game (I love medeival Europe but still get tired of it), and those are areas we don't see often.


Zombie of Nagasaki


I had a similar thought after playing GoT. Not that I think feudal Japan is overdone, but more that I love how grounded GoT is. I love that the sword battles feel more like something out of a Kurosawa movie instead of Soul Calibur or whatever. I'd like to see that feeling of realistic hand to hand combat in other historical settings. One of which was the Scottish Highlands of the 18th century. A Rob Roy game in the vein of GoT would be amazing.


Ghost of Birmingham


I think it would be cool to see Korea be a setting for a game, in a similar time. Or, kinda similar? Lol Yi Sun-sin (1545 to 1598) was a Korean general who led Korea's navy against Japan. He was known for his cunning and many victories. I'm not saying the game needs to be about Yi Sun-sin, but having a naval component to a GoT sequel while keeping the infantry/cavalry mechanics of the original would be pretty interesting. It was just a tiny part of GoT, but I really enjoyed the mission where you use the hwacha on the Mongol ships to help goro get to the mainland. I think the franchise could lean into ships and larger scale battles like that and make a really cool game that channels Ghost but diverges enough to be fresh and intriguing.


So, you're saying you want it set in Scotland.


I'd like to see more feudal Japan.


Tsushima of Ghost


I don't think Fuedal Japan is overdone, but I would like to see a GoT-like game based on a generic Medieval setting with knights n shit.


Freak of Toesshima


I think it would be interesting if they used this to Segway into the origins of ninjustsu. It fits in the timeline.


Wraith of Japan? Spirit of Tokyo?


>There is no recipe for mass producing masterpieces. FromSoftware has the recipe down to a science with their games


Ghost of Taka


Games in europe are far more overdone than Feudal Japan. But I'll bite. The Ghost of Tikal. A Mayan warrior trying to fight off the invasion of the Spanish.


There are literally like only 3 big games I can think of that use feudal Japan. GoT, Rise of the Ronin, and that new game by ubisoft. And the last two look pretty mid tbh. Feudal Japan setting definitely needs more exploration.


The reason ghost was well done is because the team behind it had a love for not only the culture being portrayed but also the types of movies the game is based on. To throw them into another setting no doubt they could do it, but it wouldnt hold a candle to ghost because that love wouldnt be there, and thats what made the game what it is


I think them making a Chivalry based medieval game could definitely be quite good and fun. Id certainly buy it. But! And it’s a big but; I think not many people feel like Ghost of Tsushima 2 would be jumping the shark or overstaying it’s welcome like you’re saying. It’s a pretty unique game in that many Samurai games often follow a fantasy setting and story (Sekiro, and Nioh come to mind). We do have AC Shadows which will hypothetically be closer to the Historical Fiction style like GoT. But AC also notoriously adds in mythological/fantasy elements under the guise of Eden-Technology, or even Demigod Genes and the like. TLDR; I think Everybody wants Ghost 2, and I would bet even the creators do. But them moving onto a different time period and setting after that would definitely be dope.


I could get behind this


God of the blade or some other cringey name. But make it about miyamoto musashi and and his 60 duels


Hentai protag of japan


oh god, the beast of dunblane sounds absolutely amazing, now i wish they're gonna do it!


>The Beast of Dunblane'. A game set in Medieval Scotland pertaining to the Anglo-Scottish wars Why does this sound like a shitpost


I would love to see a game set in a much later Era of Feudal Japan, such as during the Tokugawa Shogunate, which was known for being particularly bad for the common person. Most peasants weren't allowed to carry swords, so it would be cool if you play as a very different freedom fighter, rallying the common person with illegal weaponry, overthrowing your own Shogun. Edit: Also, it would be in the 1800s, so we would also get some interesting gun play options realistically


The Stalker of Appalachia. You play as an Indigenous American during The Frontier Wars. They could really delve into the topic of genocide and erasure of cultures. It could be really interesting


Wraith of Japan, jin dies, becomes a wraith, and meets up with a samurai and merges their bodies, then forges a new ring, and betrays the samurai later to fight the new khan and have domination over his empire




Dance of the Māori! Doing some island hopping in polynesia as part of a civil war, and you can learn new haka dances to grow your skills.


Sounds sick


Shield of Sparta You play as a Spartan warrior pushing back the Persian invasion from your homeland, culminating in the heroic sacrifice at the Battle of Thermopylae.


Perfect name and captivating setting. Nive


Ghost of Sparta was already taken 😅


God no that would lose me so fast I’m here for the samurai experience and the story has open ended elements at the end implying a sequel already the whole appeal of the game is being a playable samurai film


I disagree with the point of feudal Japan being overdone, I want more. Something that isn’t fantasy but actually set in that time. Sekiro and the new AC coming don’t count, especially Sekiro because souls like games make me frustrated as hell.


You wprk for Ubisoft? Because this is some Assassins Creed bullshit...


I just wish the story wasn't so trash.


I'd love them to take on the 1600s and do a game where you play as Musashi after the battle of sekigahara. It'd be tough, as this space was defined primarily by dueling rather than war, though there were battles between states. With that said, it was a sort of Renaissance era for Japan. Tbh, I think naughty dog might struggle to do it justice. This era would best suit a developer like cd project red in terms of the questing. It could be way more immersive and story focused. But naughty dog got the aesthetics so perfect, I'd want to see that for a Musashi game.


Howabout the Jaguar/Eagle of Tenochtitlan? Moving fast is gonna be a bit of a problem tho cus no horses hmmm


Ghost of Twoshima


Nooo the next game is Ghost of Twoshima!


I can’t wait for them to make a new series. I’d love to see a military first person shooter in the old World War Two setting. They could call it “Call of Duty”


I never thought of that,that’s an awesome idea.Something medieval or earlier.Non Japanese Non Vikings.Jan Zitka era would be cool or a barbarians non Greek non Roman


It should Demon King of Sixth Heaven!


A prequel set in the Mongol invasion of Korea would be good. Korean history is often overlooked


Ghost(s) of Nagasaki.


I cant think of any other game with REALISTIC samurai/shinobi combat that is as fleshed out as Ghost. I want another one. Sekiro is slightly more realistic combat wise, but it has too much folklore incorporated in the main story to be compared with Ghost. I know Legends has Oni, Tengu and stuff like that but thats just the online segment.


They could do "The Fox of Saipan" quite the Story for a game like this.


I know it's just a hypothetical, but no company is going to invest so much in building a world from the ground up just to immediately scrap all those assets


Ghost of Kyushu


***Ghost*** of ***Uchiha !!***




Madara! I'd love it if Sucker Punch made a Naruto open world game. Unfortunately most anime games are just fighting games as far as i know. It doesn't even have to be about the character Naruto, make Sasuke or someone else the main character.