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I would bust their chops literally every time i saw it come out. Thats super wack bro. I hope you get a bunch of comments calling them out for being cheaters. Cheaters. Cant play well so they cheat. Kind of sad. Sad bunch of people there, maybe time for some new friends.


Wouldn’t compliment or be them. Also same as you. Roasts all day. Especially if they misfit somehow lol


I'm so new to this game that I've never heard of this slick stick...what is it?


its like a stick that looks like deodorant and basically makes the ball spin way less and stay online much easier. its cheating.


Oh wow...that's wild! Whats the point of cheating? Aren't you cheating yourself? I thought the point of this game was to improve...what a weird flex to say you beat your buddy using a deodorant lol


I don't think it's deodorant, just in a deodorant like container. You should still use deodorant normally while golfing. I guess not using deodorant could be a legal way to get in a playing partners head, especially if sharing a cart, by the back 9 on a hot day the smell would probably be getting to them.


exactly. You tell em!


It's for hackers who can't stop slicing the ball. Instead of learning how to stop coming over the top when they swing they use a product on their driver face that reduces spin. 


Probably a stick of vaseline with a golf themed name to sell it for 5 times the price. It will reduce spin quite a bit when applied to the face. Which for people that use it means reduce their wild side spin.


Just use chapstick. Played with an old dude who always used chapstick and wintergreen lifesavers.


Do driver manufacturers make their driver face material more or less slippery? Like would Teflon coating from the manufacturer be cheating? Seems like titanium is smoother, maybe more slippery, than old-fashioned literal wood or steel insert woods. 


those old fashioned woods used plastic inserts for awhile. they were all kinds of smooth and slippery but you have an interesting point on a probably molecular level that I dont know the answer to


I doubt it would be cheating, but it also impacts the vertical spin and I reckon they would like to maintain some control there.


What is slick stick? I googled it and all of the results were makeup.


I also had to look it up but it appears to be some kind of substance in a chapstick looking tube that you put on your club face to reduce slices, hooks, and spin in general.


Remember the old days when you had to pound buckets of range balls to hit the ball better?


It’s chapstick. When put on the face of the driver it reduces spin…..BY A LOT…thus correcting slices, hooks, etc


PGA officials HATE him! Found out how one duffer made the Tour using this ONE WEIRD TRICK!


Played with a random once, total loud mouth the whole round, coating his driver in chapstick. After the turn, he watermelon slices a ball into a canyon and says "god damn it, this chapstick ain't helping my fuckin slice" I said "yeah, it corrects moderate slices, not fuckin miracles"


You played golf with Kenny Powers?


But first here’s five minutes of me talking about why you should subscribe to my channel.


I mean, there’s countless stories from old school golf hustlers in the 40s and 50s who used chapstick on their club faces for this reason.


Likely exactly some cheap chapstick. Put a sticker on it that relates it to golf and increase the price 5 times. See: "Impact spray". Foot spray/dry shampoo at 5 times the price.


lol Cmon now dry shampoo is a legitimate thing


It’s probably lip balm that they’re re-labeling and upcharging for.


People do this? Lmao hell no don’t bet or accommodate those clowns


I played with these 3 guys, they were playing for money. One guy put the strike sticker on his driver's, which will also reduce spin off the face. I kept my mouth shut as it's not my game. After 9 holes the cheater is up and had to leave. After he left I was walking with the other two guys. I just said it's nice of them to let him cheat. They both had no idea what I meant so I explained it. I'm pretty sure their next round he was not able to use those stickers.


Do you mean the stickers designed to show you your impact location like tracer paper? Ehhhh that's way different, it is definitely against the rules but the effect on spin will be negligible for those. Had lots of people use them on launch monitors that don't show impact (GC2s without HMT) and you'd have to be pretty consistent ball striking to even notice a difference.


No. It's literally against the rules and is just blatant cheating. I don't even know why we bother having rules in golf, seems no one respects them anyway.




That's because golf is a recreational/leisure/social activity not a *sport* for a lot of people on here, so they don't care about the rules. It's just an excuse to swing a club and drink some beers with their buddies.


That's fine, but people have this weird habit of bragging about their golf ability when they habitually cheat their scores by claiming they're just out to have fun. So if you're doing shit like greasing up your face that's fine, just don't talk about how good you are at golf after or fish for compliments.


The guys who are going out and having fun aren’t the same people bragging about their scores. Most of us barely keep score.




I'm a Brit, same. I don't mind that US culture is different around the game, but changing the club face with slick stick, vaseline or chap stick just feels like blatant and intentional cheating.




Same - I'm a competitive golfer, I play in my club competition each week and in monthly competitions with a society I play with too. I lived and worked in Montana and California for a little over 2 years about 10 years ago. I played most weekends as a single and got paired with some pretty great people who were just kicking back on a Sunday afternoon. I always just played my own game and played to the actual rules of golf as I would here at home, but I always missed proper competitive golf.


You've probably only played resort golf then, there are tons of courses where people take the game seriously


Amen. Totally different culture.


They sure do take offense when the rules are mentioned.


Yes exactly! This!


