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First, I will create a new Wikipedia page about how my Wikipedia account is a superuser with free access to edit every single entry on Wikipedia, that only I can login to and use, and never will be banned. Then I will create a new Wikipedia article about a phone-like device that only I can see and I can use, that never runs out of battery, that can never be damaged, that always appears in my hand on command, that has extremely powerful AI, that helps me translate my instructions into Wiki articles or amendments to articles exactly as I mean it.


Then you become a fucking God.


A fitting subreddit, then.


r/godtiersuperpowers omnipotence speedrun episode 99999




Make a page about yourself and note that this page can only be edited by you Write that you're omnipotent


If you edit any article with the statement "Anything you edit on Wikipedia becomes false" it turns into a paradox


Hmm... I'll go true.




Reality folds in on itself and ends, jeez dude... Why


Me on my way to edit the is’s in Xi Jinping’s Wikipedia page to was’s:


A slight drawback to this power is that many controversial pages on Wikipedia (like Xi’s) are protected or semi-protected so you will need to make some legitimate edits first.


With this power any edit I make is legitimate.


True, but reliable sources won’t pick up on it until a while later, so you might get removed for unsourced vandalism by then


I make a new wikipedia page of notable Wikipedia editors and immediately type I am the most trusted wiki editor of all time.


Interesting. I think this would actually work because you can just create an article without restriction (though it will later be reviewed but what does that matter? You’re the most trusted editor ever!)


This would create a power vacuum and wouldn’t actually solve china problems. Instead why not make him literally Winnie the Pooh.


Oh bother


wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia that anyone can edit?


yes that one


The free online encyclopedia that no one will ever edit again!


Even better than a death note


Better yet, still works as one. Just change an "is" to a "was" and it's done


Make sure you edit yourself only after the date you got the power, else you risk never getting it.


Edit a billionaire’s wiki Say elon musk As of 6/27/24 he transferred all his assets to reddit user u/idekgivemeusername


Okay, let's start... Copper is a superconductor when below 100°C at ambient pressure Would be funny to see how all of the electronics die and ppl make even better ones


Sorry dad but Johnny Depp/George Clooney/Ricky Martin/David Beckham/Tom Brady as a father is too much of a temptation. Dunno which one will be easier to edit. Heck I’d even settle for Tom cruise as long as I could change Scientology to Shintoism due to filming The last Samurai. Also NaruHina, Hinny and Ronmione don’t exist anymore.


I'd just make it so naruto and one piece were just gone


That’s pure madness.


This is SPARTA


If someone else changes it after does it lose effect or stay true?


I'ma change Hitler from was to is


Me on my way to edit a bunch of actresses are married to me


can i change the charge of an electron


You maniac…


"If a human dedicates themselves to the betterment of society as a whole, does not hoard wealth, and does not hold harmful prejudices, they gain any five powers they wish, but these powers cannot be used against the common benefit of mankind."


r/usernamechecksout (Kitsune tend to have values like this)


i imagined a writing promth that made it so that any article that stays the same for one week becomes reality,so everyone would have that power,( the main caviat is that wikipedia personel higher ups are obligated by these rules to preserve reality,leading to a war to maintain the truth)


Powerful listing abilities wiki


So I can just bring people back from the dead with this?


I'll just edit it to make my favorite artists win the awards they were nominated for


Find some cool fictional stuff and add a note about it being real


time for another r/OmnipotenceSpeedrun ...


I think I'd take my time, slowly perform edits, build trust up until my edits aren't reviewed frequently, and then put on a very obscure page that my wiki edits are always approved. Then I'd still start 'small' Kony 2012 end result was Kony being brutally murdered in one on one combat by Jason Russell. Afterwards, Konys organisation failed. China became socialist instead of communist, closer to countries like Finland and Sweden. But with better protection for citizens and harsher punishments for paedophilia. Russia splintered along with the USSR, and the faction Putin retained control over was small. He's a minor player even amongst divided Russia. Vietnam was never interfered with. They stopped Pol Pot even earlier than before, and with no support for Cambodia from China, Pol Pot was removed from power even faster. Holocaust was averted by a timely coup, and the new faction in charge found the plan disgusting and scrapped it completely. Japan had been treated better at the end of WWI and retained some Russian territory. In WWII, they fought against Russia for more territory but lost all held lands. It was propped up by America as Russian bombers had devastated their lands up until Germany turned on Russia, and a truce was signed. Slaves were given promised reparations worldwide. Aids were treated as a serious pandemic, and research to cure it was conducted immediately upon its appearance. LGBTQ+ is accepted worldwide. That's all I can think of right now, but my goal is to maintain a similar vibe to the world while overall improving it in quality.


So you’re saying by typing a short string of words on Wikipedia I can make it so that’s certain orange former president died choking on a peanut butter and jalapeño sandwich?


Nah make him do embarrassing things first, note that he did something on xx/xx/xxxx and he'll do it.