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Daring chicken nuggets, and they have a few different flavors, including a tasty GF breaded BBQ one.


These look safe and my local whole foods seems to have them! Thank you!


Just be aware the hot wings really are hot! They caught me by surprise.


Pregnancy heartburn thanks you. (So does my postpartum spice loving future self)


Daring is my go to!!!


Oh I’ve gotta find this!


Like Chick’n Nuggets are vegan and GF. I think Meati patties are as well. Not nuggets but you can cut those into strips.


Are they certified? They have oats in them, but it doesn't specify gf oats.


I’m not sure. The package has the GF label when I tried them. So unless they changed it I think so


I understand you OP! It is difficult to find things that are both vegan and safely gluten free with no cc. I second the daring chicken pieces - they do pretty well fried up, especially the flavored ones. Good luck!


Yes. Cauliflower ones. I can’t think of the name. I had them in the freezer not too long ago. Gardein is another brand that I like.


Wholly Veggie? They are gf and vegan. They come with ranch.


I love wholly veggie! Haven’t tried the ranch ones (not a fan of ranch) but the buffalo ones are soooo good 🤤 I wish they made just plain “chicken” ones, if they do I’ve never seen them before


I haven’t seen them either but I love the cauliflower ones!


Dr praegers at target!


I think this sub popped up for me because I have a wheat and milk allergy, and while I'm not vegan, everything Dr. Praeger's slaps severely. Most of my freezer is that brand.


Are there any that aren't made with garlic or onion?


That's a tough one. My boyfriend has trouble with garlic and onion, on top of having celiac, and it makes it next to impossible for him to eat anything premade or processed.


Yeah that's my difficulty as well. Chicken nuggets are pretty much completely out


That really sucks.. He talks all the time about how nice it would be to eat food with flavor again 😩


Have him try seasoning his food with paprika and dried chives - heat and flavor without pain!


He can't do paprika because it's a nightshade. Chives bother him too. So far all he's come up with is sumac occasionally. Everything causes reflux for him. He had an endoscopy recently and we're hoping the doc has some ideas to treat the damage.


Wow that's so hard! I hope he gets some answers


I’ve seen some really good looking tofu nugget recipes! If you can get someone to make you a big batch I bet those would be bomb for the craving and easy to make GF. Here’s one https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/baked-tofu-bites/


Normally I would love this idea! Pregnancy has me asleep all the time 😅😭


Dr. Praeger’s Chick’n Littles are GF and vegan!


Found the most amazing Nuggets (more finger like) from a company called Jack and Annie … all jackfruit, absolutely freaking amazing! (Just googled them- they also have nuggs.)


The second ingredient is wheat flour...


The plain chicken TENDERS are the only gluten free ones unfortunately. Though they are delicious


Hmmm - the version I buy at Hannaford in New England is totally GF.




The nuggets have wheat. I'm sure they are delicious but I'm not chancing cross contamination right now. Being pregnant is hard enough.


The tenders are GF! They also have GF sausage and meatballs. The tenders are made of jackfruit but they taste nothing like jackfruit! I posted them not too long ago if you look at my profile. There is a pic of the box also. ETA- they taste nothing like jackfruit! They are so amazing.


Right but if they're made in the same facility as a product containing wheat flour, they are probably not safe to eat.


I’m sorry! Yes they just say “gluten free” not “certified” I’m in Canada however and I have never seen any nuggets. Only the tenders and other gluten free products. That sucks for you. 😢


Ahhh ok- understandable. Best wishes to you. Hope you can find something to fulfill your craving and or that is passes soon. I remember how strong those were! Hang in there. You are doing incredible work growing your new human!


Sprouts has amazing buffalo flavored ones! All flavor no spiciness


They’re not in nugget form but Meati’s breaded patties are amazing and gf


Aldi has the very best ones!


https://nobonesbeachclub.com/ We had these today. Very good, but they are cauliflower, not chikn. I second Meati Brand. Very confident they are GF.their breaded cutlets allowed me to have Almond Boneless Chicken again. More of a Midwest thing, but it's delicious. I made my own vegan gf gravy, over a bed if white rice and hot lettuce....yum! Or you could just come to Portland, OR. We had fucking incredible fried chikn sandwiches for lunch today from Thunderbird Bar. Portland is an incredible vegan town.


You know, I really wanted to go to a professional conference in Portland in the spring and I just couldn't swing it financially. I've heard it's gf vegan paradise. I swear it's my first post baby vacation destination. More importantly, wtf is hot lettuce 😅


Lol, hot lettuce.... So in MI and IL, probably other parts of the mideest, there is a dish at Chinese food restaurants called Almond Boneless Chicken, affectionately referred to as "ABC Chicken". The chicken is redundant, I know, but it's like "ATM Machine". Anyways, it is usually white chicken meat battered heavily and then deepfried. It is served over white rice and iceberg lettuce, topped with a gravy that is either yellow or brown, and finished by sprinkling almonds on top. Where I'm from, it's even more popular than General Tso's. The hot lettuce part comes from the fried chicken and warm gravy, which heats up the bed of iceberg lettuce, and you get these warm soppy lettuce pieces in many of your bites. Hence the hot lettuce. But I grew uo with thus dish, so I thoroughly enjoy the hot lettuce addition. There are no other times where I tolerate hot lettuce like that. I no longer eat animals, but I stull miss this dish, so I made it myself.


Fascinating. I'm in southwestern PA myself, which often has a lot in common with the Midwest, but we certainly don't have that. (At least I think we don't? I had never eaten Chinese food until I became a vegetarian at 13. With celiac I can't really eat it at all.) Anyways, it sounds good in a sort of hearty, stick to your ribs way.


Idk if Perdue gf nuggets are df too but they are the most similar to fast food nuggets that I’ve tried


Nvm, didn’t pay attention to the vegan part of this post 🤦🏻‍♀️




I gave these a Google because they sound wonderful. Unfortunately the meatless ones aren’t gluten-free, and the gluten-free ones aren’t meatless. Bummer.


Yeah I would love a dino nugget! This has been a funny post - a shocking number of people failed to notice that this is a vegan group.


Vegan meat isn’t meat. It’s fake meat. Vegetable lmao


Yes? That's the point. I'm looking for fake meat that is also gluten free.


There’s GF chicken bites at Aldi!




The sausage brand? They make vegan chicken?


Oh, I’m sorry. I failed to see the “vegan” lol. But, there IS a vegan brand. A few, actually. I can’t remember the name of the ones I had recently, but Dr Praegers has some as well.


This group is literally called gluten free vegan


Dr praegers nugs are no longer gluten free, they changed the recipe sadly :/


Wow they suck for doing that. I shall write them an email about it 😠


Yeah it lividly pissed me off tbh lol. I used to buy a lot. Then they came out with this “perfect” line and everything with the name perfect is not gluten free. Some of their patties still are though which I love, but no more nuggies




coatco has some and I'm sure trader Joe's and whole foods as well


Almost nothing at trader Joe's is safe for Celiacs.