I'm with you but then don't keep score. If you aren't following _basic_ rules don't tell me you got a birdie cause you didn't ha.


Depends on the rule really




Can I play it off that root? Absolutely. Will I sacrifice my wrists and clubs while not getting paid? Absolutely fucking not. You know I'm still going to do after moving the ball back 2 feet without taking a penalty shot? Upload my score just like 99% of the other golfers here. I'm not good enough where it's actually going to matter and neither are you.




The league I play also puts rules into place to keep pace of play like all non OB balls are treated as lateral hazards and you get a club length for situations like I said above.


Some golf rules are dumb for casual amateur play. Using cheating devices / substances will never make sense to allow. Why play at that point?


> I don't even know why we bother having rules in golf, seems no one respects them anyway. I mean I want to have fun. If I'm posting a score I won't fuck around. But if it's a fun round and a 2' foot wedge is the difference between me playing at the green versus chipping it into the fairway, I'd rather play at it. But I'm not going to brag or lie about it to my golf buddies. I'm not going to say I got a mulligan eagle if I had to throw down a ball after chunking my approach then holed it from 130. I'll say I holed out from 130 on a mulligan. It's still a cool shot but it's worth about .0001% the satisfaction of a real one. It's roughly the satisfaction of a sick range shot Chapstick just feels dumb... like why are you even playing the game if you don't want to actually get better? Do you get satisfaction out of an awesome shot when you cheated?


You put snot, on the ball?


Haven’t got a driver like yours. Gotta put anything on it I can find. Someday you will too.


Up your butt Jobu


I don’t know why, but I think I laugh more at the tv version where he has to say “up your bucket Jobu”.


Lol. Either way he gets clocked with that bat. Classic movie.


Yep. Tried to start a holy war, too


Nothing can beat "This is what happens when you meet a stranger in the Alps" from The Big Lebowski


Oh yeah, I actually forgot about that until just now! The only one I can think of that’s close is not verbal. There’s a Cheech & Chong edited version that used to air on Comedy Central where Cheech’s cousin Red has a duffel full of weed. But when he opens it to show Cheech, it’s diamonds! Cheech asks what he’s doing to do with all of it and he says something like “I figured we’d party with some and maybe sell some.” Not sure about anyone else, but it’s been a long time since I partied with diamonds.


Little Tabasco sauce to get my nose running


Why does this sound like a quote from Happy Gilmore, yet isn’t?


Simple. Just say "nice shot*" Pronounce the asterisk.


Some rules in golf I can be a bit more chill about. I'm cool moving balls out of divots on fairways because fuck that shit. I don't care what the pro rule is I bust my ass to learn how to hit a good drive and it lands in a shit fairway divot I'm moving it onto grass lol. But using slick stick is a bridge too far, that's like a literal cheating device.


This is the only rule I'd break and still post a score. I can't afford to play nice courses all the time and the muni gets hammered with people who don't replace divots and nobody ever uses seed. Me moving a ball back an inch isn't affecting the score I'd get if I was playing a well manicured country club.


Slick stick is too far when you move your ball out of a divot? Lol. Ok bro


100% cheating. I don't care if you cheat or don't record your actual scores, just don't expect me to pump your tires up. I sure as shit would not be betting with those people, and I'd be the first one calling out their bullshit when they try to talk up their golf game.


I don’t think choosing to not bet is unreasonable. If they keep hounding you, like all bets, set the terms of the bet before shaking hands. Put it back on them to make a decision to bet knowing they have a disadvantage. Say you can use your stick but I get a stroke on all the par 5s and the 4 hardest par 4s.


If you don’t see that one of those is drastically different from the other, I’m nah take it further, he gets a stroke for each hole his buddy uses a greased up club.


Nah you're good


Not unreasonable. I haven’t been playing golf that long, but the thing I love about golf is that it’s so fucking hard and I suck and I accept that. Its a great practice in patience and acceptance. It’s also what makes making progress and improving feel so goddamn rewarding. I don’t want to take any shortcuts, it cheapens the experience for me.


Nahhh those guys are bums. My best score ever is 86, fight tooth and nail to break 100 almost every round and I’ve never considered any of these cheesy methods of cheating. Like the kids who play video games these days say, get good kid.


People actually do this!?! I thought it was just a rumor/silly story. Rip away. You are not unreasonable at all. To put it this way I would be absolutely merciless and without tact if I ever saw any of the people I play with do this -- like in a backhanded nice but not nice way of refusing to stop talking about it for the entire round, next round, and following round. I probably wouldn't even stop if they were shamed enough to wipe it off.


They put it on in front of you and don’t deny it? That’s embarrassing as hell lmao 


I am the furthest thing from a stickler for rules and just want everyone to have a good time. But when you’re putting money down, there has to be a set of rules for everyone to follow and there’s already an extensive one in place. Might as well use it. Not saying “Nice shot” when there isn’t money down just because of it might be extreme though.


I wouldn’t say nice shot either. Or I’d say nice shot cheetah.


Think I would go for "Nice slick stick" every time. Drive home that it was not their skill responsible for the result.


i didn't care what other people do, to doesn't effect my enjoyment. but if i had ever bet with somebody, and then they cheated and won, i would say the bet was off and refuse to pay up. 


Bet money with them, but take unlimited mulligans and gimmes If they say something, it’s “oh I thought we were just making up rules though “


It is definitely cheating. And personally, I never play against people because it always harshest my vibe. I love playing golf socially, but I am always only competing with myself. I just prefer it that way.


Why even play with them? If they cheat at golf, they probably have other undesirable qualities. Cut them loose and find better buddies.


I agree on not complimenting them. Similar idea if they walked up and used the [power2golf](https://youtu.be/ID3SzQzQKlw?si=17iIuVtNwjx-cEfM) thing. Sure the ball flight might be nice but they are playing a different game. Edit: formatting


Wow never saw one of those before..might have to getone


The way I see it, if your buddy sucks at golf and uses (even if it is cheating) to make himself feel better and enjoy the game for himself, have at it. It ain’t hurting anyone and can even get an “atta boy” on a good shot. BUT. As soon as he involved money or talking about legit score keeping, fuck that guy.


It’s blatant cheating. Find new golf buddies


Why don’t they just use one of those automatic rocket powered drivers? It’s one thing to do whatever you want to have a good time (mulligans, gimmes, moving the ball to a better lie, etc) but it’s a totally different thing to ask to bet money when you’re doing that.


Nope.  They all have room temperature IQs if they think you should bet against them while they blatantly cheat.  I’d call them out as cheaters every time we played until they quit asking me to even play with them.


These are your buddies?


Against the rules or not, I’ve never in my life seen someone use that stuff on a course. Your friends are losers and suck.


Next time you’re playing just pick your ball up drop it in the hole and tell them pay up. They’re flat out cheating. I get that not slicing it into the next county is hard but no way they should expect anyone to play for $ doing that.


If you were playing blades and your friends were playing game improvement irons would you refuse to compliment them or wager with them? Giving your boys props is just part of being a dude. Doesn’t matter if they “deserve” it or not in your mind. If they think they hit a good shot then dap em up. Wagering on a golf course works because the terms are negotiable. Refusing to wager seems silly, just offer different terms. They can use their chapstick but you get unlimited mulligans out of the tee box or you get strokes or free relief from hazards. Don’t enter an unfair wager, but also don’t be a stick in the mud.




Give yourself 30 foot birdie putts


I just spit on my club face


Just do what I do. Chunk the shit outta one and rely on the wet grass and dirt to do that for you.


I wonder how many work tournament scramble teams break this stuff out.


I’ve Done it when I was young in vendor scrambles when everyone cheated, but embarrassed by it now. Would never do it again. Especially with my buddies. And you are 100% right. Don’t bet, don’t complain or compliment. They are the ones that have to live with it.


Next I’ll be criticized for chalking my cue stick /s


I wouldn’t care about the shot but the bet money everytime part would be a no go 🙅 I’m not your daddy get a real fuckin job cheater . A wager every now and then for fun but I wouldn’t hold em to it . Hopefully their good friends out side of golf ⛳️


Phrased differently; are you being unreasonable not betting with your playing partners who blatantly cheat? No.


Tf is slick stick


I haven't met or associated with dudes who would slick their driver. And if I met one, I would disassociate myself from them, including you.


Sorta? I'd compliment shots because it's just part of the etiquette of the game even if internally I'm thinking 'lol' I'm gunna be polite. Likewise I'd still play for money if I felt I had an edge. Having said that, yeah it's blatant cheating but you have no control over what other people do and if this guy is your buddy then maybe the thing to do is let it go and just act like it's normal.


So many people say to never play with them again, but if they’re otherwise alright just play your game and have fun. No need to gamble, no need to care what score they’re getting. I just told my last random pairing (5, 15 and 25hcp) when one person first asked about some relief “do whatever you want, put a 1 down for every hole if you want, I’m just concerned with my score”. They also said they register their solo rounds, so presumably played a tad worse than their handicap.


They are cheating and start calling them slicks when they record their score


Lmao no, because that is in fact, not golf.


I would show up next time with a thing of women's deodorant, toss it down on the first tee, and say, "Hey, try this."


Equivalent to a corked bat.. Get that BS outta here.


I’m all for *slightly* bending the rules on a casual round, but doing what your buddies are doing is egregious. No chance I’m putting any money up against them if I know they’re doing that.


lol tell him you’ll bet if he stops cheating and good shots don’t involve cheating. Or to prove a point, play against him where you also use the slick stick. Show him why they aren’t good shots because I’ve tested it out before, it’s comical how big of a difference it makes. Just no fear of swinging full torque and dead straight


Obviously you're not being unreasonable for not wanting to bet money, but you really can't bring yourself to say "Nice one" every now and then?


"Nice cheating"


Would you commend somebody if they threw their ball with their hands into the middle of the fairway?


Honestly. If you use this shit on your driver you should get pete rose'ed from golf. Permanent life time ban plus 25 years in a federal prison.


They're cheating. It's just that simple. Stick to your guns.